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PLSQL Tutorial

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PL/SQL Tutorial 

Learn the basics of PL/SQL 


Ben Brumm 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Are you interested in learning PL/SQL? 

You've come to the right place. 

PL/SQL is not a hard language to learn, and with this tutorial, you'll be up and running quickly with 
writing your first PL/SQL program and moving on to more features of this language. 

So, why should you read this tutorial when there's a lot of other tutorials, books, and videos out there? 

● It's easy to follow. 

● You'll start writing your first PL/SQL program very early, before reading a ton of pages on 

● It includes quiz questions and answers. 

● It includes code samples which you can run yourself. 

● It looks great. 

● There are no ads. 

Table of Contents 

What's included in this tutorial? 

This tutorial is broken down into several chapters, each of which cover a different area of PL/SQL. 
You'll start with the basics and move on to more features of the language. 

Chapter 1: What is PL/SQL, basic structure, and writing your first PL/SQL program. 

In this chapter you'll learn what PL/SQL is and what it's used for and the basic structure of PL/SQL 
code. You'll also write your first PL/SQL program. We'll show you how to do this early in the tutorial so 
you can get experience writing PL/SQL code. 

Chapter 2: Data types, variables, constants, and how to include them in your code. 

PL/SQL allows for variables to be created to hold data. We'll show you how to create variables and 
constants and how to include them and reference them in your PL/SQL code. 

Chapter 3: Conditions (IF THEN ELSE) and loops. 

This chapter will show you how to work with conditions in PL/SQL, which are done using IF THEN 
ELSE statements. You'll also learn how to use the different kinds of loops. 

Chapter 4: Procedures, functions, and exceptions. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Procedures and functions are common objects that use PL/SQL code. You'll learn what they are and 
how to create them in this chapter. You'll also learn what exceptions are, how to create them, and how 
to handle them. 

Chapter 5: Cursors, arrays, inserting and updating data in PL/SQL. 

PL/SQL allows you to insert or update data using SQL, and you'll see examples of how to do that in this 
chapter. You'll also learn what cursors are, how to use them, and what arrays are. 

Chapter 6: Record types, bulk collect, and collections. 

Using record types in PL/SQL can improve your code and you'll learn what they are and how to use 
them in this chapter. You'll learn what collections are, the different types of collections, and what the 
BULK COLLECT feature is. 

Chapter 7: Packages and nested blocks 

The final chapter will explain what nested blocks are and how to create them. You'll also learn what 
packages are, the difference between the specification and the body, why to use them, and how to 
create them. 

Further Resources 
If you've finished this tutorial and want more places to learn PL/SQL, check these out: 

● Oracle Dev Gym​: this website contains many quizzes for PL/SQL code which can help improve 
your knowledge and let you practice PL/SQL. 

● Steve Feuerstein's PL/SQL blog​: Steve's blog contains a range of great posts and tips on 

● StackOverflow questions​: Read some of the older questions or try to answer some of the 
newer questions on PL/SQL. 

Let's get started with Chapter 1! 



PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 1: Introduction and Your First PL/SQL Program 

In this chapter, you'll learn: 

● What PL/SQL is and what it stands for 

● The basic structure and syntax of a PL/SQL program 

● Write and run your first PL/SQL program 

Let's get right into it! 

What Is PL/SQL? 

PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language/Structured Query Language, and is an expansion of the SQL 
language developed by Oracle. It includes a set of procedural features (IF THEN ELSE logic, loops, 
variables) in addition to the SQL language. The code is written and executed on an Oracle database. 

The SQL language includes many commands and features for reading and updating data in your 
database, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. Many applications and websites are built 
using SQL to interact with a database. These applications can do all sorts of things such as: 

● Updating user profiles with an UPDATE statement 

● Displaying forum posts with a SELECT statement 

● Showing bank transactions with a SELECT statement 

● Adding new products with an INSERT statement 

What about all the business logic that is needed along with this? 

Business logic is needed for things such as: 

● Checking for existing users before adding a new user 

● Validating account numbers are valid 

● Recording deleted records in a backup or audit table rather than just deleting them 

This logic is often added into the application code: in PHP, C#, ASP, or many other languages. 

But you can also use PL/SQL for this logic. You'll learn how to do that in this tutorial. 

Why Use PL/SQL? 

You don't need to use PL/SQL to add business logic to your applications, but there are several reasons 
you may want to. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Implementation Details are Stored with the Database 

When you write your business logic and implementation details on the database, it's closely tied to the 
database that uses it. Bryn Llewellyn ​writes here​: 

"The implementation details are the tables and the SQL statements that manipulate them. These are 
hidden behind a PL/SQL interface. This is the Thick Database paradigm: select, insert, update, delete, 
merge, commit, and rollback are issued only from database PL/SQL. Developers and end-users of 
applications built this way are happy with their correctness, maintainability, security, and 

Improved Performance 

Storing your business logic in PL/SQL code means that it may perform better than application code 
because PL/SQL is closely tied to SQL and the Oracle database. It all runs on the same server, which in 
theory will provide a performance improvement. 

Consistent Across Many Front-Ends 

If you have your business logic stored on the database, you can provide that to applications that use it. 
You can have different applications use this database, and if they all use the same PL/SQL function 
then they will all manipulate data in the same way. 

There are several disadvantages to using PL/SQL, such as being harder to manage source control, 
splitting logic between applications and databases making it harder to manage, and being tied to an 
Oracle database. However I think these are minor disadvantages, as source control with PL/SQL code 
is fairly good, and it's not very often that organisations change major database vendors - and if they do, 
code is likely to be rewritten anyway. 

You're here to learn about PL/SQL, so now we know what it is and why you would want to use it, let's 
get started with the code. 

The Basic Structure of a PL/SQL Program 

A piece of PL/SQL code is often called a program. A PL/SQL program is structured in blocks. It's a bit 
different to how functions inside a class work. 

A PL/SQL program includes several blocks: 

● Declarative section: this is where variables are declared (which you'll learn about later). 

● Executable section: this is the code that is run as part of the program goes. 

● Exception section: this defines what happens if something goes wrong. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

The only required part of a PL/SQL program is the executable section. The other two sections 
(declarative and exception) are optional. 

How do we create these blocks? We use special keywords. 


The executable part of a PL/SQL program starts with the keyword BEGIN and ends with the keyword 
END. They are often written on separate lines, like this: 


--your code goes here


The END keyword ends with a semicolon, but the BEGIN keyword doesn't need a semicolon. 

The BEGIN keyword starts the executable section of your program. Everything after the BEGIN 
statement is executed, until the END statement is reached. 

This could be your entire PL/SQL program. Just three lines like this. It won't do anything, but it will run. 

How can you run PL/SQL code? There are a few places: 

● A command line (such as SQL*Plus or SQLcl) 

● An IDE (such as SQL Developer or Toad) 

Where you run this code depends on how you can access an Oracle database. 

● Are you reading this at work, and have access to an Oracle database for development or 
testing? Use an IDE that your company or team has available, such as SQL Developer. 

● Are you using this at home? Install Oracle Express and SQL Developer (both free) to be able to 
run code on your own computer. 

● Use Oracle LiveSQL, Oracle's free web-based SQL editor. 

In this tutorial, we'll be using LiveSQL as it's the easiest to get started on. 

Open LiveSQL 

Here's how to get started with LiveSQL: 

1. Browse to ​https://livesql.oracle.com 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

2. Click on SQL Worksheet on the left. You'll be taken to the Sign On page. 

3. If you have an Oracle account (it's free), enter your username and password. If not, click Create 

4. On the Create Account page, fill out the form with your details. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

5. Once you have created your account, log in to Live SQL using these details. 

The SQL Worksheet is then displayed. This is where you can run SQL statements and see your output. 

Now, let's write our first PL/SQL program. 

Your First PL/SQL Program: Hello World 

If you've learned to program before, you'll probably remember writing your first Hello World program. 
Hello World is a term in programming where you learn how to write some text to the computer screen 
in a programming language. The text is often called "Hello World" as a tradition. 

So, we'll use PL/SQL code to write the text "Hello World" to the screen. 

Enter this code onto the SQL Worksheet: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 



Leave a blank line between BEGIN and END. We'll put some code inside there in the moment. 

As mentioned before, we'll be using LiveSQL for this tutorial. If you're using an IDE such as SQL 
Developer, enter your code there. 

Now, how to we display data to the screen? We use a function called PUT_LINE. 

To call the PUT_LINE function, we need to specify two things: 

● The package that the function is contained in 

● The text we want to display. 

The PUT_LINE function is contained in a package called DBMS_OUTPUT. A package is like a library in 
other programming languages. It contains a set of related PL/SQL programs. We'll learn about 
packages and how to create them later in this tutorial. 

The text we want to display is "Hello World". This is specified as a parameter, which is inside the 
brackets that appear after the PUT_LINE function. 

So, update your code so it runs the DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE function in between the BEGIN and 
END blocks, with the parameter of "Hello World". 

The line to include looks like this: 


Your program will look like this: 




The PUT_LINE function includes the text "Hello World" in single quotes, as that's the standard in SQL 
for working with strings or text values. We also end the line with a semicolon, so the database knows 
that we have reached the end of the line. 

So, your LiveSQL window should look like this: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Click the Run button on the top right to run the program. The code will run and display the text in the 
output section at the bottom of the screen: 

In LiveSQL, it shows one line saying "Statement processed", which means the PL/SQL program has run 
successfully. The second line says "Hello World", which is the text inside your code. 

If you're using SQL Developer, you can click the Run button to run the PL/SQL code and you'll see a 
similar output. If you don't see the output, it's because the DBMS_OUTPUT is disabled by default in 
SQL Developer. I've written a post with steps and screenshots on how to enable it here. (TODO add 
link in new tab) 

Congratulations! You've just written your first PL/SQL program! 

Next, you'll learn about the declarative section in PL/SQL and how to use variables. 


First, test your knowledge with a quiz. 

Question 1: 

What does PL/SQL stand for? 

● Powerful Loads of Structured Query Language 

● Procedural Language Structured Query Language 

● Packaged Language Structured Query Language 

● Printable Language Structured Query Language 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Question 2: 

What keyword is used to start the executable section of a PL/SQL program? 


● RUN 


● END 

Question 3: 

What is the built-in function used for displaying output to the screen? 





Question 4: 

What's missing from this simple Hello World program? 




● There is no START keyword. 

● There is no text value or brackets for the PUT_LINE function. 

● Nothing, it will run successfully. 

● There is no function called PUT_LINE. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 2: Variables and Operators 

In this chapter, you'll learn: 

● What variables are and how to use them in PL/SQL 

● Different data types of these variables 

● Operators and how PL/SQL handles them 

Our Previous Code 

The code from the previous lesson looked like this: 




It wrote the text "Hello World" to the screen. 

What if you wanted to change that text? 

You can just change what's inside the function parameter: 


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('I am learning');


This will display the changed text as an output when you run the program. 

Statement processed.

I am learning

One way to improve this code is to store the text we want to output in a variable. PL/SQL supports the 
use of variables, just like any other programming language. 

A variable is a named area in memory that stores the data you tell it to store. They are used to separate 
the value of something from the treatment of that value. This means you can easily change the value of 
the output text without altering the function. It also improves readability of the code. 

First, we need to learn about the declarative section. 

The Declarative Section in PL/SQL 

Earlier in this tutorial we mentioned there were several sections of a PL/SQL program: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

● Declarative section: this is where variables are declared 

● Executable section: this is the code that is run as part of the program goes. 

● Exception section: this defines what happens if something goes wrong. 

The executable section is defined with BEGIN and END. 

The declarative section is defined with the keyword DECLARE. It goes before the BEGIN keyword: 



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('I am learning');


What is the DECLARE section for? We use it to declare variables in PL/SQL. A variable has a name, a 
data type, and a value. 

Let's declare our first variable. We'll call it "l_text". The lowercase L is used as a prefix to indicate it's a 
local variable (which means it's only relevant for the program we are running). It's not a requirement to 
add this prefix, but it's recommended by many developers ​including Steven Feuerstein​. 

Our code looks like this so far: 




DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('I am learning');


We then have to specify the data type of this l_text variable. All variables need a data type so Oracle 
knows what kind of data it contains. 

We want to store the value that we're going to use in the PUT_LINE function, which is a text value, so 
we should use the VARCHAR2 data type. Declaring a VARCHAR2 data type is the same in PL/SQL as 
specifying a column type in SQL, so we need a maximum length. Let's use 50 for this example. 

Our code then looks like this: 


l_text VARCHAR2(50)


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('I am learning');



PL/SQL Tutorial 

We're almost there. Now, we need to specify what l_text is equal to. We do this by adding a colon, an 
equals sign, then the new value, then a semicolon. We'll use the value of "Hello World". Our code looks 
like this: 


l_text VARCHAR2(50) := 'Hello World';


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('I am learning');


Our code now has the variable called l_text, which is of type VARCHAR2 with a maximum of 50 
characters. It has been set to the value of "Hello World". 

Now, add this code to your SQL worksheet. 

Run the code using the Run button. The output looks like this: 

Statement processed.

I am learning 

Hang on… we added that line about the variable, but the output still shows the word "I am learning"? 
How did that happen? 

This has happened because even though we added the variable, we didn't change to code to use that 
variable. The parameter inside the PUT_LINE function still says "I am learning". 

Let's change that now. Remove the text "I am learning", and the single quotes, and put the variable 
name l_text in there instead: 


l_text VARCHAR2(50) := 'Hello World';




Now, run this code: 

Statement processed.

Hello World 

You'll see the words "Hello World" in the output section again. You can now change the value of l_text 
to whatever you want, and it will be written to the screen. 

Why is this useful? It will help us later when we work on more complicate programs, as it improves 
readability and allows us to manipulate these values in the future. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 


As we add more and more code to our PL/SQL program, it can get harder to read. LiveSQL and many 
IDEs highlight the keywords and text values in different colours, but there's more we can do to 
improve readability. 

A great way to improve readability is to indent your lines of code. This is commonly done in other 
programming languages, and is also a good idea in PL/SQL. Whether you use tabs or spaces, indent 
two, three, or four characters, indenting your code makes it easier to read and work with. 

Traditionally, DECLARE, BEGIN, and END keywords are all aligned to the left and not indented. Code 
in each of those sections is indented. You can do this now with your code: 


l_text VARCHAR2(50) := 'Hello World';




In this tutorial I'll be indenting two spaces, but it's up to you how much you indent. As long as it's 

You'll also notice that I use spaces before and after operators, such as the := symbols. This is not 
required, but I think it makes the code more readable. You'll find I add spaces in many places in the 
code for this reason. 

Defining Variables Without Assigning Them 

In our earlier code, we declared a variable (added a variable and a data type) and assigned a value to it. 

However, in PL/SQL, we can declare variables without assigning a value to it at the same time. This is 
useful if you want to use a variable for something but don't know what the value should be at the time 
of declaring the variable. 

You can declare the name and type of the variable without giving it a value, like this: 


l_text VARCHAR2(50);




As long as the variable has a name and a data type, and ends with a semicolon, it will work. However, if 
we run this code, this is what we get: 

Statement processed.


PL/SQL Tutorial 

There is no output. This is because the variable of l_text is not set, so the PUT_LINE function does not 
write anything. 

We need to set the variable to something inside our program. We can do this by specifying the variable 
name, then the colon and equals sign, then the variable. This needs to be done inside the BEGIN 
section of the code: 


l_text VARCHAR2(50);


l_text := 'Hello World';



This new code has assigned the value of "Hello World" to the variable l_text. The output of this code 
now looks like this: 

Statement processed.

Hello World 

The output now includes the text, because we have assigned it to the variable that was used, before 
the PUT_LINE statement is run. 

If we assign the variable after the PUT_LINE statement, then the output is unchanged, because the 
PUT_LINE statement is called before the value is changed. 


l_text VARCHAR2(50);


l_text := 'Hello World';


l_text := 'Something else';


Statement processed.

Hello World 

So, when you declare variables, you can either assign them at the time you declare them, or assign 
them later. 

Number Data Types 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Text values aren't the only variables you can use in PL/SQL. You can use any data type available in 
Oracle SQL, as well as a few that are PL/SQL specific. 

Let's look at some number data types. We can create a variable with the type of NUMBER, and use 
PUT_LINE to write it to the screen. 

This code does exactly that: 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 12;



If we run this code, we get this output: 

Statement processed.


The PUT_LINE function accepts numbers as well as text. If we want to change the value that is used in 
this program, we just replace the 12 with our new number. 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 491;



Statement processed.



In our earlier example, we set the value of a variable, and used that as the output. Displaying the 
number 12 or 491 wasn't that useful by itself. What if we wanted to add more text to the output? 
Instead of showing "491", what if we wanted to say "The number you chose was 491"? 

We can do that using a feature called concatenation. 

What is concatenation? 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Concatenation is the ability to join two values together into one. It's often used to combine values into 
a single output. Many programming languages support it using different characters, such as &, || or a . 
character. Concatenation can also be done with functions. 

In PL/SQL, concatenation is done with a double pipe character ||. You specify a value, then a double 
pipe, then another value, and the two values are then treated as one. This is helpful in many situations, 
one of them being the PUT_LINE function. 

To add the text "The number you chose was" to the output, we can concatenate that text with the 
l_mynumber variable: 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 491;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The number you chose was ' || l_mynumber);


Running this code gives us this result: 

Statement processed.

The number you chose was 491 

The full output shows the text we added along with the value of the variable. 

One thing to keep in mind with concatenation is spaces. I've added a space after the word "was" in the 
text value. Without the space, the number will be placed right next to the word "was", because 
concatenation does not automatically add spaces: 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 491;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The number you chose was' || l_mynumber);


Statement processed.

The number you chose was491 

Concatenation is very helpful when it comes to working with variables and constructing helpful 
output, as we've seen above. 

Adding Numbers 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

You can add numbers together in PL/SQL. This is done using the + symbol between two numbers, just 
like other programming languages and in SQL. 

Let's say you wanted to add two numbers together in PL/SQL. Your code could look like this: 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 4 + 9;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The number you chose was ' || l_mynumber);


This code sets the value of l_mynumber to the value of 4 plus 9. This is set to 13, which is shown in the 
output if you run the code. 

Statement processed.

The number you chose was 13 

You can use different number values and add them together in this way. 

Subtracting Numbers 

If you want to subtract numbers in PL/SQL, you can use the - symbol to subtract one number from the 

The following code will subtract 5 from the number 100 and display the output. 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 100 - 5;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The number you chose was ' || l_mynumber);


The output looks like this: 

Statement processed.

The number you chose was 95 

Multiplying Numbers 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

You can multiply numbers in PL/SQL by using the * symbol. This is used in many programming 
languages for multiplication. It's used in SQL for selecting all columns, but if it's used in an expression 
in SQL or in PL/SQL, it's treated as a multiplication. 

The following code will multiple 20 by 4 and display the output. 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 20 * 4;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The number you chose was ' || l_mynumber);


The output looks like this: 

Statement processed.

The number you chose was 80 

Dividing Numbers 

Finally, PL/SQL allows you to divide numbers by using the / character. The following code will divide 
100 by 4 and display the result. 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8);


l_mynumber := 100 / 4;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The number you chose was ' || l_mynumber);


The output looks like this: 

Statement processed.

The number you chose was 25 

If the number does not divide evenly, the value will still be calculated and displayed, but may not look 


l_mynumber NUMBER(8,2)


l_mynumber := 100 / 7;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The number you chose was ' || l_mynumber);


The output looks like this: 

Statement processed.

The number you chose was 14 

The reason this shows 14 is because the data type is declared as an 8-digit number. No precision is 
specified so it uses a precision of 0, rounding down to the nearest number. It shows 100 divided by 7 
which is 14.29, rounded down to 14. 

In the code so far, we've declared variables and assigned them. We've also declared variables and 
assigned them later in the PL/SQL program. This is an advantage of using variables - you can update 
the value of them in your program. 

For example, let's say you had this PL/SQL program which calculated the circumference of a circle. The 
circumference of a circle is 2πr, or 2 times the radius times pi. The value of pi is approximately equal to 

Our code may look like this: 


l_radius NUMBER(4, 3);


l_radius := 8;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The circumference is ' || 2 * l_radius *



Our output looks like this: 

Statement processed.

The circumference is 50.26544 

This code includes a variable called l_radius which is the radius of our circle. We set this value to 8 
inside our code, and then output the value of the circumference as 2 * l_radius * 3.14159. 

Let's use our knowledge of variables to declare a variable for the circumference, set that to the 
calculated value, and use that variable in the output. 


l_radius NUMBER(4, 3);

l_circumference NUMBER(10, 3);


PL/SQL Tutorial 


l_radius := 8;

l_circumference := 2 * l_radius * 3.14159;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The circumference is ' || l_circumference);


Our output looks like this: 

Statement processed.

The circumference is 50.265 

This is good, but looking at this code you might wonder what the significance of the number 3.14159 is. 
This example may make sense as you might know what pi is equal to, but the code should actually 
explain this without you needing to know it. 

So, let's move that number into a variable. We'll set it when we declare it because we don't need to 
change it. 


l_radius NUMBER(4, 3);

l_circumference NUMBER(10, 3);

l_pi NUMBER(6, 5) := 3.14159;


l_radius := 8;

l_circumference := 2 * l_radius * l_pi;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The circumference is ' || l_circumference);


The output of this code is: 

Statement processed.

The circumference is 50.265 

The code runs, we've used variables, and it's easy to read. 

What if, for some reason, we change the value of pi within our code? 


l_radius NUMBER(4, 3);

l_circumference NUMBER(10, 3);

l_pi NUMBER(6, 5) := 3.14159;



PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_radius := 8;

l_pi := 4;

l_circumference := 2 * l_radius * l_pi;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The circumference is ' || l_circumference);


We can run our code and get this output. 

Statement processed.

The circumference is 64 

The output shows a value of 64, which is not correct according to our rules. This is because we have set 
pi to 4. 

Is there any way to prevent this from being changed in our code after we specify it? 

Yes, there is. We can declare the l_pi variable as a constant. A constant is a type of variable that is not 
allowed to change during the program. Once it is declared and assigned, it can't be changed. It's great 
for values that never change, such as pi, and other values your program uses that don't change. It helps 
prevent errors such as this. 

To declare a variable as a constant, we add the keyword CONSTANT after the variable name and 
before the data type. The variable also needs to be defined and assigned at the same time. 

To set the variable of l_pi as a constant, your code will look like this: 


l_radius NUMBER(4, 3);

l_circumference NUMBER(10, 3);

l_pi CONSTANT NUMBER(6, 5) := 3.14159;


l_radius := 8;

l_circumference := 2 * l_radius * l_pi;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The circumference is ' || l_circumference);


This variable is now a constant. This code will run and show the right output: 

Statement processed.

The circumference is 50.265 

If you try to change the value of l_pi during the program, you'll get an error. 



PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_radius NUMBER(4, 3);

l_circumference NUMBER(10, 3);

l_pi CONSTANT NUMBER(6, 5) := 3.14159;


l_radius := 8;

L_pi := 4;

l_circumference := 2 * l_radius * l_pi;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The circumference is ' || l_circumference);


ORA-06550: line 7, column 3: PLS-00353: expression 'L_PI' cannot be used

as an assignment target 

This error means you can't assign a value to this variable, because you've declared it as a constant. This 
is what we expected. 


In this chapter, you learned: 

● What variables are, how to declare them, and how to assign them 

● Using text and number variables 

● How to concatenate two variables together 

● How to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers 

● How to declare constants 

Well done for getting this far! In the next chapter, you'll learn about some key features of PL/SQL: 
conditional logic and loops. 


To test your PL/SQL knowledge so far, take this quiz on the topics covered in this chapter. 

Question 1: 

What keyword is used to start the section where variables are created? 




PL/SQL Tutorial 



Question 2: 

What do you need to include when declaring a variable? 

● The name of the variable and the data type are required. 

● The name, data type, and the value are all required 

● The name of the variable is required. 

● The name, data type, the value, and the word CONSTANT are all required. 

Question 3: 

What is a constant? 

● An area in memory that stores a value for your program and can be changed in your program. 

● A variable in your program that cannot be changed once it is set. 

● A function that displays data to the screen. 

● A way to join two values together into one. 

Question 4: 

What's wrong with this code? 


l_radius NUMBER(8);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The diameter is ' || 2 * l_radius);


● Nothing. It will run and display the value of 16, because l_radius is set to 8 and the function 
multiplies it by 2. 

● The code will run, but it won't display a number because the value of l_radius is not set. 

● The code will run and display a value of 2. 

● The code will not run because you can't concatenate a text value with a number value. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 3: Conditions and Loops 


In this chapter, you'll learn about: 

● Conditions (If, Then, Else) 

● Loops 

● Commenting Code 

These are common features of other programming languages, and PL/SQL lets you use these features 
as well. 

What Are Conditions? 

In the code we have written so far, the database executes every line of code from top to bottom. This is 
acceptable for simple programs. But as you learn more and write more code, you'll eventually want the 
code to do different things based on different conditions, such as: 

● Display a message if a user's account balance is below a certain number 

● Perform a different action depending on the account type 

● Display a different value depending on the location of a user 

Each of these can be done by using PL/SQL keywords that allow conditions. Conditions are where you 
run different lines of code based on a specific condition. You can specify the condition to check, and 
this check will return true or false. If it's true, then a set of code is run. 

A Simple IF Statement 

An IF statement is where a condition is checked, and if it is true, a set of code is run. 

This can be represented in PL/SQL code in this way: 

IF (condition) THEN



This looks similar in many programming languages, and the only differences are usually the keywords 
and symbols used. 

Let's take a look at an example. We want to find the length and width of a rectangle, and if they are the 
same, we will display a message saying it is a square. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 20;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_length NUMBER(5) := 20;


IF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');



We have two variables: one for the length and one for the width. Inside the BEGIN block, we have an IF 

Inside the brackets of the IF statement is the condition. The condition checks that the width equals the 
length, which is done using the = sign. If this calculation is true, then the code inside runs, which is the 
PUT_LINE function. 

The IF statements ends with the END IF. We then finish the code with the END statement. Also notice 
the lines that have a semicolon: the put_line function, the END IF, and the END statement. 

If we run this code, this is output: 

Statement processed.

This is a square. 

This message is shown because the length and width are equal. We can change the values of the 
variables and see if the output changes. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 20;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 20;


IF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');



Statement processed.

Notice that the output does not say it is a square. This is because the IF statement does not return a 
true value, because the length and width are different (18 and 20). 

That's a simple IF statement in PL/SQL: code that runs if a condition is true. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Running Code When False with ELSE 

In the earlier example, we had some PL/SQL code that displayed a message if the values were the 
same, and therefore the shape is a square. Nothing was displayed if the values were not the same. 

What if we wanted to do something if these values were not the same, or if the condition was false? 

We can do that using the ELSE statement. The ELSE statement runs code if the condition is false. In a 
diagram, it looks like this. 

This can be represented in PL/SQL code in this way: 

IF (condition) THEN





You simply add the ELSE keyword after the code you run if the condition is true, then add code you 
want to run if the condition is false. 

Let's say we wanted to expand on the earlier example to show a message if the length and width is not 
equal. We will display a message saying the shape is a rectangle. 

Our code would look like this: 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 20;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 20;


IF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



The only changes to this code are adding the ELSE statement and a put_line function to say "This is a 

The output of this code is: 

Statement processed.

This is a square.


PL/SQL Tutorial 

This output is still showing the message of "square" because both the length and width variables are 
the same. We can change one and the output will change. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 17;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 20;


IF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



Statement processed.

This is a rectangle. 

The code has determined that the length and width (17 and 20) are different, so it has run the code 
after the ELSE statement and not the IF statement. 

So that's how you can perform a simple IF statement and run code if the condition is true and different 
code if the condition is false. 

Checking Multiple Conditions with ELSIF 

Another feature of PL/SQL IF statements is the ability to have multiple conditions inside a single IF 

Using our earlier example, we check if the length and width are the same, display "square" if they are 
and "rectangle" if they are not. What if we want to add another check to see if the width is less than 0? 

Our code so far hasn't included any logic for this. If both numbers are negative, then the code will still 


l_width NUMBER(5) := -4;

l_length NUMBER(5) := -3;


IF (l_width = l_length) THEN


PL/SQL Tutorial 

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



Statement processed.

This is a rectangle.

We want to do something if the width value is negative. We would need to add another check inside 
this statement. We can do that using the ELSIF keyword, which is short for "else if". 

In PL/SQL code, the code looks like this: 

IF (condition) THEN


ELSIF (condition2) THEN





The ELSIF goes after the code that is run for the IF statement, and before the ELSE statement. If the 
first IF condition is false, then the condition inside the ELSIF is checked. If that is true, then the code 
inside the ELSIF is run, otherwise the ELSE statement is run. 

Let's expand our example to check if the width is negative and display a message. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := -4;

l_length NUMBER(5) := -3;


IF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');

ELSIF (l_width < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width is negative.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


PL/SQL Tutorial 



The check of l_width < 0 will return a value of true if the l_width is negative, and the message below will 
be displayed. This code will only be run if the width and length are not equal. 

The output is: 

Statement processed.

The width is negative. 

You can use the ELSIF keyword to add extra conditions to your IF statement. 

What if both the width and length are negative? Which condition will be checked? They are equal and 
negative so they meet both conditions. Let's test this out. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := -4;

l_length NUMBER(5) := -3;


IF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');

ELSIF (l_width < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width is negative.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



Statement processed.

This is a square. 

The output says it is a square. This is because the first IF statement ran, found that the values are 
equal, displayed the message, and then ended the IF statement. If one condition is true, the rest are 
skipped: they aren't run. This is an important point to keep in mind. 

This could be a problem in your application. If you would prefer to display a message about the number 
being negative rather than it being a square, you can move your conditions around, and place the 
negative check above the square check: 


l_width NUMBER(5) := -4;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_length NUMBER(5) := -4;


IF (l_width < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



The check for the width being negative comes first, and then if that is false, the length and width are 
checked to see if they are equal. 

The output of this code is shown below: 

Statement processed.

The width is negative. 

We can see the output makes more sense now. The values are equal, but because the width is negative, 
it displays the negative message. 

Multiple Criteria In A Condition 

There was another issue in our code above. We have checked the width to see if it is negative, but 
what if the width is positive and the length is negative? 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 6;

l_length NUMBER(5) := -4;


IF (l_width < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


PL/SQL Tutorial 



This code shows the following output: 

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle. 

We don't want the message to say it is a rectangle. We would rather a message to say that one of the 
numbers is negative. 

Rather than adding another IF condition, we can adjust the one we already have. PL/SQL allows you to 
add multiple criteria inside an IF statement condition. 

For example, we could check if either the length or width is negative, and if so, display a message 
saying that one of the values is negative. Our code would look like this: 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 6;

l_length NUMBER(5) := -4;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



Notice that our first IF statement includes this code: 

l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0

The two conditions have been separated by the OR keyword. This means that if either the width < 0 or 
the length < 0 then the IF statement will return true, and the code underneath will run. This will mean 
that our example should show the right message: 

Statement processed.

The width or length is negative. 

This will handle situations where one of the values is negative and the other is positive. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

You can also use the AND keyword to check that both conditions are true. For example, let's say you 
wanted to display a separate message for "big squares" and a big square is where the length is greater 
than 50 and the length and width are the same. Your code would look like this: 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 55;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 55;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



The code shows this output: 

Statement processed.

This is a big square. 

This code shows that the specified values make a big square. 

Reversing a Condition 

So far we've looked at code that checks that conditions are true. What if we want to check if conditions 
are false? 

Generally, it's better practice to check if conditions are true, and it makes for easier reading of code. 
However, sometimes you may need to check if something is false. This can be done with the NOT 

Let's take our earlier example and change the condition from checking if the width and length are less 
than zero to checking if the width and length are not greater than zero 


l_width NUMBER(5) := -3;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_length NUMBER(5) := -2;


IF NOT (l_width > 0 AND l_length > 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



The changed line of code is this one: 

IF NOT (l_width > 0 AND l_length > 0) THEN

We have added the word NOT outside the brackets, which means the condition inside the brackets 
needs to be false for the IF statement to be true. The NOT keyword has reversed the logic. 

Why did we also change the OR to AND? Because of how they work. 

We could have left it like this: 

IF NOT (l_width > 0 OR l_length > 0) THEN

If we did, then it will only return TRUE if both of the values are false. It can be explained by this table:

l_width  l_length  Length > 0  Width > 0  Using OR  Using AND 





The only situation where both of the numbers are positive is where AND returns true. If we use OR, 
the statement returns TRUE if either of the numbers are positive. This can result in the wrong message 
being shown in our code. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Nested IF Statements 
We've just seen how you can use IF statements in PL/SQL. This allows you to check conditions and run 
different code depending on these conditions. 

PL/SQL allows for IF statements to be nested inside other IF statements, if that's something you need 
to do to implement the logic you want. 

The code would look like this: 

IF (condition) THEN

IF (condition) THEN





ELSIF (condition2) THEN





You add in another IF statement where your code would normally go. You can use ELSE and ELSIF 
statements there as well. 

PL/SQL supports a large number of nested IF statements, so you can nest as many as you need. 
However, if you start getting considering the maximum number of nesting while you're programming, 
you probably need to rewrite your code. Nesting more than 4 or 5 levels deep is usually not the best 
way to structure your code. 

Let's see an example of a nested IF statement. We'll adjust our earlier code to write a message that lets 
us know which of the values is negative. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := -3;

l_length NUMBER(5) := -2;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

IF (l_width < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width is negative.');



PL/SQL Tutorial 

IF (l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is negative.');


ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



This code has some nested IF statements inside the IF statement that checks for the width or length 
being less than 0. 

This shows the following output: 

Statement processed.

The width is negative.

The length is negative.

Two lines of output have been written, because both of the nested IF statements are true. This shows 
how you can add an IF statement inside another IF statement. 

The CASE Statement 

IF statements are powerful. They let you check for different conditions and run different code. Your 
program might get to a point where there are several IF and ELSIF statements. If so, it can start to look 
a little messy. 

You might be wondering, is there a better way to do this? 

Yes, there is. It's called a CASE statement. 

A CASE statement lets you specify one or more conditions, and if the condition is true, then some code 
is run. It's easier to write and read than a long IF statement. 

The CASE statement looks like this: 

CASE condition

WHEN value THEN code;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

WHEN value THEN code;

ELSE default_code;


It looks and operates the same as a CASE statement in regular SQL. 

There are a few things in this CASE statement: 

● A condition: this is the condition that is checked. 

● WHEN value: this defines the value of the condition that is used in the following code. 

● THEN code: this code is run if the value is equal to the condition. 

● ELSE default_code: this code is run if none of the specified values match the condition. 

Let's see an example. Let's say that we wanted to show specific messages if the length is one of a few 
different values. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 5;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 10;


CASE l_length


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is ten.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is twenty.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is thirty.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is another value.');



This code will check the l_length value, and display a specific output if it is equal to 10, 20, or 30. If it's 
different, it displays a different message. 

If we run the code, this is what we see: 

Statement processed.


PL/SQL Tutorial 

The length is ten. 

The output shows the message "The length is ten". If we change the length to 30, this is what we see. 

Statement processed.

The length is thirty. 

If the length is not equal to any of the values in the CASE statement, we see the other message. 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 5;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 10;


CASE l_length


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is ten.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is twenty.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is thirty.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The length is another value.');



Statement processed.

The length is another value. 

Only one of the conditions in the CASE statement is calculated. Unlike other programming languages, 
we don't need to add a break statement to exit this code. As soon as the first criteria is met, it exits the 
case statement. If no matches are found, the ELSE statement is run. 

What is a Loop? 

We've just learned about IF statements and CASE statements, which let you run different pieces of 
code depending on different conditions. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Another useful feature of PL/SQL is a loop. 

What is a loop? 

A loop is a feature of programming languages that lets you run the same piece of code multiple times. 
You can specify the conditions that ensure the loop is run, such as the maximum number of iterations 
of the loop, or until a certain condition is met. 

There are several ways to write loops in PL/SQL, which we will explain in this guide. 

A Basic Loop 
The most basic kind of loop in PL/SQL will start a loop (a set of code that is executed multiple times). It 
will only exit when you tell it to. It uses the following keywords: 

● LOOP to start the loop 

● END LOOP to define the end of the code that's run as part of the loop 

● EXIT to stop running the loop 

The code would look something like this: 




IF (condition) THEN





The LOOP and END LOOP indicate that all code inside it should be run multiple times. The code inside 
the loop is executed, line by line. When the END LOOP is reached, the code starts again from the 
LOOP statement. 

If an EXIT statement is reached, the loop exits, and any code after the loop is then run. 

Let's see an example, where we want to display an output five times on the screen. 

Our code would look like this: 



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('A message here.');




PL/SQL Tutorial 

If we run this code, it will keep running without stopping unless you force it to stop in your IDE (or 
reset your session in LiveSQL). 

This is called an infinite loop. It happens because the code is looping and you haven't told it to stop. 
This is an issue that happens occasionally in code, and is something to be avoided. 

So how to we stop this loop from running forever? We need to tell it to exit at some point. 



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('A message here.');

IF (condition) THEN





But what's our condition? We want to run the loop and display the message five times, so we need to 
do two things: 

● Keep track of how many times the loop has run 

● Check if the loop has run five times each time it runs 

We can do this using a variable:


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3) := 0;



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('A message here.');

IF (condition) THEN





We have declared the variable l_loop_counter and assigned it a value of 0, which indicates the number 
of times the loop has been run. We now need to increase the value by 1 each time we run the loop. 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3) := 0;


PL/SQL Tutorial 



l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('A message here.');

IF (condition) THEN





This code will increase that variable by 1 each time the loop is run. We then need to add this to our 
condition, so the loop exits when we want it to. 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3) := 0;



l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('A message here.');

IF (l_loop_counter = 5) THEN





This code now says the loop will exit when the l_loop_counter value equals 5. Let's run this code: 

Statement processed.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

The output shows the line "A message here" five times, which meets the criteria of our code. The loop 
counter starts at 0, is incremented by 1 each time it is run, and once it gets to 5 the loop exits. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

You can change the value inside the condition from 5 to 10 or another number to change the number 
of times the loop is run. 

Statement processed.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

A message here.

What if you wanted to show the number of the loop in each message? You can do that using 
concatenation which we learned about earlier. You can concatenate the loop counter variable to the 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3) := 0;



l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('A message here: ' || l_loop_counter);

IF (l_loop_counter = 5) THEN





This code shows the loop counter after the message: 

Statement processed.

A message here: 1

A message here: 2

A message here: 3


PL/SQL Tutorial 

A message here: 4

A message here: 5 

Using different features of PL/SQL means you can create the programs you really need. 

The For Loop 

PL/SQL offers another type of loop called the FOR loop. This FOR loop allows you to define the criteria 
of the loop at the start, which makes it easier to see how the loop runs and easier to avoid "infinite 
loop" issues. 

The syntax of a FOR loop looks like this: 

FOR counter IN start_value .. end_value LOOP



This includes a few things: 

● The FOR keyword starts the loop 

● The counter variable is the variable that is used as an counter for the loop. It is 
incremented/increased by 1 each time the loop is run. 

● The start_value is the value that the counter is initially set to. 

● The end_value is the value that the counter ends on. When the counter value is greater than 
the end_value, the loop exits and the code after the loop is run. 

An example of the PL/SQL FOR loop is shown here. 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3);


FOR l_loop_counter IN 1 .. 5 LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number: ' || l_loop_counter);



This code is much shorter. There is no need for an IF statement to check if the counter is still in range. 
There is no need for a separate line to increase the value of the loop counter, as it's done as part of the 
FOR loop. 

Also, notice the syntax of the start and end value: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

1 .. 5

It's a number, then a space, then two periods, then a space, then another number. If it's not written in 
this way, you'll get a syntax error. I've done this many times - forgotten the space, only put in one 
period - and wondered why the code didn't run. So make sure you check that when you write your 

If we run this code, we get this result: 

Statement processed.

Loop number: 1

Loop number: 2

Loop number: 3

Loop number: 4

Loop number: 5

We can see the output is similar, and the code is much shorter. FOR loops are great in this way: they 
include a lot of the parts of a normal LOOP in the syntax, which means less code. 

You can change the start and ending values of the loop counter to whatever numbers you want. But 
the increment on each loop can only go up or down by 1: 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3);


FOR l_loop_counter IN 12 .. 20 LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number: ' || l_loop_counter);



Statement processed.

Loop number: 12

Loop number: 13

Loop number: 14

Loop number: 15

Loop number: 16

Loop number: 17

Loop number: 18


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Loop number: 19

Loop number: 20 

As you can see, the FOR loop is very useful. I generally prefer using it to the regular LOOP syntax. 

The While Loop 


Another type of loop offered in PL/SQL is the WHILE loop. 

What is the WHILE loop? 

It's a type of loop that runs until the specified condition is met. It's similar to the basic LOOP but 
includes a condition when you define it: 

WHILE (condition) LOOP



This loop syntax includes a condition, which means the code inside the loop only runs if the condition is 
true. The code inside the loop must ensure that the condition eventually results in FALSE, otherwise 
you'll end up with an infinite loop. 

For example, this code will cause an infinite loop. 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3);


WHILE (l_loop_counter < 5) LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number: ' || l_loop_counter);



This code will cause an infinite loop because there is no code that increases the l_loop_counter or that 
initialises it with a value. We need to add this code manually. 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3) := 0;


WHILE (l_loop_counter < 5) LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number: ' || l_loop_counter);

l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;


PL/SQL Tutorial 



Statement processed.

Loop number: 0

Loop number: 1

Loop number: 2

Loop number: 3

Loop number: 4

The output shows 5 rows as expected. The values are 0 to 4 because the loop counter starts at zero 
and keeps going until it is not less than 5. 

Differences Between Loop Types 

As you can see, there are three different types of loops in PL/SQL. There are some slight differences 
between each of them though, which are summarised in this table: 

Criteria  Basic LOOP  FOR  WHILE 

Includes the counter definition  No  Yes  No 

Includes the exit criteria  No  Yes  Yes 

Increments a counter  No  Yes  No 

Runs the first line of the loop  Yes  Yes  Not always 

One of the main differences between the WHILE and FOR loops is that the WHILE loop may not 
always run the code inside the loop. If the condition used in the WHILE loop is false when it is first 
checked, the code inside the loop is not run. 


The PL/SQL language includes powerful features for running certain pieces of code in certain 
conditions. This includes IF THEN ELSE logic, CASE statements, and looping. There are three types of 
loops (Basic, FOR, and WHILE), each of them are slightly different.


Question 1: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

What is the keyword used as part of an IF statement that runs code if none of the provided conditions 
are met? 




● END 

Question 2: 

What does the FOR statement do? 

● Initialises a variable 

● Checks if a condition is true or false, and runs the code inside one time if it is true 

● Starts a loop and runs the code inside many times until the criteria is false 

● Sets up the data required to send an email 

Question 3: 

Which of the following pieces of code will correctly check that two conditions are true in an IF 

● IF (l_input > 10) (l_input < 20) THEN 

● IF (l_input > 10 & l_input < 20) THEN 

● IF (l_input > 10 < 20) THEN 

● IF (l_input > 10 AND l_input < 20) THEN 

Question 4: 

What is wrong with this code? 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3) := 8;


WHILE (l_loop_counter < 5) LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number: ' || l_loop_counter);

l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;



PL/SQL Tutorial 


● It will run but no output is shown. 

● Nothing, it will run successfully and show five lines of output. 

● It will run but cause an infinite loop. 

● It will run and show eight lines of output. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 4: Procedures, Functions, and Exceptions 

In this chapter, you'll learn: 

● What procedures and functions are 

● How to create a procedure 

● How to create a function 

● What an exception is and how to handle one 

Let's get started! 

What is a PL/SQL Procedure? 

A PL/SQL procedure, or stored procedure, is a set of code stored on the database and has a specific 
name. This procedure can be run by calling it in other code using this name, and the code inside the 
procedure will run and perform the actions inside. 

Why create stored procedures? 

● It's where most of your PL/SQL code will go, rather than writing the unnamed code like we 
have done so far. 

● It allows for the code to be reused by calling it from other code 

● It allows for an interface or API to the database. 

Earlier in this guide I mentioned one of the benefits of PL/SQL was to provide a common interface to 
the database. Procedures let you do that. 

For example, rather than relying on every application or developer trying to write an INSERT 
statement that works, you can create a procedure that accepts a few parameters and runs an INSERT 
statement with them. This means the INSERT statements are consistent and the developers know 
what they need to provide. 

What is a PL/SQL Function? 

A PL/SQL function is a named piece of code on the database that lets you provide parameters, perform 
a calculation, and return a result. They can be used in PL/SQL or in regular SQL. PL/SQL functions are 
similar to procedures but have some differences. 

What's the Difference Between a PL/SQL Procedure and Function? 

The main differences between a PL/SQL procedure and a PL/SQL function are: 

● Functions must return a value. Procedures don't return values but can use OUT parameters. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

● Functions can be called from regular SQL, but procedures cannot. 

Those are the main two differences. Procedures and functions are often used for two different things: 

● Performing calculations and returning a value? Use a function. 

● Performing steps and inserting, updating, or deleting database records? Use a procedure. 

● Need to call the code from SQL? Use a function. 

Let's take a look at how you can create a procedure and a function. 

How to Create a PL/SQL Procedure 

A PL/SQL procedure is created with the CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The syntax of the 
statement looks like this: 


[ ( parameter_name [ IN | OUT | IN OUT ] parameter_type [, ...] ) ]

{ IS | AS }



END procedure_name;

There are a few things to notice here: 

● The procedure_name is the name of the procedure to create. 

● The OR REPLACE keyword is optional. If you include it, it means that when you run this 
statement it will replace the procedure with the same name. If you don't include it and a 
procedure with this name already exists, you'll get an error. 

One or more parameters can be provided: 

● Parameter_name is the name of the parameter, which is used in your procedure code 

● A parameter can be an IN parameter (value is provided to the procedure to use), an OUT 

parameter (value is determined by the procedure and returned to the code that has called it), 
or IN OUT (combination of IN and OUT). 

● A parameter has a parameter_type which is an SQL data type, such as NUMBER. 

● Further parameters can be added and separated by commas. 

After you define the parameters: 

● Specify either IS or AS to start the procedure code. 

● BEGIN is specified just like we have learned so far. 

● You add the code for your procedure, and finish with END procedure_name. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Example PL/SQL Procedure 

Let's take a look at an example. We'll use our earlier code that checks values for a square or rectangle: 


l_width NUMBER(5) := 18;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 15;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');



This code is not a procedure or a function, as it has no name. This code is called an "anonymous block", 
because it has no name (it's anonymous) and is a block of code. So, if anyone refers to an anonymous 
block, it means a section of PL/SQL code that is not a function or procedure. 

To convert this to a procedure, we need to give it a name. Let's call it "check_rectangle". Names of 
functions and procedures in PL/SQL must meet the following criteria: 

● The maximum length is 30 characters 

● The first character must be a letter 

● The characters after the first character can be letter, number, dollar sign $, number sign #, or 
an underscore _. 

Also, PL/SQL names are case-insensitive. This means the following names are all equivalent: 

● check_rectangle 


● Check_Rectangle 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

It's up to you what case you choose for your PL/SQL names, as it comes down to your coding 
standards. In this guide, I'll be using all lowercase for my procedure and function names. 

Let's start our check_rectangle procedure: 


I have added the OR REPLACE keywords here so that you can run the same statement over and over 
again if you want to make any changes. You don't need to drop the procedure separately. 

We then have either the IS or AS keyword. I'll use the AS because it's a personal preference. There is 
no difference between these two keywords. 



Then we can add in our code. We can copy and paste the code from earlier (the anonymous block) and 
add it here, and add the procedure_name to the END keyword. 




l_width NUMBER(5) := 18;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 15;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


END check_rectangle; 

If we run this code, we get an error message: 

Errors: PROCEDURE CHECK_RECTANGLE Line/Col: 3/1 PLS-00103: Encountered

the symbol "DECLARE" when expecting one of the following: begin function
pragma procedure subtype type <an identifier> <a double-quoted


PL/SQL Tutorial 

delimited-identifier> current cursor delete exists prior external


This error appears because we have a DECLARE statement in our code. Because we're writing a 
procedure, we don't need the DECLARE keyword. The variables can go just after the AS or IS keyword 
and before the BEGIN. Simply remove the DECLARE keyword: 



l_width NUMBER(5) := 18;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 15;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


END check_rectangle; 

You'll get this output: 

Procedure created.

When creating a procedure like this, the procedure is only created and not run. You'll only see the 
"Procedure created" message, not any of the output inside the procedure. You'll need to call or run the 
procedure to do that. 

To run or call a PL/SQL stored procedure, you can do one of three things: 

● CALL procedure_name; 

● EXEC procedure_name; 

● BEGIN procedure_name END; 

Your code and output will look like this: 

CALL check_rectangle;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle.

You can use EXEC: 

EXEC check_rectangle;

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle. 

Or you can use a BEGIN END block: 




Statement processed.

This is a rectangle. 

It's easy to run a procedure after it's been created. 

Using Input Parameters with PL/SQL Procedures 

We have just created a procedure that checks two values and determines if a shape is a square or 

What if you wanted to run this procedure with different values? 

One way you could do it is: 

● Find the code used to create the procedure 

● Modify the variables 

● Recreate the procedure 

● Call the procedure 

This is a lot of steps just to see the procedure with different values. 

Another way to do this is to use parameters. Parameters let you specify the values used for the 
variables when you run the procedure, which are then used in the calculation. It's much better to do it 
this way than to recompile the procedure. 

In this example, we'll learn how to provide the length and width values as parameters. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Our code looks like this so far: 



l_width NUMBER(5) := 18;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 15;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


END check_rectangle; 

To add parameters, we add brackets after the procedure_name declaration on the first line: 



l_width NUMBER(5) := 18;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 15;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


PL/SQL Tutorial 


END check_rectangle; 

Inside the brackets, we add two parameters: one for l_width, and one for l_length. We define these as 
IN parameters, because they are being provided to the procedure by other code. We also specify them 
as a NUMBER data type. 


l_width IN NUMBER, l_length IN NUMBER


l_width NUMBER(5) := 18;

l_length NUMBER(5) := 15;


IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


END check_rectangle; 

I've added the parameters on a separate line to make it more readable, but it's up to you how to do 

Now we need to remove them from the declaration section. They are already declared in the 


l_width IN NUMBER, l_length IN NUMBER



IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN


PL/SQL Tutorial 

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


END check_rectangle; 

Let's run this on the database. 

Procedure created.

The procedure is now created. Let's run this procedure and use parameters. For this example I'll use 
the CALL keyword but it will work with any method we've seen so far. 

Let's try it with the original values of 18 and 15. To use parameters in a call to a procedure, you specify 
them inside brackets after the procedure name, separated by commas, like this: 

CALL check_rectangle(18, 15);

The output from this statement is: 

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle.

This is called "positional notation", because you're passing parameters in that are getting processed 
based on their position inside the brackets. 

The other way to do this is called "named notation", where you specify the parameter name and the 
value when you call it: 

CALL check_rectangle(l_width=>18, l_length=>15);

This is done by specifying the parameter name, and then the value, separated by a => symbol to assign 
the value of the parameter. 

This shows the following output: 

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle. 

Now you've seen how to run the code with parameters, let's run a few different variations of the 
procedure to really see how useful parameters are: 

CALL check_rectangle(18, 15);

CALL check_rectangle(20, 32);


PL/SQL Tutorial 

CALL check_rectangle(80, 80);

CALL check_rectangle(-2, 12);

The output for this is: 

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle.

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle.

Statement processed.

This is a big square.

Statement processed.

The width or length is negative.

This example shows how useful parameters are. You can simply change the input values to have the 
procedure run again using these new values. 

Using Output Parameters with PL/SQL Procedures 

We've learned how to use input parameters to specify inputs to our procedure. Let's learn how to use 
output parameters. 

Why would you use output parameters in PL/SQL code? The main reason is so you can use the output 
from the procedure elsewhere in your code. 

We'll update our procedure to use an output parameter, and then use that in other code. 

Here's our procedure at the moment: 


l_width IN NUMBER, l_length IN NUMBER



IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN


PL/SQL Tutorial 

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


END check_rectangle; 

Let's say we want to return the message to display, instead of displaying it to the screen using 
PUT_LINE. This is so the code that calls this procedure can decide what to do with it: either display it to 
the screen, add it to a database table, or something else. 

First, we add an OUT parameter for the message. This is so the variable to store this is created, and it 
can be returned to the code that calls it. 


l_width IN NUMBER, l_length IN NUMBER, l_message OUT VARCHAR2



IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The width or length is negative.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a big square.');

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a square.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This is a rectangle.');


END check_rectangle;

We can then set this variable to the message we want to show instead of using PUT_LINE: 


l_width IN NUMBER, l_length IN NUMBER, l_message OUT VARCHAR2



IF (l_width < 0 OR l_length < 0) THEN


PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_message := 'The width or length is negative.';

ELSIF (l_width = l_length AND l_length > 50 ) THEN

l_message := 'This is a big square.';

ELSIF (l_width = l_length) THEN

l_message := 'This is a square.';


l_message := 'This is a rectangle.';


END check_rectangle; 

If we run this code, this is the output we get: 

Procedure created.

We can then output the message using other PL/SQL code, or write it to a database instead: 


l_output_message VARCHAR2(100);


check_rectangle(10, 5, l_output_message);



In this code, we have declared a new variable for the output message. In the BEGIN block, we run the 
check_rectangle function with our length and width parameters. The third parameter is the 
l_output_message variable, which is set inside the check_rectangle procedure. We then output this 

Running this code shows this output: 

Statement processed.

This is a rectangle.

We could insert this into a database table instead if we wanted, because the code is flexible. 

CREATE TABLE message_output (

message_val VARCHAR2(100)


We can then run this code, which inserts into the table instead of displays it on the screen: 



PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_output_message VARCHAR2(100);


check_rectangle(10, 5, l_output_message);

INSERT INTO message_output(message_val) VALUES (l_output_message);


1 row(s) inserted. 

If we SELECT from the table, we can see our value. 

SELECT * FROM message_output; 


This is a rectangle. 

So, using output and input parameters can be very useful in PL/SQL procedures as they allow you to do 
what you need with the values in your code.

How to Create a PL/SQL Function 

The other type of code object you can create with PL/SQL is a function. 

A PL/SQL function runs some code and returns a value. It can be used in regular SQL as well as PL/SQL. 

Creating a function is similar to creating a procedure: 


[ ( parameter_name [ IN | OUT | IN OUT ] parameter_type [, ...] ) ]

RETURN return_datatype

{ IS | AS }



END function_name;  

There are a few things to notice here: 

● The function_name is the name of the function to create. 

● The OR REPLACE keyword is optional. If you include it, it means that when you run this 
statement it will replace the function with the same name. If you don't include it and a function 
with this name already exists, you'll get an error. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

One or more parameters can be provided: 

● Parameter_name is the name of the parameter, which is used in your function code 

● A parameter can be an IN parameter (value is provided to the function to use), an OUT 

parameter (value is determined by the function and returned to the code that has called it), or 
IN OUT (combination of IN and OUT). 

● A parameter has a parameter_type which is an SQL data type, such as NUMBER. 

● Further parameters can be added and separated by commas. 

After you define the parameters: 

● Add the RETURN keyword and then the data type of the return value. This lets the database 
know the type of data that will be returned from the function. 

● Specify either IS or AS to start the function code. 

● BEGIN is specified just like we have learned so far. 

● You add the code for your function, and finish with END function_name. 

Example PL/SQL Function 

Let's write an example PL/SQL function. So far we've been working with code that determines what 
kind of shape is created when a length and width is provided. Let's write a function that calculates the 
area of a shape with the length and width provided. 

Our function will look like this: 


(l_width IN NUMBER, l_length IN NUMBER)





We have the declaration of the function, which includes the name of shape_area. It also includes two 
parameters, and returns a number. 

But the function doesn't do anything. 

Let's write some function code. 


(l_width IN NUMBER, l_length IN NUMBER)


PL/SQL Tutorial 




RETURN l_width * l_length;


We've added one line, which calculates the length * width and returns it using the RETURN keyword. 
This means that any time this function is called, it returns the value of the length multiplied by the 

Let's create this function. The output shows: 

Function created. 

The function is now created. We can call the function from PL/SQL, like this: 


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(shape_area(5, 4));


This code shows the following output: 

Statement processed.


Because this code is a function, we can call it from SQL as well: 

SELECT shape_area(5, 4)

FROM dual; 



Creating a function is just like creating a procedure, except the RETURN statement is needed. 

Exceptions in PL/SQL 

What is an exception in PL/SQL? 

An exception is an error that happens when running your code. Some errors in your code can be found 
before you run the code, such as missing semicolons or other characters. However, exceptions occur 
when you run your code and can't be predicted before running the code, such as adding a text value to 
a number data type. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

The good news in PL/SQL is that you can write code to work with these exceptions. This is called 
"exception handling", and it's where your code can see that an error has happened and take a different 
action. Without exception handling, your errors are reported to the program that calls it and displayed 
either in your IDE or in the application. 

Syntax for Exception Handling in PL/SQL 

Writing code to handle exceptions in PL/SQL looks like this: 




WHEN exception_type THEN





The BEGIN section is the same: this is where your executable code goes. 

AN EXCEPTION section is added after your executable code, at the end of your code block, before the 
END statement. This EXCEPTION section contains code for handling any exceptions that occur. 

Within the EXCEPTION section is a series of WHEN THEN statements. Each of these statements 
relates to a possible exception that can be found. When an exception is found when running your code, 
it's called "throwing an exception". I'm not sure why it's called "throwing", but that's just the 
programming term for it. 

When an exception is found, the WHEN statements are checked. In the WHEN statements you specify 
the type of exception, like an IF statement. If the type that was found matches the type in your WHEN 
statement, the code underneath is run. 

If the type doesn't match any of your WHEN statements, you can have a WHEN OTHERS THEN 
statement, which runs in this situation. 

Let's take a look at an example. 

Example Exception Code in PL/SQL 

We'll use a variation of our earlier code that calculates the area of a shape. Instead of using a 
procedure or a function, we'll just use an anonymous PL/SQL block. 

The code looks like this: 



PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_length NUMBER := 4;

l_width NUMBER := 5;

l_area NUMBER(3);


l_area := l_length * l_width;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || l_area);


Our l_area variable has a maximum size of 3. We can run this code and get this output: 

Statement processed.

The area is: 20

It shows the area is 20, because 5*4 is 20. 

Let's say we have a length and width that are both three digits. 


l_length NUMBER := 400;

l_width NUMBER := 500;

l_area NUMBER(3);


l_area := l_length * l_width;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || l_area);


What happens when we run the code? 

We get an error message:

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: number precision too large

ORA-06512: at line 6 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1721

This error message has a code: ORA-06502. The message says the number precision is too large. This 
is because 400 * 500 is 200,000, which is too large for the NUMBER(3) variable. 

Rather than display this error message, we can write some code that tells the program what to do. We 
do this using the EXCEPTION section. 


l_length NUMBER := 400;

l_width NUMBER := 500;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_area NUMBER(3);


l_area := l_length * l_width;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || l_area);



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There was a problem specifying the area. ' ||



We have added in the EXCEPTION section. We have also added in the WHEN statement: WHEN 
VALUE_ERROR. This will pick up any ORA-06502 errors we may experience in our code. The reason 
that VALUE_ERROR is used instead of the error code is that the name is easy to identify and read. 

After the WHEN statement we have a PUT_LINE function call that writes a message, saying there was 
a problem with the area. We then concatenate something called SQLERRM. 

SQLERRM is an SQL function that returns the error message found in the recently-executed code. This 
will allow us to see the details of the error message. 

If we run this code, we get this output: 

Statement processed.

There was a problem specifying the area. ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or

value error: number precision too large 

This has been written as an output from PUT_LINE rather than an error message. It means the 
program will keep running and you can do more with this message, instead of just stopping the 

Raising Exceptions in PL/SQL 

We've seen what happens if we perform a calculation to set a value that's higher than the maximum 
size, or do something that Oracle does not expect. This uses a built-in exception. 

What if we find something that our business rules say is not valid, but it's OK with the Oracle 

One example of this is what if one of the parameters is negative? 

Our code could look like this: 


l_length NUMBER := -4;

l_width NUMBER := 3;


PL/SQL Tutorial 

l_area NUMBER(3);


l_area := l_length * l_width;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || l_area);



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There was a problem specifying the area. ' ||



The output is: 

Statement processed.

The area is: -12

This shows the area as -12, which is not a valid value. We don't want to have negative area values. 

We can avoid this by creating or raising our own exception. To do this: 

● Declare a new variable which has a type of EXCEPTION 

● Check the criteria that cause this issue, and raise the exception if they are true 

To do this in our code, we declare a new variable with a type of EXCEPTION. 


l_length NUMBER := -4;

l_width NUMBER := 3;

l_area NUMBER(3);

ex_negative_area EXCEPTION;


l_area := l_length * l_width;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || l_area);



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There was a problem specifying the area. ' ||



Now, we've created a new variable called ex_negative_area. This is an EXCEPTION. We now need to 
check if the area is negative, and if it is, raise the exception. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 


l_length NUMBER := -4;

l_width NUMBER := 3;

l_area NUMBER(3);

ex_negative_area EXCEPTION;


l_area := l_length * l_width;

IF (l_area < 0) THEN

RAISE ex_negative_area;


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || l_area);



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There was a problem specifying the area. ' ||



This code checks if the area is less than zero. If it is, then the exception is raised using the RAISE 
ex_negative_area statement. 

Finally, we need to add this to our EXCEPTION section. If we just raise the exception without writing a 
WHEN statement, this is what we will see: 

User-Defined Exception ORA-06512: at line 9 ORA-06512: at

"SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1721

The user-defined exception error message means we raised the exception but did nothing with it. 

Our new code will look like this: 


l_length NUMBER := -4;

l_width NUMBER := 3;

l_area NUMBER(3);

ex_negative_area EXCEPTION;


l_area := l_length * l_width;

IF (l_area < 0) THEN


PL/SQL Tutorial 

RAISE ex_negative_area;


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is: ' || l_area);


WHEN ex_negative_area THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The area is negative. Please confirm the input

values are positive.');


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('There was a problem specifying the area. ' ||



We can now run this code. 

Statement processed.

The area is negative. Please confirm the input values are positive.

The message shown is what we have entered in the EXCEPTION section. It says the area is negative, 
which is what we wanted to display. 


Procedures and functions in PL/SQL are objects that contain PL/SQL code for you to run at a later 
stage. They have several advantages such as the ability to reuse code and to simplify your 
programming. There are some differences between procedures and functions. 

Exceptions are errors that are encountered as your program is running. They can be handled within 
your PL/SQL code, otherwise they will display an error in your IDE or in your application. 


Question 1 

Which one of these statements is true about the differences between a procedure and a function? 

● They are both the same. 

● Functions must have a RETURN value, but procedures don't need one. 

● Procedures can only take IN parameters and not OUT parameters. 

● Procedures can be used in regular SQL, but functions cannot. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Question 2 

What does the OR REPLACE keyword do as part of the CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE 
FUNCTION statement? 

● It replaces the existing object with the one you have defined in the statement if it already 

● Nothing, this keyword is not valid. 

● Nothing, it's a valid keyword but does not apply to procedures or functions. 

● It determines if your code will insert new data into a table or update existing data. 

Question 3 

What is an exception? 

● An error that happens when you create your procedure or function, such as a missing bracket. 

● The part of an IF statement that runs if no criteria are met. 

● An error that happens while your code is running. 

● A collection of data that is not inserted into a table. 

Question 4 

How can you run the code in a procedure? 

● Run the "CALL procedure_name" statement. 

● It's run automatically when you create the procedure. 

● Run the "RUN procedure_name" statement. 

● You can't run procedures, you can only run functions. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 5: Cursors, Arrays, and Bulk Collect 

In this chapter, we'll learn about some pretty useful concepts in PL/SQL: 

● What a cursor is 

● The two types of cursors 

● Inserting, updating, and deleting data in tables using PL/SQL 

● Selecting data from a table into PL/SQL 

● What an array is and how to use one 

What Is a Cursor in PL/SQL? 

A cursor is an area in memory that Oracle creates when an SQL statement is run. The cursor contains 
several pieces of information including the rows that the statement has returned (if it's a SELECT 
statement), and attributes about the result set such as the number of rows impacted by the statement. 

There are two types of cursors in in Oracle SQL: implicit cursors and explicit cursors. 

Implicit Cursors 

An implicit cursor is a type of cursor automatically created by Oracle when an SQL statement is run. 
It's called an implicit cursor because it's created automatically - you don't need to do anything for it to 
get created. 

Whenever your run a DML statement (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT), an implicit cursor is 

● For INSERT statements, the cursor contains the data that is being inserted. 

● For UPDATE or DELETE statements, the cursor identifies the rows that will be affected 

● For SELECT statements, the rows that are retrieved can be stored in an object. 

How can implicit cursors help us? For INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, we can see several 
attributes of the statements to understand if they have worked or not. 

Let's see an example of this. 

Example - Using a Cursor with INSERT 

Let's see what can be done with an implicit cursor and an INSERT statement. 

First, we'll need to create a table: 



PL/SQL Tutorial 

fname VARCHAR2(50)


If you run this in an SQL window, the table will be created. 

Now let's write some PL/SQL to insert data into this table. 


INSERT INTO person (fname)

VALUES ('John');

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total number of rows impacted: ' ||



This code includes the term sql%rowcount. The "sql" is the object name of the SQL statement that ran 
last. The "rowcount" is the attribute of this most recent SQL statement, and contains the number of 
rows impacted by the statement. The % sign indicates that the rowcount is an attribute of the sql 
object. So, sql%rowcount will contain the number of rows impacted by the most recent SQL statement. 

If we run this code, we should see this output: 

1 row(s) inserted.

Total number of rows impacted: 1

The output shows the number of impacted rows. We can do more with this value, such as storing it in a 


l_total_rows NUMBER(10);


INSERT INTO person (fname)

VALUES ('John');

l_total_rows := sql%rowcount;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total number of rows impacted: ' ||



You can also use this information in an IF statement and run different code based on the value. 


l_total_rows NUMBER(10);


INSERT INTO person (fname)


PL/SQL Tutorial 

VALUES ('John');

l_total_rows := sql%rowcount;

IF (l_total_rows > 0) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows inserted: ' || l_total_rows);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No rows inserted.');



If you run a SELECT statement on your table, you should see the data in the table. Assuming the 
statement was only run once, this is what you'll see: 



Example - Using a Cursor with UPDATE 

We can make use of implicit cursors in PL/SQL with UPDATE statements. For example, this code 
shows us the number of rows impacted by the UPDATE statement. 


UPDATE person

SET fname='Susan'

WHERE fname = 'John';

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Total number of rows impacted: ' ||



If we run this code, we'll get this output: 

1 row(s) updated.

Total number of rows impacted: 1 

It says that 1 row is impacted by our update statement. The row is also updated: that UPDATE 
statement is executed. If we run a SELECT query on the table, we'll see the new value: 




PL/SQL Tutorial 

Now, let's run our earlier code and see what happens: 

1 row(s) updated.

Total number of rows impacted: 0 

It says 0 rows are impacted (even though the output also says "1 row(s) updated"). This is because the 
WHERE clause means the statement is looking for a row of "John", but the value in the row is equal to 
"Susan", so it is not updated. 

Another way of checking for rows being updated is to use the %FOUND and %NOTFOUND attributes, 
rather than %ROWCOUNT. 

The %FOUND attribute will return true if at least one row is impacted by an INSERT, UPDATE, or 
DELETE statement, otherwise it will return false. The %NOTFOUND attribute is the opposite: it will 
return true if no rows are impacted, and false if at least one row is impacted. 

We can change our code to use the %FOUND attribute: 


UPDATE person

SET fname='Susan'

WHERE fname = 'John';

IF (sql%found) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows updated: ' || sql%rowcount);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows not updated.');



This output is shown: 

1 row(s) updated.

Rows not updated. 

The output message says no rows are updated. This is because the WHERE clause doesn't match any 
of the existing rows. 

We can change our UPDATE statement so rows are found: 


UPDATE person

SET fname='Mark'

WHERE fname = 'Susan';


PL/SQL Tutorial 

IF (sql%found) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows updated: ' || sql%rowcount);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows not updated.');



1 row(s) updated.

Rows updated: 1 

Example - Using a Cursor with DELETE 

The same concept of an implicit cursor applies to a DELETE statement. We can write some code that 
deletes a row and then displays an output depending on if a row was deleted or not. 



WHERE fname = 'Susan';

IF (sql%found) THEN

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows updated: ' || sql%rowcount);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows not updated.');



This output shows that no rows were deleted. 

1 row(s) deleted.

Rows not updated. 

This is because no rows have an fname value of "Susan". If we change it to "Mark" and run the 
statement again, the row will be deleted. 



WHERE fname = 'Mark';

IF (sql%found) THEN


PL/SQL Tutorial 

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows updated: ' || sql%rowcount);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rows not updated.');



1 row(s) deleted.

Rows updated: 1.

Selecting Data with an Implicit Cursor 

What about a SELECT query with an implicit cursor? That works a little differently. 

We can use a SELECT query with an implicit cursor. However, we need to use a variable to store the 
returned value. We can use SELECT INTO for this. 

First, we declare a variable to hold our data. Then, we select a column value from the table and store it 
in this variable. In this example, we'll just select a single value, as we need to treat multiple rows 

Ensure your person table only has one row in it: 


INSERT INTO person (fname) VALUES ('John');

SELECT * FROM person;

Now, let's write some PL/SQL code to select this value into a variable. 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);


SELECT fname

INTO l_fname

FROM person;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' || l_fname);


First, we've declared a variable called l_fname. Then in the BEGIN section, we have selected the fname 
column from the person table into the l_fname variable. This variable now holds the value from that 
query. We then output it using the PUT_LINE function. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

The output from this statement is: 

Statement processed.

The name is John

We can see the output says "The name is John". 

What if there are two or more values in the table? How do we handle this? Our variable can only hold 
one value. 

Here's the code to insert another row into the table: 

INSERT INTO person (fname) VALUES ('Susan');

SELECT * FROM person; 




Now, let's run our PL/SQL code to SELECT the value from this column into a variable. 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);


SELECT fname

INTO l_fname

FROM person;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' || l_fname);


This is our output. The error message we get is:

ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows

ORA-06512: at line 4 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1721

This error happens because we have two values returned from our query (John and Susan), but only 
one variable to store them. 

How do we handle situations like this? We'll learn about that later in this guide. 

For now, let's look at explicit cursors. 

Explicit Cursors 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

In Oracle PL/SQL, an explicit cursor is one that is declared by the PL/SQL code. You have more control 
over it and how the data is handled. 

Using an explicit cursor involves several steps: 

1. Declaring the cursor as a variable in the DECLARE section. 

2. Opening the cursor, which allocates memory for it. 

3. Fetching the cursor, which means the SELECT statement is run and data is stored in the cursor. 

4. Closing the cursor, which releases the allocated memory. 

Example: Explicit Cursors in PL/SQL 

To declare a cursor, you add a line into the DECLARE section of your code. It includes your SELECT 


CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname FROM person;



As shown above, cursors are declared using this syntax: 

CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement;

Next, we need to open the cursor. This is done in the BEGIN block: 


CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname FROM person;


OPEN c_person;


Now, we fetch the data from the cursor into a variable. 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);

CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname FROM person;


PL/SQL Tutorial 


OPEN c_person;

FETCH c_person INTO l_fname;


We then have to close the cursor. 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);

CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname FROM person;


OPEN c_person;

FETCH c_person INTO l_fname;

CLOSE c_person;


Let's write the variable to the screen. 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);

CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname FROM person;


OPEN c_person;

FETCH c_person INTO l_fname;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name is: ' || l_fname);

CLOSE c_person;


The output shown here is: 

Statement processed.

Name is: John

It shows the name of John. 

But there are two records in the table. How can we handle this with our cursor code? 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Example: Explicit Cursors and Loops 

If our SELECT query returns multiple rows from an explicit cursor, we need to use a loop to get all of 
the data. 

We use the same loop as we learned earlier in this guide: 


FETCH cursor_name INTO variables;

EXIT WHEN cursor_name%notfound;



What does this code do? 

● It starts with a LOOP, like we've learned in an earlier section. 

● We then have a FETCH statement, which will fetch the values of the columns of your SELECT 
statement from a single row into the variables you specify 

● We then have EXIT WHEN cursor_name%notfound, which means the loop will exit once there 
are no more rows found in the cursor. 

● The code you want to execute is then run 

● The END LOOP statement will end the loop. 

The important part about this code is that the FETCH statement will fetch the next row from the 
cursor. This means it fetches one row at a time. 

Let's see an example. 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);

CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname FROM person;


OPEN c_person;


FETCH c_person INTO l_fname;

EXIT WHEN c_person%notfound;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name is: ' || l_fname);



PL/SQL Tutorial 

CLOSE c_person;


This is similar to the earlier code: 

● We declare the l_fname variable, and then the cursor as the SELECT statement. 

● We open the cursor 

● We start the loop 

● Inside the loop, we fetch the cursor into the l_fname variable 

● We output the value of l_fname 

● We loop until no more records are found 

● We close the cursor and end the program 

This might seem like a lot of code just to write out some values to the screen, and it is. It's simpler to 
just do this as a SELECT statement. But this is just to demonstrate the concepts. You can use any code 
in your PL/SQL program instead of writing the values to screen. 

Here's what is shown when that code is run: 

Statement processed.

Name is: John

Name is: Susan

It shows two rows of output as there are two rows in the table. 

So that's how you can use explicit cursors with SELECT statements and use loops to fetch data from 
tables that have multiple rows. 

Arrays: Multiple Values in a Single Variable 

In our earlier examples, we have used a cursor and run a SELECT statement to fetch a value into a 

What if we want to store multiple values but don't want to have to create separate variables for each 
of the values? We want to avoid doing this: 


l_fname_1 VARCHAR2(50);

l_fname_2 VARCHAR2(50);

l_fname_3 VARCHAR2(50);


That will end up with a lot of unnecessary code. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

There is a better way: using arrays. 

Arrays are a concept in programming where a single variable stores multiple values. Each of the values 
are accessed using an index number. The concept works like this: 

● Declare an array, such as array_fname. 

● Populate the array, so each value in the array has an index number: 

○ array_fname(1) = 'John',  

○ array_fname(2) = 'Susan' 

○ array_fname(3) = 'Mark' 

● Access the values throughout your code. 

So how can you create an array in PL/SQL? Arrays are created like this: 


TYPE fname_array_type IS VARRAY(10) OF VARCHAR2(50);

fname_array fname_array_type;




The code includes two lines to set up your array: creating a type, and creating the variable. 

Example: Creating a VARRAY 

In PL/SQL, to use an array, you need to declare the type of array first. This is done using the TYPE 
statement. In other programming languages, the array declaration and type are done on a single line, 
but in PL/SQL they are on separate lines. 

This line is: 

TYPE fname_array_type IS VARRAY(10) OF VARCHAR2(50);

It says that you are creating a TYPE, and the name of this type we have called fname_array_type. This is 
just a name we made up, but it's clear it's a type. I could have called it varchar_type or something else 
to indicate what it is. 

We then specify IS VARRAY(10). This means the type is a VARRAY, which is the array type in PL/SQL. 
The 10 indicates the maximum number of elements in this array. This means any variable based on this 
type can hold up to 10 values in it. 

Finally, we specify OF VARCHAR2(50) which is the type of data it holds. You can create types that 
hold NUMBER values or any other PL/SQL data type. 

Once we have declared our type, we can then declare a variable of that type: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

fname_array fname_array_type;

This code declares a new variable called fname_array with the data type of fname_array_type. We 
don't need to specify anything else because that's included in the TYPE declaration. 

Now what? We populate the array. 


TYPE fname_array_type IS VARRAY(10) OF VARCHAR2(50);

fname_array fname_array_type;


fname_array := fname_array_type('Adam', 'Belinda', 'Charles',



We've set the fname_array to contain four different names. 

What can we do with these values now? We can use a FOR loop to loop through them and write them 
to the screen. We can do a lot more with these values, but for this example, we'll just write them to the 
screen to keep it simple. 


TYPE fname_array_type IS VARRAY(10) OF VARCHAR2(50);

fname_array fname_array_type;


fname_array := fname_array_type('Adam', 'Belinda', 'Charles',


FOR i IN 1 .. fname_array.count LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name is: ' || fname_array(i));



The code we have added is the FOR loop. As we learned in an earlier section, the FOR loop starts at a 
number and ends at another number. In this example, the variable is called "i", and it starts at 1 and 
ends at something called fname_array.count. 

This count is an attribute of the array, and it returns the number of records or elements in the array. 
It's better to use this rather than just the number 4, because the array size can change (if you're 
populating it from somewhere else). 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Inside the loop, we show the value by using fname_array(i), which means we are referring to a single 
element inside the array. We are referring to the element with an index position of whatever "i" is 
equal to, which changes each time the loop is run. 

The output should show separate lines that display each of the values in the array. 

If we run the code, this is what we get: 

Statement processed.

Name is: Adam

Name is: Belinda

Name is: Charles

Name is: Debra

It shows separate lines, one for each name in the array. 

So that's how you can use arrays in your PL/SQL code. 


A cursor is an area in memory used to hold details of an SQL statement, such as the number of 
impacted rows and the values returned from a SELECT query. 

Oracle offers two types of cursors: an implicit and an explicit cursor. Implicit cursors are created 
automatically without you doing anything. Explicit cursors are specified by you but you have more 
control over them. 

Arrays are types of variables that allow you to store many values in a single variable. They are declared 
as a TYPE first, and then the array variable is declared. They can be accessed using a number that 
represents their index, and are often done using loops. 


Question 1 

How can you declare an explicit cursor? 

● cursor_name IS select_query; 

● cursor_name := select_query; 

● cursor_name IS TYPE OF explicit_cursor; 

● You can't, because explicit cursors are created automatically by Oracle. 

Question 2 

What does the %FOUND attribute of a cursor do? 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

● Returns the data from the cursor. 

● Returns the number of rows found by the cursor 

● Nothing, it won't work because it needs to be written in lowercase. 

● Returns true if at least one row is impacted by the query, otherwise it shows false 

Question 3 

What does this code do? 

TYPE id_arraytype IS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER(4);

id_array id_arraytype;

● Nothing, it will show an error 

● It will declare a new type of an array of numbers, and a new variable of that type 

● It declares a new type of array, but does not declare a variable of that type 

● It creates a new table with two columns, one as an array and the other as a number. 

Question 4 

How can you get the number of rows impacted by an INSERT statement in your PL/SQL code? 

● Use the sql%ROWCOUNT attribute. 

● SELECT from the table to find rows inserted today. 

● You can't. 

● Use the sql%NUMROWS attribute. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 6: Record Types and Bulk Collect 


In this chapter, we'll learn about: 

● Using data types based on tables and columns 

● Understanding what collections are 

● Using the BULK COLLECT keyword to fetch data in bulk 

These are all great features of the PL/SQL language and will take your code to the next level. 

Field Types 

In earlier code, we declared variables to hold values we loaded from the database. 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);


SELECT fname

INTO l_fname

FROM person;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' || l_fname);


The l_fname variable is a VARCHAR2(50). This just happens to be the same as the table we created: 


fname VARCHAR2(50)


But what if the table declaration changes? We shouldn't be forcing our code to be the same as the 
table in this way, because we would have to change our code. 

There is a better way to do it, and that's using the %TYPE attribute. 

The TYPE attribute will let you declare a variable based on the type of a column in a table. This means 
it is automatically linked to, or set the same as a column that exist. There's no need to look up the data 
type manually or change the code if your table changes. 

The code to do that looks like this: 



PL/SQL Tutorial 

variable_name table_name.column_name %TYPE;


After specifying the variable name, you specify the column and table name separated by a period. You 
then specify %TYPE, which indicates that your variable has the same type as this column. 

Example - Using the %TYPE Attribute 

We can update our code to use this: 


l_fname person.fname%TYPE;


SELECT fname

INTO l_fname

FROM person;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' || l_fname);


The output of this code is: 

Statement processed.

The name is John

This makes your code easier to maintain. 

Example - Two Variables Using %TYPE 

You can declare multiple variables that use the %TYPE attribute if you need to. 

Let's say our table looked like this: 


fname VARCHAR2(50),

lname VARCHAR2(50),

salary NUMBER(8)


INSERT INTO person (fname, lname, salary) VALUES ('John', 'Smith',



PL/SQL Tutorial 

We have one record: 


John  Smith  50000 


Our PL/SQL code can output this record by using variables and the %TYPE attribute. 


l_fname person.fname%TYPE;

l_lname person.lname%TYPE;

l_salary person.salary%TYPE;


SELECT fname, lname, salary

INTO l_fname, l_lname, l_salary

FROM person;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' ||

l_fname || ' ' || l_lname || ' with a salary of ' || l_salary);


We have used three variables (one for each column), each related to the column in the table. 

The output of this code is: 

Statement processed.

The name is John Smith with a salary of 50000

Row Types 

Another useful feature of PL/SQL is the ability to create a variable that has the same data type of an 
entire table row. 

In the example above, we had three separate variables for each of the different columns: 


l_fname person.fname%TYPE;

l_lname person.lname%TYPE;

l_salary person.salary%TYPE;



PL/SQL Tutorial 


This may seem OK, but what if we want to use 5 or 10 columns? We would need to declare a lot of 

In PL/SQL, you can declare a single variable and set the type of it equal to the entire row. It kind of 
works like an array, where each element or attribute is equal to one column. 

We can do this using the %ROWTYPE attribute: 


variable_name table_name%ROWTYPE;


We don't need to specify any column names here: just the variable name, the table to base it on, and 

How do we access the values? We use variable_name.column_name. 

Let's see an example: 


l_row_person person%ROWTYPE;


SELECT fname, lname, salary

INTO l_row_person.fname, l_row_person.lname, l_row_person.salary

FROM person;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' ||

l_row_person.fname || ' ' || l_row_person.lname || ' with a salary

of ' || l_row_person.salary);


This code includes a few changes: 

● There is a single variable called l_row_person, which has a type equal to the person table (using 

● The SELECT INTO is selecting the column values into separate attributes of the l_row_person 
variable, one for each column. 

● The PUT_LINE function uses the attributes of the l_row_person variable. For example, 
l_row_person.fname is the fname column from the person table. 

This results in less code and seems easier to read. It can make a big difference in larger programs. 

The output of this code is: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Statement processed.

The name is John Smith with a salary of 50000 

Cursor Based Records 

In the earlier example, we used %ROWTYPE to create a variable based on the data type of a table's 

In an earlier chapter, we also looked at using cursors to select records. Here's an example: 


l_fname VARCHAR2(50);

CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname FROM person;


OPEN c_person;

FETCH c_person INTO l_fname;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name is: ' || l_fname);

CLOSE c_person;


This code will select the fname into a variable. Another way to do this is to declare a variable that is 
equal to the type of the cursor, rather than the table or the column. This is helpful if you have a 
complicated query that gets data from multiple tables. 

The code would look like this: 


CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname, lname, salary FROM person;

c_person_rec c_person%ROWTYPE;


OPEN c_person;

FETCH c_person INTO c_person_rec;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' ||

l_row_person.fname || ' ' || l_row_person.lname || ' with a salary

of ' || l_row_person.salary);

CLOSE c_person;


PL/SQL Tutorial 


This works similar to using a table. The output of this query is: 

Statement processed.

The name is John Smith with a salary of 50000 

PL/SQL Collections 

PL/SQL includes a feature called collections. A collection in PL/SQL is a set of values that have the 
same data type. It's similar to an array that we've learned about earlier in this guide, but there are 
several differences.

Object Type  Number of  Index Type  Dense or Sparse  Can be an Object 

Varray  Fixed  Number  Dense  Yes 

Index By Table  Variable  String  Either  No 

Nested Table  Variable  Number  Either  Yes 

We'll learn about the two types of collections in this section: an Index By Table and a Nested Table. 

Index By Table 

An Index By Table (also known as an associative array) is a type of variable that stores key-value pairs. 
Like arrays in other programming languages, the keys can be numbers or strings. 

Creating a variable using an Index By Table is done in the following way: 

TYPE type_name IS TABLE OF element_data_type [NOT NULL] INDEX BY


variable_name type_name;

In this code, we declare a type, and then a variable of that type. The type has a name that we can 
provide, and we specify the data type of the elements and the data type of the index. 

An example of this feature is: 



name_list first_name;



PL/SQL Tutorial 



How can we populate and use this list? We add items, or elements, to the list by specifying the key in 
brackets and using the := symbol: 

name_list(1) := 'John';

We can add several elements to this variable: 



name_list first_name;


name_list(1) := 'John';

name_list(2) := 'Susan';

name_list(3) := 'Mark';

name_list(4) := 'Debra';


How do we access the values in the list to output them? We can use the FIRST and NEXT functions of 
the variable, as well as a loop. These functions are built into the Index By Table data type. 

Our code looks like this: 



name_list first_name;

current_name_id PLS_INTEGER;


name_list(1) := 'John';

name_list(2) := 'Susan';

name_list(3) := 'Mark';

name_list(4) := 'Debra';

current_name_id := name_list.FIRST;

WHILE current_name_id IS NOT NULL LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' || name_list(current_name_id));

current_name_id := name_list.NEXT(current_name_id);


PL/SQL Tutorial 



There is a lot to take in here: 

● We have declared a new variable called current_name_id which stores the index of the 
collection, and is used for the loop. 

● The name_list.FIRST will return the index of the first element, which has been stored in the 
current_name_id variable; 

● A WHILE loop will loop through the name_list and output the value of the name_list element. 

● The current_name_id variable is incremented using the name_list.NEXT function. 

The output of this code is: 

Statement processed.

The name is John

The name is Susan

The name is Mark

The name is Debra

Example - Index By Table with Select Query 

You can also use an Index By Table with a SELECT query on the database. 

Using our person table from earlier, this code will select the data from that table into the collection: 


CURSOR c_person IS

SELECT fname, lname, salary FROM person;


person_list col_person;

rowcounter PLS_INTEGER := 0;


FOR i IN c_person LOOP

rowcounter := rowcounter + 1;

person_list(rowcounter) := i.fname;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' || person_list(rowcounter));


PL/SQL Tutorial 



The output will show: 

Statement processed.

The name is John

The name is Susan

The name is Mark

The name is Debra 

So that's how you can use an index by table, or associative array, in PL/SQL. 

Nested Table 

A nested table in PL/SQL is another type of collection. It's very similar to an Index By Table, except it 
always has an integer for an index. It does not have an INDEX BY clause; 

The syntax for creating one is: 

TYPE type_name IS TABLE OF element_data_type [NOT NULL];

variable_name type_name;

We declare the name of the type and the element type, then we declare a variable of that type. 

An example of this in action can be done by modifying the example from earlier: 


TYPE first_name IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(50);

name_list first_name;


name_list := first_name('John', 'Susan', 'Mark', 'Debra');

FOR i IN 1 .. name_list.count LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The name is ' || name_list(i));



This is less code than earlier examples, but it shows the concept of a Nested Table. 

The output of this code is: 

Statement processed.

The name is John


PL/SQL Tutorial 

The name is Susan

The name is Mark

The name is Debra

When To Use Index By Tables, Nested Tables, or VArrays in PL/SQL 

We've learned about Index By Tables, Nested Tables, and Varrays. How do we know when to use each 
of them? 

Oracle has some ​recommendations​. 

When to use an Index By Table/Associative Array: 

● When you have a small lookup table, as it's created each time in memory whenever you run 
your code 

When to use a Nested Table: 

● When the index values are not consecutive 

● When there is not a set number of index values 

● You need to delete some of the elements 

When to use a Varray: 

● The number of elements is known in advance 

● The elements are usually accessed in order 

Bulk Collect 

Our PL/SQL code often contains PL/SQL code (declaring variables, loops, IF statements) and SQL code 
(SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE). This makes our programs quite powerful.  

However, it can also make our programs quite slow if they are not written correctly. 

Each time an SQL statement is run from PL/SQL, a "context switch" is performed. The server switches 
from running the PL/SQL code to running the SQL code. This involves a small amount of work by the 
server. This may not be noticeable with one statement, but if you're running hundreds or thousands of 
statements, across many users, then it can really add up. 

Let's say we had this PL/SQL code that updated the salary in our person table. 

Here's our setup data. 


INSERT INTO person (fname, lname, salary) VALUES ('John', 'Smith',



PL/SQL Tutorial 

INSERT INTO person (fname, lname, salary) VALUES ('Susan', 'Jones',


INSERT INTO person (fname, lname, salary) VALUES ('Mark', 'Blake',


INSERT INTO person (fname, lname, salary) VALUES ('Debra', 'Carlson',


Here's our PL/SQL code. 


FOR current_rec IN (SELECT fname

FROM person) LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Name: ' || current_rec.fname);

UPDATE person p

SET p.salary = p.salary + 1000

WHERE p.fname = current_rec.fname;



The output is: 

1 row(s) updated.

Name: John

Name: Susan

Name: Mark

Name: Debra

In this code, we have a query that selects names. We loop through this collection and update the 
person table for each entry in the collection, which means it runs the UPDATE statement four times. 

We can run a SELECT statement to check the new values. 

SELECT * FROM person;


John  Smith  21000 

Susan  Jones  31000 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Mark  Blake  26000 

Debra  Carlson  41000 


We can see that each of the salary values have been increased by 1. However the UPDATE statement 
has ran 4 separate times. This is something we want to avoid. 

We also want to avoid using a cursor for loop as we have here. A cursor for loop is where we have a 
FOR loop that includes a SELECT query in its criteria. It allows you to loop through each record and 
process it, as we have done in our code. 

However, a cursor for loop is slow as it processes each row individually. It also performs a context 
switch between the SQL engine (running the SELECT query) and the PL/SQL engine (the FOR loop) 
There are better ways to do this: using a feature called BULK COLLECT. 

BULK COLLECT allows you to fetch all rows from a SELECT query into a collection in a single 
statement. The SQL code is run once, and the remainder of the logic is performed in PL/SQL. This 
greatly reduces the context switching between SQL and PL/SQL, improving the performance of your 
code. Steve Feuerstein (and many others) have ​written about the benefits​ of using BULK COLLECT. 


So how do we do this? We can introduce a variable to hold our data, and replace the cursor for loop 


TYPE name_type IS TABLE OF person.fname%TYPE;

name_list name_type;


SELECT fname


FROM person;

FOR i IN 1 .. name_list.count LOOP

UPDATE person p

SET p.salary = p.salary + 1000

WHERE p.fname = name_list(i);



PL/SQL Tutorial 


The changes we have made here are: 

● We've declared a new TYPE called name_type, which is a table of values of the same type as 
the person.fname column. 

● We've declared a new variable based on that type, called name_list. 

● We've run a SELECT statement which selects the fname column into the name_list variable, 
using BULK COLLECT. This means all values from the query are added into this collection. 

The loop is then run based on the data already loaded into the name_list variable. 

The output is: 

1 row(s) updated.

Name: John

Name: Susan

Name: Mark

Name: Debra 

This improves the performance of the SELECT statement. But what about the UPDATE statement? 


The UPDATE statement in the earlier code is run each time during the loop. This means that there is a 
context switch between PL/SQL and SQL each time the statement is run. In this example it happens 4 
times, but in a real database it can happen hundreds or thousands of times. 

If you can put your SQL code outside the loop, then that is better. The code will only run once on all the 
rows that need to be updated. 

However, if you have logic that means you can't do this, you can use a feature called FORALL. 

In PL/SQL, the FORALL statement will tell the database to generate and run all of the DML statements 
that would have been generated separately and run them at once. This reduces the time taken and the 
context switches. 

To do this, change the code to ensure the UPDATE statement is inside a FORALL: 


TYPE name_type IS TABLE OF person.fname%TYPE;

name_list name_type;


SELECT fname



PL/SQL Tutorial 

FROM person;

FORALL i IN 1 .. name_list.count

UPDATE person p

SET p.salary = p.salary + 1000

WHERE p.fname = name_list(i);


This will run the UPDATE statements once on the database. 

You can check the before and after using this code: 

SELECT * FROM person;


TYPE name_type IS TABLE OF person.fname%TYPE;

name_list name_type;


SELECT fname


FROM person;

FORALL i IN 1 .. name_list.count

UPDATE person p

SET p.salary = p.salary + 1000

WHERE p.fname = name_list(i);


SELECT * FROM person;

This shows the SELECT query results before the code: 


John  Smith  20000 

Susan  Jones  30000 

Mark  Blake  25000 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Debra  Carlson  40000 


And the SELECT query results after the code: 


John  Smith  21000 

Susan  Jones  31000 

Mark  Blake  26000 

Debra  Carlson  41000 


So that's how you can use both BULK COLLECT and FORALL to improve the performance of your 
PL/SQL code. If you want to learn more about these features, read this article: ​Bulk Processing with 


Field and record types are handy features of PL/SQL and allow you to declare variables based on the 
type of a column or an entire row in a database table. They improve the maintainability of your code. 

PL/SQL also allows you to use collections. These are similar to arrays but have some other advantages. 
The two types of collections are Index By Table and Nested Table. 

Running SELECT statements or other DML statements individually can impact the performance of 
your code. It's better to switch between PL/SQL and SQL as little as possible. The BULK COLLECT and 
FORALL features allow you to do that in a better way. 


Question 1 

What does %TYPE let you do? 

● Nothing, it's not a valid command in PL/SQL. 

● It lets you declare a variable that is based on the data type of a column. 

● It lets you declare a variable that is based on the data type of all columns in a table. 

● It lets you define a variable as being entered or typed in by the user. 

Question 2 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

What's one difference between Index By Table and Nested Table? 

● An Index By Table lets you specify the data type of the index. 

● Nothing, they are both the same 

● A Nested Table only works with nested SQL statements 

● An Index By Table needs a table with an index on it. 

Question 3 

What's wrong with this code (assuming the emp_list exists and the employee table exists)? 

FORALL i IN 1 .. emp_list.count LOOP

UPDATE employee

SET years = years + 1

WHERE emp_name = emp_list.emp_name;


● You can't run a FORALL statement on an UPDATE statement. 

● The FORALL keyword doesn't exist. 

● FORALL is not a loop so it should not have the LOOP and END LOOP statements. 

● Nothing, it will run successfully. 

Question 4 

Why should you use BULK COLLECT? 

● To reduce the switching between PL/SQL code and SQL code. 

● You shouldn't use it at all as it's slow. 

● To get data from large tables, but not small tables. 

● It's required to declare collection variables. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 7: Nested Blocks and Packages 


In this section, you'll learn: 

● What nested blocks are and how to create them 

● What packages are, why you should use them, and how to create them 

What is a Nested Block in PL/SQL? 

A nested block is where a block of PL/SQL code is nested inside another block. A PL/SQL block is a set 
of code inside the DECLARE, BEGIN, and END keywords. Inside the BEGIN and END keywords, you 
can place another block, which is the nested block. 

Why would you do this? There are a few reasons: 

● To keep the code focused on one area. A nested block may contain the code and logic for a 
smaller part of your overall code. 

● To handle exceptions separately. If there is an issue in part of your code, you may want to 
handle that separately and then continue with the execution of your main code. 

A standard PL/SQL block looks like this: 






A nested block goes inside the BEGIN and END keywords: 











PL/SQL Tutorial 



Your second BEGIN and END block is inside the first BEGIN and END block. You can have code before 
and after this nested block, and code inside the nested block. The DECLARE section inside the nested 
block is optional. 

Example: Nested Block 

Let's see an example of a nested block. 


l_salary person.salary%TYPE;

l_fname person.fname%TYPE := 'John';


SELECT salary

INTO l_salary

FROM person

WHERE fname = l_fname;


UPDATE person

SET salary = l_salary + 5000

WHERE fname = l_fname;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary updated.');



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error updating table: ' || SQLERRM);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('More code here.');


In this code, we are selecting a salary value for John into a variable called l_salary. 

Then, inside the nested block, we are running an UPDATE statement to update the salary, and then 
writing a message. If this nested block fails, then we write a message explaining the error that 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

This is done so that the UPDATE statement can run and any errors are handled separately. If there is 
an issue updating the data, an error is shown, but the rest of the code keeps running. 

Here's what the output shows: 

1 row(s) updated.

Salary updated.

More code here.

If we change the code to make an error occur on the UPDATE statement, this is what happens: 


l_salary person.salary%TYPE;

l_fname person.fname%TYPE := 'John';


SELECT salary

INTO l_salary

FROM person

WHERE fname = l_fname;


UPDATE person

SET salary = l_salary + 5000

WHERE fname = l_fname;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Salary updated.');



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error updating table: ' || SQLERRM);


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('More code here.');


The output is shown: 

1 row(s) updated.

Error updating table: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision

allowed for this column


PL/SQL Tutorial 

More code here.

This error is shown because the UPDATE statement encountered an error. The error was handled by 
an exception and written to the screen. The rest of the code kept running (the put_line function that 
wrote "More code here"). 

So that's how you can write and use nested blocks. 

Let's take a look at another concept in PL/SQL: packages. 

What is a Package in PL/SQL? 

A package in PL/SQL is an object that groups logically related PL/SQL code. They have two parts: a 
package specification that defines the public interface for the package, and a package body which 
contains the code required for each procedure inside the package. 

If you have experience in other programming languages, you can think of a package as being similar 
(but not the same as) a library. It contains multiple related procedures and the code can be called from 
other PL/SQL code. 

Earlier in this guide, we just learned how to create procedures and functions. These objects are 
created on the database, but are standalone objects and are not inside packages. We'll learn how to 
create packages in this guide. 

Why use Packages? 

There are several reasons why you should use packages for your PL/SQL code: 

Easier to design applications​​: You can write the specification first (the names and parameters) of the 
packages and procedures, and work on the body (the implementation details or code) later, if you like. 

Better performance​​: Package code is loaded into memory when the code is first run. Whenever any 
other code in the package is run, it's accessed from memory. This means it's faster than reading and 
running the code from the disk. 

Hide the details​​: You can provide access to the specification (procedure names and parameters) 
without providing the details of how they work. You can change the details whenever you want, and 
the code that refers to the package does not need to change. 

Modular development​​: You can combine all of the related code into a package to make it easier to 
develop your application. Interfaces between packages can be developed and each package can be 
self-contained, similar to how classes work in object-oriented programming in other languages. 

A package in PL/SQL contains two parts: a package specification and a package body. Let's take a look 
at what these are. 

What is a Package Specification? 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

A package specification in PL/SQL is where public code is declared for a package. It contains any 
variables, functions, and procedures that you want others to know about and access. The functions 
and procedures contain the parameter names and types. This is so other users and programs can 
access them and run them, without knowing the details of how they work. 

How can you create a package specification? 

You use the CREATE PACKAGE statement. It contains the name of the package and any code you 
want to include in the package specification. 

For example, a package for calculating customer order shipping information could be: 

CREATE PACKAGE order_shipping AS

PROCEDURE calc_shipping(dest_country VARCHAR2);

END order_shipping;

This code shows a few things: 

● A new package is created, called order_shipping. 

● It contains a single procedure called calc_shipping. 

● The procedure takes one parameter: dest_country. 

If you're calling this procedure, this is all you need to know. You pass the value for the country and the 
shipping is calculated. 

What is a Package Body? 


A package body contains the implementation details, or code, that the package specification requires. 
This includes the code for each of the procedures or functions, and details of cursors. This is where the 
code inside each of the procedures and functions go. 

A package body is created with the CREATE PACKAGE BODY statement. The declarations of the 
objects in the body must match those of the specification (procedure names, parameters). 

Following on from the earlier example, we can write a package body that details what the 
calc_shipping function does: 


PROCEDURE calc_shipping(dest_country VARCHAR2) AS

l_fee shipping_lookup.shipping_fee%TYPE;


SELECT shipping_fee

INTO l_fee

FROM shipping_lookup


PL/SQL Tutorial 

WHERE source_country = 'USA'

AND destination_country = dest_country;

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Shipping fee is ' || l_fee);


END order_shipping; 

This code looks up the shipping fee from a table and displays it on the screen. If you run this code, it will 
create the package body for this package. 

Note: If you want to drop a package to make changes and create it again, run DROP PACKAGE 

Example of Using a PL/SQL Package 

We have a package and package body declared and created on the database, after running the code 

Let's set up the sample data, and run the package code. 

CREATE TABLE shipping_lookup (

source_country VARCHAR2(100),

destination_country VARCHAR2(100),

shipping_fee NUMBER(10,2)



INTO shipping_lookup (source_country, destination_country, shipping_fee)

VALUES ('USA', 'USA', 5)

INTO shipping_lookup (source_country, destination_country, shipping_fee)

VALUES ('USA', 'UK', 18)

INTO shipping_lookup (source_country, destination_country, shipping_fee)

VALUES ('USA', 'France', 20)

INTO shipping_lookup (source_country, destination_country, shipping_fee)

VALUES ('USA', 'Canada', 7)



PL/SQL Tutorial 

Now we can check the shipping_lookup table. 

SELECT * FROM shipping_lookup;


USA  USA  5 

USA  UK  18 

USA  France  20 

USA  Canada  7 

We should have all we need to run our package code. 

To run your package code, you refer to the package name and procedure name in PL/SQL: 




The output we get is 

Statement processed.

Shipping fee is 18

This shows the shipping fee is 18, which is what our table shows. When we call the package, we don't 
care how the shipping fee is calculated, we only want to get the value. 

Some improvements to this package could be: 

● Return the shipping_fee value from the procedure, rather than show it using PUT_LINE. 

● Add an exception section to handle values that are not found in the table. 

● If the majority of shipping is done from USA but some is done from another country, perhaps 
add the source country as another parameter. 

So that's how you can create a package in PL/SQL. First create the package object, then the package 
body with the details. The packages can then be run from any PL/SQL code block. 


A nested block is a BEGIN/END block within another BEGIN/END block. They are useful for 
containing related code and for handling errors without impacting the entire program. 

Packages are used to contain related functionality, such as variables and procedures. They help with 
application design and performance. A package specification contains the public interface, or what 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

other users can see, such as the procedure names and parameters. The package body contains the 
details of the procedures, including the code inside them. 


Question 1 

Can you have a BEGIN and END block within another BEGIN and END block? 

● Yes, this is called a nested block. 

● Yes, but only if both blocks contain a DECLARE section. 

● Yes, but you can only have two at the most. 

● No, this is not allowed in PL/SQL. 

Question 2 

What is the difference between a package specification and a package body? 

● Nothing, they are two words that mean the same thing. 

● A package specification is part of PL/SQL and a package body is not. 

● A package specification contains the public information, such as function names. A package 
body contains the inner details of those functions. 

● A package specification contains the details of functions, and a package body contains only the 
names and parameters. 

Question 3 

What's wrong with this code? 


PROCEDURE calc_bonus(emp_id NUMBER);

END emp_calc;


PROCEDURE calculate_bonus(emp_id NUMBER) AS



SET bonus = salary * 0.1


PL/SQL Tutorial 

WHERE id = emp_id;


END emp_calc;

● Nothing, it works fine. 

● You can't call an UPDATE statement inside a package. 

● The procedure name in the body is different to the specification. 

● You can't use parameters for procedures in packages. 

Question 4 

What happens if an error is found in a nested block, and it is handled by the EXCEPTION section and is 
passed to a DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE function? 

● The error is raised in the main block as well, and if it is not handled, it will cause an error in the 
entire program. 

● Nothing, the error is already handled so no extra treatment is needed. 

● This is not valid as errors can't be handled in nested blocks. 

● The error is raised in the main block and causes an error there, regardless of what code exists. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 


Thanks for reading and following along with this PL/SQL tutorial. I hope it's been helpful to you in 
learning PL/SQL. It covers all of the basics, and is enough to get you started with writing PL/SQL code 
and working with applications that use this code. 

Thanks again! 

Ben Brumm 


Quiz Answers 

Here are the answers to the quiz questions in this guide. The bolded answers are the correct answers. 

Chapter 1 

Question 1: 

What does PL/SQL stand for? 

● Powerful Loads of Structured Query Language 

● Procedural Language Structured Query Language 

● Packaged Language Structured Query Language 

● Printable Language Structured Query Language 

Question 2: 

What keyword is used to start the executable section of a PL/SQL program? 


● RUN 


● END 

Question 3: 

What is the built-in function used for displaying output to the screen? 



PL/SQL Tutorial 




Question 4: 

What's missing from this simple Hello World program? 




● There is no START keyword. 

● There is no text value or brackets for the PUT_LINE function. 

● Nothing, it will run successfully. 

● There is no function called PUT_LINE. 

Chapter 2 

Question 1: 

What keyword is used to start the section where variables are created? 





Question 2: 

What do you need to include when declaring a variable? 

● The name of the variable and the data type are required. 

● The name, data type, and the value are all required 

● The name of the variable is required. 

● The name, data type, the value, and the word CONSTANT are all required. 

Question 3: 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

What is a constant? 

● An area in memory that stores a value for your program and can be changed in your program. 

● A variable in your program that cannot be changed once it is set. 

● A function that displays data to the screen. 

● A way to join two values together into one. 

Question 4: 

What's wrong with this code? 


l_radius NUMBER(8); 


DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('The diameter is ' || 2 * l_radius); 


● Nothing. It will run and display the value of 16, because l_radius is set to 8 and the function 
multiplies it by 2. 

● The code will run, but it won't display a number because the value of l_radius is not set. 

● The code will run and display a value of 2. 

● The code will not run because you can't concatenate a text value with a number value. 

Chapter 3 

Question 1: 

What is the keyword used as part of an IF statement that runs code if none of the provided conditions 
are met? 




● END 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Question 2: 

What does the FOR statement do? 

● Initialises a variable 

● Checks if a condition is true or false, and runs the code inside one time if it is true 

● Starts a loop and runs the code inside many times until the criteria is false 

● Sets up the data required to send an email 

Question 3: 

Which of the following pieces of code will correctly check that two conditions are true in an IF 

● IF (l_input > 10) (l_input < 20) THEN 

● IF (l_input > 10 & l_input < 20) THEN 

● IF (l_input > 10 < 20) THEN 

● IF (l_input > 10 AND l_input < 20) THEN 

Question 4: 

What is wrong with this code? 


l_loop_counter NUMBER(3) := 8;


WHILE (l_loop_counter < 5) LOOP

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Loop number: ' || l_loop_counter);

l_loop_counter := l_loop_counter + 1;



● It will run but no output is shown. 

● Nothing, it will run successfully and show five lines of output. 

● It will run but cause an infinite loop. 

● It will run and show eight lines of output. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

Chapter 4 

Question 1 

Which one of these statements is true about the differences between a procedure and a function? 

● They are both the same. 

● Functions must have a RETURN value, but procedures don't need one. 

● Procedures can only take IN parameters and not OUT parameters. 

● Procedures can be used in regular SQL, but functions cannot. 

Question 2 

What does the OR REPLACE keyword do as part of the CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE 
FUNCTION statement? 

● It replaces the existing object with the one you have defined in the statement if it already 

● Nothing, this keyword is not valid. 

● Nothing, it's a valid keyword but does not apply to procedures or functions. 

● It determines if your code will insert new data into a table or update existing data. 

Question 3 

What is an exception? 

● An error that happens when you create your procedure or function, such as a missing bracket. 

● The part of an IF statement that runs if no criteria are met. 

● An error that happens while your code is running. 

● A collection of data that is not inserted into a table. 

Question 4 

How can you run the code in a procedure? 

● Run the "CALL procedure_name" statement. 

● It's run automatically when you create the procedure. 

● Run the "RUN procedure_name" statement. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

● You can't run procedures, you can only run functions. 

Chapter 5 

Question 1 

How can you declare an explicit cursor? 

● cursor_name IS select_query; 

● cursor_name := select_query; 

● cursor_name IS TYPE OF explicit_cursor; 

● You can't, because explicit cursors are created automatically by Oracle. 

Question 2 

What does the %FOUND attribute of a cursor do? 

● Returns the data from the cursor. 

● Returns the number of rows found by the cursor 

● Nothing, it won't work because it needs to be written in lowercase. 

● Returns true if at least one row is impacted by the query, otherwise it shows false 

Question 3 

What does this code do? 

TYPE id_arraytype IS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER(4);

id_array id_arraytype;

● Nothing, it will show an error 

● It will declare a new type of an array of numbers, and a new variable of that type 

● It declares a new type of array, but does not declare a variable of that type 

● It creates a new table with two columns, one as an array and the other as a number. 

Question 4 

How can you get the number of rows impacted by an INSERT statement in your PL/SQL code? 

● Use the sql%ROWCOUNT attribute. 

● SELECT from the table to find rows inserted today. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

● You can't. 

● Use the sql%NUMROWS attribute. 

Chapter 6 

Question 1 

What does %TYPE let you do? 

● Nothing, it's not a valid command in PL/SQL. 

● It lets you declare a variable that is based on the data type of a column. 

● It lets you declare a variable that is based on the data type of all columns in a table. 

● It lets you define a variable as being entered or typed in by the user. 

Question 2 

What's one difference between Index By Table and Nested Table? 

● An Index By Table lets you specify the data type of the index. 

● Nothing, they are both the same 

● A Nested Table only works with nested SQL statements 

● An Index By Table needs a table with an index on it. 

Question 3 

What's wrong with this code (assuming the emp_list exists and the employee table exists)? 

FORALL i IN 1 .. emp_list.count LOOP

UPDATE employee

SET years = years + 1

WHERE emp_name = emp_list.emp_name;


● You can't run a FORALL statement on an UPDATE statement. 

● The FORALL keyword doesn't exist. 

● FORALL is not a loop so it should not have the LOOP and END LOOP statements. 


PL/SQL Tutorial 

● Nothing, it will run successfully. 

Question 4 

Why should you use BULK COLLECT? 

● To reduce the switching between PL/SQL code and SQL code. 

● You shouldn't use it at all as it's slow. 

● To get data from large tables, but not small tables. 

● It's required to declare collection variables. 

Chapter 7 

Question 1 

Can you have a BEGIN and END block within another BEGIN and END block? 

● Yes, this is called a nested block. 

● Yes, but only if both blocks contain a DECLARE section. 

● Yes, but you can only have two at the most. 

● No, this is not allowed in PL/SQL. 

Question 2 

What is the difference between a package specification and a package body? 

● Nothing, they are two words that mean the same thing. 

● A package specification is part of PL/SQL and a package body is not. 

● A package specification contains the public information, such as function names. A package 
body contains the inner details of those functions. 

● A package specification contains the details of functions, and a package body contains only the 
names and parameters. 

Question 3 

What's wrong with this code? 


PROCEDURE calc_bonus(emp_id NUMBER);


PL/SQL Tutorial 

END emp_calc;


PROCEDURE calculate_bonus(emp_id NUMBER) AS



SET bonus = salary * 0.1

WHERE id = emp_id;


END emp_calc;

● Nothing, it works fine. 

● You can't call an UPDATE statement inside a package. 

● The procedure name in the body is different to the specification. 

● You can't use parameters for procedures in packages. 

Question 4 

What happens if an error is found in a nested block, and it is handled by the EXCEPTION section and is 
passed to a DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE function? 

● The error is raised in the main block as well, and if it is not handled, it will cause an error in the 
entire program. 

● Nothing, the error is already handled so no extra treatment is needed. 

● This is not valid as errors can't be handled in nested blocks. 

● The error is raised in the main block and causes an error there, regardless of what code exists. 


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