Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1-8
Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1-8
Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1-8
and gentle women watch Lady Macbeths actions during her sleep. She is haunted by nightmares and has no peace in her sleep. She says things that basically lets them know all the evil she has done and her wrong doings. For example, she sleepwalks, talks in her sleep, and keeps pretending to wash her hands, because she never knew Duncan had would bleed so easily. Act V Scene II Characters: Menteith, Caithness, Angus, Lennox, Summary: Menteith, Caithness, Angus, and Lennox discuss what they know of Macbeth's preparations for battle. The king has fortified the Dunsinane castle, and they have heard word from those who hate Macbeth and how he behaves madly. The lords decide amongst themselves that Macbeth's guilt has finally driven him crazy, and rightfully so because he has committed crimes so horrible that his own senses are reviled by his actions. The lords vow to fight for the rightful king, Malcolm, and to use all of their strength and ability to remove Macbeth from the throne. The lords and their soldiers march off to meet Malcolm and Macduff. Act V Scene III Characters: Macbeth, Doctor, Servent, Seyton Summary: Macbeth is in a room in Dunsinane. A servant comes to update him on the opposing army's movements, and Macbeth mocks him and tells him that the movements of Malcolm's forces make little difference because he does not have to fear anyone born of a woman. Even then, he need not fear anyone until the Birnam wood moves to Dunsinane. The servant tells him, nonetheless, that the English force of ten thousand soldiers is on its way to the castle. Macbeth, although he should have no reason to fear because of the prophecies given to him by the three witches, calls for his armor-bearer to help him prepare for battle.Macbeth asks the doctor about Lady Macbeth's condition, and the doctor claims that because the illness is caused by her own fantasies, he cannot ease the troubles that keep Lady Macbeth from rest. Macbeth asks him to find some way to root out the trouble so that Lady Macbeth can be healthy and happy again. While Macbeth repeats again the prophecy of the witches, the doctor whispers to the audience that if he could get away from Dunsinane now, there is no amount of money that would bring him back again. Act V Scene IV
Characters: Malcolm, Siward, Menteith Summary: Malcolm and the Scottish thanes along with Siward and his son approach Birnam wood with their large army. Malcolm orders the men to each cut a bough from the forest trees and uses it to disguise them so that Macbeth will not see them coming. The lords have learned from reports that Macbeth remains at Dunsinane and that his troops have dwindled because many of the men have revolted. The only men left to fight for Macbeth are men who had no other choice, and are therefore not so strong of heart as the men who fight for Malcolm because they want to. Malcolm and the lords are optimistic that Macbeth will be defeated, but they want to hold off on boasts until the battle has been won for certain. Act V Scene IIII Characters: Malcolm, old Siward and his son, Macduff, Menteith, Caithness, Angus, Lennox, Ross, and soldiers Summary: All the characters are in the Birnam Woods taking branches off the trees to camouflage on how many of them there are. Siward reports that has been no news on Macbeth, jus that he is ready to fight anyone who is willing to fight him. Malcolm is ready to attack but Macduff talks him into not making any judgments until the goal has been achieved. Siward is also ready to fight and knows the only way this madness will stop is with violence and he is ready. Act V Scene V Characters: Macbeth, Seyton, and soldiers Summary: Macbeth is ready with his men inside the castle for the other soldiers to enter and apparently he is not terrified of anything. Seyton hears a women crying and realizes that the queen is dead. Macbeth is not surprised he knew she would have died eventually. Then the messenger comes and tells him that he swore that he saw the forest move. Macbeth promises that if the messenger is lying he will hang him alive from the nearest tree until he dies of hunger. Then he realizes that if the forest is moving, it doesnt make sense to try and run away, he is growing tired of living life anyway. Act V Scene VI Characters: Malcolm, old Siward, Macduff, and their army Summary: Malcolm and his army put down their branches and show themselves continuing the battle plan. Siward wishes everyone good luck and Macduff blows the trumpets to announce the news of blood and death. Act V Scene VII
Characters: Macbeth, Young Siward, Macduff Summary: Macbeth is tied to a stake; he cant stand or fight anyone. Young Siward enters the room and is introduced to Macbeth; once he is introduced Macbeth tells him that he doesnt fear a man who was born from a woman. And Macduff wants to kill Macbeth only not the other soldiers or else he considers this fight not worthy. Act V Scene VIII Characters: Macbeth, Macduff, Summary: Macbeth admits to killing Macduffs whole family and now Macduff doesnt care but what he did and the only thing that will be doing the talking is the sword that will kill him. But Macbeth tells him that it was the witches that did this to him and he still doesnt care. So then Macbeth says lets fight like men; and then Macduff chops his head off. On the other hand, Siwards son was killed but died nobly. Then Malcolm is crowned the king of Scotland.