Ben & Jerry Marketing Research Questionaire
Ben & Jerry Marketing Research Questionaire
Ben & Jerry Marketing Research Questionaire
This is a questionnaire survey about Ben & Jerrys Ice cream brand. This survey is done to help Ben & Jerrys improve its brand by fulfilling peoples needs and wants on Ben & Jerrys ice cream. This questionnaire will take you around 10 minutes. This study is intended for educational purpose only, and not for any commercial purposes. This questionnaire is randomly distributed among Amsterdam citizen and Inholland students. It will be completely anonymous.
In this section we will ask concerning people on consuming ice cream in their daily life. I. Do you eat ice cream? __ Yes If No, __ No 1. What are the reasons why you dont consume ice cream? a. Price b. Health Care c. Taste d. Ingredients (Consist of dairy product) e. Other, ________________________
Comment __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ If Yes, 2. Which ice cream brand do you usually buy? a. Ben and Jerrys b. Haagen Dazs c. Ola d. Australian e. Others _______________________ If you answer (A) Ben & Jerrys then go to question 4 3. Why do you buy the brand you chose? (Excluding Ben & Jerrys) a. Price b. Package c. Quality d. Image e. Availability of Flavor
4. In the past 2 weeks, how many times did you eat ice cream? a. None b. 1 time c. 2-3 times d. 4-5 times e. More than 5
II. How much are you willing to spend on ice cream? a. Less than 1 b. 1 < 3 c. 3 < 5 d. 5 < 7 e. 7 < 9 f. More than 9 In the fallowing section we will ask questions that are related specifically on Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream. III. Have you ever heard of Ben & Jerrys? __ Yes __ No If you have never heard of Ben & Jerrys, you are then finished with the Questionnaire. Thank you for your time. If Yes, From where? __ Advertisement __ Promotion (inc. television) __ Friends __ Internet (Our Websites __ Family __ Articles in Books, Magazines, and Newspaper __ Ben & Jerrys store. __ Cinema __ Other, ________________________________
IV. Do you eat Ben & Jerrys ice cream? __ Yes __ No (As in tried it once)
__ Never
If Not or Never, 1. What are the reasons? a. Price b. Package c. Ingredients d. Image e. Lack of Availability of Flavor f. Lack of Availability of Place g. Other,_________________________ 2.Have you ever heard anything negative about Ben & Jerrys? __ Yes __ No If yes, please leave any comments below. Comment ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ In this section we will ask you on your satisfaction about Ben & Jerrys ice cream in your daily life. If you have never eaten Ben & Jerrys ice cream, you can skip the section about Ben & Jerrys products on the Satisfaction Scale below Ben & Jerrys Satisfaction Scale 1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good Ben & Jerrys Products What do you think about Ben & Jerrys: 1 1. 2. Ingredients flavors 2 3 4 5 6 3 = Good 4 = Bad 5 = Very Bad 6 = Poor
5. 6.
Comment __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good 3 = Good 4 = Bad 5 = Very Bad 6 = Poor
If you have never been to a Ben & Jerrys Store, You can skip the section about Ben & Jerrys stores. Ben & Jerrys Stores What do you think about Ben & Jerrys? 1 1. 2. 3. 4. Availability of stores Services that are provided within the stores Facilities that are provided within the stores Environmental conditions of the stores 2 3 4 5 6
Comment___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good Others 1 1. What do you think about the Social and environmental mission of Ben & Jerrys? 2. What do you think about the Advertisements of Ben & Jerrys? 3. What do you think about the Campaigns (Promotion) that Ben & Jerrys offers? 2 3 4 5 6 3 = Good 4 = Bad 5 = Very Bad 6 = Poor
Comment____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________
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Thank you very much for your cooperation Have a nice Day