Math Lesson Plan - Number Sense

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NLMUSD Model Integration Technology Pilot

Technology Integration Unit/Lesson Plan Template (modified from MTS Lesson Plan Template) Lesson title: Number Sense Name: Dianne Van Beek Subject area: Math Grade level: K- 2nd Academic Support Time frame: Second Trimester 2012 Brief lesson/unit Summary/Description Students will learn patterns to understand concepts of counting. State Content Standard/Benchmark addressed the relationship between numbers and quantities 1.0 Students understand the relationship between numbers and quantities (i.e., that a set of objects has the same number of objects in different situations regardless of its position or arrangement): 1.1 Compare two or more sets of objects (up to ten objects in each group) and identify which set is equal to, more than, or less than the other. 1.3 Know that the larger numbers describe sets with more objects in them than the smaller numbers have. Educational Technology Standard/Benchmark addressed Creativity & Innovation 1a & b. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes and create original works as a means of personal or group expression. 21st Century Skill(s)/Theme(s) addressed Use of Smart Board Integration into NLMUSD Curriculum Maps (If applicable in Language arts or Math) Math Unit 3 K Mathematic Strand and Focus: Number Sense: Place Value Numbers 0-10 Students will understand (lesson/unit objectives): Students will how to compare sets of objects. Recognize number patterns. Essential Questions to guide this unit/lesson and focus teaching and learning: Which set has more in it? Which number represents more items? Technology & Web 2.0 resources needed (hardware and software, websites) Use Smart Board ( Procedure (learning activities)/ lessons of unit Use Dot Card and Ten Frame Activities from this website: /Math/ElemMath/BasicFacts/Ten%20Frame.pdf Students learn the number of dots in a pattern or arrangement. They understand which is more and that objects can be separated into sets. No matter how the counters are arranged, they still retain the same numerical quantity. Assessment Method Assessment will be on-going and also shown during Benchmark Testing.

NLMUSD Model Integration Technology Pilot

Notes: (this area may list accommodations, differentiation, as well as other key information that may not fit into the categories above)

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