This document is a signup page for bands interested in auditioning for a concert. Bands must submit their band name, leader contact information, list of band members and their instruments, and a list of songs they plan to perform by the deadline of December 21st. They will be contacted if they need to audition and will need their own equipment for both the audition and concert if selected.
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This document is a signup page for bands interested in auditioning for a concert. Bands must submit their band name, leader contact information, list of band members and their instruments, and a list of songs they plan to perform by the deadline of December 21st. They will be contacted if they need to audition and will need their own equipment for both the audition and concert if selected.
This document is a signup page for bands interested in auditioning for a concert. Bands must submit their band name, leader contact information, list of band members and their instruments, and a list of songs they plan to perform by the deadline of December 21st. They will be contacted if they need to audition and will need their own equipment for both the audition and concert if selected.
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This document is a signup page for bands interested in auditioning for a concert. Bands must submit their band name, leader contact information, list of band members and their instruments, and a list of songs they plan to perform by the deadline of December 21st. They will be contacted if they need to audition and will need their own equipment for both the audition and concert if selected.
Attribution Non-Commercial (BY-NC)
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Band Signup Page
Have this filled out and returned to Mr. Hill
before the deadline of 12/21/12. We will contact you if you are needed to audition. Bands are required to have their own equipment for the concert and audition. Band name: _______________________________________ Band Leader: ______________________________________ Leader Email: ______________________________________ Leader Phone: _______________________________________ Band Members (First name last name / instrument): 1.____________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________ 5.____________________________________________________ 6.____________________________________________________ Songs (Include the title, length of song, artist if cover, lyrics attached to the back, and make sure they are school appropriate): 1.____________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________ 5.____________________________________________________