Ensemble Registration Form 2012

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Eastshore Region Middle School

Solo and Ensemble Festival

Saturday, March 10, 2012
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Location: Bellevue Christian School

Ensemble Registration Form

Name (Type) of Ensemble: ______________________________
Ensemble Members:


(Last, first / instrument / Grade)

(Last, first / instrument / Grade)



(Last, first / instrument / Grade)

(Last, first / instrument / Grade)



(Last, first / instrument / Grade)

(Last, first / instrument / Grade)



(Last, first / instrument / Grade)

(Last, first / instrument / Grade)

Name of Piece: ______________________________________________

Composer: ______________________________________________
Accompanist: ______________________________________________
Entrance Fee: $15 (per 10 minute solo time slot) + PLUS $2 per musician
(duet = $19, trio = $21, quartet = $23, etc. See attached Student Invoice worksheet)

Entry fees are NON-refundable.

Return to Mrs. Elder by February 10, 2012.

Checks should be made payable to PLMS.
Parents Signature: _________________________________________________

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