Flitch Plate Beam

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Flitch Plate Beam Design

Beam Span: Live Load: Dead Load: Trib Width: 12 ft 40 psf 10 psf 12 ft SPF No 1/2 E = 1,600,000 psi Fb = 1000 psi Fv = 95 psi Structural Properties Steel Plate E = 29,000,000 psi

Calculated UDL = 870 plf MF = 15660 ft-lb VF @ d = Max ( = 4549 lb 0.40 in (L/360) Steel Plate Plys 1 1 2 b 1/2 1/2 1/2 d 9 11 7

Modular Ratio: n= Esteel / Ewood =


Built-up Wood Beam Plys 3 2 4 b 1.5 1.5 1.5 d 9.25 11.25 7.25

ITR (in ) 847.3 1361.1 708.6


STR=I/c (in ) 183.2 242.0 195.5


MR (ft-lb) 15267 20165 16290

MF / MR 103% 78% 96% NoGood OK OK

MS / MW 65% 74% 73%

V (lb) 7802 8223 10499

( (in) 0.17 0.10 0.20

Bolt Design: Calculate uniform load on plate 65% of 870 = 565 plf

Calculate uniform bolt spacing (in) Single shear (perpendicular to grain) 1/2 770 lb = 16.3 " space bolts @ 5/8 1095 lb = 23.2 " space bolts @ Calculate end reaction on plate 565 plf x span/2 = 3392 lb Calculate the number of end bolts required (in) 1/2 3392 / 770 = 4.4 provide 5/8 3392 / 1095 = 3.1 provide

16 " o.c. 20 " o.c.

5 4

bolts at each end of beam bolts at each end of beam

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