Lesson - Plan - 3rd Grade Week 7

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Malcolm Co teacher: Anne Date: week

Class Name: 3rd grade Room: Expected no. of students: 40

Context: Learning the song “Ally Bally”

Teaching aids: CD textbooks, Flashcards of feelings,

Learner objectives:
Personal Aims:
Students can identify the parts of the body, and issue
Improve S-S talk time as I feel im talking to much at
and respond to commands. Students will also learn a
Anticipated problems for teacher: Attention of higher level
Anticipated problems for students: Vocabulary levels students wandering. Game requires a bit of organization so we
are largely different need time
Solutions: Be sure to include lots of TPR to aid students Solutions: Give them opportunities to speak and lead activities
vocabulary retention at times ie lead Simon says. Be sure to start game with 15 mins
to go.

Procedure Phase Timing (1 hr) Interaction

Start lesson with a quick game of Simon says Stand up Engage 10 mins T-S
sit down point to etc,.

Listen to dialogues p43 and repeat Study 5 mins T-S

Learning the song Study 10mins T-S

Whisper game, three teams in lines pass a message to Activate 15mins S-S
lead member who must grab the hit the flashcard. All
students face board except end member who watches
mime then taps student next to him on shoulder and
whispers the action

Distribute homework sheets

Procedure Phase Timing (1 hr) Interaction

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