Tri-County Press 2004

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The Jr. High Wreslling learn won the l:lsl
meet of lh(.' year Marcil /0 :Jgainst 8),((111.
Page Il
Celebrity Match
The Chicago GeaN wi ll Olccllocal 0 11 the
baskctbaH court at $liUman V.1Ik')' HS Mar\:h I 'J ,
Nature ., r '." ". :t
Pet Psychic
FlIlu oul how to beller IIl10crsland :111..1
\Imh your pelS March 21.
Page (,
Tri-County Press
Servillg the Polo area sillce 1857
MARCH 18,2004
Sworn In
Dan Mas:soy, loft, was sworn in as tho now Wncd III Alcktrroon by Mayor JoN Van Ooston
March 15. Massey replaced Wayno Scott who rosigned tho position as aldorman in
February. Photo by Jane Ahon
Hurry for Drawdown tickets
The Pulu Alhletk
will hI! hl'h1inr. Ihelr :' 111111:11
f)r.IW' /IIWtl Oll\lier . 1fI SIII.lhy,
27 01' ft p.m, :11 Ihe
Ame ri cnn l el- i"n 10 1' 010.
Tid :. eu arc S2S ell ch ..... i ll!
adlhll oll .. l nll'allit:Kl1 s:n ' l1lablc
rurS !!).
oillg I" slall' , p"m JXlfIS ("(Ilk'
pom 5'IU:ul. They ha vc
hefpetl i ll p3 y lng fur Ihe
marquce 11\ the rrllRI lIf Ihe
A c uriam Il'r thc IIC'"
addiliun Ill' Ihe :11'111 new
111 :. 15 arc Ihl' OW.i l rl'l' l'nl
Tickels 3re :I. \;I\ I,lhle fn'm
members, Jdroi
\If h y o.: :l. llint,( J uel aod Oeh
(';"rl.lI), al y,U' , ) ult } ur Vit;'k,
5<- hl),\1.'1 "I 9-16-3S2I ,
The S25 lio.:kel"iII :!lSlI enler
the lidel 11\ the
ii)\" :\lld pril.e5 d\IO:'k\.l h)'
Two dates still open
the h" us lcrs ;ttld
.. e!i .
The i\lhll.'l i( h:l ve
pwvHkd tHO: Il Y fur Ihe
SPUI!:S progra ms :11 1' 1'10.)
('()IIHlI t.4 l1ily Seh.)!,1.
vI' Ih e itettls
havc hecn Ihe n'SltoulII S "nd
hll.l :11 Ihe rltu l h;11I
fit:ld. Ihe tahle "nJ
fll 'IJ IlIIn III 1111: 11; )' 111, .... arnmp
s t.4lh 1'," Ihe ho y' ha skClhall
team, c ql1ipme nl
fur I he "eit!ht tl""II,
rdurbuhi nr. 1J\
l' aIflJH, Ittr hOYj :lnd j: i rl s
to :1Skelhall. ,\lIU
t: heerle:.uini! , s tal c
wHh Ihe l.1
Thc Pt.lll 11/
l'lllIlll\cro.:e \II01rkl'l
meab jlil! Ims 1"<'11 .L.l1es lIpell
rvr their flllhlie <iimll'rs,
The upcn afe Au!; . 2(1
:mJSepl. 9,

""ill t-l' s en' llIl!:
ill July and
litwuh Scph."InOcr
Till' !:In manua l UllIleu
Church (EUM) will
hi: serving Ihe meal un Jill)'
TIlt' Polu lI isltlm:.1 SudelY
will be un Jlll y 15.
I' ulll Area Sc IUur Cenler has
fl'SeJ\'ed t"'U d:ttl'S" TllI:ir
IIlI:al \O' jl1 l'M." Jill ) 22
51. l.utl\l'wl1 Church
hal rcsefw(1 Jul )' 2') IiI' thCl I
51 Mary 's (J\IIrdl \oI' ill he

Alii!. 12. !he r U\\1 "rca Play
will h.: slnillJ; II'll.." IOC:'\.
Plitt> iJni led
('hlW't:h l l' UI\I) "'111 he l'MIII);
lulli Ilk'ir IlIe:II' II I AU): .
Fmnt:III\1c! linilell
has l'es l:rvet! 5epl. 2 ft.r
1llI.'l rSCll lt ltt mealll' llll'
The \, f \\, AII" ili ar),
IC.> eJ\C.I'",l ILlles, Scpt. [6 and
Sert ,3H
Centennial still collecting box tops
('eull'nnl,,1 i$ EJIIC:l IH)I1 ""It be rllt.4 1111 UII pr .. Jucts \' all he f"ullli ,II
lups ro r Belly Cruo.:ker, P,lhhllry, Gvkl " ' ",,' w,htl xt tlp.c,kJm: :IIIOII,cllm
... dUl:al j\'fl. TIle S'.'I)t",1 teCl' iw s Mcd al. YI'pl;'il. Greell (;1;\ lIt t:Xlm .... n 0\\.( " he t>l!laino:J
, In n 'nl S ror c\'ery h,llI. to p a lldl;C1tl'ral proJut.:l". A fllr Ihc sdlll\ o\ h)'
l urned III. lJux Tops rOT "(''''PIcIC o r \.n li lle :11 Ihe Bu:t; Tups
. ' ". THlS:WEEK .' .
-:(. 't .' I '(: ". - ' - ... ,
Ap'i .. 7
t.'hun.:h Be ll s. 5
Court Re{l(ll1. 15
f.llt,11airunerM, 6
M:lfTi agl'
liccu:M.'s ,-I
Ohtlu:ar!cs.1 5
1'l.'tlf'lc, 4
Polic ... UC'oll, W
Pubht: VOlCe,!S
Pnlfll:rt )'
T nuftnal lu 3;
huk''>I) IL.,lhannurn\:\I.
SIW .... {,,\'SSIt>1cluApri l
5. Rainf:l.UhI."Cumin"
hl:low nonn:11 IInli l
Ma.rch2lt B ... st
.s!\M' nlS an:
17- I S:lnU

COUpt . .,.. DiLttl. Grocnh;aI;ell,
J hmund. Petcrsun
WWW.hl .. 1111I\ e\'IIl .
n ux h.>ps eJn he Selll \10 lIn an)'
Cen1cllnial Sehuol sll .. lenl ;It\J
ill the hux , )of
':;ll1llJ rh fl-hllef <II f\Ir
Polo firemen to
serve breakfast
1",,1(. Fire Depart",cnL
wi ll servc I" firemen ' s
hreakfasl ffllm 7, 1 1 ll . m,

The 1lIl'l\\! ",,;11 Indude
!l,;1lts;Ir.l'. b,scuit s lind
,r .. \y, sel :l lllhleJ ... ,';s, .. nd
Luast .
..... ill h-c aceeph:d
"I Ihe JIX', \\il1 he
us ed Iu 1: l.ll1iP11)':111 In
help p,,' l l'cl and Ihl:
Pulu. lllir.vk 61U64 VOlllll\l' 146. NIVIIN.'f20 51 .ulI
Ward III alderman seated
By JxncAllml
Ibn W:'IlI in
11ll' lIew WOIn.l 111 :lldenllOlIl 011
till' P, .k) CilY Cuulld) Illl'l'liJ1t:
M:uch 15. Mass ey r.:plaecJ
\V'I)-nt" Sc un .... ho in
Fdml.l r),.
I\hYlIf kff Van O,lslell all4ll
appoinled M;lssq ' 10 Ihe;:' P:uk
"ltd Kl'\.Te'l tio.Ml C .. mmitlcl' " nd
n n i"li ,,!: :lnd GrtlUII l[ J
In utht:r Larry
l:mtlCn. II mt.'mhcr of lilt' Polu
El'\,nulIllt.' l)e" t:\lIplllell l
CU/lllnill ce (,EDe ) s aid thl:
t:Of/vnilll"C hiS rttcI \'ed a luI. or
fur inr&'nllIriOft !lI>I>u1
fU Tlni ng :. T.n Int.'rcmenl
(TlF) Dislri':l in
('il) orr"lo.
lie s.lid Ihc cOlllmittct: has
t:onlacled a consulling group
Ihpl helps c ilies up TI"
Di slril1s,
Tht:o 1:1' 01.11' will he "llh ... tlCXI
I'El K IIIct:l ing April 13 ltl 7
p.m. :II Pu lu Cily lI "n 10
t:llplmll TIF work
::11111 an)' nc;:w Ih:\!
INly he ;n cl flc1.
"' think ;1 .....llultlf>c fell!. re'oll
i mpurtant ror the ma)uT. Ihl'
cily ,m orne)' , the t:lll11u:ilmen,
CQUIlClj w"'lIcll, Ihe l'jly derk
ami all YN"ly els e lu $ho ..... up
fill' It\;It IlIl"C'lio,:," lannen,
('ilY Clerk Susie CllI'hin s:lill
she :ullll ..... " \If Ihc Il ldefllll'n
had allended TIl-' 1I1C ...
for ;. sUlTOuuJinr. IUWI! Ihal was
\' er)' ncr.a li ve . On thl! nther
h.1/1lI, Oli li IHWIIl' h:l\'e
lwcn \ 'cr )' harpy wi ll\ Ihc nF
"Thi s i.t onl y all
inroTlllat;on;a1 iIIeetin,." :t;ud
Curhltl intrmluccd Pillo
IJo..lnl r1I,"mm." lkd:)'
Ilallcr son ..... ho ..... ill he
tL'('n'SL.,lIinS the htkllli al
Ihe ci t)' CtlUOCl1
In lur,lM:r
Di s po,:d ..... ill he piciduK up
yard ..... asle nn MIJl ItIOl)" s
OeEinnin, April S.
w;ute 1>1;;' in
hilltkgrnl;ahk yull 1 ....
III nul
e xccc lli n! 3l in
alld dcarly marked
with :m"XM,
limit iJ ri\'e
blJ,':, /eonlllincn pcr week. Nil
ha.: 1M" cootai,,,,., c:.n I:llcl..::d 511
ilmn up 10 1 ....0 Inches
in dillmo:trcl ....iII he cOiled cd
pro\'idcd :HI:- in hundles
nol cllcc:edml! 1 ....0 fec I 11\
diameter ;and 11\11 c.u' cc lhng
rourli' 1.1 in Ic,:tlgth.
LovjC. INIteri;)1
..... iII nul he: rcrnuVcd from
curh, Material should he ;,1 lhe
111;\1 lOS r[:tet:d .. t the
curti aft ...r thl, InK:k h:I$
..... 111 rent:! in ;at 11",'cluh untlilhe
rllll" ..... .....eek.
li ifXIL'W':u!..hle may he
pun: huell ;at Chuky's
Pharnl:II: )' or " :mJ"s Valu
(,il)' l\( 1'010 will still hi:
up tfl.,":: limits ""hich art:
hid'" II duwn in sknns :Ir!d 111i!h
.'OJ rUIIht.., inrllf'llklllllll
or que stiuns (: :IU ci ty hall :,t
94,,)5 14.
In alll.!till'r Allknnlll
Ich:lhJ J"c\.;s rcpnrtl't.l Ilfl tnc
pre' l' llnSllucl iun t:unrercl1n:
:ll s" held Ma,,: h 15.
('olUtrllcli(11I "" ill
)if,lf1 o,, /IH:\\;lll'rl,lIIl: "h.m/II<:
tt ... d :m: lined. The
(L11e f'lf the.' ""ll llT 111:4111 is
hllrcf"II)' hl'l wt.'c/I M.IY 1 :lnu
Jurll' I . The ,itarl Ii;llc re.r lhe
\\';Ik'f lank ....111
In JUlie ;l lld the ' .. nk
l'UIISl mo.:llllfi will takc ci l hl IU
lillie wt'eks III tHuhl ," SiI.ic.l
lie sa .. j when hutlk lip
10 Ihe ",1' 1.' 1 "nd when
";ller lestlllg ii !lone, 11K:" walc,
....,11 he s lnl1 (lrr lind II w ::I ln
IIf,ftl}: I,'jCl'wl ll f>clndfl,(:t. TIle
pl.lhlit' will he 1I\lIifil't.l iI''' .,.,.il
onJcr will toe i)Sl. It'u, and nUIK.-es
will .....
" W\tcre is
Cl lllle (r<lm'! Dn Ihe)' h:II\' e II.
drill a lI ew "'eU'!" as ked
Allk:nnan l'hek Slye:)'nski.
"TIll: w .. ler Will come r,,'.m
Ihe Suutee," ,aid Walt'r
:u'll.l SeWef Supt,:rinlendcnt Mike
" 1\ Inok li ke Ihey
h;t\t' "t-ry Iwpcs of
heill!!- until July 2nt.lS
:.nd by Ihc time Ihey It:'''e it
conslruck'll il ",ill he 11'0 luh: ill
.he season ... il pa intcd
"nd we'lIl\;l\e Itl .... unlil the
rtlllt>WIII! s pr ing IInlC', s
so'>lllI.1 1l1nE cl se anti wc
WllfI'l h'\ \ 'e III "" alt 111;It lung,"
)i.:l ul
lllcc(>l nt: 11 "'l'111 inlo cinsc,1
SC;: SS IOII ror employe:e hirillE,
firinH' \'I>lI\f .... n1-;ltwll. dl M.' iplill!.'
Scholl, Heuer, White win
1\ ("lflll'sl ht.'1"'ecn I" ..
lillie elllkd wllh
,liITereLl t result Ihan Ihelr la s '
fact' -,,!'f in IhC' ('Ollllly
!Juanl ()idrit"1 4 Repllhlk,.ln
primar)'r:t\'eM;lft:h Iii,
In tlw 2nu2 ,'It.'l iull n" 1\
('111\11. 1' lI ll', .k fca le\.l
lleuer. Ofl' gUlI, h)' a mcre \WI I
rUI \I seal 011 the ':UIIIII)'
huarll . "'- tl.'l:ounl lleuer
morc \'otl'.
Thill lnne :\l\)t,ul,l.lIeut.r "'as
the , 'k lor 1.11''1 \,oIes

lIellcf l'uul" nH' ..... f,' olt: Il,' d
fur e(>lI\lIIc:nI, auJ C"1111 Was
!To1t:iuus indd't::II.
"Th .. peup[l' lil-CHlell the )'
\\anll',1 difka'nl ," h\'
SOl ki, "T .....t!)'cal'li :l}! .....ellt Of'll.."
\\';1)' :'nd Lime il went Ihe
vtheT. I ' m :lhllUI .... h.11 I
ao.:.. .Iuri ll)! Illy
' 'HIII'll.."CI',ulllyho. ... rll . W ... ha\'c a
eO)lInl ), holtrJ lIu'" 111:11
4ue s ll"lIs all
I ftcl
lI euer tllle: "f thre e
S\ll'l"CUrlll ... s in a li w-
way (;tee fur three "l:pllhlk:1II
nomin:lli llf'l :( li)r Illree ' NI:, .Xl
Ihe t;' OUIllyhl"'fJ.
11It: 11111""'111 TUIII SchuH, Poll.!.
..... n Ihe h.p ..... ith
\.3"6 ;uui P .. ul While.
FllrTeSh>l '. n'(:Cl\l'J 1. 2tJ2. Tum
Balscr. Di xon. 55S
\ ',>(e<.
"I'm u\er"'hdmed. OIl
Icdmg," ahO'u'
his \olin. " I h,,1l a luI II I
auJ "1,,1 1'\.11.1 a i<1I
Uf o.:llfllidenee to m .... I w,1I
lily \'er), lu repre Sel11
Dis trict 4 al1tll ll1. ClllIl11y as "
Wlule sauJhe ' IOhlexpt,:clL'li :,
dUliel "jel'l illli. " I thtl'l' ht II
w,'lIld ht: a Il.1 d llsl'r Ih"l1 it
\0,";1 .. . " " I wtlullb, '1 h,1\'c
hel:n If II had heen
within 20\\l( e$.
KanJy o..'kclI. Polo, Ihe lonc
J)eln. lI"T.l1 rtIIllIlll fl)\"
II\lflIlI\:lIi tllllll
I h-.t ncl .. utdut.lcs
M"ryl:lnd. Brookville, Lincoln,
1\11. Morri:>. I'I, inl,
Bulhlu, rilll: Cleek,
anJ (ir;utd Odour T UWl tihips.
(' .. in <JIhe;:'r ctlUnty

In Distril'! I ,
Gerald " Jeny" BIIlllh, ""n
( OhOIl, .1I1t! Kiln S'ahl. all o f
receh'ed 1.2'13. I. t "tt
1,261 \'11It.'S n:sp;.."Cti w ly.
llenllll'r:. 1 Kidlal ,j
UUlllIftiu. ,", smom!. tet: el\,ed
332 'ull' S :uM.llll.'tlll>t.T.lI R .. hl'(l
F:I/lik, C"'''' e r, e:mw.1
jt,S\'.IIL .... .
Di s. riel I lndu.! .. Ofl'!'un-
Nllihua, Tw)'Io. '<f, Pille:
Scull . Whilt'
Monroe. l )'IH1\'ilk :lo<ll ).,:l\)cnl
h\ UDlrio.:l 2, '" IIIt:h uteluJ "1O
H"rg T "'" nship. Repuh lic "n
rn'" J. lI .. rner, koo: heHe,
rccel\' eJ 1.11111 \tite" :1.110..1
Repuhli .....,11 Juhn C. Kenney, Jr ..
RllChc1k, g.llUeTl't' I.\) )C I \'''Il':ol.
Dem!> ne:lIlur C"II>o:II,
RUI:hel)",rwei\\:d-l1,l 1 Voles.
In (},slur l 3. RtpuhlteOl n$
eh'II IHll e 1'1 . Ml'IIt'l .
" 1111\" S"' :ltIs lln and Ki m P .
("j\lUkl'r, allilf B),nll}, rl1,:ri\'eU
1.241. 1. 313 al,"" 1. 31 5
) indullcs le" r
k"'l' r . IJ)' rt>n allli

Events and Entertainment
Mozart Choir
Tho StiUman Val loy Mozart Choi r, comprisod of tho the Stillman Valley School Choir and tho Ki shwaukoo
Communi ty Presbytorian Church Choir has boon invil ed to perform at camogie Halt to now Yorit city ovor Momoriaf day
weekood, A fundrnisor tor tho choir will be hold March 1 g at StiUman Valley High School. Photo suppli od
Chicago Bears, local celebrities to compete
Thc 5111111111 11 Valley lI il!h
Sc h uI. 1 (, III,, ' ::I lll.l Ine
..... .t ukeo: Cl.mlllull ll Y
l' rc:s hylc rl ;1Il Chll/ c h CIHur
h:., e heen l"mhined 'n ("rm
thc Sl illman V;& lIo:), M!
TIus gr" up hall ix'Cll ill\'lIcd
IlIl1h dircCl(lr
Britc.l O ..... ell l u pe r fo r m it l
11 :1 11 in Ne .....
Cily on Memilu.t l Day

Thu chuir ;! IHn t: with
se\' e ral u lher 1r.1Il1
"((lund . he eQUllIry will he
c.l i rcltetl hy "" orhl renowncd
c ....... luclo( JUIUl Rutter.
A lflppcr <.Ill
FrHlay. 1'1 al Slillm;tn
Valh:y IIigh 5d1l')(.1 :11 5 p.m.
....111 fnnw; fl)f Ihe
Tieke l,: 'HC S5 fUf I(lulu :lntl
S3 I'IT childrell 612 year$ "id.
5 aud under c:al fn.:e. Tlckcls
;.rc (ltl lyav:lli;lhlt :.I l lhe d\lOf.
Loc:al TV s talionll
Ol(.;r . pnrU .1IJl!
.... ealher ffllm Ihc: ,;chtl(lI during
ItilUler .
Mcmhcn from Ihe Chi ,;tgo
f,l(lI\lull .eam will [ll!oy a
hJs keli'tall j;;mle ;!! aillSl m:lny
l{lca l celehrilit.:!!1 illduuinl-
Rl.ldfl.lrd M:arm Sellll;
[fUm WIFR: M;uk Str e hl ;md
Mrke from WTVO:
So;tl l! Le h,; r . Jar rell Dunhu.
Sl c\' c Si lt delm:m . :111ft
St uker-Smi lh: frolll WkI::X:
Eric Wil son. by Fields. and
NOfh: Il ig!;tu;: (rum r :u l in:
WZOl\. : Sha ..... n LO" ' e :IOcI
SIc" ': Sllo.Innllf1: members from
Ihe Ogle Counl y
[kpanrnc lil :tnd uiller local I:. .....
.. (lit i:.I$.
Other I<\Ca l pCf'l\\Mlalil n:s ;lrc
co'lehes ffll m Stillm.-,n Va lley
llih Se h ... ,, !, induulIl K
(.w>lb;llJ. h".\d,.'tll.
Sl,llIbolll a ut! s;lCccr .
Tir off fUf Ihe n. 1:31l
pill.. and 1' ....111 he rl:t}'ed ill 12
IIIUltllC qU:lrl!!r.c.
The fllur1h qu.trlcr "I II he
"ray It. PI:.I Y" fOT thc
,\"Yulle rntnel'lcd. s houl d
KI5M5-258K 11.1 he t,nc "f
the .. [ ](I In p.:1Y 55t1 :md
cilu tirmil spot.
1'l85 Super
n ...... 1 TC;\lIl plil)'er O1is Wi lson.
reccnlly IlpPolllled
spokespto;on f',r Siale Physical
In Ihe sduw"h; of Ihe
SI:ll e o ( hy Gtl\'crnor
Ul agnjc\ich. Ius donalCl1 :10
Lll-a rs Jcuey .... ,Ih Ihc
n UlIIl;\ers ;I ud :aul , .. . If
I )ick Miie
a lld llri " n Ur\achcr.
Tile jtr .. cy 1\ 11/ he .'''/'/ ;If
:l1n:l i"l1 immcllialcl), r .. n ...... il1!
Other Hems I .. he :lII(: IJ\I'lIell
(and Me 1101 li mIted tn ) lIl ..
:.utu!nlp hcoJ h ll'l toall s , :a
Un l vcrsit y l,f
" uIIlKr:l rhc'd '-ootto;lll. nal; :l\Id
h:anncr donated hy Sl ill man
VallC)"s 0 .....1\ Bud.:y B:IN:lxk.
IlIlmcdi,ilc:Jy li,IIt1 ..... Ihe
allCIUltl tlrt put-he Wi ll haw ,11\
lIppOr ru oilY II' h:lvc phll l/I S
I"kcn ..... ilh local ...
Pr..-,fi: iSiunli f pll\JltI);u(lhcr
T"1I11 .....iII I:lke
"Ilt! h.1\c Ihcm II11OlC(h,11c1y
pnll ltU fur aUIIJa;nphs fnr "
rCilson.;r.hle fct .
Prairie Preservation Society to meet
11lc ul\ell ada-d.
" Wl\:Il is Ihe v:al il e <If IJ:lluroil
prCk nl;ati(>1\ ..... ,"
.,11 ....( a I(I.,)}: 11\1..... such places
I;al\ :lffc:.:t thc h\l1l\lI n spi n l
"N;al!lrc :l ml T he 11 11111::1 11
Spin t " Ihc !till' <If :I
It, toe gl \'ell at "
fr ee ruhlic pnl)tr:UIl
hy the r ni r ic I' rClie!\' :lt;ulI
Slll'\c t y , O,;le ('1' "1\1)' "11
TImrsd.l Y. ""' rd l It(,
Tilt ..... ill hI; .11 Ihe
H.c: creali(11l Center.
S. Fi flh SI .. Orej;l1l1. :I I
7 1'1 .111.
Ric h ard Yunth
E dll c:r. t ion C(lll rli i naH' r a l
SC\' erSl,m Dcll s E!l\'iWIUlIenl:t1
E,luca l ion Center ne;! r fu rd. wi ll
"lidc llIl.Is!r:uc:d (lm&f3tn.
Bcnning .....;1$ malh
i n St oekl on whctt his c a rcer
\tltlk atum !I""";lrd nll turc. lie
..... cnl t> ;lck \II and
recei ved a mUlc r' s degree III
OUldoor TeOleh ... r
f ro m Nur l h e rn

II I.' f irsl ..... IHked .. ;,
Ii..,.. the Freeport !' ark
Dlslricl a nd has I1U ..... i'tctn " ,
De ll s f<l f ml're Ih;1fl f l \ 'e
)'C;tTS. In '1Il1hlion. he is ;tell ve
III ;a nd IS a rrcs ldenl of
Ihe Nu r l n ", cs l I ll llluis
AIIJuhwi S'lCic l y.
Al lhc M;neh IX IlIl'1:li nt. al
a na l ure h(w k from Ihe
C; " II \!(:liufI oflhe 1:1.1... Jlkl)' 11111
will he hdd
,q/l hi'
The rWl!r.l 1ll ..... 111

Fllr Il}(lr e IIIfol'ln;II IIII1\
Ihc p r O! T;t m. call S .. Hy
Ih umg:ardne r il l )115456-
lilll3. Fnr 10 Nash.
l'Clller a l 1115-132,
) W ).
Donations sought for rummage sale
The Ccntcr
ComllluuilY C}IU(dr rs
a rllll1lnage sa le 111
"!,Ii l OI l Ihe l\1 u/lroe Ccnler
Firel/ghtcH' II a ll.
CClll er .
Thc <I ales arc Friliay.
Aprt l 23 fftlm X a.m. 1t (l ,lII . .. rill
SatufiLly. April 24 frOIll X ;un.
.. r clean llcrns Ln
gUIlJ condill on .... ill he ;)\.'\:'\.'P1l-d
C:<C;l'P' [(I( /argc appl HlllcC (I(

Dtllp urr \I'lI es ar c
Wedllesda). " pri l 2 1 from ]7
p.iII . and Thll rsc.l;ry. Ap l1l :!2
frllllllta,II1. Notlll.
If ,'Ilief necd
I .. he nw(ic for Un'P "ff. 1:1I1\1>H:t

(let ;I hC;1I1 s, n l " II
Introducing SF..NIOR DAY:
cl c anl ll f: :1IIt! dlln:,l e a n )' .. ;rn
Il ' ca/'olc ilclllS f .. r Ihl S "'()rl h y c rf .. rl 11,1 heir ' hc church. a
C .. I\SC, Pro..:cl' will he IIseJ fllr dmrr ly. a nd Ihe pl'(IJl II! 111 Ihe
lhe dlll rch projeCT ..... helncrlhey :Ire J. ' nalt lls.
;llLd R.>e kl'lTd Resclle Missi,,". hUYlU. 0( t>oth.
Hospice to hold pancake breakrast
.. .... ,11 hllitlil $ ;tlVHJ:r1
alld "".ok . ..:;t lc
S:t lurdlY. 21 frnm 7 11
;t .m.:I' Uyron I ligh Schullf.
Tickeu a rc SS .. <lults . S) f ..,..
chillln:n "-12 and fh'c alltl
Iw.lo:rc::t1 free.
All pTt>cee. \s hell c fl l Ogle
CCltml)' ll tl spi ce (\ Sso,OC iaIlHIl hi
1(1 mak!! thlfcrcl.:e in
fh.: live,; Ill' Ihe lermin:rl ly III
a nd 1helr f.tnulie $. Fnr
informatlllllcall lt:1573:!HtJ9.
Pet psychic to speak
at shelter fundraiser
Pel luychic Asi:l \ 'ui llhl.
5101l,ll; hI00. Wu .. wi ll hel p rei
l) ....llcr$ sec: the .....orld l hl!Jugh
t hei r pet 's eye s ;j\ it spec ial
c\'cn\ 5.1ll1rday. Man: h 27 :lIthe:
I Orion Tbellirc.
Voi!hl ' ..... 11 he lhe at
"Tal kin! 10 the Anima ls: An
Evening ""' jlh a Pel Ps}'dlic"
which helPUS :11 7 run. The'

The c\'cnl j i :I (undnls ln,
benefi t ((IT Tri.Counl y Anim:al
Pnl(cc:lion Lngue. a sheller in
1)0':00 which krn:s Lee
a mi Whil l' sidc C ounllc ... .
VtH,ht', w r it: will he
"Ani mal Communicalu,", II(No'
i1 Worb :lI\d Wh:.n II Call Do
fllf Yuu",
Full o"':;n! Ihe lalk. V" I!1l1
will contluct fo r
r:llllilllni r c !J ,lsc n audienc e
Tlwlic :In,: 1I\,'ilo.:d
h\ "rw.@. Oj pet's pholograph tn
ht: "ra .... n rUf Ihe Nu
:lIlllnali .... ,Ill'C ,, \J\ ..... . d Ul 1he
VII1Mh! h"s t...:CII pf.1CIU: lIl lC
:lllImai C,II1Ull Ull,C:ll l\1I1 for
llIore Iha n I S )'ears. She can
hdr pcl ()WIH:U t>el ler Ihci r pCI!.;' IIced.
ha s ....(lrkeJ .... lIh
pr.loc!ic!! six )'c:;,TS OIgu.
u id :II nlma l
c;olllmUnJl:al um ,he: 1nlmllvc
art uf pcrccivin, lhOl.ll;lll.'.
fecllll{!;s ;!nd emul ioll s of
;a nilluls.
Shc h:u helpcd
unde r sland their ;a nima l ',
heal1h ;! l1 d t>e h:wiuui
and 10 sec the anim;al'll pt., inl "f
\ 'jew.
Vo;!lll s:aill (lOCO
havc s pccial o f
su pport a nd (Of t hdr
Voight toclic \ 'cs Ih;ll
l!vt"ryonc CliU \'Ummun;cale
..... "11 animrlh and
flcople no .... IhHl ug h l ";!ricly
uf and d llses.
T ick!!\s lrc Silt in
" f S2 CJ al Ihe d UM. Ad\0I1KC
I,,: keu hc purc;h;lscd ;al
Knw Appli .. nce ;&ud T V m
\' \,11, . Oix;'n amJ TTI -
C.II)l)I Y i\ni lll,Ii PrlH,' c lilllJ
LC.llWe. OIlWO; k .... clr y.
Oi ;o;on; Mc udo ....
Vc:h.'Tin;ary (')i1lle. Orq;tlo; :md
Amhll )' News Olde G lo r ),
AlUlql k'lI. Amhll)' .
The Il islnric nnwn Thl:aln:
h,eale" .. I I I" S.
,\ Ve .. Ot :<ul1.
Dessert auction will be
part of Habitat dinner
lIah il al f1lf II um:lIIl1y \If
Ogle CNIlIY is lh
lI cct) lJ(1 :annual hecf prime rih
dinner ('Il Fri dolY. ApTl I 2J ,II
6:)11 p.m. ;I I Ihc Uni ltd
Mcthudi sl Churc h. F(lurth lnd
Jc fTcrsnn.Ore{!:oo.
" dt sserl :aue l lOll will bc:
hel,l;ls p .. rt of llr..:cn: nl .
F\cnl C h:lI r persml Anll c
GhHC, On'gun. ,ai J
cnl crlRilimenl " ,ill he l'nwillcd
hy All ., U. 01 qU;/f ' e l
IS II at>ilal's IIl;lJI>I
li ultlr,uscre\'enl fur Ihe rear.
,\ hmllcd Illlmn.:r of
Me sl i ll a \a ilablc (hi m li ny
11 1" 11 0(' h'lilrd Ill c mher.
TlekelS ....illlli>1 he (IVil il" hlc:l1
lhe: U;.l(1f dlle lu Ihe net:d fur :In
This 5\1111ml.' r. II f llOC ",i ll
tw.! hui lding Ihei r secund housc:
::I I 311 7 lI ic k.H Y Ave ".
Inlcntltti"'l:lll)" sinct 1973.
lI ahl1:1l fu r I hllll:aI1;I Y
Inter nalitlOal h:ls built nmn:
thall 125.1I11t) Simple. decc ul .
affnrd a h lc hOlll el in all 511
U;t les ;l n d 1I1o r e t ha n 81l
T ht: home '! a r.: pll reh;ucd
inlc rcs i rrce tr y dCiUVIIlj!:
falllllic:s. Thc hUlIles ;ue hU11i
brfcly h \'IIIUl1leer btl ...,.. t>y
1, 1C;'I1 indl\'iduolh. j;TOUr S li nd
Iradesmen nd rundc:d thrlltlj;h
l"c;t l
Forest preserve seeks to
improve communications
III an cnOr't In cre;ile hcll\'T qu ... Ih ;l\ ili a), h.: .oj
lincs of Ilh
re s u le nt s. Iht' B yrun F, 'res l
Tl i ';lricl n,' :\rd
decu!.:d III ...hed\lle I ....." pllhhc
n.:clUIl:iip:r )ear.
T hese ..... t11 he
IlI f ..11m;&I \\ here
I'pe!) ( li sCUSS l<lII e;111
hel\\ Ihe prcser\'c
SI:I(I' ;!IId
Thi S .... 111 Pf(l\'lOC c,eryollc
:ll dunce 10 d an ry anc!
(, hl a in :UlSWefS 10 In)'
Uu;Ut I Jelf II lll>cr
IIlld Exee LlI, "c f) \TCCItH Ed
Cleft ..... ill to t (Ill haod tll mcet
.... lIh :any II1lcrcsted c lll l ens .
ans and oJiscu,;s
ul lhc rtll'eSl
JlrL' S!.' r'Ye.
The fi rSI "I lIk: k mcet inp
has hce n se hc.! u lcd
M!II!<by. March 29 :10 1 11"cn. :u

N. Riv"tr Rd 1I).,. .. n.
i' White -Plnes-Roiiet Rink!

MINT OREO : Two for One Admission
Carol Collins' Catering
40 I Eo Rd.
(HI 5) 734 HH311 or 973-63117.11)
[;\1. 11 dCII l'rlon(4r euul . cum
SAnull! J\:ImI!l
IUlui Puff5 fil led with Abuf)fld Chickt! n
Baked 'ham
Twi ce a . ked Por. lon
Btan Almandine
Chocol.t e Cake with fill ing
. nd Tea
(Only S I l;'1co'on)
Sit back, en/or Clnd take the
credIt for a party!
C.ll or ('ma ll us Inda,..
ror II CUIUI,lct t menu

any reou'- stmion when you pteSCWl t this coupon. .f\.
," $1
II 946-9988 www_'koli ngfun_comll
;; IO? W. Washington, Oregon I -----.-. ....... - .... - _ "I

"r';" ..... __ r-... 731i 2- r:2::.:39G;. ... ..,IIiIl" c_.. :----

.. ---'-.. '
l nd 1'111.. ,.. 1.1 kn)l .... Ilo;:t.)'.
. .. e11"", onl' IJ;:)UUf'I<.""d<ard h:.:1r
''::--1 .t.'" )'OIIp..1I )'.11 (III\I!\:
'. ' "'I: UVE !lEkl; me Ll VL '
;,' - ' .,
_. 1I\U!'llIhSl,<'O(l
I lrf"' ..... " _

. __ .... __ ... _ ... _ .
. ....... ---..
Breakfast on
Saturday, March 27
at the Bertold
"Scrombled Egg<
Ht!!Ish Browns
Ort!!lngf: JuicelCoffee

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