01 Control Cable
01 Control Cable
01 Control Cable
1 KV
Can be used in Indoor or Outdoor locations in Cables Ducts, Cable Trays, Conduits or underground buried, under mechanical stresses in Power & Switching stations, local distribution systems, industrial plants and commercial buildings. IS 1554 (I) 1988
Annealed Plain Copper or Aluminium, Solid Class 1 or Stranded Class 2 of IS 8130. Conductor resistance Single Core : Upto 1000 Sq.mm Multi Core : 1.5 Sq.mm to 500 Sq.mm
Working Voltage
Core Colours
1C : Red, Black, Yellow, Blue or Natural 2C : Red & Black 3C : Red, Yellow, Blue 4C : Red, Yellow, Blue, Black 5C : Red, Yellow, Blue, Black, Grey 6 Core & above : Two adjacent cores (counting & direction core) in each layer Blue & Yellow, remaining cores Grey. Alternatively, all cores of same colour and each core number printed.
Test Voltage
Insulation Thickness
Bending Radius
Inner Sheath
Extruded PVC Type ST1 or ST2 of IS 5831 or wrapped PVC taped. Minimum thickness shall be as per Table 4 of IS 1554(I). Single core cables have no inner sheath.
Galvanized Steel Round Wire or Flat Strip as per IS 3975. Wire/Strip dimensions shall be as per Table 5 of IS 1554(I). In case of Single core cables, armouring shall be with non-magnetic material.
Outer Sheath
Extruded PVC Type ST1 or ST2 of IS 1554 (I). Thickness shall be as per Table 7 of IS 1554 (I)
Inner or Outer Sheath may be provided with Fire Retardant/Fire Retardant Low Smoke/Zero Halogen Flame Retardant material as per customers requirement.
NOTE: The given picture of the product may differ to its actual in construction/colour.
Delton Cables Limited
Delton House, 4801, Bharat Ram Road 24, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, INDIA Tel.: ++91-11-23273905-07 Fax: +91-11-23280375, 23272178 Website: http://www.deltoncables.com E-mail: [email protected]