Checklist of Mov For RPMS Portfolio

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1st 2nd 3rd Remarks

Means of Verification (MOV) 4th Quarter
Quarter Quarter Quarter
 COT Rating Sheet/Inter-Observer Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators
One per Quarter
Agreement Form 1-7 1-5, 7-8 1-7 1-5, 7, 9
 Any 1 of the following:
One per Quarter
Materials/Performance Task/Test
Materials/Activity Sheet
 LAC Session Personal Notes OR
One per Quarter
 LAC Session Proof of Attendance One per Quarter
 Minutes of PTA Meeting with Proof
One per Quarter
of Attendance
 Report Card signed by parent or
guardian in all quarters OR One sample showing all
Anecdotal Record showing entries quarters
per quarter.
 At least 4 samples of corrected
test papers of a learner in a
learning area with parent’s or One sample per quarter
guardian signature and date of
receipt in all quarters*
Sample Quarter only: May
 Communication letter sent to
be provided from any of
parent or guardian
the quarters
May be provided from any
 4 Plus Factor Certificates**
of the quarters
 Class Record/Grade Sheets
 Summative Assessment Tool with Sample Quarter only: May
TOS, frequency of errors and interchange in terms of
identified least mastered skills the quarters where each
will be provided as long as
 DLL showing Index of Mastery
these 4 MOV’s are
 Compilation of a learner’s written distributed across quarters
works with summary of results and
signature of parents
*Last SY 2018-2019, the MOV was *At least 3 samples of corrected test papers of the same 3 learners in the same
learning area with parent’s or guardian’s signature and date of receipt.
**Refer to Objective 13 of the RPMS Tool for the list of possible Plus Factor Certificates.

1st 2nd 3rd Remarks

Means of Verification (MOV) 4th Quarter
Quarter Quarter Quarter
 COT Rating Sheet/Inter-Observer Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators
One per Quarter
Agreement Form 1-7 1-5, 7-8 1-7 1-5, 7, 9
 Any 1 of the following:
One per Quarter
Materials/Performance Task/Test
Materials/Activity Sheet
 LAC Session Personal Notes OR
One per Quarter
 LAC Session Proof of Attendance One per Quarter
 CARDEX for Learners OR for
One per Quarter
 Personal dialogue, group
consultation, home visitation,
general assembly (with evidence One per Quarter
such as attendance, signatures,
notes, etc.)
 At least 4 samples of corrected
test papers of a learner in a
learning area with parent’s or One sample per quarter
guardian signature and date of
receipt in all quarters*
Sample Quarter only: May
 Communication letter sent to
be provided from any of
parent or guardian
the quarters
May be provided from any
 4 Plus Factor Certificates**
of the quarters
 Class Record/Grade Sheets
 Summative Assessment Tool with Sample Quarter only: May
TOS, frequency of errors and interchange in terms of
identified least mastered skills the quarters where each
will be provided as long as
 DLL showing Index of Mastery
these 4 MOV’s are
 Compilation of a learner’s written distributed across quarters
works with summary of results and
signature of parents
*Last SY 2018-2019, the MOV was *At least 3 samples of corrected test papers of the same 3 learners in the same
learning area with parent’s or guardian’s signature and date of receipt.
**Refer to Objective 13 of the RPMS Tool for the list of possible Plus Factor Certificates.

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