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;\ I :/\ ,"'; AN ( ,

pf:OVInJNC; JNSTP\ ~WPl (l\IS 'II:) BE FULl [)\'iLI! IN THE ('Cltil h T

l\FF!\l HS n~ YF. 1NC~ '1'1 IE T !l'lE TIlNT THl PHF:'; P)El\"]' 1;' ,

PIIJ I ,r PrI I~i:~i.

l!\b(l !'c!J.l{,)\'\ti!~fJ ~.! t IllC"l i,.HI~; ,'11" ~t,1 ti~ity i~_',l~,,,l l,,t ~!!., h,~
uJ l,uldi{' diLllT:"; <!lIIIIH.1 thr. ili'l'('I1'''{' I,j til" ! ' I " ; : , i ' ' ' i I Plit; ilH'
1'1 \iIi n) ill""": :

J_ Thc' 1"!1 ,;; jI it, It i d i, hi' I II i Ii I '! ' lil\':, : I, til " " I i it., I"
i'll1 rhc> hnv't'jollr: "fllf'!' ed'l'!c'€ '
(';-(pn:'iS0 iF; 1'1) 'Iii' Lhi'Ir)'
COliSU tilLiOIi .md UK' Jail,:;, ,ill UIV ," I' 'n !,>hc J:,

\viLhi,n the n;,tjnm~] ll.'rTit II"y. '!1)p liv{: :;"",..t,wy, ;.:;hi'lll,

ac~ hQ]C'tofol'(:, siCJ!l i'111 f1t1!'C'!::; U,at I him
by or llllclcr U1E' i'\u!!Y;J"ity ( f Ul{' Pr ,;Jl,l!l (l(v:irlP rout

2. Each :~h;!l) alL"nc1and rkchL ,LL''':IS v,J

jiE'rUjll) to his r4injF;tl}, iUKl wl1idl the: lcrw h(' rnw dec.ide. On
tJI(H:;(' J1kltt0fS ",hid) r(:'(Jllin'" i1ppl-nVa,! "of tJ'lC' Pn"c:l,k",! ,in r'::;~
Ut.(lcnt action is nrx:dcxl, such Shr"ll be Ul i<.Oj,l Lry UJe
fastest m',re o)nvenient ITPHnr-: of C,(lllnWlicatin'lC:, On nth<"r
ntinistry m"ltt:(c'rs \\7hich 1 trr.:)u::ll thin th" r..i :~d of ('t
Minister I are of SLK;h j.rllj:.o:.,lL Lanc:e as to a ffet..:l the: 'Julie!.
of the G:JVOtlllT1(:>nt and, tl)PYnfOr'n, should b(' lit<, S',!t;
dUOfl W.i.Ul PF'sidp rll', the r.'inisi!'1 C~)nC(TI ""'Y ('Jl!HlI,ul1('ab:."
for Rtlch purpr)s> .. wi til 111l' PI j dt'llt' by Lhe f ilst( [ Ii; iiI mIst C'on­
\/('11; CIl tin/sum n r COlUlIUil i en t i DJ),

a t such times as fl1.C1Y be !x?CeSs;lry. The Vi. Presidcmt sh,al1 over tlJe neetings.l''latterswhich have heretofore .been acted
upon by the Cabinet sha11 c..'ontinue t.o and decided Vi
tJle C'3hinf:t: Provided I rK)\Ne\J\:?l', 'Ihat in the abSC?DCC' ofunanimi of
op.i.nion on any imrortant: qUE'stiOIl sul,m.itt~l, no dectsLon shall
taken unt:U it sbaJJ hiWP stlb:nHu;-d h) the Pn:'sident.

4. AU oEfieli'll C(lllH1Ulli.C<21tl,ons ,to the PreGjd(~nt shall 1)(:

transmit,ted thrc)ugb or by t.he Executive f'l8cretary.

5. ']l)e Vi.ce-Pres.i.df.l.llt 5h;:111 rept:' the Pi

fllllct.ior1f::~ r t"inq the' presPDc(" of th~ la!
Lf"f ,'illd ~;rnl i
over otfiC].«1 ccn':''!l1t,H1:ic:'s, H'ccd,v(~ am'·:'r~t.lrrn the I ' r ('1:1 1 (,,"11!:~ nf

fureiqn diqni U:1Li 8:;.:i II lx.:lID 1 r d! l'.l LII i '.
dr'nl. t and on s~JC'h occrJrdnll~~ Lhp \11 (",-i i , 1'1<" I:
Lf' the lYJllO.rS ,HKl CO~iJtCil'i(':: dur' Ib I':,' lti'

(l)NF in Uy~ ('jty of 1'1:1111 la, tid!; i.'tfl d /1 i If: 1 ill UK'
yCiiU' of Our I):)rd, Nil1f't0':!11 Illtnc1l'C>(1 find l:iqllt, :;;

By the Presi.dent:

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