4d - Bacteria

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TAKS Quiz: 4D - Bacteria 1. How does using killed or weakened bacteria in an immunization help the body prevent infections?

A. Antibodies are formed that fight those types of bacteria. B. The body develops a fever that kills beneficial bacteria. C. Bacterial reproductive cycles are disrupted. D. Bacteria-fighting viruses are activated.

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of most bacterial infections but not of a viral infection? A. It can cause multiple symptoms. B. It can affect different people differently. C. It can be spread by inhalation. D. It can be treated with an antibiotic.

3. Which of the following factors helps spread disease-causing bacteria? A. Low temperatures B. Access to new hosts C. Mutation by heat energy D. Availability of light

4. Streptococcus infection in a persons throat can cause pain and fever. Streptococcus can be controlled by antibiotics. Streptococcus is a A. virus B. bacterium C. protozoan D. fungus

5. Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in milk. Some dairy products, such as yogurt, may contain live bacteria. These products are useful to people who lack the ability to digest lactose. What does this information demonstrate? A. Bacteria raise the acidity of processed foods. B. Some bacteria interfere with digestion. C. Bacteria can prevent insulin production. D. Some bacteria are beneficial to human health.

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