Program For System Calls of Unix Operating Systems (Opendir, Readdir, Closedir, Etc)

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h> struct dirent *dptr; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buff[100]; DIR *dirp; printf(\n\n ENTER DIRECTORY NAME); scanf(%s, buff); if((dirp=opendir(buff))==NULL) { printf(The given directory does not exist); exit(1); } while(dptr=readdir(dirp)) { printf(%s\n,dptr->d_name); } closedir(dirp); } SAMPLE OUTPUT: Cc opdir.c ./a.out ENTER THE DIRECTORY NAME UNIT CHAP1.C CHAP2.C

PROGRAM FOR SYSTEM CALLS OF UNIX OPERATING SYSTEM (Fork, Getpid, Exit, Etc) #include<stdio.h> #include<unistd.h> main() { int pid,pid1,pid2; pid=fork(); if(pid==-1) { printf(ERROR IN PROCESS CREATION \n); exit(1); } if(pid!=0) { pid1=getpid(); printf(\n the parent process ID is %d\n, pid1); } else { pid2=getpid(); printf(\n the child process ID is %d\n, pid2); } } SAMPLE OUTPUT: Cc fork.c ./a.out THE CHILD PROCESS ID IS 8640 THE PARENT PROCESS ID IS 8644

2. SIMULATION OF LS & GREP COMMENDS PROGRAM FOR SIMULATION OF LS UNIX COMMANDS #include<stdio.h> #include<dirent.h> main(int argc, char **argv) { DIR *dp; struct dirent *link; dp=opendir(argv[1]); printf(\n contents of the directory %s are \n, argv[1]); while((link=readdir(dp))!=0) printf(%s,link->d_name); closedir(dp); } SAMPLE OUTPUT: Cc list.c ./a.out os CONTENTS OF THE DIRECTORY OS ARE Priority.c Robin.c copy

PROGRAM FOR SIMULATION OF GREP UNIX COMMANDS #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define max 1024 void usage() { printf(usage:\t. /a.out filename word \n ); } int main(int argc, char *argv[])

{ FILE *fp; char fline[max]; char *newline; int count=0; int occurrences=0; if(argc!=3) { usage(); exit(1); } if(!(fp=fopen(argv[1],r))) { printf(grep: couldnot open file : %s \n,argv[1]); exit(1); } while(fgets(fline,max,fp)!=NULL) { count++; if(newline=strchr(fline, \n)) *newline=\0; if(strstr(fline,argv[2])!=NULL) { printf(%s: %d %s \n, argv[1],count, fline); occurrences++; } } } SAMPLE OUTPUT CAT>SAMP ONE ONE TWO THREE FOUR Cc grep.c ./a.out samp one Samp:1 one Samp:2 one two

OPEN SYSTEM CALL PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int fd; if((fd=open(file.dat))==-1) { perror(cannot open the file.dat); exit(0); } else printf(\n FILE OPENED SUCCESSSFULLY); return 0; } OUTPUT: FILE OPENED SUCCESSSFULLY

READ SYSTEM CALL PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h> main() { char b[20]; int fd,xr;

if((fd=open(write,0))==-1) { printf(cannot open file); exit(1); } do { xr=read(fd,b,20); b[xr]=\0; printf(%s,b); } while(xr==20); close(fd); } OUTPUT: balaji.S II YEAR

WRITE SYSTEM CALL PROGRAM: #include<stdio.h> main(int ac,char*av[]) { int fd; int i=1; char*sep= ; if(ac<1) { printf(\n INSUFFICIENT ARGUMENTS"); exit(1); } if((fd=open(balaji,0660))==-1) {

printf(\n CANNOT CREATE THE FILE); exit(1); } while(i<ac) { write(fd,av[i],(unsigned)strlen(av[i])); write(fd,sep,(unsigned)strlen(sep)); i++; } close(fd); }

OUTPUT: cc write.c ./a.out balaji cat balaji os lab balaji

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