Old English Cheatsheet

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Old English Paradigms Cheat Sheet

Adjective Declesions Example: gd, good Weak Declension Strong Declension n gd gd gdes gdum gde gd gd gdra gdum Adjectives and Pronouns Interrogative Personal Pronouns and Indefinite Pronouns hw? hwt? i, I , h ho hit, he she it who? what? you mf n m f n hw hwt i h ho hit hwone hwt m hine he hit hws hws mn n his hire his hwm hwm m him hire him hw hw w he s ow he No plural re ower hira s ow him 1. Demonstrative Pronouns se, 'this, that' m se one s m f so re re ra m es, 'this' 2. Note that neuter words always have identical forms for the nominative and accusative singular (reverse text) Note that all relevant parts of speech (except for the first and second person pronouns) and all genders always have identical forms for the nominative and accusative plural (reverse text) Forms in bold and red are unambiguous or very common.

m f n m f nom. gda gde gde gd gd accus. gdan gdan gde gdne gde gen. gdan gdan gdan gdes gdre dat. gdan gdan gdan gdum gdre instr. gde nom. gdan gde accus. gdan gde gen. gdra gdra dat. gdum gdum

n m f n t es os is t isne s is s isses isse isses m issum isse issum s s s s issa issum




Nouns Weak Nouns Strong Nouns n-stems o-stems -stems Consonant Declension u-stems nama, m. sunne, age, n., stn, m., scip, n., word, n., iefu, f., lr, f., mann, bc, f., fder, m. mdor, f.. sunu, m. hand, f. 'name' f.,. 'sun' 'eye' 'stone' 'ship' 'word' 'gift' 'teaching' m., 'man' 'book' 'father' 'mother' 'son' 'hand' nom. nama sunne ae stn scip word iefu lr mann bc fder mdor sunu hand acc. naman sunnan ae stn scip word iefe lre mann bc fder mdor sunu hand gen. naman sunnan aan stnes scipes wordes iefe lre mannes b fder mdor sunu handa dat. naman sunnan aan stne scipe worde iefe lre menn b fder mdor suna handa nom. naman sunnan aan stnas scipu word iefa lra menn b fder mdor suna handa accus. naman sunnan aan stnas scipu word iefa lra menn b fder mdor suna handa gen. namena sunnena aena stna scipa worda iefa lra manna bca fdera mdra suna handa dat. namum sunnum aum stnum scipum wordum iefum lrum mannum bcum fderum mdrum sunum handum

Typical uses of the cases Case Nominative Accusative Genitive Dative Instrumental (rare) Function Subject Object Possession Indirect object Prepositional Objects Instrument



Remember that the cases also have other uses.



Number Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

Person 1 2 3 1, 2, and 3 1, 2, and 3 1, 2, and 3 1, 2, and 3 1, 2, and 3

Verbs 'Irregular' bon, 'to be' eom bo eart bist is bi sind / sindon bo se bo sen bon wes bo wesa bo bon t bonne wesende bonde ws wre ws wron wre wren

Indic. Present Subjun. Imperative Infinitive Infl. Infin. Participle Indic. Subjun. Participle

Singular Plural Singular Plural

1 2 3 1, 2, and 3 1, 2, and 3 1, 2, and 3

Stong Weak I singan, to fremman, 'to heran, 'to sing; do' honour' singe fremme here sing(e)st fremest herst sing(e) freme her singa fremma hera singe fremme here singen fremmen heren sing freme her singa fremma hera singan fremman heran t singenne t fremmenne t herenne singende fremmende herende sang fremede herde sunge fremedest herdest sang fremede herde sungon fremedon herdon sunge fremede herde sungen fremeden herden esungen efremed ehered

Weak II lufian, 'to love' lufie lufast lufa lufia lufie lufien lufa lufia lufian t lufienne lufiende lufode lufodest lufode lufodon lufode lufoden elufod

Daniel Paul O'Donnell, 2008. Licenced under Creative Commons: non-commercial, attribution, share-alike.


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