Hooper Lesson

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Lesson: Hooper Performance Objectives: Cognitive: 1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the acceptable ways to hit the ball.

2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the ways to score. 3. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the boundaries. 4. Students will demonstrate knowledge of offensive and defensive positions. Psychomotor: Students will be able to hit a PT ball in the air and rolling on the floor Students will be able to move while holding a hoop. Students will be able to hit the PT ball through the hoop and move the hoop to the ball. Affective: Students will show cooperation in order to make plays offensively and defensively. Students will show fair play. Students will sportsmanship when winning or losing. State Content Standards Addressed: Personal Health and Fitness, Safe and Healthy Environment Equipment Required: 2 large Hula Hoops, gymnasium, Orange PT ball. Safety Concerns: Students being hit by flying balls when not paying attention, running into students. Introductory Activity: Choose and perform warm-up, take attendance during warm-up. Lesson Focus: The game is played with 1 HOOPER per team. The Hooper stays between the thin red line and the black mats. This is the goal area, the Hooper may not leave this area and no other players may come into it. The Hooper may move laterally as much as needed. The object of the game is to move the large orange ball down the court and hit it through your teams hoop. The ball may not be held, thrown, picked up, or kicked. It must be hit or slapped. If play slows and the ball stays in one place the instructor should hit or throw it into the air. Encourage students to keep the ball moving as much as possible and to keep it in the air. Change Hoopers every few minutes. k-1 Students will play a lead in game to hooper. All objectives are the same, students will be split into smaller groups, one group for each available ball. Groups will be separated around the gym and try to get the ball into the hoop. Students will all be on the same team, they will all try to score together.

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