How To Download From Youtube
How To Download From Youtube
How To Download From Youtube
1. First , go to w w w
2. Choose and search any video you like. M ake sure you
4. Next,select and copy only the code: rWC3TZv1BaQ.
5. U se C trl+ C .(To select and copy the cod e)
6. At Firefox bro w ser,
10. N ext,put the code into FIN D box (show by red arrow )
11. A nd th en keep on click N EX T(gr een arrow ) until you
arrived this lengthy code below :-
// Player stuff
function openFull()
var fs = "/watch_fullscreen?video_id=rWC3TZv1BaQ&l=200&t=OEgsToPDs
=" + "Westlife" ,
"FullScreenVideo", "toolbar=no,width=" +
screen.availWidth + ",height=" + screen.availHeight
12. Notice the part of the code and then there is som e m ore
code con tinue.S elect the code specifically from the short
code of rW C 3TZ v1B aQ until & s:-
rW C 3TZ v1B aQ & l= 200& t= O Egs ToPD skIB 57xZ a yA 06Iyu A X s6T
qU L&s
13. Now ,paste it at N O T EPA D .
14. Then.add this U RL before the code.Exa m ple B elow :-
W hen dow nload is finished,S elect the folder w here you put your
do w nloaded file are.In this exam ple is D ekstop.S o,go to your
desk top(or yo ur set up fold er,you can set up at Firefox S etting ).
20. Finally,install FLV Player and you are ready to view the
FLV V id eo file.