Welcome To: Catholic Church at Fort Gordon, GA
Welcome To: Catholic Church at Fort Gordon, GA
Welcome To: Catholic Church at Fort Gordon, GA
Scripture If he cries out to me, I will hear him; for I am compassionate." (Exodus 22:26) O LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. (Psalm 18:3) For from you the word of the Lord has sounded forth (1 Thessalonians 1:8) You shall love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39) Reflection How do you mirror Christs compassion? In what ways do you live your faith in God? How do you perceive the work of God operating in you?
The secret of my identity is hidden in the love and mercy of God. His infinite simplicity admits no division and no distinction. Therefore I cannot hope to find myself anywhere except in Him. All my existence, my peace and happiness depend on discovering myself in discovering God. That is something that no one can ever do alone. The only One Who can teach me to find God is God, Himself, Alone.1
Merton, Thomas, New Seeds of Contemplation, New York: New Directions 1961.
Retrieved from For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh, ParishVision Llc 2011 Visit ParishVision.org.
Question: Why Three Masses on All Souls Day? On the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed the Church gathers in solemn suffrage for the souls in purgatory, and the liturgy should express this clearly. On this day every priest may celebrate three Requiem Masses: (1) for a specific intention, (2) for all the faithful departed and (3) for the Holy Father's intentions. This privilege was granted by Pope Benedict XV in Incruentum altaris (1915) and has never been revoked. The color of the day is black or violet.1 Flowers are not placed on or near the main altar, and the organ or other instruments are only used to sustain singing.2 It also seems preferable to use simpler candlesticks on or around the altar. Retrieved from http://www.catholicculture.org/
Pastor: Fr. Damian Ilokaba (706) 791-4307 Co-Pastor: Fr. Samuel Aniekwe (706) 791-4307 Co-Pastor: Fr. Joseph Lea (267)243-5861 NCOIC: SSG. Clarence Slaughter (706) 791-4308 Chapel Clerk: Vacant (706) 791-2945 Deacons: - George Foster (706) 860-2379 - Mike Marchek (706) 855-2107 - David Kriegel (706) 869-9781 PLC: Lola Rivera (706)-993-1816 [email protected] RE Coordinator: Sherry Wodicka (706) 726-0651 [email protected] Music Director: Sonia Rivera (706) 627-0637 MCCW: Kim Besel [email protected] Knights of Columbus: Allen Larson [email protected] Youth Ministry: Nisa Vera [email protected] EME: Judy Kriegel, (706) 869-9781 Altar Servers: Alex Besel [email protected], (706) 855-9275 Lectors: Tom Dean, (706) 860-6946 Ushers: Ron Shannon 706-868-5960 Flowers Ministry: Sherry Wodicka [email protected] Editor: Lola Rivera (443) 223-1125 [email protected]
(COL) JEFF LEPAK, PRESIDENT [email protected] HERMAN GONZALEZ, VICE-P [email protected] LOREN SIMPSON, SECRETARY [email protected] TINA RABY, FINANCIAL ADVISOR [email protected]
Dont forget to set your clocks back an hour on November 6th, 2011, 2 A.M. back to 1A.M.
Christmas Poinsettias
Immaculate Conception Catholic School is again selling Christmas Poinsettias. A 24-inch poinsettia sells for $20. Plants are available in four colors: red, white, marbled, and pink. You may purchase through a student or call Immaculate Conception to place your order (706-7229964 or fax 706-722-9994). Order forms are available on our website - www.icaugusta.org. All orders should be picked up at the school (811 Telfair Street) on November 30th or December 1st between 8am and 4pm.
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Lunch is $15 and it will be accepted at the door. For more information, call (706) 791-1950/12654
Abortion Alternatives
Birthright of Augusta (706) 733-LOVE Birthright national (1-800) 550-4900 Augusta Care Pregnancy Center (706) 724-3733
Post-Abortion Alternatives
Rachels Vineyard 1-877-HOPE-4-ME
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Priesthood Sunday Celebration
Priesthood Sunday is coming up on October 30th! You are encouraged to thank our priests for their wonderful ministry and dedication. Please write a note to our priest , put it into our baskets at the door, or send it to the PLC at your convenience. We will present them to them at the 10 AM Mass. Join us after Mass in the activity room for breakfast. All invited!
Knights of Columbus
Please know that our next meeting will be on Tuesday November 8th, 2011 in Bldg. 13 at 1830. Social and the meeting starts at 1900 hours. Contact the Grand Knight Al Larson at [email protected] if you have any question.
Bible Study
St. Michaels Bible Study is on Tuesdays at 7:30pm. We are studying a Bible Study on the Books of Hebrews.
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Please remember in your prayers all those who are deployed, their families and friends during their deployments. If your love one is one of them, or you know any deployed military personnel send us his or her name, so we can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer request to [email protected]. Susan Wersal SSG Carl W. Thompson COL Michael Apicella CW2 Clarence W. Raby, III COL William Walker SPC Brendan G. Fitzpatrick SFC Nathan Varner SrA James Varner HM1 Genell Cody
Alicia Sanchez
Kirsten Fontimayor
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the Divine Power of God thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Weekend Masses Saturday 17:00 Sunday 08:30 & 10:00 Daily Mass Mon, Wed, Thurs. 11:30 Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45 Penance/ Reconciliation Saturday 16:00 Sunday 08:00 (Also by Appointment) Rosary Saturday 16:30 Sunday 08:00 Communion (Sick/Homebound): Deacon George Foster Weddings Deacon George Foster Baptisms Deacon Mike Marchek Liturgy Deacon David Kriegel Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Deacon Mike Marchek
Bulletin Announcements
Bulletin announcements must be submitted to [email protected] by Sunday 3pm.