Researck Work

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Dr. Shubnandan S Jamwal, Vinay Kumar, Sunil Bhardwaj, Rohit Bhagat

IV. Research Work: The objective of our research work is to study the online shopping behaviour of consumers keeping in mind certain factors like their familiarity with online shopping, frequency of online shopping, their tendency for online shopping, security issues like probability of theft & leakage of data of credit cards/passwords etc. In current study, hard copy 460 questionnaires were distributed for survey out of which 340 were found valid. Out of 340 respondents 70% were using Internet service for more than 2-5 hours per week. But out of total respondents only 21.4% were making online purchasing and 79.6% were reluctant to use internet service for purchases. The issues considered in the current study are 1. Awareness 2. Security 3. Issues related to trust and reliability of shopping sites 4. Convenience 5. Need for non interruption & respect 6. Need for economic benefits 7. Need for achievement 1. Awareness: Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects or sensory patterns. In awareness our motive is to study the how familiar the respondents are with online shopping, how familiar they are with shopping websites, how long they have been using the internet, how much they spent on online shopping per week & so on. The findings are shown in figure 1.

2011 Journal Anu Books

Research Cell: An International Journal of Engineering Sciences ISSN: 2229-6913 Issue Sept 2011, Vol. 4


Figure 1

2. Security: Consumer fears related to online shopping which includes security of online payment system, difficulty in online refunds and probability of theft and leakage of data were studied. The observations are depicted in figure 2.

Figure 2

3. Trust & Reliability of shopping sites: Mayer et al. Defined trust as the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the action of another party based on the expectations that the other party will perform a particular action important to the trustors ability to monitor or control that other party[14].
2011 Journal Anu Books

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