Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
At IndianOil, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been the cornerstone of success right from inception in the year 1964. The Corporations objectives in this key performance area are enshrined in its Mission statement: "to help enrich the quality of life of the community and preserve ecological balance and heritage through a strong environment conscience."
We at IndianOil have defined a set of core values for ourselves Care, Innovation, Passion and Trust to guide us in all we do. We take pride in being able to claim all our countrymen as our customers. Thats why, we coined the phrase, IndianOil India Inspired", in our corporate campaigns. Public corporations like IndianOil are essentially organs of society deploying significant public resources. We, therefore, are aware of the need to work beyond financial considerations and put in that little extra to ensure that we are perceived not just as corporate behemoths that exist for profits, but as wholesome entities created for the good of the society and for improving the quality of life of the communities we serve.
As a constructive partner in the communities in which it operates, IndianOil has been taking concrete action to realise its social responsibility objectives, thereby building value for its shareholders and customers. The Corporation respects human rights, values its employees, and invests in innovative technologies and solutions for sustainable energy flow and economic growth. In the past five decades, IndianOil has supported innumerable social and community initiatives in India. Touching the lives of millions of people positively by supporting environmental and health-care projects and social, cultural and educational programmes.
Besides focusing primarily on the welfare of economically and socially deprived sections of society, IndianOil also aims at developing technoeconomically viable and environment-friendly products&services for the benefit of millions of its consumers, while at the same time ensuring the highest standards of safety and environment protection in its operations.