E is Iaced with several issues oI integrity, Iairness, and ethics in a scenario. Principal wanted to give the student the benefit oI the doubt. E also wanted to please the school board, Iamily, and community.
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Specialization Outcome 6 and Ellc Standard 5 Ed7901
E is Iaced with several issues oI integrity, Iairness, and ethics in a scenario. Principal wanted to give the student the benefit oI the doubt. E also wanted to please the school board, Iamily, and community.
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specialization outcome 6 and ellc standard 5 ed7901
E is Iaced with several issues oI integrity, Iairness, and ethics in a scenario. Principal wanted to give the student the benefit oI the doubt. E also wanted to please the school board, Iamily, and community.
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Specialization Outcome 6 and Ellc Standard 5 Ed7901
E is Iaced with several issues oI integrity, Iairness, and ethics in a scenario. Principal wanted to give the student the benefit oI the doubt. E also wanted to please the school board, Iamily, and community.
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Case Study and Discussion on Ethics
O ow have your studies strengthened your understanding oI this outcome?
In a previous course, there was a scenario about Principal Nick Furtoski. e is Iaced with several issues oI integrity, Iairness, and ethics in the scenario. Mr. Furtoski voted in Iavor oI the plagiarism policy at Newton igh School. This is a zero-tolerance policy and does not leave room Ior discretion. The young woman accused oI violating this rule had been a great student. She had outstanding academic and athletic skills and was the Iirst student Irom the school who met the requirements to attend a military academy. The principal knew the student`s Iamily. Ms. Durnitz, the English teacher, expected the leader to Iollow and enIorce the no plagiarism policy. The superintendent did not want this situation to create negative publicity in the community. Principal Furtoski wanted to give the student the beneIit oI the doubt, and he believed that she did not know writing the same inIormation Iound on the web site is considered cheating. The principal wanted to support the teacher, enIorce the policy, and please the school board as well as community members. e knew that the school`s policy had a clear rule and consequences about plagiarizing. Mr. Furtoski did not want to prevent the student Irom graduating on time and attending the military academy. e also wanted to please the school board, Iamily, and community. The teacher and the teachers` union did not want to reach a compromise. Principal Furtoski had to decide what was best Ior the majority oI the involved parties. e stated that the student should receive a zero and the school leader enIorced the plagiarism policy.
O ow do Specialization Outcome 6 and ELLC Standard 5 align? Specialization Outcome 6 and ELLC Standard 5 Iocus on administrators using ethical decision-making to lead schools through the process oI improving student achievement. School leaders with high morals and elite values expect the best Irom their staII. igh expectations have a positive inIluence on student perIormance. Improvement is likely to occur when stakeholders agree on the vision that an administrator stewards. The school leader serves as a Iacilitator to implement change. Partnerships with parents and other members oI the community are valuable resources Ior a school. Stakeholders should participate in the process oI developing and implementing strategies to enhance student achievement. When developing a strategy to improve instruction and student learning, the school leader should consider staII interactions and methods to maintain a team concept.
O What reIerences support your new understanding oI this outcome? (Please provide an annotated bibliography Ior any books and articles reIerenced within your post. You may use the Developing an Annotated Bibliography document to guide your work.) Kowalski, Theodore. (2008). Case Studies on Educational Administration. Boston, MA: Pearson. Kowalski wrote about a variety oI scenarios that administrators might encounter. School leaders in elementary and secondary settings must reIer to an ethical code when making some decisions that do not have black and white answers. Administrators Iollow policies and procedures while applying their values and morals to personalize decisions. The text provides vignettes and questions that require learners to process and respond to the situations. Wilmore, E. L. (2002). Principal leadership. applying the new educational leadership constituent council (ELCC) standards. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. The author explained that administrators should have high standards Ior integrity, Iairness, and ethics. School leaders create an environment that Iacilitates change. Administrators who exhibit legal and ethical behavior have a greater chance oI convincing staII and other stakeholders to participate in activities that promote the school vision. A vision statement assists stakeholders with outlining a plan to accomplish the school`s mission. Institutions should use a collaborative process to apply data based decision making when school staII, Iamilies, and community members create a school vision (Wilmore, 2002, p. 21). O What areas within this outcome would you still like to learn, practice, or experience? I am learning to consider all oI the Iactors that inIluence a leader`s decision. I realize that there are diIIerent approaches to leadership; I will continue to think about how my style aIIects my perception oI a situation. I must learn to view situations Irom diIIerent angles and consider all parts oI a system and how the parts work together to Iorm the whole. O What artiIacts or evidence have you gathered to demonstrate accomplishment or competency oI this specialization outcome? Research reIerences, journal logs, Ieedback Irom my site supervisor, and personal reIlections are artiIacts that will demonstrate my competency oI this specialization outcome.
ReIerences Kowalski, Theodore. (2008). Case Studies on Educational Administration. Boston, MA: Pearson. Wilmore, E. L. (2002). Principal leadership. applying the new educational leadership constituent council (ELCC) standards. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.