Transport Layer Identification of P2P Traffic

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Transport Layer Identication of P2P Trafc

Thomas Karagiannis UC Riverside Andre Broido CAIDA, SDSC Michalis Faloutsos UC Riverside Kc claffy CAIDA, SDSC

Since the emergence of peer-to-peer (P2P) networking in the late 90s, P2P applications have multiplied, evolved and established themselves as the leading growth app of Internet trac workload. In contrast to rst-generation P2P networks which used well-dened port numbers, current P2P applications have the ability to disguise their existence through the use of arbitrary ports. As a result, reliable estimates of P2P trac require examination of packet payload, a methodological landmine from legal, privacy, technical, logistic, and scal perspectives. Indeed, access to user payload is often rendered impossible by one of these factors, inhibiting trustworthy estimation of P2P trac growth and dynamics. In this paper, we develop a systematic methodology to identify P2P ows at the transport layer, i.e., based on connection patterns of P2P networks, and without relying on packet payload. We believe our approach is the rst method for characterizing P2P trac using only knowledge of network dynamics rather than any user payload. To evaluate our methodology, we also develop a payload technique for P2P trac identication, by reverse engineering and analyzing the nine most popular P2P protocols, and demonstrate its ecacy with the discovery of P2P protocols in our traces that were previously unknown to us. Finally, our results indicate that P2P trac continues to grow unabatedly, contrary to reports in the popular media.



Categories and Subject Descriptors

C.2.5 [Computer-Communication Networks]: Local and WideArea Networks

General Terms
Algorithms, Measurement

Peer-to-peer, Measurements, Trac classication

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the rst page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specic permission and/or a fee. IMC04, October 2527, 2004, Taormina, Sicily, Italy. Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-821-0/04/0010 ...$5.00.

Over the last few years, peer-to-peer (P2P) le-sharing has relentlessly grown to represent a formidable component of Internet trac. P2P volume is suciently dominant on some links to incent increased local peering among Internet Service Providers [24], to observable yet unquantied eect on the global Internet topology and routing system not to mention competitive market dynamics. Despite this dramatic growth, reliable proling of P2P trac remains elusive. We no longer enjoy the eeting benet of rstgeneration P2P trac, which was relatively easily classied due to its use of well-dened port numbers. Current P2P networks tend to intentionally disguise their generated trac to circumvent both ltering rewalls as well as legal issues most emphatically articulated by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Not only do most P2P networks now operate on top of nonstandard, customdesigned proprietary protocols, but also current P2P clients can easily operate on any port number, even HTTPs port 80. These circumstances portend a frustrating conclusion: robust identication of P2P trac is only possible by examining user payload. Yet packet payload capture and analysis poses a set of often insurmountable methodological landmines: legal, privacy, technical, logistic, and nancial obstacles abound, and overcoming them leaves the task of reverse engineering a growing number of poorly documented P2P protocols. Further obfuscating workload characterization attempts is the increasing tendency of P2P protocols to support payload encryption. Indeed, the frequency with which P2P protocols are introduced and/or upgraded renders packet payload analysis not only impractical but also glaringly inecient. In this paper we develop a systematic methodology to identify P2P ows at the transport layer, i.e., based on ow connection patterns of P2P trac, and without relying on packet payload. The signicance of our algorithm lies in its ability to identify P2P protocols without depending on their underlying format, which oers a distinct advantage over payload analysis: we can identify previously unknown P2P protocols. In fact during our analysis we detected trac of three distinct P2P protocols previously unknown to us. To validate our methodology we also developed a payload-based technique for P2P trac identication, by reverse engineering and analyzing the nine most popular P2P protocols. Specically, the highlights of our paper include: We develop a systematic methodology for P2P trac proling by identifying ow patterns and character-

Set Bb Date D09N 2 2003-05-07 D09S 2 2003-05-07 D10N 2 2004-01-22 D10S 2 2004-01-22 D11S 2 2004-02-25 D13N 2 2004-04-21 D13S 2 2004-04-21

Day Wed Wed Thu Thu Wed Wed Wed

Start Dur 10:00 2h 10:00 2h 14:00 60 m 14:00 60 m 10:00 2h 20:00 122 m 20:00 122 m

Table 1: Bulk sizes of OC-48 datasets

Nbd Sbd Nbd Sbd Sbd Nbd Sbd Dir (1) (0) (1) (0) (0) (1) (0) Src.IP Dst.IP 904 K 2992 K 466 K 2527 K 812 K 2181 K 279 K 4177 K 410 K 7465 K 1971 K 6956 K 306 K 10847 K Flows 56.7 M 47.3 M 23.6 M 18.6 M 25.3 M 86.4 M 27.8 M

Packets 930.4 M 624.2 M 412.7 M 252.7 M 249.6 M 1263 M 266.4 M

Bytes 603 G 340 G 288 G 117 G 98.5 G 852 G 106 G

Aver.Util. 651 Mbps 376 Mbps 638.9 Mbps 260.4 Mbps 109.4 Mbps 930.6 Mbps 115.5 Mbps

Ut.% 26.2 15.1 25.7 10.5 4.4 37.4 4.6

istics of P2P behavior, without examination of user payload. Our methodology eectively identies 99% of P2P ows and more than 95% of P2P bytes (compared to payload analysis), while limiting false positives to under 10%. Our methodology is capable of identifying P2P ows missed by payload analysis. Using our methodology we identify approximately 10% additional P2P ows over payload analysis. Using data collected at an OC48 (2.5Gbps) link of a Tier1 Internet Service Provider (ISP), we provide realistic estimates and trends of P2P trac in the widearea Internet over the last few years. We nd that in contrast to claims of a sharp decline, P2P trac has been constantly growing. Our methodology can be expanded to support proling of various types of trac. Since mapping applications by port numbers is no longer substantially valid, a generalized version of our algorithm can support trac characterization tasks beyond P2P workload. Indeed, to minimize false positives in P2P trac identication, we assess, and then lter by, connection features of numerous protocols and applications (such as mail or DNS). The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 describes our backbone traces, which span from May 2003 to April 2004. Section 3 discusses previous work in P2P trac estimation and analysis. Sections 4 and 5 describe in detail our payload and nonpayload methodologies for P2P trac identication. Section 6 presents an evaluation of our algorithm by comparing the volume of P2P identied by our methods. In section 7 we challenge media claims that the pervasive litigation undertaken by the RIAA is causing an overall decline in P2P le-sharing activity. Section 8 concludes our paper.

However, approximately 60%-80% of the packets in these traces are encapsulated with an extra 4-byte MPLS label which leaves no space for payload bytes. Fortunately we were able to capture the February and April 2004 traces (D11 and D13) with 16 bytes of TCP/UDP payload which allows us to evaluate our nonpayload methodology. To protect privacy, our monitoring system anonymized the IP addresses in these traces using the Cryptographybased Prex-preserving Anonymization algorithm (CryptoPAn) [33].



Most P2P trac research has thus far emphasized detailed characterization of a small subset of P2P protocols and/or networks [18] [14], often motivated by the dominance of that protocol in a particular providers infrastructure or during a specic time period. Typical data sources range from academic network connections [27], [20] to Tier 2 ISPs [21]. Other P2P measurement studies have focused on topological characteristics of P2P networks based on ow level analysis [29], or investigating properties such as bottleneck bandwidths [27], the possibility of caching [21], or the availability and retrieval of content [3] [12]. Recently, Sen et al. developed a signature-based payload methodology [28] to identify P2P trac. The authors focus on TCP signatures that characterize le downloads in ve P2P protocols based on the examination of user payload. The methodology in [28] is similar to our payload analysis and it is further discussed in section 4. A number of Sprint studies [8] report on P2P trac as observed in a major Tier 1 provider backbone. However, their volume estimates taxonomize applications based on xed port numbers from CoralReefs database [22], which captures a small and decreasing fraction of p2p trac. Our approach diers from previous work in three ways: We analyze trac sources of exceptionally high diversity, from major Tier 1 ISPs at the Internet core. We study all popular P2P applications available: Neither of our methodologies (payload and nonpayload) are limited to a subset of P2P networks. On the contrary we study those P2P applications that currently contribute the vast majority of P2P trac. We combine and cross-validate identication methods that use xed ports, payload, and transport layer dynamics.



Part of the analyzed traces in this paper are included in CAIDAs Backbone Data Kit (BDK) [1], consisting of packet traces captured at an OC-48 link of a Tier 1 US ISP connecting POPs from San Jose, California to Seattle, Washington. Table 1 lists general workload dimensions of our datasets: counts of distinct source and destination IP addresses and the numbers of ows, packets, and bytes observed. We processed traces with CAIDAs Coral Reef suite [19]. We analyze traces taken on May 5, 2003 (D09), January 22, 2004 (D10) February 25, 2004 (D11) and April 21,2004 (D13). We captured the traces with Dag 4 monitors [13] and packet capture software from the University of Waikato and Endace [11] that supports observation of one or both directions of the link. For our older traces (D01-D10), our monitors captured 44 bytes of each packet, which includes IP and TCP/UDP headers and an initial 4 bytes of payload for some packets.



Our payload analysis of P2P trac is based on identifying characteristic bit strings in packet payload that potentially represent control trac of P2P protocols. We monitor the nine most popular P2P protocols: eDonkey [9] (also includes

the Overnet and eMule [10] networks), Fasttrack which is supported by the Kazaa client, BitTorrent [4], OpenNap and WinMx [32], Gnutella, MP2P [23], Soulseek [30], Ares [2] and Direct Connect [7]. Each of these P2P networks operate on top of nonstandard, usually custom-designed proprietary protocols. Hence, payload identication of P2P trac requires separate analysis of the various P2P protocols to identify the specic packet format used in each case. This section describes limitations that inhibit accurate identication of P2P trac at the link level. In addition, we present our methodology to identify P2P ows.

Table 2:

Strings at the beginning of the payload of P2P

protocols. The character 0x below implies Hex strings. P2P Protocol eDonkey2000 Fasttrack BitTorrent Gnutella MP2P Direct Connect Ares String 0xe319010000 0xc53f010000 Get /.hash 0x270000002980 0x13Bit GNUT, GIV GND GO!!, MD5, SIZ0x20 $MyN,$Dir $SR GET hash: Get sha1: Trans. prot. TCP/UDP TCP UDP TCP TCP UDP TCP TCP UDP TCP Def. ports 4661-4665 1214 6881-6889 6346-6347 41170 UDP 411-412 -



We had to carefully consider several issues throughout our study. While some of these restrictions are data related, others originate from the nature of P2P protocols. Specically, these limitations are the following: Captured payload size: CAIDA monitors capture the rst 16 bytes of user payload1 of each packet (see section 2) for our February and April traces. While our payload heuristics would be capable of eectively identifying all P2P packets if the whole payload were available, this 16-byte payload restriction limits the number of heuristics that can reliably pinpoint P2P ows. Furthermore, our older traces (May 2003, January 2004) only contain 4 bytes of payload for a limited number of packets, since our monitors were used to capture 44 bytes for each packet (e.g., TCP options will push payload bytes out of the captured segment. Limitations for our older traces are described in detail in section 7). HTTP requests: Several P2P protocols use HTTP requests and responses to transfer les, and it can be impossible to distinguish such P2P trac from typical web trac given only 16 bytes of payload, e.g., HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content could represent either HTTP or P2P . Encryption: An increasing number of P2P protocols rely on encryption and SSL to transmit packets and les. Payload string matching misses all P2P encrypted packets. Other P2P protocols: The widespread use of le-sharing and P2P applications yields a broad variety of P2P protocols. Thus our analysis of the top nine P2P protocols cannot guarantee identication of all P2P ows, especially given the diversity of the OC48 backbone link. However, our experience with P2P applications and trac analysis convinces us that these nine protocols represent the vast majority of current P2P trac. Unidirectional traces: Some of our traces reect only one direction of the monitored link. In these cases we cannot identify ows that carry the TCP acknowledgment stream of a P2P download, since there is no payload. Even if we monitored both directions of the link, asymmetric routing renders it unlikely to nd both streams (data and acknowledgment) of a TCP ow on the same link. We can overcome these limitations with our nonpayload methodology described in section 5.

P2P protocols is generally poor, we empirically derived a set of distinctive bit strings for each case by monitoring both TCP and UDP trac using tcpdump[31] after installing various P2P clients. Table 2 lists a subset of these strings for some of the analyzed protocols for TCP and UDP. Table 2 also presents the well-known ports for these P2P protocols. The complete list of bit strings we used is in [17]. We classify packets into ows, dened by the 5-tuple source IP, destination IP, protocol, source port and destination port. We use the commonly accepted 64-second ow timeout [6], i.e., if no packet arrives in a specic ow for 64 seconds, the ow expires. To address the limitations described in the previous section, we apply three dierent methods to estimate P2P trac, listed by increasing levels of aggressiveness as to which ows it classies as P2P : M1: If a source or destination port number of a ow matches one of the well-known port numbers (Table 2) the ow is agged as P2P. M2: We compare the payload (if any) of each packet in a ow against our table of strings. In case of a match between the 16-byte payload of a packet and one of our bit strings, we ag the ow as P2P with the corresponding protocol, e.g., Fasttrack, eDonkey, etc. If none of the packets match, we classify the ow as non-P2P. M3: If a ow is agged as P2P, both source and destination IP addresses of this ow are hashed into a table. All ows that contain an IP address in this table are agged as possible P2P even if there is no payload match. To avoid recursive misclassication of non-P2P ows as P2P, we perform this type of IP tracking only for host IPs that M2 identied as P2P . In all P2P networks, P2P clients maintain a large number of connections open even if there are no active le transfers. There is thus increased probability that a host identied as P2P from M2 will participate in other P2P ows. These ows will be agged as possible P2P in M3. On the other hand, a P2P user may be browsing the web or sending email while connected to a P2P network. Thus, to minimize false positives we exclude from M3 all ows whose source or destination port implies web, mail, FTP, SSL, DNS (i.e., ports 80, 8000, 8080, 25, 110, 21, 22, 443, 53) for TCP and online gaming and DNS (e.g., 27015-27050, 53) for UDP 2 . In general, we believe that M3 will provide an estimate closer to the real intensity of P2P trac, especially with limSince nothing prevents P2P clients from using these ports also, excluding specic protocols by looking at port numbers may result in underestimating P2P ows.



Our analysis is based on identifying specic bit strings in the application-level user data. Since documentation for Privacy issues and agreement with the ISP prohibit the examination of more bytes of user payload.

ited 4-byte payload traces, while M2 provides a loose lower bound on P2P volume. M3 takes advantage of our ability to identify IPs participating in P2P ows as determined by M2, facilitating identication of ows for which payload analysis fails. M3 is used only in section 7, where we examine the evolution of the volume of P2P trac. In that section, we use M3 to overcome the problem of the limited 4-byte payload in our older traces. For all other analysis, payload P2P estimates are strictly based on payload string matching, namely M2. Recently, Sen et al. developed a similar signature-based payload methodology [28]. The authors concentrate on TCP signatures that characterize le downloads in ve P2P protocols and identify P2P trac based on the examination of all user payload bytes. [28] describes a subset of the signatures included in our methodology, since we also use UDP-based as well as protocol signaling signatures for a larger number of P2P protocols/networks (e.g., the WinMx/OpenNap network is not analyzed in [28], although it corresponds to a signicant portion of P2P trac [16]). On the other hand, [28] presents the advantage of examining all user payload bytes. While examining all bytes of the payload should increase the amount of identied P2P trac, we expect only a minimum dierence in the number of identied P2P ows between [28] and the methodology described in this section. First, characteristic signatures or bit strings of P2P packets appear at the beginning of user payload; thus, 16 bytes of payload should be sucient to capture the majority of P2P ows. Second, we expect that missed ows due to the payload limitation will be identied by our M3 method and/or by TCP and UDP control trac originating from the specic IPs.

Table 3:

Excluded ports for TCP/UDP IP pairs heuristic. Ports Application 135,137,139,445 NETBIOS 53 DNS 123 NTP 500 ISAKMP 554,7070,1755,6970,5000,5001 streaming 7000, 7514, 6667 IRC 6112, 6868, 6899 gaming 3531 p2pnetworking.exe

Identication of potential P2P pairs: We ag potential ows as P2P based on TCP/UDP usage and the {IP, port} connection characteristics. False positives: We eliminate false positives by comparing agged P2P ows against our set of heuristics that identify mail servers, DNS ows, malware, etc.


TCP/UDP IP pairs



We now describe our nonpayload methodology for P2P trac proling (PTP). Our method only examines the packet header to detect P2P ows, and does not in any way examine user payload. To our knowledge, this is a rst attempt to identity P2P ows on arbitrary ports without any inspection of user payload. Our heuristics are based on observing connection patterns of source and destination IPs. While some of these patterns are not unique to P2P hosts, examining the ow history of IPs can help eliminate false positives and reveal distinctive features. We employ two main heuristics that examine the behavior of two dierent types of pairs of ow keys. The rst examines source-destination IP pairs that use both TCP and UDP to transfer data (TCP/UDP heuristic, section 5.1). The second is based on how P2P peers connect to each other by studying connection characteristics of {IP, port} pairs (section 5.2). A high level description of our algorithm is as follows: Data processing: We build the ow table as we observe packets cross the link, based on 5-tuples, similar to the payload method. At the same time we collect information on various characteristics of {IP, port} pairs, including the sets of distinct IPs and ports that an {IP, port} pair is connected to, packet sizes used and transferred ow sizes.

Our rst heuristic identies source-destination IP pairs that use both TCP and UDP transport protocols. Six out of nine analyzed P2P protocols use both TCP and UDP as layer-4 transport protocols. These protocols include eDonkey, Fasttrack, WinMx, Gnutella, MP2P and Direct Connect. Generally, control trac, queries and query-replies use UDP, and actual data transfers use TCP. To identify P2P hosts we can thus look for pairs of source-destination hosts that use both transport protocols (TCP and UDP). While concurrent usage of both TCP and UDP is denitely typical for the aforementioned P2P protocols, it is also used for other application layer protocols such as DNS or streaming media. To determine non-P2P applications in our traces that use both transport protocols, we examined all source-destination host pairs for which both TCP and UDP ows exist. We found that besides P2P protocols, only a few applications use both TCP and UDP transport protocols: DNS, NETBIOS, IRC, gaming and streaming, which collectively typically use a small set of port numbers such as 135, 137, 139, 445, 53, 3531, etc. Table 3 lists all such applications found, together with their well-known ports. Port 445 is related to the Microsoft NETBIOS service. Port 3531 is used by an application called p2pnetworking.exe which is automatically installed by Kazaa. Although p2pnetworking.exe is related to P2P trac, we choose to exclude it from our analysis since it is not under user control3 and specic only to the Kazaa client. Excluding ows using ports presented in Table 3, 98.5% of the remaining IP source-destination pairs that use both TCP and UDP in our traces are P2P, based on the payload analysis with M2 described in Section 4. In summary, if a source-destination IP pair concurrently uses both TCP and UDP as transport protocols, we consider ows between this pair P2P so long as the source or destination ports are not in the set in Table 3.


{IP, port} pairs Our second heuristic is based on monitoring connection patterns of {IP, port} pairs. Since the lawsuit against Napster, the prevalence of centralized P2P networks has decreased dramatically, and distributed or hybrid P2P networks have emerged. To connect to these distributed networks, each P2P client maintains a The user cannot change the port number or control its functionality, and all ows of p2p.networking.exe use port 3531.

Figure 1:

Initial connection from a new P2P host A to the P2P network. Host A connects to a superpeer picked from its host cache. Peer A informs the superpeer of its IP address and the port willing to accept connections from other peers. The superpeer propagates the {IP, port} pair to the rest of the P2P network. Peers willing to connect to host A, use the advertised {IP, port} pair. For the {IP, port} pair {A,1}, the number of distinct IPs (C,B) connected to it is equal to the number of distinct ports (10,15) used to connect to it. Our {IP, port} pair heuristic is based on such equality between the number of distinct ports and the number of distinct IPs aliated with a pair in order to identify potential P2P pairs.

starting host cache. Depending on the network, the host cache may contain the IP addresses of other peers, servers or supernodes/superpeers.4 This pool of hosts facilitates the initial connection of the new peer to the existing P2P network. As soon as a connection exists to one of the IPs in the host cache (we will henceforth refer to these IPs as superpeers), the new host A informs that superpeer of its IP address and port number at which it will accept connections from peers. Host A also provides other information specic to each P2P protocol but not relevant here. While in rst-generation P2P networks the listening port was well-dened and specic to each network, simplifying P2P trac classication, newer versions of all P2P clients allow the user to congure a random port number (some clients even advise users to change the port number to disguise their trac). The superpeer must propagate this information, mainly the {IP, port} pair of the new host A, to the rest of the network. This {IP, port} pair is essentially the new hosts ID, which other peers need to use to connect to it. In summary, when a P2P host initiates either a TCP or a UDP connection to peer A, the destination port will also be the advertised listening port of host A, and the source port will be an ephemeral random port chosen by the client. Normally, peers maintain at most one TCP connection to each other peer, but there may also be a UDP ow to the same peer, as described previously. Keeping in mind that multiple connections between peers is rare in our data sets, we consider what happens when twenty peers all connect to peer A. Each peer will select a temporary source port and connect to the advertised listening port of peer A. The advertised {IP, port} pair of host A would thus be aliated with 20 distinct IPs and 20 distinct ports 5 . In other words, for the advertised destination {IP, port} pair of host A, the number of distinct IPs connected to it will be equal to the number of distinct ports used to connect to it. Figure 1 illustrates the procedure whereby a new host connects to the P2P network and advertises its {IP, port} pair.
4 Superpeers/supernodes are P2P hosts that handle advanced functionality in the P2P network, such as routing and query propagation. 5 The probability that two distinct hosts pick the same random source port at the same time is extremely low.

On the other hand, consider what happens in the case of web and HTTP. As in the P2P case, each host connects to a pre-specied {IP, port} pair, e.g., the IP address of a web server W and port 80. However, a host connecting to the web server will initiate usually more than one concurrent connection in order to download objects in parallel. In summary, web trac will have a higher ratio than P2P trac of the number of distinct ports versus number of distinct IPs connected to the {IP, port} pair {W,80}.



Our nonpayload methodology builds on insights from previous sections 5.1 and 5.2. Specically, for a time interval t we build the ow table for the link, based on the vetuple key and 64-second ow timeout as with the payload methodology described in section 4. We then examine our two primary heuristics: We look for source-destination IP pairs that concurrently use both TCP and UDP during t. If such IP pairs exist and they do not use any ports from table 3, we consider them P2P. We examine all source {srcIP, srcport} and destination {dstIP, dstport} pairs during t (use of pairs will henceforth imply both source and destination {IP, port} pairs). We seek pairs for which the number of distinct connected IPs is equal to the number of distinct connected ports. All pairs for which this equality holds are considered P2P . In contrast, if the dierence between connected IPs and ports for a certain pair is large (e.g., larger than 10), we regard this pair as non P2P. These two simple heuristics eciently classify most pairs as P2P or nonP2P. In particular the {IP, port} heuristic can eectively identify P2P and nonP2P pairs given a sufciently large sample of connections for the specic pair. For example, with time interval t of 5 minutes there are no false positives for pairs with more than 20 connections in our February 2004 trace (D11 of Table 1.) That is, for this specic trace, if an IP pair has more than 20 IPs connect to it, we can classify it with high condence as P2P or not P2P.

Whether a ow is considered P2P depends on the classication of its {IP, port} pairs. If one of the pairs in the 5-tuple ow key has been classied as P2P, this ow is deemed P2P. Similarly, if one of the pairs is classied as non P2P, so is the ow. Additionally, if one of the IPs in a ow has been found to match the TCP/UDP heuristic, the ow is also considered as P2P.


False positives

We now describe heuristics developed to decrease the risk of false positives. Considering the diversity of backbone links that feature a vast number of IPs and ows, we expect the previous methodology to yield false positives, i.e., classifying nonP2P pairs as P2P. False positives are most common in pairs with few connections, and also more frequent for specic applications/protocols whose connection behavior matches the P2P prole of our heuristics (e.g., one connection per {IP,port} pair), e.g., e-mail (SMTP, POP), DNS and gaming. To decrease the rate of false positives we review the connection and ow history of all pairs where the probability of a misclassication is high, e.g., the source or destination port is equal to 25 and implies SMTP. Past ow history for these pairs enables accurate classication by investigating properties of specic IPs. In the following subsections, we describe heuristics that augment our basic methodology to limit the magnitude of false positives.

initiate connections to other mail servers to propagate email messages. To identify this pattern, we monitor the set of destination port numbers for each IP for which there exists a source pair {IP,25}. If this set of destination port numbers also contains port 25, we consider this IP a mail server and classify all its ows as nonP2P. Similarly for the set of source ports of an IP for which there exists a destination pair {IP,25}. In the above example, for the source pair {,25}, the set of destination ports is [3267, 25, 50827, 3301, 3872]. Since port 25 appears in this set, we infer that IP is a mail server and deem all of its ows nonP2P. We keep all IPs identied as mail servers in a mailserver list to avoid future application of our heuristics to them.

5.4.2 DNS
The Domain Name Server protocol runs on top of both TCP and UDP port 53 and is characterized mainly by numerous short ows, i.e, few packets/bytes and short duration. DNS connection patterns are analogous to our {IP, port} pair heuristic, although DNS pairs are easier to identify since most DNS source and destination ports are 53. For example, the following is a representative pattern of UDP DNS ows, src IP dst IP proto srcport dstport 17 53 53 17 53 53 In this case the observed {IP, port} pairs are considered nonP2P , e.g., {,53}, {,53}, due to the use of port 53 as source and destination port in the ow 5-tuple. As with the mail server IPs, we maintain a list of rejected pairs to exclude from further analysis other possible ows for these pairs. For example, source pair {,53} may have additional DNS ows to other IPs but with destination port other than 53. But since we identied the specic pair as a DNS false positive, we also rule out the possibility that any of these additional ows are P2P. The heuristic ensures that DNS ows will be eectively identied and removed for our P2P estimate even if a specic host is part of a P2P network. Thus, only true P2P ows of a host will be considered and not its DNS requests. We do not restrict the use of this heuristic to DNS. On the contrary, we apply it to all ows and pairs where one of the ports is less than 501. This heuristic facilitates the removal of other false positives in commonly used ports (e.g., port numbers such as 25), especially those caused by a service that runs on port 500. In these ows both ports are equal to 500, similar to the pattern described here. Thus, for all ows where the source port is equal to the destination port, and the port number is less than 501, both source and destination {IP, port} pairs are considered nonP2P, and they are inserted in a list of denitively nonP2P pairs. This heuristic was inspired by DNS ow features and thus is called DNS heuristic, although it is not necessarily specic to DNS.

5.4.1 Mail
In our data sets, e-mail protocols such as Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) or Post Oce Protocol (POP) contribute most false positives. Mail false positives are not surprising since connection behavior resembles our {IP, port} heuristic. However, analysis of mail ows and connection patterns allows for identication of mail servers in our traces, forestalling misidentication of trac to such IP addresses as P2P. We examine all ows where one of the port numbers is equal to 25 (SMTP), 110 (POP) or 113 (authentication service commonly used by mail servers). In fact we treat these three port numbers as one (we consider ports 110 and 113 equal to 25), since for our purpose their behavior is the same. We identify mail servers based on their port usage history and whether they have dierent ows during the same time interval t that use port 25 for both source and destination port. The following observed ow pattern illustrates this characteristic behavior of mail servers by examining the usage of port 25 by IP : src IP dst IP proto 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 srcport 25 22092 25 22175 21961 22016 25 22066 22067 22265 22266 25 dstport 3267 25 50827 25 25 25 3301 25 25 25 25 3872

5.4.3 Gaming and malware

On-line gaming runs mainly on top of UDP. Characteristic examples of on-line games with sucient trac in our traces are Age of Empires, Half-life and Quake. On the other hand, malware tends to run over TCP. By malware, we mean worm trac (e.g. MyDoom on ports 3127,3128, or Beagle on port 2745) and port or address space scans, which appear often in backbone traces. Gaming and malware bear a similar property: many ows to dierent IPs/ports, carrying the same number of pack-

This case shows ows for IP 6 with port 25 as source port for some ows and destination port for other ows. This behavior is characteristic of mail servers that

Note that IP addresses are anonymized.

ets/bytes and/or with same-sized packets. Consider the following UDP ow pattern from the game Half-life: src IP dst IP pr sprt dprt pkts bytes 17 1990 27015 4 160 17 2989 27015 5 200 17 3965 27015 1 40

For all ows of {IP, port} pair {,27015}, all packets likely have the same size, or it is at least consistent with dividing the number of bytes by the number of packets in each ow (i.e., the mean packet size). In all ows, the average packet size is 40. On the contrary, if we consider the {IP, port} heuristic, we would accept all the pairs as P2P pairs, since the number of distinct IPs equals the number of distinct ports connecting to them, e.g., for pair {,27015} there are 3 distinct IPs and 3 distinct ports, while for pair {,1990} there is 1 distinct IP and 1 distinct port. To remove such pairs, we maintain for each {IP, port} pair 5.5 Final Algorithm a set of distinct average packet sizes and a set of distinct Combining the techniques of all previous subsections yields total transfer sizes. We also have two dierent sets of port numbers: our nal nonpayload methodology for identication of P2P KnownP2PPortsSet: [4661, 4662, 4665, 1214, 6346, 6347, ows. Note that our algorithm is designed for analysis of 412, 411, 41170, 6881-6889, 6699, 6257, 2234] passive trac traces, allowing for multiple passes over the data if necessary. In addition, we have not optimized for MalwarePortsSet: [3127, 3128, 1433, 1434, 3531, 1080, memory consumption and performance. Adapting our al10080, 17300, 6129, 27015, 27016, 901, 2745] gorithm for active real-time monitoring of P2P trac at The rst contains the known P2P port numbers; the second, network speed is part of our ongoing work. malware and gaming ports. We classify an {IP, port} pair Algorithm 1 (PTP ) presents in detail the procedure exas nonP2P if: ecuted every time interval. At the beginning of section 5 { length(pair.transfer_sizesSet) == 1 or we described three distinct phases, but during execution length(pair.avg_pktssizesSet) < 3 } these phases overlap with one another. Across time interAND vals we maintain a set of dierent lists, since knowledge port not in KnownP2PPortsSet learned in one interval is likely to help in future intervals. The maintained lists are based on the ow table for the AND specic interval and correspond to our P2P identication { length(pair.IPSet) > 5 or port < 501 heuristics as well as to our false positive handling methodor port in MalwarePortsSet } ologies. Specically, the lists we maintain across time inwhere transfer sizesSet is the set of distinct transfer sizes of tervals include: the P2PIP list, which contains IPs already all ows for this pair, avg pktssizesSet is the set of distinct classied as P2P by the TCP/UDP IP pair heuristic (secaverage packet sizes of all ows of this pair and IPSet is the tion 5.1); the P2PPairs list, which contains {IP,Port} pairs set of distinct IPs of this pair. Note that these sets cannot already classied as P2P by the {IP,Port} pair heuristic; contain duplicate entries since we only insert unique values the Rejected and MailServers lists, which contain rejected into them once. pairs and IPs (false positive heuristics); and the IPPort list, In summary, we classify an {IP, port} pair as nonP2P which includes the {IP,Port} pairs of all ows that are not in if the following conditions all hold: the port is not in the MailServers or Rejected lists. Each {IP,Port} pair that is an known P2P ports set; the pair only has one transfer size or item of the IPPort list is coupled with sets that include: a) less than three distinct average packet sizes (average packet the distinct IPs (IPSet) appearing in ows with the specic size is the total transfer size in the ow divided by the total pair, b) the distinct ports used in ows for the specic pair number of packets); the pair has ows to more than ve IPs (PortSet), c) distinct average packet sizes in ows for this or the port is in the malware ports set. As with the DNS pair(avg pktssizesSet) and d) distinct transferred ow sizes heuristic, we insert all {IP, port} pairs that agree with the for this pair (transfer sizesSet). above rule in a list of non P2P pairs. At the end of each interval, we analyze all {IP,Port} pairs in the IPPort list against our false-positive heuristics. This 5.4.4 Other heuristics analysis is based on the aforementioned lists and the deWe apply a number of other rules that oer ner grained scription of the heuristics in all previous subsections. If all analysis of {IP, port} pairs. false-positive heuristics fail, the specic {IP,Port} pair and Scans: In addition to the heuristic for malware and gamall ows matching this pair are deemed P2P. All ows of IPs ing, we count the number of {IP, port} pairs in which a in the P2PIP list are also considered P2P . specic IP appears, to rule out port scans as false positives. Despite the existence of various constants in the PTP alSpecically, we reject all IPs that appear in a large number gorithm such as the dierent port lists (e.g., KnownP2PPortsSet), of {IP, port} pairs and at the same time target a few IPs. we expect human intervention to be minimum and port lists One-packet pairs: We remove all one packet ows whose to be stable over periods of months. Specically, these conIPs do not appear in any other ows in the trace. We have stants depend on the link in question (e.g., which games no way to consider these P2P trac. contribute large numbers of ows) and should be updated

MSN messenger servers: We found and removed all ows to MSN messenger servers. We could identify these ows easily since they used port 1863 and three distinct destination IPs within the same prex. Port history: To further remove web, DNS and mail false positives, we examined the set of distinct ports used to connect to an {IP, port} pair. If all ports in the set reect well-known services, e.g., mail, web and DNS, we rule out the pair as P2P if it appears in at least ten ows. While P2P applications may use port numbers that canonically map to well-known services, it is highly unlikely that P2P clients will connect only to such port numbers, since current versions of P2P clients randomize the port at which they accept connections. For such a case to exist, a large fraction of P2P users would have to change their clients listening port to 80 or 25.

Algorithm 1 Nonpayload algorithm for P2P ow identication 1: procedure PTP P2P Trac Proliing 2: F T F low T able 3: for every src-dst IP pair in FT do 4: if TCP/UDP pair then 5: P2PIP.insert(srcIP) TCP/UDP heuristic 6: P2PIP.insert(dstIP) 7: for all ows in FT do 8: if src IP or dst IP in P2PIP then 9: print ow found by TCP/UDP pairs 10: P2PIP.insert(srcIP) put both IPs in P2P list 11: P2PIP.insert(dstIP) 12: else if DNS heuristic is true then 13: RejectedPairs.insert(src Pair) pair=={IP,port} 14: RejectedPairs.insert(dst Pair) 15: else if src and dst IP not in MailServers then 16: for src and dst IP-port pair do 17: if pair in P2PPairs then 18: print ow found in previous interval 19: P2PPairs.insert(src pair) put both pairs in P2PPairs list 20: P2PIP.insert(src pair) 21: else if pair not in Rejected then 22: Udpate sets for pair 23: IPPort.insert(pair) 24: else if pair in Rejected then 25: Rejected.insert(src pair) 26: Rejected.insert(dst pair) 27: for pairs in IPPort do examine pairs that were added during previous intervals and have not been yet classied 28: if IP not in MailServers and pair not in Rejected then 29: if IP in P2PIP or pair in P2PPairs then 30: P2PPairs.insert(pair) 31: print all ows of pair 32: else 33: di |pair.IP Set.lenpair.P ortSet.len| 34: if di < 2 or (di < 10 and port in KnownP2PPorts) then 35: if Check if Mailserver == true then 36: MailServer.insert(IP) 37: else if Check if Malware == true then 38: Rejected.insert(pair) 39: else if Check if scan == true then 40: Rejected.insert(pair) 41: else if Port History heuristic=true then 42: Rejected.insert(pair) 43: else 44: P2PPairs.insert(pair) 45: print all ows of pair 46: else if di> 10 then Rejected.insert(pair)

when signicant changes occur in the specic trac mix (e.g., sucient amount of packets or ows by a new worm or a new P2P network). Finally, note that for the {IP, port} pairs heuristic we indirectly separate ows into two dierent classes. The rst class is ows where one of the ports is within the KnownP2PPortsSet. In this case we deem the absolute dierence of the sizes of IPSet and PortSet to be acceptable if less than 10, since the probability that the specic pair is actually P2P is higher. (Note that the sizes of IPSet and PortSet indicate the number of distinct ports and distinct IPs aliated with the specic {IP,Port} pair, see {IP,port} heuristic, section 5.2.) While new P2P clients randomize port numbers, there still exist P2P clients that use known P2P ports (most users do not immediately upgrade to newer versions that randomize the port). On the contrary, for all other ows, we allow a maximum dierence of 1 between the sizes of IPSet and PortSet. While our {IP,port} heuristic, assumes equal sizes of PortSet and IPSet, we allow limited inequality to account for possible failed connections which is common in P2P behavior 7 .



In this section we evaluate the accuracy of our methodology, by comparing nonpayload versus payload estimates of P2P trac. We will use our recent 16-byte payload traces (February and April 2004) and strict payload matching (method M2 in section 4.) We avoid using M3 for comparison purposes in this section; rst, 16-byte payload traces oer sucient number of payload bytes to identify the vast majority of P2P ows. Second, M3 could introduce ambiguity in evaluating the PTP Algorithm, since we would compare against ows that we cannot determine with absolute certainty if they are P2P or not (M3 introduces false positives and targets 4-byte payload traces to mitigate the disadvantage of only 4-bytes of user payload). Thus, we only use M2 for payload analysis in this section. We rst compare the number of P2P ows and bytes as identied by the two methodologies. In addition, we study the extent and nature of false positives. Finally, we show how our methodology overcomes disadvantages of payload analysis and present the volumes of additional P2P ows that we were able to identify.


Fraction of identied P2P trafc

We now demonstrate how PTP Algorithm performs compared to payload analysis, in particular what fraction of P2P trac found by payload analysis (M2, Sec.4) can be found by PTP Algorithm. Fig. 2 and 3 summarize our ndings. Fig. 2 presents the bitrate of P2P trac determined by payload analysis (upper line) and the fraction identied by PTP Algorithm (bottom line). For all P2P ows that were previously discovered by payload inspection, we examine whether PTP Algorithm also classied them as P2P. As shown in Fig. 2, the two lines fall almost on top of each other in all three traces,
7 The values of 1 and 10 in the dierence between the sizes of the IPSet and PortSet have a minimal eect in our algorithm. Allowing larger dierences will only impact slightly the number of false positives. The two classes of ows reect the fact that pairs with port in the knownP2PPortSet are more likely to be P2P.

Figure 2: The bitrate of P2P trac as determined by our payload methodology (upper line) and the portion that was
identied by our nonpayload algorithm (bottom line). In all three traces our nonpayload methodology successfully identies more than 90% of P2P bytes. Even with increasing P2P bitrate (approx. 220 Mbps, right plot), the algorithm identies more than 95% of P2P bytes.

Figure 3: Identied (upper line) vs. missed (bottom line) P2P ows and bytes of our nonpayload methodology as
compared to payload examination (logarithmic scale.) Flows and bytes are shown in total volumes every ve minutes. Only 0.5% of P2P ows are not identied. Note that despite large dierence in utilization across our traces, the fraction of missed ows remains almost constant.

indicating that our approach is able to accurately identify the vast majority of P2P trac. Fig. 3 better depicts the success of the nonpayload methodology. Specically, we examine what portions of ows and bytes found by payload inspection are also identied by PTP Algorithm as P2P . The bottom line plots the total number of P2P ows and bytes missed by the nonpayload algorithm in ve-minute intervals. The upper line plots the total volumes of identied ows and bytes. The Y axis is plotted on logarithmic scale to facilitate comparison. The top row of plots presents the number of ows while the bottom row the volumes in bytes. Finally, each column of plots in Fig. 3 reects a dierent trace. Our nonpayload based methodology discovers more than 90% of total P2P bytes and 99% of P2P ows. These percentages appear to be independent of the total trac on the link. Despite large variation in trac volumes across our traces (approximately one order of magnitude dierence between northbound and southbound direction in our monitored link), PTP Algorithm performs suciently in all cases. Note that the number of missed P2P ows is declining with

time, illustrating increasing knowledge of {IP,port} pairs and their connection behavior for PTP Algorithm. On the other hand, the fraction of unidentied P2P bytes depends on the uctuation of the volume of specic ows, which manifests itself in the time-varying lines of missed bytes. That is, the shape of the plot of missed bytes vs. time is aected by the sizes of missed P2P ows. While the number of missed ows using the nonpayload methodology may be decreasing, a large missed P2P ow may cause the volume of missed P2P bytes to noticeably increase.


False positives

As described earlier in the paper (section 5), several of our heuristics aim at minimizing false positives, i.e., ows misclassied as P2P. Minimizing false positives is a challenging task considering the dynamic nature, diversity of sources and sheer volumes of trac in the Internet core. We strived to develop heuristics to account for and characterize the behavior of major classes (e.g. web, mail) of trac in order to discriminate them from P2P behavior. Thus, false positives may originate from types of trac that are

Figure 4:

False positives vs correctly identied P2P ows and bytes. Flows and bytes are shown in total volumes every ve

minutes. False positives account for 8%-12% of the total estimate (false positives plus correctly recognized P2P trac).

Figure 5:

Cumulative distribution function of number of distinct IPs in {IP-port} pairs that lead to false identication of ows as P2P. 98% of misclassications were based on pairs with fewer than ve distinct IPs in the IPSet. These false positives are due to an insucient sample for the specic pairs.

False positives correspond to approximately 8% to 12% of the total estimate of P2P trac. The percentage of misclassied ows depends on the trace and the time within the trace, but drops in all cases below 15% after the rst few time intervals. Similar to missed ows in the previous section, false positives decrease and stabilize with time as knowledge about the characteristics of specic IPs or pairs increases. The majority of false positives originate from the limited number of samples for the specic {IP,port} pair. That is, the sizes of both IPSet and PortSet in PTP Algorithm are suciently small to allow specious inference of connection patterns. Fig. 5 illustrates the cumulative distribution function of the IPSet size of all false positives in our April trace. In both directions of link (southbound and northbound), the size of IPSet for 98% of all false positives is less than ve (an IPSet size of 5 implies that the specic {IP-port} pair had connections with only ve other distinct IPs). In fact, approximately 90% of false positives represent {IP,port} pairs that communicate with one IP only.

not proled by our heuristics. However, attempting to eliminate false positives by proling all types of trac will only increase the computational burden without suciently improving the outcome. It is also unrealistic, especially in the Internet core where we need to pinpoint tens of thousands of P2P ows among the millions of ows crossing a backbone link (Tab.1). Fig. 4 indicates the number of false positives produced by PTP Algorithm. False positives represent ows classied as P2P by PTP Algorithm but not identied as such by payload analysis. On the other hand, PTP Algorithm detects true P2P ows that were missed by payload analysis due to the limitations described in section 4. These ows are not included in the false positives in Fig. 4; we will describe them in the next section. Fig. 4 presents the volume of ows and bytes correctly classied as P2P, compared to the corresponding amounts of false positives. The gure is structured similarly to Fig. 3; the top and bottom rows show ows and bytes respectively, while columns refer to our three dierent traces, and volumes plotted in ve-minute intervals.

Robustness of PTP Algorithm We examine the robustness of our algorithm with respect to the eect of the time interval t between successive executions of PTP Algorithm. The analysis of identied and missed P2P ows and false positives in the previous subsections is based on 5-minute time intervals (t = 5 min in PTP Algorithm). We now examine how t aects the percentages of missed ows and false positives. Note that variable t designates the period during which the ow table is formed and the time interval between successive executions of the algorithm. Intuitively, short time intervals should be more sensitive to transient phenomena and to IPs appearing in the link for the rst time. Larger t allows for more ecient proling of IPs and pairs. However, as t increases, memory requirements, e.g., the ow table size, increase. Fig. 6 illustrates how missed and false positive ows vary for three dierent time intervals (t) during our April southbound trace. To facilitate comparison we present the average number of missed and false positive ows per minute.


Figure 6: The eect of time interval t on missed and false positive ows. As t increases the numbers of missed ows and false positive ows decreases. As expected, the 2-minute line appears noisier between successive intervals (observe the large transient spike in the number of false positives), in contrast to the smoother lines for 5- and 10-minute intervals. While for missed ows the three lines fall on top of each other after the rst 30 minutes in the trace, the number of false positives drops continually as t increases. However, the dierence in the volume of false positives for ve and ten minute intervals is trivial relative to the number of ows in the link, especially when comparing byte volumes. Since memory requirements for 5-minute intervals are only a fraction of those for 10-minute intervals, we settled on 5-minute intervals for our analysis. The large spike in the 2-minute line of false positives is caused by an address space scan in our trace. At this specic time interval a distinct source IP scanned the address space at destination port 4899 creating approximately 7,000 ows per minute. Our false positive heuristics eectively recognized that this IP is not P2P after two intervals when t = 2 min, indicated by the false positive line dropping sharply after the sudden increase. For larger time intervals our heuristics eectively recognize all non P2P scanning ows, and thus no spike appears in the 5 or 10 minute lines in Fig. 6.

separately examined ows that were identied as P2P by PTP Algorithm but were missed by payload inspection, and had at least one port number from our known P2P ports list or one of the IPs consistently using P2P source or destination ports. History and connection patterns of IPs participating in such ows reveal their P2P nature. Additionally and most important, PTP Algorithm can effectively discover unknown P2P protocols. We encountered this powerful capability in the process of minimizing the number of false positives. Comparing nonpayload with payload classication, we observed numerous false positives in ve specic port numbers, namely 22321, 7674, 7675, 5335 and 9493. Inspection of payload for trac under these port numbers revealed that all of the aforementioned ports represent trac of three distinct P2P protocols/networks unknown to us. Two of the networks originate in Asia and use both TCP and UDP: Soribada (ports 7674,7675, 22321) and GoBoogy (port 5335). To date we have not been able to identify the P2P protocol responsible for the trac under port 9493. However, a large number of packets contain the string GET /?p2pmethod= in the 16-byte packet payload available to us. Since access to the full packet payload is not possible, we have no way of knowing what fraction of the rest of the false positives mask yet more P2P protocols that remain unidentied. In total we were able to discover approximately 18,000 additional P2P ows (350 additional Mbytes) over those discovered with the payload methodology every ve minutes on the average for the April northbound trace, 3,000 additional ows (15 additional MBytes) for the April southbound trace and 1,900 additional ows (20 additional Mbytes) for the February southbound trace.


Payload vs. nonpayload identication of P2P trafc

The previous section suggests the exibility of nonpayload methodologies. Here we provide an overall assessment of advantages and disadvantages of payload versus nonpayload methodologies based on our experience. Overall, nonpayload methodologies provide diverse benets over payload analysis, specically with regard to: Privacy issues: Nonpayload methodologies oer an ideal solution to the many perceived and real privacy and legal alarms triggered by even the idea of inspecting of user payload. Indeed, RIAA litigation has inspired among end users as well as ISPs increased concern over privacy, which will make providers even more reluctant to allow payload analysis. One could possibly obviate privacy issues in the payload analysis by reporting only aggregate information of P2P trac at the monitoring site. Anonymization of IP addresses: Nonpayload methodologies do not require anonymization of IP addresses, which if performed inhibits further analysis of topological characteristics of trac (e.g., IPs cannot be aggregated to Autonomous Systems). If payload examination is permitted, ISPs require anonymization of IP addresses so that individual users cannot be linked to packet payload. Storage overhead : The storage needed to support passive analysis of payload traces signicantly grows with increasing bytes of captured payload. Our approach requires only up to layer-4 header information. Alternatively, packet or ow sampling could reduce storage overhead.


Not so false false positives"

An advantage of nonpayload identication of P2P trac is the possibility to overcome limitations of payload analysis (see also section 4). Two inescapable limitations of payload analysis are the following: Payload methodologies cannot identify the invisible. If no payload exists, P2P ows cannot be identied. Such ows might be actual nonpayload ows (e.g., TCP acknowledgment streams of le transfers), or ows with encrypted payload. Payload methodologies can only verify and not discover. Inherently, payload methodologies require a priori knowledge of the anatomy of P2P protocols, and as such they can only be applied to previously reverse-engineered, known protocols. In contrast, our methodology is not aected by these constraints. Instead we are able to discover numerous ows that were missed by payload analysis. To identify such ows we

Processing overhead : Both in passive and active monitoring, payload processing at network speed of an OC-48 link is far beyond trivial due to the system memory bus bottleneck. The bus is used by network monitoring cards to transfer the whole packet header plus the examined payload bytes to memory. Increasing the volume of captured payload risks packet loss at high utilizations of a monitored link. Reverse-engineering of protocols vs. P2P behavior analysis: As noted previously in the paper (section 6.4), payload methodologies have the ability only to verify and pinpoint the existence of protocols that have been dissected in advance. On the contrary, monitoring nonpayload P2P behavior bypasses the requirement of previous knowledge and facilitates detection of unfamiliar P2P networks. Encryption: Payload methodologies fail for encrypted payload which is bound to eventually become common, especially for newer versions of P2P protocols. On the other hand, our methodology, at least in its current form, is inferior to payload analysis regarding detailed analysis of specic P2P protocols. Since we model the general behavior of distributed (or semi-distributed) P2P networks, our algorithm currently cannot monitor individual protocols.

out this section for all traces. On the other hand, a UDP header is only 8 bytes, which leaves enough payload bytes for eective string matching on those packets. MPLS : 60%-80% of the packets in our traces are encapsulated with 4-byte MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) headers. MPLS is used by this Tier1 ISP for routing and trac engineering purposes. MPLS decreases the number of packets that can be matched against our string table since for a signicant amount of trac there is no payload (4-byte MPLS header + 40-byte TCP header). ISP caching : To alleviate the eect of P2P trac, ISPs sometimes employ caching of P2P content [15]. P2P caching, similar to web caching, is capable of reducing upstream trafc yielding large savings for ISPs.8 Naturally, P2P requests that are served by these caches do not reach the backbone, resulting in a limited view of P2P usage especially when comparing with past years before P2P caching became common. P2P versus copyrighted trac: Typically, the majority of P2P trac is related to copyrighted material. Although we cannot necessarily equate P2P with copyrighted trac, the dominance of copyrighted material in most P2P networks is largely accepted to be true. Our study cannot identify the trends in the use of P2P networks for exchanging copyrighted material. Link utilization and time of the day : Two traces can present drastically dierent characteristics, even if taken on the same link at dierent times of day. While most of our traces are collected during business hours, we compare traces with varying utilizations and captured at dierent time within the day. We thus compare P2P trac relative to the total volume of trac in the link rather than focusing on absolute values. Conicting trac engineering goals: Because of its large volume, ISPs are tempted to manipulate P2P trafc according to their economic objectives. Networks that pay for transit have an incentive to keep trac within their boundaries or those of their non-charging peers [25]. Networks that charge for transit can try to attract trac by adjusting routing and/or performance metrics (some P2P clients prefer peers with lower RTTs; some, like BitTorrent, choose ones with highest bitrate). An increase in peering among cable companies was recently attributed to the rise in P2P trac [24]. Pricing of international vs. domestic trac can also play a role. Competitive peering behavior can cause unpredictable link workload changes even when other conditions are equal. Finally, we note that many limitations of this analysis (e.g., varying utilization across traces), as with virtually all Internet measurement studies, are neither new nor unique to Internet science.



Recently, popular media sources have reported a sharp decline in peer-to-peer (P2P) trac during the last year [5] [26], with P2P user populations reportedly dropping as much as 50%. This assertion, if true, would indicate a reversal in the trend of the constant increase of P2P activity over the last years (ve out of the top six downloads from were P2P clients on July 27 2004). In this section, we discuss these alleged P2P claims and contrast them to our own results. Notwithstanding the inherently challenging nature of P2P trac classication, as we have denitively illustrated in this study, media reports are rarely based on measuring, much less classifying, any trac on the Internet. Indeed, these reports base their conclusions on telephone surveys or periodic samples of log les for a limited number of P2P networks/clients (specically for Kazaa, WinMx and a small number of Gnutella clients, such as Morpheus, Grokster and Bearshare) that might have been waning in popularity relative to newer, more advanced P2P networks (e.g., eDonkey or BitTorrent). However, using both payload and nonpayload methodologies, our OC-48 traces indicate that, if measured accurately, P2P trac has never declined; indeed we have never seen the proportion of overall P2P trac decrease over time (any change is an increase) in any of our data sources. While bitrate trends do not necessarily reect trends in user population counts, we believe that these statistics show that P2P networks are largely unaected by RIAA litigious practices. In addition to the limitations of payload analysis methodologies described in section 4, we list here further complications that may aect comparison of P2P trac volumes. Specically: 44-byte packets: In our older traces (D09 of May 2003, D10 of January 2004), CAIDA monitors captured 44 bytes of each packet (see section 2), leaving 4 bytes of TCP packets for examination (TCP headers are typically 40 bytes for packets that have no options). To facilitate fair payload comparison, we only use 4-byte payload heuristics through-


P2P trafc is growing

We compare traces D09 from May 2003 (southbound and northbound), D10 of January 2004 (southbound and northbound), D11 of February 2004 (southbound) and D13 of April 2004 (southbound and northbound). (Recall that Ta8 ISPs are usually charged based on the trac they send upstream to their own providers.

Figure 7: Estimation of the volume of P2P trac using four dierent payload and nonpayload methodologies. In all cases we observe a growing trend of P2P trac, validated by all methodologies. Note also that estimates of P2P trac volume increase by 20%-100% when comparing port numbers with payload. Especially in our northbound April 2004 trace, the payload estimate is more than double the estimate produced by port numbers. ble 1 lists bulk volumes and utilizations.) We use both payload and nonpayload analysis. We present payload ndings analytically for each step of the methodology described in section 4 (M1-M3). Fig. 7 demonstrates the average bitrate of P2P trac as detected by each method for both directions of all traces. To facilitate comparison, we present P2P volume as a percentage relative to total trac volume across each trace. Despite the aforementioned limitations, we make the following general observations from Fig. 7: Signicant decline of P2P trac is not corroborated : On the contrary, P2P trac in our recent traces is, if not growing, at least comparable to older traces from 2003 and January 2004. This trend is supported by all methodologies examined for the southbound direction. For the northbound direction, May 2003 and January 2004 volumes are comparable for all methods beyond M1 (P2P rate in known ports); P2P trac in our April trace (even with signicantly higher total trac volume on the link) surpasses all other traces. Failure of conventional estimation methodologies: As depicted in Fig. 7, using port numbers for trac classication is misleading. P2P trac measurements based on port numbers results in underestimating P2P trac by more than 50%, especially in recent traces. Fig. 7 also illustrates the migration to random port numbers when comparing 2003 with 2004 traces. While for May 2003 the dierence in the estimates of M1 and M2 is minimal, it explodes in our 2004 traces. The change is the eect of newer P2P clients automatically randomizing the port number. Sucient payload size: Comparing payload estimations of P2P trac with 4-byte and 16-byte payload for the February and April 2004 traces, demonstrates that the payload limitation is also signicant for robust identication. While P2P trac with 16-bytes of payload is estimated at approximately 17% and 25% for February and April respectively (shown in Fig. 2), estimates using 4-bytes of payload are considerably lower. Increasing the captured payload size beyond 16 bytes will potentially result in a further increase in the estimates of P2P trac. As noted in section 4, even with 16 bytes of payload there are still conicting bit strings between web and P2P protocols. However, many factors, among them a hardware bottleneck of our monitoring system, limit the size of payload we can capture. M3 vs. nonpayload methodology: Since the previous analysis suggests that our nonpayload algorithm overestimates (compared to the payload estimates, section 6.2 ) approximately 10%, M3 and nonpayload estimates in most cases are comparable. Note that nonpayload estimates also include trac from the three protocols discovered during our nonpayload analysis, which supports our conjecture that M3 in our payload methodology more accurately estimates P2P trac. In general, P2P trac has grown to constitute a considerable portion of trac in our monitored backbone link, conrming our assumption that estimations of P2P trac intensity based on a limited number of P2P networks or characteristic port numbers is unrealistic. Our ndings also illustrate the expanding software alternatives for P2P users; three previously unknown protocols in our traces constitute a characteristic example of this increasing diversity of protocols and networks.

This paper focused on the non payload identication and monitoring of a signicant and growing component of Internet trac, namely P2P applications. Traditionally, P2P trac has been classied by well-known port numbers unique to each protocol. However, growing concerns due to legal and other complications have pushed P2P networks to challenge network standards by randomizing their port numbers and in general making some eort to disguise their activity. As a result conventional measurement analyses are bound to underestimate P2P trac, and indeed, reliable identication of P2P trac requires examination of user payload data. We presented a method that relies on network and transport layer behavior to identify P2P trac. Specically our algorithm is based on proling ow patterns of IP addresses. In addition, to validate our methodology, we developed a payload scheme to identify P2P ows by reverse-engineering and analyzing the nine most popular P2P protocols/networks. A key feature of our algorithm is its ability to identify unknown P2P protocols. Since the methodology is based on the general behavior of P2P networks, prior knowledge or analysis of protocols is not required. Indeed, our algorithm detected three distinct P2P protocols previously unknown to us.

We show that our methodology is able to eectively pinpoint among million of ows more than 95% of P2P ows and bytes in traces from an operational OC48 backbone link. The number of false positives ranges approximately from 8% to 12% of the total payload-based estimate. Furthermore, we demonstrated that our algorithm has the ability to identify P2P ows missed by payload analysis. Using estimates from both methodologies, we also challenged claims of a sharp decline in P2P activity. All of our estimates of real Internet trac, even based on simplistic port number analysis, conrm our hypothesis that P2P trac is growing in volume and will continue to grow unabatedly in the future. We consider a number of future extensions to strengthen our algorithm. First, we wish to exploit the availability of bidirectional traces by merging IP pairs that appear in both directions of the link. We also want to consider additional heuristics that use knowledge of specic packet sizes that may reect control trac of P2P protocols. Additionally, the IP ID eld may facilitate the identication of many existing connections by observing gaps in sequence numbers. We are in the process of extending and generalizing our methodology for use in more general trac proling. During this study we have illustrated connection characteristics and patterns of various popular applications. Since simple port-based application breakdown has become problematic for most workload characterization tasks, extending our methodology to general trac proling may oer a higher integrity alternative. Accurate monitoring of P2P trac has become an important aspect of Internet trac modeling. P2P trac has already risen to a signicant percentage of the total trac, 15%-20% in our monitored links. On the other hand, its idiosyncrasies (e.g., bandwidth symmetry) portend a dramatic change in our approach to network provisioning and trac engineering. In our previous work [16] we predicted that the P2P paradigm threatens the asymmetrical bandwidth assumption inherent in many broadband infrastructures, e.g., DSL and cable modems, and may even result in further increases in local peering among ISPs [24]. These changes in business choices among providers aect the global Internet topology and routing system, not to mention competitive market dynamics, in ways that we have only begun to consider. But with ecient, accurate methods of workload characterization in the P2P realm, we can at least head in to the future with better vision.

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We are thankful to the Coral Reef suite team that made this study possible. Thanks are due to our colleagues Ken Keys, Colleen Shannon, Nevil Brownlee, Daniel Andersen and Khushboo Shah for their support throughout this work. We would also like to thank Carey Williamson and our IMC anonymous referees for their helpful comments.



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