Kill Without Joy

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Kill Without Joy cause the damage necessary.

Working downwards we come

to the neck. Blows to the back of the neck apart from
damaging the spine, can force the vertebrae forward and
impinge on the windpipe and cause asphyxiation. The wind
pipe can be slashed and the blood will fill the lungs. Usually,
The object of this study is to instruct the reader in the however, this method of death is the result of severe blood
techniques of taking another human life, up close, and doing loss, but the net result is oxygen starvation. Naturally,
it well. You may well find this booklet offensive, repulsive, choking causes death and it must be divorced from
brutal, and vicious. It is meant to be. It is completely strangulation at this point. Choking is the cutting off of air to
contemptuous of human life and my only admonition to the the lungs as the result of a constrictor or crushed
would-be assassin is: KILL WITHOUT JOY. No attempt is windpipe.Strangulation is the depriving of oxygenated blood
made to differentiate between the moral good or bad and the going to the brain by stemming the flow at the carotid
complexities of the motives of the reader are not delved into. arteries. This is death by anoxia. The lungs and breathing
This book will merely show you how to kill. The victim (i.e.. system can be assailed by gases. Smothering too, can be
the subject) can be said also to benefit because he is accomplished by assassination methods. Attacking the lungs
dispatched with as little pain as possible and his suffering and themselves is not a very quick death as in the case of a bullet
misery need not be great. This work will not teach you how or knife puncture for this deflates the lung. The lung on the
to torture or brutally abuse another human being. It will not opposite side can carry on alone - if need be. This must be
advocate the individual destruction of anyone in particular. In kept in mind and steps should be taken to insure the failure of
most cases it will not advise how to approach or dispose of both lungs. The second vital function that serves as a target is
the subject. My only premise is there are times when one the system that carries oxygen - the blood. The severing of a
must attack with complete ruthlessness and fight with lethal major blood vessel is one of the best ways of causing death.
fury. This fury and ruthlessness must be harnessed and This can be accomplished with blade, bullets and in some
directed to do the gravest possible damage - to kill. The cases with bludgeons. (The blows are directed at the ribs and
professional killer be he a soldier or a cold warrior (i.e. breastbone to split or splinter them and to drive them into the
government directed assassin) has a duty to kill on command, heart. Severe palm heel strikes have been known to do this
his country's enemies, who, for whatever reason, cannot be also. Driving the fist into the floating ribs can force them into
permitted to go on living. Special Forces have assassination the liver, but death will not be immediate. The seat of power
squads that are employed in guerrilla and counter-insurgency in this system is the heart. The heart can be destroyed by
operations. It is in the hope of making these people more bullets, daggers, or even with a sharp ice-pick or knitting
effective that this booklet is written. To kill at close range, needle. Any wound to the heart would be desirable. However,
five to ten feet or at arm's length and closer, requires the there are also large veins and arteries just above it. Locations
deftness of a surgeon and the ferocity of a rabid animal. One to cut are obvious, namely: the neck, wrists, inside of the
must have complete confidence in one's ability to kill, and elbows, under the armpits, inside the thighs and the kidneys.
this means he must know the human body - one must practice The blood can be attacked with poisons and gases also. The
what amounts to black medicine and do the exact opposite of third and final consideration is shock. This involves the third
what a doctor might do to save life. Most of the methods in major system of the body - the nervous system. Shock can be
this work are for urban situations which impose different brought on by any of the previous conditions and is a primary
restrictions on the choice of weapons that a soldier might cause of death. Attacks on this system involve electrocution,
have in the field. The assassin will often be forced to kill in spinal damage, brain destruction, traumatic burns, and gross
the open, in a park, on the street, in an alley, or room, or any damage to the vital organs. The easiest way to bring on shock
one of a dozen other places where the risks of being is by severing a major artery. It is clear that all the vital
discovered and captured are greatest. In most cases he will targets are interrelated and the destruction of one is the
have only one chance and he must be sure he knows when, destruction of all. So it is imperative to attempt to destroy at
where and how to kill. least two of these targets and if possible all three when you
kill the subject. To Review: The aims are a/ stop the breath,
b/ start the bleeding, c/ promote shock. The Targets: i) The
John Minnery. Brantford, Ontario 1973 Brain, ii) The Heart, iii) The Spine

LESSON 1: The Target LESSON 2: To Kill Unarmed

No study of the methods can be carried out without first Let us now consider the instrument that cause individual
considering the target at which the techniques are directed: destruction... Evolution of weapon design lends itself readily
The Human Body. In the assault on the body the aims are to: to the present discussion. The first weapon used by one man
1-Stop the breathing, 2-Start the bleeding, 3-Promote to kill another was himself; his own fists, feet and teeth were
established shock. These aims are what all weapons are the natural weapons that he used. The grappling, throwing
designed to fulfill. There is no point in riddling a man with and in-fighting techniques are only peripheral to this study,
bullets if not one of them hits a vital spot. Similarly, it is a and as there are many fine books and courses on this subject
truism that a man can be tortured to death by a thousand cuts they will not be delved into here. In using one's bare hands to
with not one being fatal in itself. There then must, ideally, be kill it is necessary to constantly bear in mind the vulnerable
one blow, one slash, one bullet that causes death. First we points of the body that allow access to the targets and to
must consider the medium that gives all life - oxygen. Cut off inflict the maximum possible damage to them. Killing must,
oxygen, cut off life. There are several parts of the body that therefore, be the end product and the whole purpose of the
control our intake of oxygen in the form of air. Primarily assassin's function. In the case of bare-handed killing, the
there are the motor nerves of the brain that are the stimulus action centers around the head and throat. Forceful, well-
for the act of breathing. This is located in the back of the aimed blows are to be directed against the windpipe and the
head, just above the spine This can be crushed with a club or voice-box at the front of the neck. The intention is to achieve
torn with a bullet. A blow with the hand must be be very complete collapse and flattening of the windpipe. Once
forceful indeed but a good booted kick would be adequate to squashed the mucous in the throat effectively seals it and air
can flow neither in nor out. This can be accomplished by assassin must be absolutely ruthless, on the contrary, and
using the fist but more commonly an edge of hand, or karate must take every opportunity to kill.
shuto is employed. Also if the subject has been downed, the
foot can be stomped onto the voice-box with the same result.
LESSON 3: Clubs For Killers
The skin in the hollow of the neck is very thin and can be
pierced much like one would a plastic bag with the fingers
and nails and should be ripped open to allow access to the The weapon we now consider is the lowly club. This weapon
windpipe directly. The blood vessels in the neck such as the has been with us since caveman days and has proved its
carotid arteries and the jugular veins can be severely lethality ever since It can be in several forms and comes
damaged with edge of hand blows and the underlying nerves under a variety of names these days: black-jack, baton, night-
suffer also. They can be attacked even more directly with the stick, sand-bag, cosh, flail, sap, etc. But basically it is a
teeth. These vessels are just under the skin and run along heavy, bone and muscle crushing instrument that is an
both sides of the windpipe and can be easily bitten into. The extension of the human arm and fist. For purposes of
object is not to cut off blood but to tear these vessels out. The assassination it should be made as heavy as can be managed.
front teeth, or incisors, are used. They should sink into the The intention is to rain a killing blow or series of blows, on
skin and vessels and then the head is pulled away with a head, spine, throat, and heart. Iron bars and lead pipes are
violent jerk, leaving a wound that will cause death in short ideal and can be wrapped in newspaper or in a mailing tube
order. The throat can be constricted by the hands as in for further concealment. Spring snapper coshes or the
throttling and by the forearm in a rear strangle, or by the legs expedient of a sock filled with sand or a bar of soap are also
in a scissor grip. All require maximum strength to be applied deadly. The prosaic hammer can be employed with telling
to ensure death. The subject should be under control in five effect and would not attract much attention anywhere Half-
seconds and unconscious within another fifteen to twenty. bricks, large rocks, and two-by-fours can and have been used
The grip should be maintained for three minutes - until after as clubs and are universally available They are directed
the body has stopped convulsing and tremors have ceased. At primarily at the head to cause massive, mortal brain damage
the end of that time a coup de grace should still be (Fist strengtheners such as judo, yawara, kashi-no-bo sticks
administered. Another method of strangulation or more attack the same target as the club. Brass and iron knuckles
precisely, choking, is done with just two fingers. The thumb are in this category too.) The efficiency of the lowly cudgel
and forefinger are driven into the throat and get a tong-like cannot be over-emphasized. It is often disregarded in
grip on the horns of the thyroid cartilage (Just above the assassination work or considered as a less than ideal
larynx, or voice-box.) Firm finger pressure is applied and substitute for other weapons. However it is a near perfect
maintained until the subject expires. At the back of the neck weapon in its own right. It is deadly, silent and ubiquitous. It
is the backbone and spinal cord. This is attacked forcibly has been doing its job for tens of thousands of years. Any
with the edge of hand, elbows, knees and feet, (to be more bludgeoning instrument must, of course, be heavy and a
effective the feet should be shoes.) Blows to the face are, as a heavy blow must be struck. The best attack is from the rear
general rule, not fatal and are not encouraged. The temples, and the blow delivered like the wind-up for a baseball pitch
however, are to be battered severely to bring on including the follow-through. One blow such as this should
unconsciousness and death. The head should be grasped be sufficient to kill but two or more blows should be directed
when the subject is downed, lifted by the forelock or ears, to two different vital areas. Although clubs can be shorter, the
and smashed unmercifully into the ground. This severely ideal length is from fifteen to twenty-six inches. It is also
depresses the back and base of the skull and death will be important to use a club that will not break after a heavy clout.
quick. A chin jab with the heel of the palm can cause a For this reason they should be tested in advance, or stick to
knock-out if delivered forcibly enough, even a broken neck. lengths of pipe It is possible to strike a blow on the tip of the
The one exception to the face is the eyes. Severe damage to subject's genitals with a downward swing from the front. The
the brain can be done when the thumbs are jabbed into the club is withdrawn from the inner breast pocket or from under
eyes and pressed inwards, aiming for the center of the head, a jacket just prior to this attack and doesn't attract as much
the thumbs break through the skull and are driven in to their attention as an overhead blow. He must still be finished off.
full length. At the same time the head is grasped in the hands Other blows delivered from the front are to be directed
and given a jerk resulting in more brain damage (The eyes, of against the sides of the neck and to the temples. There must
course, are destroyed.) When the subject has been downed be no advance warning of the attack and your every move
the whole head can be targeted for the coup de grace which is must be as natural as possible before launching it. From the
delivered by jumping on it with both feet until it is squashed. rear, and by far the best place to attack your subject, the
The feet can be used against the lower spine where the heel is targets are the back and sides of the head (below the ears),
dug into it with a forceful kick; the aim being derangement of the back and sides of the neck, between the shoulder blades,
the spine and the severing of the cord. The best point for this and the kidney areas. If possible always use both hands to
action is between the shoulder blades. A broken neck can achieve maximum force and always aim at a point five inches
cause death when it fails to give the head support and lolls below the skin at the target so to insure there's no holding
forward and constricts the windpipe. The bones about the back.
heart can be crushed and driven inwards to impale it and
cause death. In the case of the sternum, or breastbone, the
LESSON 4: The Hatchet Job
heel of the palm driven in at an angle can cause splintering
and lacerate the heart. The ribs can normally be crushed by
the feet. They can cause the lungs to collapse if punctured Hacking weapons are very effective and include axes,
also. Very forcible and accurate blows to the plexus in the pit hatchets, mattocks, broad swords, cleavers, machetes, etc.
of the stomach and the groin can also result in death but The chief concern with there weapons is that they be sharp as
normally only unconsciousness results. The same holds true possible and that they have a fair weight. The prime target for
with blows to the kidneys. If death does occur in these areas these weapons is the neck and head. Disabling blows to the
it is the result of severe shock. Most hand-to-hand courses extremities may be first needed but decapitation and nothing
aim primarily at submission or control of the subject. Killing less, should be established as the finishing maneuver.
if it does take place is a by-product or spin-off and is Decapitation satisfies all three requirements of mortal
normally anathema in most self-defense methods. The
injuries - it is also visual proof-positive that death has blood will fall onto your pant leg and shoes. it might be a
occurred. good idea to roll up your sleeves because if he sprays your
arms you can then wipe the blood off and roll them down
again. An added precaution would be an overcoat or a
This points up the fact that the hatchet, or battle-axe
reversible jacket. In a frontal attack the throat can be targeted
-tomahawk, is one of the best all-around hand to hand combat
but again be prepared for the blood. Most likely the heart will
weapons. It can be used as a club to down a man, and as a
be the prime target. When stabbing into the chest the blade
cleaver to kill him. It is easily portable and is always handy.
should be horizontal to allow for clearance through the ribs.
Swords as assassins' weapons may be antiquated, but swords
The knife can also be thrust under the rib-cage to the heart.
are still concealed in canes and walking-sticks. Machetes are
The thrusts in both cases should be will-directed but strong.
excellent killers and are more portable than the sword and
It is normally necessary to penetrate one-and-one-half to two
may be concealed in shopping-bags or wrapped as a parcel.
inches of flesh to reach the heart and an additional two to
They should be rated next to the hatchet in effectiveness.
three inches to be through it enough to insure death. The
Meat cleavers, as the name implies, do just that, and can be
subject should collapse the moment the knife enters so be
carried under a coat or wrapped in a newspaper for
prepared for it and withdraw the knife quickly or else follow
concealment. They can chop and cut and are very effective.
him down and then extract the knife, otherwise the blade may
Mattocks or ice-axes are useful as is or shortened for
snap. Most experts say to leave the knife in but I don't
concealment. Leon Trotsky was assassinated with one of
advocate it because it can be traced, you may need it for self-
these. When used as a weapon, the tendency to hack and hack
defense, and good knives are hard to come by. When
must be discouraged. Lopping off arms and legs and
withdrawing the knife from a deep stab wound it is
attacking the face is unnecessary and only adds to the
oftentimes difficult because the flesh of the body has a
disorder and confusion. What is desired is a one-two
tendency to contract and grip the blade and suction adds to
approach. One, a downing or knock-out blow. Two, severing
the problem and care must be taken not to snap the blade. If
the head. Severing the spine at the neck is considered a
penetration was as deep as it should have been you may well
partial decapitation, and blood loss will not be great unless-
require both hands to withdraw the knife. If the subject is to
by rolling the subject over and then chopping the throat-the
be killed in a walk-by, pass him on your knife-hand side with
head detached. Complete decapitation is the complete
the blade flat against your forearm and the handle grasped
removal of the head. If time and circumstances allow, this is
solidly. As you draw even with the subject swing your arm
what should be done. Although the neck is a prime target, the
back and thrust the knife into his kidney area, in this case,
skull can be bisected. The chest cavity can also be penetrated
leave it there and without losing your pace keep on moving
to the heart with these weapons resulting in mortal wounds.
through the crowd. The main point is the neat, timed,
If the subject's execution is to be ritualized, kneel him down,
execution of the movements. In most cases the subject will
hands tied behind his back. Pass the blade of the weapon
stagger, then fall and a few more seconds before passer-by
lightly over the back of his bowed head. This causes the
realize that he's been stabbed. As there is no direct
muscles to stiffen. Then chop for a clean kill.
connection with you, and by that time you'll be several yards
away - you're home free. A more open attack in the street that
LESSON 5: Knifework requires greater speed and more risk, is to approach on a
walk-by, knife-hand side again, the dagger is in your suit coat
top left pocket, behind the handkerchief. (The F-S
One part of the cloak and dagger business that has gone low- Commando knife can fit there if the blade is thrust through
profile is the dagger. It is one of the most popular instruments the bottom of the pocket's seam and between the lining.) As
for assassins and should be treated here in some detail. Its you approach the subject make a natural move for the
purpose is to slash and pierce, or rather, to cut and thrust; it handkerchief and from about a pace away, draw the knife in a
can serve as a judo stick for butt strokes also. The ideal high sweeping arc and slash the subject's throat. The heart
dagger is one modeled after the Fairbairn-Sykes pattern and could be stabbed in a similar manner and the knife could also
was designed for use by Commando troops. Killing enemy be kept in a sheath in the front pocket. In the walk-by, saunter
sentries with combat knives is fairly well known and is along with your hand in your knife pocket, pass on the knife-
taught by all major armies. Basically, the subject is hand side, and again from a pace away, draw the knife and
approached from the rear, grasp the mouth and nose in a stab under the ribs to the heart. This technique can be done
clamped palm and simultaneously thrust the knife into the on a rear approach, with the assassin walking by to overtake
right kidney area, withdraw the knife and slash the throat the subject, the dagger is thrust into the kidneys. Slashes to
from ear to ear. Some other variations: instead of slicing the the wrists, inside elbow joints, under the armpit, inside the
throat the knife is stabbed into the neck about three to four thighs, all attack major arteries and if unattended will cause
inches below the ear until it protrudes from the opposite side; death. Stabs and slashes to the stomach and abdomen to
then the knife is slashed outwards, through the throat. The disembowel result in shock but death is not so sure so a
knife can also be stabbed downwards, through the gap follow-up action against the throat or heart is necessary. If
between the collar bone and shoulder blades to sever the you're using a single edged knife, and you really shouldn't for
subclavian artery. This attack is very useful if the subject is in this type of work, after the subject has expired re-introduce
a sitting position. The knife should be worked backwards and the knife into the wound with the cutting edge reversed. This
forwards during the withdrawal and one must try to slash as will lead the investigators to believe that a double-edged
much of the underlying tissue as possible in the process. One weapon was used. A special dagger can be made from thin
thing that must be considered at this point is the issue of tubular steel or copper. The knife is about nine inches long
blood - there is a terrific amount gushed about in any throat and very much like an over-sized syringe needle. When thrust
cutting operation. It can squirt back into your mouth - keep it into the neck, chest, or kidney area, this knife is left in. The
closed; into your eyes -try to avoid it because it will blood flows out of the hollow handle and will continue to
temporarily blind and disconcert you. A gurgling sound will flow in a constant stream as it does not allow the wound to
most likely issue from the subject and cannot be squelched close nor the blood to coagulate. With ice-picks and stout
even if the initial outcry was. Be prepared for the bowels and needles, pinpoint accuracy is needed. The targets are through
bladder to let go while you're holding him. If you're in mufti the eyes to the brain, through the ear canal to the brain, and
you'll have to consider where to place your feet because up the nose to the brain. Attacking the throat is chancy as the
point must do damage to the arteries and this precision is whole procedure takes only a few, brief seconds, and there is
seldom possible. The rear of the neck and the rest of the no defense. When the subject has expired he can be thrown
backbone can be attacked to damage or sever the spine (A over the shoulder and deposited at your feet. There are other
sharpened screw-driver or thin, sharp chisel can be used methods and these call for the looping of cords over the head
here). Entry into the medulla through the base of the skull is of the subject and crossing them at the rear of the neck. These
also possible. From the front the only real target apart from methods do not call for a change of position. If stouter
the head is the heart. If your accuracy is what it should be, material such as rope or lady's nylons are used it is advisable
one penetration should be enough. There is very little blood to tie two knots corresponding to the arteries on the neck so
and even so the blade or point should be passed through a as to give the rope more "dig". If a slip knot is used throw the
balled-up handkerchief, and with the handkerchief affixed loop over the subject's head, draw it tight with your right
near the hilt or handle the ice-pick is jabbed into the heart for hand and put your left hand under the knot, between it and
a kill. The cloth will catch the blood and then withdraw the the subject's neck. When the cord has tightened up, close
point. With these weapons the cause of death is sometimes your hand over the knot and give it a twist. This brings
very difficult to ascertain. The wounds to the brain through terrific pressure to bear on the throat and allows you to be at
the cavities seldom leave any clues of foul-play even after a arm's length from the subject. Using a length of stick is also
post-mortem. Even if they do, by then you would be will very effective. Hold the stick in both hands allowing a space
clear. The needle wound in the heart is even more difficult to for his neck. The assassin approaches from the rear, and
detect. To get by magnetometers, glass knives or wooden raises his arms over the subject's head and drops them
slivers can be carried as well as aluminum, copper and other quickly and pulls the stick tight against his neck. The subject
non-ferrous materials. In personal searches razor blades can is drawn close and pressure is applied. A variation of this
be taped or band-aided to the doles of the feet (kept within method is to use opposite hand positions to effect an `X'
their paper wrappers, of course). It is one place searchers strangle. This means that the right hand puts the stick under
seldom look. A wound one-half inch deep to a neck artery is the subject's chin from the left and then the left hand grasps
not too difficult to do with a razor blade. The two blades the other end of the stick on the right. Good pressure can be
could be thumb-tacked to a narrow board so as the cutting achieved from this method and the windpipe is nearly always
edges extend over the side and this would be a handy crushed in stick strangles. The target at which the techniques
slashing weapon. Throwing knives I won't advocate for are directed: the human body. requires the deftness of a
assassination because for most of us it's a fifty-fifty chance as surgeon and the ferocity of a rabid animal.
to whether the knife will land correctly, and if it does will it
hit a vital spot. If the knife must be used at long range make a
LESSON 7: A Dose of Death
lance or spear out of it by lashing it to a broomstick, mop, or
inserting the handle into a length of pipe. The targets are the
same as with the knife but don't throw the spear unless you Another assassination technique that has been used through
must, but rather use it like a bayonet or pike. Arrows can be the ages is the use of poisons. These can be inhales, injected,
considered as long range knives and can be used in imbibed, absorbed, or eaten. One of the most popular poisons
assassination work. The difficulty in concealing the bow or is cyanide and its brothers hydrocyanic acid, and cynogen
crossbow is a drawback though. Collapsible bows and gas. Inhaling cynogen or consuming cyanide brings on a
powerful crossbows with extending stocks can, however, be condition called histotoxic anemia where the ability of the
used. It is necessary that the arrowheads be razor-sharp and body to absorb oxygen from the blood is impaired or
that you must have the skill to kill with the weapon at the abolished resulting in rapid death. Cynogen can be liberated
distance you planned. Poison pods should also be used and from aerosols, squeeze bottles, or specially designed
these are made from the necks of toy balloons and affixed to projectors. In most cases the assassin must take an antidote
the shaft just behind the arrowhead with the poison inside. before and after firing the gas at the subject's face so that he
Crossbows are perhaps the easiest to master for the assassin himself does not fall victim to the effects of the gas. The
and are aimed much like rifles. Longbows require more skill antidote is either sodium thiosulphate or sodium mitrate
but can be mastered with practice. Both weapons are silent tablets before and amyl nitrate or a urinated handkerchief
and deadly and assassins should not fail to consider them in inhalant after. The second choices in both cases aren't as
planning operations. A final word on knives. Folding and effective. Although death is rapid it is proceeded by
switchblade knives should not be used in a killing situation vomiting, diarrhea, and convulsions. Strychnine is a very
due to the tendency of the blade to close on one's fingers effective poison that attacks the nervous system and causes
during a slash. the body to bend like a bow in death. To counteract this effect
and so to disguise the poisoning, a portion of cyanide is also
given. The symptoms of both poisons are, in effect, opposite
LESSON 6: Hang Tough
but mutually effective in causing death resulting in no
outward symptoms of poisoning. Another way to disguise the
Let us now consider mechanical strangulation where devices symptoms when using the drug morphine, which causes a
other than the bare hands are used. These include cord, wire, characteristic narrowing of the pupils, is to administer bella
rope, sticks, pipes, etc. The so-called Commando Strangle is donna drops to the eyes which cause dilation of the pupils
one of the most effective and easily mastered techniques. The and so negates this symptom. Four grains of morphine is
approach is made from the rear. The weapon is a length of more than enough to bring death to a non-addict. Overdoses
wire (24-30 inches long) affixed at each end to wooden of other drugs such as heroin can be administered and
dowels for handles. In this form it's usually referred to as the injected in walk-bys in much the same technique as the knife.
steel sling. Holding on to both handles the wire is thrown These drugs are available nearly everywhere. A kitchen
over the subject's head and a rearward pull is applied, quickly syringe that is used to inject butter and oils intorsts can be
turn around so that the wires come over your shoulder, used to inject poisons such as Black Leaf nicotine benzene or
continue pulling him backwards and holding onto the sling. kerosene into the subjects stomach. An assassin can kill with
In so doing the wires cross and the subject and assassin stand the hypodermic syringe with a 20 c.c. capacity or more. The
back to back. At this point the assassin bends over at the empty syringe is inserted into a vein and the air injected. This
waist and lifts the subject from the ground and hangs and causes a bubble in the blood system resulting in death from
strangles him in that position till the subject expires. The embolism. A bicycle pump fitted with a syringe needle can
pump air into the system in a similar manner. This can be spheres of arson and explosives. However, a situation can be
done if the subject is unconscious or under the control of envisaged where the assassin plays the role of a window
accomplices. cleaner or a car washer along the route the subject is sure to
pass. As the subject approaches the assassin grabs his water
pail which is full of a gasoline and oil mixture and at the
Arsenic and thallium sulphate are common rat poisons and
appropriate moment, throws it over the subject, drenching
can be used in assassinations as well as the mercury from
him. A match or lighter then need only be tossed into the pool
thermometers and barometers. Aconite and atropine are also
to effect the instant immolation of the subject at his most
effective. If the subject is prone to use mouthwash, eye or ear
unguarded moment.
drops, sulfuric or muriatic acids can be added into the bottles
and the patent medicine taken out. Poisons can be put into the
foods and drink of the subject. Using poison toadstools in LESSON 9: Hot Wire
place of mushrooms is one example, cyanide in the drink is
another. If the subject is using a taste to test for poisons he
Essentially the weapon is an electrified grid in the urinal
can be outwitted by putting the poison in the salt shaker. The
basin. This can take the form of a screen cover for the drain
normal scene is once the food passes the taster the subject
or metal grill. If the urinal is porcelain completely the screen
then proceeds with his meal and normally salts to tastes ...!
must be added by the assassin. The drain cover is connected
Everybody knows about a Mickey Finn which is basically
to the electrical system of the wash room by means of an
barbiturated booze, but the ice cubes can also be sabotaged
insulated cord that is hidden behind the plumbing. What
by adding powdered glass to them before putting them in the
happens when the subject uses the urinal should be obvious
fridge. It's impossible to spot the slivers suspended in the ice
now. The subject's urine which is a salty liquid and a perfect
cubes and when the subject drains his glass he gets a
conductor of electricity, makes contact with the charged grid
mouthful of same. This creates havoc in the intestinal tract
and the shock will kill him. This system can be selective by
and death can result from internal hemorrhage. The more
rigging the circuit with a switch that you can control. The
esoteric poisons such as nerve gases like sarin are beyond the
wiring need not be elaborate and can be carried in your
scope of this study and so are deferred. L.S.D. was, however,
pocket and be hooked up within a few minutes. Normal 110
developed as a war gas and O.D.'s can kill and it can easily
volt current is sufficient because it is the amperage that kills.
be introduced into a subject's meal through the sugar bowl or
The only thing necessary to look out for is that the circuit is
salt, or even from a Borgia ring into his drink; it is tasteless
not grounded - except by the subject. This method lends itself
and fairly common nowadays. Chlorine is a poisonous gas
to be used in government or large public buildings.
that is used in purifying the swimming pools that dot a lot of
backyards. The trade chemicals that are added to the water
contain the chlorine salts that can easily liberate the gas by LESSON 10: Shoot To Kill
doing the exact opposite of what the instructions recommend.
The gas can work its way through the house. Household
The final chapter in this (volume of this) study brings us to
bleach mixed with vinegar will release chlorine gas too.
the use of firearms. I'm not going to go into much detail
Phosgene is a similar gas and can be liberated by dripping
about what I feel, most readers should already know about
carbon tetrachloride onto a hot plate or similar heated
firearms either through police, military, or hunting
surface. It is an insidious poison that causes the lungs to fill
experience. How to handle weapons safely and the salient
with fluid and literally drowns the subject in his own juices.
features of modern arms in general I expect you to know
Although not technically a poison but rather a chemical club,
already. It should also go without saying that the firearm is
mace can be useful to the assassin who wants to get control
one of the assassin's most valuable tools in the trade of death.
of the subject before a fatal blow. It is essentially tear gas that
They are lethal, portable, and in some cases very quiet
has been added to kerosene causing the lachrymatory to be
weapons that in the majority of missions the assassin will opt
concentrated in the liquid and it attacks a defense mechanism
for. Forget long-range shooting and concentrate exclusively
in the nose that causes the subject to go faint. It can be
on killing. This remark may sound facetious but the role of
projected by aerosol or squeeze bottle and can be home-
the assassin implies that he be able to get as close to the
made. Poisons, be they gases or drugs must be fatal, easy to
subject as possible, that he strike from range, and that he
administer, and easy to obtain. All of the ones mentioned here
inflict mortal injuries. The range an assassin should fire his
are common and can be found in the home as an insecticide
gun from should be less than five feet and no more than
or rodent killer, on the street such as hard drugs, or made up
fifteen. Point-blank shooting being preferable to all else.
in a home lab, or prescribed by a doctor. Poisonous snakes
Now long-range shooting is oft-times dictated but this is
can be sent to the subject in a parcel and will bite him when
sniping and it's a different game entirely. Remember always
he opens the package. The evidence slithers away. Using
that it is the assassin's duty to kill and to be sure he's killed
snakes is killing at a distance similar to the use of bombs.
the subject he must be in a position where he literally can't
The trouble with both methods is that it's not selective and
miss. Now the choice of firearms also left open. The weapon
must not be encouraged unless no other alternative is
must suit both the assassin and the situation. This can run the
available. If it fails or kills someone other than the subject he
gamut from a sawed-off double barreled shot-gun to a .22
is forewarned and alerted. This the assassin must not risk.
short stinger. The important thing is that the bullet penetrate a
With poisons always give the double amount necessary to
vital area and kill the subject. As a general rule you should
kill; this will insure that there's no chance of survival. Used
use as heavy a caliber weapon as you can handle. For most of
properly, poisons can be one of the most effective weapons in
us this median will be either the .38 special or the 9mm.
an assassin's armory. They're to be used in situations
Weapons in this zone are the most adaptable to the exigencies
requiring quiet, rapid death.
which might arise in an assassination. The targets are the
same that have been mentioned all along: the head, spine, and
LESSON 8: Fiery Red heart. A typical score would be to come up from behind, jab
the gun into his backbone and fire at once. This will put him
on the ground. Then shoot him in the heart by firing at it
The use of fire as a weapon is not usually discussed in
through his left shoulder blade. This will kill him. Now shoot
assassination techniques because it rightly belongs in the
him in the back of the head and this will kill him again.
Always, if possible hit two different combinations of targets, to fire them both at the same time, as well as using your weak
and all three to be sure. A single shot weapon like the shotgun hand, also can double your fire-power in an emergency. The
should be directed at the throat or back of the head - best way to accomplish this is after you've drawn your
decapitation again is the intention. There must be no pistols, cross your wrists and have right wrist rest on top of
hesitation when using the gun. The moment it is brought out the left wrist and the left of supporting wrist is pressed
of its concealment it is put into action immediately. The old against the right. The aim is dynamic tension and will add to
gunslinger adage, "bring it out fast and put it away slow," is the overall support of both weapons. By crossing the wrists
as true now as then. Use both hands to control and steady the the weapons automatically become centered with your body
gun, keep both eyes open, align the weapon and fire. This and where you direct your body the guns will be directed
whole process should take only fractions of a second. there too. Remember that this method is only for use at close
Consider that if the weapon is used on a muzzle to skin basis ranges otherwise the lateral dispersal will be too great for
the sound of discharge will be considerably reduced. Another accuracy. All this talk about technique is really not necessary,
method silencing the report is in the situation where the what is essential is that the weapon be brought out quickly,
subject is under the control of accomplices or rendered pointed, then fired. Some special weapons are already out
unconscious, is to jam the muzzle up his rectal orifice and because they're disguised or shielded from the subject's view
fire the weapon. Apart from being virtually silent the cause of and need only be pointed and fired. You should neither see
death is not immediately apparent to the examiner of the the sights nor be conscious of them. The weapon must be a
corpse, and indeed if a plastic or fiber-glass bullet were used natural extension of your arm; look at where you're going to
it wouldn't show up on X-ray. In some cases the assassin's shoot and think the bullet into the target. (The will to kill, the
weapons should be sanitized or else home-made because the complete lack of sympathy and compassion, and no
possibility of tracing the weapon is nil. These special hesitation in killing the subject is paramount. You must take
weapons should be smooth-bore to thwart rifling tracing and his life as detachedly as you might swat a fly or crush an ant.)
also to encourage the bullets to keyhole through the target. I'm not going into the intricacies of long-range sniping, as
Without getting too deeply into the realm of the bizarre, a distance is a mental buffer between the sniper and the subject
specially loaded bullet made from a human tooth (bicuspid) and the attitudes required are also different. The sniper
could be fired under the jaw or through the mouth into the doesn't have to see, smell, or taste the blood of his subject
head. The tooth is a very hard bone and its enamel shell and he doesn't need the killer instinct to the same degree as
would allow it to penetrate into the brain. The intention here the close-up assassin. The sniper must be accurate with his
is also to hide the cause of death because the examiner in his weapon. He has 216 square inched of target to hit to be in a
search for a projectile will disregard bone fragments. Dum- lethal or seriously injurious area. This is basically the central
dum, hollow-point, and explosive bullets should also be zone from the top of the head to the groin, (36 inches). The
considered as well as aluminum bullets which have an zone is roughly 6 inches wide on a normally statured subject.
affinity to germs due to the porous nature of the metal. (For The direction the subject is facing has no tangible effect on
this reason wounds caused by aluminum fragments are these figures. The weapon should be suppressed (silenced) to
always the last to heal and are prone to infection.) Silencer allow for follow-up shots. The choice of weapon, ammo, and
equipped firearms have a special place in the assassin's sights is left to the sniper-assassin's discretion as the
arsenal. Because they dampen the muzzle flash, the circumstances for job will be varying. In assassinating higher
investigator will have trouble trying to gauge the distance the echelon VIP's it is often necessary to consider the use of
weapon was fired from due to the silencer's effect on powder armor-piercing bullets due to their penchant for armor-plated
burns. That a silencer also reduces noise is so obvious that it cars. They also would come in handy for penetrating the
need not be commented upon here at any length. These human shields of the dignitary or any other unfortunate that
attachments have the quality of reducing recoil and so might step between you and the subject. The 30.06 AP would
increasing accuracy. The assassin should never hesitate in be a standard but the 2130 gr. 20mm AT Lahti should be
using a silenced weapon in preference to its loud-mouthed considered. The best place to hit a subject in such a vehicle
brothers. Another attachment that is home-made and useful would be at the turns which cause the inside escort to bunch
where a muzzle to skin hit is envisaged, is the bell reducer up and the outside motorcycle escort to spread apart. Your
used in plumbing fixtures. This can be threaded to the muzzle position is on the outside flank. You should fire as the car
of the weapon and a steel wool pad is inserted into the mouth slows for the turn. If you miss, reload and fire as it's turning.
of the bell. The weapon so equipped is pressed against the If you miss again you might have another chance to fire
target and fired. The subsequent noise of discharge is before the car picks up speed. The sawed-off double barreled
drastically reduced. Firing into the chest is even more shotgun is not often considered for assassination work but a
effective because the chest cavity itself becomes an 12 gauge side-by-side or over-and-under loaded with two
expansion chamber, while the bullet penetrates the heart. One number 1 buckshot cartridges will put 32/30 caliber pellets
of the best visual representations of an assassination that I've into the air; which is what most S.M.G.'s can do in full-auto.
ever seen is the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack At the ranges mentioned with the handguns, the shotgun is
Ruby. Ruby was strictly pro in that photo showing him truly an effective weapon. Normally the barrels are cut off
pumping bullets into Oswald. One should note that the left just in front of the forestock and a vestigial butt remains just
hand is drawing back the jacket and the gun has no sooner behind the pistol grip. The weapon is taped, or strapped to the
cleared leather than it starts shooting. The grip on the gun is fore-arm at this point and an overcoat with the right pocket
also interesting and further backs the suspicion of Jack being removed is worn. The shotgun is held under the coat and
a pro. He`s using his middle finger to squeeze the trigger and against the leg. The coat is unbuttoned. When the subject is
his index finger, the normal shooter's trigger finger, is pointed in position the snout of the barrels pushes the coat open and
right at his target. He shoots where he points. This method is the left hand comes up for support. Both barrels are
not too well known in the States but the method was SOP discharged in quick, almost simultaneous action. They
with wartime SOE and SIS agents of Britain. Another method immediately go back under cover. To put sugar on the
advocated by them was the stamping of the right foot and frosting, strychnine pellets can be loaded with the buckshot.
thereby lunging forward and firing at the same time two shots As it is poison that speeds up the system it will effect an even
in rapid succession at each target that presented itself. It is greater blood loss than can be expected from the buckshot
worth considering the carrying of a backup weapon should pellets themselves. Like I say, it really isn't necessary. In the
the first one fail or if the bullets have all been fired. Learning world of assassination there is no such thing as over-kill. If
you're sure the subject is dead, shoot him again and be dead Atropine (Bella Donna, Homatropine, Hyoscine,
sure. You are not a soldier who's job it is to put the enemy out Hyoscyamine, Jimson Weed, Scopolamine)
of action. Your job is to destroy the subject completely.He is
to be terminated with extreme prejudice. KILL WITHOUT
Amytal, Barbital, Dial, Ipral, Pentobarbital, Phenobarbital,
Seconal, Veronal O.D.'s

APPENDIX A: The Signs Of Death


i/ Lift the eyelids and the eyes will be rolled back and the
Oil of Bitter Almonds (Cyanide)
pupils will not respond to light. ii/Mirror Test: Place a hand
mirror in front of the mouth and observe if any fogging takes
place. A small feather held in front of the mouth will indicate Black Leaf 40 (nicotine)
the absence of breath. iii/Pin Test: A pin thrust into the skin
and withdrawn will leave a hole. In live tissue the hole will
Bromine (vapor)
close, not so with dead. iv/Feel for pulse . . . none v/
Stethoscope for heartbeat, there should be none
Cadmium (vapor, death delayed 4 hrs.)
APPENDIX B: Your First Kill
Cantharides (Spanish Fly) from vet., O.D.
While it is true that the writer has taken a lot for granted in
what he expects from the reader when it comes to killing, the Carbon disufide (vapor, liquid)
student must nonetheless steel himself for the act of killing.
Unless you're a fool you're going to be scared. Your hands are
going to sweat - dry them. Your knees are going to knock - Carbon tetrachloride (phosgene vapor)
brace them. Your stomach is going to be queasy - this is
caused by your diaphragm falling on it making you want to Cathartic pills
vomit and have butterflies. It can be controlled by thrusting
both hands under your rib cage and lifting it off your
stomach. Take a deep breath and still clutch the diaphragm Cherry Laurel Water (cyanide)
and bend over. Straighten up and the diaphragm should be
back in place and a lot of your fear will have left you. If it Chloronitrobenzine
comes back, repeat. One of the biggest problems is holding
your breath on approaching the subject. You must make
every effort to breathe deeply and naturally. Your flushed Copper Sulfate (Bluestone)
face might well alert him, or if your approach is from the rear
you might act impulsively, at the wrong moment because you Curare (Introcostrin, used by vets)
want to get it over with. Take a deep breath and mouth a
silent yell. This will cause your fighting hormones to come
into action, flex your stomach for energy, and increase your Cyanogen (Ethanedinitrile, Dicyan, Oxalic Acid Dinitrile)
oxygen intake. It will also release a lot of your anxieties and Bromine Cyanid,
tensions prior to the hit. When you spot the subject be sure
he's the man you've got to kill. Mistaken identity is common- Cyanogen chloride, Iodine cyanide, Prussic Acid,
place. When you do kill, by whatever method, be swift. There Sodium\Potassium cyanide)
is no reason why the subject should be placed in agony.
When you are assured he's dead, take a moment to clean up,
check the area for incriminating objects. Nothing attracts Ethylene Chlorohydrin (liquid, vapor)
attention more than speed so move away from the area in a
calm, controlled manner. Proceed to your exfiltration point. Ethyl mercury chloride, Ethyl mercury phosphate, Ethyl
The foregoing was for the unique case of the one man mercury (solid, liquid, vapor)
mission. In general assassins operate in teams of two possibly
three individuals. One to kill, one to cover, and one to
transport. Fire extinguisher fluid (contains:Carbon tet., Methyl
Bromide, Chloroform)
APPENDIX D: A List Of Poisons
Roach Poisons (1080, Sodium monofluoracetate, Sodium
Acrylonitrile (Cyanide-like)

Freon (when heated by flame)

Aniline (inhaled or absorbed)

Metallic hydrides (arsine, Phosphine, Stipine gasses)

Antimony trichloride (vapor)

Metacide (Parathion)
Arsenic (Paris Green, Rat Poison, Ant Paste, Fowler`s
Morphine (Xodeine, Paregoric, Laudanum, Dilaudid, Heroin
Nicotine sulfate LESSON 11: Hit and Run

Nitrobenzene Consider the automobile as a weapon. That it kills

effectively, albeit accidentally, is attested to by the weekly
death tolls. The car is one deadly weapon that allows you to
Oxalic Acid & Oxalates (Radiator cleaner, delayed death)
get away with murder. Even if apprehension is immediate
and negligence established, manslaughter is the stiffest
Parathion (E-605, Thiphos, Thiophosphate) penalty to face. If auto killing is to be done, it is quite often a
team effort requiring timing, dry runs and planning of escape
routes. This makes it a very complex method full of unknown
Phosphorus-white (Fireworks and foreign match-heads rat variables that can make the whole hit go awry at any time.
poisons) Other difficulties in assassinating by automobile are centered
around time, speed and choice of vehicle. Location is not as
Phosgene (Carbon tet., Chloroform in contact with flame) important as might be imagined because "accidents can
happen anywhere. Among the factors to be considered are
those concerning the subject - as to whether he be a
Tetrachloroethane (acetylene tetrachloride) pedestrian, driver or occupant of a vehicle. Let's take the
choice of attack vehicle first. The British are considered to be
Tetraethyl pyrophoshate (TEPP) the past masters of the art of deliberately killing a subject by
automobile. They invariably choose a "lorry" or flat-bed
truck. The lorry has several advantages. Being a truck it
Thallium (Thalgrain rat poison) places the driver in an elevated position which is safer in a
ram attack and allows the driver and observer considerable
Toxaphene (Chlorinated camphene) overview. The vertical rise of the front of the truck is
important because in running a subject down, he quite often
will be tossed up into the air and dumped through the
Toluidine (vapor) windshield. The brunt-edge and height of the lorry, and also
the van truck, serves to knock him to the ground and under
Weed killers (2,4-D) the wheels of the vehicle. He must be run over with the tires
crushing his head and/or rib cage even if it is necessary to
reverse the vehicle and do it again. In the ram attack of a
Note: Unless otherwise stated these poisons are either to be subject's car the leading edge of your vehicle must strike the
injected into the subject, or taken orally by him by adding it subject's vehicle at oblique angles to the doors. Thus,
to his food. Use common sense in the application of these avoiding having to smash through his engine block in a head-
potions and if possible double the O.D. necessary. This is on crash or through the bumpers and truck in a rear-ender. A
only a short listing. Study it. This next ten lesson set of HOW stereotypical accident would be to "fail to negotiate a turn" as
TO KILL brings some more unusual and bizarre methods into the subject vehicle approaches an intersection and to turn
play. At the same time, the one-man assasin concept has been wide into his lane - and him. Another would be to highball
largely bypassed in favor of the three-man team. The latter out of a driveway and strike him squarely on his door
tends to be more complicated, and there is a quantitive jump panelsas he passes. A back-up vehicle should always be on
in th hazards facing the assassin. With complications come the scene to block escapes routes (i.e the subject's), or if
expense and greater traceability which must be tolerated necessary, pile into the collision if the subject escapes injury.
when necessary, but should be avoided at any cost when It is possible to extablish a ruse and offer to take the subject
planning a hit that could be done by simpler, more direct to the hospital or to present physician's credentials at the
methods. The situations envisioned for this segment are scene , etc., with recovery chances from such treatment zero.
essentially urban and domestic. The methods are, however, In the best tradition of the craft, "being taken for a ride"
flexible and adaptable to many situations. It is my purpose involves the kidnapping of the subject by bundling him into a
only to present alternative or optional techniques as a car and transporting him to a quiet spot to do him in. Often it
guideline and to broaden the parameters when planning a hit. is decided to kill the subject while he is in the car, and certain
It is to be understood that when dealing with team technical situations arise at this point: Imagine the car's
assassination that any member caught or wounded to interior as an enclosed space (the windows are rolled up to
incapacitation should undertake to end his own life. He must preclude the subject's crying out or to bar an escape attempt).
be aware that it is the duty of his comrades to kill him if he is Firing a .38 into him will all but deafen the assassination
unable to do himself in. This points out the fact that team. Richochets are not uncommon, and a half-spent bullet
assassination is a deadly serious affair, and the participants flying around the car, is extremely dangerous. For these
should be aware of the penalties involved. The job of an reasons, a silent .22 type weapon is used, and the larger pistol
assassin is a particularly detestable one, and there is very calibers are avoided. The subject is sandwiched between two
little glory or honor associated with it. You must consider men in the back seat and is killed by the co-pilot in the front
yourself an instrument and an extension of government who whoots him in the heart and neck. The body is bent
policy - the verdict has been passed - you are the executioner. forward with the head placed on his knees and he then is shot
Your private feelings must coincide with the aims of the through the brain. Shooting at moving cars from ambushcade
mission. You must have very little sense of personal violence and the use of road blocks, light machine guns wiht A.P. and
and feel morally justified in taking the life of the subject. tracer, amount to military operations and tactics. Such attacks
This inner conflict should not be overlooked because the are generally well known and clearly defined in other texts.
assassin must be of high character and essentially a humane In firing at the subject's car while passing him on the
and righteous individual, who, like the soldier and patriot, highway, the aim should be to deflate the left front tire to
must be willing to lay down his own or someone else's life make the car go out of control and at freeway speeds this is
for his country often fatal. If the assassination is to be more blatant, the
subject is blasted with ball bearing loaded shotguns when
you draw alongside. In all cases of blasting cars, you should the working verbs in this technique. Until only recent times,
avoid having to fire through the subjects front windscreen as the technique of executing criminals in Bukhara, now in
it has a marked ability to deflect bullets. Soviet Central Asia, consisted of taking them up to the top of
a towering minaret and shoving them off to crash on the
flagstones at the base. Surprisingly, some survived the fall,
Specialist techniques of auto bombing, bazooka attacks, mini
and they were taken back up and thrown off again. The
bus gunships, boom torpedos and claymores strapped to the
distance of the fall is of only small concern because the
attack vehicle are incidental to this study but are deferred at
subject can be killed by "falling" off the roof of a single story
this time. Suffice to say that the automobile is a weapons
dwelling or pushed down the basement stairs. (Accident
platform. As a piloted missile, it can be directed to kill
reports abound with stories of people being killed by slipping
pedestrians and to penetrate other vehicles to the dismay of
in their bathtubs or falling against end tables.) If the subject
the subject occupants. In all cases, should the vehicle fail to
is not killed, he is pushed or dropped again until he is. A coup
do its job, the subject must be dispatched by more
de grace knock-out blow consistent with the injuried of
conventional methods.
falling is only merciful at this juncture. Once again, a beefy
three-man team must be used to handle the subject. He must
LESSON 12: Smothering be clubbed, maced, or otherwise under your control. Subjects
living in high rises and tenements are the obvious choices for
defenestration. Tall office buildings are tailor-made for the
The technique of smothering is both very difficult to defenestration of harried executives. The Drop Zone itself
understand and to administer. Like strangulation, it cuts of should be chosen with a view to maximize the force of
the supply of air to the lungs of the subject except that the impact. Picket fences and concrete sidewalks are excellent.
throat is not attacked. The target area is the source of air Car roofs are notorious breakers of a fall, so try not to dump
supply - the nose and mouth. These can be assaulted the subject on one. Possibly he may not have to defenestrate
physically by clamping the hands over the nose and mouth of at all. In this situation, his head is thrust through the glass and
the subject, by forcing his face into the erth, or by coating his his throat slashed against the shards remaining in the frame.
face with a viscous substance that will not permit him to An alternative is to lift the window frame and force his head
inhale. Smothering can be described as the technique of onto the sill and drive the frame down onto his for spinal
denying air to the subject. A well-administered bear hug derangement. Pushing a body through a window is not as
smothers the subject by denying the bellows-like action easy as it sounds, and the risks of being observed are very
initiated by the diaphragm by squeezing it to immobility. high. Using a table or desk top as a tilt board will facilitate
Heavy weight or constricture of the rib cage causes a similar matters - the effect not unlike burial at sea, and the team need
effect. Shakespeare's study of assassination in King Lear not expose themselves to any great extent.
where a table is forced onto his chest and the assassins climb
onto it to squeexe and smother him to death is an example of
weight smothering. Constrictive smothering could be LESSON 14: Radiological Attack
acomplished by wrapping the subject's chest with a strap of
signode banding iron and tightening it until he expires. This
This lesson is short and to the point. The dangers of radiation
death by constricture is similar to that administered by the
poisoning are well known, and the problem is inflicting it on
great boa snakes. The standard comic ploy of a whipped
the subject in a suitable way. The Soviets favor liquids and
cream pie in the face can be perverted to the technique of
salts such as radioactive Thallium or other isotopes which
filling the paper pie plate with a quick acting epoxy type glue
bring on radiation sickness and death in short order. Our
or a rubberized cement which is thrust into the face of the
concern is not with these exotic items because of the
subject. The glue will stick his eyes shut, blinding him, and
difficulty and danger of handling them. The portable X-ray
also block his nasal and oral passages so smothering him.
machine is a different story, and most technical assistance
This type of stunt would bring laughs from passers by with
departments have them on requisition. They come packaged
everyone joining in the general hilarity as the subject expires
like a foot locker. In this technique, the subject's room is
- exit laughing. Under forcible restraint, the subject could be
irridated from both sides (necessitating two devices) for
smothered by winding plastic poly sheets around him (not
several hours. It is not necessary to enter the subject's
unlike the winding sheets and burial shrouds of yore) or
apartment, only the adjoining or upper-lower rooms. The
shoving his head inside a plastic bag. This may take three
results of the X-ray irridation will render the room and the
men to administer, but it might indicate suicide or death by
objects in it "hot". The subject after a short stay in such an
mis- adventure to local investigators. Another technique
environment should die of leukemia type radiation sickness.
involves forcing him to vomit and then clamping his mouth
and nose shut as he spews forth - he dies in his own juices.
Drowning, which is a form of smothering and suffocation, LESSON 15: Kill Dogs
can be done by handcuffing the subject's hands behind his
back and throwing him into his own swimming pool or the
Dogs, such as Dobermans, Alsatians and Shepherds, are not
nearest creek. As some suicides do handcuff themselves so
new to combat. Their role as guardians and trackers is SOP in
that they will not make any instinctive attempt to save
most major armies. The assassin's aim is to train dogs to kill
themselves, the investigators might be led to that conclusion.
a particular subject on command. These dogs are to be
The handcuffs should be the cheap novelty store type rather
trained to go for the jugular vein rather than using the
than police issue items.
weapon disarming and submission techniques practiced by
guard dogs. Naturally such animals should be will-trained
LESSON 13: Defenestration and react only to the presence of the subject alone - rejecting
all others even in a crowd or parade. The dog should be a
member of a pack of two or three that can be unleashed on
Defenestration, in the narrow sense of the word, means a
the subject, penetrate his security cordon, and dispatch him
method of killing oneself by jumping from a high window.
by tearing out his throat. Without going into too much detail,
Here the term will refer to the act of killing by dropping the
the dogs should be chosen for their aggression and
subject from a height. Pushed, jumped, and dropped will be
intelligence. These dogs must be teased and encouraged to
react to the scent of the subject and trained to kill on also effective. The blowpipe dart is, for our purposes, a point-
command. In a hit situation, say on a particular dignitary, the blank weapon. It is preferable, but not essential, that it hit
assassin and his dog could be disguised as a blindman and his exposed skin - even so, it must still lodge subcutaneously to
seeing-eye dog. The dog is released at the right moment and enter the bloodstream. The dart may be stabbed by hand.
the back-ups follow up and attack. Projectors like the Big and Little Joe dart throwers can have
their darts poisoned with ipoh and curare, too. Remember
also that the crossbows which are used by big game wardens
Other situations are variations on the Soviet theme of training
and zoo keepers can project syringe darts. An elephant dose
dogs to chase tanks and then detonating satchel charges
of tranquilizer will be more effective in sending a subject on
which the animal is carrying. Limousines would be the urban
the long sleep. Substitute poison for the smaller type syringe
extension of the target for these canine mines - claymores
darts, however. The use of poisoned bullets is incidental, but
strapped to its flank would have a similar application. Using
the Soviets are pre-eminent in this field. They had been using
animals as weapons may sound outlandish, but training
poisoned bombs before the Revolution, and in the '30's and
chimps to throw hand grenades and dolphins to ram frogmen
'40's had poisoned bullets for use against the Germans. Their
to death have been studied by adversary governments. The
espionage weapons have primer-fired glycerin capsules
beauty of using kill dogs is that they could be released miles
mounted in serrated cups. These capsules contain aconite.
from the subject and the assassin-master would be long gone
The capsule bursts on impact, and the razor sharp teeth on the
before the dogs hit for him. Indeed, the subject's death may
cup penetrate the skin to introduce the poison. They are, for
be credited to an attack by rabid or mad dogs and, hence,
all designs and purposes, a close-- range weapon, but
accidental and blameless.
virtually silent. To the uninitiated, blowpipe weapons will
appear as crude and ineffective; however, even an
LESSON 16: Blow Job unpoisoned dart has tremendous penetration, amazing
accuracy, and remarkable range for a weapon powered only
by your breath. It has certain limits in that it really can't be
Blow pipes and their poison darts conjure up images of dark mastered by smokers for obvious reasons. Even so, at the
jungles and fierce natives with seven-foot tubes. Apart from ranges for assassination purposes, this would be no handicap.
Charlie Chan movies, the weapons are not considered
effective in contemporary assassinations. Nonetheless,
Marcel Leopold, a weapons merchant, was killed by French LESSON 17: Whither The Iceman
operatives in Geneva during the Algerian Crisis. He died with
a poison dart in the neck, and the assassin(s) were never
This method is a specialist technique and involves the use of
caught. Even today, prospectors and adventurers are killed in
dry ice cakes (frozen carbon dioxide). The ice, which is
the interiors of Brazil and Guyana by natives armed with
easily transported while wrapped in papers is placed in the
these weapons. Traditional poison darts are made of wood
sleeping quarters of the subject preferably under his bed. As
slivers which I believe to be more effective than steel
he sleeps, the carbon dioxide level rises to a lethal degree
needles. Wood being porous, is able to retain the poison more
while the evidence literally evaporates. The gas is odorless,
efficiently than steel. They can only be fired from plow pipes,
and the cause of death might appear to be natural. Carbon
and when they enter the skin, they are notched so as to break
monoxide, although more powerful, requires extremely low
when extracted, much like a bee's stinger. Curare is the most
temperatures. However, it can be pressurized as a gas and
effective poison when fresh; it is a form of strychnine and, in
mixed with acetylene. Even better, it can be mixes with
commercial form, is available to vets as Intocastin for animal
odorles cuprous chloride. The gas may now be placed in
disposal. Once the skin is penetrated it works very rapidly. It
tanks that can be sprayed into a room to kill the occupant
is a muscle relaxant that relaxes the respiratory muscles to
subjects. Gases like hydrogen or oxyen can be liquified and
such an extent that death occurs. Leopold died in this manner.
transported in themous-type bottles. Dumping the contents of
Related to curare is a thick sticky mixture called Ipoh. A
such a bottle on the subject in a walk-by would be chilling to
veritable Irish Stew, it contains Ipoh tree juices, tobacco (for
say the least - his head could be frozen solid, and in that
nicotine), garlic, scorpion tails, snake venom, rat poison, and
brittle state, be struck, causing decapitation.
wasp stings. The goo is boiled, and the darts are dipped into
the concentrate and left to dry and adhere to their surfaces.
Arrows and knives should be similarly treated. It's a nasty LESSON 18: Self-Destruct
concoction, and one scratch means death. Once again, lab-
produced poisons are every bit as effective, but indicate
Undertaking to end your own life, while incongruous for a
exactly that. (Darts covered with moldy meat are a good field
lesson on assassination, is often necessary in certain
expedient to bring on infection and blood poisoning). In
operations in which you are badly wounded or about to be
contemporary, urban situations, the blowpipes have to
taken prisoner. In these instances, you must because of what
assume more compact proportions with a consequent drop in
you know, kill yourself to protect the others connected with
the range of the dart projectiles. Their size varies with the use
the operation. You should always keep one bullet for yourself
envisaged. Skorzeny's boy's reportedly had cigarette-type
on these missions. In the espionage agents game, this takes
pipes that blew a poison dart into the face of a would-be
the form of the rubberized "L" pill (L for lethal rubber
captor. Walking sticks offer a good disguise, but are not
coated) so it can be popped into the mouth and kept there as
consistent with modern dress. A bottle of soda pop with the
danger approaches and bitten into if the election to die is
tube mounted in the bottle, and an exit hole drilled in the
made. It can also be swallowed without biting through and so
base, would be a good disguise. Most of the assassin's pipes
pass through the system naturally with no harmful effects.
will fall between these two extremes with lengths of twelve
The pill is very powerful and death is quick. It can and has
to eighteen inches the norm, and with a provision to double
been concealed as a false tooth, stick pin, hollow-ring,
that by means of couplings if needed. In addition,
epaulet button, or any similar place where you can get at it
compressed air or spring and piston type dischargers have
quickly. To kill yourself with a pistol or rifle is not as easy as
been produced. Sub-caliber poisoned projectiles that are
you might think. A great many suicides are muffed due to
shotgun primer fired from standard necked down pistol
nerves, or surprisingly enough, bad aim. The angle at which
cartfidges and can be loaded into conventional pistols are
the pistol is placed to the temple is critical for the bullet may
skip or just lift the top of your skull without being fatal. If Camara: Green berries affects lungs, kidneys, heart and
you place the muzzle too far forward, you will only succeed nervous system. Fatal.
in blowing out the backs of your eyes. Since you are trying to
prevent yourself from talking, the best method is placing the
Campanilla : Be Still Tree (q.v.)
muzzle in your mouth. This serves to center the barrel on the
juncture of the medulla oblongata and the spinal column, and
the damage caused by a bullet to either would be fatal. In any Camotillo: Deadly Toxic. (Solanine) Fatal.
event, your tongue and voice will be destroyed which is the
object of such action. On the subject of capture, it was a tenet
Castor Beans: Produces vomiting, purgation, delirioun and
in the old days to try to hold out on your interrogators for
coma. Contains ricin. Fatal.
forty-eight hours to allow other agents time to pass on the
news of your capture to the others in the group. This allowed
them to go underground and establish new safe houses. Common Oleander: All parts toxic attacks heart. Fatal.
Hence, the aspects of being tortured could be made more
bearable. Generally, your captors will play "Mister Nice
Guy" with you for the first six or twelve hours in order to Cherries: Wild and domestic twigs and foliage. Releases
check your cover and cover stories. When being broken cyanide when eaten. Shortness of breath, excitement and
down by torturers, the progression may take another day fainting within minutes. Fatal.
which would give your group members enough time to reach
safety. You can then, with clear conscience, spill your guts China Berry Tree: Attacks nervous system via fruit. Narcotic.
and confess to your captor`s content, thus alleviating alot of
pain and suffering. Of course, this is assuming that your
captors got the better of you and you were unable to do China Tree: China Berry Tree (q.v.)
yourself in. Nowadays, with high speed communications, the
previous torture endurance time can be cut in half - that is to Crab's Eye: Seeds, subcutaneous emplacement. Fatal within
say, if you can withstand your tormentors for a day, your four hours.
group's chances of eluding capture will be as great as with
the WWII forty-eight hour rule. The methods at the disposal
of adversary departments are more improver however, and Crow Fig: Seed produce convulsions. Contains strychnine
new truth serums and psychedelic chemicals can put you and brucine.
through shattering experiences. Your entire life would be an
open book for your inquisitors to rip out page by page. You Daphne: Berries have killed children. Fatal.
will eventually break. The only chance for you is to forestall
the inevitable for the sake of your comrades. Normally, these
methods are not applied until conventional interrogation and Diefenbachia: All parts produce burning and irritation to
torture (conventional) will take a day to run its course. tongue and mouth. Swollen tongue may block throat death
Special torture will follow; you'll be broken, talk and then be can occur. (Under circustances, fatal.)
executed. If you are captured along with others of lesser rank
in the system, then they must be charged with the duty of Divine Mushroom: Produces hyper sensitivity, hallucinations
killing you. This brings up the question of having to kill the and melancholia for several hours. Deliriant.
wounded in the course of a mission if the wounded are
incapable of killing themselves. You must administer the
coupe de grace personally. You must be tender, yet thorough, Dutchman's Breeches: Bleeding Hearts (q.v.)
and that means not mowing them down through a veil of
tears with a runaway s.m.g. The neck shot, at the base of the Dumb Cane: Diefenbachia (q.v.)
skull, is the quickest and the best. The aim must be for exit
through the middle of the eyes. This calculated to render the
features of your comrade unrecognizable, and so delay East Indian Snakewood: Produces convulsions. Contains
identification by adversary forces. strychnine and brucine. (Death possible due to exhaustion.)

LESSON 19: A List of Plant Poisons Elderberry: All parts except berry produce vomiting and
digestive distress.
Autumn Crocus: The bulbs cause vomiting and nervous
excitement. Elephant Ear: Diefenbachia (q.v.)

Azaleas: All parts produce nausea, vomiting, respiratory False Upas Tree: All parts produce convulsions. Contains
distress, prostration and coma. Fatal. strychnine and brucine. (Death possibel due to exhaustion.)

Be Still Tree: All parts produce lower blood pulse, vomiting Fish Poison Tree: Excites nervous system, causes spasms
and shock. Fatal. followed by deep sleep. Contains piscidine.

Bleeding Hearts: Foliage and roots, fatal in large amounts. Foxglove: Leaves stimulate the heart. Contains digitalis.
Produces circulation disorder and confusion; may be fatal.
Buttercups: All parts may severely injure the digestive
system. Gabon Arrow Poison: Produces incapacitation through
vomiting and purgation. Contains strophanthin and incine.
Gloriosa Superba: All parts contain narcotic superbine and Oleander: Leaves and branches produce upset and induce
deadly poison colchicine (fatal dose 3 grains). heart attacks. Fatal. Extremely poisonous.

Golden Chain: Bean-like seed capsules induce staggering, Ololiuqui: Jimson Weed (q.v.)
convulsions and coma. May be fatal.
Poinsettia: Leaves Fatal. (One leaf will kill a child.)
Guiana Poison Tree: CURARE taken from bark. Contains
curare, strychnine and brucine. Produces respiratory collapse.
Poison Hemlock: All parts. Used as an executionary plant in
Fatal - 1 hour.
ancient times. Fatal.

Hyacinth: Bulbs produce vomiting and purgation. Exhaustion

Poison Ivy: Milky sap is skin irritant. Contains
may be fatal.

Ipecacuanha: Root is powerful emetic also depressant.

Poison Nut: Crow Fig (q.v.)

Iris: Stems cause severe but not fatal digestive distress.

Poison Tanghin: Causes voniting purgation and paralysis
a.k.a. Ordeal Tree for obvious reasons. Contains cerberin and
Jack-in-the-Pulpit: Roots contain crystals of calcium oxalate tanghinine. May be fatal.
that cause intense irritation to mouth and tongue (similar to
Potato: Vines and foliage produce severe digestive and
nervous disorers. Contains alkaloid poisons.
Jamaican Dogwood: Fish Poison Tree (q.v.)
Pride of India: China Berry Tree (q.v.)
Jasmine: The berries produce severe nervous and digestive
upest. Can be Fatal.
Psychic Nut: Raw seeds produce violent purgation; death
caused by exhaustion.
Jequiritz Bean: Crav's Eye (q.v.)
Red Sage: Camara (q.v.) Rhubarb: Leaf blade produces
Jimson Weed: All parts cause delirium. Has proven fatal. convulsions followed by coma. Fatal. (large amounts, raw or
Kachita: Crow Fig (q.v.)
Rosary Pea: A single pea has caused death. Castor Bean (q.v.)
Lantana: Camara (q.v.)
St. Ignatius' Bean: Produces convulsions. Contains brucine.
Larkspur: Seeds and young plants produce severe nervous
and digestive upset. May be fatal. Star of Bethlehem: Bulbs cause vomiting and nervous
Laurels: Azaleas (q.v.)
Thorne Apple: Jimson Weed(q.v.) Common cause of
Mayapple: Roots contain 16 active toxic substances. Fruit
may cause diarrhea.
Tomato: Vines and foliage produce digestive upset and
nervous disorder. Related to Nightshade (q.v.) Contains
Mexican Tuber: Camotillo (q.v.) Mistletoe: Berries - Fatal.
alkaloid poisons.

Monkshood: Roots produce digestive upset and nervous

Trailing Poison Oak: Poison Ivy (q.v.)

Upas Tree: Milky sap produces vomiting purgation and

Moonseed: Berries may be fatal.
paralysis. Contains antiarin and used as arrow poison
(Malaya). Fatal.
Narcissus: Hyacinth (q.v.)
Water Hemlock: All parts produce violent and painful
Nightshade: Unrie berries produce intense digesive and convulsions. Many have died from Water Hemlock
nervous upset. Fatal. poisoning. Fatal.

Nux Vomica Tree: Crow Fig (q.v.) White Wooly Kombe Bean: Gabon Arrow Poison (q.v.)

Oaks: Foliage and acorns affect kidneys; symptoms delayed Wisteria: Seeds, pods produce digestive upset
days or weeks. Pain and discomfort.
Yellow Oleander: Be Still Tree (q.v.)

Yew: Foliage Death occurs without any preliminary

symptoms. Fatal.

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