The Odyssey Books I - V Worksheet
The Odyssey Books I - V Worksheet
The Odyssey Books I - V Worksheet
immortal, who are very important to the story. Generally, when you first begin a story, it is difficult to keep track of all the characters. The charts below should help you with identifying that character. The chart tells the most basic information about the character. Please add indicated number of additional observations on your own. GODS Neptune DESCRIPTION Poseidon- god of seas 1. 2. Zeus Head God 1. 2. Mercury Zeus s messenger 1. Athena Goddess of Wisdom 1. 2. Nymph Daughter of Atlas 1. Minor God Poseidon s right hand man 1. Minor Sea God Used to be mortal 1. DESCRIPTION Odysseus hero of the story 1. 2. Odysseus s son 1. 2. Odysseus s wife 1. 2.
Mercury Minerva
DESCRIPTION Suitor 1. Suitor 1. Town Prophet 1. An old friend of Odysseus 1. 2. Telemachaus s nurse maid 1. Ruler of Pilos 1. 2. Nestor s son 1. Ruler of Laodiceon 1. 2. Caused the Trojan War 1. 2.
Euryclea Nestor
Psistratus Menalaus
As we discussed in class, the God s frequently interfere in the lives of humans. They used humans in power plays with each other, pick champions to cheer through tough situations, or make them their pet lovers. What are some ways that the God s have interfered in Odysseus and Telemachaus s life so far? List and explain at least 3 examples in paragraph form.