Mcqs Nts
Mcqs Nts
Mcqs Nts
Before you teach you should recognize your personal beliefs and theories and analyze what
their impact will be on your classroom practices. To discover and be able to explain how your
ideas and theories align with and affect your methodologies, strategies, procedures, and
interactions, which will in turn affect the success you and your students achieve. The following
information provides assistance for your reflection and analysis.
The classroom is a unique social environment unlike most other social organizations. Below are
five attributes for all social environments with a description for each in a traditional classroom
environment. Notice how different they are from social environments such as: a group of
friends, a club, religious group, sports team, travel group, alumni group, and most other groups.
Outcomes of learning and procedures for achieving them are chosen before the group is
There is little participation by the members of the group in the assessment and revision of goals
and methods of instruction.
Members of the class have no control over the composition of the group.
Law and custom, rather than group consensus, establish the prerogatives of the leader.
What the class can and cannot do is often determined by those who preceded and will follow
Membership in other groups may exert strong pressures to accept or reject classroom norms.
Other groups often carefully scrutinize the work of students and their teachers.
Points of Interest
Most social groups select leaders. Members may choose to participate and the degree of
participation. If individual members do not agree with the group, they may leave.
If a majority of the members do not approve of the leader’s role, they elect a new leader.
The teacher is the appointed leader of the class, or a social group, and derives authority from
this appointment as teacher.
The power of leaders depend on how they interact with students. Leadership power derives
from five sources of power illustrated on this Classroom leader power model and chart
J. W. Getzels and H. A. Thelen summarized the social environment of the classroom in The
Classroom Group as a Unique Social System. The 56th yearbook - The Dynamics of
Instructional Groups: Part II (pp. 53-82), Chicago: National Society for the Study of Education.
Interact and work with students in ways that respond to and meet their diverse needs (social,
academic, physical, emotional):
Interacts in culturally diverse classroom to create certain culturally responsive social curricula
Negotiate your classroom social curriculum with your students. Attain classroom flow in
learning. Manage conflict.
Find legitimate multicultural materials that are bias-free Involve the students’ parents in the
learning process
Enable students to use their own cultural resources and the cultural resources of others
Use academic, socio-political, cultural and interpersonal conflicts to teach conflict resolution
Are comfortable working with all types of people and using other cultural practices
Believe they can learn See their own and other’s differences as positive and not negative or
Believe that all kinds of knowledge is values and personal “stories” are told
Are empowered to make decisions about their own life and learning
Students are advantaged by their traits and characteristics, not held back or miseducated.