Affidavit Sample

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Republic oI the Philippines )

) S.S.


I, ______________________, minor, Filipino citizen, and herein assisted by my guardian,
, oI legal age, Filipino citizen, married and with residence and
postal address at , aIter being duly sworn to in
accordance with law, depose and say, that:

1. I am the daughter oI , who is presently based in Spain;

2. I am being petitioned by my mother to go and live with her in Spain;

3. One oI the requirements Ior me to be able to obtain a VISA Irom the aIorementioned
country is the submission oI a medical clearance / report;

4. On June 9, 2010 I underwent a thorough physical examination, X-ray, ECG and
Laboratory Examination Report with the Baguio Doctors Medical Laboratories situated at
Rm. 214 G.P. Shopping Arcade, Upper Mabini St., Baguio City;

5. Accordingly, the Medical Doctor oI the Baguio Doctors Medical Laboratories had issued
a certiIication that I am FIT TO TRAVEL;

6. On June 12, 2010, I was given a blood test by a licensed physician accredited with the
Medical Doctor oI the Baguio Doctors Medical Laboratories Ior the purpose oI detecting
the presence oI the AIDS antibodies and that no evidence oI the virus AIDS was Iound;

7. Lastly, on June 15, 2010 I have undergone drug test with the Department oI Health
Anti-Drug Testing Laboratory situated at No. 24 Upper Engineer`s Hill, Baguio City and
that the results oI the tests administered to me turned out to be 'NEGATIVE

8. I am executing this aIIidavit to attest to the truth and veracity oI all the Ioregoing and Ior
all legal intent and purposes.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18
day oI June 2010, at
Baguio City, Philippines.

Assisted by:


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO, personally beIore me this 18
day oI June 2010, at
Baguio City, Philippines. AIIiant who is personally known to me signed the document in my presence
and avowed under penalty oI law to the whole truth oI the contents oI the Ioregoing document.

Doc. No. ;
Page No. ;
Book No. ;
Series oI .

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