HDL Language: VHDL Simulator: Ise Simulator Synthesis Tool: Xilinx 9.1I Target Device: Fpga Family: Spartan 3E
HDL Language: VHDL Simulator: Ise Simulator Synthesis Tool: Xilinx 9.1I Target Device: Fpga Family: Spartan 3E
HDL Language: VHDL Simulator: Ise Simulator Synthesis Tool: Xilinx 9.1I Target Device: Fpga Family: Spartan 3E
A barrel shifter is a digital circuit that can shift a data word by a specified number of bits in one clock cycle. It can be implemented as a sequence of multiplexers (MUX), and in such an implementation the output of one MUX is connected to the input of the next MUX in a way that depends on the shift distance. The number of multiplexers required for an n-bit word is n X log2(n). A common usage of a barrel shifter is in the hardware implementation of floating-point arithmetic. A barrel shifter, comprising: an n-bit by n-bit transistor array arranged into n rows and n columns, wherein the source of a transistor in one row is connected to the source of a transistor in the next row; a first plurality of multiplexors, each having a first and a second input and an output; a second plurality of multiplexors each having inputs and an output, each multiplexor selecting one of three inputs depending on the data length; and a third plurality of multiplexors, each having a first and a second input and an output, the output is coupled to one transistor in each row of the array beginning with a transistor in a corresponding bit position in the second row and continuing with transistors in ascending bit positions.
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64-bit 64 * log2(64) = 64 * 6 = 384 32-bit 32 * log2(32) = 32 * 5 = 160 16-bit 16 * log2(16) = 16 * 4 = 64 8-bit 8 * log2(8) = 8 * 3 = 24
Basically, a barrel shifter works to shift data by incremental stages which avoids extra clocks to the register and reduces the time spent shifting or rotating data (the specified number of bits are moved/shifted/rotated the desired number of bit positions in a single clock cycle). A barrel shifter is commonly used in computer-intensive applications, such as Digital Signal Processing (DSP), and is useful for most applications that shift data left or right - a normal style for C programming code.
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Rotation (right) is similar to shifting in that it moves bits to the left. With rotation, however, bits which "fall off" the left side get tacked back on the right side as lower order bits, while in shifting the empty space in the lower order bits after shifting is filled with zeros. Data shifting is required in many key computer operations from address decoding to computer arithmetic. Full barrel shifters are often on the critical path, which has led most research to be directed toward speed optimizations. With the advent of mobile computing, power has become as important as speed for circuit designs. In this project we present a range of 32-bit barrel shifters that vary at the gate, architecture, and environment levels.
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2.1 Architecture
There are two common architectural layouts for shifts, array shifter and logarithmic shifters. An array shifter(Fig. 1) decodes the shift value into individual shift bit lines that mesh across all input data values. At each crossing point, a gate will either allow or not allow the input data value to pass to the output line, controlled by a shift bit line. The advantage of this design is that there is only ever one gate between the input data lines and the output data lines, so it is fast. The disadvantages of this design are the requirement for a decoder, and the fact that each input data line sees a load from every shift bit line.
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In a logarithmic shifter(Fig. 2), the shifter is divided into loga(n) stages, where n is the input data length. Each bit of the encoded shift value is sent to a different stage of the shifter. Each stage handles a single, powerof- two shift. The input data will be shifted or not shifted by each of the stages in sequence. Five stages would be required when considering 32 bit data. The advantage of a log shifter is that it has small area and does not require a decoder, but the disadvantage is that there are five levels of gates separating the input data from the output data. There are two types of gates that are required for these shifters: the array shifter requires switches that will either propagate or not propagate an input data
bit, and the log shifter requires 2-to-1 muxes to propagate either a shifted or a non-shifted bit. In this project we will consider two types of CMOS switches: (1) ntype pass transistor switch; and (2) a full transmission gate switch; and we will consider four types of mux
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designs: (1) n-type pass transistor mux; (2) full transmission mux; (3) a static CMOS mux; and (4) a dynamic logic mux. The pass transistor and transmission gates are simple and fast, but will require occasional buffering to strengthen the signals in the log shifters. The static and dynamic gates are self buffering so no additional buffers are needed, but contain more transistors. The dynamic gate design is the only type that requires a clock signal for a precharge stage. Figure 3 shows schematics for each gate design.
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In the right shifting the given 4 bit data is shifted bit wise in right side. The number of bits to be shifted is intialized by the condition3. Depending on the number of bits to be shifted specified in condition 3 the given data is shifted bit wise to right and zeros are appended in the other side. For example let us consider a 4 bit input data as Din= 0110. Let us assume the condition2 as 01 i.e right shifter and condition3 as 0001 i.e a single bit shift in right direction. Now the 4 bit data present in din is shifted to its right by one bit continuously till all the 4 bits are shifted. Therefore the Dout=0011,0001,0000 output data is
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Left shifting can be performed by right shifting 16 - S h i f t l e f t bits, and including an additional row of pull down gates that mask out the lower n bits of the n bit left shift. A second method is to initially reverse the input data bits and perform a right shift of length Shiftleft, and finally reverse the output bits. For example let us consider a 4 bit input data as Din= 0110. Let us assume the condition2 as 11 i.e. left rotation and condition3 as 0001 i.e a single bit shift . Now the 4 bit data present in din is shifted to its left by one bit continuously till all the 4 bits are shifted. Therefore the output data is Dout=1100,1001,0011,0110.
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0110. Let us assume the condition2 as 00 i.e logical left shifter . Now the 4 bit data present in din is shifted to its left by one bit initially and goes on till all the 4 bits are shifted. Therefore the output data is Dout= 1100,0000.
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instead of zeros getting appended the most significant bits are shifted to least significant bit positions. For example let us consider a 4 bit input data as Din= 0110. Let us assume the condition2 as 11 i.e logical left rotation . Now the 4 bit data present in din is shifted to its left by one bit initially and goes on till all the 4 bits are shifted. Therefore the output data is Dout= 0011,1100.
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The ISE 9.1i provides Xilinx PLD designers with the basic design process using ISE 9.1i. This chapter contains the following sections: Create a New Project Create an HDL Source Design Simulation Create Timing Constraints Implement Design and Verify Constraints Reimplement Design and Verify Pin Locations Download Design to the Spartan-3E Demo Board
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3. Enter or browse to a location (directory path) for the new project. A tutorial subdirectory is created automatically. 4. Verify that HDL is selected from the Top-Level Source Type list. 5. Click Next to move to the device properties page 6. Fill in the properties in the table as shown below: Product Category: All Family: Spartan3E Device: XC3S250E Package: TQ144 Speed Grade: -4 Top-Level Source Type: HDL Synthesis Tool: XST (VHDL/Verilog) Simulator: ISE Simulator (VHDL/Verilog) Preferred Language: VHDL (or Verilog) Verify that Enable Enhanced Design Summary is selected.
Leave the default values in the remaining fields. When the table is complete, your project properties will look like the following:
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7. Click Next to proceed to the Create New Source window in the New Project Wizard. At the end of the next section, your new project will be complete.
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6. Declare the ports for the counter design by filling in the port information. 7. Click Next, then Finish in the New Source Wizard - Summary dialog box to complete the new source file template. 8. Click Next, then Next, then Finish. The source file containing the entity/architecture pair displays in the Workspace, and the counter displays in the Source tab, as shown below:
The design requirements correspond with the values below. Fill in the fields in the Initialize Timing dialog box with the following information: Clock High Time: 20 ns. Clock Low Time: 20 ns. Input Setup Time: 10 ns. Output Valid Delay: 10 ns. Offset: 0 ns. Global Signals: GSR (FPGA) Initial Length of Test Bench: 1500 ns.
Note: When GSR(FPGA) is enabled, 100 ns. is added to the Offset value automatically.
Leave the default values in the remaining fields. 8. Click Finish to complete the timing initialization. 9. The blue shaded areas that precede the rising edge of the CLOCK correspond to the Input Setup Time in the Initialize Timing dialog box. Toggle the DIRECTION port to define the input stimulus for the counter design as follows: Click on the blue cell at approximately the 300 ns to assert DIRECTION high so that the counter will count up. Click on the blue cell at approximately the 900 ns to assert DIRECTION low so that the counter will count down.
Note: For more accurate alignment, you can use the Zoom In and Zoom Out toolbar buttons. 10. Save the waveform. 11. In the Sources window, select the Behavioral Simulation view to see that the test bench waveform file is automatically added to your project.
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12. Close the test bench waveform.
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your design must operate inside the FPGA. The offset constraints specify when to expect valid data at the FPGA inputs and when valid data will be available at the FPGA outputs.
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Implementing the Design 1. Select the counter source file in the Sources window. 2. Open the Design Summary by double-clicking the View Design Summary process In the Processes tab. 3. Double-click the Implement Design process in the Processes tab. 4. Notice that after Implementation is complete, the Implementation processes have a green check mark next to them indicating that they completed successfully without Errors or Warnings. 5. Locate the Performance Summary table near the bottom of the design Summary. 6. Click the All Constraints Met link in the Timing Constraints field to view the Timing Constraints report. Verify that the design meets the specified timing requirements.
Assigning Pin Location Constraints Specify the pin locations for the ports of the design so that they are connected correctly on the Spartan-3 Startup Kit demo board. To constrain the design ports to package pins, do the following: 1. Verify that counter is selected in the Sources window. 2. Double-click the Assign Package Pins process found in the User constraints process group. The Xilinx Pinout and Area Constraints Editor (PACE) opens. 3. Select the Package View tab. 4. In the Design Object List window, enter a pin location for each pin in the Loc column using the following information: CLOCK input port connects to FPGA pin T9 (GCK0 signal on board) COUNT_OUT<0> output port connects to FPGA pin K12 (LD0 signal on board) COUNT_OUT<1> output port connects to FPGA pin P14 (LD1 signal on board) COUNT_OUT<2> output port connects to FPGA pin L12 (LD2 signal on board) COUNT_OUT<3> output port connects to FPGA pin N14 (LD3 signal on board)
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DIRECTION input port connects to FPGA pin K13 (SW7 signal on board)
5. Select File Save. You are prompted to select the bus delimiter type based on the synthesis tool you are using. Select XST Default <> and click OK. 6. Close PACE. Notice that the Implement Design processes have an orange question mark next to them, indicating they are out-of-date with one or more of the design files. This is because the UCF file has been modified.
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2. Connect the download cable between the PC and demo board (J7). 3. Select Synthesis/Implementation from the drop-down list in the Sources window. 4. Select counter in the Sources window. 5. In the Processes window, click the + sign to expand the Generate Programming File processes. 6. Double-click the Configure Device (iMPACT) process. 7. The Xilinx WebTalk Dialog box may open during this process. Click Decline. 8. Select Disable the collection of device usage statistics for this project only and click OK. iMPACT opens and the Configure Devices dialog box is displayed. 9. In the Welcome dialog box, select Configure devices using Boundary-Scan (JTAG). 10. Verify that Automatically connect to a cable and identify Boundary-Scan chain is selected. 11. Click Finish. 12. If you get a message saying that there are two devices found, click OK to continue. The devices connected to the JTAG chain on the board will be detected and displayed in the iMPACT window. 13. The Assign New Configuration File dialog box appears. To assign a configuration file to the xc3s200 device in the JTAG chain, select the counter. bit file and click Open. 14. If you get a Warning message, click OK. 15. Select Bypass to skip any remaining devices. 16. Right-click on the xc3s200 device image, and select Program... The Programming Properties dialog box opens. 17. Click OK to program the device. When programming is complete, the Program Succeeded message is displayed. On the board, LEDs 0, 1, 2, and 3 are lit, indicating that the counter is running. 18. Close iMPACT without saving.
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multiplexers and carry logic simplify wide logic and arithmetic functions. Most generalpurpose logic in a design is automatically mapped to the slice resources in the CLBs. Each CLB is identical, and the Spartan-3E family CLB structure is identical to that for the Spartan-3E family.
CLB Array
The CLBs are arranged in a regular array of rows and columns as shown in Figure 14. Each density varies by the number of rows and columns of CLBs.
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3.8.3 Interconnect
Interconnect is the programmable network of signal pathways between the inputs and outputs of functional elements within the FPGA, such as IOBs, CLBs, DCMs, and block RAM.
3.8.4 Overview
Interconnect, also called routing, is segmented for optimal connectivity. Functionally, interconnect resources are identical to that of the Spartan-3 architecture. There are four kinds of interconnects: long lines, hex lines, double lines, and direct lines. The Xilinx Place and Route (PAR) software exploits the rich interconnect array to deliver optimal system performance and the fastest compile times.
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Fig4.Four Types of Interconnect Tiles (CLBs, IOBs, DCMs, and Block RAM/Multiplier)
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Four standard expansion connectors allow designs to grow beyond the Basys board using breadboards, user-designed circuit boards, or Pmods (Pmods are inexpensive analog and digital I/O modules that offer A/D & D/A conversion, motor drivers, sensor inputs, and many other features). Signals on the 6-pin connectors are protected against ESD damage and short-circuits, ensuring a long operating life in any environment. The Basys board works seamlessly with all versions of the Xilinx ISE tools, including the free WebPack. It ships with a USB cable that provides power and a programming interface, so no other power supplies or programming cables are required
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make a good 6+/- volt supply). Voltages higher than 9V on either power connector may cause permanent damage. SW8 can also be used to turn off main power by setting it to the unused power input (e.g., if USB power is used, setting SW8 to EXT will shut off board power without unplugging the USB cable). Input power is routed through the power switch (SW8) to the four 6- pin expansion connectors and to a National Semiconductor LP8345 voltage regulator. The LP8345 produces the main 3.3V supply for the board, and it also drives secondary regulators to produce the 2.5V and 1.2V supply voltages required by the FPGA. Total board current is dependent on FPGA configuration, clock frequency, and external connections. In test circuits with roughly 20K gates routed, a 50MHz clock source, and all LEDs illuminated, about 100mA of current is drawn from the 1.2V supply, 50mA from the 2.5V supply, and 50mA from the 3.3V supply. Required current will increase if larger circuits are configured in the FPGA, or if peripheral boards are attached.
3.9.2 Configuration
After power-on, the FPGA on the Basys board must be configured before it can perform any useful functions. During configuration, a bit file is transferred into memory cells within the FPGA to define the logical functions and circuit interconnects. The free ISE/WebPack CAD software from Xilinx can be used to create bit files from VHDL, Verilog, or schematic-based source files. Digilents PC-based program called Adept can be used to configure the FPGA with any suitable bit file stored on the computer. Adept uses the USB cable to transfer a selected bit file from the PC to the FPGA (via the FPGAs JTAG programming port). Adept can also program a bit file into an on-board non-volatile ROM called Platform Flash. Once programmed, the Platform Flash can automatically transfer a stored bit file to the FPGA at a subsequent power-on or reset event if the Mode Jumper is set to ROM. The FPGA will remain configured until it is reset by a power-cycle event or by the FPGA reset button (BTNR) being pressed. The Platform Flash ROM will retain a bit file until it is reprogrammed, regardless of power-cycle events.
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To program the Basys board, attach the USB cable to the board. Start the Adept software, and wait for the FPGA and the Platform Flash ROM to be recognized. Use the browse function to associate the desired .bit file with the FPGA, and/or the desired .mcs file with the Platform Flash ROM. Right-click on the device to be programmed, and select the program function. The configuration file will be sent to the FPGA or Platform Flash, and the software will indicate whether programming was successful. The configuration done LED (LD_D) will also illuminate after the FPGA has been successfully configured.
3.9.3 Oscillators
The Basys board includes a primary, user settable silicon oscillator that produces 25MHz, 50MHz, or 100MHz based on the position of the clock select jumper at JP4. A socket for a second oscillator is provided at IC7 (the IC7 socket can accommodate any 3.3V CMOS oscillator in a half-size DIP package). The primary and secondary oscillators are connected to global clock input pins at pin 54 and pin 53 respectively
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3.9.5 PS/2 Port
The 6-pin mini-DIN connector can accommodate a PS/2 mouse or keyboard. Most PS/2 devices can operate from a 3.3V supply, but some older devices may require a 5VDC supply. A jumper on the Basys board (JP1) selects whether 3.3V or VU is supplied to the PS/2 connector. For 5V, set JP1 to VU and ensure that Basys is powered with a 5VDC wall plug supply. For 3.3V, set the jumper to 3.3V. For 3.3V operation, any board power supply (including USB) can be used. Both the mouse and keyboard use a two-wire serial bus (clock and data) to communicate with a host device. Both use 11-bit words that include a start, stop and odd parity bit, but the data packets are organized differently, and the keyboard interface allows bi-directional data transfers The clock and data signals are only driven when data transfers occur, and otherwise they are held in the idle state at logic 1. The timings define signal requirements for mouseto-host communications and bi-directional keyboard communications. A PS/2 interface circuit can be implemented in the FPGA to create a keyboard or mouse interface.
VHDL Design of Barrel Shifter
Functional Simulation
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YES Error ?
Bit file
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rst : in STD_LOGIC; --din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); cond1 : in STD_LOGIC; cond2 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0); cond3 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0)); end barrel_shft; architecture Behavioral of barrel_shft is signal i: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal din : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0):="0011001111001100"; signal sclk: std_logic:='0'; signal logical:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal cnt:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):="000"; begin process(rst,clk) begin if(rst='1') then i<=din; elsif(clk'event and clk='1') then if(cond1='1') then case cond2 is when "00" => case cond3 is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<=i(14 downto 0)& '0';
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when "0010" => i<=i(13 downto 0) & "00"; when "0011" => i<=i(12 downto 0) & "000"; when "0100" => i<=i(11 downto 0) & "0000"; when "0101" => i<=i(10 downto 0) & "00000"; when "0110" => i<=i(9 downto 0) & "000000"; when "0111" => i<=i(8 downto 0) & "0000000"; when "1000" => i<=i(7 downto 0) & "00000000"; when "1001" => i<=i(6 downto 0) & "000000000"; when "1010" => i<=i(5 downto 0) & "0000000000"; when "1011" => i<=i(4 downto 0) & "00000000000"; when "1100" => i<=i(3 downto 0) & "000000000000"; when "1101" => i<=i(2 downto 0) & "0000000000000"; when "1110" => i<=i(1 downto 0) & "00000000000000"; when "1111" => i<=i(0) when others => i<=i; end case; & "000000000000000";
when "01" => case cond3 is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<= '0' & i(15 downto 1); when "0010" => i<= "00" & i(15 downto 2); when "0011" => i<="000" & i(15 downto 3); when "0100" => i<="0000" & i(15 downto 4) ; when "0101" => i<="00000" & i(15 downto 5) ; when "0110" => i<="000000" & i(15 downto 6) ; when "0111" => i<="0000000" & i(15 downto 7) ; when "1000" => i<="00000000" & i(15 downto 8) ; when "1001" => i<="000000000" & i(15 downto 9) ;
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when "1010" => i<="0000000000" & i(15 downto 10); when "1011" => i<="00000000000" & i(15 downto 11); when "1100" => i<="000000000000" & i(15 downto 12) ; when "1101" => i<="0000000000000" & i(15 downto 13) ; when "1110" => i<="00000000000000" & i(15 downto 14) ; when "1111" => i<="000000000000000" &i(15) when others => i<=i; end case; when "10" => case cond3 is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<=i(14 downto 0)& i(15); when "0010" => i<=i(13 downto 0) & i(15 downto 14); when "0011" => i<=i(12 downto 0) & i(15 downto 13); when "0100" => i<=i(11 downto 0) & i(15 downto 12); when "0101" => i<=i(10 downto 0) & i(15 downto 11); when "0110" => i<=i(9 downto 0) & i(15 downto 10); when "0111" => i<=i(8 downto 0) & i(15 downto 9); when "1000" => i<=i(7 downto 0) & i(15 downto 8); when "1001" => i<=i(6 downto 0) & i(15 downto 7); when "1010" => i<=i(5 downto 0) & i(15 downto 6); when "1011" => i<=i(4 downto 0) & i(15 downto 5); when "1100" => i<=i(3 downto 0) & i(15 downto 4); when "1101" => i<=i(2 downto 0) & i(15 downto 3); when "1110" => i<=i(1 downto 0) & i(15 downto 2); when "1111" => i<=i(0) when others => i<=i; end case; & i(15 downto 1); ;
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when "11" => case cond3 is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<=i(0)& i(15 downto 1); when "0010" => i<=i(1 downto 0) & i(15 downto 2); when "0011" => i<=i(2 downto 0) & i(15 downto 3); when "0100" => i<=i(3 downto 0) & i(15 downto 4); when "0101" => i<=i(4 downto 0) & i(15 downto 5); when "0110" => i<=i(5 downto 0) & i(15 downto 6); when "0111" => i<=i(6 downto 0) & i(15 downto 7); when "1000" => i<=i(7 downto 0) & i(15 downto 8); when "1001" => i<=i(8 downto 0) & i(15 downto 9); when "1010" => i<=i(9 downto 0) & i(15 downto 10); when "1011" => i<=i(10 downto 0) & i(15 downto 11); when "1100" => i<=i(11 downto 0) & i(15 downto 12); when "1101" => i<=i(12 downto 0) & i(15 downto 13); when "1110" => i<=i(13 downto 0) & i(15 downto 14); when "1111" => i<=i(14 downto 0) & i(15); when others => i<=i; end case;
when others => i<= i; end case; elsif(cond1='0') then cnt<=cnt+"001"; case cnt is
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when "000" => logical<="0000"; when "001" => logical <="0001"; when"010" => logical <="0010"; when "011"=> logical <="0100"; when "100"=> logical <="1000"; when others => logical<="0000"; end case; case cond2 is when "00" => case logical is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<=i(14 downto 0)& '0'; when "0010" => i<=i(13 downto 0) & "00"; when "0100" => i<=i(11 downto 0) & "0000"; when "1000" => i<=i(7 downto 0) & "00000000"; when others => i<=i; end case;
when "01" => case logical is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<= '0' & i(15 downto 1); when "0010" => i<= "00" & i(15 downto 2); when "0100" => i<="0000" & i(15 downto 4) ; when "1000" => i<="00000000" & i(15 downto 8) ; when others => i<=i; end case;
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when "10" => case logical is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<=i(14 downto 0)& i(15); when "0010" => i<=i(13 downto 0) & i(15 downto 14); when "0100" => i<=i(11 downto 0) & i(15 downto 12); when "1000" => i<=i(7 downto 0) & i(15 downto 8); when others => i<=i; end case;
when "11" => case logical is when "0000" => i<=i; when "0001" => i<=i(0)& i(15 downto 1); when "0010" => i<=i(1 downto 0) & i(15 downto 2); when "0100" => i<=i(3 downto 0) & i(15 downto 4); when "1000" => i<=i(7 downto 0) & i(15 downto 8); when others => i<=i; end case;
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cnt<="000"; end if; end if; end if; dout<=i; end process; process(clk) variable cnt:integer:=0; begin if(clk'event and clk='1') then cnt:=cnt +1; if(cnt=25000000)then sclk<=not sclk; cnt:=0; end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;
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Connecting the USB Cable The kit includes a standard USB Type A/Type B cable, similar to the one shown in Figure . The actual cable colour might vary from the picture.
The wider and narrower Type A connector fits the USB connector at the back of the computer. After installing the Xilinx software, connect the square Type B connector to the Spartan-3E Starter Kit board, as shown in Figure 19 . The USB connector is on the left side of the board, immediately next to the Ethernet connector. When the board is powered on, the Windows operating system should recognize and install the associated driver software. When the USB cable driver is successfully installed and the board is correctly connected to the PC, a green LED lights up, indicating a good connection. Programming via iMPACT After successfully compiling an FPGA design using the Xilinx development software, the design can be downloaded using the iMPACT programming software and the USB cable. To begin programming, connect the USB cable to the starter kit board and apply power to the board. Then, double-click Configure Device (iMPACT) from within Project Navigator, as shown in Figure20.
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Double-Click to Invoke iMPACT If the board is connected properly, the iMPACT programming software automatically recognizes the three devices in the JTAG programming file, as shown in Figure 21. If not already prompted, click the first device in the chain, the Spartan-3E FPGA, to highlight it. Right-click the FPGA and select Assign New Configuration File. Select the desired FPGA configuration file and click OK.
Right-Click to Assign a Configuration File to the Spartan-3E FPGA If the original FPGA configuration file used the default StartUp clock source, CCLK, iMPACT issues the warning message shown in Figure 22. This message can be safely
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ignored. When downloading via JTAG, the iMPACT software must change the StartUP clock source to use the TCK JTAG clock source.
To start programming the FPGA, right-click the FPGA and select Program. The iMPACT software reports status during programming process. Direct programming to the FPGA takes a few seconds to less than a minute, depending on the speed of the PCs USB port and the iMPACT settings.
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When the FPGA successfully programs, the iMPACT software indicates success, as shown in Figure 24 The FPGA application is now executing on the board and the DONE pin LED (see Figure 17) lights up.
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Fig 10: Register Transfer Logic for Barrel shifter
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================================================================= ======== * ======== ---- Source Parameters Input File Name Input Format : "barrel_shft.prj" : mixed Synthesis Options Summary * =================================================================
Ignore Synthesis Constraint File : NO ---- Target Parameters Output File Name Output Format Target Device ---- Source Options Top Module Name Automatic FSM Extraction FSM Encoding Algorithm Safe Implementation FSM Style RAM Extraction RAM Style ROM Extraction Mux Style Decoder Extraction Priority Encoder Extraction Shift Register Extraction Logical Shifter Extraction XOR Collapsing : lut : Yes : Auto : Yes : Auto : YES : YES : YES : YES : YES Page 52 : barrel_shft : YES : Auto : No : "barrel_shft" : NGC : xc3s250e-4-tq144
ROM Style Mux Extraction Resource Sharing Multiplier Style : Auto : YES : YES : NO : No : auto
Asynchronous To Synchronous Automatic Register Balancing ---- Target Options Add IO Buffers Global Maximum Fanout Register Duplication Slice Packing Use Clock Enable Use Synchronous Set Use Synchronous Reset Pack IO Registers into IOBs Equivalent register Removal ---- General Options Optimization Goal Optimization Effort Library Search Order Keep Hierarchy RTL Output Global Optimization Read Cores Write Timing Constraints Cross Clock Analysis Hierarchy Separator :/ : YES
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Bus Delimiter Case Specifier Slice Utilization Ratio BRAM Utilization Ratio Verilog 2001 Auto BRAM Packing Slice Utilization Ratio Delta : <> : maintain : 100 : 100 : YES : NO :5
================================================================= ========
================================================================= ======== * ======== Compiling vhdl file "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" in Library work. Architecture behavioral of Entity barrel_shft is up to date. ================================================================= ======== * ======== Analyzing hierarchy for entity <barrel_shft> in library <work> (architecture <behavioral>). Design Hierarchy Analysis * ================================================================= HDL Compilation * =================================================================
================================================================= ======== Analyzing Entity <barrel_shft> in library <work> (Architecture <behavioral>). INFO:Xst:1561 - "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" line 76: Mux is complete : default of case is discarded INFO:Xst:1561 - "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" line 99: Mux is complete : default of case is discarded INFO:Xst:1561 - "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" line 121: Mux is complete : default of case is discarded INFO:Xst:1561 - "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" line 143: Mux is complete : default of case is discarded INFO:Xst:1561 - "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" line 143: Mux is complete : default of case is discarded INFO:Xst:1561 - "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" line 213: Mux is complete : default of case is discarded WARNING:Xst:819 - "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd" line 47: The following signals are missing in the process sensitivity list: din, i. Entity <barrel_shft> analyzed. Unit <barrel_shft> generated.
================================================================= ======== * ======== Performing bidirectional port resolution... Synthesizing Unit <barrel_shft>. Related source file is "D:/Xilinx/a/barrel_shft.vhd". HDL Synthesis * =================================================================
Page 55
WARNING:Xst:653 - Signal <din> is used but never assigned. Tied to value 0011001111001100. Using one-hot encoding for signal <logical>. WARNING:Xst:2734 - Property "use_dsp48" is not applicable for this technology. Found 3-bit up counter for signal <cnt>. Found 32-bit up counter for signal <cnt0>. Found 32-bit adder for signal <cnt0$addsub0000> created at line 234. Found 16-bit register for signal <i>. Found 1-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer for signal <i_0$mux0001> created at line 127. Found 1-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer for signal <i_15$mux0001> created at line 104. Found 5-bit register for signal <logical>. Found 1-bit register for signal <sclk>. Summary: inferred 2 Counter(s). inferred 22 D-type flip-flop(s). inferred 1 Adder/Subtractor(s). inferred 2 Multiplexer(s). Unit <barrel_shft> synthesized.
================================================================= ======== HDL Synthesis Report Macro Statistics # Adders/Subtractors 32-bit adder # Counters 3-bit up counter 32-bit up counter # Registers :1 :2 :1 :1 : 17 Page 56 :1
1-bit register 5-bit register # Multiplexers 1-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer : 16 :1 :2 :2
================================================================= ======== ================================================================= ======== * ======== Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s250e.nph' in environment D:\Xilinx. WARNING:Xst:2677 - Node <logical_0> of sequential type is unconnected in block <barrel_shft>. ================================================================= ======== Advanced HDL Synthesis Report Macro Statistics # Counters 3-bit up counter # Registers Flip-Flops # Multiplexers 1-bit 16-to-1 multiplexer :1 :1 : 20 : 20 :2 :2 Advanced HDL Synthesis * =================================================================
Page 57
================================================================= ======== ================================================================= ======== * ======== Optimizing unit <barrel_shft> ... Mapping all equations... Building and optimizing final netlist ... Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 5) on block barrel_shft, actual ratio is 9. FlipFlop i_0 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_1 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_10 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_11 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_12 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_13 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_14 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_15 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_2 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_3 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_4 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_5 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_6 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_7 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_8 has been replicated 1 time(s) FlipFlop i_9 has been replicated 2 time(s) FlipFlop logical_1 has been replicated 1 time(s) Low Level Synthesis * =================================================================
Page 58
FlipFlop logical_2 has been replicated 2 time(s) FlipFlop logical_3 has been replicated 2 time(s) FlipFlop logical_4 has been replicated 1 time(s) Final Macro Processing ... ================================================================= ======== Final Register Report Macro Statistics # Registers Flip-Flops : 46 : 46
================================================================= ======== ================================================================= ======== * ======== Partition Implementation Status ------------------------------No Partitions were found in this design. ------------------------------Partition Report * =================================================================
Page 59
================================================================= ======== * ======== Final Results RTL Top Level Output File Name Top Level Output File Name Output Format Optimization Goal Keep Hierarchy Design Statistics # IOs Cell Usage : # BELS # # # # # # # # # # # # # GND LUT2 LUT2_L LUT3 LUT3_D LUT3_L LUT4 LUT4_D LUT4_L MUXF5 MUXF6 MUXF7 FDCP : 448 :1 : 20 : 10 : 43 :4 : 11 : 277 :5 : 57 : 14 :4 :2 : 46 : 33 Page 60 : 25 : NGC : Speed : NO : barrel_shft.ngr : barrel_shft Final Report * =================================================================
# FlipFlops/Latches
# # # # FDE BUFGP IBUF OBUF : 13 :1 :1 : 24 :8 : 16
================================================================= ======== Device utilization summary: --------------------------Selected Device : 3s250etq144-4 Number of Slices: Number of Slice Flip Flops: Number of 4 input LUTs: Number of IOs: Number of bonded IOBs: Number of GCLKs: --------------------------Partition Resource Summary: --------------------------No Partitions were found in this design. --------------------------25 25 out of 108 23% 1 out of 24 4% 237 out of 2448 46 out of 4896 427 out of 4896 9% 0% 8%
Page 61
================================================================= ======== TIMING REPORT NOTE: THESE TIMING NUMBERS ARE ONLY A SYNTHESIS ESTIMATE. FOR ACCURATE TIMING INFORMATION PLEASE REFER TO THE TRACE REPORT GENERATED AFTER PLACE-and-ROUTE. Clock Information: ----------------------------------------------------+------------------------+-------+ Clock Signal clk | Clock buffer(FF name) | Load | | BUFGP | 46 | -----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+ -----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+ Asynchronous Control Signals Information: --------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+-------+ Control Signal rst N0(XST_GND:G) | Buffer(FF name) | IBUF | 33 | | NONE(i_5_1) | 33 | | Load | -----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+
-----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+ Timing Summary: --------------Speed Grade: -4 Minimum period: 6.600ns (Maximum Frequency: 151.515MHz)
Page 62
Minimum input arrival time before clock: 11.163ns Maximum output required time after clock: 5.125ns Maximum combinational path delay: No path found Timing Detail: -------------All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns) ================================================================= ======== Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'clk' Clock period: 6.600ns (frequency: 151.515MHz) Total number of paths / destination ports: 1565 / 46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Delay: Source: Destination: Source Clock: 6.600ns (Levels of Logic = 5) i_6_1 (FF) i_15 (FF) clk rising
Destination Clock: clk rising Data Path: i_6_1 to i_15 Gate Cell:in->out FDCP:C->Q LUT4:I2->O LUT4:I2->O LUT2:I1->O LUT4_L:I3->LO LUT4:I2->O FDCP:D Net fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name) 5 0.591 0.668 i_6_1 (i_6_1) 1 0.704 0.455 i_15_mux0000160 (i_15_mux0000_map42) 1 0.704 0.499 i_15_mux0000186 (i_15_mux0000_map52) 1 0.704 0.424 i_15_mux0000195 (i_15_mux0000_map53) 1 0.704 0.135 i_15_mux0000223 (i_15_mux0000_map57) 2 0.704 0.000 i_15_mux0000248 (i_15_mux0000) 0.308 i_15 Page 63
---------------------------------------- ------------
---------------------------------------Total 6.600ns (4.419ns logic, 2.181ns route) (67.0% logic, 33.0% route) ================================================================= ======== Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'clk' Total number of paths / destination ports: 4835 / 46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Offset: Source: Destination: 11.163ns (Levels of Logic = 8) cond3<0> (PAD) i_13 (FF)
Destination Clock: clk rising Data Path: cond3<0> to i_13 Gate Cell:in->out IBUF:I->O LUT4:I0->O LUT3:I0->O LUT4:I0->O LUT4_L:I3->LO LUT4:I1->O LUT4_L:I2->LO LUT4:I3->O FDCP:D Total Net fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name) 33 1.218 1.438 cond3_0_IBUF (cond3_0_IBUF) 17 0.704 1.226 i_15_cmp_eq00181 (i_15_cmp_eq0018) 7 0.704 0.883 i_8_mux0000141 (N57) 1 0.704 0.424 i_13_mux000090 (i_13_mux0000_map24) 1 0.704 0.179 i_13_mux0000103 (i_13_mux0000_map30) 1 0.704 0.455 i_13_mux0000177 (i_13_mux0000_map49) 1 0.704 0.104 i_13_mux000077_SW0 (N2154) 2 0.704 0.000 i_13_mux0000286 (i_13_mux0000) 0.308 i_13
---------------------------------------- ------------
Page 64
================================================================= ======== Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'clk' Total number of paths / destination ports: 16 / 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------Offset: Source: Destination: Source Clock: 5.125ns (Levels of Logic = 1) i_4 (FF) dout<4> (PAD) clk rising
Data Path: i_4 to dout<4> Gate Cell:in->out FDCP:C->Q OBUF:I->O Total Net fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name) 31 0.591 1.262 i_4 (i_4) 3.272 dout_4_OBUF (dout<4>)
---------------------------------------- ------------
---------------------------------------5.125ns (3.863ns logic, 1.262ns route) (75.4% logic, 24.6% route) ================================================================= ======== CPU : 13.23 / 13.48 s | Elapsed : 13.00 / 14.00 s --> Total memory usage is 174492 kilobytes Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered) Number of warnings : 4 ( 0 filtered) Number of infos : 6 ( 0 filtered
Page 65
Release 9.2i par J.36 Copyright (c) 1995-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. ARJUN-PC:: Sat Jul 25 18:32:45 2009 par -w -intstyle ise -ol std -t 1 barrel_shft_map.ncd barrel_shft.ncd barrel_shft.pcf
Constraints file: barrel_shft.pcf. Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s250e.nph' in environment D:\Xilinx. "barrel_shft" is an NCD, version 3.1, device xc3s250e, package tq144, speed -4 Initializing temperature to 85.000 Celsius. (default - Range: -40.000 to 100.000 Celsius) Initializing voltage to 1.140 Volts. (default - Range: 1.140 to 1.320 Volts) INFO:Par:282 - No user timing constraints were detected or you have set the option to ignore timing constraints ("par -x"). Place and Route will run in "Performance Evaluation Mode" to automatically improve the performance of all internal clocks in this design. The PAR timing summary will list the performance achieved for each clock. Note: For the fastest runtime, set the effort level to "std". For best performance, set the effort level to "high". For a balance between the fastest runtime and best performance, set the effort level to "med". Device speed data version: "PRODUCTION 1.26 2007-04-13".
Page 66
Design Summary Report: Number of External IOBs Number of External Input IOBs Number of External Input IBUFs Number of External Output IOBs Number of External Output IOBs Number of External Bidir IOBs 25 out of 108 23% 9 9 16 16 0
4 out of 1224 1%
Overall effort level (-ol): Standard Placer effort level (-pl): High Placer cost table entry (-t): 1 Router effort level (-rl): Standard
Starting Placer Phase 1.1 Phase 1.1 (Checksum:989db0) REAL time: 3 secs
Page 67
Phase 2.7 Phase 2.7 (Checksum:1312cfe) REAL time: 3 secs Phase 3.31 Phase 3.31 (Checksum:1c9c37d) REAL time: 3 secs Phase 4.2 ...... ..... Phase 4.2 (Checksum:989e4f) REAL time: 3 secs Phase 5.30 Phase 5.30 (Checksum:2faf07b) REAL time: 3 secs Phase 6.3 Phase 6.3 (Checksum:39386fa) REAL time: 3 secs Phase 7.5 Phase 7.5 (Checksum:42c1d79) REAL time: 3 secs Phase 8.8 .......... ....... .......... .................... .... Phase 8.8 (Checksum:a7c507) REAL time: 6 secs Phase 9.5 Phase 9.5 (Checksum:55d4a77) REAL time: 6 secs
Page 68
Phase 10.18 Phase 10.18 (Checksum:5f5e0f6) REAL time: 7 secs Phase 11.5 Phase 11.5 (Checksum:68e7775) REAL time: 7 secs REAL time consumed by placer: 7 secs CPU time consumed by placer: 6 secs Writing design to file barrel_shft.ncd
Total REAL time to Placer completion: 8 secs Total CPU time to Placer completion: 7 secs Starting Router Phase 1: 1737 unrouted; Phase 2: 1693 unrouted; Phase 3: 532 unrouted; REAL time: 9 secs REAL time: 9 secs REAL time: 10 secs REAL time: 10 secs REAL time: 10 secs REAL time: 10 secs REAL time: 10 secs
Phase 4: 532 unrouted; (711) Phase 5: 543 unrouted; (0) Phase 6: 0 unrouted; (0) Phase 7: 0 unrouted; (0)
Page 69
Phase 8: 0 unrouted; (0) Phase 9: 0 unrouted; (0) REAL time: 10 secs REAL time: 10 secs
Total REAL time to Router completion: 10 secs Total CPU time to Router completion: 9 secs Partition Implementation Status ------------------------------No Partitions were found in this design. ------------------------------Generating "PAR" statistics. ************************** Generating Clock Report ************************** +---------------------+--------------+------+------+------------+-------------+ | | Clock Net | Resource |Locked|Fanout|Net Skew(ns)|Max Delay(ns)| clk_BUFGP | BUFGMUX_X1Y10| No | 43 | 0.012 | 0.098 | +---------------------+--------------+------+------+------------+-------------+ +---------------------+--------------+------+------+------------+-------------+ * Net Skew is the difference between the minimum and maximum routing only delays for the net. Note this is different from Clock Skew which is reported in TRCE timing report. Clock Skew is the difference between the minimum and maximum path delays which includes logic delays.
Page 70
The NUMBER OF SIGNALS NOT COMPLETELY ROUTED for this design is: 0 The AVERAGE CONNECTION DELAY for this design is: The MAXIMUM PIN DELAY IS: 4.956 1.231
The AVERAGE CONNECTION DELAY on the 10 WORST NETS is: 3.531 Listing Pin Delays by value: (nsec) d < 1.00 < d < 2.00 < d < 3.00 < d < 4.00 < d < 5.00 d >= 5.00 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------819 630 200 68 31 0
Timing Score: 0 Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met. This may be due to a setup or hold violation. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Constraint | | Check | Worst Case | Best Case | Timing | Timing | Slack | Achievable | Errors | Score | | N/A| 0| 8.100ns| 0 N/A|
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Autotimespec constraint for clock net clk | SETUP 0 _BUFGP | HOLD | 1.392ns| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Page 71
All constraints were met. INFO:Timing:2761 - N/A entries in the Constraints list may indicate that the constraint does not cover any paths or that it has no requested value.
Generating Pad Report. All signals are completely routed. Total REAL time to PAR completion: 11 secs Total CPU time to PAR completion: 10 secs Peak Memory Usage: 150 MB Placement: Completed - No errors found. Routing: Completed - No errors found. Number of error messages: 0 Number of warning messages: 0 Number of info messages: 1 Writing design to file barrel_shft.ncd
PAR done!
Page 72
Release 9.2i - Bitgen J.36 Copyright (c) 1995-2007 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '3s250e.nph' in environment D:\Xilinx. "barrel_shft" is an NCD, version 3.1, device xc3s250e, package tq144, speed -4 Opened constraints file barrel_shft.pcf. Sat Jul 25 18:33:06 2009 D:\Xilinx\bin\nt\bitgen.exe -intstyle ise -w -g DebugBitstream:No -g Binary:no -g CRC:Enable -g ConfigRate:1 -g ProgPin:PullUp -g DonePin:PullUp -g TckPin:PullUp -g TdiPin:PullUp -g TdoPin:PullUp -g TmsPin:PullUp -g UnusedPin:PullDown -g UserID:0xFFFFFFFF -g DCMShutdown:Disable -g StartUpClk:CClk -g DONE_cycle:4 -g GTS_cycle:5 -g GWE_cycle:6 -g LCK_cycle:NoWait -g Security:None -g DonePipe:No -g DriveDone:No barrel_shft.ncd Summary of Bitgen Options: +----------------------+----------------------+ | Option Name | Compress | Readback | CRC | Current Setting | (Not Specified)* | (Not Specified)* | Enable** | No** | 1** | Page 73 | | | | | +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ | DebugBitstream | ConfigRate +----------------------+----------------------+
+----------------------+----------------------+ | StartupClk | Cclk** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DCMShutdown | Disable** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DonePin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ProgPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TckPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TdiPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TdoPin | TmsPin | UnusedPin | GWE_cycle | GTS_cycle | LCK_cycle | DONE_cycle | Persist | DriveDone | DonePipe | Security | Pullup** | Pullup** | Pulldown** | 6** | 5** | NoWait** | 4** | No* | No** | No** | None** | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+
Page 74
| UserID | MultiBootMode | ActivateGclk | ActiveReconfig | PartialMask0 | PartialMask1 | PartialMask2 | PartialGclk | PartialLeft | PartialRight | IEEE1532 | Binary | 0xFFFFFFFF** | No* | No* | No* | (Not Specified)* | (Not Specified)* | (Not Specified)* | (Not Specified)* | (Not Specified)* | (Not Specified)* | No* | No** | | | | | | | | | | | |
+----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ +----------------------+----------------------+ * Default setting. ** The specified setting matches the default setting. Running DRC. DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings. Creating bit map... Saving bit stream in "barrel_shft.bit".
Page 75
Bitstream generation is complete.
Page 76
Hence we have designed the IP Core for Barrel Shifter using VHDL. The simulation has been done using ISE Simulator. The synthesis has been done using XILINX ISE 9.1i. The bit file has been generated and the output is dumped on the FPGA Device (Spartan3E).
1. www.wikipedia.com 2. www.google.com 3. www.xilinx.com 4. www.digilent.com (for reference manual)
Page 77
5. Digital Design Principles and Practices by John F. Wakerly, Fourth Edition 6. Advanced VHDL Design by J. Basker
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