Adam Lyons Street Seduce

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The document discusses techniques for improving dating skills and attracting women, including understanding principles of attraction, opening conversations, and escalating interactions.

The main chapters covered include how attraction works, the importance of openings, myths of seduction, meeting during the day, and day game approaches.

One technique for collecting a phone number mentioned is finding a common interest like a restaurant to suggest meeting up at in the future.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chapter 1 How Game Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chapter 2 Simple Steps To Being Natural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Confidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Abundance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sexual Escalation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Chapter 3 The Importance of Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 4 The Myths of Seduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chapter 5 The Format To Meeting During The Day . . . . . 23 The Situational Opener . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 Chapter 6 Day Game Live Approach Broken Down . . . 27

My experiences have given me a massive edge in dating and attracting the women I wanted. I dont rely on a bunch of pre-scripted lines and techniques but rather on applying real psychological theory based on real-life scientific studies. Not only have I learned what triggers attraction but I have the in-field experience to know firsthand which techniques work and which ones dont. When you understand the principles of dating and attraction you can turn it on whenever you want. Not only will you never be alone but you will also be able to get the kind of girlfriend youve always wanted. In this manual, Ive broken these steps down into a simplified form of what I teach to my students around the world. These six chapters will all come together to enable you to be able to use the information, go out there and see a massive difference in your own dating life. The scary thing about this is how easy it is, once you know what youre doing. They say that dating is a game. Im going to show you how to bend the rules.



How Game Works

think the most important thing to understand when people start learning about attraction and how to improve their dating life is to first of all figure out why this works and why it can work for you. When I first started finding out and learning about the concept of attraction and that attracting people is actually a learnable skill, I pretty much had no hope whatsoever. I was a massive geek; I was spending my time playing video games like Dungeons & Dragons, and I really wasnt going out there and doing anything about it. And when I did, I found out very quickly that I was able to go out and replicate results that natural guys who were amazing with women had been doing for years. I was capable of attracting more women than superstars, professional football players, all these guys who had this lifestyle where theyd be surrounded by girls. And here I was, at the time just a simple office worker, and yet I was having the same kind of success as those people that you read about in the media and see on television. I got it down to a point where even if I was in a nightclub or on the street, I was finding it very easy to be able to attract women because Id realized why it works. And I think if

youre going to learn anything from this book, the very first thing you have to learn is why the game actually works and what it is that causes us to be attracted to other people. Because if you dont know what causes you to be attracted to others, you are never going to know how to get other people to be attracted to you. There are two things that we pretty much spend our entire lives lusting after and looking towards. One of these is a relationship; youre looking for this ideal partner or the person that you really want to be with. The other is money. I would say these are pretty much the two focuses in most peoples lives. The funny thing is, believe it or not, youre not really attracted to money. What youre attracted to, is your own time. You see, somewhere in our past weve been taught that time equals money; therefore weve given a value to money, but in reality thats not what we care about. We really care about our own time. I can explain this to you in a way that hopefully youll be able to relate to. Think about doing a project for your boss at work: Your boss says to you, Over the next two weeks I want you to finish up this project and hand it in to me. You spend two weeks slaving away over this project, working as hard as you can to make sure its the best it can possibly be. At the end of the two weeks, you finish the project, everythings great and you go to hand it in to your boss. Suddenly your boss looks at it and says, Uh, you know what? I completely forgot why I asked you to do this. Weve gone with one of your older projects. Dont worry about it; youre still going to get paid. Were still happy with your work; there are no repercussions on your work. Thanks ever so much but weve gone with the older one. How would you feel? Think about it. Chances are that youre going to be annoyed. Youre going to feel that your time was wasted. All of the effort and energy you put in over the last two weeks is

Street Seduce

completely wasted. But why are you upset? Youre still getting paid after all. Hes still using your project, youre still getting the credit for it and hes still happy with you. So why are you upset? What else is there? The missing piece is your investment; your energy and the work that youve put into trying to make sure your project was done well time that you feel you couldve used on something else, yet you were paid to keep doing that job. You see, you feel that your own time was wasted and that means a lot to you because time is the one thing that we dont get back.

How Game Works

Investment is the key to attraction

Think about it again. Do you still think you care about money? If you were to win the lottery tonight, not a lot of money, just maybe a couple of grand; enough that youd feel you earned a good sum of money that maybe youd take your mates out for a drink at the pub; maybe youd splash out on a dinner for your entire family. Chances are youd do something to splash out with this additional money that just came out of nowhere. But what if over the next month you worked overtime to generate the same amount of money to generate the same two grand. Would you still be likely to phone up your mates and invite them down to the pub? Would you still be likely to invite them all for dinner or would you be more likely to take care of that money, to look after that money, maybe spend it on a holiday rewarding yourself? You see, its not the money you care about, its the effort you put into earning it. The money that you win in a lottery doesnt mean near as much to you as money youve worked really hard to earn. You care about your own investment. The harder you work for something, the more you want to see it.

Street Seduce

The key to getting other people to be attracted to you is to get them to invest in you. Think about it. You meet a girl, maybe youre out, youre having a great party, you swap phone numbers. You decide youre going to meet up with her a week later. During the week, you spend the entire week talking to your friends about her; how great she is, how shes the perfect girl. Unfortunately for you, she wasnt talking about you that week. She was busy, she was caught up with work, she didnt really have time to think about it but shes kinda looking forward to the casual date youre going to have next week. But youve spent an entire week hyping her up. When you see her, you say, Oh my gosh, its so great to see you! Youre incredible! I havent seen you for so long! Its been a great week, Ive been thinking about you! Maybe youve got flowers, you go out of your way to impress her. Of course, she doesnt feel the same. She didnt spend an entire week thinking of you. She hasnt invested in you to the same extent that youve made yourself invested in her. The attraction levels arent the same and you run a good risk of freaking her out, scaring her, and making her run away. Whereas if she had an entire week thinking about you, it stands to reason that as soon as she sees you shes going to be just as excited. Investment is the key to attraction. There are two ways to get somebody to invest in you: The first is to demonstrate attractive qualities or lead an attractive lifestyle that will really make somebody want to spend their time with you, want to be around you, and want to invest in you. Unfortunately, were not all born with these amazing characteristics that make people want to be with us. The superstars of the world: actors, singers, and rock stars; theyre the kind of people that have a lot of these attractive qualities that make people want to be like them. And there are other people and there are ways that you

can get these as well but were not all born with that ability. Some of us have to find another way to get people to invest and thats where the concept of understanding attraction comes in handy. You see, if you could work out how to make someone invest in you, if you can work out how to get them to want to be with you and to put effort into trying to find out about you and learn about you, theyre going to be heavily invested in you. And the more theyre invested, the more theyre attracted. And this is why this works. Youll be able to understand exactly how to trigger people to invest in you and then the attraction follows naturally. After all, if somebody spent six hours trying to convince you about how great they are, talking about their life and finding out as much about you, youre going to tell me at the end of the six hours theyre not going to be interested? Of course they are. In the next chapter youll see how you can elicit the natural attractive qualities that make somebody want to be with you. That way you dont have to bother trying to understand or try to learn any of this. You can just read the next chapter, learn those key qualities that make you attractive and just enjoy it as all the girls go around trying to invest with you. And if you feel like you still want some more insights on building attraction, you can find more in my 62-page Ebook called Principles of Attraction available at
How Game Works



Simple Steps To Being Natural

his chapter may well be the most important one in this book because it contains information about how you can go about making yourself incredibly attractive today.

The three key qualities that you need to ensure that, without having to understand the whole process of attraction, or going through, reading loads and loads of material, getting all the practice in that you could possibly get to start improving; you could just start developing these three qualities, go out there and find that everything works for you. Ive had a lot of people write to me recently, telling me that from just this information alone theyve managed to have tremendous success with members of the opposite sex. The key is learning what these three qualities are.

This first of the qualities is confidence. Now its not hard to see why confidence is an attractive quality. Not only because people who are confident are comfortable in themselves, theyre good at making decisions and they make life for people around them a lot easier. But unconfident people

Street Seduce

can make other people a little bit wary. If youre somebody whos constantly giving in to somebody else and youre in a relationship, youre always going to be letting them get their own way. Slowly, as time develops, youre going to start to build resentment towards them because of them always getting what they want. Eventually, you might snap. When you do, the person youre in a relationship with is going to be completely freaked out, wondering why youve suddenly had a complete change of heart. Up til now youve always gone along with absolutely everything theyve done and this sudden change of behavior freaks them out. Were all aware that people who are shy and unconfident could potentially be somebody who changes their attitude or changes their behavior over time and none of us like inconsistency. Somebody whos confident is less likely to allow somebody to put them in that position and much more likely to let everyone know where they stand. Confident people are also good at leading others which means that youre seen as having people follow you so other people are looking up to you, and if other people are looking up to you, again, thats another attractive quality. But if youre not confident, how do you go about becoming confident? Its really simple. The key to confidence is competence. The more you do something; the more comfortable you get doing it. Think about it, the first time you drove a car.Youd been completely paranoid, scared that youre going to have an accident. You didnt understand what all the different pieces of the car did. But then after practice, the more you did it, the better you got at doing it. The more you practiced driving, the more comfortable you got behind the wheel and the more confident you felt in general. This is the key to confidence practice.

Competence = Confidence
If youre unconfident in social situations then the easiest way to improve that is to go into even more social situations. The more you get used to talking to people and interacting with them, the more confident youre going to appear and the more comfortable youre going to be in your own skin in that environment. But confidence alone isnt going to help you out. You cant go up to somebody, incredibly confident, and say, Hi, Im the best looking guy here.Youre going to want to date me cause Im great. Confidence alone doesnt work. Youve got to back it up.
Simple Steps To Being Natural

The second quality is just as equally important as the first and its abundance. If youre somebody whos seen to be attractive to other people then its very easy to understand why you are attractive. Think about it. If a guy walks into a bar with two girls on his arm you automatically assume hes a lucky guy; Hes got two girlfriends! How lucky is he? In reality, they could be his sisters, maybe just close friends of his, but we always assume hes in a relationship with them. If that guy then got somebody else in the bar and got to talking to them, the girl is going to feel comfortable around him because she can see hes already got two choices hes already attractive. Hes been pre-selected by others; other people are saying this is an attractive person I want to be with. If he comes across as overconfident, they can kind of see that hes obviously joking and playing around because hes already got a couple of girls with him and they like him. Obviously in this one instance its easy to see that maybe hes just joking around or over-reacting. It makes it easier for somebody to understand how he could be attractive.

If you see a weird guy standing on his own by a bar, maybe giving everybody a shady look, you might be freaked out by him standing on his own. If the same guy is standing there and hes got four girls laughing at him, somebody telling a joke or re-enacting a part of a movie; you see, we take in our surroundings and use that to understand a given situation. If youre seen as somebody that hangs around a lot of members of the opposite sex, then most people will make the assumption that those people are attracted to you.
Street Seduce

Sexual Escalation
This is great youve got confidence and abundance, youve got a load of girls hanging around you and youre a confident guy.You still arent going to be getting anywhere. You see, theres one piece to the puzzle missing, and thats the ability to sexually escalate. Youve got to do something about it. Its no good having loads of people all over you and being confident about it if youre not willing to do something about it. Playfully flirting, kissing people on the cheek, hugging them and embracing them; having the confidence to take them out on a date and do something about it; and while youre on the date, telling them your intentions and pushing it forward. These three qualities combine together to make a very powerful force. Somebody whos surrounded by a lot of members of the opposite sex, is confident with them, is seen as a bit of a leader in that group and isnt afraid of sexually escalating with them, turning them on, and taking them out and actually acting upon their attractive impulses is the kind of person thats not going to have trouble finding somebody to start a relationship with.

Now you can go out right away and you can start working on these three qualities. Youll get the social life filled with the opposite sex by joining clubs and inviting them out. Be confident, be comfortable inviting them out and get used to hanging out with them. Finally, dont be afraid to flirt with them, tease them, get a little bit physical, play-fight occasionally, and build in the sexual escalation. You get these three things and youre not going to need to learn any further. However, for some people its not so easy. Going out and doing those things just seems like a lifetime away. They havent had the experience of social interaction to be confident and able to do that. Maybe you dont have much of a social life so meeting members of the opposite sex isnt that easy. Well this is where the rest of this book comes in handy. Plus, you can find more about attractive qualities and escalation in my Principles of Attraction, a larger yet very easily affordable work available at

Simple Steps To Being Natural



The Importance of Opening

his chapters a bit of a fun one because it explains the importance of actually going out there and doing something about it. Up til now you may have found it really easy to sit indoors and continue your own little life playing video games or maybe interacting with people over the internet. Maybe youre a bit of a hermit; you dont go out, or maybe you just go out with small groups of friends that you see every single week and dont do anything about it.

You might be thinking that you cant do anything to improve your success with meeting new people. From the previous chapters youve seen that you could just develop certain qualities that would make somebody want to invest in you and want to be with you. However, thats not that easy. Sometimes youve got to actually go out there and set the foundation that you can work from to help you actually get somewhere. And thats where the importance of practice comes in. You see, youre never going to know what is or isnt going to work until you go out there and do it. Think about it just for a second. Give yourself a percentage: If you went out and spoke to a hundred girls right now, irrespective of how they

looked, how many would you be able to set up a relationship with? Lets make it simple how many of them would you be able to get a phone number off of? Out of a hundred, how many would give you their phone number right now? I can tell you. Ive been out there. Ive found thousands and out of a hundred people Id be very comfortable telling you Id have no problem getting at least 99% of the phone numbers. You see, I understand how attraction works and the only way youre going to understand is to go out there and do it yourself.
Street Seduce

Lets think about that. What is your chance of getting her phone number if you never speak to anybody? Zero. No matter how bad your chances were before, if you dont do anything about it, youre never going to improve. The key is for you to go out there and to get as much experience as possible. Throughout this website youre going to find step-by-step guides and tips on how you can go out there, be yourself, talk in a very natural way without using any casual lines, routines, or pre-scripted material; and youre still going to be able to find very comfortable interactions with people and be able not only to get phone numbers but set up dates, go out there and actually have some kind of choice about the kind of person you want to be with. In the average persons lifetime, your average guy will date only six women. And one of those six women that youre going to meet is going to be your wife. And people wonder why there are so many problems in relationships. People settle. People think, maybe one in those six, this is the person I have to be with for the rest of my life. In reality it isnt. If you went out there and met more women, youd find somebody that you really connect with. Its very possible to find somebody who not only shares your views and ideas on life, who actually enjoys your hobbies and wants to sit down and share them with you. Im speaking from firsthand experience here.

I spend most of my spare time with my girlfriend playing video games. The one thing I wanted to do was have a girlfriend that understood my hobbies and things that I like doing. Not only have I managed to find a girl who Im incredibly attracted to, Ive found a girl who enjoys sharing my pastimes and hobbies with me. But the only way youre going to go out there and understand what you want is to meet lots of people. Otherwise, the first time you see a pretty face, blond hair and nice legs, youre going to jump on board and think this is the person I want to be with. Youd be willing to sacrifice your idea of what a great relationship is just because youve met somebody thats hot and in reality that is not the best thing to do. Finish reading this book, get some information, go out there and practice. Speak to 10 people and see what happens. If youre thinking that they can be very negative to you and theyre not going to be friendly, you definitely havent done this enough; because I promise you, out of 100 people youre going to struggle to find more than 20 that are going to be rude and those are pretty good odds.

The Importance Of Opening



The Myths of Seduction

efore we go any further I want to debunk some of the myths you might be having. The first thing is, you might be thinking that theres no way you can improve because of a number of reasons. Maybe you dont think youre good-looking enough, maybe you dont think youve got a good enough job; it could be a hundred reasons. The important thing is to understand what triggers attraction. The key is investment. Its not good looks or money that attracts someone to you. Its whether they like you. Think about it. Youve heard the stories about a girl that ended up dating a loser whos going nowhere and doesnt look particularly hot. Have a look on the street; see all the beautiful women and see how all the guys theyre with dont really weigh up. And this goes vice-versa, youll often see an attractive guy with a girl thats not so great. The key thing thats causing this attraction is investment. I explained earlier how this works. If you practice and if you understand what causes somebody to invest in you, you really are going to see a change.

Im a prime example. When I first started this I had no idea about how you go about socializing in big situations. I had no idea how to approach a girl I was really interested in and I definitely didnt have any understanding of how to dress or how to work out and look good. I dont know if Ive got the second part yet but Im definitely working at it. Ive noticed that the harder I work at it, the more women are likely to come up to me and introduce themselves to me.
Street Seduce

The second myth I want to debunk is that you have to learn lines and routines and incredibly complex chat-up lines to get people to be attracted to you. This just isnt true. There are ways that you can actually be yourself and cause people to be attracted to you. Of course you do need to understand how you go about doing it. If you spend four hours chewing somebodys ear off, telling them about your day and how your weeks been or how much you hate your job, youre very unlikely to attract anybody. The key is an understanding of how you can get them to invest in you; get them to work at talking to you. If you sit down and listen to somebody explaining how terrible their job is for the last week, youve got a much better chance of attracting them. The key part is just to understand the psychology of what works; then you can step away from using pre-scripted lines and routines copied off of somebody else. Material you copy off of somebody else is never going to work for you because youre not comfortable with it. Its not something you naturally relate to so it doesnt lend itself to natural conversation. If you work hard at going out there and actually interacting with people, youre going to find your own natural conversation does form repetitions. You sort of form your own kind of routines but without having them scripted out word for word, these are just your real-life experiences; and this is how most of us interact.

The third big myth I want to debunk, is that you have to insult people. In the community there are a bunch of guys that go about learning how to go about picking up other people. Within this community Ive been regarded as one of the best in the world and the funny thing is that the majority of what I do is without insulting anybody. The use of negs to open people is actually very detrimental. If you go up to a girl, especially if shes good-looking and start off by insulting her, youre going to find yourself on the wrong foot. The only exception to this is if she was already attracted to you in the first place. And if she was already attracted to you, there was no need to insult her. She wouldve been comfortable talking to you in the first place. So the key is understanding when you do go about negging or insulting them. Now you never really want to go that hard. You never want to really insult somebody; you never want to actually neg them. But its okay to play around with a bit of banter. Its okay to disagree with somebody. Its okay to wind somebody up as a joke; you just cant take it too far. One of the biggest problems people have is they feel that they have to become somebody that insults other people in order to make themselves better. Life doesnt work that way. Youve got a much better chance of getting into a good interaction with somebody if you add value to them, by being friendly, maybe giving them a compliment but then prove that youre not willing to let the other person walk all over you. The last myth that I want to debunk is the concept of peacocking the idea that you have to wear something completely outrageous to get people to want to talk to you. Thats simply not true. Ive seen people walk into a nightclub with a feather boa around themselves or a pink cowboy hat. Ive even seen somebody wandering around with a plastic penis behind their ear. This doesnt build attraction; this just helps you stand out. Yes, you might get people come up

The Myths Of Seduction

to you and say hello. Yes, you might get people to comment on what youre wearing but its never going to be in a positive way and youre going to have to deal with all of that before you can go around having a normal conversation with them. There are ways of peacocking, or making yourself stand out from a crowd without going completely crazy. Wearing a nice suit thats well-fitted will nine times out of 10 help you stand out somewhere where everybody else is just wearing something they bought off the shop shelves. Most of the time, getting a suit fitted is part of the price. Sometimes you can just dress down a little bit more casual than everybody else so you stand out that way. Maybe youve got a small piercing that other people dont have or maybe even put a little red in your hair. Just having a little something that sets you apart from everybody else really is the key to helping you stand out so people can remember you. Yeah, that really friendly guy with the red in his hair, or, Its the friendly guy with the lip piercing.Thats the art of helping you stand out with these minor materialistic features. But they arent important. You dont have to have one of these to stand out. If you make a good connection with somebody, thats all youre going to need for them to want to talk to you again in the future.

Street Seduce



The Format To Meeting During The Day

n this chapter well discuss some actual things that you can do right now to go out there and start meeting people. Its all very well for me to sit at a keyboard and spell out to you all the different things you can be doing, but if Im not actually breaking it down and giving you step-by-step instructions on how to do it, its kind of useless. You cant go out there and duplicate this and get the same kinds of results. So what Im going to talk about now is a bit of a map, a plan that you can copy to go out there right now, walk up to somebody youve never met before and within a few minutes, get their phone number and go about setting up a date with them, or something like that, in the future. The set Im going to give you is a very simple method that you can use during the day. Were going to talk about opening then were going to talk about building a conversation that gets the other person to invest in you. Finally, were going to talk about getting their phone number with a justified reason of why you should have it. First well start with opening. The key part to opening is actually adding value. If you want a breakdown on the different

types of openings, check out my Principles of Attraction Ebook at In essence, a good opener is one that adds value to somebody. Its something that the other person considers non-threatening and helps you stand out.

The Situational Opener

Street Seduce

One of my favorites is actually a situational opener where you just state something that youve observed. Maybe youve observed a car that stands a little bit out of place and youre just going to comment on it. Sometimes its going to be that youve noticed somebodys jacket is falling off of their arm and youre going to help them out with it. Maybe somebodys lost and you just help them find their way. It could be anything but youve got to use a basic observational opener to get into an interaction with somebody. Now these are great because theyre just off-the-cuff statements. They dont really require the other person to invest in you initially. They tend to just smile and laugh at the fact that youve said something but it does give them some kind of reaction to you. If it goes bad, theyre likely to just ignore you, at which point you can just move on to the next one and you dont feel particularly bad about having somebody reject you. Maybe they just didnt hear you. It doesnt matter; you can just move on and go after the next person. If they do react, maybe look at you, smile and agree, maybe they start a conversation, great. Theyre already invested. Nine times out of 10, theyre just going to smile and say, Yeah. At this point you introduce yourself. Its pretty simple; Hi, nice to meet you, shake hands, swap names. Now at this point youre in some kind of a conversation.

Youre going to find that in the beginning of the conversation, its all about you. Youre going to have to do the initial part of the talking. Maybe youre going to be trying to get some basic questions out of them. Maybe youre going to get them to tell you where theyre from, maybe tell you a little something about themselves. Youre going to be trying to get them to talk to you but theyre not really going to be talking much, so youre going to be carrying the weight of the conversation through questions and responding to the things they say. Eventually, youre going to want to put all the weight of the conversation on them. Now there are a couple of different ways you can do this. You can start off by maybe pausing, build an uncomfortable silence, let them try and fill it or you can use an open-ended opinion question, something that cant be answered with a simple yes or no. Rather than saying to somebody, Do you like London? which is going to get a yes or no response, youre going to say, What is it that you enjoy about being here? See, you cant really answer that with a yes or no. That makes them have to find some kind of answer and invest in the conversation. Start weighing it up; the more they talk to you, the more of a chance of them becoming attracted to you. The harder they work in talking to you, the more likely they are to start finding some kind of attraction. Now in reality when you first meet someone for just a couple of minutes, youre not really going to be able to

The Format To Meeting During The Day

Never ask for a phone number outright theres unfortunately a negative connotation associated with saying the words phone number.

Street Seduce

trigger any kind of long-lasting bond or relationship but you could get them feeling comfortable with you and this we can take to get their phone number so we can continue things on in a future interaction. Getting a phone number is actually a lot easier than it sounds. You see, somebody will give you their phone number if they can justify the reason to give it to you. One of the best ways of doing this and making sure that theres still a little bit of romantic intent in it is to set-up a future meeting. Maybe during the conversation youve discovered that youve both got a fondness for a certain type of museum or art gallery. Maybe theres a type of food you like. Either way, you suggest that you could show them the museum or the art gallery or restaurant and that at some point in the future you could meet up with them. Once youve got the justified reason to stay in contact, getting her phone number is a matter of course. Never, ever ask for the actual phone number. Theres unfortunately a negative connotation associated with saying the words phone number. As soon as you say phone number most people think, Oops! Im being picked up.This is going to be a date no, thank you.The trick is instead of saying phone number, say, This was fun. We should definitely go and check out that place. Whats the best way of staying in touch? Most people reply with a phone number, some people reply with an email. It doesnt matter; that way youve got the details to talk to them in the future. Go out there, try it now and see what you think. If you dont think it will work, check out the next chapter and you can see it in action for yourself.



Day Game Live Approach Broken Down

hat video you just saw was me actually live in the field trying out all the things I taught you in the previous chapters. Now lets break down that interaction step-by-step so you can see exactly what I did. ADAM: You know, if hes five minutes late, dump him. What you just saw there was like I said a very simple observational opener. The girl standing on her own; shes obviously waiting for somebody. I make the assumption that shes waiting for a boyfriend. That way I can find out very quickly whats going on, simply saying to her, If hes five minutes late, dump him. I start laughing, it starts her laughing and it gets the initial part of the interaction out of the way. Were both looking at each other, smiling and laughing. Thats the key part. ADAM: How long have you been waiting? GIRL: Five minutes. ADAM: Oh, okay, dump him. Im Adam, nice to meet you. GIRL: Nice to meet you.Where are you from?

As you can see, we do a simple introduction, trade names then after that she actually reopens me. She invites me into the conversation by asking me where Im from. At this point shes already starting to invest in the conversation and I know that this is a little bit of an easy one. ADAM: Im from London; yourself? GIRL: Mexico.
Street Seduce

ADAM: Mexico! No way! You know what? I went to Texas a little while ago and when I was there, I didnt get to meet any real Mexicans. I was saying, where are the real Mexicans? Theyre in London, obviously. How long are you here for? Now Ive made a point of responding to her question but actually adding a bit to the conversation myself. She didnt immediately jump into talking to me afterwards so I add a little bit of a question to encourage her to speak to me. GIRL: Six months. ADAM: Yeah, you like it? GIRL: I like it. ADAM: What have you done while youve been here? GIRL: I dont speak a lot of English. ADAM: Thats okay; what have you seen while youre here? At this point she explains that her English isnt incredible and she starts apologizing for it. Shes investing even more into the conversation by feeling bad for it. This is the importance of not having to insult people. You see, most people are so unsure of themselves that they feel bad generally anyway. She doesnt need to apologize to me because her English isnt so great and yet she

feels awkward so she wants to apologize to try and make up for that situation. Again shes investing even more into the interaction. ADAM: Are you a student? Working? GIRL: A student. ADAM: Have you done much travel, looking at the sights? GIRL: Yeah.Whats your name? ADAM; Adam. At this part of the interaction shes not really offering too much information. But she does make a point of asking me my name, a clear indication that she is attracted to me. Like I said, when you understand all the different triggers and the different pieces of the puzzle, its very easy to spot when somebody wants you and then its incredibly simple to take that further and arrange a future meeting. GIRL: Adam? ADAM: And you are? GIRL: Narinka. ADAM: Narinka did I say it correctly? GIRL: Narinka ADAM: I like it, its a good name. In Mexico, do they speak Spanish or Mexican? GIRL: Spanish ADAM: Its the same thing. No habla Espanol GIRL: I speak only a little English.
Day Game Live Approach Broken Down

ADAM: So whats your favorite thing about England and your favorite thing about Mexico? Come on, you can do it. GIRL: In London, maybe the city. ADAM: The citys busy. And in Mexico its like, quiet. GIRL: No; it depends. If you look at the city center, the city of Mexico, its similar to London but I dont live in Mexico City, I live inI dont know how to say it its a small town.
Street Seduce

ADAM: My favorite food in the world is Mexican food. GIRL: Really? ADAM: Have you had it in England? Now Im building up towards the end of the interaction. I want to make sure that Ive got a justified reason to swap phone numbers. Talking about Mexican restaurants just happens to be a very simple thing to do seeing how shes Mexican. And I know for a fact its very hard to find good Mexican restaurants in the city because Im a bit of a fan of the food myself. With that justified reason, it sets me up to be able to go for the phone number. GIRL: Yes ADAM: Its terrible, huh? GIRL: You like spicy food? ADAM: Yeah, its so good.Theres a really good Mexican restaurant in Covent Garden. Have you been there? Its called Wahaca. It sells street Mexican food like street tacos and GIRL: In Covent Garden?

ADAM: Its just on the side of it. Im actually on my way, Im going to meet some friends in a minute. Have you got contact details? Give me your number, Ill send you details and Ill show you it. As you can see here, collecting the phone number is simply a matter of wanting to meet up and go to this restaurant together. It becomes a very easy way of swapping details and staying in touch for future interactions. ADAM: 721, right? Okay, how do you spell your name? GIRL: 7215 ADAM: Oh, 215; okay. GIRL: Do you go like to go out in the night, too? ADAM: Yeah, I do. GIRL: I dont know, where do ADAM: You dont know where to go? Okay, I will text you and let you know where to go, the best places... At this point in the interaction I was incredibly pleased. You see, she asked me if I knew of someplace that was good to go out to for the nightlife in London. What she didnt know is that for the last two years Ive been developing my social life within the nightlife scene in London to be pretty much astronomical. I knew the entire scene, I knew the majority of people that go out on it and in fact Im known for bringing large groups of girls out to nightclubs. In that environment Im in the situation where Im being most attractive. By her asking to come out with me shes pretty much given me an invitation to not only meet her for Mexican food but also to go out on a real date with her by taking her out to a club, in a situation where I know Im at my most attractive. By asking me if
Day Game Live Approach Broken Down

I can take her to a club, I know shes entering into a situation where Im at my most attractive and its easiest for me to do something about sexually escalating and taking it further by using the three natural qualities of attraction that we spoke about in the second chapter.

Street Seduce

There you have it. If you follow these simple steps, you should have no problem going out there and implementing them with success. This a very concise version of my teachings and findings on the core principles of attraction. If you want more in-depth and detailed training including more examples showing how the psychology of attraction works in practice so you can implement it in any situation you can think of, check out Principles of Attraction at about-the-programs/principles-of-attraction/ It covers building comfort, building attraction, attractive qualities and sexual escalation in greater depth. It also explains an often-crucial element of creating attraction, the art of breaking rapport. Yeah, I know it sounds like completely the opposite of what youd want to do. But trust me, this is important.

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