Casework & Groupwork

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Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai

Social work practice with Individuals and Groups

One mark Questions

1. The term used to denote the professional help given to individuals is Ans: Case work 2. The motto of the case work is Ans: Help the person to help himself 3. The professional help given to a group of people is known as Ans: Group work 4. The scientific definition for social case work is given is Ans: Mary Richmond in 1922 5. The Concept of councelling in the definition for case work is introduced by Ans: Reynolds in 1932 6. The four components of case work process are Ans: Person, place, problem, and process 7. The person who is in need of help in case work process is known as Ans: Client 8. The place in C.W. process indicates Ans: Human welfare agencies. 9. The problem in case work process denoted Ans: Maladjustment or ineffective handling of the client 10. The casework process involves Ans: Problem analysis, goal setting and measures undertaken by the client with the help of case worker. 11. The main objective of casework according to moffeh and hollis is Ans: To bring about adjustment between the mean and his environment 12. According to bowers the two main objectives of casework are Ans: Better adjustment in social relationships and development of individual personality 13. The term relatioship in social case work was first introduced by Ans: Miss Virginia Robinson in 1939

14. Miss Virginia Robinsons book on case work is Ans: Social relationships 15. The kind of relationship used in the C.W. process is Ans: Professional Relationship 16. The relationship which aims at mutual satisfaction of needs in known as Ans: Social relationships 17. The focus of relationship in C.W. process is Ans: Towards the clients needs and problem solving approach 18. The concept of empathy is stressed in the case work principle of Ans: Controlled Emotional Environment 19. The client role in decision making is stressed in the principle of Ans: Cline self-determination 20. Non judgemental attitude implies Ans: Assessing clients values and attitudes without imposing cultural norms 21. The concept of social role can be defined as Ans: Set of values, attitudes an behaviour patterns attached to a position or status 22. Role conflict implies Ans: Inadeqnacy or maladjustment of a person towards his roles 23. Role conflict can also be in the form of Ans: Interpersonal conflict 24. The theory of hierarchy of needs is propounded by Ans: Abraham Maslow 25. The concept of social needs include Ans: Love and affection, affiliation, recognition and acceptance. 26. The concept of ego psychology is propounded by Ans: Sigmund freud 27. The principle on which the ld is working is Ans: Pleasure Principle 28. Ego follows the principle of Ans: Reality 29. The part of personality which accumulated the cultural norms and values is Ans: super ego

30. D reams usually occurs in the -------------------- part of the mind Ans: Subconscious 31. The important qualituies of ego are Ans: Reality testing, self image, perception and impulse control 32. The response mechanisms developed by unconscious mind towards frustrations and conflicts are known as Ans: Defense mechanisms 33. In defense mechanism, the process of finding fault with others for the problems of their own is known as Ans: Projection 34. The expression of feeling which is opposite of his own is known as Ans: Reaction formation 35. The process of giving out reasons for the unwanted situation is known as Ans: Rationalization 36. Hitting the cat instead of showing the aggression towards elders in an example for the defense mechanism of Ans: Displacement 37. The concept of role model is present and often a positive defense mechanism is Ans: Identification 38. The concept of Transference is social work is introduced by Ans: Jessie Taft in 1924 39. The process of expression of irrational feelings and altitudes towards the caseworker by the client is known as Ans: Transference 40. The recording of important events in the clients life cycle is known as Ans: Case history 41. The tool used to present the family structure of client is Ans: Genogram of family tree 42. The tools used to collect information in the C.W. study process are Ans: Interview Guide and Life Chart 43. The persons involved in casework process other than the client are known as Ans: Collateral contacts

44. The stress upon the problem and its components is given in the -------------- stage of C.W. process Ans: Diagnostic 45. The three types of diagnosis are Ans: Historical or etiological, clinical and dynamic 46. The type of diagnosis which analyses the life history of the problem in known as Ans: Etiological diagnosis 47. The kind of relationship exists in the treatment phase is Ans: Therapeutic relationship 48. The phase in which goal setting and planning for the client is undertaken is Ans: Treatment phase 49. The author of the book Social Diagnosis is Ans: Mary Richmond in 1917 50. The theoretical background for diagnostic school is Ans: Sigmund Frends Theory of personality 51. The theory of on which the functional school founded is Ans: Will theory of otto rank 52. The term used for treatment in functional school is Ans: Helping process 53. In diagnostic school, projection is a defense mechanism, whereas in functional school, it is used as Ans: Treatment mechanism 54. The concept of counseling was introduced in case work by Ans: Bertha Reynolds in 1932 55. The important technique of counseling is Ans: Classification 56. The important characteristics of counseling are Ans: Face - to Face relationship and guidance 57. The main purpose of counseling used in case work process is to Ans: Relieve the clients inner burdens such as anxieties and strains. 58. Usually the case work process is provided in the Ans: Institutional setup (Agencies)

59. The basis difference between counseling and casework process is that Ans: Counseling deals with problem only while case work deals with the client as whole. 60. The tool used to analyze the clients inner feelings, motives and attitudes without any restrictions in psycho analytic therapy is Ans: Free association 61. The tools used in behavouristic case work are Ans: Aversion therapy, systematic desensitization and positive reinforcement 62. The personality disorders is casework is dealt with Ans: Psycho therapy 63. In counseling and psychotherapy the responsibility for relationship building lies with the Ans: Client The patron of case work method is Ans: Charity organization societies movement 64. The formal definition for case work by Richmond is given in the book Ans: What is social case work (1922) 65. The formal definition for case work stresses upon the Ans: Personality adjustment between man and his social environment 66. The book Theory and practice of Social Case Work is written by Ans: Hamilton (1940) 67. An aspect which is essential to define a set of people as group is Ans: Common goal or task or interest 68. The initial stage of group formation is known as Ans: Forming stage 69. The stage of group formation in which the conflict and disagreement is at higher level is Ans: Storming stage 70. The stage in which the actual task is undertaken in groups is Ans: Performing stage 71. The organizational setup in a company or a department is an example for Ans: Command groups 72. The type of group which is disbandled after completing the task is Ans: Task group or task force

73. The best method of arriving at decisions in a group is Ans: Consensus or Unanimity 74. The best model of leadership in group process is Ans: Democratic leadership 75. The prevalent form of communication in group work process is known as Ans: Interpersonal or informal communication idealogical. 76. The ideological which hiders the development of group is known as Ans: Group think 77. The method which analyses the interrelationships among group members is known as Ans: Sociometry 78. Sociometry is founded by Ans: J.L. Moreno 79. The goal of social group work is to provide Ans: Experience and growth opportunities for development 80. Social group work method is developed through the movement of Ans: YMCA and YWCA 81. The foundea of YMCA is Ans: George Willian in 1844 82. The two movements which contributed to S.G.W is Ans: Settlement movement and Recreational movement 83. The group work will always be practiced in Ans: Agency settings 84. The role of group worker in programme planning is high among the group of Ans: Children and physically & mentally challenged persons. 85. In the planning phase of group work, the evaluation component mainly aims at analyzing Ans: Objectives and programme planning. 86. The most common problem occurring in group set up are Ans: Conflict, Apathy and Inadequate decision making 87. When applying psychological techniques to group behavior the group worker is known as Ans: Therapist

88. Role playing in groups mainly aims at Ans: Behaviour modification 89. Group think means Ans: Group intelligence 90. In group work process, evaluation is usually done by Ans: The group worker 91. In G.W. process the evaluation is centred upon Ans: The individual growth, programme content and worker performance 92. The role of games in group work is that of Ans: Recreation and skill development 93. An example for group work process exists among youth is Ans: Youth clubs 94. Truant is a person who Ans: Doesnt attend the school and wandering in streets 95. Juvenile delinquent is the person who is Ans: Below the age of 14 and committed a crime 96. In industrial set up, the g.w. is usually done through Ans: Clubs or associations 97. In hospitals, the g.w. is done in the form of Ans: Meetings and discussions 98. Excursion in schools, has the purpose of Ans: Recreation and assimilation of new experiences 100.The treatment given to family as a unit is known as Ans: Family therapy

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