SMUDE-Exam Result - Display
SMUDE-Exam Result - Display
SMUDE-Exam Result - Display
Se m e ste r 1 Nam e
R oll No
Paper M B0 0 3 8 M B0 0 3 9 M B0 0 4 0 M B0 0 4 1 M B0 0 4 2 M B0 0 4 3 NA NA NA NA
Total Marks Theory Marks Practical Marks Theory Marks Practical Theory Theory Result Practical Result Theory Result Practical Result 63 70 69 52 70 61 NA NA NA NA P P P P P P NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 45 48 48 40 48 44 NA NA NA NA P P P P P P NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 108 118 117 92 118 105 NA NA NA NA
Practical Result NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
658 RE SU L T D E C L A RE D O N 1 2 .0 3 .2 0 1 2
Grade O btaine d
Note: The University reserves the right to change the marks or the result in case of an error and/or discrepancy. IMPO R TANT NO TES: Mark s shown in brack e t is curre nt atte m pt m ark of re sitting pape r U = Unive rsity Ex am ination I = Inte rnal Asse ssm e nt T= Total NA= Not Applicable R L indicate s "R e sult Late r, which that the IA m ark s will be displaye d only whe n the y pass the ir re spe ctive pape r. Disclaimer: - The results displayed are indicative and for the purpose of information only. Students are advised to refer the Marks card of the university for actual marks/grades obtained.
Semes ters : 1
Discrepancy if any, in the above information should be brought to the notice of Student Evaluation Office immediately. Tel: 0820 - 4297200 ; Email:[email protected]
Last date for First Cutoff of Re-registration approaching soon. Walk in to your LC and Re-register Today!!