Sediment Erosion in Hydro Turbines
Sediment Erosion in Hydro Turbines
Sediment Erosion in Hydro Turbines
This thesis is submitted to Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Trondheim Norway March 2010
Sedimenterosioniscausedbythedynamicactionofsedimentflowingalongwithwater impactingagainstasolidsurface.Hydraulicturbinecomponentsoperatinginsediment laden water are subject to abrasive and erosive wear. This wear not only reduces the efficiency and the life of the turbine but also causes problems in operation and maintenance, which ultimately leads to economic losses. This is a global operation and maintenanceproblemofhydropowerplants.Thehighsedimentconcentrationcombined with high percentage of quartz content in water causes severe damage to hydraulic turbine components. Withdrawal of clean waterfrom the river for power production is expensive due to design, construction and operation of sediment settling basins. Even with the settling basins, 100 % removal of fine sediments is almost impossible and uneconomical. A number of factors can influence the process of sediment erosion damage in hydro turbine components. The erosion intensity depends on the sediment type and its characteristics(shape,size,hardness,concentrationetc.),hydraulicdesignandoperating conditionsofturbine(flowrate,head,rotationalspeed,velocity,acceleration,turbulence, impingementangleetc.),andmaterialusedfortheturbinecomponents.Allthesefactors areneededtobeconsideredforpredictingtheerosion.Therefore,dealingwithsediment erosionproblemsrequiresamultidisciplinaryapproach.Moreresearchanddevelopment is needed to investigate the relationship between the particle movement and erosion inside a turbine and to establish the operating strategy for the turbine operating in sedimentladenwater. In order to achieve the main objective of this PhD study, the overall research methodology adopted for this work sediment erosion in hydro turbines include; experimental studies, numerical simulation, and field studies. This research work is basedonresultfromlaboratoryexperiment,andnumericalsimulation. Apreviouslymadetestrig(Thapa,2004),wasreviewedandmodifiedtocreateastrong swirl flow in curved path. This flow was found similar to the flow between the guide vaneoutletandtherunnerinletofaFrancisturbine.Theflowintheguidevanecascade was simulated in order to verify the particle separation process and to investigate the relation of the velocity and the drag coefficient with different shape and size of the particle. There was a provision to introduce particles, with sizes ranging from 1 to 10 mm, and to observe the motion of the particles from Plexiglas windows located on the coverofthetankusingahighspeeddigitalcamera.Whenaparticleisflowinginswirl flow, drag force and centrifugal force are two major forces influencing the particle equilibrium. The equilibrium of these two forces provides a critical diameter of the particle.While,aparticlelargerthanthecriticaldiametermoveawayfromthecentreand hitthewall,aparticlesmallerthanthecriticaldiameterflowsalongwiththewater,and ultimately sinks. For critical diameter, the particle continues to rotate in the turbine. Different shapes and sizes of particles were tested with the same operating conditions
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and found that triangularly shaped particles were more likely to hit the suction side of the guide vane cascade. Furthermore, this study supports the concept of separation of particles from streamlines inside the test rig, which led to the development of an operatingstrategyforaFrancisturbineprocessingsedimentladenwater.Thisstudyalso permittedexperimentalverificationofthesizeandtheshapeofaparticleasitorbitsin the turbine, until either the velocity components are changed or the particle became smaller. The steady state numerical simulations were carried out on the Cahua power plant Francis turbine design, mainly at two operating conditions with varying particle size, shape, and concentration using ANSYS CFX. The predictions of erosion, based on the Lagrangian calculation of particle paths in a viscous flow, are described for stay vanes, guidevanes,andrunnervanesofaFrancisturbine,forwhichtheresultsofthefieldtests havebeenavailableforverification.Theflowsimulationwasobtainedthroughuseofa commerciallyavailablecomputationalfluidsdynamics(CFD)code,namelyANSYSCFX. Thecodeutilizesafinitevolume,multiblockapproachtosolvethegoverningequations of fluid motion numerically on a userdefined computational grid. The flow solution procedure first generates the computational grid. A preprocessor is available in the software to perform this task. Second, the solution option such as inlet and boundary conditions, turbulence model,and discretization scheme, arespecified. Thefinal step is runningtheflowsolvertogeneratetheactualflowfieldsimulation. Sediment erosion analysis of a Francis turbine gives an indication of relative erosion intensity and critical zones of erosion damage of the turbine components. The most realistic numerical prediction of erosion is found on a turbine blade. The highest velocitiesandaccelerationsoccurredatoutletoftherunnerbladeandmoreerosionwas predicted especially at the pressure side of the blade outlet and at the lower cover. Furthermore, unexpected sediment erosion was found at the suction side of the guide vanewhereconceptofcriticaldiametercanbeutilized.Ithasbeenconcludedthatifthe particle size in the water is more than critical particle sizes, the turbine should not be operatedatlowguidevaneopening. Thenumericallyobtainederosionpatternandthefieldtestobservationandinspectionat Cahua Francis turbine components are in goodqualitativeagreement. The encouraging agreementshowsthat,forthisapplication,numericalsimulationreallycanbeusedina predictive manner. This information may serve as an input in an early stage of turbine design process to identify the regions where special surface treatment is necessary in ordertoincreasethelifetimeofthecomponentsfornewhydropowerprojectsinvolving risksofsedimenterosion. Thesizeofaparticleisinverselyproportionaltothevelocityoftheparticle,anditwas determinedthatsphericallyshapedparticleshadhighersettlingvelocitiesthanparticles withothershapes.However,nonsphericalshapeoftheparticleswilltendtohavelower settlingvelocitiesbecausebothdecreasesinspheroidandincreasesinangularitytendto decrease velocities. Moreover, larger crosssectional areas tend to be directed perpendicular to the transport path. As a result, higher coefficient of drag, higher
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rotationalmotionandmoreseparationofflowarelikelytooccurandhencemoreerosion rate was predicted. The roles played by the shape of the particle significantly affect erosionratepredictioninsidetheFrancisturbinecomponents. Furthermore, it has been found that the erosion process is strongly dependent on the particlesize,shape,concentration,andoperatingconditionsoftheturbine.Thereduction oftheerosionisnotonlylinkedtothereductionofparticlevelocitybutalsoislinkedto the reduction of separation of flow, which further depends on shape, size, and concentrationoftheparticle.Thesignificantreductionoferosionratecanbeachievedby operating turbine at best efficiency point. The full load operation reduced efficiency, increasedturbulence,andincreasedrelativevelocityofflowatoutletoftheblades. The present knowledge and findings, although may not be enough to deal with this problem completely, can be utilised to achieve one major step forward in sediment erosionpredictionandprevention.
ThediscussionsandinteractionswiththecolleaguesattheWaterpowerLaboratoryhave beenveryfruitful.ManythanksgotoPhDfellows,PlToreSelboStorli,JrgenRamdal, Einar Kobro, Hkon Hjort Francke, and Lars Fryd. I would also like to thank, Mette Eltvik, former master degree student and present research assistant at the Waterpower Laboratory,forherhelpespeciallyinTurboGridgenerationandCFDsimulation.Ithas been always pleasure to discuss with her regarding sediment erosion issues and their challenge. IwishtoexpressmyheartfeltgratitudetotheStateEducationLoanFund(Lnekassen), Norway,forpartlysupportingmylivingexpensesduringmystayatTrondheim.Iwould liketothankAnetteMoen,CoordinatorofQuotaProgramme,RagnhildBrakstad,Turid Brk, and Gro Johnsen, staffs at the office of international relations, NTNU for their administrative arrangements for loan fund and residence permit issues for me and my family. I am equally indebted to Energy Norway (former EBL) for their additional financialsupportduringmystudy.IwouldliketothankandacknowledgeallNepalese colleaguesthosewhowerehereduringmystudyperiodforsupportingme,andformy family. Ideclarethatthisstudyismyownworkandoutsideinputsarereferencedattherelevant places.Iamsurethattherewillbesomeerrors,forwhichItakeabsoluteresponsibility. This is a small step towards achieving sediment erosion prediction and prevention in hydraulic turbine components in hydropower plants. I do believe that this work will encourage many researchers to put their knowledge and efforts in order to achieve the significantcontributionagainstsedimenterosionproblem. I wish to thank my wife Radhika and two lovely sons Sushant and Hardik, whose presence, patience, smiles and moral support always encouraged me to complete my workontime.IwouldliketothankmybrotherTulsiforhiscooperationandcontinued supporttowardsmyhomeresponsibilitiesduringmyabsenceinNepal. Last but notthe least, Idedicatethisworktomylovingparents,AamaandBaba.Iam alwaysgratefultothemandnowIamhereinthispositionbecauseoftheirhardwork, continuedsupport,encouragementandblessing. HariPrasadNeopane PhDCandidate WaterpowerLaboratory DepartmentofEnergyandProcessEngineering(EPT) FacultyofEngineeringScienceandTechnology(IVT) NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology(NTNU) Trondheim Norway March,2010
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Table of Contents
Summary......................................................................................................................................i Preface and Acknowledgements................................................................................................iv Table of contents List of figures..............................................................................................................................ix List of tables................................................................................................................................x Nomenclature.............................................................................................................................xi
Table of Contents
Turbine Design .............................................................................................................3-11 3.4.1 Hydraulic design of turbine ................................................................................3-12 3.4.2 Mechanical design of turbine .............................................................................3-13 3.4.3 Operation of turbine...........................................................................................3-14 Alternative design of Francis Turbine ...........................................................................3-15 Conclusion....................................................................................................................3-16 Background ................................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.1 General............................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1.2 Characterization of non spherical particles......................................................... 4-3 Objective of experiment ................................................................................................. 4-3 4.2.1 Description of test rig and test procedure ........................................................... 4-3 4.2.2 Measurement of particle velocity ........................................................................ 4-6 4.2.3 Visualization of particle motion ........................................................................... 4-7 4.2.4 Particle in swirl flow ............................................................................................ 4-7 4.2.5 Drag coefficient for particles ..............................................................................4-11 4.2.6 Uncertainties for the measurements..................................................................4-13 Results and Discussions...............................................................................................4-14 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 5-1 Governing Equations ..................................................................................................... 5-2 5.2.1 Two equation turbulence closure models ........................................................... 5-3 Particle equation of motion ............................................................................................ 5-3 5.3.1 Drag force........................................................................................................... 5-4 5.3.2 Buoyancy force................................................................................................... 5-5 5.3.3 Rotation force ..................................................................................................... 5-5 5.3.4 Virtual or added mass force................................................................................ 5-5 5.3.5 Pressure gradient force ...................................................................................... 5-6 Restitution coefficient for particles ................................................................................. 5-6 Basic Erosion Model ...................................................................................................... 5-7 5.5.1 Model of Finnie ................................................................................................... 5-7 5.5.2 Model of Tabakoff and Grant .............................................................................. 5-8 CAHUA Hydropower Plant (HPP) .................................................................................. 6-1 Description of computational model............................................................................... 6-2 6.2.1 Flow model ......................................................................................................... 6-3 6.2.2 Mesh generation................................................................................................. 6-3 6.2.3 Properties of sand .............................................................................................. 6-5 6.2.4 Boundary conditions ........................................................................................... 6-6 Hydraulic performance of turbine................................................................................... 7-1 Sediment erosion on turbine components...................................................................... 7-2 7.2.1 Stay vane ........................................................................................................... 7-2 7.2.2 Guide vane ......................................................................................................... 7-3 7.2.3 Runner blade...................................................................................................... 7-4 Effect of sediment concentration on erosion .................................................................. 7-5 Effect of Sediment size on erosion ................................................................................ 7-7 Effect of sediment shape factor on erosion.................................................................... 7-8 Effect of operating condition on erosion......................................................................... 7-9 Validation of numerical simulations ..............................................................................7-10
5.4 5.5
Table of Contents
Figure 1-1 Sediment erosion at Jhimruk hydropower plant, Nepal...................................................................... 1-3 Figure 1-2 Sediment erosion at Cahua hydropower plant, Peru ........................................................................ 1-4 Figure 2-1 Mechanisms of solid particle erosion ................................................................................................. 2-2 Figure 2-2 Mechanisms of abrasive wear (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 1993)..................................................... 2-3 Figure 2-3 Mechanisms of erosive wear (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 1993)....................................................... 2-4 Figure 2-4 Physical and material parameters for controlling erosive wear (Batchelor et al., 2002) .................... 2-6 Figure 2-5 Contrast in dependence on impingement angle for brittle and ductile modes of wear (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 2006) .................................................................................................................................................. 2-7 Figure 2-6 Effect of particle size on mode and rates of erosive wear (Hojo et al., 1986) .................................. 2-11 Figure 2-7 Effect of medium on impingement angle by erosive particles (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 2006) ... 2-18 Figure 2-8 Example of particle trajectory analysis to predict erosive wear (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 2006). 2-19 Figure 2-9 Effect of temperature on the erosive wear rate of stainless steel (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 2006).. 220 Figure 2-10 Relationship between mechanical properties of materials and erosion rate at elevated temperature (Y. Shida et al., 1985):....................................................................................................................................... 2-20 Figure 2-11 Effect of flow on erosive wear (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 2006) ................................................. 2-21 Figure 2-12 Effect of primary material characteristics and erosion parameters on erosive wear rate (Zum et al., 1987) ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-23 Figure 2-13 Comparison of the high and low elastic modulus modes of erosive wear protection (Stachowiak and Batchelor, 1993). ............................................................................................................................................... 2-23 Figure 3-1 Sediment erosion at Pelton turbine nozzle and needle...................................................................... 3-4 Figure 3-2 Sediment erosion at Runner buckets ................................................................................................. 3-5 Figure 3-3 Illustration of separation of particle in a Pelton bucket (Thapa and Brekke, 2004) ............................ 3-6 Figure 3-4 Erosion at stay vane at Cahua power plant ....................................................................................... 3-8 Figure 3-5 Erosion at guide vane and facing plates at Cahua power plant ......................................................... 3-9 Figure 3-6 Erosion at runner at Cahua power plant .......................................................................................... 3-10 Figure 3-7 Variation of diameter for reduction of erosion .................................................................................. 3-16 Figure 4-1 Photographs of test rig ....................................................................................................................... 4-4 Figure 4-2 Schematic diagram of experimental set up ........................................................................................ 4-5 Figure 4-3 Pitot tube for measuring the velocity of flow....................................................................................... 4-6 Figure 4-4 Photograph of middle plate with radial and angular markings ........................................................... 4-6 Figure 4-5 Illustration of particle flow in spiral swirl ............................................................................................. 4-8 Figure 4-6 Erosion damage of suction side of Tokke guide vane by large particles ........................................... 4-9 Figure 4-7 Critical diameter relation based upon size of runner and drag coefficient ....................................... 4-10 Figure 4-8 Standard drag curve for motion of particle in a fluid......................................................................... 4-11 Figure 4-9 Drag coefficient of the sphere (Spurk, 1997) ................................................................................... 4-12 Figure 4-10 Particle velocity and head relation for different size and shape of particle .................................... 4-14 Figure 4-11 Particle velocity for different sizes and same size with different shape ......................................... 4-14
List of Figures and Tables Figure 4-12 Particle velocity relation for same/different particle with different shape ....................................... 4-15 Figure 4-13 Rotation radius for particles of the same size but different shape ................................................. 4-15 Figure 4-14 Drag coefficient relation for same /different size of particle ........................................................... 4-16 Figure 4-15 Drag coefficient relation for regular and irregular shape of same/different particle ....................... 4-16 Figure 6-1 Cahua hydropower plant ................................................................................................................... 6-1 Figure 6-2 A single blade cascade computational model for three vanes .......................................................... 6-4 Figure 6-3 A single blade cascade mesh model for three vanes ........................................................................ 6-5 Figure 7-1 Hydraulic performance of turbine ...................................................................................................... 7-1 Figure 7-2 Predicted erosion pattern on stay vanes ........................................................................................... 7-2 Figure 7-3 Predicted erosion pattern on guide vanes ......................................................................................... 7-3 Figure 7-4 Velocity of sand particle inside a turbine ........................................................................................... 7-3 Figure 7-5 Predicted erosion pattern on turbine blades...................................................................................... 7-5 Figure 7-6 Effect of concentration rate on erosion rate density of turbine blade................................................. 7-6 Figure 7-7 Variation of relative erosion rate density with concentration ............................................................. 7-6 Figure 7-8 Effect of sediment size on erosion rate density of turbine blade ....................................................... 7-7 Figure 7-9 Variation of relative erosion rate density with sediment size ............................................................. 7-8 Figure 7-10 Effect of sediment shape factor on erosion rate density of turbine blade ........................................ 7-8 Figure 7-11 Effect of operating conditions on erosion rate density of turbine blade ......................................... 7-10 Figure 7-12 Particle velocity for different size around turbine blade ................................................................. 7-11 Figure 7-13 Particle velocity, shape factor and erosion rate around turbine blade ........................................... 7-12
Table 1-1 Hydropower potential in different river basins in Nepal (MoWR, 2003) .............................................. 1-2 Table 2-1 Classification of river sediment (Lysne et al., 2003) ........................................................................... 2-8 Table 2-2 Relative qualities of erosive wear resistant materials (Batchelor, 1993).................................. 2-24 Table 3-1 Turbine erosion categories (Duan et al., 2002) .................................................................................. 3-2 Table 3-2 Classification of erosion (Matsumura and Chen, 2002)...................................................................... 3-2 Table 3-3 Variable input parameters................................................................................................................ 3-15 Table 4-1 The guide vane maximum angle at full load condition ...................................................................... 4-10 Table 4-2 Reynolds number ranges for single particle drag coefficient correlations ....................................... 4-12 Table 5-1 Coefficients for some materials using the Tabakoff erosion model ................................................... 5-8 Table 6-1 Sediment load of Cahua power plant (Ole et al., 2009) ..................................................................... 6-2 Table 6-2 Mesh statistics of numerical models .................................................................................................. 6-4 Table 6-3 Boundary conditions .......................................................................................................................... 6-7
Symbol FD CD Ap U FB FC FR FE m dc dp g r r p Cm Vp P M S h ns htot B P FP UF n Description Dragforce Dragcoefficient Projectedarea Peripheralvelocity Buoyancyforce Centrifugalforce Rotationforce Externalforce Massoftheparticle Criticaldia.ofparticle Diameterofparticle Gravity Radius Radiusofparticle Meridionalvelocity component Particleimpactvelocity Plasticflowstress Totalmassofmaterial Abrasivedepth Nethead Specificspeed Totalenthalpy Sumofbodyforce Pressure Pressuregradientforce Underrelaxationfactor Speed Meanvelocity Unit N m2 m/s N N N N kg m m m/s
Description Coefficientofsedimentconcentration Coefficientofsedimenthardness Coefficientofsedimentparticlesize Coefficientofsedimentparticleshape Coefficientofwearresistanceofbase material Erosionrate Cuttingwear Corrosionrate Deformationwear Totalwear(cuttinganddeformation) Totalwearrate(erosionandcorrosion) Radiusofcurvatureofsurface Velocityofparticle Volumeofparticle Numberofabrasiveparticles Materialconstant Environmentalconstant Maximumparticlevelocity Materialfactor Coefficientofdischarge Peripheralvelocitycomponent Dimensionlessdistancefromthewall Flowrate Slipvelocity Forceduetovirtualmass Constant
Unit mm/yr mm/yr mm/yr mm/yr mm/yr mm/yr m m/s m3 m/s m/s m3/s m/s N m
k1 c
U + u
Reducedperipheral velocity Shapeconstant Concentrationofsediment
f (VPN )
f ( )
Re , p
k2 k3
Greek Symbols
Densityoffluid Angularvelocity Hydraulicefficiency Normalstress Turbulenceeddydissipation Efficiency Impactangle Dynamicviscosity Kinematicviscosity Constant MaximumGuidevaneangle
Turbinecoefficient Diffusionofturbulencestress Viscousstress Shearstress Speednumber Bladeangle MaximumImpactangle Effectiveviscosity Turbulentviscosity Turbulencekineticenergy Guidevane/Impingement angle
0 eff t
m n p u r * 1 2 f Referstomeridionaldirection Referstonetvalue Referstoparticle Referstotheperipheraldirection Relativevalue Referstobestefficiencypointofturbine Referstothefullloadoftheturbine Referstotheinletoftheturbinerunner Referstotheoutletoftherunner Referstofluid
h a x y z
Referstovectordotproduct Referstodelvectoroperator Referstodyadicoperator Referstodirectlyproportional Referstohydraulic Referstoaveragegrainsize Concentrationexponent Sizeexponent Characteristicvelocityexponent Referstopartialderivative
AISI ADB BPC BEP BHEL CFD CPU CAT DNS EPT EDA FL GoN HPP HB IEC IVT JHP KU MUSIG MSDM MoWR NTNU NS NEA PL PPM RANS RMS RoR SST SNPower SRE URANS VHN AmericanIronandSteelInstitute AsianDevelopmentBank ButwalPowerCompanyLimited BestEfficiencyPoint BharatHeavyElectricalsLimited ComputationalFluidsDynamics Centralprocessingunit CatchmentAreaTreatment DirectNumericalSimulation DepartmentofEnergyandProcessEngineering Effectivedesiltingarrangements FullLoad GovernmentofNepal HydropowerPlant BrinellHardnessNumber InternationalElectroTechnicalCommission FacultyofEngineeringScienceandTechnology JhimrukHydropowerPlant KathmanduUniversity MultipleSizeGroup MicroScaleDynamicModel MinistryofWaterResources NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology NavierStokes NepalElectricityAuthority Particleload Partspermillion ReynoldsAveragedNavierStokes Rootmeansquare RunofRiver ShearStressTransport StatkarftNorfundPowerInvest Siltresistantequipment UnsteadyReynoldsAveragedNavierStokesequations VickersHardnessNumber
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 1.1.1 BACKGROUND General
Nepal, where the author comes from, is situated in South Asia on the lap of mighty Himalayas,andpossessesenormouswaterresources,whichisoneofthemajorresources fortechnological,socialandeconomicdevelopmentofthenation.Theenergysupplyand demand characteristics have a great role to play in order to attain sustainable developmentinthecountry.Thus,meetingNepalscurrentenergydemandwouldhelp foster higher economic growth. On the other hand, energy demand of the country increases not only due to the increases in population but also due to the gradual industrial development and modernization of society. However, Nepal has one of the lowest percapita energy consumption rates in the world. Less than one third of the countryspopulationhasaccesstoelectricity.Intheruralareas,wheremostpeoplelive, hasevenlessaccesstotheelectricity.AccordingtorecentreportofAsianDevelopment Bank (ADB), the demand for power in Nepal has increased steadily with an annual averagegrowthrateof8.5%overthepastdecade,anditisestimatedtogrowatleastby 10 % annually until 2020. Moreover, the current energy generation trend shows that meetingthisprojectedenergydemandispossibleduetohugewaterresourcesavailable forhydropowerdevelopment. The total estimated hydropower potential of the nation is about 83,000 MW and out of which about 43,000 MW is estimated to be economically feasible (MoWR, 2003). So far, Nepal has been able to exploit about 2 % of the economically feasible hydropower potential.Thisshowsahugescopeforhydropowerdevelopmentinthecountry.Thetotal installedcapacityofthecountryisabout680MW,ofwhichabout84%isproducedfrom RunofRiver(RoR)hydropowerplants.Therefore,RoRhydropowerplantsarethemain sourcesofelectricityinthecountry.Amongthedifferentsourcesofenergy,hydropower isconsideredeconomical,nonpollutingandenvironmentalfriendlyrenewablesourceof energy.
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Chapter 1
TheoverviewofhydropowerpotentialindifferentRiverbasinsinNepalispresentedin Table11. Table11HydropowerpotentialindifferentriverbasinsinNepal(MoWR,2003) Mainriver basins Smallriver powerpotential (GW) 3.6 Majorriver Totalpower Economically power potential feasiblepower potential(GW) potential(GW) (GW) 18.75 16.95 32.68 3.07 72.45 22.35 20.65 36.18 4.11 83.29 10.86 5.27 25.1 0.88 42.13
CountryTotal 10.84
Furthermore,thereisahugepotentialforhydropowerdevelopmentinHimalayanregion in general. However, there are also technical challenges for hydropower development due to erosion and sedimentation problem. The climatic and physical conditions are highlyresponsiblefortheerosionandsedimentationproblemintheregion.Thetropical climate, immature geology, and intense seasonal rainfall, are the main reasons for this problem.Asaresult,theRiversinthisregiontransportsubstantialamountofsediments duringthemonsoon. AccordingtoNaidu,1999,about20billiontonesofearthmaterialarecarriedtothesea eachyearbyRiversandStreamsthroughouttheworld,ofwhichnearly6billiontonesis fromtheIndiansubcontinentalone.SoutheastAsiacontributestwothirdsoftheworlds total sediment transport to oceans ( [accessedon,31August2009].Handlingsedimentsinhydropowerprojectshastherefore beenaproblem. Themanagementofthehydropowerprojectsforachievinghigherefficiencyofhydraulic turbinesisanimportantfactor.Hence,thisproblemhasbecomeprimaryconcernforthe safety,reliabilityandlongerlifeoftheRoRhydropowerprojects.ManyoftheHimalayas sitesinAsiaandSouthAmericassitesinAndes,areexamplesoflargeregionswhere,the problem of erosion and sedimentation is challenging. From the global perspective, the RoR hydropower projects are becoming popular due to relatively less environmental impactsthanreservoirtypeofprojects.Recentresearchhasindicatedthatthebenefitsof RunofRiverprojectscanbevaluedmuchmorehighlythantheyusedtobeconsidered, becauseofenvironmentalconsequences.
Chapter 1
Bothtypesofhydropowerprojects(storageaswellasRunofRiver)sufferfromsediment erosionproblems,howeverthenatureofproblemisdifferent.Thestorageprojectssuffer fromreservoircapacitydepletionovertimeduetosedimentdeposition.Onthecontrary, theRoRprojects,whichdonothaveroomforstorageofsediments,sufferfromexcessive wear of the turbines from the first year of operation itself. The sediment erosion of turbines causes losses in revenue due to losses in energy generation and increase in maintenance costs. Dealing with sediment has, therefore been a great challenge while developinghydropowerprojectsinsedimentloadedrivers(Bishwakarma,2008).
Sedimenterosionproblemisaglobaloperationandmaintenanceproblemofhydropower plants. Hydraulic turbine components operating in sedimentladen water are subject to abrasiveanderosivewear.Thiswearnotonlyreducesefficiencyandlifeoftheturbine butalsocausesproblemsinoperationandmaintenance,andultimatelyleadstoeconomic losses. Many hydropower plants built on sedimentloaded rivers have faced serious problems of sediment erosion during the first years of operation itself. The 12 MW Jhimrukhydropowerplant(JHP)builtinNepalcanbetakenasanexample.
(a)Guidevanes(b)Turbinerunner Figure11SedimenterosionatJhimrukhydropowerplant,Nepal The photographs presented in Figure 11 illustrate the extent of sediment erosion in guide vane cover and the runner blades after operating during a single monsoon. The sedimentstudyconductedinthispowerplantindicatedthat,thesedimentconcentration exceeds4,000ppmforabout15%ofthemonsoon.Theaveragecontentofquartzinthe sedimentisfoundtobeabove60%(Basnyat,1999).
Chapter 1
Similarly,22MWCahuahydropowerplantbuiltinPerucanbetakenasanotherexample ofexcessivesedimenterosion.ThephotographspresentedinFigure12,alsoillustratethe extentofsedimenterosioninguidevanesandturbinerunner.Thesephotographswere takenduringinspectionvisitfromNTNUinApril2009.Thesedimentstudyconductedin this power plant indicated that, the sediment concentration exceeded 120,000 tons of sedimentonlyaftersixweeksofoperation.Theaveragecontentofquartzparticlesinthe sedimentwasfoundtoabout35%andfeldsparwasfoundabout30%.
Figure12SedimenterosionatCahuahydropowerplant,Peru Thehighsedimentconcentrationcombinedwithhighpercentageofquartzandfeldspar, whichare harder than the turbine material(hardness67in Mohs scale), wasthe main causes of excessive sediment erosion in the hydraulic machinery operating in these power plants. During monsoon season, a large amount of sediment (as high as 50,000 ppm) is carried by Riversand it becomes difficult to remove all these sediments before passingthroughtheturbine,andcausesseveredamagetotheturbinecomponents.
Therearehugetechnicalchallengestodevelopnewhydropowerprojectsinvolvingrisks ofsedimenterosion.Thedecliningperformanceofhydroturbineshasbecomeoneofthe major technical issues in the development of hydropower plants. Sediment transport from the rivers isa natural phenomenon, it neither can be completely controlled, it nor can be completely avoided; it should however be managed. Withdrawal of the clean waterfromtheriverforpowerproductionisexpensiveduetodesign,constructionand
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Chapter 1
operationofsedimentsettlingbasins.Evenwiththesettlingbasins,100%removaloffine sedimentsisimpossibleanduneconomical(Thapa,2004).A3dimentioanalapproachis desirabletoencountersedimentproblemsinhydropowerplants(Naidu,1999),namely, catchment area treatment (CAT) for reduction of sediment load, effective desilting arrangements(EDA)forpreventionofsediment,andsedimentresistantequipment(SRE) forwithstandingthesediment. Thesedimenterosionofturbinerunnersisacomplexphenomenon,whichdependsupon differentparameterssuchassiltsize,hardnessandconcentration,velocityofwater,and basematerialproperties.Theefficiencyoftheturbinedecreaseswiththeincreaseinthe sedimentwearandfinallybreakdownofhydroturbinesresults.Variousresearchershave conducted experiments to study the effect of these parameters on sediment wear, but most of these experiments are on smallsize samples in different types of test rigs to simulate the flow conditions in the turbine. However, actual flow conditions and the phenomenonofsedimentweararetoocomplextosimulate(Padhyetal.,2008) Extensive research has been done to develop a wear model in terms of the material properties involved but little attention has been given to clarify the influence of fluid motion,especiallyintheturbulentflowregime.Overtheyears,manymodelshavebeen proposed for many different situations. Unfortunately, most models are corelational in nature and therefore system specific. They only work for the particular material pair, contact geometry, operating condition and range, and the particular environment and lubricant. The available equations are so confusing that few designers can use any of them to predict product life with confidence. The complexity of wear and the large numberofparametersaffectingtheoutcomearetheprimaryreasonsforthissituation. Furthermore, several attempts have been made to minimize the loss of material due to erosion. While they have proved successful elsewhere, they have not much success in Himalayan region. Development in the areas of control of sediment from reaching the turbineandprotectivecoatingonthesurfaces,pronetoerosion,hasbeenthemainarea of research. Very little has been done for developing erosion resistant flow passage design.Theproblemblowsmultifoldsasthesedimentmainlyconsistsofquartz(6090 %)whichisextremelyhardandcausessevereerosiondamage. A study carried out at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kathmandu University,Nepal,showsthatallriversthatflowthroughNepalhavesedimentloadand highconcentrationofquartz(Thapa,2004).Thismeansthatallturbinesinstalledinthese rivers will experience sediment erosion. This study also revealed that the intensity of erosionrateisnolongerdirectlyproportionaltothepercentageofquartzcontentofthe sediment.Asaresult,afewinstanceshavebeennoticedwheretheintensityofdamages at different power plants were not identical. While components at a particular power planterodedveryfast,damagestocomponentsatotherpowerplantswereinsignificant. Thisleadsonetobelievethatlargenumbersoffactorsinfluencestheprocessoferosion damage (Naidu, 1999). In addition, they are jointly responsible for predicting sediment erosiondamageintheturbinecomponents.Thereisstrongneedtostudyandidentifythe effect of different shape and size of the sediment particle to predict the erosion rate
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correctly.Therefore,dealingwithsedimenterosionproblemsrequiresamultidisciplinary approach. More research and development is needed to investigate the relationship betweentheparticlemovementandtheerosioninsidetheturbine.
The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between the particle movementanderosioninsidetheFrancisturbineandtoestablishtheoperatingstrategy for Francis turbine operating in sedimentladen water. In order to achieve the main objectivethefollowingspecificactivitieshavebeencarriedoutduringthisstudyperiod: Developandbuildalaboratorytestrigthatcanfacilitatethetestingofparticleto studytheseparationprocessinfluidflowincurvedpath Conduct experiment of the particlein the laboratory test rig to study theforces actingonparticleinrotationalmotionandtoinvestigatethedragcoefficientand velocityrelationwithrespecttodifferentsize,andshapeoftheparticles Perform numerical simulation on a Cahua power plant Francis turbine design anddescribethepredictionoftheerosionforstayvanes,guidevanes,andrunner vanesforwhichtheresultsofthefieldtestsareavailableforverification Identifycriticalzonesoferosionandinvestigateempiricalrelationsbasedupon particleshape,size,concentration,andoperatingconditions
The overall study methodology adopted for this research work includes experimental studies, numerical simulation, and field studies. A previously made test rig (Thapa, 2004),wasreviewedandmodifiedtocreateastrongswirlflowincurvedpath.Thisflow was found similar to the flow between the guide vane outlet and the runner inlet of a Francisturbine.Theflowintheguidevanecascadewassimulatedinordertoverifythe particles separation process and to investigate the velocity and the drag coefficient relationsbasedupondifferentshapeandsizeoftheparticle.Then,numericalsimulations onaCahuaFrancisturbinedesignwerecarriedout,mainlyattwooperatingconditions withvaryingparticlesize,shape,andconcentrationinANSYSCFX11.Thepredictionsof erosion, based on the Lagrangian calculation of particle paths in a viscous flow, have been described for different components of the Francis turbine. The numerically obtained erosion patterns were compared with the field studies at Cahua hydropower plant,inPeru.Theexperimentallyobtainedvelocitiesanddragcoefficientsrelationswere utilisedforthevalidationsofnumericalsimulations.
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The scope of this research is not only to improve the Francis turbine components operating in sedimentladen water subject to sediment erosion through design modificationbutalsotoidentifytheregionswherespecialsurfacetreatmentisnecessary in order to increase the lifetime of the components for new hydropower projects involving risks of sediment erosion. This is pursued by achieving the objectives mentioned in the previous section. This research focuses only on the role of sediment characteristics in fluid dynamics, even though the erosion primarily depends on both sedimentcharacteristicsandmaterialusedfortheturbinecomponents. ThissedimenterosionresearchinhydraulicmachineryingeneralandtheFrancisturbine inparticular,isaimedtocontributetheknowledgefor: operationstrategyofhydropowerplants selectionanddesignofturbine selectionofappropriatematerialforturbineconstructionandmaintenance maintenanceoferodedturbineandmaintenancescheduling Hence,alltechnical,managerialandeconomicalaspectsaresupposedtobeconsideredin thiskindofstudybutonlytechnicalaspecthasbeenstudiedextensivelyinpresentwork. ItisbelievedthatifaFrancisturbinedesignercombinesthehydraulicdesignandcoating ofthecriticalparts,asignificantreductionoferosioncanbeachieved,butdetailanalysis ofthisaspectisoutofthescopeofthisresearchwork.
Thisthesisisorganizedineightchapters.Somechaptersincludetheirownconclusions. An extensive literature review regarding the various form of wear and its mechanisms caused by contact between a particle and a surface is presented in Chapter 2. The sedimenterosiontypesinhydraulicmachinerycomponentsandthefieldobservationat Cahua hydropower plant is considered in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the laboratorystudiesofparticlevelocitymeasurementinhighlyswirlconditionssimilarto turbineflowincurvedpath.Italsoincludesabriefdescriptionofthedevelopedtestrig, concept of critical diameter of particle inside a turbine, and experimental analysis. The governing equations of fluid, particle equation of motion and two erosion models are briefly presented in Chapter 5. A description of CFD computational model similar to Cahua power plant Francis turbine design along with solution methods is included in chapter6.ThesimulationsresultsanddiscussionsarepresentedinChapter7.Finally,the conclusions and recommendations for further work are given in Chapter 8. The auto generatedturbinerotorreportsandthreepublicationsareincludedintheappendices.
Sedimenterosionisaphenomenonofmechanicalwearofcomponents.Thisisduetothe dynamicactionofsedimentflowingalongwithwaterimpactingagainstasolidsurfaceof hydraulic components. Therefore, sediment flowing along with water passing through theturbineistherootcauseofsedimenterosioninturbinecomponents.Themechanical wearinhydraulicmachineryismainlyduetothesuspendedsedimentinwater,whichis subjected to kinetic energy, the force of gravity, viscosity, turbulence, centrifuge and cavitation. Even if minor abrasion may take place in certain parts of hydro turbines, erosionisthemaincausedofthedamage. Erosionoccursinawiderangeofmachinery(Thapa,2004).Thebladesofgasturbines are subjected to erosion from high velocity solid particle, and those of steam turbines fromliquiddroplets(Tabakoff,1995).Themilitaryaircraftsandmissilesexperienceboth sandandrainerosion.Theproblemofhydroabrasiveerosionofhydraulicmachineryis not limited to hydroelectric plants. Similar problems to those encountered in hydroelectricworkarealsoprevalentintheminingindustry,dredgingwork,andwaste disposal. Even though erosion is normally harmful for the machine components, the same mechanism has beneficial use in unconventional manufacturing techniques. Some common examples of beneficial applications of erosion mechanism are water jet machining,sandblasting,erosivedrillingandrockcutting(Finnie,1960).
In general, there are wideranges of material degradation mechanisms.However, it can beclassifiedintothreebasiccategories:mechanical,chemicalandthermalactions,which are considered the root causes of material separation as debris in erosion, but
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mechanismsforreachingtothoseactionsaredifferent(Thapa,2004).Figure21illustrates the different action of solid particle erosion and its mechanisms. Stachowiak and Batchelor, 1993, have discussed the different possible mechanisms for solid particle erosion. From the subject point of view of sediment erosion damage caused by the suspended solid particle in hydraulic machinery, only four solid particle erosion i.e., abrasive erosion, surface fatigue, brittle fracture, and ductile deformation are mainly applicable. Erosionbysolidparticleimpingement
Brittle fracture
Noncyclic failure
Lossoffluid state
Abrasivewearisthelossofmaterialbythepassageofhardparticlesoverasurface.This wear occurs whenever a solid object is loaded against particles of a material that have equal or greater hardness. The abrasive wear involves processes such as micro cutting, fatigue, grain detachment and brittle fracture. Erosive wear is caused by the impact of solid and liquid particles on a surface. Erosive wear can resemble abrasive wear when hard solid particles of microscopically visible size are eroding agent, the angle of impingementislowandtheimpingementspeedisoftheorderof100m/s.Forallother conditions, wear mechanisms not resembling abrasive wear become dominant. For particleofmicroscopicallyvisiblesizeandanimpingementspeedoftheorderof100m/s, wearatthehighimpingementanglesproceedsbyacombinationofplasticdeformation andfatigueorbycrackingforbrittlematerials.
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Generally,abrasivewearbygritsorhardasperitiescloselyresembledcuttingbyaseries of machine tools or a file. However, microscopic examination has revealed that the cutting process is only approximated by the sharpest of grits and many other more indirect mechanisms are involved. The particles orgrits may remove material by micro cutting, micro fracture, pullout of individual grains or accelerated fatigue by repeated deformationsasillustratedinFigure22.
Figure22Mechanismsofabrasivewear(StachowiakandBatchelor,1993) The first mechanism illustrated in Figure 22 a, is cutting, which represents the classic modelwhereasharpgritorhardasperitycutsthesoftersurface.Thematerialthatiscut isremovedasweardebris.Whentheabradedmaterialisbrittle,e.g.,ceramic,fractureof the worn surface may occur (Figure 22 b). In this instance, wear debris is the result of crack convergence. When a ductile material is abraded by a blunt grit, then cutting is unlikely and the worn surface is repeatedly deformed (Figure 22 c). In this case, wear debris is the result of metal fatigue. The last mechanism illustrated (Figure 22 d) represents grain detachment or grain pullout. This mechanism applies mainly to ceramics,wheretheboundarybetweengrainsisrelativelyweak.Inthismechanism,the entiregrainislostasweardebris. Abrasive wear has the virtue of being possibly the easiest of the wear mechanism to suppresscompletelyifadequatematerialsareavailable.Rapidabrasivewearonlyoccurs when the ratio of particle hardness to materials hardness is greater than 1.2. When the ratio of particle hardness to material hardness is less than 1.2, abrasive wear declines rapidlybutdoesnotceaseentirelyuntilthematerialhardnessisgreaterthantheparticle
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hardness by a similar factor of 1.2. It is observed that when the particles have equal hardness to the material, some scratching and wear of the material occurs although damagetotheparticlesbycrushingandplasticdeformationisextensive.
Erosive wear involves several wear mechanisms, which are largely controlled by the particle material, the angle of impingement, the impact velocityand the particle size. If theparticleishardandsolidthenitispossiblethataprocesssimilartoabrasivewearwill occur.Whereliquidparticlesaretheerodent,abrasiondoesnottakeplaceandthewear mechanismsinvolvedaretheresultofrepetitivestressesonimpact. Thetermerosivewearreferstoanunspecifiednumberofwearmechanisms,whichoccur whenrelativelysmallparticlesimpactagainstmechanicalcomponents.Thisdefinitionis empiricalbynatureandrelatesmoretopracticalconsiderationsthantoanyfundamental understandingofwear.TheknownmechanismsoferosivewearareillustratedinFigure 23.
(a)Cuttingerosionmechanism (b)Fatigueerosionmechanism
(c)Plasticdeformation (d)Erosionbybrittlefracture
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The mechanisms of erosive wear are not constant but are controlled by the angle of impingementofaparticle,itsspeed,itssizeandthephaseofmaterialthatconstitutesthe particles. The angle of impingement is the angle between the eroded surface and the trajectoryoftheparticleimmediatelybeforeimpact,asshowninFigure24.Alowangle ofimpingementfavourswearprocessessimilartoabrasionbecausetheparticlestendto track across the worn surface after impact. A high angle of impingement causes wear mechanisms,whicharetypicalinerosion. Thespeedoftheerosiveparticlehasaverystrongeffectonthewearprocess.Ifthespeed isverylow,thenstressesatimpactareinsufficientforplasticdeformationtooccurand wearproceedsbysurfacefatigue.Whenthespeedisincreased,forexample,to20m/s,it ispossiblefortheerodedmaterialtodeformplasticallyonparticleimpact.Inthisregime, whichisquitecommonformanyengineeringcomponents,wearmayoccurbyrepetitive
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plasticdeformation.Iftheerodingparticlesarebluntorsphericalthenthinplatesofworn materialformonthewornsurfacebecauseofextremeplasticdeformation.Iftheparticles are sharp, then cutting or brittle fragmentation is more likely. Brittle materials, on the other hand, wear by subsurface cracking. At very high particle speeds, melting of the impacted surface might even occur (C. S. Yust and R. S. Crouse, 1975). The angle of impingementandtheotherlistedparametersareillustratedschematicallyinFigure24.
Figure24Physicalandmaterialparametersforcontrollingerosivewear(Batcheloretal., 2002) There are two modes of erosive wear, called the ductile mode of erosive wear (at moderate particle speeds) and the brittle mode of erosive wear. The ductile mode of erosive wear depends on tangential movement of the impingement particle across the eroded surface for wear particle to be produced by searing or cutting. This tangential movement is favoured by a very small angle of impingement as opposed to normal impact. However, the angle of impingement is zero, there will be no kinetic energy of impactbetweenparticleandwornsurfacetoinitiateindentationbytheparticleandchip formation.Amaximumintheductilemodeoferosivewearisusuallyfoundclosetoan angle of 30 , which represents a compromise between the requirements of tangential particle movement and impact energy. For the brittle mode of erosive wear, the maximuminerosivewearoccuraround90,wherethekineticenergyofimpactisata maximum.Thewearratesasafunctionofimpingementangleforthebrittleandductile modesoferosivewearareshownschematicallyinFigure25. Erosive wear by liquid particlesis mostly limited to the brittle mode, where the rate of wearisfarmoresensitivetoparticlevelocitythanwhensolidparticlesareinvolved.For liquids, erosive wear is observed to be proportional to approximately the 5th power of impactvelocitywhileforsolidswear,itisproportionaltothesquareofimpactvelocity approximately(Batcheloretal.,2002).Materialwithhightoughnessareusuallythemost effective at resisting erosive wear, as hard materials are often too brittle to be wear resistant.Thesizeoftheparticleiscriticaltowearresistanceassmallparticles,e.g.8 m averagesizestendtoerodebyductileshearingofthewornmaterial.Thischaracteristicis
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observed because brittleness depends on the presence of at least one defect in the deformed volume. Since the deform volume decreases in proportion to particle size, erosive wear at small particle sizes is more likely to be ductile than erosion at large particle sizes, where the apparent brittleness of the worn material is higher. High hardness materials are therefore more likely to be effective in resisting erosive wear by small particles, whereas tough materials are suitable for larger particles of 50 m sizes andlarger.
Figure25Contrastindependenceonimpingementangleforbrittleandductilemodesof wear(StachowiakandBatchelor,2006)
River sediments flowing along with water passing through the turbine are the reasons whythesedimenterosioninhydraulicturbinecomponentsoccurs.Theriversediments are in the form of clay, silt, sand and gravel with specific gravity approximately 2.6. In theriverhydraulics,sedimentparticlesareclassifiedintobedloadandsuspendedload basedontransportofsediment.Alltheparticles,whichmoveclosetothebedbysliding, rolling or jumping are called bed load. These particles have much lower velocity than flowing water, whereas all those particles, which are carried away in suspension by flowingwater,arecalledsuspendedloadandtheyhavemoreorlesssamevelocityasthe flowing water. Fraction of suspended load is settled down in the settling basins or reservoirsandrestwillpassthroughturbinescausingerosionofcomponents. Sediments are made of fragmentation of rock due to chemical and mechanical weathering. The sediments in river are mixtures of different particle sizes as shown in Table21.Thisisasandfractionofthesediment,whichcausesturbineerosion.Thesand
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fraction can be further classified in to fine (0.06 0.2 mm), medium (0.2 0.6 mm) and coarse(0.62mm). Table21Classificationofriversediment(Lysneetal.,2003) Particle Size(mm) Clay <0.002 Silt Sand Gravel 260 Cobbles 60250 Boulders >250
0.0020.06 0.062
The fluid flow influence the particle velocity and direction, and several forces are also actingontheparticleforstabilizinganddestabilizingitspositiononitspaththroughthe turbine. Theparticle willbe affected mainly two different force categories (Lysne et al., 2003). Stabilizing forces: This is due to viscous and gravity forces that retard movementsoftheparticlesandhavestabilizingeffects Destabilizing forces: This is due to centrifugal and coriolis forces that slide the sedimentalongthebedwithalowvelocity,calledbedload.Theturbulenceforce willcauseirregularmovementinthefluidandtheparticlesastheymoveinthe samedirectionasthefluidsurroundingthem. When particles move along curved path, the centrifugal force and, if the system is rotating(includingglobalrotations),theCoriolisforcearepertinentdestabilizingforces. Exactinteractionsbetweenallassociatedfactorsarecomplicatedfornumericalanalysis. Sedimenttransportanalysismaygiveindicationonlocationofattackonturbine,which canbeusefultofocusonanoptimallocationoferosionresistantcoatinginturbine.
Thedragforceworksinthedirectionofthemainflow,andtheliftforceinthetransverse direction.Theforcesareproportionaltothesquareoftheflowvelocity.
FD =
1 C D AP U 2 2
FL = C L AP f U 2
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The buoyancy force is an effect of the difference between the density of the fluid and particles.Thegravityeffectinfluencestheparticlemotion.
FB =
d P ( P f ) g
Rotation force
FR = m ( 2 U P rP )
Turbulence force
Eddiesareformedinanirregularflowduetoshearingactioninsidetheflow.Eddieswill formanddissipateirregularly,andthisdisorderlyflowiscalledturbulenceeffect.
Since the sediment erosion damage is due to the dynamic action of sediment against a solid surface, characteristics of the sediment, fluids (carrying sediments) and base materialarejointlyresponsibleforsedimenterosion(Thapa,2004). Characteristics of the sediment (shape, size, hardness, concentration, material etc.), Characteristics of fluids (velocity, acceleration, impingement angle, medium of flow,temperature,turbulenceetc.)and, Characteristicsofthebasematerial(chemistry,elasticproperty,hardness,surface morphologyetc.)
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Particle characteristics are important but relatively poorly researched aspect of the erosionproblem(StachowiakandBatchelor,2006).Itisknownthathardparticlescause higher wear rates than soft particles (Goodwin et al., 1969 70). The sharpness of the particlehasalsobeenrecognizedasacceleratingerosivewear(Bahaduretal.,1990).Both oftheseparametershavebeenincludedinnumericalmodelsoferosivewear(Stachowiak etal.,1987).Theratioofparticlehardnesstosubstratehardnessseemstobeacontrolling parameter (Stachowiak et al., 1987). The significance of particle hardness becomes apparent when the hardness of some erosive, for e.g.,alumina,are compared to that of standard materials such as mild steel. In this instance, the ratio of particle to substrate hardnessisabout 10. Theeffect of particle hardnesson wear depends on theparticular modeoferosiveweartakingplace,e.g.,ductileorbrittle.Inthebrittlemode,theeffectof particlehardnessismuchmorepronouncedthanintheductilemode(Stachowiaketal., 1987). Itisimpossibletoisolatehardnesscompletelyfromotherfeaturesoftheparticlesuchas itsshape.Eveniftheparticleishardbutrelativelybluntthenitisunlikelytocausesevere erosivewear.Abluntparticlehasamostlycurvedsurfaceapproximatingtoaspherical shape while a sharp particle consists of flat areas joined by corners with small radii, whicharecriticaltotheprocessofwear. Variations in particle size in the range typical to engineering applications can cause fundamentalchangesintheerosionmechanism.Aseriesoferosiontestsonglass,steel, graphiteandceramicsrevealedthatasparticlesizewasincreasedfrom8.75 m to127
m in diameter, the mode of erosion changed from ductile to brittle. This caused the
erosive wear peak to move from 30 to 80 impingement angle and even more significantlyresultedinadramaticincreaseinerosivewearratesasshowninFigure26 (SheldonandFinnie,1966).Inbothcases,siliconcarbideimpingingataspeedof152m/s wasusedastheerosiveagent. It can also be seen from Figure 26 that particle size not only affects the wear rate but drastically alters the ranking of materials in terms of wear resistance. When the small particles were used as the erosive agent, the materials ranked according to their wear resistanceareinthefollowingorder:highdensityalumina>annealedaluminium>plate glass>highdensitymagnesia>graphiteandhardenedsteel.Inthiscase,apartfromthe annealed aluminium, erosive wear rate depends on the hardness of the material. Work hardening of the aluminium could be significant in this instance. On the other hand, when the large particles were used as the erosive agent, the order changes to annealed aluminium>hardenedsteel>highdensityalumina>highdensitymagnesia>plateglass >graphite.Therefore,inthiscasetoughnessofthematerialisimportant.Materials,which areneithertoughnorhard,e.g.,graphite,showinferiorerosionresistance.
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Figure26Effectofparticlesizeonmodeandratesoferosivewear(Hojoetal.,1986) The change in wear modes is believed to be a consequence of the average spacing of defects,e.g.,holesorcracksinasolid.Iftheimpingingparticlesareverysmall,thenonly aminorityoftheimpingementsiteswillcoincidewithadefect.Theimpingementsiteisa zoneofhighlystressedmaterialdirectlybeneaththeparticleonimpactandsimilarinsize to the particle. Plastic deformation is encouraged by an absence of defects and is the predominant mode of metal removal for small particles. Since repeated plastic deformation is required to remove material, this form of wear is relatively slow. For largererodingparticles,adefectisusuallypresentintheimpingementsiteandmaterial removal by brittle processes is therefore favoured. Since crack formation is rapid the brittlemodeoferosioncanbeaverydestructiveformofwear. Theincubationperiodoferosivewearreferstotheperiodfromthestartoferosiontothe onset of measurable positive wear. During the incubation period, wear either may be negligible or may appear to be negative. This latter characteristic is caused by eroding particles becoming trapped in the worn material. The incubation period is generally believed to relate to the accumulation of subsurface damage, e.g., cracks or strained materialsthataretheprecursorsofwearparticlerelease.Oncetheincubationperiodhas passed,wearusuallyproceedsataconstantrate.
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Generally, particle shapes are described qualitatively such as round, angular and semiround based on visual observation. The basic shapes found in the nature are generally uniform, but due to several reasons, actual shapes of particles are sharp and complex,whichcannotbedescribedinsimplemathematicalterms. The shape of the particle is a good indicator of erosion process, for instance, irregular shapewithsharpedgeincreaseserosionrate,whereas,bluntparticleswithroundedges arelesserosionrateingeneral.Mostoftheerosionmodelshaveincorporatedtheeffectof shape; hence, quantification of the shape parameter is essential for the estimation of erosionbysolidparticles.TogetherwithsomeoftheapproachessuggestedbyBahadur and Badruddin,1990, roundnessfactor and other statistical parameters arealso used to describetheshapeoftheparticles.Correlatingtheductileerosionwithcuttingbysingle pointcuttingtool,theshapeofparticlescanalsobedefinedintermofRakeangle,which is the angle between the front face of particle and normal to the target surface. Winter and Hutchings, 1975, also used this concept. H. Drolon et al., 2000, used multiscale roughness descriptor technique, based on harmonic wavelet transform for sediment particle analysis. Stachowiak, 2000, used Spike ParameterLinear Fit based on projected particle boundary and Spike ParameterQuadratic Fit based on curve fitting for major boundary to describe the angularity of the particles and studied their relation with erosionrate.Theseparametersarebasedonrepresentingtheparticleboundarybysetof triangles, which is directly related to particle erosivity. Chen and Li, 2003, simulated erosion using computer model (Microscale dynamic model, MSDM), and investigated the difference in erosion rate by three basic shapes: triangle, square and circle. The highesterosionlossinsingleparticleimpactisbytriangularparticlefollowedbycircular andsquare.Thisobservationisinagreementwithstressesinducedbycontactarea.The erosion loss changes when square particle is rotated at 45 and contact becomes the smallest.Inreality,severalparticlesstrikethesurfaceandtherankingoferosionwillbe different.Inthiscase,erosionbysquareshapeparticleisbiggerthancircular,becauseof plasticdeformationaftersubsequentstrikesisinalargerarea.Ingeneral,theerosionrate by triangular or square particles may be 1.5 times higher than the circular particles. ShresthaandSandeep,2005,studiedshapefeatureextractionandpatternrecognitionof sand particles and their impact on hydraulic turbines. A systematic approach to the problem was identified. Sand particles were collected from the erosion sensitive power plants and its digital images were acquired. Software was developed on MATLAB 6.5 platformtoextracttheexactshapeofsandparticlescollected.Theseshapeswerefurther beenanalyzedbyartificialneuralnetwork.Thisnetworkwasfirsttrainedfortheknown input and known output. After that, it was trained for unknown input and known output. Finally these networks can recognize anyshape given toit and gives the shape whichisnearesttothesevenpredefinedshape.Thesoftwarewastrainedforseventypes ofshapeswithshapenumber1to7inincreasingnumberofsharpedges.Theshapewith shape number seven is having large number of sharp edges, and is considered as most erosivewhereasshapewithshapenumberoneishavingroundedgesandconsideredas theleasterosive.
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4 N d2
Where, N is the load producing destruction of a single abrasive grain and d is its diameter. The values of rises with reduction in d because of the scale effect (Kragelsky,1985). Concentration
The sediment concentration is one of the dominating factor influencing erosive wear rates. Concentration is the total mass (or volume) of imparting particles present in the unitmass(orvolume)ofthefluid.Sometimes,italsocalledtheparticlefluxrate,orthe massoftheimpartingmaterialperunitareaandtime.Itcanalsoberepresentedinterms of percentage of particles in a given fluid mass (or volume). Especially for river sedimentation,concentrationisusuallyexpressedingramsperlitre(g/l).However,often parts per million (ppm) by weight is used, which is equivalent to mg/l, with the approximationof1,000ppmequalto1kg/m3ofwaterbeingnormalusage(1,000ppmis equivalentto0.1%). Erosivewearrateisproportionaltotheconcentrationuptoacertainlimitingvalueofthe wear. This limit has been observed in many studies and is believed to be the result of interference between rebounding particles and arriving particles. It is also possible for wearratestodecreasemarginallywhenthelimitingfluxisexceeded.
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Thereissurprisinglylittlequantitativeinformationontheeffectofsolidsconcentration.It is generally accepted that wear increases with concentration. Bak, 1966, and Antunes, 1966, consider this relationship to be direct. Bergeron, 1952, from tests on AlBr., suggested that this applies only to small amounts of solids, but for larger values, wear increasesmoreslowly;histheorystatesthatweartimesno.ofgrainsperunitsurfacearea isdependentonconcentrationandflowpattern.ArnoldandHutchings,1989,foundthat the limiting particle flux rate is highly variable, ranging from as low as 100 kg/m2s for elastomer to as high as 10,000 kg/m2s for erosion against metals by large particles (StachowiakandBatchelor,2006).Mostlyerosionrateisconsideredlinearlyproportional to concentration. Bjordal, 1995, found relations for different metals and coatings as follows.Erosionrate concentration0.25to.27 However,formostofthematerials,whentestedforlongerperiod,thisvalueiscloseto unity. Hence, considering erosion rate direct proportional to concentration with respect tovelocityisasatisfactoryapproximation.
Characteristics of fluids
The main characteristics of fluids include velocity and acceleration of water carrying sediment,impingementangle,mediaoftheflow,temperature,andturbulence.Theeffect ofeachcharacterisesonerosivewearisimportant.
W S1 S 2 S 3 S 4 M r V n
Where,S1=coefficientofsedimentconcentration,S2=coefficientofsedimenthardness,S3 = coefficient of sediment particle size, S4 = coefficient of sediment particle shape, Mr = coefficientofwearresistanceofbasematerial,andVn=relativevelocityofwater.
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BasedonexperienceofsomehydropowerstationsinLatinAmerica,followingvaluesof exponentnhavebeensuggested:n=3forFrancisrunner,n=3forGuidevanesandpivot ringliners,n=2.5forPeltonnozzles,andn=1.5forPeltonrunnerbuckets. In actual practice, material damage due to plastic deformation and cutting occur simultaneously and the ratio of these damage mechanisms depends on the velocity of particle and the impingement angle together with other parameters. Up to certain velocity,alsoreferredascriticalvelocityorthresholdvelocity,theparticlecannotskidin the surface due to friction and cutting action does not take place. Yabuki et al., 1999, found this critical velocity for silica sand and carbon steel pair as 2.5 m/s for 0.26 mm particles. As the velocity increases higher than critical velocity, both cutting and plastic deformationcomponentincreases,whichamplifytheerosionratedrastically.Themodes of erosion also vary depending on the velocity of the particles. At low velocity, the particles donot have enough energy to erode the material by cutting action, but elastic deformationorfatigueeffectmaybeobserved. Most often quoted expression for relation between erosion and velocity of particle is Erosion Velocityn, where the values of exponent n vary depending on material and otheroperatingconditions.Consideringtheimpactofparticlesduetokineticenergyas cause of material removal, theoretically, value of n is 3. However, the view and the finding of different researchers on the value of this exponent n are not alike. Truscott, 1971,reporteddifferentvaluesoftheexponent,forinstancen=1.4forsteelSt37ton=4.6 forrubbertestedonsandblastapparatus.Thevalueoftheexponentwillbelowerinthe case of combined effect of corrosion and erosion with higher corrosion intensity. However, sudden increase in this value can be observed in some velocity range when corrosion scales are removed. In the combined case of solid particle erosion and cavitation,Zhangetal.,1996,foundtheerosionrateproportionaltoperipheralspeedof discwithexponentvalueinbetween34.5fornonmetalliccoatings. Similarly, Arnold and Hutchings, 1990, found the velocity exponent for unfilled elastomerinbetween2.9and5.1forimpingementangle30and90respectively.Itmay be due to particle erosion at higher velocity is more significant than synergy due to cavitation and erosion. Daun et al., 2002, observed different values for different type of testrigforinstancen=2.5~3.0forrotarytypestand,n=1.8~2.7fordiscstands,andn= 2.0~2.2forwaterjetimpact.Therearebigdifferencesinvaluesofthevelocityexponent anditisdifficulttohaveuniformityinerosionratepredictionandsimulation. Mostoften,particlevelocityisconsideredsameasthefluidvelocity,whichisestimated based on continuity equation (Wood, 1999). This is not true in actual practice because generallyparticlevelocityislessthanthefluidvelocity.ZahaviandSchmitt,1981,found sand velocity one third of air velocity in jet type of erosion test rig. The accuracy of particle velocity is important in erosion models, but measurement of that is difficult in practice. Chevallier and Vannes, 1995, have mentioned light speed photography, optic gates and double rotating disc for measurement ofparticle velocity. Bjordal, 1995,used the velocity based on rotational speed of specimen. In the experimental part of this
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research,velocityoftheparticleswillbecomputedbyconsideringcontinuityequationof themixture.
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Itcanbeseenthattheincreasedparticledragforces,imposedbymoreviscousmedium, shiftparticleimpingementtothesidesoftheerodingcylinder.Theeffectofthemedium istoalterthelocationandtheformofwearsincetheimpingementangleisreducedby the shift to the cylinder sides. The mediuminduced reduction in impingement angle causesanincreaseinabrasiontypemechanismsoferosivewear.Ifanestimationofwear rates in a real machine is required, then a comprehensive analysis of the particle trajectoriesisessential.Forexample,ananalysisperformedfortheinletbladesofagas turbinegaveanexcellentagreementbetweenpredictedandactuallocationofwearspots (Tabakoff,1987).Anexampleoferosiveparticletrajectoriesbetweengasturbinebladesis showninFigure28.
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Figure28Exampleofparticletrajectoryanalysistopredicterosivewear(Stachowiakand Batchelor,2006) Theeffectofamediumisassessedintermsofthecollisionefficiency,whichistheratio of particles that actually hits a wearing surface to the theoretical number of particle impactsintheabsenceofanymedium.Itwasfoundthatthecollisionefficiencydeclines fromalimitingvalueof1forlargeparticles,e.g.,750 m size,tolessthan0.1forsmall particlesof7590 m size,atmediumviscositiesof0.005Pa(H.Mcletal.,1991).The reductionincollisionefficiencyisduetotheviscousmediumsweepingtheparticlespast thewearingsurface.Theerosivewearratewasfoundtocloselyfollowthesametrendas collisionefficiency,whichindicatesthattheprimaryeffectofaliquidmediumistodivert particles from the wearing surface. Increasing particle velocity reduces the influence of medium, so that at high slurry velocities, only large particles are affected by the mediumsviscosity(H.Mcletal.,1991).
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high temperatures, however, the underlying metal does not come into contact with the impingingparticlesbecauseofthethickoxidelayerpresent(Stephensonetal.,1986) and then,oxidationrates,notmechanicalproperties,controltheerosivewear.
Figure29Effectoftemperatureontheerosivewearrateofstainlesssteel(Stachowiak andBatchelor,2006)
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Thematerialusedfortheturbinecomponentsisequallyimportantfactorinthesediment erosiondamage.Hardnessofthematerial,itschemicalcomposition,microstructureand itsworkhardeningpropertyinfluencetheintensityoferosion.Thechoiceofthematerial for a particular component is to be made considering its ability to meet the functional requirements likeimpact strength andability to withstand cyclic loading inaddition to itswearresistance. Experiencehasshownthatitissufficientforcomponents,whicharenotverysusceptible to abrasion, such as spiral casings, nozzle pipes and draft tubes, to be made of plain
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structuralsteelorcastingsofadequatestrength,iftheirwettedsurfacesareprotectedby atough,elasticcoating.Variousepoxyandpolyurethanebasedplasticshaveprovedvery suitableforthispurpose.Thesecoatingmaterialsarerecommendedfornewcomponents andevenforerodedpartsaftersuitablepretreatment.Experiencealsoindicatesthatthe erosion resistance of stainless steel is very good compared to other materials. Stainless steelisstainlessbecauseofathinlayerofchromiumoxideontheirsurfaces.Thefilmof chromiumoxideisalsoresponsiblefortheresistanceofstainlesssteelstooxidation.Itis thereforenecessarythatstainlesssteelshaveaminimumof12%chromium.Inaddition to chromium, stainless steels also have other alloying elements like carbon, Nickel, Manganese, Molybdenum, Silicon and in some cases, Titanium and Columbium (Niobium).
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material. In some cases, the material can be extremely hard and tough so that the impactingparticleisunabletomakeanyimpressiononthesurface.Thisistheapproach adapted when developing metallic or ceramic erosion resistant materials. Alternatively, thematerialcanbetoughbutwithanextremelylowelasticmodulussothatthekinetic energy of the particles is harmlessly dissipated. These contrasting wear protection mechanismsareillustratedinFigure213.
Figure212Effectofprimarymaterialcharacteristicsanderosionparametersonerosive wearrate(Zumetal.,1987)
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Rubberisgenerallybelievedtoprovidegooderosionresistancebyelasticabsorptionof particle energy although this has not been demonstrated experimentally. It has been shownthatthefirstparticleimpactcausesnovisibledamagetoarubbersurfaceandthat weardependsonslowfatigueprocesses(ArnoldandHutchings,1990).Unfilledrubber shows good erosive wear resistance but surprisingly it is not resistant to abrasive wear (Arnold and Hutchings, 1990). The choice of erosion resistant material may also be compromised by other considerations such as operating temperature or material transparency. Clearly, temperatures inexcess of200 c precludepolymers from service, but if a transparent material is required for a specific application then metals are not particularly useful. For example, materials for aircraft windscreens, apart from being transparent, are required to be resistant to highspeed erosion by sand, dust and rain (Rao and Buckley, 1986). The relative merits and demerits of metals, polymers and ceramicsaserosivewearresistantmaterialsaresummarizedinTable22. Table22Relativequalitiesoferosivewearresistantmaterials(,1993) Material Metals Relativequalitiesregardingerosivewearresistance Largerangeoftoughnessandhardnesstosuitanyparticleorimpingement angle.Pronetohightemperaturecorrosion,andsofteningeffects;corrosive mediaalsoharmful. Very hard and increasingly tougher grades available. Resistant to high temperatures and corrosive media. Poor erosive wear resistance when brittlemodeprevails. Tough polymers and rubbers provide good erosion resistance even in corrosive media. Usage is restricted however by a relatively low temperaturelimit.
It was found that the erosive wear of steels shows the classical ductile erosion characteristic, i.e., a maximum wear rate at a low impingement angle of 30 with subsurface and surface cracking (Levy, 1987). This suggests that the erosive wear resistanceofsteelsislimitedbyalackofductility.Forverysofterosiveparticlessuchas coal, the inclusion of carbides promotes wear resistance slightly (Sargent and Saigal, 1986). Alloying of steel or cast iron to obtain a microstructure containing a significant amountofretainedausteniteisaneffectivemeansofreducingerosivewear.Bahaduret al.,1990,addingabout2.5wt%ofsiliconto0.7wt%carbonsteelorabout0.45wt%of siliconto2.54wt%castironresultsingooderosivewearresistance.Theoptimumheat treatmentofthissteelorcastironincludesarelativelylongaustemperingtimewhereall the martensite is removed and only retained austenite and bainitic ferrite are present. Generally, ductility rather than hardness should be enhanced in steels for improved erosivewearresistance.
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Therearemanydifferenttermsareusedtodefinethewear.Wearcanbeclassifiedand characterizedinseveralways(Thapa,2004).Severalauthorsgivedifferentexpressionsof wearanditsrate,basedupontheirweartestresults.Thewear/erosionrate(mm/year)is often expressed as functions of the velocity of the particles and proportionalto Vn. The velocity exponent n for pure erosion in between 3 to 4 has most often been reported. Sincewearrateisafunctionofvelocity,thismeansthattherelativeimportanceoferosion depends on the flow rate. Further, it depends on material hardness, grain size, solids concentration and temperature. The one most often quoted expression of wear is (Truscott,1972),
Wear (Velocity )
Where,theindexnmayvarydependingonthematerialandotherfactorsinvolved;the mostcommonvalueappearstobe3(Truscott,1972). Somemoredetailedanalysesconsiderwearasaffectedbytheforcesandvelocitiesacting on a particle in a liquid flow. Bovet, 1958, states that wear is directly proportional to abrasive power (Pf) of a particle impinging on a surface (mentioned by Truscott, 1972), and
Pf =
V ( s 1 ) c 3
Where,=coefficientoffrictionbetweenparticleandsurface,V=volumeofparticles= densityofparticle,1=densityofliquid,c=velocityofparticle,R=radiusofcurvatureof surface. In a much more involved analysis, but starting with the same basic assumption, Bergeron,1952,developsacomplicatedexpressionbasedonthestatement.
Wear ( accleration of main flow) (coefficient of friction ) (thickness of particle layer ) ( solid liquid density difference ) ( flow velocity )
He thus takes account of the difference between the solid and liquid velocities. He attemptstopredictwearratesinsimilarpumpshandlingsolidswithvaryingproperties, withsimplifiedassumptionssuchaspureslidingoftheparticlesoverthesurface,from theinitialexpression:
U 3 (P ) d 3 p K D
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Bitter,1963,inafundamentalstudyoferosionphenomena,butstrictlyfordryconditions, givesexpressionsforcuttinganddeformationwear,alsobasedonenergyconsiderations andthetypeofmaterialeroded,i.e.,whetherbrittleorductile. A few authors also develop expressions for pump service life. Both Bak, 1966, and Bergeron, 1952 (Truscott, 1972), consider this in terms of pump total head for given conditions. Vasiliev, 1970, gives a somewhat involved method, based on statistical analysis of pump wear tests, to predict life based on a specified maximum permitted wear. It is perhaps debatable whether these more complex theories can be used to predict absolute wear rates with any certainty; most involve empirical constants and other parameters difficult to determine for an actual machine (Truscott, 1972). In fact, Bergeronlo, 1952, admits that some of the assumptions made may be questionable. However,suchtheoriesareofsomevalueinpredictinglikelytrendsinwearrateswhen onlyoneortwooftherelevantfactorsarealtered(Truscott,1972). When considering a stationery plate as a unit of area with flow normally to its face surfacebyauniformsteadyliquidstream,itbecomespossibletoderivethemathematical relationshiprepresentingthemasslawsofhydroabrasiveerosion.Daunetal.,2002,gave relationoferosionandkineticenergy.Hestatedthatwithoutregardtothedeterioration pattern, the place erosion developed under the action on its surface of a single solid particleEisproportionaltothekineticenergypossessedbythismovingparticle,i.e.
E '=
m c2 2
where, m is mass of the particle, c is average particle velocity of translation, and is coefficient defined by the flow conditions, the material of the particle and the plate, as well as other factors. The number N of abrasive particles containing with the plate surfacefortimeintervaltcanbedefinedbytheexpression:
N = v t
m c2 E = E 'N = t 2
It can be assumed that velocity c of the solid particles suspended in the flows is proportionaltoflowspeedv,i.e. c = v ,therefore,equation2.12willbe,
E = 2
m 3 t 2
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E = k m 3 t
Equation (2.13) shows that the abrasive erosion of stationery component passed by a liquid flow with solid particles suspended varies in direct proportion to the mass of particles,theirvolumetricconcentration,the3rd poweroftheflowvelocityandduration oftheeffectexertedbytheflow.Thisisthetheoreticalevaluationofabrasionintensity.In practice, a large number of additional factors complicate the erosion of hydraulic machines. Moreover, there is no extra mathematical dependence, for the time being to definethem.
Mathematical models of erosion are useful for designing of hydraulic turbine components,sedimentsettlingbasinandoptimizationofhydropowerplantoperationin SedimentladenRiver.Mostoften,individualparticledynamicsareusedfordeveloping erosion models. Empirical and statistical relations are also often developed from experiments and field experiences. However, studies are heading toward numerical modelling and simulations, the importance of analytical models are increasing day by day (Thapa, 2004). Truscott, 1972, has found that the most often quoted expression for erosionisproportionalto(velocity)n. Extensive research has been done to develop a wear model in terms of the material properties involved but little attention has been given to clarify the influence of fluid motion,especiallyintheturbulentflowregime(Humphry,1990).Overtheyears,many models have been proposed for many different situations. Unfortunately, most models are corelational in nature and therefore system specific. They only work for the particular material pair, contact geometry, operating condition and range, and the particularenvironmentandlubricant.Theavailableequationsaresoconfusingthatfew designerscanuseanyofthemtopredictproductlifewithconfidence.Thecomplexityof wearandthelargenumberofparametersaffectingtheoutcomearetheprimaryreasons forthissituation. However,severalfundamentalstudiesoferosionbehavioursfordifferentconditionsare found while reviewing the available literatures, only general erosion model and some erosion models that have been developed for hydraulic machinery applications, is discussedhere.
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ThemostoftenquotedexpressionisWear (Velocity)nwhereindexmayvaryuponthe factors(ThapaandDahlhaug,2003).Thesimplestwayofwritingequationforerosionis: Erosion=f(operatingcondition,propertiesofparticles,propertiesofbasematerial) Generally, this expression is given as a function of velocity, material hardness, particle size,andconcentration.Bardal,1985,describesthemostgeneralformulaforpureerosion as,
W = K mat K evn c V n f ( )
Here, W is erosion rate (material loss) in mm/year, Kmat is material constant and Kenv is constantdependingonenvironment,cisconcentrationofparticlesandf(a)isfunctionof impingementangle.Visthevelocityofparticleandnistheexponentofvelocity.
Manyerosionmodelsaredevelopedforspecificpurposeorcondition(Thapa,2004).For example,Bittersmodelisdevelopedfordrycondition,henceitisnotclearwhetherthis equationrealisticallypredicterosionrateforwetconditionornot.Fewresearchershave presented models specifically for hydraulic machinery. Truscott, 1972, presented the equation of Bergeron, 1952, to predict the erosion rate of pump with simplified assumptionssuchaspureslidingofsphericalparticlesoverthesurface.
V2 ( p ) d 3 p K D
Where,Visthecharacteristicvelocityofliquid,Disthecharacteristicdimensionofthe machine,pisdensityofparticle,disdiameterofparticle,pisnumberofparticlesper unitsurfacearea,isdensityofliquidandKisexperimentalcoefficientdependingupon natureofabrasiveparticles.Thisequationisdependsonexperimentalcoefficient,which isdependentonabrasivenatureofparticles. Daun et al.,2002, established the equation forsurface erosion based onimpact effect of particlesconsideringkineticenergyofsingleparticle.Theyhaveanticipateddeviationon erosion estimated by equation due to uncertainties like nonhomogeneous particles, variable concentration, continuous alteration and pulsation of velocities and pressure, nonuniform flow distribution and so on. On the contrary, to laboratory tests, Tsuguo, 1999, established the relationship of factors concerning erosion of turbines based on 8 years erosion data of 18 hydropower plants. The repair cycle of turbine is determined according to calculation of turbine erosion from equation, which gives erosion rate in termoflossofthicknessperunittime(w).
z W = c x a y k1 k 2 k 3 VChar
Where is turbine coefficient at eroded part; c is the concentration of suspended sediment,andVisthecharacteristicvelocity.Thetermaisaveragegrainsizecoefficient basedonunitvalueforgrainsize0.05mm.Thetermsk1andk2areshapeandhardness
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coefficient of sand particles and k3 is abrasion resistant coefficient of material. The x, y and z are exponent values for concentration, size coefficient and velocity respectively. Thevalueofxandyareclosetotheunityandanydeviationofthislinearproportionality is determined from plot of wear versus parameter. The values of z are proposed for different turbine components based on relation between relative velocity and erosion. Minimum value of n is proposed as 1.5 for Pelton bucket and maximum value is 3 for Francis turbine runner. Similarly, for Francis turbine guide vanes and Pelton turbine needle,thisvalueisproposedas2.5. IEC 2008, recommended the following theoretical model of abrasion rate in order to demonstratehowdifferentcriticalaspectsimpacttheparticleabrasionrateintheturbine. dS/dt = f(particle velocity, particle concentration, particle physical properties, flow pattern,turbinematerialproperties,otherfactors) However,thisformulabeingoflittlepracticaluse,severalsimplificationsareintroduced. Thefirstsimplificationistoconsidertheseveralvariablesasindependentasfollows: dS/dt = f(particle velocity) . f(particle concentration) . f(particle physical properties, turbine material properties) . f(particle physical properties) . f(flow pattern) . f(turbine materialproperties).f(otherfactors) This simplification is not proven. Nevertheless, based on literature studies and experience, it is felt that this simplification is justified for hydraulic machines. Finally, IECsuggestedthefollowingexpressionwithadditionalsimplificationsandnewvariable.
S = W 3 PL K m K f
The abrasive and erosive wear was initially thought to consist of one or two relatively simplemechanisms,butitisnowrealizedthatmanyprocessesareinvolvedandsomeof them are not yet well understood. Most of the common expressions for erosive wear models for hydraulic machinery are based upon the experimental experience only. The sediment erosion damage of mechanical components is due to the dynamic action of sediment flowing along with water, which involves different forces and many other influencingfactorsthatmaketheerosionmechanismfurthercomplex.Moreresearchand developmentisneededtounderstandtheactualmechanismsofparticlemovementand erosioninsidethehydraulicmachines.
Hydraulic turbines mainly divided into two groups: Impulse and Reaction. This classification is based upon the principle of energy conversion. Pelton and Turgo are examplesofImpulseturbines.Francis,KaplanandBulbturbineareexamplesofreaction turbines.Thecrossflowturbinesaretwostageimpulseturbineusedforsmallerunits. Ingeneral,anumberoffactorsinfluencethedevelopmentofsedimenterosionprocessof hydraulic machinery. These factors include mean velocity of particles, mass of the particle,concentrationoftheabrasiveparticlesinaliquidflow,grainsizeandshapeof the particles and angle of attack at which the particles collide with the surface etc. In practice, a large number of additional factors involved and further complicated the erosionofhydraulicmachinery.Inaddition,thereisnoexactmathematicaldependence, forthetimebeing,todefinethem.Variableconcentrationandstructuralinhomogeneity of suspended particles, continuous alternation and pulsation of both velocities and pressureduringthemotionoftheflow,andvarianceinoperation,anddesignfeaturesof hydraulic machinery itself, caused the actual pattern of the erosion more complicated anddifferent(Duanetal.,2002). Most often, it is difficult to distinguish the exact type of erosion on the hydraulic machinery. Duan et al., 2002, have described the erosion of hydraulic turbines in six categories as shown in Table 31 based upon the visual appearance. This classification couldbeusetoevaluatethehydraulicpatterns.
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Table31Turbineerosioncategories(Duanetal.,2002) S.N. Type Description 1 Metallicluster AShiningsurfacewithnotracesofpaint,scaleor rust 2 Finescalyerosion Asurfacewithrare,separatelylocatedandskin deepminutescales 3 Scaleerosion Asurfaceentirelycoveredwithskindeepfinescale 4 Largesizedscalyerosion Asurfaceentirelycoveredwithdeepandenlarged scales 5 Indeptherosion Asurfacecoveredwithdeepandlongchannels 6 Throughholeorentire erosion Outofthematerial
Similarly,B.S.Mann,1999,collecteddataonwearpatternsofdifferentsedimentaffected hydro turbine components at various hydropower stations in India in order to analyse the wear patterns. This was compared with the data available with some foreign hydropower stations from Switzerland, Pakistan, and China. It was observed that the wear patterns have a resemblance and there is a significant relevance to the flow characteristics of all the power stations. The wear pattern on a particular component is foundtobesimilar. As mentioned by Thapa, 2004, Matsumura and Chen, 2002, classified the erosion conditioninReactionturbinesinthreecategories,asI,IIandIII,basedupondifferencein flowvelocityandimpingementangleofparticle.ThisclassificationisshowninTable32, which was developed based on erosion test of specimens located at different turbine components.Fromthisclassification,itisnotpossibletointerpretthedifferenttypeof erosion on the same component of turbine, for example, the turbine blade, can have differenttypeoferosionatleadingedgeandtrailingedge. Table32Classificationoferosion(MatsumuraandChen,2002) Typeoferosion Location Flowvelocity I SpiralcasingDrafttube Low II RunnerbladeGuidevane High III Wearingring High
Brekke,2002,classifiedthesedimenterosioninhydraulicmachineryintothreedifferent categories, namely, micro erosion, secondary flow vertex erosion, and acceleration erosion. Micro erosion is found on the surface of turbine components where fine particles with grains size less than 60 m are moving at very high velocity. High shear stress in the boundarylayersgiveshighrotationalmotiontotheseparticlescausingseveralripplesin
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the directionof flow. The patterns with such erosion are also comparedas fish scale or orangepeel.SuchtypeoferosioncanappearinguidevaneandrunnerbladeinaFrancis turbinetowardsoutletandintheneedleofaPeltonturbine. Obstaclesintheflowfieldorsecondaryflowinthecornersofconduitscausessecondary flow vortex erosion. Any obstruction in the flow field causes secondary flow and horseshoe vortex is generated around the cylindrical obstacles like guide vane leading edge. Similarly the needle of the Pelton wheel have vortex behind the ribs supporting needle and hence vortex erosion takes in the straight line downstairs the ribs. The vortices in the corner of conduits like guide vanesfacing plates and bladesband also cause this type of erosion. Such vortices and secondary flow are caused by combined effect of boundary layer and change in flow acceleration. The design of hydraulic machineryworkingintherangeofhighReynoldsnumbers,(106108)willnormallybe exposedallthreetypesoferosion.
Generally,Peltonturbinesaredesignedforlowspeednumber,rangefrom0.1to0.2,the velocity in the jets will be higher than 100 m/s. The acceleration of the particles in the bucketswillnormallybemorethan50,000m/s2,whichdependsonthesizeofthebuckets andheadoftheturbine.Thehighvelocityandaccelerationofparticlesatthebucketsare main reasons for the sediment erosion. Brekke, 2002, categorized the Pelton turbine componentsintofourgroupsinordertostudythesedimenterosionphenomenon.Those areinletsystem,nozzlesystem,turbinerunnerandthewheelpit.
Inlet system
Inlet system consists of manifold and valve. The velocity at inlet system is normally maintained low. Brekke, 2002, provided the following velocity relations in order to designtheinletsystemofthePeltonturbines. Atinletmanifold, C = k i Atvalve, C = k v Atnozzle, C = k n
2 g h [0.08<ki>0.1]
[0.095<kv>0.12] [kn>0.99]
2 g h 2 g h
Becauseofthelowoperatingvelocityattheinlet,theinletsystemorpipeswillhaveonly moderate effect of sediment. Hence, application of high erosion resistance rubber, and
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epoxy based coating or paint may prevent erosion in such pipes. Slight erosion of this systemdoesnotaffecttheperformanceoftheturbinebyanymeans,butsevereerosionin bifurcationandbendsislikelytoincreasetheleakageandinworstcaseruptureofpipe. Regular inspection and maintenance should be carried out to prevent any catastrophic effect.
Nozzle system
Nozzlesystemincludesnozzleringandneedle.HighheadPeltonturbine,forexample, 1,200mheadcanhavejetvelocityupto150m/s.Suchahighvelocitycandamageboth the nozzle and the needle. The flow is accelerated from the outlet of fins supporting needlesuptonozzletipandallthepressureenergyavailableinthewaterisconverted into kinetic energy. High velocity combined with the needle geometry creates strong turbulenceintheboundarylayerclosetoneedletip.Thefineparticlesbombardingdueto turbulencestrikestheneedlesurfaceseveraltimesandsevereerosioncanbeseeninshort time. Cavitation canfollow ina shortinterval of time andsevere damage ofthe needle cantakeplace.Thenozzletipsarerelativelysharpandlessthan1mmcontactbetween nozzle and needle are maintained to reduce cavitation damage and to obtain highest possible efficiency. This makes the nozzle tip vulnerable to sand erosion. If nozzle diameterincreasesby5%duetoerosionattip,theturbinewillrunat10%loadevenif needleisatclosedposition.Itmayaffectentirecontrolsystemofthepowerplant. The photographs presented in Figure31 illustrate the extent of sediment erosion in Peltonturbinenozzleandneedle.Thesephotographsweretakenfromthelecturernotes providedbyprofessorOleGunnarDahlhaug,NTNU.
(a)Nozzleneedle,Mel,Norway(b)Nozzlering,AndhiKhola,Nepal Figure31SedimenterosionatPeltonturbinenozzleandneedle
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The protection of needle and nozzle surface by applying ceramicmetallic coatings may helptoimproveerosionresistance.Ceramiccoatingisnotveryeffectiveincaseoflarger size particles. There is very little scope to improve the erosion resistance of needle and nozzle by hydraulic design, but maintainability can be improved by designing replaceablenozzlestip.
Peltion turbine runner consists of splitter, bucket tip and bucket surface. Sediment erosion can be found in all components however, the nature of erosion is different. In highheadPeltonturbines,theabsoluteaccelerationrangenormaltothesurfacecouldbe 50,000100,000m/s2.Suchahighaccelerationisthemainreasonofsedimenterosionin turbinebuckets,whichhasastrongeffectonseparationofparticlesfromstreamline.The characteristics of damage due to fine and coarse sediment are different. With coarse particles, most of the damages are in the area where the jet directly hits at the bucket surface. Surface damage is observed due to the hammering action and not due to the cuttingactionbysharpedge.Longscarsarealsoseenintheflowdirectionineachsideof the bucket splitter but no damage is observed at the root of the bucket. Splitters and entrancelipsaremostseverelydamagedportionofthebuckets,becauseofdirecthitting of particles. The photographs presented in Figure 32 illustrate the extent of sediment erosioninPeltonturbinebucketsandsplitter.
(a)Bucketsurface,Khimti,Nepal Figure32SedimenterosionatRunnerbuckets Theaccelerationofparticlesnormaltotheflowdirectionseparatestheparticlesfromthe flow direction and such accelerating particle strikes the surface causing collision in the water conduit surface. Large particles, for instance higher than 0.5 mm, cause severe damageinthePeltonturbinebucket.
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Fineparticlesmayglidealongwithwaterinsidethebucketandstrikethesurfacetoward outletedge,causingsevereerosionaroundtheoutlet.Duetodistortionofbucketprofiles near the outlet, but not at the edge where the acceleration is zero, the direction of flow changesbendinginwardandstrikebacksideoffollowingbucketwithbrakingeffect.This phenomenonisschematicallyexplainedinFigure33
Figure33IllustrationofseparationofparticleinaPeltonbucket(ThapaandBrekke, 2004) Thapa and Brekke, 2004, have drawn some conclusions based upon the different hydropowerplantserosionpatternsobservations: If the particles are fine (silts), then there will be erosion on the needle but not mucherosioninthebuckets If the particles are coarse (sand), then there will be erosion in the buckets and thereislesserosionofneedles Withmediumsizeparticles,bothneedleandbucketwillbeeroded
Sediment erosion problem cannot be solved completely by hydraulic design alone however,thiscanbeminimisedtosomeextent.Thethreebasiccriteriaforthedesignof Peltonturbinetominimizetheeffectofsanderosionareasfollows(Brekke,2002).
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Generally, Francis turbines are designed for speed number, range from 0.2 to 1.5. High headFrancisturbinesaremostlyaffectedbysedimenterosion.Forthehighheadtypeof Francisturbine,approximately50%ofenergyisconvertedintokineticenergyatguide vaneandremaining50%isretainedaspressureenergy.Theinletvelocitycouldreachup to8595m/sonhighheadturbines.Hence,guidevanefaceshighabsolutevelocity.The runneroutlethashighestrelativevelocity.Thevelocityattherunneroutletisnormally selectedaround40m/sduringdesigntoensureflowofwateroutoftheturbine.Brekke, 2002,categorizedtheFrancisturbinecomponentsintofourgroupsinordertostudythe sedimenterosionphenomenon.Thoseareinletsystem,guidevanessystem,runnersand labyrinthseals,drafttubes,andshaftseals.
InletsystemofFrancisturbineconsistsofmanifold,valves,bypasssystem,spiralcasing andstayvanes.ComparedtoinletvalveofPeltonturbine,itsinletvalvewillface50% less pressure during closing due to pressure created by spinning runner. Hence inlet valve of Francis turbine have rubber seal against movable steel seal, which has better erosionresistance.Itisimportanttomakebypasssystemlargerinordertocreatehigher possible pressure in the spiral casing before opening the valve seals because lower pressureinthespiralcasingduringopeningwillincreasethedamageofthevalveseals andbypassvalveseals.Hence,bypasssystemintheFrancisturbinehastobestronger thanPeltonturbinetocreatehigherpressureinspiralcasing.Thestartingpressureinthe guidevanesystemgivesindicationofleakageduetosanderosion.Thevelocityatspiral casing is higher than Pelton turbine manifold because of shorter distance between inlet valveandguidevanes.Thevelocityattheinletofthespiralcasingisalmostsameasthe meridionalvelocityattherunneroutletandinletofvalve. The stay vanes have the main purpose of keeping the spiral casing together. The dimensionshavetobegivenduetothestressesinthestayvanes.Thevanesaredesigned sothattheflowisnotdisturbed,andtheydirecttheflowintotheturbine.Becauseofthe secondary flow in the spiral casing, an incorrect flow angle towards the top and the bottom region of inlet of stay vanes in traditional design often cause secondary flow erosioninhighheadturbines.SimilarphenomenonhasbeenobservedatCahuapower
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plant,wherepaintandmaterialareremovedduetotheerosionatthestayvaneinletas showninFigure34(a).
The corrosion followed by removal of paint accelerates the erosion rate. However, modern parallel stay rings reduces incorrect flow and minimizes erosion at stay vane inlet. Under normal condition, erosion resistant paints can be used in spiral casing and stayvane,butforhighheadturbines,stainlesssteelstayvanescanbeusedtoreducethe effect of sediment erosion. The mid height of the leading edge part is exposed to less erosion intensity. Near the upper and lower cover at the inlet, ringshaped erosion grooves,asshowninFigure34(b),wereobserved(MetteEltvik,2009).
The guide vane system is highly affected by sediment erosion due to highest absolute velocityandacceleration.Forhighheadturbines,therelativevelocityhead(C2/2g)/Hnfor guide vane increases from 10 % at guide vane inlet to 50 % at runner inlet. At normal speed,pressuredropacrosstheguidevanewillbeapproximately40%ofnetheadatfull load and 50 % at small opening, which is one of the reason for cross flow and hence erosiontakesplaceatthejunctionofguidevanesandfacingplates.Themainreasonfor crossflowisthepressuredifference.Theerosionofguidevaneduetosandladenwater canbeclassifiedinfollowingfourcategories(Brekke,2002): Turbulence erosionat the outlet regionand facing plate due to high velocity of finegrainsand Secondaryflowerosioninthecornerbetweenguidevaneandfacingplatesdue tofineandmediumsizeparticles,whichmakeshorseshoegroovesinthefacing platesfollowingcontoursofguidevanes Leakage erosion at the clearance between guide vane and facing plate due to local separation and turbulence increasing the horseshoe vortex in the suction
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side.Theleakagealsocauseslocalseparationandturbulenceatthepressureside atinletandsuctionsideatoutletofguidevanescausingevenadeepgrooveat thebottomandtopoftheguidevanes Acceleration erosion is caused by separation of large particles from the streamlines of main flow due to rotation of water in front of the runner. This accelerationofparticleisnormaltothestreamlineandstrikesguidevanesurface causing severe erosion. This acceleration also creates secondary flow causing erosion at the corner between the guide vanes and the facing plates by fine particles In Cahua power plant, as shown in Figure 35 (a), more erosion is observed near the transitionalzonetothelowercover,duetothehighaccelerationandabsolutevelocityin theguidevanecascade.Theaccelerationerosionintheguidevaneinreactionturbinecan be reduced by designing the flow with smoothest possible acceleration. The stay vane outletangleshouldbecarefullychosensothatguidevanewillbeinneutralpositionin normal operation condition. Similarly, reduction of clearance between guide vane and facingplateavoidcrossflowandsecondaryflow.Metalsealingareusedtoreducegap between guide vane andfacing plateswith the intention to improve efficiency, but this could be more destructive once damage of such seal commence. The turbulence and secondary flow create dangerous galling in facing plates. It destroys flow pattern and reduces turbine efficiency. The covers will be exposed to erosion since the acceleration normal to the streamline creates secondary flow, especially at the corners between the facingplatesandguidevaneasclearlyseeninFigure35(b).Thiseffectoccursbecauseof thehorseshoevortexandheavyerosiongroovesareobserved.
(a)Erodedguidevanes(b)Horseshoesvortexoffacingplates Figure35ErosionatguidevaneandfacingplatesatCahuapowerplant The guide vane clearance for new turbine is recommended roughly 0.1 0.3 mm in pressurized condition, which is dependent on deflection of the head cover. Low initial dry clearance in the order of 0.05 to 0.1 mm may give low clearance in pressurized condition,butsuchalowdryclearancemaycauseabrasionandadhesionbetweenguide vane and facing plates. The facing plates can be improved by cladding underneath the
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guidevanes,butthedifferenceinhardnessbetweenguidevanesandfacingplatesshould bemaintainedtoavoidgallingofthesurface.Thehardnessof16Cr5NiGuidevaneswith 350400 HB and facing plate of 17Cr1Ni with 300 HB is an example of appropriate combination, which avoids galling and abrasion. The necessary tolerance and surface finishatthematingpartofguidevaneandfacingplateshouldalsobemaintainedtoget rid of these problems. The maintainability of the facing plate is often improved by designingreplaceablelayertosavemaintenancetimeandexpensivebulkmaterial.
In the runner, the highest relative velocity occurs at outlet region while the highest absolutevelocityandaccelerationsmaybefoundattheinletoftheblade.Hence,impact due to kinetic energy is small compared to force exerted by large accelerating particle. Contrary to this, the relative velocity is the highest at the outlet of the runner blade. Hence, turbulence erosion due to fine sand is always susceptible at the trailing edge of theblade.Alsobecauseofhighrelativevelocity,mostoftheparticleswillmovetowards outerdiameterintherunneroutletandhencemoreeffectoferosionisseenthere.Inlet regionoftherunnerissensitivetoincorrectpressuredistributionbetweenpressureand suctionsideandanyseparationcausedbythismaycauseseverelocalerosionattheinlet duetofinegrainsand.Crossflowfromthehubtotheshroudcausedbyincorrectblade leaningwillalsoincreasethesocalledhorseshoevortexinthebladeroots.Theerosionat runneroutletofCahuapowerplantisshowninFigure36.
(a)Erosionatrunneroutlet (b)Erosionatpressuresideofblade
Figure36ErosionatrunneratCahuapowerplant The improvement of blade leaning and correct blade loading at inlet may improve performanceofFrancisturbineagainsterosion.Thesplitterbladesattheinletofrunner help to reduce damage of flow around leading edge at off design operation, which ultimatelyimprovestheresistancetosanderosionandcavitation.Incorrectbladeleaning mayleadtocrossflowbetweenhubtobandandsuchcrossflowmayintensifyerosion effecttogetherwithotherlossassociatedwithit.
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Labyrinth seals
The velocity in labyrinth is in order of 45 m/s for high head turbine. Labyrinth seals havingsmallclearanceandworkingwithcoarsesandmayalsohaveerosionaswellas abrasion effect. The efficiency of a labyrinth seal is inversely proportional to clearance gap.Hence,gapsshouldbemadethesmallestpossibletohaveminimumleakage,butit has to be sufficiently large to avoid any direct contact between rotating and stationary part.Theclearancebetweenthestationaryandrotatingpartsisvariedbetween0.25to1.0 mm depending on the size of the turbine. The turbulence erosion due to fine sand is alwayssusceptibleinthelabyrinthsealbecauseofhighvelocityinitssurrounding.The rotatinglabyrinthsealsaremadeupofsteelstoachievelongerlife,whilestationaryseals are normally made of softer materials such as bronze. The replacement cost for the stationarysealischeaper.However,inthecaseofhighsedimentconcentration,eventhe stationarysealscanbemadeupofsteel,whichhashighererosionresistancethansofter material.
Draft tube
Thedrafttubesectionclosertorunnerwillbeexposedtothehighestvelocitybecauseof highabsolute velocity ofwater coming out of runner andsomesediment erosion effect canbeanticipated.Apartfromthisportion,sedimenterosionisnormallynoproblemin drafttube.
Shaft seal
Mechanical shaft seal will be damaged if the sandladen water is exposed to it. The damagecouldbeduetomoreabrasionthanerosion.Shaftsealsarenormallymadeupof carbon rings, bronze and steels with lower hardness compared to shaft material. Apart from selection of erosion and abrasion resistance material for seals, insertion of pressurizedcleanwaterintheshaftsealalsoavoidswear.
ThefollowingIECguidelinesexplainsomerecommendedmethodstominimizeparticle abrasionandtheeffectsthereof,bymodificationstodesignforcleanwater.Itshouldbe understood that every hydraulic power plant is a compromise between several requirements. While it is possible to design a unit to be more resistant against particle abrasion,thismayadversely,affectotheraspectsoftheturbine.Someexamplesare:
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Thicker runner blades may result in decreased efficiency and increased risk of vibrationsfromvonKarmanvortices. Fewer runner blades (in order to improve the access to the blade surfaces for thermalspraysurfacetreatment)mayresultinreducedcavitationperformance. Abrasion resistant coatings may initially result in increased surface roughness, whichmayreducetheefficiency. Reduced runner blade overhang may result in reduced cavitation performance, whichinturnmayreducetheoutputthatcanbeachievedforaturbineupgrade. Manyabrasionresistancedesignfeatureswillincreasethetotalcostofthepower plant. Theoptimumcombinationofabrasionresistantdesignfeaturesmustbeconsideredand selectedforeachsitebasedonitsspecificconditions.
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Ifabrasionisexpectedandtheturbinetypeisdefined,notonlythehydraulicdesignbut alsothemechanicaldesigncantakesomeprecautionstoreducetheabrasionrateandto allow easy maintenance or replacement of the abraded parts. Generally, for the design, the area exposed to the abrasive wear should be as small as possible. As well, discontinuitiesandsharptransitionsordirectionchangeoftheflowshouldbeavoided. The turbine shaft seal should have rubber rigs in place of carbon rings and its design shouldbesuchastoallowdismantlingandreplacementintheshortestpossibletime.The thickness of the runner blade in the area prone to erosion should be increased. These areas are mainly at runner outlet. Increasing the wall thickness is a method to increase theoverhaulintervalofacomponentduetoabrasion.Forstructuralcomponents,which
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do not influence the efficiency, the wall thickness can be increased in critical areas to avoidearlyfailureofthecomponentduetohigherstresses. The material selection for components, which are subject to abrasive wear, is another important criterion. Generally, weldable stainless steel materials are preferred. If both corrosiveandabrasiveattackanticipatedthenstainlesssteelispreferred.Consideringthe largerhardness,martensiticsteelispreferredoverausteniticsteel.Furthermore,shaftseal with clean sealing water is recommended. Normally, shaft seals in units, which are operated with water and, which contains abrasive particles, have to be fed with clean sealing water. It must be avoided that the contact surface or the wearing surface get contactwiththeabrasiveparticles.
Operation of turbine
Operation of a turbine at part load and full load is marked by reduced efficiency, increased flow turbulence and higher relative flow velocities at turbine runner outlet. Presenceofsecondaryflowsandaccompanyingvorticesleadtoincreasedlocalvelocities. Sincesuchflowconditionsareconducivetoincreasedsedimenterosion,attemptshould bemadetoavoidsuchoperationswhenwatercarriesexcessivesediment. Thefollowingactionsarerecommendedforconsiderationduringoperationoftheunits. Shutdownunitsathigherparticleconcentrationperiods.Thismayavoidconsiderable wear on the unit for a small amount of lost production. Especially for run of river schemes, where large variation in particle concentration can happen very fast this strategycanbeuseful. Minimizeamountofdebrispassingthroughunit.Largesoliditems,forexamplelogs, gravel(largerthan2mm),etc.maydamagethehydraulicsurfacesandanyabrasion resistant coatings. Damage to hydraulic surfaces may increase the turbulence of the flow, which will increase the abrasion damage. This is especially important for high headFrancisandPeltonunits,sincethewatervelocitiesareveryhighandtheseunits relyonsmoothhydraulicsurfacestokeeptheturbulencelow. Do not operate the unit in case the abrasion damage jeopardizes the safety of operation.Astheabrasiondamageprogresses,theunitwilleventuallybecomeunsafe tooperate.Thiscouldforexamplebeduetosealleakageincreasingsomuchthatthe axialthrustexceedsallowablelimitsorthattheremainingmaterialthicknessofsome componentfallsbelowacceptableminimumthickness.Regularinspectionsofcritical components should be made at least every year and inspection results must be comparedwithpredefinedacceptancecriteria. Avoid low load operation as much as possible. Low load operations are the worst operatingconditionswithrespecttoabrasionformostcomponentsandturbinetypes.
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Closeinletvalveatshutdown.Withaturbineatstandstillandthewatershutoffonly by the guidevanes, the water leakingpast the guide vane clearances will have very highvelocity,closetothefreespoutingvelocity.Thiswillcauseabrasionwearinthe guidevaneapparatus.Byclosingtheinletvalve,thisabrasioniseliminated.Toclose theinletvalveisespeciallyimportantforhighheadunits. Hard coatings are verysensitive to cavitation. Thus, in machineswith such coatings all operating conditions that lead to cavitation must be avoided and strictly stick to therecommendedoperatingrangefortheturbine.
A few instances have been noticed where under identical conditions of sediment, the intensity of damages at different hydropower stations were not identical. While components at a particular power station eroded very fast, damages to components at otherpowerstationswereinsignificant.Thisleadsonetobelievethatequipmentdesign hasaroletoplayininfluencingtheintensityoferosion(Naidu,1999). TheauthorearlierdesignedaFrancisturbineforsedimentladenwaterthatconsidering theerosionoftheFrancisturbineoccursmainlyattheoutletoftheguidevanesandatthe outletoftherunnerblades.Inordertoreducetheerosionrateoftheturbine,theabsolute velocityattheinletoftherunnerandtherelativevelocityattheoutletoftherunnerhave tobereduced.Inthisstudy,theflowandheadwerekeptconstantwhilethespeed,inlet peripheralvelocityandoutletrunnerbladeanglewerechangedaccordingtoTable33. Table33Variableinputparameters Speed rpm n 750 600 500 433 375 333 300 275 Inletperipheral U 1 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.8 0.83 0.86 0.89 0.92 Velocity,reduced Outletbladeangle degree 2 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 Theresultsshowthattheoutletdiameterchangesrelativelylittlewhiletheinletdiameter changes drastically. The reduction of the erosion at the outlet is more than at the inlet. ThisisshowninFigure37.Theinletangleoftheturbinehaschangedsothatthedesign looks more like a pumpturbine. This means that the turbine will be larger than the traditionaldesign. The reduction of the erosion islinked to the reduction of the velocity and therefore the sizeoftheturbineincreases.Thisresultinahigherpriceoftheturbine,butitwillreduce themaintenancecostsduringitslifetime.Ithasbeenshownfromthecalculationthatthe design of the runner can decrease the sand erosion but it is not possible to avoid this problemcompletelybydesignalone.
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However,ifaFrancisturbinedesignercombinesthehydraulicdesignandcoatingofthe criticalparts,asignificantreductionoferosioncanbeachieved.
Sediment content of water can no more be overlooked in any phase of hydropower projectimplementation.Thisincludesallthephaseslike,investigation,design,operation and maintenance,and refurbishment and upgrading. Due consideration of the problem at every stage, would effect economies on one hand and longterm solutions would emerge on the other hand. However, one solution in order to decrease the sediment erosion is to increase the size of the turbine, thereby increases the hydraulic radius of curvature, and thus decreases the accelerations. Furthermore, while it is possible to design a Francis turbine to be more resistant against sediment erosion, this may adversely, affect other aspects of the turbine. It should be understood that every hydraulicturbineisacompromisebetweenseveralrequirements.
4.1 4.1.1
Swirlflowcanbeusedasamechanismforseparationofparticlesfromthefluidscreating acentrifugalforceasinmanyseparationprocesses.Solidparticlesofdifferentshapesand sizesplayasignificantroleinmanyseparationprocesses.Theseparationofparticlesof different shapes and sizes depends upon the variations in behaviour of the particles whensubjectedtotheactionofmovingfluid.Aparticlefallinginaninfinitefluidunder the influence of gravity will accelerate until the resistance force that includes buoyancy and drag exactly balances the gravitational force. The constant velocity reached at that stage is called the terminal velocity. The resistive drag force depends upon an experimentallydetermineddragcoefficient. Theseparationofparticlesfromstreamlinedependsuponaccelerationofparticles,which further depends on profile and curvatures of runner blade and bucket. Together with several parameters affecting erosion rate (discussed in section 2.7), the modification in designintermofturbinesize,profileandcurvaturesalsoplayavitalroleforreducing erosionrate.However,thisaspectisnotexploredatlargeextent(Thapa,2004). There are very less literatures available for the separation of particles from streamline, whichcandirectlyapplytohydraulicturbinesapplications.However,somestudieshave been found in the field of particle transport and separation in erosion test rig together withcycloneseparatorandconveyingofparticlesinprocessindustry.
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ChevallierandVannes,1995,carriedoutnumericalandexperimentalstudyofinteraction betweenparticleandspecimen.Theystudiedtheparticlespeedinnonuniformflowby generalizing Basset, Boussinesq and Oseens expression that gives equilibrium of the particle.Theaddedweighteffect,effectofstaticandviscouspressure,Archimedesthrust andgravityforceareneglected.Whentheratio/pislow(<103),andiftheparticleand fluid acceleration are of the same order, those effects become negligible. After all these simplifications,theequationofmotionofparticlesbecomes,
dV dt
2 d p C D (V C ) V p C
Here,dpisthediameteroftheparticle,pisthedensityoftheparticle,isdensityofthe fluid. The fluid velocity is C, and particle velocity is V. The coefficient of drag (CD) is obtainedfromequation(Martin,2008),
CD =
Equation43 Here,rp,pandzpdefinetheparticlelocationincylindricalcoordinates.Similarly,Vr,V and Vz represent relative gas velocities in the radial, the circumferential and the axial directionsrespectively.ThisequationincludescentrifugalforceaswellasCoriolisforce. Theforcesduetogravityandinterparticleinteractionarenegligibleinthecaseofturbo machinery.Thedragcoefficient(CD)isafunctionofparticleReynoldsnumber.Denget al.,2001,considered,CD =0.44forlargeRe,p(>500),andprovidedequation44forCDfor Re,p range,0.2 500, which isalmost same that of the valuesand the Reynolds number ragesprovidedbyMartin,2008.
1 1 C D = 24 Re , p + 0.167 Re , p 3
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Particles in water may range in size from a few nanometres to few millimetres in dimension.Naturalparticlesalsohavevariousshapes,includingrod,plate,andsphere, withmanyvariationsinbetween,whichmakethetreatmentoftheparticlesizedifficult. The discussion is vastly simplified if the particles are considered spherical. In this case onlyonesizeparameterisneeded(thediameter)andhydrodynamicpropertiesaremuch more easily treated. Of course, nonspherical particles also occur in natural water, and somewayofcharacterizingthemisessential.Acommonconceptisthatoftheequivalent sphere based on a chosen property of the particles (Gregory, 2006). For instance, an irregular particle has a certain surface area and the equivalent sphere could be chosen withthesamesurfacearea.Thesurfaceareaofspherewithdiameterdis d .So,if thesurfaceareaofthenonsphericalparticleisknown,theequivalentsphericaldiameter caneasilybecalculated.Foranobjectofagivenvolume,thespherehasminimumsurface areaandthevolume(ormass)ofagivenparticlemustbeequaltoorlessthanthatofthe sphere. Another common definition of equivalent spherical diameter is based on sedimentation velocity. In this case, from the sedimentation velocity and density of particle,thediameterofasphereofthesamematerialthatwouldsettleatthesamerate canbecalculated.ThisissometimescalledtheStokesequivalentdiameter.
Theobjectivesofdevelopmentofexperimentalsetupandconductingexperimentareas follows: Tostudytheparticleseparationprocessintheflowinthecurvedpath Tostudytheforcesontheparticleonrotationalmotionorswirl Toinvestigatethevelocityandthedragcoefficientrelationsbasedupondifferent shapeandsizeoftheparticleinswirlflow To establish an operating strategy for Francis turbine operating on sediment ladenwater
Apreviouslymadetestrig(Thapa,2004),wasreviewedandmodifiedtocreateastrong swirl flow in curved path. This flow was found similar to the flow between the guide vaneoutletandtherunnerinletofaFrancisturbine.Theflowintheguidevanecascade was simulated in order to verify the particle separation process and to investigate the velocity and the drag coefficient relations based upon different shape and size of the particle.Therewasaprovisiontointroduceparticles,withsizesrangingfrom1to10mm,
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intotheswirl,andtoobservethemotionoftheparticlesfromPlexiglaswindowslocated onthecoverofthetankusingahighspeeddigitalcamera.
(a)Outsideview(b)MiddleplatewithvanesandPlexiglas Figure41Photographsoftestrig The experimental set up, as shown in Figure 41, consisted of a main tank (1,100 mm diameter and 700 mm height), 400 mm diameter inlet pipe and outlet cone with valve. Themaintankandothercomponentsofthetestrigweredesignedanddimensionedfor 50 m of head in order to carry out the experiment in high velocity. The main tank consisted of two compartments with a 250 mm diameter opening at the centre of the plate.Thisplatedividesthemaintankintotwocompartments.Thirtysixcurvedvanes, which resemble guide vanes of a Francis turbine, with a radius of 100 mm toward the inletand90mmstraightsectiontowardtheoutlet,werefixedatapitchcirclediameterof 900mmtothemiddleplate.ThisisshowninFigure4.2.Thisarrangementwasmadein suchawaythattheinletvelocitydirectionshouldbealmostintheradialdirectionand theoutletwouldbe10tothetangent.Eachvanecascadehas30mmx5mmopening andaltogether36numbersofvanesprovidethetotalopeningareasbeabout5.4x106m2. Thesevaneswerelocatedinbetweentheupperpartofthemiddleplateandthebottom part of a 50 mm thick, 950 mm diameter transparent Plexiglas plate. Peripheral component(Cu)ofabsolutevelocitycanbeobtainedfromtheorientationofbladeangle, whichisfixedat10inthisexperimentalsetup.However,thisanglevariesatdifferent operatingconditionsinactualhydropowerplant.Theperipheralcomponentiscausedto createa centrifugalforce of particle whereas the radial component is caused to createa drag force of particle. From this arrangement, the vanes caused swirl inside the tank, which further emulate the swirl flow created by guide vanes in a Francis turbine. The swirlflowinbetweenthePlexiglasandthemiddleplatecouldbeclearlyobservedfrom the top of the Plexiglas windows, which satisfied a free vortex relation towards vanes whereas; force vortex flow existed towards the centre of the tank. The edge of the Plexiglaswasmadeuniformtoensureuniformflow.
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ThetopcoverofthetankwasfittedwithfivetransparentwindowsofPlexiglas.Fourof thosetransparentwindowsof160mmdiameterwerelocatedat90,180,270and360 respectively at the pitch circle diameter 700 mm to observe the motion of the particles. The fifth window of 275 mm diameter was located at 315 at 700 mm pitch circle diameter to measure the velocity of the flow (after inserting a Pitot tube as shown in Figure43)andtoobservethevelocityofparticle.Theparticleinjectionpointwaslocated at 279 mm from the centre of the tank. The particle was released at the bottom of the Plexiglasthrougha15mmdiameterpipeandvalvesarrangementasshowninexploded viewinFigure42.Particlesupto10mmindiameterweretestedinthisexperiment.
1 80
90 0
0 70
16 0
100 1
Plan view
PlexiGlas Windows
Additional box
Pitot Tube
Sectional view
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Toreleaseparticle,firstlowervalvewasclosedandparticlewasinsertedfromtheupper valve. Then upper valve was closed and lower valve was open. Once lower valve is opened, the particle sinks and drops in between Plexiglas and steel plate. Depending upon the velocity at the point of the injection, the particle either moves towards outer radius or follow flow direction heading towards outlet at the centre of the tank and ultimatelysinks.Amanometerwasfittedintotheinjectionpipeandvalvesarrangement inordertomeasuretheinletpressureofthetankintheswirlflowfield.Thereweretwo additionalmanometerslocatedinthesystem.Onewasconnectedtoanairbleedingvalve located at 390 mm from the centre of the tank for measuring the inlet pressure, and anotherwasfittedattheoutletofconeformeasuringthepressureattheoutlet.Theflow ratewascalculatedwiththehelpofanultrasonicflowmeterfittedintheinletpipe.
The main purpose of this experiment was to determine the velocity of the particle that would flow along with water in the given flow condition. To achieve this, firstly, the operating condition was set at a certain velocity level by controlling the valve opening. Thentheparticlewasinjectedandthemotionoftheparticlewasobservedthroughthe Plexiglaswindowswiththehelpofthehighspeedvideocamera.
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Theparticleimagesatdifferentframerateweresavedandanalysiswasperformedbased upon the actual time required to move the particle from one fixed location to another fixedlocation.Locationoftheparticlewasidentifiedbasedupontheradialandangular position of particle inside the test rig. In order to calculate the correct location of the particle inside the test rig, radial and angular markings were inscribed on the middle plate at diameters of 219 mm, 239 mm, 259 mm, 279 mm, 299 mm, 309 mm and 22.5 degrees interval respectively. Using these markings, six different circles and sixteen different angular lines could be clearly observed in the middle plate. Figure 44 illustrated the photograph of middle plate inside the test rig with radial and angular markings.Aparticlerotationradiusandtheangletraversedbytheparticleareneededto calculate the radial distance travel by the particle. Then the velocity of a particle was computed based upon the actual time obtained from the saved images to travel this radialdistance,whichistherateofchangeofpositionofparticle.
Inordertofindoutthesizeoftheparticlewhichwillflowalongwithwaterinagiven flowcondition,andtoverifythevalidationofcriticaldiameterexpressionthatderivedin Equation 4.7, six different particles having different densities were considered. The experiments were done based upon different shape and size of aluminium, brass, ceramic,plastic,sandandsteelparticles.Mostoftheseparticlesrotatingatlowvelocity canbeclearlyseenbynakedeye.However,asthevelocityofparticleincrease,itwasnot possibletovisualizethelocationofparticlesinflowfieldbynakedeyebutthelocationof small particles at higher velocity was visualized by the highspeed video camera. The highspeed digital camera was used to compare the rotation radius for different shape andsizeoftheparticlesatdifferentoperatingconditions.Theequilibriumconditionwas clearly observed with adjustment of flow and sizes of the particles for most of the samples except for plastic particles. Since the density of plastic particle is less than the densityofwater,mostoftheseparticleswerefloatingonwater.Atequilibriumcondition, therotationradiusofparticlewasobservedveryclosetotheinjectionradiusofparticleat 279 mm from the centre of the tank. The larger size of the particles that was assumed largerthancriticaldiameterofparticleonthatparticularoperatingconditionwasclearly observed by hitting the outer wall or suction side of the guide vane cascades in this experimentalsetupandthesmallersizeoftheparticlewasobservedclearlybyitsflow alongwithwaterandultimatelysinking.
Whenparticlestravelinswirlingflowtowardaturbinesoutlet,whichislocatedinthe centre as shown in Figure 45, the particles will be exposed to two main forces. Centrifugal force (Fc ) moves the particles away from the centre, while the drag force
(FD ) pulls them toward the outlet, which is in the centre, or toward the runner in the
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case of a Francis turbine (Thapa and Brekke, 2004). These two forces are given by the followingequations.
vanes outlet
Fc = p
r 2 = p
2 d 3 Cu
1 2 FD = C D C m A p 2
= FD
> FD < FD
Particlewillflowalongwithwatertowardsthecentreofthetank,if Fc
Atequilibrium,thesetwoforcesbalanceeachotherandaparticleofagivendiameterwill stayatanorbitofradius (r ) untileitherthevelocitycomponentischangedorparticles become smaller by fracture due to impact. The diameter of a particle (d ) for the equilibriumconditionisgivenbyEquation47.Thisiscalledthecriticaldiameter.
3 dc = CD 4
Cm C u
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The drag force is caused by the relative velocity of particles in radial direction (i.e. towards the centre of the tank), and the centrifugal force is caused by the velocity of particleintangentialdirection(i.e.,awayfromthecentreofthetank). The phenomenon of particle motion discussed here is similar to swirl flow in between guidevaneoutletandrunnerinletofareactionturbine.Oncethelargerparticlesenterin totheswirlflowitwillberotatingandcontinuouslyhittingthesuctionsideoftheguide vanes. Direct application of this concept is on operating strategy for Francis turbines operatinginsedimentladenwater.Guidevanepositioncanbemanipulatedtomaintain avelocityratioinawaythattheparticleofgivensizeshouldflowalongwiththewater. AdamagecausedbythelargerparticleshasbeenobservedinTokkehydropowerplant inNorway.ThedamageonsuctionsidesofguidevanesisclearlyobservedinFigure46. Thebiggerparticlesizesaresettleddownorremovedbeforeitenterstheturbines.The unsettledbiggersizeparticles,especiallyinthemonsoonseason,passthoroughturbines. TheguidevanesofFrancisturbinecanhavemaximumangleaslowas12atfullload. Whereasthisanglecouldgoupto40insomeoftheturbinedesign.
Figure46ErosiondamageofsuctionsideofTokkeguidevanebylargeparticles TheguidevaneanglesforsomeofNorwegianpowerplantsarepresentedinTable41. ThisinclinationofguidevanescreatesswirlflowinFrancisturbineandthemagnitudeof swirldependsuponangleofinclinationofguidevanes.Eventhoughirregularshapeof sand particles could have higher drag coefficient compared to spherical one, the observation from the test rig can be utilized for determining the size of particle, which willremainrotatingintheswirlflowinbetweenguidevaneoutletandrunnerinlet.Any particleshigherthanthissizehitthesuctionsideofguidevanecontinuouslyanddamage themseverely.
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Table41Theguidevanemaximumangleatfullloadcondition S.N. Powerplant SpecificSpeed MaximumGuidevane (ns) angleatfullload(a0) 1 Skjrka 66 12 2 NedreVinstra 69 12 3 HolI 72 13 5 Rssga 104 18 6 Grnsdal 113 23 7 NoreII 198 34 8 Dynjafoss 208 27.5 9 Oltesvik 264 38.5 10 Iverland 269 31.5 11 Fiskumfoss 308 40.5 12 Fiskumfoss 308 36.5 13 Gravfoss 346 37 14 Solbergfoss 365 38 Particles larger than critical diameter will remain rotating in the swirl flow and hitting theguidevanewallbuttheparticlessmallerthancriticalsizeflowsthroughturbines.The relationbetweencriticaldiameterandrunnerinletdiameterisshowninFigure47a.This relationwasobtainedbasedupondragcoefficientof0.1.AthigherReynoldsnumber(Re >106),thedragcoefficientisaround0.1to0.2.Similarly,therelationbetweenparticlesize anddragcoefficientforturbineofradius1matinletisshowninFigure47b.Thisfigure indicatesthatthesandparticlesofdiameterhigherthan0.9mmwillstayrotatinginthe swirlflowanddamageguidevanespositionedaround10.Thisfigurealsoshowsthat smaller turbines are more prone to sand erosion because smaller turbines are having smallcriticaldiameter,forexampleparticlesassmallas0.7mmmayremainrotatingin theturbinesofinletdiameter800mm.
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
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This result can be utilized as guidelines for operating strategy for Francis turbine operatinginsedimentladenwater.Iftheparticlesizeflowingwithwaterislargerthan critical sizes of the particle, the turbine should not be operated at low guide vane opening.
Drag coefficients and terminal velocities are important design parameters in many separation processes. Many equations have been developed and presented in literature relating the drag coefficient (CD) to the Reynolds number (Re) for particles of spherical shapefallingattheirterminalvelocities.Thesecorrelationsareofvaryingcomplexityand contain many arbitrary constants. Many of these correlations are listed in Gabitto and Tsouris,2008.However,inthecaseofnonsphericalparticles,lessinformationisfoundin literature. Gabitto and Tsouris, 2008, also mentioned that Heywood developed an approximatemethodforcalculatingtheterminalvelocityofnonsphericalparticleorfor calculating its size from its terminal velocity. The method was an adaptation of his method for spheres. Several correlations have been proposed for C D over the entire range,theonepresentedinEquation48isthatofHaideretal.,1989,whichisclaimedto fitthedatawitharootmeansquaredeviationof0.024.
CD =
0.4251 + 6880.95 1+ Re , p
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At higher relative velocities, the inertia of the fluid begin to dominate (the fluid must accelerate out of the way of the particle). Analytical solution of the NavierStokes equations is not possible under these conditions. However, experiments give the relationshipbetweenthedragcoefficientandtheparticleReynoldsnumberintheformof the socalled standard drag curve as shown in Figure 48. Four different regions are identified: the Stokes law region, the Newtons law region in which drag coefficient is independent of Reynolds number, an intermediate region between the Stokes and Newtons regions; and the boundary layer separation region. The Reynolds number rangesanddragcoefficientcorrelationsfortheseregionsaregiveninTable4.2,(Martin, 2008) Table42Reynoldsnumberrangesforsingleparticledragcoefficientcorrelations Region Stokes Intermediate Newtonslaw
Re, p range
< 0 .3
As the Reynolds number increases, there will be a separation of flow field with the formation of vortex behind the body and further increase in Reynolds number causes unstableandunsteadywakeformation.
24 Re , p
Figure49Dragcoefficientofthesphere(Spurk,1997) The drag coefficient depends upon the flow pattern behind the object. However, for incompressibleflow,thedragcoefficientisonlyafunctionofparticleReynoldsnumber
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asshowninFigure49.ThesuddendropofvalueofCDaroundReynoldsnumber3x105 isduetotransitionoflaminarboundarylayeronsphericalsurfacetoturbulentboundary layer.Theshearstressintheturbulentboundarylayerislarger;hence,fluidatouterlayer is dragged close to the wall. This retards the flow separation and wake becomes narrower.Thenonseparatedflowinthebacksideoftheparticleexertsforceagainstthe flowdirectionandhenceCDbecomessmaller.ThistransitioncanoccurinlowerReynolds numberwhenthesurfaceismaderougher.Sandparticlesurfacebeingrougherthanthe regular spherical surface may have value of CD in this region. The observation of Reynolds number at different flow condition and direction of flow components are presentedinresultsanddiscussionssection.ThevaluesofCDfromtheexperimentinthe swirl flow are smaller than that shown by Spurk, 1997, because of measurement uncertaintiesandlimitationsofexperimentalstudy.
Due to the nature of physical measurements, it is impossible to measure a quantity withouterror.Ameasurementsystemisoftenmadeupofseriesofcomponents,which are subjected to individual inaccuracy. Each of these individual uncertainties includes randomandsystematicerrors.Therearemanyuncertaintiesinlaboratoryexperimental study, which combine to make this an imprecise prediction of drag coefficient for particle,including: Theshapeandsizerangedistributionoftheparticle, The effect of the shape of nonspherical particles on their drag coefficient has proveddifficulttodefine.Thisisprobablyduetodifficultyindescribingparticle shape for irregular particles. The approached applied to define the irregular shapeoftheparticlewithitsspheroidmaynotbesufficientinsomecases, Whenmanyparticlesflowinafluidincloseproximitytoeachotherthemotion of each particle isinfluenced by the presence of the others. The simpleanalysis forthefluidparticleinteractionforasingleparticleisnolongervalidbutcanbe adaptedtomodelthemultipleparticlesystem, While calculating the forces acting on the particle mainly centrifugal and drag forces were considered, however, the friction force may acting on the particle slidingonthesurfaceofthemiddleplatethencausesthatparticleslightlyrotate. The rotation condition of the particle depends on characteristics of the particle and wall of the plate. If friction force is big enough the particle will rotate, otherwise,theparticlewillslide. However, the value of drag coefficient around 0.1 to 0.2 could be appropriate for estimation of particle that will stay and rotating in the swirl flow at higher particle Reynoldsnumber,whereseparationofparticlesfromstreamlinestakesplace.
Chapter 4
Laboratory Studies
VelocitiesofparticlesofdifferentsizesandshapesareshowninFigures410to412.The velocityoftheparticlewillincreaseifthevelocityofwaterincreases.Highervelocityof the particle was obtained at higher operating head. The size of the particle is inversely proportionaltothevelocityoftheparticle,anditdependsupontheshapeoftheparticle. Different shapes of particles were tested for different operating head, and it was determinedthatsphericallyshapedparticleshadhighersettlingvelocitiesthanparticles withothershapes.
Velocity of particle in swirl flow
15 13
Velocity [m/s]
0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 7 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Head [m]
Head [m]
(a)Head(b)Sizeandshape Figure410Particlevelocityandheadrelationfordifferentsizeandshapeofparticle
Velocity of particle & size
12 15
Velocity [m/s]
4 7 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Head [m]
Figure411Particlevelocityfordifferentsizesandsamesizewithdifferentshape Many natural particles are usually in nonspherical shape. These particles will tend to have lower settling velocities because both decreases in spheroid and increases in angularitytendtodecreasevelocities.Furthermore,largercrosssectionalareastendtobe directed perpendicular to the transport path. As a result, higher coefficient of drag, higher rotational motion and more separation of flow likely to occur and hence more erosionrateisanticipated.
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Chapter 5
Rough Triangular
0 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
7 30 35 40 45 50
Head [m]
(a)Differentparticlewithdifferentshape(b)Sameparticlewithdifferentshape Figure412Particlevelocityrelationforsame/differentparticlewithdifferentshape Ifcentrifugalforceanddragforceontheparticleisequal,theparticlewillrotateexactly at the injecting radius, but if those forces do not balance each other, there will two possibilities. The particle either moves toward the inner radius and ultimately sinks or movestowardtheouterradiusandultimatelyhitsthesidesofthevanes.Theequilibrium condition was observed for a given particle after manipulating the flow velocity, verifyingthatthedifferentforceswerebalancedinthetestrig.Thisalsorevealedthatthe particlewithagivendiameterwouldstayattheorbitoftheinjectingradiusuntileither thevelocitycomponentswerechangedortheparticlebecamesmallerbyfracturingdue to impact with the outer wall. Different shapes of particles were tested with the same operating conditions as shown in Figure 413, and it was determined that triangularly shapedparticlesweremorelikelytohitthesuctionsideoftheguidevanecascade.The radius at which the particle is moving, called rotation radius. This rotation radius also varied with different shapes of particles, which further supports the influence of shape factorforparticlevelocitycalculation.
Rotation radius for same size but different shape
0.3 Sand particle 3-5mm size Steel particle 5mm size Trian. ceramic 6mm size 0.2
0.1 0 10 20 30 40
Chapter 4
Laboratory Studies
Dragcoefficientwasalsocalculatedandplottedfordifferentshapesandsizesofparticle asshowninFigure414and415.
Drag Co-efficient & Re,p no for same size
Drag Co-efficient
Drag Co-efficient
Size [mm]
0.450 2.E+04
2 6.E+04
0.455 2.E+04 3.E+04 4.E+04 5.E+04 6.E+04 0 7.E+04
Drag Co-efficient for regular & irregular shape
Drag Co-efficient
Drag Co-efficient
0.460 2.E+04
0.468 5.E+04
(a)Sameparticledifferentshape (b)Differentparticledifferentshape Figure 415 Drag coefficient relation for regular and irregular shape of same/different particle Thedragcoefficient C D isanondimensionalnumberthatdependsontheshapeofthe particle,thefluidkinematicviscosity,andthegrainsize.Ithasbeenfoundthattheeffect oftheshapeofnonsphericalparticlesontheirdragcoefficientcanbedefinedintermsof its spheroid. Moreover, shape affects drag coefficient far more in the intermediate and Newtons law regions than in the Stokes law region. However, the variation of drag coefficientintheNewtonslawregionisnotsosignificant,buttheinfluenceofsizeand shape of the particle has been clearly demonstrated. The result shows that the triangularlyshapedparticleshaveahigherdragcoefficientthanothershapesbecausethe angularparticlesalsotendtohavelowersettlingvelocitythanthesphericalones.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the analysis of systems, which involves fluid flow, heat transfer and other related physical processes by means of computer based simulation.Itworksbysolvingtheequationsoffluidflowoveraregionofinterest,with specifiedboundaryconditionsofthatregion.ANSYSCFXisgeneralpurposeCFDtool, which is used for the numerical simulation analysis that combines an advanced solver withpowerfulpreandpostprocessingcapabilities.Thisiscapableofmodelling:steady state and transient flows, laminar and turbulent flows, subsonic, transonic and supersonicflows,heattransferandthermalradiation,buoyancy,nonNewtonianflows, transport of nonreacting scalar components, multiphase flows, combustion, flows in multiple frames of reference, particle tracking, etc. Furthermore, this includes, an advancedcoupledsolverthatisbothreliableandrobust,withfullintegrationofproblem definition, analysis, and results presentation and an intuitive and interactive setup process,usingmenusandadvancedgraphicsfeatures. TheCFXconsistsoffivesoftwaremodulesthatpasstheinformationrequiredtoperform aCFDanalysis.Thesearethemeshgenerationsoftware,thepreprocessor,thesolver,the solvermanager,andthepostprocessor.
Chapter 5
CFD Theory
Thegoverningequationsoffluidflow,whichdescribetheprocessesofmomentum,heat and mass transfer, are known as the NavierStokes equations. There are three different streams of numerical solution techniques: finite difference, finite volume method and spectralmethods.Themostcommon,andtheCFXisbased,isknownasthefinitevolume technique. In this technique, the region of interest is divided into small subregions, called control volumes. The equations are discretized, and solved iteratively for each control volume. As a result, an approximation of the value of each variable at specific pointsthroughoutthedomaincanbeobtained.Inthisway,onederivesafullpictureof thebehaviouroftheflow.Theinstantaneousequationsofmass,momentumandenergy conservationcanbewrittenasfollowsinastationaryframe(ANSYS,2006). Thecontinuityequation:
+ ( U ) = 0 t
( U ) + ( U U ) = p + + S M t
2 r = U + ( U ) U 3
( htot ) + ( T ) + (U ) + U S M + S E t t
htot = h +
1 2 U 2
Theterm (U ) representstheworkduetoviscousstressandiscalledtheviscous work term. The term U S M represents the work due to external momentum sources and S E istheenergysource.
CFD Theory
Chapter 5
Twoequation turbulence models are widely used to provide a closure to the time averagedNavierStokesequations.Twoprincipleclosuremodelsexistcommercially,are the k (kepsilon) model and the shear stress transport (SST) model. The two equation models are much more sophisticated than the zero equation models. In these equations both the velocity and the length scale are solved using separate transport equations. The detail of these equations is not considered in this section. This can be foundinANSYSuserguides,2006. The k model has proven to be stable and numerically robust and has a well established regime of predictive capability. For generalpurpose simulations, the k model offers a good compromise in terms of accuracy and robustness; however, it can lackpredictionaccuracyforcomplexflow.Suchcomplexitiesincluderapidvariationsin flowarea,flowswithboundarylayerseparation,flowswithsuddenchangesinthemean strainrate,flowsinrotatingfluids,flowsovercurvedsurfacesetc. A Reynolds Stress model may be more appropriate for flows with sudden changes in strainrateorrotatingflows,whiletheSSTmodelmaybemoreappropriateforseparated flows.
The most widelyapplied method to determine the motion of the dispersed phase is by tracking a large number of individual particles in the flow field. This method is called Lagrangian tracking. In this method, each particle represents a sample of particles that follow an identical path, which describe the average behaviour of the dispersed phase. The CFD code contains a Lagrangian particletracking algorithm that numerically predicts trajectories of solid particles through the flow field. These calculations use information generated by the flow field simulation. The code also has the capability to couple the particle equation of motion, with the flow solution. Coupling the governing equations for the fluid and the particle allows effects, such as fluid displacement by particles and particlesinduced turbulence, to be investigated. In many cases of engineeringinterest,especiallysolid/liquidflows,thiscouplingallowstheinvestigation ofparticleconcentrationeffects.However,atlowparticleconcentrations,theparticlesdo not affect the flow and this coupling is not necessary. While setting up the Lagrangian wayparticlemodel,thefollowingassumptionsareimplied: Particleparticleinteractionsareneglectedduetothelowparticleconcentrations experienced. Theparticlesarespherical.Thephysicalpropertiesofeachphaseareconstants. Themeanflowissteady.Theturbulentflowislocallyisotropic. Thegeometrymodificationcausedbytheremovalofwallbythesandparticles, areneglected
Chapter 5
CFD Theory
To derive a particle motion of equations, consider a discrete particle travelling in a continuous fluid medium. The forces acting on the particle, which affect the particle acceleration,areduetothedifferenceinvelocitybetweentheparticleandfluid,aswell astothedisplacementofthefluidbytheparticle.Basset,BoussinesqandOseenderived theequationofmotionforsuchaparticleforarotatingreferenceframe(ANSYS,2006):
dU P = FD + FB + FR + FV M + FP + FBA dt
Where,FDisdragforceactingontheparticle,FB isBuoyancyforceduetogravity,FRis forces due to domain rotation (centripetal and coriolis forces), FVM is virtual (or added) mass force. This is the force to accelerate the virtual mass of the fluid in the volume occupiedbytheparticle.Thistermisimportantwhenthedisplacedfluidmassexceeds theparticlemass,suchasinthemotionofbubbles.FPispressuregradientforce.Thisis theforceappliedontheparticleduetothepressuregradientinthefluidsurroundingthe particle caused by fluid acceleration. It is only significant when the fluid density is comparable to or greater than the particle density. FBA is Basset force or history term, which accounts for the deviation in flow pattern from a steady state. This term is not implementedinANSYSCFX.Theparticleandfluidmassvaluesaregivenby,
mP = mF =
d p p
d p F
Drag force
FD =
1 1 C D F AF U S U S = C D F AF U F U P (U F U P ) 2 2
CFD Theory
Chapter 5
solidsphere.Inthesimplestformofequationofmotion,themaintermontherighthand side is the dragforce thatincludes theconsideration of both skin and formeffects. The total drag force is most conveniently expressed in terms of the nondimensional drag coefficient,asdefinedbytheSchillerNaumanncorrelation,whichmodifiesthistoensure thecorrectlimitingbehaviourintheinertialregimebytaking,
However,thiscorrelationhasbeendevelopedbaseduponsphericalshapeoftheparticle; thetrajectoriesofthenonsphericalparticlescanbemodelledthroughtheapplicationof shape factors, allowing nonuniform drag distribution and bounce characteristics to be classified.
Buoyancy force
The buoyancy force is the force on a particle immersed in a fluid. The buoyant force is equaltotheweightofthedisplacedfluidandisgivenby,
3 FB = (m p m F ) g = m p 1 F g = d p ( p F ) g p 6
5.3.3 Rotation force
Inarotatingframeofreference,therotationtermisanintrinsicpartoftheacceleration andisthesumofCoriolisandcentripetalforces:
FR = m p ( 2 U P rp )
The implemented rotation term also contains contributions from the pressure gradient andthevirtualmassforceduetothedomainrotation,whichleadstothefollowingfinal contributionoftherotationterm.
Thisforceiscausedbythefactthattheparticlehastoacceleratesomeofthesurrounding fluid,leadingtoanadditionaldrag,whichhasthefollowingform:
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Chapter 5
CFD Theory
FV M =
dU F dU P mF dt 2 dt
RV M isequaltoone.
The pressure gradient force results from the local fluid pressure gradient around the particleandisdefinedas,
FP =
This force is only important if large fluids pressure gradients exist and if the particle density is smaller than or similar to the fluid density. Neglecting diffusive and source termsinthesteadystatemomentumequation,thepressuregradientcanbereplacedby thevelocitygradient.Assumingaconstantfluidsdensity,thepressuregradientforcecan bewrittenas,
Fp = m F (U F U F RF ) = m p
F (U F U F RF ) p
Theparallelandtheperpendicularrestitutioncoefficientsdescribetheactionofparticles when they hit a wall. The reflected velocity of the particle is lower than the incoming velocity due to energy transfer. Energy is dissipated as heat, noise and target material deformation.Thiseffectisdescribedbythemomentumbasedrestitutioncoefficient.The coefficientvaluesof1describesanelasticcollision,whilevalueslessthan1describesan inelastic collision. The parallel coefficient is usually equal to 1. The perpendicular coefficient will depend on the particle material. Particle that bounces off the walls will haveaperpendicularcoefficientcloseto1,whileparticlesthatsticktowallswillhavea perpendicular coefficient of 0. In this simulation, the perpendicular and parallel coefficientsofrestitutionsarechosenequalto0.9and1respectively.
CFD Theory
Chapter 5
TherearetwoerosionmodelsavailableinANSYSCFX,namely,FinnieandTabakoff.The choice of one model over another is largely simulationdependent. In general, the Tabakoffmodelprovidesmorescopeforcustomizationwithitslargernumberofinput parameters.Theerosionmodelcanbesetonaperboundaryorperdomainbasis.When enabled for the domain, the domain settings will apply for all boundaries that do not explicitlyhaveerosionmodelsettingsappliedtothem.
Model of Finnie
Thewearofawallduetotheerosiveeffectofparticleimpactsisacomplexfunctionof particle impact, particle and wall properties. For nearly all metals, erosion is found to varywithimpactangleandvelocityaccordingtotherelationship(ANSYS,2006)
E = k V pn f ( )
Where, E is a dimensionless mass, V p is the particle impact velocity and f ( ) is a dimensionless function of the impact angle. The impact angle is the angle in radians between the approaching particle track and the wall. The value of the exponent, n , is generallyintherange2.3to2.5formetals. Finnies model of erosive wear relates the rate of wear to the rate of kinetic energy of impactofparticlesonthesurface,using n = 2
E = k V p f ( )
f ( ) =
1 Cos 2 3
if tan >
1 ,and 3
Equation518 Equation519
f ( ) = Sin(2 ) 3 Sin 2
if tan
1 3
Chapter 5
CFD Theory
TheTabakofferosionmodelrequiresthespecificationoffiveparameters(ANSYS,2006). The k12 constant,3referencevelocitiesandtheangleofmaximumerosion 0 mustallbe specified.Table51providessomevaluesfortheTabakoffmodelcoefficientsforQuartz Aluminium,QuartzSteelandCoalSteel. Table51CoefficientsforsomematerialsusingtheTabakofferosionmodel Variable Coefficient Value Material 1 k12 k12 5.85x10 QuartzAluminium V1 159.11m/s RefVelocity1 V3 194.75m/s RefVelocity2 RefVelocity3 Angle of Maximum Erosion
190.5m/s 25degree 2.93328x101 123.72m/s 352.99m/s 179.29m/s 30degree 1.321448x101 51.347m/s CoalSteel 87.57m/s 39.62m/s 25degree QuartzSteel
k12 V1 V3
RefVelocity1 RefVelocity2 RefVelocity3 Angle of Maximum Erosion
k12 V1 V3
RefVelocity1 RefVelocity2 RefVelocity3 Angle of Maximum Erosion
E = k1 f ( ) V p Cos 2 1 RT + f (VPN ) .
CFD Theory
Chapter 5
/ 2 f ( ) = 1 + k 2 k12 Sin 0 ,
RT = 1 k 4 V P Sin ,
1.0 k2 = 0.0
if 2 0 if > 2 0
k 4 , k12 and 0 are model constants and depend on the particle and wall material
CahuahydropowerplantisaRunofRiverhydropowerplantbuiltinPeru.Itislocated 60kmupstreamthemouthofPativilcaRiver,whichisabout200kmnorthofLima.The construction of power plant was finished in 1967. SNPower Norway purchased this powerplantin2003.
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Chapter 6
There are two Francis turbines installed, which were originally delivered by Riva. Both Francis turbines composed of 20 stay vanes, 20 guide vanes and 17 runner blades. The ratedpoweroutputis42MW,thegrossheadis215m,andthemassflowis22m3/s. The river carries large amount of sediments and has caused severe erosion damage on turbinecomponents,mainly,turbinerunner,guidevanes,andcovers.Therunner,guide vanes,andcoversoftheturbinesaretakenouteveryyearandrefurbished.Theoriginal turbinesareoperatedatmaximum3g/l(or3,000ppm)sedimentconcentrationandthe sedimentthatpassestheturbinehasabout35%ofquartzand30%offeldsparcontenton average.Thismeansthattheturbinehasamaximumsedimentloadof33kg/sand65% of minerals are harder than the base material of turbine. This is the main reason of excessive sediment erosion in the hydraulic machinery operating in this power plant. Furthermore, the sediment study conducted at this power plant indicated that, the sediment concentration exceeds 120,000 tons of sediment, i.e. 33.06 kg/s only after six weeksofoperationduringintensemonsoonperiod.Table61presentsthesedimentload ofCahuapowerplantforfourmonsoonperiods.Accordingtotheengineersatthepower plant,theturbinecantakemaximum120,000140,000tonsofsedimentloads.Iftheload is even higher, the turbine parts gets eroded so much that welding and grinding is impossible. Table61SedimentloadofCahuapowerplant(Oleetal.,2009) Turbine Turbineputintoservice Turbinetakenoutofservice Sedimentload[tons] 1 16.04.2001 27.03.2002 165,6354 1 28.03.2002 02.05.2003 131,799 1 03.05.2003 29.05.2005 136,327 1 30.05.2005 01.07.2006 115,538 2 11.06.2001 28.07.2002 220,032 2 29.07.2002 13.07.2003 82,583 2 14.07.2003 19.04.2005 122,891 2 22.04.2005 01.07.2006 144,865
The erosion prediction procedure mainly consists of three different models. These are, flowmodel,particletransportmodel,anderosionmodel.CFXcodecontainstheabilityto coupletheequationsgoverningfluidmotionandtheparticleequationofmotion. The flow simulation contains the information necessary to perform all subsequent calculations. Velocity components, turbulence quantities (turbulence kinetic energy and dissipation rate), and carrier fluid properties (density and viscosity), are all contained withintheflowfieldsimulation.Onceasimulatedflowfieldisobtained,thesolutionis introducedwithalargenumberofparticlesattheinletofstayvanes.Alargenumbersof
Chapter 6
particlesarenormallyrequiredinordertoobtainareasonabledistributionandtoreduce scatter in the erosion predictions. Each particle is tracked separately through the flow field. For each particle impingement, a set of empirical equations is applied. These erosion equationsaccountfor the impingement speed andangle,as wellas the particle shapeandthemechanicalpropertiesofthewallmaterial. Inordertovisualizeerosionpredictionsinaconvenientmanner,predictederosiondata istransferredtoapostprocessor.Thispostprocessorisusedtogeneratecontourplotsof predicted erosion quantities. This allows not only the simultaneous examination of the flowsolution,particletrajectories,anderosionpredictions,butalsoprovidestheability toidentifyareasofhigherosion.
Flow model
The flow simulation was obtained through use of a commercially available computational fluids dynamics (CFD) code, namely ANSYS CFX. The code utilizes a finitevolume, multiblock approach to solve the governing equations of fluid motion numericallyonauserdefinedcomputationalgrid. The flow solution procedure first generates the computational grid. A preprocessor is available in the software to perform this task. Second, the solution option such as inlet and boundary conditions, turbulence model, and discretization scheme, are specified. Thefinalstepisrunningtheflowsolvertogeneratetheactualflowfieldsimulation. CFX contains several models for turbulence behaviour. Isotropic and nonisotropic turbulence models are available. In addition, multitudes of discretization schemes are availabletoobtainthemostaccurateflowsolutionpossible.Forthiswork,adifferential Reynoldsstressturbulencemodel,andForwardEulerimplicitscheme,secondordertime inhighresolutionadvectionscheme,withconvergencecriteriaat104wereused.
Mesh generation
A computational domain is necessary for the simulation of a Francis turbine. The computational domain was made based upon a Cahua Francis turbine design, which composed of stay vanes, guide vanes, and runner vanes, as shown in Figures 62. This domaincorrespondstothewaterpassagesandcanfullyconsidernonuniformflowfield incoming from the stay vanes. Two computational domains, as shown in Figure 62 (a) and (b); were considered during simulation analysis, one based upon best efficiency pointandanotherbaseduponfullloadconditions. For each independent component, a hexahedral structure mesh was generated using Turbo Grid 11.0. The Turbo Grid was selected for meshing because this is a highly automated hexahedral mesh generator, specially designed for turbomachinery applications.
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Chapter 6
TheGridgenerationreliedonthreedifferentfactors;namely,numberofcells,Reynolds number, and turbulence model desired. Two equation turbulence models was chosen initially for grid generation but the Shear stress transport (SST) model gave the most realistic results, and it was decided to continue the simulation with this model only. Figure62showssinglebladecascadecomputationalmodelforthreedifferentvanes.
(a)BEP (b)Fullload Figure62Asinglebladecascadecomputationalmodelforthreevanes Toachievearesultwithsecondorderaccuracyandsufficientnumericalstability,ahigh resolution scheme was applied for discretization of the grid. The grids used in these simulationshavedifferentmeshquality,aspresentedinTable62.Sincerunnerbladeis more important than other components of turbine, higher numbers of nodes were observed in runner blade than guide vane and stay vane. At areas where the flow includeslargegradients,thegridqualityneedsspecialattention. Table62Meshstatisticsofnumericalmodels Computational Vane Numberofnodes Numberofelements model (hexahedra) Runnerblade 132,125 119,952 Guidevane 110,345 100,800 Fullload(FL) Stayvane 59,130 53,352 Runnerblade 99,190 90,304 Guidevane 72,565 65,472 Bestefficiency Stayvane 59,130 53,352 (BEP)
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Chapter 6
To get a smooth transition between the small and the large control volumes, an expansion factor of approximation 1.25 was used. The GTM files (mesh files) were directlyimportedintoaTurbomachinerymodeinpreprocessorfordefiningsimulation. Figure63Asinglebladecascademeshmodelforthreevanes
Properties of sand
Thedensityofsandparticlesusedinthesimulationneedstobedefinedingeneralmode. Tocalculatetheeffectofparticlesoncontinuousfluids,between100and1,000particles areusuallyrequired(ANSYS,2006).However,ifaccurateinformationabouttheparticle volume fraction or local forces on the wall boundaries is required, then a much larger numberofparticlesareneededtobemodelled.Aftercreatingadomain,fullcouplingor oneway coupling between the particle and continuous phase has to be chosen. Full couplingisneededtopredicttheeffectofparticlesonthecontinuousphaseflowfieldbut has the higher computational cost than oneway coupling. Oneway coupling simply predicts the particle paths during post processing based on the flow field, but without affectingtheflowfield.TooptimizeCPUusage,thetwosetsofidenticalparticleswere created.Thefirstsetisfullycoupledandbetween100and1,000particlesareused.This allowstheparticlestoinfluencetheflowfield.Thesecondsetusesonewaycouplingbut
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Chapter 6
amuchhighernumberofparticlesareused.Thisprovidesamoreaccuratecalculationof the particle volume fraction and local forces on the wall. In inflow or in opening boundary, the particle velocity, injection position, diameter distribution, andmass flow rateareneededtobespecified.Sandparticlesareuniformlyinjectedatthestayvaneinlet withthesameconditionsasthefluid.Theparticleswillfollowthroughthedomainsand exit at the outlet. The sand particles are defined as solid particles, and the size distributionisuniformindiameter.Theturbulencedissipationforceisactivated,andthe SchillerNaumannmodelischosentocalculatethedragforceactingontheparticle.The two empirical erosion models, namely Finnie, and Tabakoff, were used for predicting erosion.
Boundary conditions
Inanumericalsimulation,itisimpossibleandunnecessarytosimulatethewholesystem. Generally, the interesting regions with certain boundary conditions are sufficient to be chosenforconductingpropersimulations.Numericalsimulationsalsohavetoconsider thephysicalprocessesintheboundaryregion.Differentboundaryconditionsmaycause quite different simulation results. Improper sets of boundary conditions may introduce nonphysical influences on the simulation system, while a proper set of boundary conditions can avoid that. So arranging the boundary conditionsfor different problems becomesveryimportant.Whileatthesametime,differentvariablesintheenvironment may have different boundary conditions according to certain physical problems. If all residualarebelowtheirtargetedcriteriathenconvergencesofequationswillprevail.To improvetheconvergencesofsimulationandtoobtainaconvergenceofsolutionwithless numbers of iterations in relatively short interval of time, only one set of blades was consideredinthissimulationanalysis.Generally,themesheddomainsareimportedinto thepreprocessor,andconnectedtoeachotherbydomaininterfaces.Therunnerdomain isarotatingdomain,whichiscoupledtothestationarydomainofguidevaneandstay vane parts by socalled frozen rotor domain interfaces. In addition to these domain interfaces, inlet and outlet boundary conditions are defined. Fluid properties (density andviscosity)andparticleproperties(diameterdistribution,density,andconcentration) are also defined in the preprocessor. In the postprocessor, there is a provision to assemble all components of a turbine. The two most interesting operating points were considered,atbestefficiencypointandatfullloadwithguidevaneangleof16and22 respectively.
Chapter 6
total pressure outlet were found more appropriate and robust than the total inlet pressureandmassflowoutlet.Inaddition,thisprovidesbetterperformanceofturbine, when looked at pressure distribution, y+ values, power output, head, and flow rate. Thus,theinletconditionwassetasmassflowrateperpassagewithvelocitycomponents. Theoutletpressureinthiscaseisarbitraryandisusuallysetatzeroorclosetozeroto reduce round off error. In this simulation, this was chosen equal to 1 atm. The detail boundaryconditionswithappropriatevaluearepresentedinTable63. Table63Boundaryconditions Variable Value Waterdensity 997kg/m3 Quartzparticledensity 2.65gm/cm3 Diameteroftheparticle 15mto2mm InletmassflowrateofwateratBEP 540kg/s Inletmassflowrateofwateratfullload 685kg/s Totalpressureoutlet 1[atm.] Inletmassflowrateofparticle 1to50kg/s 0,0.4,0.9165 InletflowdirectionatStayvanes ( , r , ) Wall
Thecovers,hub,shroudandvanesweredefinedassmoothwallswithnoslipcondition. Thewallfrictionthendecreasesfluidvelocitiesnearthewall.Therunnerhasanangular velocity600rpm,whilethestayvaneandguidevanearestationarydomains.Aperiodic boundary condition was set to couple two adjacent blades. This simplified the computationalmodel.Whenaparticlereachesasymmetryplaneboundarycondition,it isreflected.Ifsimulationincludesanysoliddomains,thenitneedstosetparticleoptions at the fluidsolid interface. To do this, first it needs to create the required fluidsolid domaininterfaces,andthenedittheautomaticallycreatedinterfaceboundarycondition forthefluidsideoftheinterface.Theoptionsonthefluidsideoffluidsolidinterfacesare specifiedinthesamewayasforwallboundaries.
Turbines are always designed for specific conditions of head, speed and output. However, a turbine may actually be required to operate under conditions widely different from those it has been designed. It is, therefore, important to determine and have complete information about the performance of the turbine over a wide range of operating conditions. The hydraulic performance of a simulated turbine is presented in Figure71.ThisisfoundingoodagreementwiththeactualdataobtainedfromtheCahua turbine. The auto generated hydraulic turbine reports of simulation analysis are presentedinAppendixAandB.
Hydraulic performances of turbine
15 300
13 200 12
10 14 16 18 20 22 24
80 14 16 18 20 22 24
(a)Volumeflowrateandguidevaneangle(b)Efficiencyandguidevaneangle Figure71Hydraulicperformanceofturbine
Head [m]
Chapter 7
Animportantconsiderationinthesesimulationsiserosiontothedifferentcomponentsof a turbine due to different shape and size of the sand particles. A good indication of erosion is given by the erosion rate density (kg/s/m2) parameter, which corresponds to pressure and shear stressdue to the flow. In order to visualize erosion predictions in a convenientmanner,predictederosiondataistransferredtoapostprocessor.Thispost processor is used to generate contour plots of predicted erosion quantities. This allows not only the simultaneous examination of the flow solution, particle trajectories, and erosion predictions, but also provides the ability to identify areas of high erosion. This can be seen as coloured spots. A Red colour indicates the highest value of erosion intensity, whereas a blue colour denotes the lowest intensity of erosion. The predicted erosionondifferentcomponentscanbeusedtobetterunderstandhowparameterssuch asinletconditions,fluidsproperties,flowrate,particlesize&shape,concentration,and geometry,affecterosionbehaviour.
Stay vane
Figure72(ab)showspredictederosionatstayvaneanditssurface.Themidheightof the leading edge of stay vane is exposed to less erosion intensity. Near the upper and lowercoverattheinlet,ringshapederosiongroovesareobserved,asseeninredcolour in Figure 72 (a). On the blade surface, scattered erosion spots are observed at suction side.Thereisnoerosionintensityobservedatpressuresideofvanes.Thismaybedueto the boundary layer effect, which is caused by the initial velocity values at inlet of stay vanes or incorrect mesh properties. The boundary layer effect is one of the main limitations in many CFD turbulence models. These simulation results are found in agreementwithCahuaturbinestayvanesaspresentedinFigure32.
(a)Stayvaneswithcovers Figure72Predictederosionpatternonstayvanes
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Guide vane
Figure 73 (a b) shows the predictions of erosion rate density along the guide vane surface.Thehighesterosionispredictedonoutletregionsandbothcovers.Thisisdueto the turbulence erosion caused by high velocity with fine grain sand, which is in good agreement with the field test at Cahua, where significant surface deterioration was detectedonthesurfacenearthetransitionalzonetoloweranduppercover.Theparticle velocityinsideaturbineatbothdesignedandmaximumloadconditionsarepresentedin Figure 74 (ab). The highest absolute velocity was observed at guide vane cascade and thehighestrelativevelocitywasobservedatrunneroutletsurface.Onthesuctionsideof the vane, the simulations indicated relatively low erosion rate density on the surface towards the trailing edge whereas there is no erosion tendency found on the pressure sideoftheblades.Thismaybeduetopoorboundaryconditions.
(a)Designload Figure74Velocityofsandparticleinsideaturbine
Chapter 7
Similarerosiontendencywasobservedatbothdesignandoffdesignconditionsexceptat the leading edge of the vane, where surprisingly the highest erosion is predicted. This may be due to the combination of strong acceleration with bigger sizes of particle, and highvelocityandstrongturbulenceswithsmallersizesofparticle.Thiscreatessecondary flowandstrongvortexinthecorners,andleadsmoreerosiondamage.
Runner blade
In the runner, the highest relative velocities occurred at the outlet regions while the highestaccelerationsmaybefoundatorclosetothebladeinlet.Figures75(ad)show the prediction of erosion on runner blade surface. The highest erosion is predicted at outlet blade surface than other component of turbine because the relative velocity is highestattheoutletoftheblades.Hence,turbulenceerosionduetofinesandparticlesis alwayssusceptibleatthetrailingedgeoftheblades.Inaddition,becauseofhighrelative velocity,mostoftheparticleswillmovetowardsouterdiameterintherunneroutletand hencemoreeffectoferosionisseenthere.Thesesimulationsrevealedthattheoutletarea of pressure side of the runner is highly exposed to erosion, which was found at the middle of the blade and towards the outlet area. This is due to the cross flow forming horseshoe vortices, which is caused by incorrect blade leaning. The incorrect blade leaningleadstocrossflowbetweenhubandshroudandsuchcrossflowmayintensify erosioneffect.Minorerosionspotswerealsoobservedattheleadingedgeandatlower partoftheoutletareaonthesuctionsideoftheblades.Theleadingedgeerosionisfound duetothelocalaccelerations. Thepredictederosionratedensityonpressuresideismorethanonthesuctionsideofthe blade.Thisisevenmoreinlargerguidevaneopening.Theerosionratedensityismore towardstheoutletascomparetotheinletoftheblade.Thisisduetothebladeprofiletail vortexflow,whichleadstohighererosionratedensityinthebladeoutlet.
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Based upon the simulation results obtained from Tabakoff erosion model, effects of sedimentconcentrationsonerosionratedensityonturbinebladearepresentedinFigure 76(ad).Inordertoinvestigatetheeffectofsedimentconcentrationonerosion,different sedimentconcentrationratewereconsidered,whileotherparameters,i.e.,sedimentsize, shape,operatingconditionofaturbineandimpingementanglewerekeptconstant.Itcan beobservedfromthefiguresthatwiththeincreaseinconcentrationrate,theerosionrate densityincreases,althoughitisnotthesameatdifferentguidevaneopenings.
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Figure76Effectofconcentrationrateonerosionratedensityofturbineblade Additional simulations were performed with different sediment concentration rate at different guide vane opening i.e., 16 degree (BEP), 20 degree and 22 degree (full load) based upon Finnie erosion model. The variations of relative erosion rate density with concentrationarepresentedinFigure77(ad).Itcanbeseenfromthefiguresthatthe relative erosion rate density increases almost linearly on increasing concentration rate. This shows that the erosion rate is constant for a given concentration and guide vane opening.
Erosion rate density & concentration at BEP
Finnie 16
Finnie 20
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Concentration [kg/s]
Concentration [kg/s]
Erosion rate density & concentration at Full load
1.2 1.2
Erosion rate density & Concentration at Full load
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Concentration [kg/s]
Concentration [kg/s]
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Based upon the simulation results obtained from Finnie erosion model, effects of sedimentsizesonerosionratedensityonturbinebladearepresentedinFigure78(a d).Inordertoinvestigatetheeffectofsedimentsizeonturbineblades,differentsediment sizeswereconsideredwhileotherparameters,i.e.,sedimentconcentration,shapefactor of sediment, operating conditions of a turbine, and impingement angle were kept constant.Itcanbeobservedfromthefiguresthatwithintherangeofsedimentsizei.e., 0.152mminvestigated,theerosionratedensityincreasewiththeincreaseinsediment size.However,therateofincreaseoferosionratedensityisnotsameforallsizesrange andguidevaneopening.
(c)1mm (d)2mm Figure78Effectofsedimentsizeonerosionratedensityofturbineblade Hence, additional simulations were performed at two guide vane opening i.e., at best efficiencypoint(16degree)andatfullload(22degree).Thevariationsofrelativeerosion ratedensitywithmeansedimentsizearepresentedinFigure79(ab).Itcanbeseen from the figures that the relative erosion rate density increases with sediment sizes. However,theerosionrateisnotconstantforallsizesrange.Fortheparticlesmallerthan 0.15mm,owingtotheirlightnature,theyrespondstronglytoturbulencesandthusgain the erosive energy, causing damage to the blade surface. In this range, the turbulence structureintheboundarylayerdominatestheerosionprocess.Forlargerparticlessized
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above0.5mm,theinertiaforcedominatestheirbehaviour.Theyvirtuallydonotrespond tosmallturbulentstructures.Theirerosivepowercomesfromthemainflowwherethey areentrained.Owingtothesignificantmomentumoftheseparticles,theyusuallycause severedamagetothebladesurface.Forparticleswithsizebetweenthesetwoextremes cases,acombinedmodemayexistsubjecttoflowstructureencountered,oronemodeis moredominantthantheothermode.Theyarelikelytofollowalongtheouterhydraulic contour of the blade, and their tendency for damage found progressively less. This furthershowsthattheerosionrateisconstantforagivensizeandguidevaneopening.
Erosion rate density & particle diamenter at BEP
Particle diameter[mm]
Inordertoinvestigatetheeffectofsedimentshapeonerosion,differentshapefactorof the particles i.e., 1, 0.75, 0.5 and, 0.25 were considered. Simulations were carried out at same concentration rates for both operating conditions while other influencing parameters were kept constant. The trajectories of the nonspherical particles can be modelled through the application of shape factors, allowing nonuniform drag distributionandbouncecharacteristicstobeclassified.
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Aparticleshapefactorequalstoonesignifiesthattheshapeoftheparticleisclosetothe sphericalshape.Inotherwords,itcanbemoreorlessregularshapeoftheparticle.The lower value of shape factor gives the more irregular shape of the particle. Based upon simulations results obtained from Tabakoff erosion model, effects of shape factor on erosionratedensityonturbinebladeduetoshapefactor1and0.5arepresentedinFigure 710(ab). The figures show the prediction of erosion rate density along the blade surface at 16 degree guide vane opening which is at the maximum efficiency point. It can be clearly seen that maximum erosion occurs in the blade profile with shape factor of 0.5. The particleshapefactorassumedsphericalbydefaultduringsimulationshasvalueequalto 1.Thisalwayscalculatesthediameteroftheparticlefromthemassoftheparticledivided by its density, assuming it is spherical. A cross sectional area factor can be included to modifytheassumedsphericalcrosssectionareaandtoallowfornonsphericalparticles. This affects the drag force. The surface area factor is analogous to the cross sectional factor.Fornonsphericalparticle,itistheratioofthesurfaceareatothesurfaceareaof sphericalparticlewiththesameequivalentdiameter.Thisaffectsbothmasstransferand heat transfer correlation and hence the erosion prediction. Similar erosion pattern is observed in each case. However, the blade profile area is highly affected and larger intensity of erosion rate is clearly observed in the case of nonspherical shape of the particle.
Inordertoinvestigatetheeffectofoperatingconditionofturbineonerosion,simulations were carried out at mainly two operating points, i.e., at best efficiency and at full load conditions, while other influencing factors maintained constant. Based upon the simulationresultsobtainedfromTabakofferosionmodel,effectsofoperatingconditions onerosionratedensityonturbinebladearepresented,asshowninFigure711(ad).
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(c)Fullloadwithshapefactor1 (d)Fullloadwithshapefactor0.5 Figure711Effectofoperatingconditionsonerosionratedensityofturbineblade Thesesimulationsrevealedthatthepredictederosionratedensityatfullloadoperation point is higher than at best efficiency operation point. This is due to increased flow turbulence and higher relative flow velocities at turbine runner outlet. Presence of secondary flows and accompanying vortices lead to increased local velocities, higher rotational motion and caused more separation of flow. Such flow conditions are conducive to increased erosion rate and hence more erosion rate density has been observed.
Theexperimentalresultsdiscussedinsection4.3,andfieldstudiesatCahuapowerplant discussedinsection3.3arecomparedwithCFDresultstovalidatenumericalsimulations. Thevelocityofparticlewascalculatedinhighlyswirlconditionssimilartoturbineflow in curved path during experimental study, and it was determined that the size of the particleisinverselyproportionaltothevelocityoftheparticle.Similarly,differentsizes of spherically shaped particles, i.e., 0.015 mm, 0.05 mm, 0.15 mm, and 1 mm, were considered and velocities of those particles around a turbine blade were computed numerically.Figure712(ad)showsthevelocityfordifferentsizeoftheparticle.Itwas foundthathighervelocityisobtainedforsmallersizeoftheparticleandlowervelocityis obtained for larger size of the particle. These simulations were carried out at same operatingconditionskeepingallotherinfluencingparametersconstantexceptthesizeof theparticle.Thisisinagreementwiththeexperimentalresults. Theexperimentalresultsfurtherrevealedthatthevelocityofparticlealsodependsupon the shape of the particles. It was found that velocity of regular shape of the particle is higherthantheothershapesoftheparticle.Inordertocomparethisresults,numerical simulations were performed on different shape and size of the particles, and it was
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determinedthatsphericallyshapedparticlehadhighervelocitythanparticlewithother shapes.ThiscanbeclearlyseenfromFigure713.Thesesimulationswerecarriedoutat same operating conditions keepingall other influencing parameters constantexcept the shapeoftheparticle.
(a)0.015mm (b)0.05mm
Generally, the erosion rate density increases when the velocity of particle increases. However, this has not occurred in the simulation analysis because of shape of the particle.Directmeasurementsoftheerosionratedensityfromexperimentalanalysisfor comparison were not available; however, the drag coefficient of different shape of the particles, which were found from experimental analysis, can be utilized to verify the numericalpredictions.Theexperimentresultsshowthatthetriangularlyshapedparticles havehigherdragcoefficientthantheothershapes. Thismeansthathighercoefficientofdragcausedhigherdragforce.Theparticleofgiven sizeflow along with thewateranddamage the blade surface. In general, many natural
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particles are usually in nonspherical shape. These particles will tend to have lower velocitiesbecausebothdecreaseinspheroidandincreaseinangularitytendtodecrease velocities.Theimpactareaoftheseparticlesontheerodedsurfaceisrelativelylargerand tendstobedirectedperpendiculartothetransportpath.Asaresult,highercoefficientof drag,higherrotationalmotionandmoreseparationofflowarelikelytooccurandhence moreerosionrateispredicted.
Figure713Particlevelocity,shapefactoranderosionratearoundturbineblade Furthermore,thenumericallyobtainederosionpatterns,andsimilarfieldobservationsat Cahua power plant Francis turbine components discussed in section 7.2, are in good qualitativeagreementforfurthervalidationofthenumericalsimulations.
Sediment erosion analysis of a Francis turbine gives an indication of relative erosion intensity and critical zones of erosion damage on the turbine components. The most realisticnumericalpredictionoferosionisfoundonaturbinerunnerblade.Thehighest velocitiesandaccelerationsoccurredatoutletoftherunnerbladeandmoreerosionwas predicted especially at the pressure side of the blade outlet and at the shroud. Furthermore, unexpected sediment erosion was found at the suction side of the guide vanewhereconceptofcriticaldiametercanbeutilized.Ithasbeenconcludedthatifthe particlesizeinthewaterincreasesbeyondcriticalparticlesizes,theturbineshouldnotbe operatedatlowguidevaneopening. The numerically obtained erosion pattern and the field observation and inspection at Cahua power plant Francis turbine components are in good qualitative agreement. The encouragingagreementshowsthat,forthisapplication,numericalsimulationreallycan beusedinapredictivemanner.Thisinformationmayserveasaninputinanearlystage of turbine design process to identify the regions where special surface treatment is necessary in order to increase the lifetime of the components for new hydropower projectsinvolvingrisksofsedimenterosion. Thevelocityofaparticleisinverselyproportionaltothesizeoftheparticle,anditwas determinedthatsphericallyshapedparticleshadhighersettlingvelocitiesthanparticles withothershapes.However,nonsphericalshapeoftheparticleswilltendtohavelower settling velocities because both decrease in spheroid and increase in angularity tend to decrease velocities. Moreover, larger crosssectional areas tend to be directed perpendicular to the transport path. As a result, higher coefficient of drag, higher rotationalmotionandmoreseparationofflowarelikelytooccurandhencemoreerosion rateispredicted.Therolesplayedbyshapeoftheparticlesignificantlyaffecterosionrate predictioninsidetheFrancisturbinecomponents.
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Furthermore, it has been found that the erosion process is strongly dependent on the particlesize,shape,concentration,andoperatingconditionsoftheturbine.Thereduction oftheerosionisnotonlylinkedtothereductionofparticlevelocitybutalsoislinkedto the reduction of separation of flow, which further depends on the shape, size, and concentration of the particle. A significant reduction of erosion rate can be achieved by operating turbine at best efficiency point. The full load operations reduced efficiency, increasedturbulence,andincreasedrelativevelocityofflowatoutletoftheblade.
Sediment erosion problem in hydraulic machinery in general, and Francis turbine in particular,isone of the complex operationand maintenance problem that causes major challengesintheplanning,design,operationandmaintenanceofhydropowerprojectsin high sedimentladen Rivers. As discussed in section 2.7, there are large numbers of factorsresponsibleforthesedimenterosiondamageinsidetheturbine.Thisresearchon sediment erosion in Francis turbine is one of the few attempts to address the problem area. The present knowledge and findings are not enough to deal with this problem completely but can be utilised to achieve one major step forward in erosion prediction andprevention.Theideasthatwereemergingduringthisstudyperiodareconsideredin this section. The following specific recommendations are made from the experience gainedthroughthisstudy,keepingabroaderperspectiveonthisspecificproblem. BecauseofthesimplicityoftheempiricalerosionmodelimplementedinANSYSCFXin steadystateconditions,thepresentstudydemonstratedtherelativeerosionpredictionon aqualitativebasis.However,fromtheresultprovided,itisclearthattheroleofsediment characteristicsanderosionpatterninsideaturbineareaddressedbaseduponthesteady stateconditions,whicharequitedifferentfromtherealisticoperatingconditions.Hence, a transient simulation analysis is recommended for predicting erosion on the turbine components, which was not possible during this study period due to the limitations in softwareandtime. The individual particles can be tracked throughout the computational domain, given knowledge of the flow field. However, in its basic form, CFX has no ability to produce erosion or particle impact data. To overcome such limitations, it is recommended that extensiveFORTRANroutineshavetobedevelopedandembeddedwithinCFX,allowing the relevant particle impact data to be computed, manipulated and displayed. The coefficient of restitution has to be modified to include the consideration of both impact angleandmaterialtype.Furthermore,validationofCFDbysimplifiedlabtestis,though challenging,alsorecommended. Itisrecommendedtocarryoutnumericalsimulationanalysisincludingleakageflowin theguidevanesofFrancisturbinebecausethelossesduetothesecondaryleakageflow in the guide vanes represents a relatively large part of the total loss of the turbine
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efficiency.Thisleakageflowarisesduetotheheadcoversdeflection,whichincreasesthe gap between the guide vanes and the head covers, when it is pressurized. Moreover, whengeneratingthegrids,atipclearancecanbeaddedontheguidevane. During this study, the drag coefficient and velocity relations were investigated with respecttodifferentsizeandshapeoftheparticlesatfixedguidevanesposition,i.e.,at16 degree guide vane opening. However, it is recommended to carry out more tests with adjustable vanes for statistical confidence. Furthermore, a rotational motion of the particleinsidetheflowfieldcanalsobeincludedforassessingdifferentforcesactingon the particle so that the realistic expression for critical diameter of a particle other than sphericalshapecanbeachieved. It is recommended to carry out simulation analysis in CFD computational domain that corresponds to the water passages and can fully consider the nonuniform flow field incomingfromthespiralcasingsothatbettersimulationoftheflowcanbeachieved. Hydraulic design modification is also recommended in a turbine runner to make them sedimentfriendlywithoutmuchsacrificingtheefficiency,sizeandcostparameters.This needstobeconfirmedthroughmodeltestsandnumericalanalysis.
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Appendix A
This appendix presents the auto generated hydraulic turbine report during simulation analysis at best efficiency point. The performance results obtained for the turbine rotor were used to plot the hydraulic performances ofa turbinediscussed in Chapter 7. This alsoincludesthedifferentbladeloadingcharts,bladegeometryplotsandcontourplots.
1.FileReport Table1FileInformationforSSTwithoutparticle_001 2.MeshReport Table2MeshInformationforSSTwithoutparticle_001 Table3MeshStatisticsforSSTwithoutparticle_001 3.PhysicsReport Table4DomainPhysicsforSSTwithoutparticle_001 Table5BoundaryPhysicsforSSTwithoutparticle_001 4.TabulatedResults Table6PerformanceResults Table7SummaryData
A-1 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
Appendix A
5.BladeLoadingCharts Chart1BladeLoadingat20%Span Chart2BladeLoadingat50%Span Chart3BladeLoadingat80%Span 6.StreamwiseCharts Chart4StreamwisePlotofPtandPs Chart5StreamwisePlotofC Chart6StreamwisePlotofW Chart7StreamwisePlotofAlphaandBeta 7.SpanwiseCharts Chart8SpanwisePlotofAlphaandBetaatLE Chart9SpanwisePlotofAlphaandBetaatTE 8.BladeGeometryPlots Figure1Isometric3DViewoftheBlade,HubandShroud Figure2MeridionalViewoftheBlade,HubandShroud 9.BladeMeshPlot Figure3MeshElementsat50%Span 10.BladetoBladePlots Figure4ContourofPtat50%Span Figure5ContourofPtrat50%Span Figure6ContourofPsat50%Span Figure7ContourofWat50%Span Figure8VelocityVectorsat20%Span Figure9VelocityVectorsat50%Span Figure10VelocityVectorsat80%Span 11.MeridionalPlots Figure11ContourofMassAveragedPtonMeridionalSurface Figure12ContourofMassAveragedPtronMeridionalSurface Figure13ContourofMassAveragedWonMeridionalSurface Figure14VectorofAreaAveragedCmonMeridionalSurface 12.CircumferentialPlots Figure15ContourofPtatBladeLE Figure16ContourofPtratBladeLE Figure17ContourofWatBladeLE Figure18ContourofPtatBladeTE Figure19ContourofPtratBladeTE Figure20ContourofWatBladeTE 13.StreamlinePlot Figure21VelocityStreamlinesatBladeTE Chart10
Appendix A
Table1:FileInformationforSSTwithoutparticle_001 Case FilePath FileDate FileTime FileType File Version Fluids Solids Particles SSTwithoutparticle_001 C:/DocumentsandSettings/haripra.old/Desktop/16final/Without particle/SSTwithoutparticleRotatingFrame/SSTwithoutparticle_001.res 13January2010 09:18:30AM CFX5 11.0 Water None None
Table2:MeshInformationforSSTwithoutparticle_001 Domain R1 Nodes 95988 Elements 87320
Table4:DomainPhysicsforSSTwithoutparticle_001 Name Location Type Materials Models TurbulenceModel=SST TurbulentWallFunctions=Automatic BuoyancyModel=NonBuoyant DomainMotion=Rotating TurbulenceModel=SST TurbulentWallFunctions=Automatic BuoyancyModel=NonBuoyant DomainMotion=Stationary
Appendix A
Table5:BoundaryPhysicsforSSTwithoutparticle_001 Domain Name Location Type Settings MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux FlowRegime=Subsonic MassAndMomentum= AverageStaticPressure RelativePressure=1[atm] PressureAveraging=Average OverWholeOutlet WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip
R1toS2Side1 INFLOWPassage3
R1 R1 R1
Wall Wall
Appendix A
FlowDirection=Cylindrical Components UnitVectorAxialComponent =0 UnitVectorThetaComponent =0.9165 UnitVectorrComponent= 0.4 FlowRegime=Subsonic MassFlowRate=540[kgs^1] MassAndMomentum=Mass FlowRate Turbulence=Medium IntensityandEddyViscosity Ratio
MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux Wall Wall Wall WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip
S2toS1Side2 OUTFLOWPassage
S1 S1 S1
MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux R1toS2Side2 OUTFLOWPassage2 Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
S2toS1Side1 INFLOWPassage2
Appendix A
S2toS2 Periodic1Side PER1Passage2 1 S2toS2 Periodic1Side PER2Passage2 2 S2Blade S2Hub S2Shroud BLADE2 HUB2 SHROUD2
MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux Wall Wall Wall WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip
S2 S2 S2
The first table below gives a summary of the performance results for the turbine rotor. Thesecondtableliststhemassorareaaveragedsolutionvariablesandderivedquantities computedattheinlet,leadingedge(LECut),trailingedge(TECut)andoutletlocations. The flow angles Alpha and Beta are relative to the meridional plane; a positive angle impliesthatthetangentialvelocityisthesamedirectionasthemachinerotation. Table6:PerformanceResults RotationSpeed ReferenceDiameter VolumeFlowRate Head(LETE) Head(INOUT) FlowCoefficient ShaftPower PowerCoefficient 62.8318 0.9850 11.0270 214.8660 216.8290 0.1836 [radians^1] [m] [m^3s^1] [m] [m]
21894500.0000 [W]
TotalEfficiency(INOUT)% 93.6583
Appendix A
Table7:SummaryData Quantity Inlet Density Pstatic Ptotal Ptotal (rot) U Cm Cu C 997.0000 LECut 997.0000 TECut 997.0000 Outlet 997.0000 TE/LE TELE 1.0000 0.0000 Units [kg m^ 3]
1559540.0000 1353300.0000 208617.0000 203652.0000 0.1542 2397140.0000 2395050.0000 294253.0000 277153.0000 0.1229
387806.0000 386660.0000 351069.0000 253295.0000 0.9080 35591.6000 [Pa] 51.2049 10.4949 39.5827 41.0781 46.7384 11.5194 43.6257 45.6422 1.0444 30.9449 12.2979 0.4033 13.7646 1.0835 25.5322 9.7932 1.7434 11.2940 1.1949 0.6621 15.7934 1.0676 0.7784 0.0092 44.0290 0.3016 31.8777 1.0375 0.0391 [ms^1] [ms^1] [ms^1] [ms^1]
Distortion 1.0030 Parameter Flow Angle: Alpha Wu W Flow Angle: Beta 75.1921 11.6222 15.7712 48.9092
A-7 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Chart5:StreamwisePlotofC Chart6:StreamwisePlotofW
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU A-10
Appendix A
A-11 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
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Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix B
Thisappendixpresentsthepartofautogeneratedhydraulicturbinerotorreportduring simulationanalysisatfullloadoperatingcondition.Theperformanceresultsobtainedfor theturbinerotorwereusedtoplotthehydraulicperformancesofaturbinediscussedin Chapter7.
1.FileReport Table1FileInformationfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 2.MeshReport Table2MeshInformationfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 Table3MeshStatisticsfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 3.PhysicsReport Table4DomainPhysicsfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 Table5BoundaryPhysicsfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 4.TabulatedResults Table6PerformanceResults Table7SummaryData
Appendix B
1. FileReport
Table1:FileInformationfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 Case FilePath 685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 C:/Documents and Settings/haripra.old/Desktop/22 final/685 SST without particleaftercorrecting/685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001.res
FileDate 13January2010 FileTime 11:40:03AM FileType CFX5 File Version Fluids Solids 11.0 Water None
Particles None
2. MeshReport
Table2:MeshInformationfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 Domain R1 Nodes 131425 Elements 119952
Appendix B
3. PhysicsReport
Table4:DomainPhysicsfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 Name Location Type Materials Models TurbulenceModel=SST TurbulentWallFunctions=Automatic BuoyancyModel=NonBuoyant DomainMotion=Rotating TurbulenceModel=SST TurbulentWallFunctions=Automatic BuoyancyModel=NonBuoyant DomainMotion=Stationary TurbulenceModel=SST TurbulentWallFunctions=Automatic BuoyancyModel=NonBuoyant DomainMotion=Stationary
Table5:BoundaryPhysicsfor685SSTwithoutparticleaftercorecting_001 Domain Name Location Type Settings MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= Interface ConservativeInterfaceFlux Turbulence=Conservative
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
R1toS2Side1 INFLOWPassage3
Appendix B
InterfaceFlux FlowRegime=Subsonic MassAndMomentum= AverageStaticPressure RelativePressure=1[atm] PressureAveraging=Average OverWholeOutlet WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip FlowDirection=Cylindrical Components UnitVectorAxialComponent =0 UnitVectorThetaComponent =0.9165 UnitVectorrComponent= 0.4 FlowRegime=Subsonic MassFlowRate=685[kgs^1] MassAndMomentum=Mass FlowRate Turbulence=Medium IntensityandEddyViscosity Ratio
R1 R1 R1
Wall Wall
MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux
S2toS1Side2 OUTFLOWPassage
Appendix B
S1 S1 S1
MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux R1toS2Side2 OUTFLOWPassage2 Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux MassAndMomentum= ConservativeInterfaceFlux Interface Turbulence=Conservative InterfaceFlux Wall Wall Wall WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip WallInfluenceOnFlow=No Slip
S2toS1Side1 INFLOWPassage2
S2toS2 Periodic1Side PER1Passage2 1 S2toS2 Periodic1Side PER2Passage2 2 S2Blade S2Hub S2Shroud BLADE2 HUB2 SHROUD2
S2 S2 S2
B-5 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
Appendix B
The first table below gives a summary of the performance results for the turbine rotor. Thesecondtableliststhemassorareaaveragedsolutionvariablesandderivedquantities computedattheinlet,leadingedge(LECut),trailingedge(TECut)andoutletlocations. The flow angles Alpha and Beta are relative to the meridional plane; a positive angle impliesthatthetangentialvelocityisthesamedirectionasthemachinerotation. Table6:PerformanceResults RotationSpeed ReferenceDiameter VolumeFlowRate Head(LETE) Head(INOUT) FlowCoefficient ShaftPower PowerCoefficient 62.8318 0.9835 13.9743 205.9170 216.2730 0.2338 [radians^1] [m] [m^3s^1] [m] [m]
25261500.0000 [W]
TotalEfficiency(INOUT)% 85.4894 Table7:SummaryData Quantity Inlet Density Pstatic Ptotal Ptotal (rot) U Cm Cu C 997.0000 LECut 997.0000
TECut 997.0000
Outlet 997.0000
Units [kg m^ 3]
1872070.0000 1758220.0000 277735.0000 198927.0000 0.1580 2490610.0000 2485050.0000 471754.0000 376068.0000 0.1898
877233.0000 872237.0000 821108.0000 550511.0000 0.9414 51128.8000 [Pa] 51.2055 13.2556 32.2993 35.2618 46.7381 14.3394 34.6462 37.7048 1.0434 30.8987 15.5960 9.6645 19.7635 1.0745
0.6611 15.8394 1.0876 1.2566 44.3107 0.2789 0.5242 17.9412 1.0297 0.0310
Distortion 1.0042
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
Appendix B
Parameter Flow Angle: Alpha Wu W Flow Angle: Beta 65.0771 18.9062 23.2236 56.2440 66.6155 12.0921 19.2514 39.9337 39.2267 40.5654 43.5515 70.7207 30.0992 32.9534 35.3219 70.9315 105.8420 0.5889 3.3547 28.4733 2.2622 24.3000 1.7710 30.7870 [degree] [ms^1] [ms^1] [degree]
Appendix C
ALTERNATIVEDESIGNOFAFRANCISTURBINEFORSANDLADENWATER HariPrasadNeopane1,OleGunnarDahlhaug2,andBholaThapa3 This paper is presented at the Hydro Sri Lanka 07, International Conference on small Hydropower, held in Kandy, Sri Lanka, 22 24 October 2007. The paper has also publishedintheproceedingsforthissymposium. ABSTRACT
The main objective of this paper is to propose an alternative design of a Francis turbine for minimizingthesanderosioneffectinsandladenriver.Toachievethisobjective,oneerosionmodel for hydraulic machinery has been selected and all technical and managerial aspects have been consideredinthisstudy.Hydraulicturbinecomponentsoperatinginsandladenwatersubjectedto erosivewear.Erosionreducesefficiencyandlifeofturbine.Italsocausesprobleminoperation& maintenance. Himalayan rivers carry large amount of hard abrasive particles. Withdrawal of the clean water from the river for power production is expensive due to design, construction and operation of sediment settling basins. Even with the settling basins, 100 % removal of fine sediments is impossible and uneconomical. The design of the Francisturbine can be done in two main stages. The first step is the initial design, based on empirical data and the Eulers turbine equation. The second step is a three dimensional CFD analysis for fine tuning of the design, normallybasedontheassumptionofuniformflowfieldfromtheguidevanescascadetowardsthe runnerbladeinlets.ThehydraulicdesignstrategyfortheFrancisturbinehasplayedthemajorrole inthedesign.ThemainobjectivesinthedesignofthemediumheadFrancisturbinesaretoreduce thepressurepulsation,avoidcavitations,toreducesanderosionandtogainmaximumefficiency. Theidealgoalistodesignarunnerthathasthewidestpossibleoperatingrangeforheadvariations beyondthenormaldesignhead,andthatwouldrequiretheminimalmaintenance.Theinitialstep isthemostimportant.Thebasichydraulicdesignoftherunnerisdoneduringthisstage,andthe balancingofthepressuredistributiononthebladesbycontrolledparametersgivesthedesigneran important feeling, which assists in evaluating the result of the CFD analysis. This feeling is very usefulinhelpingtomaketherightchangesinthegeometryandtoimprovetheperformanceofthe runner.TheCFDanalysisisalsoimportantinthestudyofthemodelturbinebehaviourandforms thebasisforfinaltuningoftheprototypeFrancisrunners.
C-1 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
1 CONVENTIONALDESIGNOFFRANCISTURBINE 1.1 THEIMPORTANCEOFTHERUNNER The hydraulic energy of the water is converted into mechanical shaft energy in the turbine runner at the expense of the interaction between flow and the runner blades constituting a rotating cascade of profiles. Runner is one of the most important components of the turbines. Francis turbine is a reaction type of turbine where the specificenergyinfrontoftherunnerconsistsofpartlypressureenergyandpartlykinetic energy.ForthehighheadtypeoftheFrancisturbineapproximately50%oftheenergyis convertedintokineticenergyinfrontoftherunnerandthereisapressuredropthrough the runner of approximately 50 % of the total energy drop through the turbine. So, the designoftherunnerisveryimportant. 1.2 INPUTPARAMETER Themaininputparameterofthedesignisthenethead(He),whichiscalculatedfromthe availableheadafterdeductingthefrictionlossesonthepenstock,flowatthefullload(Q) and available submersion. The available submersion is the distance between the centerlineoftheturbineandthetailrace.Forthepurposeofthisresearchwork,theinput parameters have been selected based upon the 12 MW Jhimruk Hydro Power Plant, [Flowatthefullload(Q)=7.05m3/s,nethead(Hn)=201.5m,andavailablesubmersion= 0m],whichislocatedinwesternpartofNepal. 1.3 CALCULATIONSOFTHEDIMENSIONSOFTHERUNNER The development of hydraulic turbines is aimed towards two goals: to achieve the maximum efficiency and to avoid cavitation damage with the highest possible circumferentialspeedandmeridionalvelocityintherunnerforthegivensubmergenceof theturbine. Figure1.1Maindimensionoftherunner
For high head runners the cavitation problems are most likely to occur at the outlet sectionoftheblades.Inordertostudythecavitationacarefulstudyofthebladeloading mustbedone.Forsuchstudy,thecurvatureofshroudandcrownaswellascurvatureof the blades, the blade angles and the blade leaning are the important parameters. The empiricalrelationfortheoutletangleandperipheralvelocityisgivenby[8]: 130<2<220lowestvaluesforthehighesthead 35<U2<43highestvaluesforthehighesthead Formaximumefficiency,maximumperipheralspeedattheoutletoftherunner,U2=40 m/s at the ring for moderate setting assumed. In some case, the noise and vibrations problems are likely to increase with the speed. To avoid the noise and vibrations problem, higher values of peripheral velocity couldnt be used. U2 >43 m/s is not recommended. If the higher values of U 2 is chosen the blade outlet angle should be reduced. Assume,
weldingconstraints.Fromthemaximumefficiencypointofview,noswirlattheoutlet i.e.C2u=0m/shasbeenselected.Themeridionalvelocityattheoutletoftherunneratbest efficiency with no rotation in draft tube will get a normal value in this case. (See the outletvelocityvectordiagram).Thenthefollowingmeridionalvelocitywillbeobtained: (1.1) C m 2 = U 2 tan 2 = 12 .2 m/s
U 2 = 2 R2 2 V r2 Figure1.2Outletvelocitydiagram Theratiobetweenthefullloadflowandthebestefficiencyflow = Q = 1 .1 1 .3 []
D2 = 4Q * = 0.808 m ( C m 2 )
Thespeedoftheturbinewillthenbeaccordingtothechosenvaluesof U 2 and 2
n= 60 U 2 60 40 = = 946 rpm D2 0.808
Thiswillnotnormallybeasynchronousspeedandanadjustmentofthespeedhastobe madebyadjustingthecircumferentialspeedU2andthediameter.Wewanttokeepthe velocitytrianglethesameattheoutletthereforetheoutletbladeangle2isconstant. In order not to increase the necessary submergence of the turbine, the speed should be reducedtonearestsynchronousspeed. Thesynchronousspeedisfoundbycheckingtheformula
3000 Z
Where Z = number of the pairs of the poles in the generator for an electric grid with a frequencyof50Hz. IfZ=3,then n = 1000 rpm and =104.71rad/s IfZ=4,then n
= Q *
[] (1.7)
Inbothcase <0.55andthus a = 1.12 and b = 0.055 If the outlet angle 2 shall be unchanged as well as the best efficiency flow Q* the velocityvectordiagramwillbehomogeneousandthefollowingequationwillbevalid.
D2 C m 2 = Q * 4
[m3/s] (1.8)
U2 =
n D2 60
[m/s] (1.9)
D2 = 3
240 Q * n tan 2
[m] (1.10)
Fordeterminingtherequiredsubmergenceoftherunnerthefollowingequationhasbeen used[5], hs = hb hva NPSH [m](1.11) NPSHisdependsonturbineparameters.Itisalsoarequirementfortheturbinedesign andhasbeendenotedasarequirednetpositivesuctionheadforturbine.TheNPSHof the power plant has been included the necessary submergence of the runner (hs) the barometricpressure(hb)andthevaporpressure(hva)whichultimatelydependsuponthe watertemperature. Thepracticalexperienceshowsthatfornotexceedthecavitationlimits,thedifferenceof the barometric pressureand the vaporpressure in the above equation isaround 10 m. thentheaboveequationbecomes, [m] (1.12) hs = 10 NPSH Before going to choose the best synchronous speed of the runner we have to calculates theoutletdiameter,outletperipheralvelocityoftherunnerandrequiredsubmergence bychangingtheoutletbladeanglesasshowninthefollowingtabularform,
C-5 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
n=1000rpm 2D2U2hs 150.8142.412.42 160.7941.52.89 170.7740.313.21 n=750rpm 2D2U2hs 150.8934.951.58 160.8734.161.26 170.8533.50.94 Fromtheaboveresultwecanchoosethebestparameteroftheoutletoftherunner.The selection of the parameters depends upon the fulfillment of the main objective of the Francisrunner,whichhavebeendefinedinthebeginning.Sothebestoutletparameters andappropriatespeedoftherunnerareasfollows: 2=170 D2=0.85m U2=33.5m/s Cm2=12.2m/s n=750rpm. The inlet dimensions may now be found by means of the Euler turbine equation. The energyconvertedbytherunnerwillbe [m2/s2] (1.13) E1 E 2 = U 1 C u1 U 2 C u 2 = g H h Thehydraulicefficiency h istheratiooftheavailableenergywhichistransfertoand converted to mechanical energy by the runner and the net energy drop from the upstream to down stream side of the turbine. (Mechanical losses, friction losses and leakagelossesarenottakenintoconsiderationinthehydraulicefficiency.)Thatis:
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU C-6
h =
U1 C u1 U 2 C u 2 gH
PrincipallyeveryturbineisdesignedaccordingtotheavailabledischargeQ,netheadHn and a chosen optimal rotational speed n. These parameters however, differ over wide rangesfromonesitetotheother.Forthisvariabilityitisveryusefultohavesimilarity relationsathandforcomparisonmeans.Inthefollowingitistherefore,introducedsome ratioparameterswhicharedesignatedasreducedquantities.
c asreducedabsolutevelocity 2 g Hn
u asreducedperipheralvelocity 2 g Hn
u =
v asreducedrelativevelocity 2 g H n
Velocity diagrams based on dimensional values of the velocities are valid for only one singlevalueofthenetheadHn.Ifreducedvelocitieshowever,presentthecorresponding velocitydiagrams,thesediagramskeepasimilarshape.Thevelocitydiagramsbasedon reducedvelocitiesarethereforebeneficialbecausethesediagramsarevalidforanyvalue ofHn. Additionalusefulreducedquantitiesare:
h isthereducedhead Hn
Q isthereduceddischarge 2 g Hn
2 g Hn
Byusingdimensionlessreducedparameterstheaboveequationyields [] h = 2 u1 c u1 u 2 c u 2 )
Assumethatthehydraulicefficiencyof96%andtheapproximately50%oftheenergyin frontoftherunnerisconvertedtokineticenergy,i.e.
C1 C1 = 0.5 H n = 0.5 C1 0.7 [] 2g 2 g Hn By drawing the inlet velocity vector diagram, will try to obtain the stagnation point on thebladeinlettipandtheinletanglesotherelativevelocitydoesnotleadtoseparation andpossibleinletcavitations.(Especiallyforlowheadturbines) U1 Cu1 1 1 C 1 Figure1.3.Theinletvelocitydiagram Besides the assumption that C1 0.7 .Now will use Eq. (2.21) when assume the
hydraulicefficiencyoftherunnertobe96%andnoswirlconditionsattheoutletofthe runner.Thefollowingequationyields: u1 cu1 = 0.48 [] (1.22) Theinletvelocitydiagramclearlyillustratesthatthesmallestvariationoftheinletflow anglewithvariationintheguidevaneangleisobtainediftheanglebetweentheabsolute andrelativevelocityincloseto900atbestefficiencypointofoperation. Using the following empirical relation for calculation of the reduced dimensionless circumferentialspeedofthebladeinlet[8] [] (1.23) 0.7 < u1 < 0.75 Thereduceddimensionlesscircumferentialspeedofthebladeinletthenfromexperience maybechosento0.71,foralowspecificspeedandthen 0.48 [] (1.24) = 0.68 cu1 = 0.71 TheinletdiameteroftherunnercannowbefoundbytheabsolutevalueofU1
U 1 = 0.71 2 g H = 44.6
Theinletdiameteroftherunnerwillthenbe U 60 [m/s] (1.26) D1 = 1 = 1.137 n Themeridionalvelocityattheinletmayfromexperiencebechosenapproximately10% [8] lower than at the outlet of the runner in order to obtain a slight acceleration of the meridionalflow.(However,thischoicewillbedifferentfordifferentmanufacturersdue tothephilosophyofbladeshapeetc,)Thus, [m/s] (1.27) C = 0.9 10.3 = 9.3
D1 Cm1
= 0.176
The inlet blade angle = 1 can be found from thefollowing relation (see theabove inlet velocitytriangle)
C m1 tan 1 = U C 1u 1
1 =
77 o
Note: In this preliminary calculation the displacement of the blade thickness has been neglected. By taken the blade thickness into consideration the blade angles must be correctedduetoincreasedrelativevelocityormeridionalvelocity. 2 EROSIONMODELSANDALTERNATEDESIGNOFRUNNER The mathematical models of erosion are useful for design of turbine components, sediment settling basin and optimization of hydropower plant operation in Sandladen River.Mostoften,individualparticledynamicsareusedfordevelopingerosionmodels. Empirical and statistical relations are also often developed from experiments and field experiences.Aserosionstudiesareheadingtowardnumericalmodelingandsimulations, the importance of analytical models are increasing day by day. Truscott [6] has found thatthemostoftenquotedexpressionforerosionis Erosion velocity n (2.1)
2.1 EROSIONMODELSFORHYDRAULICMACHINERY The erosion models are basically developed for specific purpose or condition. For example,Bittersmodelisdevelopedfordrycondition,henceitisnotclearwhetherthis equationrealisticallypredicterosionrateforwetconditionornot.Fewresearchershave presented models specifically for hydraulic machinery. Truscott [9] presented the equation of Bergeron (1952) to predict the erosion rate of pump with simplified assumptions such as pure sliding of spherical particles over the surface. He presented equationforerosionas: V3 (2.2) Erosion char ( p ) D 3 p K p D WhereVcharisthecharacteristicvelocityofliquid,Disthecharacteristicdimensionofthe machine,pisdensityofparticle,Dpisdiameterofparticle,pisnumberofparticlesper unitsurfacearea,isdensityofliquidandKisexperimentalcoefficientdependingupon nature of abrasive particles. This equation is proportional to experimental coefficient, which is dependent on abrasive nature of particles. Karelin et al. [10] established the equationforsurfaceerosionbasedonimpacteffectofparticlesconsideringkineticenergy ofsingleparticle. They have anticipated deviation on erosion estimated by equation due to uncertainties like nonhomogeneous particles, variable concentration, continuous alteration and pulsation of velocities and pressure, nonuniform flow distribution and so on. On the contrarytolaboratorytests,Tsuguo[11]establishedtherelationshipoffactorsconcerning erosion of turbines based on 8 years erosion data of 18 hydropower plants. The repair cycleofturbineisdeterminedaccordingtocalculationofturbineerosionfromequation, whichgiveserosionrateintermoflossofthicknessperunittime. z (2.3) W = c x f y k 1 k 2 k 3 Vchar Where is turbine coefficient at eroded part; c is the concentration of suspended sediment,Visrelativevelocity.Thetermfisaveragegrainsizecoefficientonthebasisof unitvalueforgrainsize0.05mm.Thetermsk1andk2areshapeandhardnesscoefficient of sand particles and k3 is abrasion resistant coefficient of material. The x, y and n are exponentvaluesforconcentration,sizecoefficientandvelocityrespectively.Thevalueof x and y are close to the unity and any deviation of this linear proportionality is determined from plot of wear versus parameter. The values of z are proposed for different turbine components based on relation between relative velocity and erosion. Minimum value of z is proposed as 1.5 for Pelton bucket and maximum value is 3 for Francisturbinerunner.Equation2.3hasbeenchosenforcalculationofoutletdimensions ofmodifyturbinerunner.
As, W V r andalsoassumeallthecoefficientsinequation2.3hasaconstantvalues,
and 3 (2.4) W = k1 Vr Where,k1=0.30.5.Forthediscussion,theconstant,k1ischosentobe0.3. 3 RESULTSANDDISCUSSION ThemainerosionoftheFrancisturbineoccursattheoutletoftheguidevanesandatthe outlet of the runner. In order to reduce the erosion rate of the turbine, the absolute velocityattheinletoftherunnerandtherelativevelocityattheoutletoftherunnerhave tobereduced.Inthisstudy,theflowandheadarekeptconstantwhilethespeed,inlet peripheral velocity and outlet runner blade angle has been changed according to Table 3.1 Table3.1Variableinputparameters Speed rpm n 750 600 500 433 375 333 300 275 Inletperipheral U 1 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.8 0.83 0.86 0.89 0.92 Velocity,reduced Outletbladeangle degree 2 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
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Theresultsshowthattheoutletdiameterchangesrelativelylittlewhiletheinletdiameter changes drastically. The reduction of the erosion at the outlet is more than at the inlet. ThisisshowninFigure3.1.Theinletangleoftheturbinehaschangedsothatthedesign looks more like a pumpturbine. This means that the turbine will be larger than the traditionaldesign.Thereductionoftheerosionislinkedtothereductionofthevelocity andthereforethesizeoftheturbineincreases.Thisresultinahigherpriceoftheturbine, butitwillreducethemaintenancecostsduringitslifetime. Ithasbeenshownfromtheabovecalculationthatthedesignoftherunnercandecrease thesanderosion.IfaFrancisturbinedesignercombinesthehydraulicdesignandcoating ofthecriticalparts,asignificantreductionoferosioncanbeachieved. 4 CONCLUSION Thereductionoftheerosionislinkedtothereductionofthevelocityandthereforethe sizeoftheturbineincreases.Thisresultinhigherpriceoftheturbine,butitwillreduce themaintenancecostsduringitslifetime. Ithasbeenshownfromtheabovecalculationthatthedesignoftherunnercandecrease thesanderosion.However,ifaFrancisturbinedesignercombinesthehydraulicdesign andcoatingofthecriticalparts,asignificantreductionoferosioncanbeachieved. 5 FURTHERWORK This paper is a part of the PhD study of the author. Only few aspects of sand erosion investigation are presented in this paper. CFD analysis has not done yet. The modification in the conventional design of the runner has played significant role for increasingmanufacturingcost,reducingrepairandmaintenancescost,andincreasethe life and efficiency of the runner. Hence, detail technical, managerial and economical consideration is needed along with experimental and computational fluids dynamics analysis. The author is expected to explore more about itand will be presented inPhD thesis.
REFERENCES [1]T.R.Bajracharya,C.B.Joshi,R.P.SainiandO.G.Dahlhaug,Efficiencyimprovement of hydro turbines through erosion resistant design approach, ICPS Conference Proceedings(2004),IOE/TU/IITB/IIIE [2] T. R. Bajracharya, C. B. Joshi, R. P. Saini, O. G. Dahlhaug, Sand erosion of Pelton nozzles and buckets: A case study of Chilime Hydropower Plant, Wear (2007) doi: 10.1016/j.wear.2007.02.021 [3] B. S. Mann, Highenergy particle impact water resistance of hard coating and their applicationinhydroturbines,Wear(2000),140146 [4] B. Thapa, Ole G. Dahlhaug, Sand erosion in hydraulic turbines and wear rate measurement of turbine materials, CD ROM proceedings of international ConferenceHydroAfrica2003 [5]T.R.BajracharyaT.R.,D.Sapkota,R.Thapa,S.Poudel,C.B.Joshi,R.P.Saini,O.G. Dahlhaug (2006), Correlation Study on Sand Led Erosion of Buckets and Efficiency Losses in High Head Power Plants, Proceedings of First National Conference on Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development 1214th October Kathmandu, Nepal. [6]B.Acharya,B.Karki,andL.Lohia,(2005),StudyontheSandErosionLedDamagesof the Pelton Turbine Component and their effects (A Case Study of Chilime HydroelectricProject),BEThesis,DepartmentofMechanicalEngineering,Pulchowk Campus,InstituteofEngineering,TribhuvanUniversity [7]B.Thapa,R.Shrestha,P.Dhakal,(2004)SedimentinNepalesehydropowerprojects, Proc, Int. Conf. on the great Himalayas: climate, health, ecology, management and conservation,Kathmandu [8]H.Brekke:HydraulicTurbines,Design,ErectionandOperation,NTNU,Trondheim, 2000. [9] G. F. Truscott, A literature survey on abrasive wear in hydraulic machinery, Wear (20),Elsevier(1972)pp2949 [10]V.Y.Karelin,Fundamentalsofhydroabrasiveerosiontheory,ImperialCollegepress (2002)pp152 [11] N. Tsuguo, Estimation of repair cycle of turbine due to abrasion caused by suspended sand and determination of desiting basin capacity, Proceedings of Internationalseminaronsedimenthandlingtechniques,NHA,Kathmandu(1999)
a A b
Guidevanebladeangle Constant(usedinequation1.6) Crosssectionalareaofpipe Constant(usedinequation1.6) Heightoftherunner Bladeangle Concentrationofthesediments Absolutevelocityattheinlet Absolutevelocity,reduced value Diameter Energy hydraulicefficiency Grainsizecoefficient Gravity Head Head Head,reducedvalue Nethead Shapeconstant Hardnessconstant
k3 K
Abrasionresistancecoefficient Experimentalcoefficient Turbinecoefficient Capacityratio Speed NetPositiveSuctionHead Angularvelocity Angularvelocity,reducedvalue Speednumber Numberofparticles Density Flowrate Flowrate,reducedvalue Peripheralvelocity Peripheralvelocity,reduced value Relativevelocity Relativevelocity,reducedvalue Characteristicvelocity Numberofgeneratorpolepairs Erosionrate
c C C D E
Q Q U U V V Vchar Z W
f g H h h Hn k1 k2
b h m n p u va r Referstotheatmosphericpressure Hydraulic Referstothemeridionaldirection Referstothenetvalue Referstoaparticle Referstotheperipheraldirection Referstothevaporpressure Relativevalue s x y z 0 1 2 *
Referstothesuctionhead Concentrationexponent Sizeexponent Characteristicvelocityexponent Referstothecenterlineofthestayvaneshaft Referstotheinletoftheturbinerunner Referstotheoutletoftheturbinerunner Referstothebestefficiencypointofthe turbine Referstothefullloadoftheturbine
Appendix D
ANINVESTIGATIONOFTHEEFFECTOFPARTICLESHAPEANDSIZEIN HYDRAULICTURBINES 1,OleGunnarDahlhaug2,andBholaThapa3 HariPrasadNeopane This paper is presented at the Waterpower XVI 09, International Conference, held in Spokane,USA,2730July2009.Thepaperhasalsopublishedintheproceedingsforthis symposium. ABSTRACT Hydraulicturbinecomponentsoperatinginsandladenwateraresubjecttoerosivewear. This wear is not only reduces efficiency and life of turbine but also causes problems in operationandmaintenance.Atestrigdesignedtoinsertdifferentshapesandsizes(1to 10 mm) of particles was built. The flow in the guide vane cascade was simulated in ordertofindthedragforceofaparticleinswirlflow.Whenaparticleisflowinginswirl flow, drag force and centrifugal force are two major forces influencing the particle equilibrium. The equilibrium of these two forces provides the critical diameter of the particle.Aparticlelargerthanthecriticaldiametermovesawayfromthecentreandhits the wall, but a smaller particle flows along with the water. The critical diameter of the particleis such that the particle continues to rotate in the turbine. Different shapesand sizes of particles were tested with the same operating conditions and found that triangularlyshaped particles were more likely to hit the suction side of the guide vane cascade.Furthermore,itsupportstheconceptofseparationofparticlesfromstreamlines inside the test rig, and lead to the development of an operating strategy for a Francis turbine processing sandladen water. A highspeed digital camera was used to capture images of particles. This study also permitted experimental verification of a given size andshapeofaparticleasitorbitsintheturbineuntileitherthevelocitycomponentsare changed or the particle becomes smaller by fracturing due to impact against the outer wall.
D-1 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
1.INTRODUCTION Sand erosion is caused by impacts of sand particles against the solid surface. These particlesarecontainedinliquidflowmediumandpossesskineticenergythatissufficient todamageevenmetallicsurface.Theprocessofmaterialremovalfromasolidsurfaceby a stream of impacting solid particles has been studied by a number of researchers, and considerable information has been documented on the mechanism of material removal processes.IthasbeenwellestablishedthattheerosionwearperimpactingparticleWisa functionoftheimpactingvelocityvaswellastheparticlediameterdasgivenbythe equation W = K v d (Sheldon et al., 1972). Similarly, several other authors have provided simple expressions, based on wear test results, for wear rate as a function of velocity, material hardness, and grain size or solids concentration (Truscott, 1972). The
a b
material and other factors involved; the most common value appears to be 3 (Truscott, 1972).Somemoredetailedanalysesconsiderwearasaffectedbytheforcesandvelocities acting on a particle in a liquid flow. Truscott, 1972, stated that wear is directly proportional to abrasive power of a particle impinging on a surface. Many equations havebeendevelopedandpresentedinliteraturerelatingwearratebaseduponvelocity of particles, but less information is found relating wear rate based upon the shape and sizeoftheparticles. Furthermore,solidparticlesofdifferentshapesandsizesplayasignificantroleinmany separationprocesses.Swirlflowisaprimarymechanismforseparationofparticlesthat createsacentrifugalforceinmanyseparationprocessesincludinginagapbetweenthe guidevaneoutletandtherunnerinletinaFrancisturbine.Theseparationofparticlesof different shapes and sizes depends upon the variations in behaviour of the particles whensubjectedtotheactionofmovingfluid.Aparticlefallinginaninfinitelylargefluid under the influence of gravity will accelerate until the gravitational force is exactly balanced by the resistive force that includes buoyancy and drag. The constant velocity reached at that stage is called the terminal velocity. The resistive drag force depends uponanexperimentallydetermineddragcoefficient.Thedragcoefficientandterminal velocitiesareimportantdesignparametersformanyseparationprocesses(Gabittoetal., 2007). Particles in water may range in size from a few manometers up to millimetres dimensions. Natural particles also have various shapes, including rods, plate, and spheres, with many variations in between, which make a treatment of particle size difficult. The discussion is vastly simplified if the particles are considered spherical. In thiscaseonlyonesizeparameterisneeded(thediameter)andhydrodynamicproperties are much more easily treated. Of course, nonspherical particles also occur in natural water,andsomewayofcharacterizingthemisessential.Acommonconceptisthatofthe equivalent sphere based on a chosen property of the particles (Gregory, 2006). For instance,anirregularparticlehasacertainsurfaceareaandtheequivalentspherecould
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU D-2
bechosenasthathavingthesamesurfacearea.Thesurfaceareaofsphere,withdiameter d,isjust d . So, if the surface area of the nonspherical particle is known, the equivalent spherical diameter can easily be calculated. For an object of a given volume, the sphere has minimumsurfaceareaandthevolume(ormass)ofagivenparticlemustbeequaltoor lessthanthatofthesphere.Anothercommondefinitionofequivalentsphericaldiameter is based on sedimentation velocity. In this case, from the sedimentation velocity and densityofparticle,thediameterofasphereofthesamematerialthatwouldsettleatthe sameratecanbecalculated.ThisissometimescalledtheStokesequivalentdiameter. In this paper, the results of an experimental study of the effect of various shapes and sizesofdifferentmaterialsinswirlflowarereported.Themainfocusofthepaperisto discuss the critical diameter of particles, and also support the concept of separation of particlesfromstreamlinesinsidethetestrigandtoestablishtheoperatingstrategyfora Francisturbineprocessingsandladenwater. 1.2MOTIONOFPARTICLETHROUGHFLUIDS Therearethreeforcesactingonaparticlemovingthroughafluid:1)Theexternalforce, gravitational or centrifugal; 2) The buoyant force, which acts parallel with the external force but in the opposite direction; 3) The drag force, which appears whenever there is relativemotionbetweentheparticleandthefluid.
1.1.2EQUATIONSFORONEDIMENSIONALMOTIONOFPARTICLETHROUGH FLUID Consider a particle of mass m moving through a fluid under the action of an external force Fe .Letthevelocityoftheparticlerelativetothefluidbe u ,letthebuoyantforceon theparticlebe FB andletthedragbe FD ,then,
du = Fe FB FD dt
Theexternalforcecanbeexpressedasaproductofthemassandtheacceleration a e of theparticlefromthisforce,
Fe = m ae
Thebuoyantforceis,beArchimedeslaw,theproductofthemassofthefluiddisplaced by the particle and the acceleration from the external force. The volume of the particle
m p
,where isthedensityofthefluid.The
FB =
m ae
FD =
C d U 2 Ap
Where C d is the drag coefficient, A p is the projected area of the particle in the plane perpendiculartotheflowdirection. BysubstitutingtheforcesintoEq.(1),wehave
2 p C d U 2 Ap ae C d U Ap du = ae = ae dt p 2m 2m p
p C d U 2 Ap du = g dt 2m p
ae = r 2
p C d U 2 Ap du 2 = r dt 2m p
In this equation, u is the velocity of the particle relative to the fluid and is directed outwardlyalongaradius. 1.2TERMINALVELOCITY Ingravitationalsettling,gisconstant.Also,thedragalwaysincreaseswithvelocity.The acceleration decreases with time and approaches zero. The particle quickly reaches a constant velocity which is the maximum attainable under the circumstances. This maximumsettlingvelocityiscalledterminalvelocity.
p C d U 2 Ap du = g = 0 dt 2m p
ut =
2 g ( p ) m Ap p C d
In motion from a centrifugal force, the velocity depends on the radius and the accelerationisnotconstantiftheparticleisinmotionwithrespecttothefluid.Inmany practicaluseofcentrifugalforce,
du du issmall.If isneglected,then dt dt
ut =
2 r ( p ) m Ap p C d
Iftheparticlesarespheresofdiameter D p ,then, m =
Dp3 p
and, A p =
Dp 2
ut =
4 g ( p ) D p 3 Cd
1.3DRAGCOEFFICIENT Drag coefficient is a function of Reynolds number. The drag curve applies only under restrictedconditions:
ParticleReynoldsnumber: Re , p =
u Dp
Where, u : relative velocity of particle, D p : diameter of the particle, : density of fluid, :viscosityoffluid. StokeslawappliesforparticleReynoldsnumberlessthan1.0
Cd =
24 Re , p
FD =
Cd ut Ap
Dp 1 Dp 24 24 2 2 = ut = ut = 3 ut D p Re, p 4 2 ut D p 8
2 2
FD = 3 u t D p
ut =
4 g ( p ) D p 3 Cd
4 g ( p ) D p = 24 3 ut D p
g ( p ) D p u t
Ut =
g D p ( p )
Inthecaseofcentrifugal, g isreplacedby r
C d = 0.44
[] [N]
(16) (17)
FD = 0.055 D p u t = 1.75 g D p ( p )
At higher relative velocities, the inertia of the fluid begin to dominate (the fluid must accelerate out of the way of the particle). Analytical solution of the NavierStokes equations is not possible under these conditions. However, experiments give the relationship between the drag coefficient and particle Reynolds number in the form of thesocalledstandarddragcurve.Fourdifferentregionsareidentified:theStokeslaw region, the Newtons law region in which drag coefficient is independent of Reynolds number, an intermediate region between the Stokes and Newtons regions; and the boundary layer separation region. The Reynolds number ranges and drag coefficient correlationsfortheseregionsaregiveninTable1,(Martin,2008). Table1 Region Stokes < 0 .3 Intermediate Newtonslaw
Re , p range Cd
24 Re , p
Cd =
24 0.6459 1 + 0.1806 Re , p Re , p
0.4251 + 6880.95 1+ Re , p
1.4PARTICLEINSWIRLFLOW When particles travel in swirling flow toward a turbines outlet, which is locatedinthecentreasshowninFigure 1.1,theparticleswillbeexposedtotwo main forces. Centrifugal force (Fc ) moves the particles away from the centre, while the drag force (FD ) pulls them toward the outlet, which is in the centre,ortowardtherunnerinthecase ofaFrancisturbine(Thapaetal.,2004). These two forces are given by the followingequations.
vanes outlet
Figure1.1Illustrationofparticleflowin spiralswirl
Fc = p FD =
r = p
2 d 3 Ct
1 2 C d Vr A p 2
At equilibrium, these two forces balance each other and a particle of a given diameter will stay at an orbit of radius (r ) until either the velocity component is changed or particlesbecomesmallerbyfractureduetoimpact.Thediameterofaparticle (d ) forthe equilibriumconditionisgivenbyequation(22).Thisiscalledthecriticaldiameter.
3 d c = Cd 4
Vr C t
The drag force is caused by the relative velocity of particles in radial direction (i.e. towardsthecentreofthetank),andcentrifugalforceiscausedbythevelocityofparticle intangentialdirection(i.e.awayfromthecentreofthetank).
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU D-8
2.DESCRIPTIONOFTESTRIGANDTESTPROCEDURE A test rig was developed and designed at the waterpower laboratory, Norwegian UniversityofScienceandTechnology,Norway,tocreatestrongswirlflow,similartothe flow between the guide vane outlet and the runner inlet of a turbine. There was a provisiontointroduceparticles,withsizesrangingfrom1to10mm,intotheswirl,and toobservethemotionoftheparticlesfromPlexiglaswindowslocatedonthecoverofthe tankusingahighspeeddigitalcamera. The experimental set up, as shown in Figure2.1,consistedofamaintank(1100 mm diameter and 700 mm height), 400 mmdiameterinletpipeandoutletcone 1 with valve. The main tank and other 10 0 components of the test rig were 0 70 designed and dimensioned for 50 m of head in order to carry out the experiment in high velocity. The main tank consisted of two compartments 60 1 witha250mmdiameteropeningatthe centreoftheplate.Thisplatedividesthe Plan view main tank into two compartments. Thirtysixcurvedvanes,whichresemble guidevanesofaFrancisturbine,witha radiusof100mmtowardtheinletanda 90mmstraightsectiontowardtheoutlet, were fixed at a pitch circle diameter of 900mm to the middle plate in such a 250 way that the inlet velocity direction should be almost in the radial direction 400 and the outlet would be 10 0 to the tangent.Thesevaneswerelocatedin between the upper part of the middle plate and the bottom part of a 50mm thick, 950 mm diameter transparent Plexiglas plate. From this arrangement, the swirl flow in between the Plexiglas Sectional view and the middle plate could be clearly Figure2.1Theexperimentalsetup observed.TheedgeofthePlexiglaswas madeuniformtoensureuniformflow. ThetopcoverofthetankwasfittedwithfivetransparentwindowsofPlexiglas.Fourof thosetransparentwindowsof160mmdiameterwerelocatedat900,1800,2700and3600
2 50
00 9 0 5 9
Inlet pipe
PlexiGlas Windows
Additional box
Pitot Tube
Particle Filter
respectively at the pitch circle diameter 700 mm to observe the motion of the particles, and the fifth window of 275 mm diameter was located at 315 0 at 700 mm pitch circle diametertomeasurethevelocityoftheflow(afterinsertingaPitottube)andtoobserve thevelocityofparticle.Theparticleinjectionpointwaslocatedat279mmfromthecentre of the tank. The particle was released at the bottom of the Plexiglas through a 15 mm diameterpipeandvalvesarrangement.Particlesupto10mmindiameterweretestedin thisexperiment. A manometer was fitted into the injection pipe and valves arrangement in order to measuretheinletpressureofthetankintheswirlflowfield.Thereweretwoadditional manometerslocatedinthesystem.Onewasconnectedtoanairbleedingvalvelocatedat 390mm from the centre of the tank for measuring the inlet pressure, and another was fitted at the outlet of cone for measuring the pressure at the outlet. The flow rate was calculatedwiththehelpofanultrasonicflowmeterfittedintheinletpipe. The main purpose of this experiment was to determine the velocity of the particle that would flow along with water in the given flow condition. To achieve this, firstly, the operating condition was set at a certain velocity level by controlling the valve opening. Thentheparticlewasinjectedandthemotionoftheparticlewasobservedthroughthe Plexiglaswindowswiththehelpofthehighspeedcamera.Theparticleimagewassaved andanalysiswasperformedbaseduponthetimerequiredtomovetheparticlefromone fixed location to another fixed location. Location of the particle was identified based upontheradialandangularpositionofparticleinsidethetestrig.Inordertocalculate the correct location of theparticle inside the test rig, radialandangular markings were inscribed on the middle plate at diameters of 219 mm, 239 mm, 259 mm, 279 mm, 299 mm,309mmand22.5degreesintervalrespectively.Usingthesemarkings,sixdifferent circlesandeightdifferentangularlinescouldbeclearlyobservedinthemiddleplate. 3.RESULTSANDDISCUSSION Velocities of particles of different sizes andshapesareshowninFigures3.1and Velocity of particle for different size & shape 3.2. The velocity of the particle will increaseiftheoperatingheadincreases. The size of the particle is inversely proportional to the velocity of the particle, and it also depends upon the shapeoftheparticle.Differentshapesof particles were tested, and it was Head [m] determined that sphericallyshaped Figure3.1Velocityofparticlefor particles had higher settling velocities differentsizesandshapes thanparticleswithothershapes.
5mm sp.steel
4.74mm cylin.alum.
Manynaturalparticlesarenotusuallyin spherical shape. These particles will tend to have lower settling velocities becausebothdecreasesinsphericityand increases in angularity tend to decrease settling velocities. Furthermore, larger crosssectionalareastendtobedirected perpendicular to the transport path. Separation of flow is more likely to occur for nonspherical particles, and less spherical particles may rotate, followwobblingpaths,etc.
7 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Head [m]
Figure3.2Velocityofparticleforsame sizesbutdifferentshapes
anditwasdeterminedthattriangularly Ifcentrifugalforceanddragforceonthe shapedparticlesweremorelikelytohit particleareequal,theparticlewillrotate the suction side of the guide vane exactly at the injecting radius, but if cascade.Theradiusatwhichtheparticle those forces do not balance each other, is moving, called rotation radius. This there will two possibilities. The particle either moves toward the inner radius rotation radius also varied with and ultimately sinks or moves toward different shapes of particles, which the outer radius and ultimately hits the further supports the influence of shape sides of the vanes. The equilibrium factorforparticlevelocitycalculation. condition was observed for a given particle after manipulating the flow Rotation radius for same size but different shape velocity, providing verification that the differentforceswerebalancedinthetest rig. This also revealed that the particle withagivendiameterwouldstayatthe orbit of the injecting radius until either the velocity components were changed or the particle became smaller by fracturing due to impact with the outer Flow Rate [LPS] wall. Different shapes of particles were tested with the same operating Figure3.3Rotationradiusforparticles conditionsasshowninFigure3.3, ofthesamesizebutdifferentshapes Drag coefficient was also calculated and plotted versus different shapes, sizes and particleReynoldsnumberasshowninFigures3.4and3.5.
Drag Co-efficient
Drag Co-efficient
Size [mm]
0.468 5.E+04
0.455 2.E+04
0 7.E+04
Thedragcoefficient, C d isanondimensionalnumberthatdependsontheshapeofthe particle,thefluidkinematicviscosityandgrainsize.Ithasbeenfoundthattheeffectof theshapeofnonsphericalparticlesontheirdragcoefficientcanbedefinedintermsof itssphericity.Moreover,shapeaffectsdragcoefficientfarmoreintheIntermediateand NewtonslawregionsthanintheStokeslawregion.However,thevariationofdragco efficient in the Newtons law region is not so significant, but the influence of size and shape of the particle has been clearly demonstrated. The result shows that the triangularlyshaped particles have a higher drag coefficient than other shapes because theangularparticlesalsotendtohavelowersettlingvelocitythanthesphericalones. 4.CONCLUSIONS Theequilibriumbetweencentrifugalforceanddragforceholdstrueinthecaseofparticle movement in swirl flow. The concept of particle separation due to high velocity and accelerationinswirlflowisnotonlycorrelatedforguidevaneoutletsandrunnervane inlets, but also correlated for other turbine components like flow through stay vanes, guide vane cascades, runner vanes of reaction turbines and Pelton buckets. Direct applicationofthisconceptleadstoanoperatingstrategyforFrancisturbinesthatprocess sandladen water. For example, guide vane position could be manipulated to maintain thevelocityratioinsuchawaythatparticlesofagivensizeshouldflowalongwiththe water without striking the wall. This means that the guide vane opening should be adjusted to maintain a velocity ratio, which would be appropriate to the characteristic diameter of the particles. This will keep the particles in the orbit without striking the walland,thus,theeffectofsanderosioncanbeminimized. Furthermore,theparticlevelocityanddragcoefficientnotonlydependonparticlesize but are also sensitive to the shape of the particle along with other variables. The reductionoftheerosionisalsolinkedtothereductionofparticlevelocity.
REFERENCES 1. BrekkeH.(2002)Designofhydraulicmachineryworkinginsandladenwater, In: Duan C.G. and Karelin V.Y. (eds), Abrasive erosion and corrosion of hydraulicmachinery,pp155181,Imperialcollegepress,London. 2. Chevallier, P. and A. B. Vannes (1995). Effects on a sheet surface of an erosive particlejetuponimpact.Wear184(1):8791. 3. Doby, M. J., A. F. Nowakowski, et al. (2007). Numerical and experimental examinationofswirlflowinacylindricalcontainerwithrotatinglids.Minerals Engineering20(4):361367. 4. Gabitto, J. and C. Tsouris (2008). Drag coefficient and settling velocity for particlesofcylindricalshape.PowderTechnology183(2):314322. 5. Gregory,J.(John),Particlesinwaterpropertiesandprocesses,Universitycollege LondonEngland,2006,CRCpress,Taylor&FrancisGroup,p.910 6. Haider, A. and O. Levenspiel (1989). Drag coefficient and terminal velocity of sphericalandnonsphericalparticles.PowderTechnology58(1):6370. 7. JieZhang,ParticleTechnologyStudyNotes. 8. K. Harris January 21, 2003, Sediment transport processes in coastal environments,Lecturernotes. 9. MartinRhodes,2008IntroductiontoParticleTechnology,secondedition,p.29 42. 10. Neopane, Hari Prasad, Ole G. Dahlhaug and Bhola Thapa, 2224 Oct.2007, Alternative Design of a Francis Turbine for Sand Laden Water. Proc. InternationalConferenceonSmallHydropowerHydroSriLanka. 11. Sheldon,G.L.andA.Kanhere(1972).Aninvestigationofimpingementerosion usingsingleparticles.Wear21(1):195209. 12. Truscott, G. F. (1972). A literature survey on abrasive wear in hydraulic machinery.Wear20(1):2950. 13. Tabakoff, W., A. Hamed, et al. (1983). Investigation of gas particle flow in an erosionwindtunnel.Wear86(1):7388. 14. Tabakoff,W.(1995).Hightemperatureerosionresistanceofcoatingsforusein turbomachinery.Wear186187(Part1):224229. 15. Thapa,B.(2004).Sanderosioninhydraulicmachinery.Trondheim,Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology,DepartmentofEnergyandProcessEngineering.2004:105. 16. ThapaB.andBrekkeH.(2004)Effectofsandparticlesizeandsurfacecurvature inerosionofhydraulicturbine,IAHRsymposiumonhydraulicmachineryand systems,Stockholm. 17. Zhao, K., C. Gu, et al. (1993). Study on mechanism of combined action of abrasionandcavitationerosiononsomeengineeringsteels.Wear162164(Part 2):811819.
D-13 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
FD a A b m Fe FB Ct dc Dp g H h W Vr d n Dragforce Constant Crosssectionalareaofpipe Constant Maasoftheparticle Externalforce Buoyantforce Absolutevelocityattheinlet Criticaldia.ofparticle Diameterofparticle Gravity Head Head Erosionrate Relativevelocity Diameterofparticle Refertoexponentialfactor N m2 kg N N m/s m m m/s2 m m m/s m Ap CD r Ut Re,p Fc Cd p Q U u a e
Projectedarea Dragcoefficient radius Terminalvelocity ParticleReynoldsnumber Viscosityoffluid Angularvelocity Centrifugalforce Dragcoefficeint Densityofparticle Densityoffluid Flowrate Peripheralvelocity Relativevelocityofparticle acceleration pi
m2 m m/s Ns/m2 rad/s N kg/m3 kg/m3 m3/s m/s m/s m/s2 Const.
Appendix E
NUMERICALPREDICTIONOFPARTICLESHAPEFACTOREFFECTON SEDIMENTEROSIONINFRANCISTURBINEBLADES HariPrasadNeopane1,OleGunnarDahlhaug2,andMetteEltvik3 This paper is presented at the Hydropower10, the 6th International Conference on Hydropower,heldinTrmso,Norway,13February2010.Thepaperhasalsopublished intheproceedingsforthissymposium. ABSTRACT Hydraulicturbinecomponentsoperatinginsandladenwateraresubjecttoabrasiveand erosive wear. This wear not only reduces the efficiency and life of a turbine but also causesproblemsinoperationandmaintenance.ThepredictionoftheerosiononaFrancis turbine blade will be described based upon the two different shapes of particles at two operatingconditions,namely,bestefficiency(BEP)andfullload,forwhichtheresultsof experimentaltestsareavailablefordiscussion,comparisonandvalidation.Anumerical simulation is based on the Lagrangian particle tracking multiphase model that is available in ANSYS CFX, which is capable of modelling dispersed phases, which are discretely distributed in a continuous phase. The modelling involves the separate calculation of each phase with source terms generated to amount for the effects of the particlesonthecontinuousphase.Itisfoundthaterosiononaturbinebladeisstrongly dependent on the shape of the particle. The predicted erosion rate density is in good agreementwiththeparticlevelocityobtainedfromexperiments.
E-1 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
1.INTRODUCTION Hydraulic turbine components operating in sandladen water are subject to sediment erosion. This type of erosion is not only reduces efficiency and the life of a turbine but also causes problems in operation and maintenance (Brekke, 2002; Neopane, 2009). Suspended sediments in water are subjected to kinetic energy, the force of gravity, viscosity, turbulence, centrifuge and cavitation. The sediment erosion is a result of the mechanicalwearofcomponents.Thisisduetothedynamicactionofsedimentflowing alongwithwaterimpactingagainstthesolidsurface.Therefore,sedimentflowingalong withwaterpassingthroughtheturbineistherootcausedofsedimenterosioninturbine components (Naidu, 1999). The sediment content in rivers may cause abrasion on different components of hydraulic turbines. The erosion intensity depends on the sediment type, its characteristics (particle shape, size and concentration etc.), the operating conditions of the machine (flow rate, head and rotation speed etc.), and the hydraulic design itself, as well as the material used for the turbine component (Finnie, 1972; Truscott, 1972; Thapa and Brekke, 2004). Various researchers have conducted experiments to study the effect of these parameters on erosive wear, but most of these experimentsareonsmallsizesamplesindifferenttypesoftestrigstosimulatetheflow conditionsintheturbine,butactualflowconditionsandthephenomenonoferosivewear aretoocomplextosimulate(PadhyandSaini,2008). Particle characteristics are an important but relatively poorly researched aspect of the erosionproblem(Stachowiaketal.,2006).Itisimpossibletoisolatehardnesscompletely from other features of the particle such as its shape. Even if the particle is hard but relatively blunt then it is unlikely to cause severe erosive wear. A blunt particle has a mostlycurvedsurfaceapproximatingasphericalshape,whileasharpparticleconsistsof flat areas joined by corners with small radii, which are critical to the process of wear (Stachowiaketal.,2006).Thesedimentwearincreasesrapidlywiththeflowvelocity,and is often reported as being approximately (velocity)3, or (pump head)3/2, from both theoreticalconsiderationsandtestresults(Truscott,1972).Theactualvalueoftheindex, foranygivenconditionsandtheactualmechanismoftheerosivewearisnotyetclearly understood. Hence, a simple, reliable and generalized model for erosion is not yet developed for engineering purposes. Many erosion models are developed for a specific purposeorcondition(Thapa,2004).Mostofthecommonexpressionsforerosivewearare based upon the experimental experience so that a multidimensional study approach is needed to investigate the relationship between sediment movement and sediment erosionmechanisminsidethehydraulicmachines(Naidu,1999).Thereisapressingneed tostudysedimenterosionanddevelopmorerealisticempiricalrelationsbaseduponthe combinedexperimental,numericalandfieldexperienceswithrespecttotheinfluencing factorsisincreasingdaybyday. Traditionally,manufacturersofhydraulicturbineshaveonlyreliedonempiricaldataand experiencegatheredfromsitetoinvestigatethecomponentdamageduetosiltabrasion between outages. This information is very helpful, but for new hydropower projects involving the risk of sand abrasion, it is desirable to numerically study the abrasive
HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU E-2
mechanismduringthedesignprocessinordertopredictandquantify,thezones,where thereisahighriskoferosiondamage(VuandAlain,2000). The main objective of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the different shapes of particle movement and the tendency of erosion inside the Francis turbine blades. Then establish the operating strategy for a Francis turbine operating in sand ladenwater.Inordertoachievethemainobjective,numericalsimulationsarecarriedout baseduponthecommercialComputationalFluidDynamics(CFD)code,namelyCFXon aFrancisturbineofCahuaHydropowerplant.Thepredictionoftheerosiononturbine bladewillbedescribedbaseduponthetwodifferentshapesofparticlesattwooperating conditions, namely, best efficiency (BEP) and maximum load. Here the results of the experimentaltestsareavailablefordiscussion,comparisonandvalidation. 1.1CAHUAHYDROPOWERPLANT(HPP) Cahua HPP is a RunofRiver hydropower plant in Peru. It is located 200 km north of Lima,bythePativilcaRiver.ThepowerplanthastwolowheadverticalFrancisturbines andtotalinstalledcapacityof43MWwithagrossheadof215mandamassflowof22 m3/s.Theaverageannualoutputis280GWh.BothFrancisturbinescomposedof20stay vanes,20guidevanesand17runnerblades.Thepowerplantwascompletedin1967and purchasedbySNPowerNorwayin2003. The sediment study conducted in this power plant indicated that, the sediment concentration exceed 120,000 tons of sediment only after six weeks of operation. The averagecontentofquartzparticlesinthesedimentisfoundtoabout35%andfeldsparis found to about 30 %, which are harder than the turbine material, is main reason of excessivesedimenterosioninthehydraulicmachineryoperatinginthispowerplant. 2.CFDMETHODOLOGIES The numerical unsteady simulations are carried out with the commercial software ANSYS CFX. There areanumber ofdifferent solution methodswhich are used in CFD codes. The most common, and the one on which ANSYS CFX is based, known as the finitevolumetechnique.Inthistechnique,theregionofinterestisdividedintosmallsub regions, called control volumes. The equations are discretized and solved the incompressibleUnsteadyReynoldsAveragedNavierStokes(URANS)equationsintheir conservativeformiteratively.Asaresult,anapproximationofthevalueofeachvariable atspecificpointsthroughoutthedomaincanbeobtained.Inthisway,onederivesafull picture of the behaviour of the flow. To provide closure to the time averaged Navier Stokesequations,itisnecessarytoutilizeaturbulenceclosuremodel.Thetwoequations turbulencemodels, k andSSTweretested.
The k model has proven to be stable and numerically robust and has a well established regime of predictive capability. For generalpurpose simulations, the k model offers a good compromise in terms of accuracy and robustness; however, it can lackpredictionaccuracyforcomplexflow.Suchcomplexitiesincluderapidvariationsin flowarea,flowswithboundarylayerseparation,flowswithsuddenchangesinthemean strainrate,flowsinrotatingfluids,flowsovercurvedsurfacesetc. A Reynolds Stress model may be more appropriate for flows with sudden changes in strainrateorrotatingflows,whiletheSSTmodelmaybemoreappropriateforseparated flows. Hence, the Shear stress turbulence (SST) model was utilized as default closure model. Furthermore, the discretization of the equations was made with the Forward Eulerimplicitscheme,secondordertime,andinhighresolutionadvectionscheme.The assumedconvergencecriterionforresidualswasRMSof104. 2.1PARTICLETRANSPORTTHEORY Particle transport modelling is one type of multiphase model, where particulates are tracked through the flow in a Lagrangian way, rather than being modelled as an extra Eulerian phase. The full particulate phase is modelled by just a sample of individual particles.Thetrackingiscarriedoutbyformingasetofordinarydifferentialequationsin time for each particle, consisting of equations for position, velocity, temperature, and massesofspecies.Theseequationsarethenintegratedusingasimpleintegrationmethod tocalculatethebehaviouroftheparticlesastheytraversetheflowdomain.Whilesetting uptheLagrangianwayparticlemodel,thefollowingassumptionsareimplied:
dU P = FD + FB + FR + FV M + FP + FBA dt
Where, FD isdragforceactingontheparticle, FB isbuoyancyforceduetogravity, FR is forcesduetodomainrotation(CentripetalandCoriolisforces), FVM isvirtual(oradded) mass force. This is the force to accelerate the virtual mass of the fluid in the volume occupiedbytheparticle.Thistermisimportantwhenthedisplacedfluidmassexceeds theparticlemass,suchasinthemotionofbubbles, FP ispressuregradientforce.Thisis theforceappliedontheparticleduetothepressuregradientinthefluidsurroundingthe particle caused by fluid acceleration. It is only significant when the fluid density is comparabletoorgreaterthantheparticledensityand, FBA isbassetforceorhistoryterm which accounts for the deviation in flow pattern from a steady state. This term is not implementedinANSYSCFX. A moving fluid exerts an aerodynamic force which is sum of the drag force (acts in opposite direction to the fluid motion) and lift force (acts normal to the fluid motion). CFX gives consideration to pressure gradient forces of the surrounding fluids and gravitational effects. The lift force effect is simply ignored for the computational ease. Furthermore,virtualmassforce,bassetforceandotherforcesarenormallyneglectedin viewofthelargedifferentialdensitybetweenphases.Theequationfortherateofchange ofvelocitywithinCFXisderiveddirectlyfromNewtonssecondlaw.Thevelocitiesare obtainedbysimplyintegratingtheforcebalanceinaLagrangianframeofreference.
dU P 1 m 3 = C D F AF U F U P (U F U P ) + d p ( P F ) g F P 2 6 F dt
(2.2) Inthesimplestformofequationofmotion,themaintermontherighthandsideisthe drag force that includes the consideration of both skin and form effects. The total drag forceismostconvenientlyexpressedintermsofthenondimensionaldragcoefficient,as defined by the Schiller Naumann correlation. ANSYS CFX modifies this to ensure the correctlimitingbehaviourintheinertialregimebytaking,
However,thiscorrelationhasbeendevelopedbaseduponsphericalshapeoftheparticle; thetrajectoriesofthenonsphericalparticlescanbemodelledthroughtheapplicationof shape factors, allowing nonuniform drag distribution and bounce characteristics to be classified.
E-5 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
2.3RESTITUTIONCOEFFICIENTFORPARTICLES The parallel and perpendicular restitution coefficient describe the action of particles when they hit a wall. The reflected velocity of the particle is lower than the incoming velocity due to energy transfer. Energy is dissipated as heat, noise and target material deformation.Thiseffectisdescribedbythemomentumbasedrestitutioncoefficient.The coefficientvaluesofonedescribedanelasticcollision,whilevalueslessthanonedescribe an inelastic collision. The parallel coefficient is usually equal to one. The perpendicular coefficientwilldependontheparticlematerial.Particlethatbouncesoffwallswillhavea perpendicular coefficient close to one, while particles that stick to walls will have a perpendicular coefficient of zero. In this simulation, the perpendicular and parallel coefficientsofrestitutionsarechosenequalto0.9and1respectively. 2.4TABAKOFFEROSIONMODEL In general, the Tabakoff model provides more scope for customization with its larger numberofinputparameters.Thechoiceofonemodeloveranotherislargelysimulation dependent.Theerosionmodelcanbesetonaperboundaryorperdomainbasis.When enabled for the domain, the domain settings will apply for all boundaries that do not explicitlyhaveerosionmodelsettingsappliedtothem.TheTabakoffmodelrequiresthe specificationoffiveparameters.The k12 constant,3referencevelocitiesandtheangleof maximumerosion 0 mustallbespecified.Theerosionrate E isdeterminedfromthe followingrelations:
E = k1 f ( ) V p Cos 2 1 RT + f (VP N )
2 2
/ 2 f ( ) = 1 + k 2 k12 Sin 0
RT = 1 k 4 VP Sin
(2.6) (2.7)
if 2 0 if > 2 0
k 4 , k12 and 0 are model constants and depend on the particle/wall material
combination. The overall erosion rate of a wall due to a particle is computed from the followingrelation:
Erosion Rate = E N m p
Here m p isthemassoftheparticleand N isitsnumberrate.Theoverallerosionofthe wallisthenthesumoverallparticles.Thisgivesanerosionrateinkg/s,andanerosion rate density variable in the res file and postprocessor in kg/s/m2. Furthermore, this erosion rate is only a qualitative guide to erosion, unless precise values for the model constantsareknown. 2.5NUMERICALMODEL To achieve a result with second order accuracy and sufficient numerical stability, the highresolution scheme was applied for discretization of the grid. Turbo Grid 11.0 was selected for meshing because this is a highly automated hexahedral mesh generator, specially designed for turbo machinery. Grids generation is relied on three different factors; namely, number of cells, Reynolds numberand turbulence model desired. Two equationsturbulencemodelwerechoseninitiallyforgridsgenerationbuttheSSTmodel gave the most realistic results, and it was decided to continue the simulation with this model only. For setting up a new simulation in ANSYS CFX, the mesh files were importedandmergedtogethertoformcomputationaldomainsasshowninFigures2.1 and2.2.
E-7 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
Thekeystepsofthenumericalmodellingprocessmainlyinclude: (a)Componentdefinition:Thecomponentdefinitionpanelisusedtoimportmeshesand toselecttherotationspeedofeachcomponentandsetatipclearance. (b) Physics definition: All the physical settings, including fluid type, simulation type, inletandoutletboundaryconditions,interfacetypesandsolverparametersaresetinthis panel. The selection of boundary template, which provides quick setup of the most commonturbomachineryboundaryconditions,hastobespecifiedinthisstage.Forthis simulationmassflowinlet,pressurestaticoutletisselectedperpassagebasis. (c) Interface definition: The frozen rotor interface was selected as the interface default typeandsettheconvergencecontroltophysicaltimescalewithavalueof1/ [rev/min]. Generallytheinterfacesareautomaticallycreatedusingtheregioninformationfromthe componentdefinitionpanel. (d) Boundary definition: Boundary conditions are also automatically created using the region information from the component definition panel and information from the physicsdefinitionpanel. (e)FinalOperation:Thefinaloperationpanelisusedtoenterintothegeneralmodeof operation for applying other CFX features including sand properties definition and particletrackingetc. (f)DefiningthepropertiesofSand:Thematerialpropertiesofsandparticlesusedinthe simulation needs to be defined in general mode. Heat transfer and radiation modelling are not used in this simulation, so the only property that needs to be defined is the densityofsand. Tocalculatetheeffectofparticlesoncontinuesfluids,between100and1000particlesare usuallyrequired.However,ifaccurateinformationabouttheparticlevolumefractionor local forces on the wall boundaries is required, then a much larger number of particles needtobemodelled.Aftercreatingadomain,fullcouplingoronewaycouplingbetween theparticleandcontinuesphasehastobechosen.Fullcouplingisneededtopredictthe effect of particles on the continuous phase flow field but has the higher CPU cost than oneway coupling. Oneway coupling simply predicts the particle paths during post processingbasedontheflowfield,butwithoutaffectingtheflowfield.TooptimizeCPU usage,thetwosetsofidenticalparticleswerecreated.Thefirstsetwillbefullycoupled and between 100 and 1,000 particles will be used. This allows the particles to influence the flow field. The secondset will use oneway coupling but a much higher number of particles will be used. This provides a more accurate calculation of the particle volume fractionandlocalforcesonthewall. Sand particles are uniformly injected at the stay vane inlet with the same conditions as thefluid.Theparticleswillfollowthroughthedomainsandexitattheoutlet.Thesand particles are defined as solid particles and the size distribution is uniform in diameter. Theturbulencedissipationforceisactivated,andtheSchillerNaumannmodelischosen tocalculatethedragforceactingontheparticle.
2.6BOUNDARYCONDITIONS If all residual are below their targeted criteria then convergences of equations will prevail. To improve the convergences of simulation and to obtain a conversion of solutionwithlessnumbersofiterationsinrelativelyshortintervaloftime,onlyonesetof blades was considered in this simulation analysis. In the post processing, there is a provision to assemble all components of turbine. The two most interesting operating pointsareatthebestpointefficiencyandfullload,withguidevaneangleof16and22 respectively.To study the effect of different shape of the particle for predicting erosion rate density, the simulations were carried out at same concentration rates for both operatingconditions. 2.6.1INLETANDOUTLET When setting boundary conditions, ANSYS CFX best practices guide for Turbo machineryrecommendedspecifyingatotalinletpressureandmassflowoutlet.Thiswill give a more appropriate calculation of the flow field than with the mass flow inlet conditionforthosemachinesdrawingfluiddirectlyfromastaticreservoir.Thismaybe validforhydraulicpumpsimulationbutinthecaseofradialturbine,themassflowinlet and a total pressure outlet was found more appropriate and robust than the total inlet pressureandmassflowoutlet.Inaddition,thisprovidesbetterperformanceofturbine, whenlookedatpressuredistribution,y+values,poweroutput,headandflowrate.Thus, theinletconditionwassetasmassflowrateperpassagewithvelocitycomponents.The outlet pressure in this case is arbitrary and is usually set at or close to zero to reduce roundofferror.Inthissimulation,thiswaschosenequalto1atm.Thedetailboundary conditionwithappropriatevalueispresentedinTable2.1. Table2.1:Boundaryconditions Variable Value Waterdensity 997kg/m3 Quartzparticledensity 2.65gm/cm3 Diameteroftheparticle 0.1to0.2mm InletmassflowrateofwateratBEP 540kg/s InletmassflowrateofwateratFullLoad 685kg/s Totalpressureoutlet 1[atm.] Inletmassflowrateofparticle 0.05kg/sperpassage 0,0.4,0.9165 InletflowdirectionatStayvanes( , r , ) 2.6.2WALL Thecovers,hub,shroudandvanesweredefinedassmoothwallswithnoslipcondition. Fluidvelocitiesnearthewallwillthenbedecreasedbythewallfriction.Therunnerhas anangularvelocity600rpm,whilethestayvaneandguidevanearestationarydomains.
E-9 HPN PhD Thesis, NTNU
Aperiodicboundaryconditionwassettocoupletwoadjacentblades.Thissimplifiedthe computationalmodel. 3.RESULTSANDDISCUSSIONS Figure3.1and3.2showsthepredictionoferosionratedensityalongthebladesurfaceat 16 0guidevaneanglewhichisatmaximumefficiencypoint.Itcanbeclearlyseenfrom thefiguresthatmaximumerosionoccursinthebladeprofilewithshapefactorof0.5.The particlesshapefactorassumedtobesphericalbydefaultinANSYSanditsvalueisequal to1.Iftheparticleisdeviatedfromsphericalshapethenshapefactorvalueislessthan1. ANSYSCFXalwayscalculatesthediameteroftheparticlefromthemassoftheparticle divided by its density, assuming it is spherical. A cross sectional area factor can be included to modify the assumed spherical cross section area to allow for nonspherical particles.ThisaffectsthedragforcecalculatedbyANSYSCFX.Thesurfaceareafactoris analogoustothecrosssectionalfactor. Fornonsphericalparticle,itistheratioofthesurfaceareatothesurfaceareaofspherical particle with the same equivalent diameter. This affects both mass transfer and heat transfercorrelation.
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Similarly,Figure3.3and3.4showsthepredictionoferosionratedensityalongtheblade surfaceat22 0guidevaneanglewhichisatfullloadcondition.Itcanalsobeclearlyseen fromthefiguresthatmaximumerosionoccursinthebladeprofilewithshapefactor0.5. A similar erosion pattern is observed in each case. However, the blade profile area is highlyaffectedandlargerintensityoferosionrateisclearlyobservedinthecaseofnon sphericalshapeoftheparticle.Theerosionratedensityofpressuresideismorethanof the suction side of the blade. This is even more in larger the guide vane opening. The erosionratedensityismoretowardstheoutletascomparetotheinletoftheblade.This maybeduetothebladeprofiletailvortexflow,whichleadstoincreasingtheerosionrate densityinthebladeoutlet. Tovalidatesimulationresult,atestrig,wasdevelopedanddesignedattheWaterpower Laboratory,NorwegianUniversity of Science andTechnology, Norway. The velocity of particlewascalculatedinhighlyswirlconditionssimilartoturbineflowincurvedpath, and found that the size of the particle is inversely proportional to the velocity of the particle,anditalsodependsupontheshapeoftheparticle.Differentshapesofparticle weretested,anditwasdeterminedthatsphericallyshapedparticlehadhighervelocity thanparticlewithothershapes.Generallytheerosionratedensitywillincreasewhenthe velocity of particle increase. However, this has not occurred in this simulation analysis becauseofshapefactoroftheparticle. Ingeneral,manynaturalparticlesareusuallyinnonsphericalshape.Theseparticleswill tend to have lower velocities because both decreases in spheroid and increases in angularitytendtodecreasevelocities.Theimpactareaoftheseparticlesontheeroded surfaceisrelativelylargerandtendstobedirectedperpendiculartothetransportpath. Asaresult,highercoefficientofdrag,higherrotationalmotionandmoreseparationof flowlikelytooccurandhencemoreerosionrateisfound. 4.CONCLUSIONS The operation of turbine at full load not only caused poor efficiency but also increased turbulence and higher relative velocity of flow at outlet of the blade. This also creates strong swirl flow in turbine. The role of operating conditions on erosion rate density clearly demonstrated in simulation analysis. It has been shown that predicted erosion rate density is in good agreement with the experiments. It has been found that erosion process is strongly depended on the shape of the particle. Furthermore, the significant reductionoferosionratecanbeachievedbyoperatingturbineinbestefficiencypointas faraspossible. REFERENCES 1. ANSYS:CFDonline,[Accessedon31August2009] 2. ANSYSTurboGridRelease11.0.Usersguide,2006.
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