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IHS > Decision Support Tool


Users Manual
April 12, 2011 Version 2.0

2011 IHS Inc. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks belong to IHS Inc. or its affiliated and subsidiary companies, all rights reserved.


PETRA Users Manual April 12, 2011

1996-2011, IHS Inc. and its affiliated and subsidiary companies, all rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of IHS Inc. and its affiliated and subsidiary companies. This product, including software, data and documentation are licensed to the user for its internal business purposes only and may not be disclosed, disseminated, sold, licensed, copied, reproduced, translated or transferred to any third party. IHS Inc. 15 Inverness Way East Englewood, Colorado 80112 303-736-3000

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 11
Welcome Topic ..................................................................................................................................... 11 IHS Customer Care - PETRA ............................................................................................................... 11 Tutorial and Sample Projects .............................................................................................................. 12 Hardware Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13 Software Installation ............................................................................................................................ 14 Hardware Key ....................................................................................................................................... 14 Standalone ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Network .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Client workstations ............................................................................................................................. 15 Unlock code ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Trouble shooting the hardware key ................................................................................................... 15 File Naming Conventions .................................................................................................................... 16 Virus Scanning Software Considerations ......................................................................................... 16 Configuration File and Registry Entry ............................................................................................... 17 Installing HASP Memo Bitlock (Green Key or Blue Key for parallel keys or Purple for USB keys) Driver ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 Bitlock Descriptions ............................................................................................................................ 18 Trouble Shooting conflicts with bitlock ............................................................................................... 19 Removing the HASP BITLOCK (Green Key or Blue Key for parallel keys or Purple for USB keys) Driver ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 Removing the RAINBOW BITLOCK (Beige Key) Driver ................................................................... 22 Updating Bitlock ................................................................................................................................... 23 Standalone Bitlock ............................................................................................................................. 23 Memo Hasp - Parallel Key (Green and Blue) & Purple USB Key ...................................................... 23 Network Bitlock - Memo Hasp - Red Key (Parallel or USB) .............................................................. 24 FlexLM ............................................................................................................................................... 26 Quick Overview .................................................................................................................................... 26

2. PETRA Tutorial Overview ....................................................................................... 29

Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 29 Function Keys ....................................................................................................................................... 29 Function Keys Main ........................................................................................................................ 30 FmTops Tab Right Click popup menu ............................................................................................ 30 Zone Tab Right Click popup menu ................................................................................................. 30 Function Keys Spread Sheet .......................................................................................................... 31 Function Keys Raster Calibration ................................................................................................... 31 Function Keys Raster Log Correlation ............................................................................................ 31 Function Keys Log Correlation ....................................................................................................... 31 Function Keys Map ......................................................................................................................... 32 Function Keys CrossSection ........................................................................................................... 33 Function Keys Log CrossPlot ......................................................................................................... 34 Function Keys Histogram ................................................................................................................ 34 Function Keys 2D Seismic .............................................................................................................. 34 Function Keys Slip Logs ................................................................................................................. 34

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PETRA Users Manual

Function Keys Log Curve Previewer .............................................................................................. 34 Function Keys 3DViz ....................................................................................................................... 35 Mouse control 3DViz ....................................................................................................................... 35 The following 3DViz keyboard shortcuts are available: ..................................................................... 35 The following hot keys may be used for 3DViz display options ......................................................... 36 Function Keys Directional Well Module .......................................................................................... 36 PETRA Modules and Tools.................................................................................................................. 37 Main Module .......................................................................................................................................... 37 Mapping Tool ........................................................................................................................................ 43 Cross-Section Tool .............................................................................................................................. 43 Spread Sheet Tool ................................................................................................................................ 44 Log Cross Plot Tool ............................................................................................................................. 44 Z Cross Plot Tool .................................................................................................................................. 44 2D Seismic Tool .................................................................................................................................... 44 Log Histogram Tool ............................................................................................................................. 44 Production Analysis Tool .................................................................................................................... 45 Production Group Plot Tool ................................................................................................................ 45 PetraSeis Tool ...................................................................................................................................... 45 Thematic Mapper .................................................................................................................................. 46 3D Visualizer ......................................................................................................................................... 46 Slip Logs Module .................................................................................................................................. 47 Log Correlation Module ....................................................................................................................... 47 Directional Well Module ....................................................................................................................... 47 Main Module Icons ............................................................................................................................... 47 Map Overlay Viewer ............................................................................................................................. 48 Copy Printer File to Printer ................................................................................................................. 49 Compute Main Menu (Calculations and Transformation Tools)................................................... 49 Calculations and Transformation Tools ............................................................................................ 49 Units....................................................................................................................................................... 50 Help ........................................................................................................................................................ 51 Other options in the Help drop-down menu are ................................................................................. 52 Last ........................................................................................................................................................ 55

3. Data Organization and Concepts ........................................................................... 57

PETRA Projects .................................................................................................................................... 57 Sharing Projects ................................................................................................................................... 57 Creating a shared project ................................................................................................................... 57 Shared project data is live .................................................................................................................. 66 Project Data .......................................................................................................................................... 67 Unique Well Identifier (UWI) .............................................................................................................. 67 Well Sequence Number (WSN) ......................................................................................................... 67 Well label............................................................................................................................................ 67 Zones ................................................................................................................................................. 67 Zone data items ................................................................................................................................. 68 Interval Data ....................................................................................................................................... 69 Well selection ..................................................................................................................................... 70 Missing or null data values ................................................................................................................. 70 Creating a New Project ........................................................................................................................ 70 New project overview ......................................................................................................................... 70 Importing well data ............................................................................................................................. 78 Importing tabular ASCII well data ...................................................................................................... 81

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Importing digital log data LAS data ................................................................................................. 88 Project Menus ....................................................................................................................................... 98 Project>Remarks File menu .............................................................................................................. 98 Project>Import menu ......................................................................................................................... 99 Project> Export menu ...................................................................................................................... 100 Project> Summary Reportmenu ................................................................................................... 101 Project> Direct Connect menu ......................................................................................................... 101 Project>Close>Project menu ........................................................................................................... 103 Project>Reopen menu ..................................................................................................................... 103 Project>Settings menu ..................................................................................................................... 104 Set Map Projection... ........................................................................................................................ 115 System Colors... ............................................................................................................................... 116 Well Symbols... ................................................................................................................................ 116 Reset Module... ................................................................................................................................ 117 Set Tab Colors... .............................................................................................................................. 119 Password Protect Project................................................................................................................. 122 ReLoad symbol code translations .................................................................................................... 125 Get latest symbols ........................................................................................................................... 125 Reset default UWI column widths .................................................................................................... 125 Set MJ LogSleuth Project ............................................................................................................. 125 Register PetraDBServer for ESRI Plug-in ....................................................................................... 126 Project>Exit Menu ............................................................................................................................ 126 Set MJ LogSleuth Project... ............................................................................................................. 127 Project>Prospect menu .................................................................................................................. 128 Help .................................................................................................................................................. 128 Save Prospect Well List Menu ......................................................................................................... 131 Load Prospect Well List menu ......................................................................................................... 138 Use Entire Project ............................................................................................................................ 140

4. Main Module .......................................................................................................... 143

Switching Between Modules ............................................................................................................. 143 Opening the Tutorial Project ............................................................................................................. 144 Main Module Overview....................................................................................................................... 149 Projection for projects ...................................................................................................................... 150 Sorting the Well List........................................................................................................................... 153 Project Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 154 Well Tab ............................................................................................................................................... 158 Adding a new well manually ............................................................................................................ 161 Changing the Unique Well Identifier ................................................................................................ 163 Deleting a single well ....................................................................................................................... 164 Deleting multiple wells ..................................................................................................................... 164 Location Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 165 Deviated wells .................................................................................................................................. 165 Displaying the survey data ............................................................................................................... 166 Locking projection ............................................................................................................................ 167 Locking locations ............................................................................................................................. 168 Fm Tops Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 171 Printing tops ..................................................................................................................................... 173 New top ............................................................................................................................................ 173 Top aliases ....................................................................................................................................... 173 Show tops by sourceShow Tops By Source Fm Tops Tab Main Module ................................. 173

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Reordering tops ............................................................................................................................... 174 Formation tops maintenance ........................................................................................................ 174 Zones Tab ........................................................................................................................................... 177 Creating a new zone ........................................................................................................................ 181 Adding new zone variables or items ................................................................................................ 184 Logs Tab.............................................................................................................................................. 186 IP Tests Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 191 Fm Tests Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 192 Cores Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 194 Perfs Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 195 Shows Tab .......................................................................................................................................... 197 Production Tab ................................................................................................................................... 198 Computing cumulative production data ........................................................................................... 200 Prod Cums Tab ................................................................................................................................... 210 Rasters Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 214 Other Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 216 Casing Details .................................................................................................................................. 217 Fault Cuts ......................................................................................................................................... 217 Production Symbols (Pd Sym) ......................................................................................................... 218 Well History ...................................................................................................................................... 218 Liner Details ..................................................................................................................................... 219 Cement............................................................................................................................................. 219 Velocity ............................................................................................................................................. 220 Pay Data .......................................................................................................................................... 220 Scout Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 220 View Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 222 Intervals Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 223

5. Log Image Calibration ........................................................................................... 225

Straightening an Image ...................................................................................................................... 226 Depth Calibration Log Image ......................................................................................................... 240 Image Groups ..................................................................................................................................... 243 Calibrating a Log Image..................................................................................................................... 245 The Image Calibration Toolbar ......................................................................................................... 246 Assign a Group Name ........................................................................................................................ 251 Define the Calibration Depths ........................................................................................................... 251 Define the Left and Right Edges of the Image................................................................................. 253 Define the Log Header Section ......................................................................................................... 254 Define the Log Scale Section ............................................................................................................ 256 Deleting Calibration Depths .............................................................................................................. 258 Saving the Calibration File ................................................................................................................ 259 Loading a Calibration File ................................................................................................................. 260 How to Digitize a Raster Log TUTORIAL PROJECT .................................................................... 261 Depth-Calibrating the Raster Image ................................................................................................. 261 The Raster Calibration Screen......................................................................................................... 262 Group Names ................................................................................................................................... 263 The Depth Calibration Toolbar ......................................................................................................... 264 Define the Calibration Depths .......................................................................................................... 264 Deleting Calibration Depths ............................................................................................................. 266 Interpolating Depths ......................................................................................................................... 266 Saving Calibrations ............................................................................................................................ 266

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PETRA Users Manual


Digitizing the Curve............................................................................................................................ 267 Turning On the Curve Digitizing Toolbar ......................................................................................... 267 Selecting the Digital Log Curve and Scale ...................................................................................... 268 Setting the Left and Right Track Edge ............................................................................................. 269 Drawing the Digitizing Line .............................................................................................................. 271 Changing the Track Scales (Curve Wrapping) ................................................................................ 277 Editing a Curve Segment ................................................................................................................. 281 Saving and Loading Your Work-In-Progress ................................................................................... 283 Storing a Curve to the Database ..................................................................................................... 284 Loading a Curve from the Database ................................................................................................ 286 Starting Another Curve .................................................................................................................... 287

6. Mapping Module.................................................................................................... 289

Mapping Module Overview ................................................................................................................ 289 Land Grid Overlay .............................................................................................................................. 293 Selecting a Well on the Map .............................................................................................................. 295 Viewing Data for a Specific Well ....................................................................................................... 295 Finding a Specific Well ...................................................................................................................... 304 Zooming .............................................................................................................................................. 304 Panning and Scrolling ....................................................................................................................... 304 Posted Base Maps.............................................................................................................................. 305 Selecting and Formatting Posted Data ............................................................................................ 305 Contour Maps ..................................................................................................................................... 308 Creating a structure map grid .......................................................................................................... 309 Structure map contouring................................................................................................................. 314 Contour range and color palette ...................................................................................................... 317 Contouring with faults ...................................................................................................................... 318 Creating an isopach ......................................................................................................................... 318 Bubble Maps ....................................................................................................................................... 329 Map Overlay Utility ............................................................................................................................. 332 Overlay toolbar ................................................................................................................................. 332 Adding an overlay line ...................................................................................................................... 335 Overlay line classes ......................................................................................................................... 336 Editing line attributes ........................................................................................................................ 339 Moving lines and line points ............................................................................................................. 340 Adding overlay text .......................................................................................................................... 340 Editing text attributes ....................................................................................................................... 341 Moving text ....................................................................................................................................... 341 Capturing Data with a Digitizer ......................................................................................................... 342 Map Overlay UtilityAdding Overlay Text Map Overlay Utility........................................................ 343 Using a Wintab Driver and a Digitizer Tablet ................................................................................... 343 Comment About Registering the Digitizing Tablet ........................................................................... 344 Configuring the Wintab Driver .......................................................................................................... 344 Tablet Registration Instructions ....................................................................................................... 347 Calibration Verification ..................................................................................................................... 355 Capturing Line Data with a Digitizer ................................................................................................ 359 Normal Line ...................................................................................................................................... 360 Contour Line .................................................................................................................................... 363 Fault Trace ....................................................................................................................................... 367 Using the Digitizing Mouse (Cursor) to Add New Well .................................................................... 370 Using the Digitizing Mouse (Cursor) to Add a Seismic Line and Shotpoints ................................... 374

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PETRA Users Manual

General Comments .......................................................................................................................... 377 Using Footage Calls to Spot a Well .................................................................................................. 378 Using the Mouse to Add a New Well ................................................................................................ 384 Using the Mouse to Move a Well Location ...................................................................................... 387 Using the Mouse to Update Missing Well ........................................................................................ 389

7. Cross Section Module ........................................................................................... 393

Starting a Cross Section.................................................................................................................... 393 Automatic structure depth using formation tops .............................................................................. 395 Selecting digital log curves .............................................................................................................. 398 Stratigraphic cross section ............................................................................................................... 403 Correlating formation tops method 1 ............................................................................................ 403 Correlating formation tops method 2 ............................................................................................ 408 Cross Sections with Raster Images ................................................................................................. 409 Cross Section Log Image Calibration Net Pay ............................................................................. 409 Cross section log image display options ....................................................................................... 409 Pay toolbar select pay number ..................................................................................................... 414

8. 3D Visualizer .......................................................................................................... 415

Mouse Control .................................................................................................................................... 415 Keyboard Shortcuts ........................................................................................................................... 415 Hot Keys for Display Options .......................................................................................................... 416 Vertical Tool Bar Buttons .................................................................................................................. 416 Horizontal Toolbar Buttons ............................................................................................................... 417 Selecting Wells/Bore Holes ............................................................................................................... 418 Bore Holes .......................................................................................................................................... 420 Tops ..................................................................................................................................................... 421 Options Tab...................................................................................................................................... 422 Shows .................................................................................................................................................. 423 Perfs..................................................................................................................................................... 424 Curves/Logs ........................................................................................................................................ 424 Dip Meter ............................................................................................................................................. 427 Grids .................................................................................................................................................... 428 Load Overlay File ............................................................................................................................... 431 Petra Map/Map Images....................................................................................................................... 432 Cross Section ..................................................................................................................................... 433 Depth/Time Plane ............................................................................................................................... 435 Seismic Cube ...................................................................................................................................... 436 Seismic Arbitrary Line ....................................................................................................................... 440 Seismic Horizons ............................................................................................................................... 441 Seismic 2D Survey ............................................................................................................................. 442 Save Current View .............................................................................................................................. 445 Restore Current View ......................................................................................................................... 445 Restore Default View (F6) .................................................................................................................. 445 Restore Default Window Settings ..................................................................................................... 445 Clear Screen ....................................................................................................................................... 445 Refresh All Data (F5) .......................................................................................................................... 446 Search Well by WSN .......................................................................................................................... 446 Set Extent ............................................................................................................................................ 447 Set Data Limits to Full Extents ......................................................................................................... 447 Set Vertical Exaggeration .................................................................................................................. 447

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Map View ............................................................................................................................................. 448 Front View (Full Data Extent) ............................................................................................................ 450 Mode .................................................................................................................................................... 451 Set Light .............................................................................................................................................. 451 Frame Options .................................................................................................................................... 452 Axis Property ...................................................................................................................................... 453 Options ................................................................................................................................................ 454 Show Well Symbol Plane ................................................................................................................... 456 Show Side Panel................................................................................................................................. 457 Window Drop-down Menu ................................................................................................................. 458 Help Drop-down Menu ....................................................................................................................... 459

Hyperlinks to PETRA and PetraSeis ....................................................................... 461

PETRA Online User Community ....................................................................................................... 461 PETRA and PetraSeis Update links .................................................................................................. 461 PETRA Standalone version ............................................................................................................... 461 PETRA Network Version .................................................................................................................... 461 PetraSeis Download Pages ............................................................................................................... 462 Direct Link to PETRA and PetraSeis Update Files .......................................................................... 462 Training site Dates for US and Canadian training sessions: ..................................................... 462 PETRA Utilities and Bitlock Drivers ................................................................................................. 463 PETRA Middleware (Data Movers).................................................................................................... 464

Index .......................................................................................................................... 467

April 12, 2011

The application opens to the Welcome Topic and Introduction to PETRA.

Welcome Topic

Introduction to PETRA
Getting Started with PETRA to manage petroleum projects
Congratulations and thank you for selecting PETRA, the latest advance in PC software for the petroleum industry. PETRA impacts today's prospect generation and acquisition studies with tomorrow's technology. Its features are designed to enhance the decision-making process and strengthen your competitiveness. PETRA couples a powerful well database with easy-to-use mapping, cross section, and log analysis tools. PETRA is designed for the Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows7 environment and is focused on improving the productivity of asset teams composed of geologists, geophysicists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engineers. PETRA provides a unique solution to data management, manipulation, visualization and integration of geological, geophysical, petrophysical and engineering data. Real-world proven functionality combined with the latest user interface technology allows easy transformation from raw well data to understanding critical reservoir parameters. Results can be quickly visualized using the interactive mapping, cross sections, log plots, cross-plots, and custom spreadsheets. This manual contains a step-by-step tutorial intended to teach the first time user the basic skills for using PETRA. By reading this tutorial, you learn how to navigate the Main module to view and edit data, open the Map module to create various maps including contour maps, and to open the Cross Section module to correlate formation tops from a cross section display.

IHS Customer Care - PETRA

When you need Technical Assistance, please send an email to [email protected] or call 1800-IHS-CARE Ext 3 (1-800-447-2273, Ext 3). When you need assistance with Licensing, please send an email to [email protected].

April 12, 2011


PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

For all Quote Requests, send an email to [email protected]. For all Training Requests, send an email to [email protected].

Tutorial and Sample Projects

There are two projects available when you install PETRA. The projects are called Sample and Tutorial. The Sample project contains identical well data to the Tutorial project, plus additional data and computed results, such as grid files. It also contains specific default values to speed the viewing process. The Tutorial project is automatically extracted when you download and install PETRA using alldisks.exe. To extract the Sample project, close the project that you have open, and click the Project>Build Sample Project menu.

Note: If you do not have the Tutorial.zip and the Sample.zip at the root of the projects folder in the folder where you installed PETRA, you can download the files from the WEB. The links are: https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/Sample.zip https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/Tutorial.zip The TUTPROJ.EXE located at the root of the projects subfolder can be deleted as it is no longer used. This tutorial uses the Tutorial project database, which is installed along with the PETRA program files. The Tutorial project contains all data referenced by the tutorial manual. The Tutorial project is designed to be used in conjunction with this manual.


April 12, 2011

1 Introduction

PETRA Users Manual

We encourage you to read this manual in its entirety. Doing so helps you gain an understanding of important concepts and capabilities that PETRA offers the geo-computing community.

Hardware Requirements
The minimum hardware required for operation is a personal computer system running: Microsoft Windows XP 32 bit OS or Vista/Windows 7 64 bit Operating System. Dual core processor or better. 4 GB RAM for XP 32 bit OS. 8 GB Ram for Vista 64 bit or Windows 7 64 bit OS. 512 MB Video system with OPENGL acceleration. Single 1,0124x768 VGA color monitor. If you are storing your projects on your local hard drive, obtain a drive that will hold at least 260GB or more of data. Remember to obtain a backup device of some kind in case of a failure. Backing up your data is critical. Note: Use an external USB drive, which is probably the easiest to use. If it has not been formatted as NTFS, we highly recommend that the USB drive be re-formatted as a NTFS drive. There are tape back up devices, or a DVD writer can be used to backup projects if they are not over 4GB unless you use a backup software program that can span DVDs. The recommended System Requirements Microsoft Windows Vista/Windows 7 64 bit Operating System. Quad core processor or better. 16 GB Ram for Vista/Windows 7 64 bit. 512 MB Video system with OPENGL acceleration. Dual Monitor System video resolution of 1024x768 or better, and a color monitor. Dual or Triple monitors are not required but are supported if the operating system/video card(s) supports them. Note: No special video cards are required. PETRA is compatible with a broad range of high performance video cards and dual and triple monitor installations.

April 12, 2011


PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

The standalone install requires about 117 MB of disk space for program files and the Tutorial project. The Network install requires about 188 MB of disk space for program files. The Network Client install requires about 12 MB of disk space for program files and the Tutorial project.

Software Installation
PETRA is available in both network and standalone versions on a CD-ROM or Internet download. When you receive a CD, please follow the specific instructions that are packaged with the software to insure proper installation.

Hardware Key
Apply the following hardware key information when installing PETRA.

The stand-alone version of PETRA is shipped with a security hardware key called a bitlock or dongle that must be plugged into a USB or a parallel port. The security device must be on the PC before the program can be executed.

The network version of PETRA is shipped with a security hardware key called a bitlock or dongle that must be plugged into a USB or a parallel port. A license manager must be installed on the same machine that the security device is attached to. The license manager and security device may be installed on a Windows 2000/2003 or 2008 server attached to your network. As an alternative solution, the license manager and security device can be installed on a workstation attached to the network. The license manager and security device must be installed before the program can be executed. Another scheme for network licensing is FlexLM. This is the only license scheme that can be used if subscription licenses are to be used. The DATA Access and ESRI Arc Map Extension licenses are managed by FlexLM only. If either of these license features are needed and you have a network bitlock, you will be required to convert to FlexLM, and the network bitlock must be returned to the Tulsa, Oklahoma office


April 12, 2011

1 Introduction

PETRA Users Manual

after the conversion is completed via a registered means, like FedEx so that the package can be tracked. We provide a FlexLM daemon for windows only.

Client workstations
The individual workstations have a Client version of PETRA installed.

Unlock code
The Evaluation version of PETRA uses a software unlock code to enable the software for a 30day evaluation period.

Trouble shooting the hardware key

Trouble shoot installation problems with the following bitlock and bios settings information. Bitlock No Longer Available Note: If you pull the parallel or USB bitlock off the machine while PETRA is running or send a long print job to the printer attached to the LPT port that the parallel bitlock lock is attached to, you will obtain the following error message:

If you made any changes to an overlay layer, you must save your changes and close out of the Main and Map modules. Plug the bitlock back into the LPT port and/or wait until the long print job is finished before reopening PETRA. Another solution would be to exchange the parallel bitlock with a USB bitlock. Return the bitlock to the Tulsa office via a registered means, like FedEx so that the package can be tracked, and request a USB replacement bitlock. BIOS Settings As a general rule, the parallel port cannot be configured as an EPP port. Use either the ECP or Bi-Directional setting for the parallel port. These settings are called Mode setting parameters

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PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

under Parallel Port in the Integrated Devices section when in the BIOS setup configuration mode. Refer to the documentation for your PC to verify and/or make changes to the BIOS configuration. The PETRA bitlock should not interfere with the performance of the printer port or any other bitlock currently installed. Simply plug the printer cable or any other device capable of connecting to the parallel port into the back of the bitlock.

File Naming Conventions

A filename can contain up to 215 characters, including spaces. A filename cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? < > | (back slash, forward slash, colon, asterisk, question mark, quotation marks, less than, greater than). Using a comma (,) or semi colon (;) may cause undesirable results. For instance, when using the Copy command to send a file to a printer connected directly to the LPT1 port that contains a comma, the resulting file length that is copied is zero bytes. The comma is used by the Copy command to indicate the omission of the Destination parameter.

Virus Scanning Software Considerations

We recommend that you turn off the virus automatic scan for the database files in the path for your projects. Scanning the files every time the file is read or written can cause performance issues. The DBI database files with an extension of .BLB, .DAT, and .IDX project data files with an extension of Log Curves converted from a Table to files WSN*.BIN. Some of the other data files that are created by PETRA and/or used by PETRA are listed below. Commercial data vendors create some of these file extensions when data is sent to our clients. This may not be a complete list of all file extensions that can be created for or read by PETRA. Project Data Files: .ALI, .API, .ASC, .ATT, .AVL, .BAK, .BAS, .BIN, .BMP, .BUB, .CAD, .CDF, .CFG, .CHR, .CLR, .CNT, .CON, .CPS., CPT, .CSP, .CSV., CTB, .CTX, .C98, .DAT, .DBF, .DBW, .DEF, .DLS, .DMP, .DOC, .DP2, .DPS, .DVP, .DXF, .DWG, .EMF, .ETX, .E00, .F10, .FM1, .FM2, .FM3, .FM4, .FM5, .FM6, .FM7, .FM8, .FM9, .FMT, .GES, .GFX, .GID, .GRD, .GCS, .HLP, .HS, .INI, .IPP, .JPG, .LA, .LAS, .LAY, .LIC, .LIM, .LIS, .LMA, .LOG, .LOS, .MAP, .MSG, .MID, .MIF, .MLP, .MOR, ,MPT, .MTB, .OVL, .ORD, .OUT, .OVP, .PET, .PID, .PAS, .PAT, .PDO, .PLT, .PMO, .PPF, .PRJ, .PRN, .PRO, .P12, .QRY, .QSG, .RAW, .REG, .RPT, .SBX, .SBN, .SEG, .SEI, .SHP, .SHT, .SHX, .SIF, .SLL, .SMT, .SRC, .SRV, .SSC, .SSS, .TIF, .TMC,


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1 Introduction

PETRA Users Manual

.TXT, .USR, .UWI, .VOL, .WCS, .WDI, .WDS, .WEL, .WMF, .WSN, .WSP, .WV2, .X, .XPP, .XPO, .XSO, .XSW, .XTP, .XYZ, .ZIL, .ZOL, .ZPL, .ZSC, .97C, .97F, .98C, .001, .002 Program Files: config.exe, CopyProj.exe, DBI_ODBC.EXE, demo1.exe dbunzip.exe, dem2xyz.exe, FillContours.exe, FlexHostID.exe, geodemo.exe, geoplus1.exe, geostart.exe, gp3dviz.exe, gpbkgnd.exe, gpcorr.exe, gpgrid.exe, gphist.exe, gplogcor.exe, gplogtrn.exe, gpmap.exe, gppaplot.exe, gpseis.exe, gpspread.exe, gptmplot.exe, gpxplot.exe, gpxsect.exe, gpzplot.exe, haspusersetup.exe, hdd32.exe, Hinstall.exe, IHSLoader.exe, IHSProdLoader.exe, inifix.exe, Inst3dvis.EXE, Load298.exe, Machnm1.exe, MigrateToBDE.exe, Mo22rt.exe, Petra.exe, PetraBorrow.exe, PetraDBIMigrate.exe, PetraDBIRepair.exe, PetraDBM.exe, petradbserver.exe, PetraDBZip.exe, PetraPack.exe, PetraPriParmServer.exe, PetraProjectReport.exe, PetraScan.exe PetraRepair.exe, PriParmDBM.exe, PSMain.exe, PsTpLoad.exe, ptpetra90.exe, PXRest.exe, Qryhasp.exe, Qrylock.exe, RainbowSSD.exe, reghasp.exe, register.exe, regmemo.exe, regspro.exe, segyviewer.exe, UNWISE.EXE, *.dll files, *.wav files in the PetraSrv and/or geoplus1 folder. There are *.dll files located in the Parms folder in the install path as well.

Configuration File and Registry Entry

Regarding the PETRA configuration file, a file called GEOPLUS.INI is written to the root of the geoplus1 folder, which contains information that applies to the user. PETRA writes to the Registry when installed. The location is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\geoPLUS Corporation

April 12, 2011


PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

Installing HASP Memo Bitlock (Green Key or Blue Key for parallel keys or Purple for USB keys) Driver
Bitlock Descriptions

Windows operating systems require a device driver to be installed when using a HASP bitlock. The Hasp bitlock device driver installation program is normally located in the C:\geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp folder. There are several files in this folder. Note: You must have administrative rights or the driver will not install. Windows 7 has Native drivers that are installed when you plug in the USB bitlock. Normally, you do not have to install the HDD32.exe as a driver for the Aladdin USB Bitlock. You must have install privileges in order for the driver to be installed. Using Windows Explorer, double-click the hdd32.exe file to install the driver for XP. The InstallShield procedure installs the Hasp device driver. Download from


April 12, 2011

1 Introduction

PETRA Users Manual

https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/hasp.zip. Unzip to the C:\geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp folder replacing the files if they exist. Double click on hdd32.exe and step through the Wise install wizard. If the security device is a USB key, you should see a red light come on after the driver is installed.

Trouble Shooting conflicts with bitlock

Sometimes there is a conflict between the bitlock and the installed printer/plotter drivers. If you experience a time out when going to a device that is directly attached to the parallel bitlock, take the following steps: 1. Remove the currently installed drivers by running from the Windows Start Run menu the program [drive letter]:\geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp\Hinstall.exe remove with the switch as shown.

Note: Replace [drive letter] with the drive letter where PETRA is installed. 2. Click Start , and then click Run

A Run dialog box is displayed with an Open field.

3. Enter C:\geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp\Hinstall.exe or drive letter and path for the geoplus1 folder into the Open: field (if you did not take the install defaults), and then click Browse. 4. Double-click the HINSTALL.EXE file. The full path to the file is entered into the Run command line. 5. Click to the right of the geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp\ HINSTALL.EXE path twice. The first time the path highlights in blue, the second time it highlights in white.

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PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

6. Enter the parameter -remove as shown.

Note: There are spaces between the parameters. Your path may not be C: if you did not take the defaults when installing PETRA. Click OK. A Hasp Device Driver install utility dialog screen is displayed with a Please Wait message.

An Aladdin Device Driver Installation Utility for Win32 is displayed with the message The operation was completed successfully.

7. You must reboot your PC to completely remove the driver. 8. Install the Hasp driver by running from the Windows Start Run menu. The path is still there from the previous entry. 9. Replace the remove switch with the i -cnt=yes switches as shown below.


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1 Introduction

PETRA Users Manual

see the same two dialog screens shown above with the Please Wait and The operation was completed successfully, messages.

Removing the HASP BITLOCK (Green Key or Blue Key for parallel keys or Purple for USB keys) Driver
To remove the Hasp bitlock driver take the following steps: 1. Remove the currently installed drivers. This is accomplished by running from the Windows Start Run menu the program [drive letter]:\geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp\Hinstall.exe remove with the switch as shown.

Note: Replace [drive letter] with the drive letter where PETRA is installed. 2. Click the Start button , and then click the Run option.

3. Click Browse on the Run dialog screen. 4. Navigate to C:\geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp\Hinstall.exe or drive letter and path for the geoplus1 folder if you did not take the install defaults. 5. Double-click the HINSTALL.EXE file. The full path to the file is entered into the Run command line. 6. Click to the right of the geoplus1\Drivers\Hasp\ HINSTALL.EXE path twice. The first time the path is highlighted in blue, the second time it is highlighted in white. Enter the parameter -remove as shown.

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PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

Note: There are spaces between the parameters. Your path may not be C: if you did not take the defaults when installing PETRA. Click OK. A Hasp Device Driver install utility dialog screen is displayed with a Please Wait message. An Aladdin Device Driver Installation Utility for Win32 is displayed with a message The operation was completed successfully. 7. You must Reboot your PC to completely remove the driver.

Removing the RAINBOW BITLOCK (Beige Key) Driver

Note: The Rainbow bitlocks are being retired and will no longer be issued to clients. Memo Hasp Parallel or USB keys will be issued instead. The rainbow bitlock can be returned to the Tulsa office, via a registered means, like FedEx so that the package can be tracked, for a free replacement of the Rainbow Bitlock with a Memo Hasp USB bitlock. To remove the Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows7 bitlock driver, Run, [drive letter]:\geoplus1\Drivers\Rainbow 1. In Explorer, locate the geoplus1\Drivers\Rainbow folder and double-click the RainbowSSD.exe file. (Replace [drive letter] with the drive letter containing the Geoplus 1 directory and program files. Normally this is C.). A Sentinel System Driver InstallShield Wizard dialog screen is displayed. 2. Click Next to continue. 3. Click the Remove radio button, and then click Next. 4. Click Remove.


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PETRA Users Manual

5. Click Finish. The next time you reboot your PC, the driver is completely removed at that time.

Updating Bitlock
Updates for bitlocks occur as follows:

Standalone Bitlock
Fifteen days prior to the expiration of your annual maintenance, IHS sends you a registration code to be used to update your bitlock

Memo Hasp - Parallel Key (Green and Blue) & Purple USB Key
If you have a current version of PETRA, there is no need to download the utility as it is included when installing the latest version of PETRA. You can download the latest version of the PETRA utility that is used to update the bitlock, from https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/regmemo.zip. After the file has been downloaded into the Geoplus1 folder, unzip the file to replace the existing regmemo.exe file. 1. Double-click the regmemo.exe file. The Register PETRA License dialog screen is displayed. 2. Enter the code supplied by IHS into the Enter Registration Code data field. 3. Click the Register button. The bitlock updates, and the new Current Expiration Date is displayed. 4. Select the appropriate bitlock Key Type in the Select Key Type section of the dialog screen.

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PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

5. Click the appropriate Radio button to the left of the key that you want to update.

Network Bitlock - Memo Hasp - Red Key (Parallel or USB)

Fifteen days prior to the expiration of your annual maintenance, IHS sends you a petrareg.net data file. Save this file at the root of the folder where PETRA was installed. The folder defaults to Petrasrv. When your annual maintenance is paid, IHS sends you a code to update your network bitlock. If you have a current version of PETRA, there is no need to download the utility as it is included when installing the latest version of PETRA. You can download the latest version of the PETRA utility that is used to update the bitlock, from https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/reghasp.exe .into the Petrasrv folder replacing the existing reghasp.exe file. 1. Double-click the reghasp.exe file. The Register PETRA Network HASP Key dialog screen is displayed with the current key values.


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PETRA Users Manual

2. Click the Browse button to navigate to the PETRAREG.NET file. The file should have been saved to the root of the Petrasrv folder. 3. Click the Read File button and follow the instructions at the bottom of the dialog screen. Click the Update Key button to update the PETRA network key.

The message at the bottom of the dialog screen displays Key was successfully updated with new values.

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PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

4. Stop and start the Hasp Loader service to pick up the new values that were programmed into the bitlock.

Fifteen days prior to the expiration of your annual maintenance, IHS sends you a geoplus.lic data file to save to the root of the folder where PETRA FlexLM was installed. The folder defaults to Program Files\IHS\PetraFlex# where # is either 32 or 64 depending on whether the installation is on a 32 bit or 64 bit sever when you step through the install procedure. The geoplus.exe daemon is in this same folder. Stop the established service, the default service name is PETRA License Manager, and start the service. Everyone must be out of PETRA when the service is stopped and re-started.

Quick Overview
The SAMPLE project contains computed grid files, specific default values, and displays prepared for a quick overview of PETRA. We strongly recommend that you review the tutorial material prior to venturing off on your own. Familiarize yourself with the Data Organization and Concepts section.


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1 Introduction

PETRA Users Manual

When first running PETRA, you have a Welcome to PETRA dialog screen displayed. There are three choices displayed: ReOpen your Last Project Open an EXISTING Project Create a NEW Project The Sample project is not automatically generated. The SAMPLE project can be created by following the steps that are outlined below: 1. Close the TUTORIAL project by clicking the Close the Current Project icon Project Close Project menu. 2. Click the Project Build Sample Project... menu. 3. Click the Project Open... menu. 4. Select SAMPLE from the list of projects displayed. There are three icons in the upper left portion of the Main screen. The first icon is Create New Project, the middle icon is Open An Existing Project and the third icon is Close The Current Project. , or

The following topic list gives you suggestions for topics to preview during your overview. Look at the Formation Tops tab in the main module and see how easily tops can be modified. View the Zones tab to see how PETRA can maintain user-defined variables. Check the digital log curve-previewing feature located on the Logs tab of the main module. Look at the monthly production charts by selecting the Production tab on the main module and scrolling through several wells. Learn how to start the Mapping module from the main tool menu and use the Options Active/Inactive menu to turn on and off some of the predefined displays.

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PETRA Users Manual

1 Introduction

Learn how to start up the Cross-section module from the Mapping module by using the Cross Section Switch To Cross Section Tool. Change the digital log curve shading in the Cross section module using the Logs Display Options menu. Change the tops drawing options in the Cross section module using the Tops Display Options menu. Start the Log Cross Plot module from the Main module menu. Try both XY and ternary cross-plot displays


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PETRA Tutorial Overview
This tutorial is designed to familiarize you with data organization, fundamental design concepts and tools that allow you to manage your geological projects more efficiently and make more effective use of your time. PETRA can reduce the time spent editing and cleaning up data and increase time available for data analysis and interpretation. This tutorial teaches you how to Determine which tool to use to accomplish a particular task Navigate the main module to view and modify well data Define zones for organizing data by geologic interval How to preview digital well log curves Create base maps with posted data Generate structure contour maps Compute and display isopach contour maps Compute and display cumulative production using bubble maps Add and modify overlay lines and text Create cross section displays using digital logs and/or scanned raster images Correlate formation tops from a cross section Create a new project, import well, and digital log data.

Function Keys
There are many function keys and keyboard shortcuts to speed the workflow.

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Download or view the PETRA shortcuts by clicking the following link or entering it into your internet browser: https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petra_function_keys.pdf

Function Keys Main

Project>Import>General Well Data FromGeneric ASCII File Project>IHS Enerdeq>Import Wells From Enerdeq Direct Connect Project>IHS Enerdeq>Import Production From Enerdeq Direct Connect Project>IHS Enerdeq>View Enerdeq Scout Ticket For Current Well Project>Settings>Program Options Wells>Select>All Wells Wells>Select>Current Well Only Wells>Select>Wells By Data Criteria Wells>Go To Well Wells>Use Previous Well List Units>View As Imperial Units View As Metric Close PETRA Find Text In Well List Go To Well In Map Ctrl+T Ctrl+Alt+W Ctrl+Alt+P Ctrl+Alt+S Ctrl+O Ctrl+A Ctrl+W Ctrl+S Ctrl+G Ctrl+P F1 F2 Alt+F4 Ctrl+F F8

FmTops Tab Right Click popup menu

Lock Item for This Well Unlock Item for This Well Lock Item for Selected Wells Unlock Item for Selected Wells Ctrl+L Ctrl+U Alt+L Alt+U

Zone Tab Right Click popup menu

Lock Item for This Well Ctrl+L


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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

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Unlock Item for This Well Lock Item for Selected Wells Unlock Item for Selected Wells

Ctrl+U Alt+L Alt+U

Function Keys Spread Sheet

Wells>Select>All Wells Wells>Select>Wells By Data Criteria Search>Find and Replace Ctrl+A Ctrl+S Ctrl+F

Function Keys Raster Calibration

Depths>Display Depths As Feet Depths>Display Depths As Meters Depths>Go To Depth Digitizing - select segment -Breaking into two segments Digitizing select segment -Breaking and Deleting Part of a Segment Digitizing Merge segments - select segment Tops>Edit Mode Active F1 F2 Ctrl+G Ctrl Ctrl and Alt F5 Ctrl+T

Function Keys Raster Log Correlation

Image>Open Image Image>Exit View>Alignment Cursor Depths>Line Up At Depth Depths>Depth Scale Depths>Go To First Depth Ctrl+O Ctrl+X Ctrl+A Ctrl+D Ctrl+S Ctrl+F

Function Keys Log Correlation

Select Previous Top (In Top Pick List) Select Next Top (In Top Pick List) Flatten On Selected Top (Top Must Be Selected) F5 F6 F7

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Show Top On Mouse Hover Show Depth By Mouse Pan (When In Zoom Mode) Vertical Scroll (When In Zoom Mode) Assign Logs For Log Type In Left Column (Only If Log Type Is Defined For Column) Assign Logs For Log Type In Center Column (Only If Log Type Is Defined For Column) Assign Logs For Log Type In Right Column (Only If Log Type Is Defined For Column) Undo Last Top Pick Highlight Top (In Display List) Closest To Mouse Pan View (When In Zoom Mode) Slide Well Up/Down Reset Well Depths

F8 F9 Arrow(s) Mouse Wheel Ctl+L Ctl+C Ctl+R Ctl+Z Ctl+Left Mouse Alt+Left Mouse Shift+Left Mouse Shift+F7

Function Keys Map

File>Load Map Settings File>Print Preview (Old) File>Save Map Settings Wells>Select Wells>All Wells Wells>Select Wells>Wells By Data Criteria Wells>Use Previous Well List Wells>Edit>Add New Well with Mouse Overlay Snap to intersecting lines Overlay Snap to intersecting lines of a Quarter Section Grid Overlay>Edit>Select Item Overlay>Edit>Auto Set Polygon Overlay>Edit>Set Auto Set Polygon Attributes Overlay>Find Text Item Overlay - Multiple lines or single text items selection for modification Overlay>Line Stream Mode Active Alt+L Shift+Ctrl+Alt+F12 Alt+S Ctrl+A Ctrl+S Ctrl+P Alt+A F2 F3 Ctrl+E Ctrl+1 Ctrl+2 Ctrl+F Shift+Ctrl+LftMseBtn Ctrl+Alt+S


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Overlay>Save Files(s)>Save Multiple Layer Files Tools>Measure Distance Tools>Quarter Section Grid>Auto Pick Section Tools>Quarter Section Grid>Hide Tools>Digitize Seismic Line CrossSection>Move Line Node Projections Display>Redraw Display>Refresh Data Display>Map Scale>Use Exact Screen Scaling Display>Data Limits>Use Overlay Extents Display>Auto Scale & Limits Display>Zoom In While Zoomed in, press the + - keys to zoom in and by of the zoomed extents Display>Zoom Off Display Lat/Long, X/Y values on the screen Toggle Key Display>Pan Window>Toggle Window Clipping

Ctrl+Alt+L Ctrl+D Ctrl+Q Alt+Q Shift+S Ctrl+N Ctrl+R Alt+F Ctrl+F9 Ctrl+O Ctrl+L Ctrl+Z

Alt+Z F9 F10 Ctrl+W

Function Keys CrossSection

Wells>Add a Pseudo Well Logs>Interpretative Color Fill>Refresh Grid Logs>Pay Intervals Display>PetraSeis>Arbitrary Line In PetraSeis Display>PetraSeis>Create and Show Arbitrary Line Overlay Display>PetraSeis>Show PetraSeis Arb Line Overlay Display>Zoom In Display>Measure Tool File>Save>Cross Section File>Load>Cross Section Scales>Well Header Display Tool F4 Ctrl+F Ctrl+P F6 F5 Shift+F5 Ctrl+Z Alt+M Ctrl+S Ctrl+L Ctrl+W

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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Function Keys Log CrossPlot

Wells>Select>All Wells Wells>Select >By Data Criteria Wells>Select>Cross-Section Wells Wells>Select>Well From Main Alt+A Alt+S Alt+C Alt+W

Function Keys Histogram

Wells>Select>All Wells Wells>Select >By Data Criteria Wells>Select>Cross-Section Wells Wells>Select>Single Well From Main Alt+A Alt+S Alt+C Alt+W

Function Keys 2D Seismic

Options>Set Active Lines Zdata>Spread Sheet Columns>Interpolate Missing Values (Current Column) Columns>Interpolate Missing Values (All Columns) Columns>Interpolate Current Cell Only Ctrl+A Ctrl+S Ctrl+I Alt+I F1

Function Keys Slip Logs

File>Exit View>Alignment Cursor View>Fit All Depths>Line Up At Depth Depths>Depth Scale Depths>Go To First Depth Depths>Apply Fault Gaps Ctrl+X Ctrl+A Ctrl+F Ctrl+D Ctrl+S Ctrl+F Ctrl+G

Function Keys Log Curve Previewer

Logs>Set Scale Ctrl+S


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Logs>Restore Original Log


Function Keys 3DViz

The 3D scene is moved and adjusted using the left mouse button to drag a point in the screen causing the scene to shift and rotate. The right mouse button is used to zoom in and out by dragging a point up to zoom in and down to zoom out. The scene may be rotated by holding down the Ctrl key and dragging a point with the left mouse button. Pan is accomplished by using the middle mouse button or by using the Shift key and left click dragging.

Mouse control 3DViz

Double-click a well to select well in Main. Rotate and move scene Zoom In Zoom Out Rotate Scene Pan Scene Pan Scene Left Click and Drag Right Click and Drag Up Right Click and Drag Dn Ctrl + Left Click and Drag Shift + Left Click and Drag Middle Click and Drag

The following 3DViz keyboard shortcuts are available:

Restore Cube Horizontally Refresh Data From Tables Restore Default View Axis Options Extent Options Frame Options Display Options Clear All Display All Set Light Position F4 F5 F6 Ctrl + X Ctrl + E Ctrl + F Ctrl + O Ctrl + C Ctrl + D Ctrl + L

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Set Data Limits to Full Extent Zoom In Zoom Out Zoom Off Rotate the scene in the selected direction Pan the scene in the selected direction

Ctrl + W + Z Ctrl + Shift +

The following hot keys may be used for 3DViz display options
Show as wireframe Show as solid W S

Double-click the layer item to change the properties of that layer, uncheck the layer to hide it, and select the layer and click the remove button to remove the layer from the list.

Function Keys Directional Well Module

General Pan View Re-Draw Screen Refresh Data Select All Wells Select Wells by Data Criteria Open Help Profile View Print Auto-Set Depths to Fit Well Fit Depths to Screen
Top Picking Mode

Middle Click and Drag F5 Shift + F5 Ctrl + A Ctrl + S F1

Ctrl + P F3 F4

Pick FM Top on the Well-Bore Pick FM Top Above/Below the Well-Bore Move FM Top Pick Delete FM Top Pick

Left Click Shift + Left Click Left Click and Drag Alt + Left Click


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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

PETRA Users Manual

Events (while NOT in edit mode)

Move Event Text Box Open Event Edit Dialog

Shift + Left Click Shift + Double Left click

Events (while in edit mode)

Move Event Text Box Open Event Edit Dialog Move Event Depth Correlate Window Scale Section of Log (stretch/squeeze) Up/Down Slide Log Up/Down Drag Up/Down Slip Log Within Scale Region Add Scaling Point to Log Delete Scaling Point

Left Click + Drag Double Left click Left Click + Drag

Ctrl + Left Click + Drag Shift + Left Click + Middle Click + Drag Up Down Double Left Click Alt Left Click

PETRA Modules and Tools

The PETRA program is composed of a Main module and several specialized tool modules. The Main module provides most of the well data viewing, editing functions, and calculation options. Main also launches the tool modules and coordinates inter-task communication between the tools.

Main Module
The Main module provides the basis for all functions in PETRA. Projects are created, opened and closed from Main. Main provides screens for viewing and modifying all well data, including header information, formation tops, user defined z data, and production data. Main provides many data calculation functions, including isopach, footage summations from log data, production cumulative values, and user-defined equation evaluations. The PETRA Main module screen is organized into a list of wells on the left and a series of tabs on the right. Each tabbed section displays details, of a specific data type, for the well highlighted in the well list.

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

The first time you open PETRA after an update to a new version or after installing a patch for the latest version, you see a new splash screen.

Click the red X in the upper right corner to close the splash screen. Click the View More Info button to view a New Features.page with the latest enhancements and bug fixes. The New Features page only shows the changes to the new version. You can display this splash screen at any time by clicking the menu Help>New Features Splash. Click the appropriate button for viewing or closing the splash screen. In the Main module, there is a drop-down menu called Tools. You can open the various modules that are available using this menu.


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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

PETRA Users Manual

Shown below are the icons that can be used to open most of the modules in PETRA as well as icons for navigating through the wells, refreshing data in the tables, and highlighting a well on the map.

The Icons above, left to right, are Create New Project, Open An Existing Project, Close the Current Project, Select Wells By Data Criteria, View/Edit Zone Data, Mapping, Cross Section, Spread Sheet, Log Cross Plot, Z Cross Plot, Histogram, Mo Production Analysis, Group Production Plot, 2D Seismic, PetraSeis 2D-3D Interp, Thematic Mapper, 3d Visualizer, Slip Logs Module, Log Correlation Module,

Current selected well, tab that is selected (in this case Project); icons are: Highlight Well On Map (F8), (This option will not work if the Map module is not open), Refresh Data From Disk, Display Previous Well In List, Display Next Well In List, Help, and Close and Exit.. Note: The PetraSeis 2D-3D Interp icon is not shown until that module has been installed. Click the Create New Project icon to start the Create New Project Wizard. You are guided through the necessary steps to create a new project or to connect to an existing shared project.

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

The following dialog screen is displayed:

Click the Open An Existing Project icon to display a list of projects that are available from the local Parms path. The local Parms path is the path on the local PC where PETRA was installed, typically, C:\geoplus1\parms. Click the Close The Current Project icon to close the current project in preparation to close PETRA, Create New Project, or Open An Existing Project. Note: Close any open module before closing the current project, which allows you the opportunity to save your Overlay data in the Map and CrossSection modules if you have made any changes. If there are any open modules when you click the Close The Current Project icon, a Close Open Modules dialog screen is displayed. You can click Cancel and close each open module, or you can click OK to let PETRA close the open modules along with the associated tables. If you click OK, a Close Open Modules? dialog screen is displayed.


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PETRA Users Manual

If you've made a change to an overlay layer, you must either save the overlay file or dismiss the save of the overlay file. Note: The save overlay screen may be behind the dialog screen that is displayed after closing Main. Iconize the screen to check it. Click Select Wells By Data icon to display the Select Wells By Data dialog screen as shown below. You can select a set of wells based on the Search Criteria that you select. Click the plus + to the left of the major category to expand the selection criteria.

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Click the View/Edit Zone Data icon to bring up the View/Edit Zone Data dialog screen. You can select data from the FMTOPS or WELL zone to view and edit. The FMTOPS A formation is shown below.


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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

PETRA Users Manual

Mapping Tool
The Mapping tool provides PETRA mapping functions, including base maps, contour maps, bubble maps, and attribute maps. Maps provide a direct link to the well database by double-clicking on a well. Maps also provide many data editing functions, including modifying or spotting well locations from footage calls, importing and modifying land grids, and capturing and modifying contours. The Mapping tool also functions to define the wells for a cross section display.

Cross-Section Tool
The Cross-Section tool displays profiles across the project area and can include deviated bore holes, well logs, formation tops, faults, posted well information, cored, perforated and tested interval indicators, and overlays of user-drawn interpretations. The Cross-Section tool offers many data editing functions, including interactive correlation of formation tops, digital log data editing and depth shifting, and picking high-low cutoffs used for log normalization. In addition to digital logs, depth calibrated raster images can be displayed on the cross section. The cross section can be displayed as a structural or a stratigraphic section. Production Charts and Attribute symbols can also be displayed.

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Spread Sheet Tool

The Spread Sheet tool provides a quick way to view and edit selected columns of data for a few wells or for all wells in the project. Each data column is chosen from the well header items, formation tops, and Zone data items. Tops can be edited as measured or subsea TVD. The Spread Sheet tool provides a find and replace function for making global changes. A CSV file can be exported from the Spread Sheet tool with options to include the column headings and to include the WSN column.

Log Cross Plot Tool

Log cross plots are traditionally used by petrophysicists to analyze relationships between digital log curves and to develop models for log transformations. PETRA can generate XY, XYZ, and ternary cross plots for a single well or multiple wells combined. Additional discriminator log curves can be specified to filter the data. Standard graphs and charts (digital or scanned) can be overlain on the cross plot to differentiate lithologies. Polygons can be digitized onto the cross plot and utilized in advanced log transformations to develop facies log curves.

Z Cross Plot Tool

The Z Cross Plot tool is similar in functionality to the log cross plot tool except tops and zone data (numeric and dates) are cross-plotted to generate XY and XYZ plots.

2D Seismic Tool
The 2D Seismic tool offers the user the ability to import 2D and 3D seismic locations and horizon z data. Line names and shot point numbers can be edited. Shot point Z data is presented in tabular format and can be viewed and edited on a shot point or line basis. Note: This tool does NOT display 2D SegY or 2D Rasters.

Log Histogram Tool

The Log Histogram tool displays both a statistical histogram and a vertical log curve representation of a selected log curve, and allows the user to visually pick values such as high
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and low picks, that can be used elsewhere in PETRA. These picks are typically used for digital log curve normalization.

Production Analysis Tool

The Production Analysis tool provides monthly production data for cross-plotting and decline curve analysis functions. Parameters, such as projected reserve estimates, can be computed by graphically fitting exponential or hyperbolic functions to decline curves and capturing and storing related parameters in the database for mapping, computations, (drainage areas), and other purposes.

Production Group Plot Tool

The Production Group Normalization Tool displays and analyzes monthly production data for a set of wells. With this tool, production data can be easily summed together, averaged, or time-normalized back to a single starting date and used to derive ratio curves (water to oil, gas to oil, watercut, etc.). This is useful for comparing historical and average production between different populations of wells. For example, this tool can be used to compare production differences based on completion techniques, reservoir properties, or structural setting.

PetraSeis Tool
The PetraSeis tool is sold separately and is designed to be tightly integrated with PETRA. Therefore, it is launched from the Main module of PETRA, similar to the other PETRA modules. Typically a project requiring interpretation of 2D seismic lines and 3D seismic volumes have associated well and land grid data, and IHS recommends the project map projection and well header data be loaded prior to loading the seismic data. Following this sequence eases the work flow and minimizes confusion. For details on loading well, log curves, and cartographic data into PETRA, please refer to the appropriate sections in this Manual. Included with your PetraSeis license is a sample project dataset, called the SoonerDemo Project. All of the necessary files are installed in PETRA and PetraSeis to allow you to practice interpretation of the data.

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Thematic Mapper
PETRA's Thematic Mapping module is designed to import, display, query and color ESRI Shape Files based on its attribute data and send the results to the Mapping module's overlay layer. The primary functions of the Thematic Mapper are Read in a shape file as a theme with associated attributes Create new shape files resulting from expression, spatial or distance queries applied to the shape file's attributes Create a Well Theme using the PETRA well data such as well header information, formation tops and zone data items Color a theme based on single symbol, unique values, or class breaks Copy, clip, and re-project a theme Send a theme to a layer in the Map Module's overlay Create and export a WSN list file from a Well Theme ***** IMPORTANT ***** This module requires the installation of ESRI's Map Objects 2.2. PETRA attempts to install it automatically when you select the Thematic Mapping menu or icon. **** The Map Objects run-time install program, available on our Web site **** is not being deployed with the alldisks.exe update file. It's simply too large. It is being deployed with the server.exe and all CDs. Download the MO run-time install program into the Petra system folder, that is, Petrasrv for network installs or Geoplus1 for standalone installs. The MO run-time install file can be downloaded from the following link on the IHS web site: https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/mo22rt.exe.. The MO run-time library is about 35 MB in size.

3D Visualizer
3DViz Module displays information of a project as it relates in three dimensions. This tool is tied directly to the PETRA database and is extremely easy to display wells (straight and directional boreholes, tops, digital logs, perfs, shows), subsea grids, isopach, PETRA map overlays, and cross section panels. It is easy to zoom in and out, rotate and shift the display, control the position of a light source (for surface shading), and print the result or capture an image.
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Slip Logs Module

The Slip Log Module allows up to four (4) raster log images to be viewed simultaneously and scrolled independently or locked together. Logs are displayed horizontally across the screen similar to laying out logs on your desk. Formation tops to be picked or modified from raster log images. An alignment cursor function allows logs to be aligned and locked by picking a similar feature on each log or logs. The alignment cursor can be aligned at a specific formation top. Fault gaps can be displayed on the logs creating blank spaces in raster images as the image below the fault gap is shifted down in depth.

Log Correlation Module

The LogCorrelationModule is a tool designed to time effectively correlate formations, unassigned markers, and pick intervals of pay from digital and raster logs. Due to the tools focused design (smooth scroll, smooth pan, log slipping, and slip box functionality) at quickly recognizing log events, unusable functionality will not get in the way of correlating an immense amount of logs in a little amount of time.

Directional Well Module

The Directional Well Module allows you to: Plan horizontal and directional wells. View wells in an easy to use Profile View Post digital logs, tops, events, and surfaces along well paths for analysis and interpretation. Jump quickly to 3D Visualization to view your directional wells in 3D.

Main Module Icons

The Icons above are Highlight Well On Map (F8), Refresh Data From Disk, Display Previous Well In List, Display Next Well In List, Help, and Close and Exit. These icons are now located above the tabs to the right side of the Current Well, and the Tab that is clicked in the Main

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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Module dialog screen. For this example, the first well in the project is shown, and the Project tab has been clicked. When the Map module is open, click the Highlight Well On Map icon to show the well that you are on in Main. The cursor points to the highlighted well on the mapthe well is highlighted with a green highlight circle around the well symbol. If you have a well in Main that is not displayed on the Map, the cursor will not be displayed on the Map if Main and Map are on two different screens. If they are displayed on the same screen, the cursor will be displayed in the same relative position as the location of the Highlight Well On Map icon. If you double-click a well in the Map module, you are returned to the Main module with that well selected. If the well is not in the Selected Well List in Main, the following dialog screen is displayed:

You will be returned to the Main module, but the well that you doubled clicked is not shown as it is not in the selected wells for Main. Click this icon to refresh the data base tables to reflect any new data that has been added and is not currently being displayed. Click this icon to display the previous well in the list of wells selected in Main. Click this icon to display the next well in the list of wells selected in Main. Click this icon to display the PETRA Help information. Click this icon to close the current project and exit PETRA.

Map Overlay Viewer

The Map Overlay Viewer, under the Tools>Map Overlay Viewer menu, allows the user to look at overlay files to determine their contents without loading the overlay in the Map Module. You


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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

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can also import cartographic data using various formats to take a look at the data to determine if you want that data loaded into the Map overlay.

Copy Printer File to Printer

This tool is located under the Tools>Copy File To Printer menu. This tool copies a file saved in the native printer format directly to a printer that is directly connected to the machine. Files that were saved using the Print To File option can be printed using this tool.

Compute Main Menu (Calculations and Transformation Tools)

Calculations and Transformation Tools

The real strength of PETRA lies in its robust set of calculation and transformation tools. Userdefined equations can be evaluated to compute new Zone data, well logs, monthly production, or seismic horizons. Cumulative production can be computed for any data in the monthly production database. Reservoir properties, such as net, gross, net-to-gross ratio, phih, and phia can be computed from well logs over specific depth intervals and using various cutoff criteria. Simple formation thickness can be computed for multiple zones with corrections for deviated wells. Structure data can be used to compute true stratigraphic thickness for intervals. The advanced log transformations allow the user to write procedures called user models. User models contain multi-line arithmetic expressions with Boolean operators and are typically used to perform multi-well log analysis.

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PETRA Users Manual

2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

(A) PETRA assumes a single, consistent unit of measurement for all data in the database. A project's default units can be set to FEET (Imperial) or METERS (Metric). Once the default units are established, data can be viewed as either Imperial or Metric units. (B) Setting the default data and depth units involves selecting the Units Set Default Units... menu in Main.

When you click the Units menu, a drop-down menu is displayed.

The Set Default Units... displays the following dialog screen for setting the default Units for the project.

Click the radio button to the left of Imperial or Metric to select the units that your data is stored in. (C) Default units are set for both XY and depth coordinates. XY and Depth units can be set from the Map Projection options (Project Settings Set Map Projection). To set the units for data that is read in when loading data that do not have units associated with the data, click the ProjectSettings... Set Map Projection... menu. When the Map Projection Settings dialog screen is displayed, click the Feet tab. Note: The tab is labeled Meters, if you have set the XY Coordinates to meters when setting the projection for the project.


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The XY Coordinates are in option is used to convert latitude/longitude values to XY Coordinates when loading or changing these values. The XY Coordinates are calculated based on the projection parameters that have been set. The Default Depth Units option is used when loading Tops and Curve data that do not have units assigned to them.

There are several useful items under the Help menu. 1. When you click the Help > Help... menu, the help items that are available in PETRA are displayed from the beginning of the Help file. 2. Click the plus + to the left of the major topic you want to display information for.

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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Other options in the Help drop-down menu are

To take a look at the changes that have been made to PETRA, click the What's New... menu. The Whatsnew.html file contains all of the enhancements and bug fixes that have been made since 2/27/2009 to current date.


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Click the Previous Changelist option to see the enhancements and bug fixes prior to 2/27/2009. These enhancements and bug fixes are from 1/31/1998 to 2/27/2009. Click the Show Notice Message... menu to display a message at Login to PETRA and any time the menu is clicked.

Click the New Features Splash menu to display the latest features and enhancements for the current version of PETRA. The PETRA Download Web Site... menu takes you to the WEB where the download files are located. Click the Software Downloads link. When the PETRA - Software Downloads page is displayed, scroll down to the appropriate download file that you want to use. You have the option of updating an existing standalone install by downloading a new standalone system (also used to update an older version of PETRA), as well as the server and client options.

Note: You do not have to update your client install even if there is a newer version on the WEB than your client install. The link is: www.ihs.com/permission/en/pps-downloads.aspx

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2 PETRA Tutorial Overview

Click the OK button to be connected to the download page.

Click the Software Downloads link and select the appropriate option to update the standalone or the network version of PETRA. o The User Forum Web Site menu takes you to the Energy Online User Community page, where you can sign in to view the posting for the various pages available as a PETRA SIG member. Sign up if you havent already done so. o The Training Schedule Web Site menu takes you to the PETRA and PetraSeis Training Calendar where you can register for a scheduled training session. o The Project File Info menu displays information about the open PETRA project and related information. o The Show Users of This Project menu displays the PETRA project path and the inactive and Active users that have accessed the project with date time stamps for each user. o The Send Message to Users in this Project menu brings up a dial box where you can send a message to the users that are currently in the project.


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o The Display Project Log File menu displays the PL$$.TXT log file that is located at the root of the PETRA project. o The About PETRA menu displays the About PETRA dialog screen. This is the same dialog screen that is displayed when you click the large PETRA logo in Main.

The Last menu keeps track of the last ten menu items that you have selected, which is a shortcut that can be used instead of navigating through the other menus for tasks that are used frequently.

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Data Organization and Concepts
This section describes several simple but very important program design concepts, which you must familiarize yourself with to take full advantage of PETRA.

PETRA Projects
Review the section below that is titled Creating a New Project to learn about creating a new project and the two data types that a project contains, which are project data and parameter data. Project data consists of all well data, logs, seismic shot points, land grids and any computed data, such as contour grids. Project data can be shared with other team members given access to the project. Project data may reside on a network drive. Parameter data or Private Parameters cannot be shared with other team members. Private Parameter Data consists of all settings representing your view of a particular project. Such items as color preferences, mapping and cross-section options currently in effect are examples of parameter data. For single user projects, the project and parameter data can reside entirely on a local or network disk if so desired. Remember to backup your local project and parameter data frequently. For data that is stored on your network, make sure that the data on the network is backed up as well.

Sharing Projects
PETRA project data can be shared among team members. Your private parameters must not be in the Shared Project\Parms folder. They must be in a path that no one else is writing to. An example is Shared Parms\User Name\Shared Project Name. See the section below titled Creating a shared Project.

Creating a shared project

Typically, a shared project resides on a network drive. When the project is first created using the PETRA Project Wizard, you select the Create New Project option. Next you specify that the project is shared. This allows you to establish two separate directories (folders), one for the

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project data (database files, public parameters, overlays etcetera) and another for the private or personal parameters. Note: When sharing projects, the directories (folders) should not have the exact same path for the project data and the personal parameters. The personal parameter database cannot be shared with another user. The dialog screens below show the steps to create a new project that is shared. When you open PETRA, there is an option to Create a NEW Project. 1. Click the Radio button to the left of the Create a New Project option. 2. Click OK button with the green check. This starts a Create New PETRA Project wizard.

3. Click the Radio button to the left of the Create A New Project option. The Create New PETRA Project screen opens.


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Click Next. A second Create New PETRA Project screen appears.

5. Click the Radio button to the left of Yes - Project will be shared, and then click Next. A third Create New PETRA Project screen appears.

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6. Enter the Name for the project and the Description for the project, and then click Next. A fourth Create New PETRA Project dialog screen appears allowing you to select the directory path for the shared project to be stored on the network.

7. Double-click the upper most folder where the project is to be created. You see the path used for the project. In this example, the path is H:\PETRA Projects, which appears above the directory selection area.
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Note: You do not drill down to a project sub folder. PETRA creates the project folder for you as well as the subfolder and files needed for your public parameters. 8. Select the directory path for the personal parameters. The personal parameters can be stored on the local machine in the C:\geoplus1\projects folder; however, it is highly recommended that you store this information on the network so that the data is backed up on a regular basis. If you store the information on your local machine, remember to back up the data on a regular basis. 9. Double-click the upper most folder where the personal parameters are to be stored. You see the path displayed above the directory selection area. In the example below, the path is T:\Petra Priparms\HLM.

Note: You do not drill down to a project sub folder. PETRA creates the project folder for you as well as the subfolder and files needed for your private parameters.

10. Click Next. A dialog screen with Finished is displayed along with the paths for the Public (Project Directory), and the Private (Parameter directory) parameters. You see the message Project Can Be Shared. You must not see the project name duplicated in either path. PETRA creates the Public and Private project folders along with the tables, files and

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project.ini files that are needed for the new project.

11. If you see the project name duplicated, like the examples shown below, you need to click the Back button and follow the procedure outlined above, making sure that you do not select the project name for either of the paths. \\Geoplus1\H Drive\TempProjects\Shared_Projects\CREATING A PROJECT\CREATING A PROJECT OR \\Geoplus1\H Drive\Petra PriParms\HLM\CREATING A PROJECT\CREATING A PROJECT 12. Click Finish on the lower right of the screen. Note: If you want to access the shared project, select Create New Project, and then select Connect to An Existing Shared Project. You are first asked to select the project you want to connect to by choosing a drive map path or by clicking the Browse Network button to point to the remote project's directory. Next, the Project Wizard guides you to set up a Personal Parameter Folder (Private Parameters Path) on your local or network drive. A network drive is preferred, as the network drives are generally backed up on a regular basis. If you choose a local drive, make sure the local project data is backed up on a regular basis.


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1. Click the Create a New Project Radio button, and then click the OK button with the green check. This starts the Create New PETRA Project wizard.

2. Select the option to Connect To An Existing Shared Project, and then click Next.

3. If users connecting to the shared project click the drop-down drive mapping button, they drill out to the project and double-click the project folder.

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OR 4. If users connecting to the shared project use the Browse Network... button , when they double-click the project folder, they must select the project .INI file and click the Open button. A dialog screen like the one above is displayed. 5. Click Next.


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6. Select the directory path for the personal parameters. Read about selecting the personal parameters in the section above. 7. Click Next.

A Create New PETRA Project dialog screen with Finished is displayed along with the paths for the Public (Project Directory), and the Private (Parameter directory) parameters. You see a message Project Can Be Shared. You must not see the project name duplicated in either path. PETRA creates the Public and Private project folders along with the tables, files and project.ini files that are needed for the new project. 8. Click Finish.

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Note: If you see the project name duplicated in the Parameter Directory path, like the example shown here, \\Geoplus1\H Drive\Petra PriParms\HLM\CREATING A PROJECT\CREATING A PROJECT click the Back button and follow the procedure outlined above, making sure that you do not select the project name. The project name is created for you with the default private parameter files and the project.ini files needed for the shared project.

Shared project data is live

When sharing projects, all concurrent users of the project have immediate access to any and all changes made by any other user. Since some spread sheet displays contain a local copy of the data, it may be necessary to refresh the spread sheet to see the latest changes. The main screen contains a refresh icon , Refresh Data From Disk, for this purpose. You can find a menu item in all modules to refresh data. Some modules also have an icon that can be used to refresh the data.


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Project Data
Project data consists of all well data, logs, seismic shot points, land grids and any computed data, such as contour grids. Project data can be shared with other team members given access to the project. Project data may reside on a network drive. Note: It is critical that you have a backup plan in place to backup your project data. Read more about this in the Hardware Requirements paragraph above.

Unique Well Identifier (UWI)

Each well that is stored in a PETRA project must have a Unique Well Identifier or UWI. Each UWI contains from 1 to 20 characters that uniquely identify the well. Typically for U. S. domestic data, the UWI is the API number for the well. The API number that ends in 0000 is the original well. Sidetracks and Re-completions of the original well are considered as separate wells in PETRA. The sidetrack is recorded in the 11th and 12th digits and the re-completion is recorded in the 13th and 14th digits of the API number.

Well Sequence Number (WSN)

The database assigns a unique numeric identifier for each well called the Well Sequence Number or WSN. The WSN is used for data retrieval only and cannot be modified. WSN's are not reassigned when wells are deleted. A well's WSN is unique for a given project. The same well in another project does not necessarily have the same WSN.

Well label
The Well Label is a 1 to 32 character data field that can be customized for well identification. Many times, a project contains several wells with the same well name or number. PETRA provides the Well Label as a means to create an identifier using all or portions of other well data fields, such as operator, lease name, section-township-range, and so forth. The Well Label can be customized for currently selected wells or for all wells. There is also an option to store the computed label in the Sort Key Field for the well and is displayed on the Well tab in Main. The default Well Label is the Unique Well Identifier.

PETRA provides for an unlimited number of user-defined data fields to be stored in the project database. User-defined well data are organized into groups called zones. A zone is like a table

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containing one or more columns of numbers, dates, or text. Rows in the table correspond to wells. Zones have a corollary with geologic zones by the fact that they are defined by a depth interval. Zones can be referenced to measured depths, subsea TVD, but are more frequently referenced to formation markers or tops. When a zone references an upper and lower formation marker, PETRA can quickly evaluate the tops to determine the appropriate depth interval for any given well. The Zone database provides a logical and efficient organization for managing geological mappable well data. Items such as isopach, TST, net pay, average porosity, etcetera, can be grouped together under the zone corresponding to the depth interval of interest. Many functions within PETRA can process several zones at once. For example, you can compute isopachs or footage summations (gross, net, porosity feet) from well logs, simultaneously, for all zones in the project. Zones are defined by a name, description and depth interval reference. Normally, the depth interval refers to formation tops stored in the FmTops table. Each PETRA project contains a predefined zone called WELL. The WELL zone contains several predefined data fields for storing items such as elevation, cumulative production, and various dates. You can add new fields to the WELL zone. The system-defined fields in the WELL zone cannot be deleted; however, any Zone and/or Data Item that you create can be deleted from the table.

Zone data items

Zones can contain an unlimited number of zone data items or data fields. A Zone item may contain a number, date, or text value. Numeric and date values can have a 1-4096 character remark field. Dates are stored as mm/dd/yyyy. Text data items consist of a 1-4096 character string with the data for the item being stored in the Text Item or Remark column for the Zone/Item Name. Note: You do not enter text in the ZValue data field for a data item. Text is stored in the Text Item or Remark column for the data item. PETRA stores all formation tops, bases, or markers in the FmTops table. The FmTops table is similar to the zone tables with the exception that the depth interval reference is ignored. This tutorial refers to any data item stored in the FmTops table as a top. Tops can be viewed and edited as either measured depth or subsea TVD; however, the tops database stores values as a measured depth. Subsea (sub datum) or TVD values are computed when needed using datum elevations and directional surveys for the wells.


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Tops are named using a 1-30 character name and an optional 1-8 character source code. Each value in the tops database can have a 1-8 character quality code assigned and a 1-4096 character remark field. The FmTops table sometimes appear with a list of zones for selection depending on the nature of the function being performed.

Interval Data
Interval data stores data to a specific depth interval that doesnt fit well with the traditional zone concept, such as data that is too fine (for example, core descriptions) or too coarse (for example, mud weights or biostratigraphic information) to fit inside two formation tops. PETRA stores interval data in tables and fields similar to a spreadsheet. The table stores related interval data in a spreadsheet, where each interval is stored as a separate row. This data can be used to derive grids in the map module, perform additional computations within the PETRA database, illustrate in PETRAs cross-section tool, and converted into digital logs. Inside a table, each interval is stored as its own row, and information about that interval is stored in fields or columns in that row. All tables come with a few fields, TOP, BASE, DATE1, DATE2, QUALITY, and FMNAME, but you can add user defined fields containing numbers, dates, or text. In addition to the standard fields, the LITH table in the example below contains the field Desc which stores lithologic descriptions. The difference between Zones and Interval PETRA defines a Zone as a specific interval defined by a discrete top and a base. Usually a zones top and base are defined by specific formation tops so that the zone covers a consistent lithostratigraphic unit. Inside each zone, PETRA stores a Data Item such as isopach, net pays, or log measurements that relate to that zone. Since zones and their data items are shared across all wells in a project, this method of organizing data makes storing and mapping single value data for a specific formation much easier. As an example, mapping all the isopach values for a specific formation is much easier when the values are all stored in one common zone data item for each well. Zones are limited, however. Cuttings or core data may actually subdivide a specific zone into several different units based on lithology, color, porosity, or other petrophysical characteristics. Similarly, data such as a mud weight or a biostratigraphic presence can be larger than a single zones definition. Capturing all this information with the traditional zone model is cumbersome as it leads to a proliferation of new, well specific zones. The interval method, on the other hand, is designed to store information about the wellbore without using zones. The interval concept stores data too fine for the zone concept (such as core

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and lithologic descriptions) as well as data that exists completely outside the normal stacked strata concept (such as logging runs or mud weights). Interval data also handles data overlapping different formations, such as paleostratigraphic data.

Well selection
Many times users need to view information or perform computations on an isolated group of wells in the project. This group of selected wells must somehow be chosen from all other wells making up the project. PETRA contains several tools to perform well selection. Probably the most often used well selection method is searching the database for wells meeting certain data criteria, values, or ranges. PETRA provides an extensive list of data criteria for well selection. In the Main module, click the Wells Select By Data Criteria... menu or the Select Wells By Data icon .

For example, PETRA easily handles complex queries such as, Find all wells that have a porosity log, cum gas production greater than 1000 mcf and total depth greater than 9000 feet, and completed after 01/01/1990. Well selection lists can be saved to a disk file and reloaded when needed. Each PETRA module, such as Map, Cross Plot, etcetera, contains its own list of selected wells. Wells selected in the Main module are those wells displayed in the well list to the left to the tabs. This list of selected wells is the default well list for other modules. You can select a different set of wells to be displayed in the other modules. When you open another module, you can use the well selection options for that module.

Missing or null data values

PETRA displays a missing or null value as a blank field. Therefore, to set a value to null, simply blank out the value and click the Save button.

Creating a New Project

This section illustrates how to create a new PETRA project and import ASCII Tabular well data and log curves from LAS files.

New project overview

PETRA projects typically store all data relevant to a particular geographical area. The Project Name is used to build the directory path on both local and network hard drives. Projects consist of two data types, project data and parameter data.


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Project data consists of all well data, logs, seismic shot points, land grids and any computed data, such as contour grids. Project data can be shared with other team members given access to the project. Project data may reside on a network drive. Parameter data consists of all settings representing your view of a particular project. Such items as color preferences, mapping and cross-section options currently in effect are examples of parameter data. For single user projects, the project and parameter data can reside entirely on a local or network disk if so desired. During PETRA installation, a PROJECTS directory is created under the installed program directory (Geoplus1 by default). Unless you are sharing project data with others, it is highly recommended that you create all PETRA projects under the PROJECTS directory path. Directory paths need not already exist prior to creating a new project. You can type in a nonexistent path structure and PETRA creates all sub-directories for you. New projects can be created from Main's Project New menu.

Any currently opened project must be closed prior to creating a new project. When ready to create a new project, select the Project New... menu, in the Main module. This invokes the Project Setup Wizard. From the Welcome dialog box when you first log into PETRA, click the radio button to the left of Create a NEW Project to invoke the Project Setup Wizard.

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When the Project Setup Wizard starts, it guides you through the project setup process. You can Create A New Project or create the necessary directory links to Connect To An Existing Shared Project. Click the appropriate radio button. For this example, select the Create A New Project option, and then click Next.

New projects can be designated as shared or non-shared. Shared projects are typically set up on a network drive and have the project database stored in a different directory than the private parameter data. Click the radio button to the left of Yes - Project will be shared, and then click Next.


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Project name and description The project name is used to identify the sub directory name for project and parameter data paths. Enter a descriptive acronym for the project. Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows7 directory names may contain blanks and can be longer than the old 8-character DOS names. The project description is used as a title for identification on graphical displays and can be modified after the project is created. Click Next.

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Project database directory path The project database path defines the directory path where the shared project data reside. This directory contains the bulk of the project's data so choose a drive with sufficient space. If the project is shared among team members, select a network drive. Click Next. The path can be a drive letter that has been mapped, or the UNC path can be used. For instance, the example shown below is a drive letter mapping path. H:\Petra Projects. An example of the UNC path is \\geoplus1\h drive\Petra Projects.

Personal parameters directory path (shared projects only) The parameter data path defines the directory path where you want your own parameters stored for a shared project. If the project is not shared, the parameter directory is the same as the project database directory. The path can be a drive letter that has been mapped or the UNC path can be used. For instance, the example shown below is a drive letter mapping path. T:\PetraPriparms\HLM. An example of the UNC path is be \\geoplus1\t drive\PetraPriparms\HLM. 1. Select the directory path. 2. Click Next.


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The information for the project is displayed on the Finished dialog screen. The project name should never be repeated twice for the Project Directory or the Parameter Directory. If you see the project name twice, click the Back button and reselect the upper folder where the project is to be created or the upper folder where the private parameters are to be created.

After completing the new project wizard, the new project's database is created and the project is initialized with default values. A single Project Tab is displayed on the main screen. Only a few
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options are available until wells are added to the project. Since this is a new project, the Projection for the project has not been set. You see a message letting you know that you need to set the projection for the project. Click Yes.

When the Project Default Units dialog screen is displayed, click the OK button the green check to set the Data Values to Imperial.


To set the projection 1. Click the ProjectSetting...Set Map Projection... menu. 2. Select the appropriate projection for the project.


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3. Click the ProjectImport menu and select the appropriate import option for the data that you have to load into the project to load data into the project.

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Note: Set the projection, and then load the well data into a project before attempting to load cartographic data. To add Wells manually 1. Click the WellsAdd A New Well... menu. 2. Enter each UWI (API number), and then click the various tabs to fill out the various data fields. Typically, wells are added by importing well data from either one of the commercial data suppliers or from simple tabular ASCII files by clicking on the ProjectImport menu

Importing well data

PETRA provides several options for importing well and other data into a project database. The import options are located under the Project menu on the main screen. If you have another project, you can export data in the PETRA Project File (*.PPF) format and load that file directly into the new project. There is a PETRA Ascii Well Data File that is a published format for data


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to be loaded directly into PETRA as well. This format is used by several data providers and is the preferred format when obtaining data from a vendor. The ProjectImportGeneral Well Data From menu includes options for importing data from several different sources.

Well Data and Tops Generic ASCII File (Function key Ctrl+T). This is a tabular file consisting of well data formatted so that each well occupies a row or file record and each data field is a column. Sometimes called a Spreadsheet and is user defined.

Note: We cannot load a .XLS file format.

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IHS (PI) 297 Well Data (Fixed or Comma), which is commercial well data exported from IHS' CD-ROM software or on-line service. This file format is Y2K compliant. (The year contains all four digits.) Old PI 97 or 197 Download (Fixed Field. Note: We highly recommend using the 297 Well Data File as these files are not Y2K compliant. (The year only contains the last two digits of the year. A year with 09 for the year could mean 1909 or 2009.) Petra Well Export From Accumap (.PXP)Data exported from Accumap in a format that can easily be imported into PETRA. Geological Data Services-II, (GDS-II File), which is Well Data and Formation Tops from Geological Data Services. GES Wellbase ASCII vers. 2, which is an exported ASCII file format from Geographix. Tobin WCS, which is basic well header and location information. NRIS - Okla. Geol. Society (WHFF) File, which is well data from Oklahoma Geological Survey. Geological Consulting Services, a GCS File, which is Formation Tops from Geological Consulting Services. Dwights WDS file, which is the Dwights Well Data System CD-ROM download format. Landmark 3x Metafile, which is an ASCII file that contains well data exported from Landmark and other systems. Landmark Standard 29 Format, which is an ASCII file which contains well data exported from Landmark and other systems Landmark OWX File, which is an ASCII file which contains well data exported from Landmark and other systems. QC Data Axxses DPDT Request Format File. IOG Red Top (Kansas Data Format File) PI 98 Production File, (Comma Delimited), (IHS 298 is recommended as it is Y2K compliant), from which a limited amount of Well Header Information can be loaded. SEISX Well Data File DrillingInfo DR File (V2) IHS Dwight's Narrative Report


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Lasser V2 File P2ES Dir Survey Data Import from OpenWorks

Importing tabular ASCII well data

On the Main Screen, under the Project Menu, there is an Import option for bringing data into PETRA. One of the many options under the General Well Data From menu item is the Generic ASCII File... option, sometimes referred to as a Spreadsheet file. Note: Excel spreadsheets (.xls files) are not loaded into PETRA; however you can save an .xls file out as a comma separated variable .csv file or a space delimited text file from your spreadsheet program. Do not save as a tab delimited file. PETRA does not load tab delimited files. ASCII well data files contain data fields in columns, similar to a table or spreadsheet. PETRA can import files containing more than one record per well; however, all wells must contain the same number of records. Header records or column identifiers can be skipped over, if necessary. One column must contain the UWI or API number. Other data columns can contain well header information, such as well name, operator name, producing formation, etcetera. In addition, data columns can be imported into any of the project's zone data items or formation tops. 1. Select the ProjectImportGeneral Well Data FromGeneric ASCII File main menu. 2. Click the Import File tab, and then click the Open File button and select the sample_well.txt file located in the ...\Geoplus1\Projects\Tutorial folder.

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3. Click the Open File button to locate the data file to load into your project.

4. Select the sample_well.txt file located in the ...\Geoplus1\Projects\Tutorial folder.

5. Click the Data Format tab. When PETRA opens the file the first two data records are displayed in a scrollable box in the Data Record section of the Data Format screen. The start and end column position and record number identify each column of data to be imported. The columns can be selected from the lower data record by swiping the column using the mouse. Swiping is accomplished by clicking the left mouse button at the starting position of the column. 1. While holding the left button down, drag the mouse to the end column of the field and release the left mouse button. The Start Column and End Column fields show the columns containing the data.

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2. Associate the selected column with either a well header or zone data item from one of the two drop down lists. 3. Add the associated column to a list of Field Definitions by clicking the Add button. 4. Because there is a header record in the data file, you need to tell PETRA to skip the header record when the data is loaded. Click the first actual data record, and then click the Set Skip button. There are over 200 predetermined data items that can be entered into your project using the upper most drop-down data item list. Additional data items (numbers, dates, text strings) can be defined by the user.

A format file for the sample_well.txt has been provided to show the data items and associated columns the data is located in. To load the format file 1. Click the Load... button, and select the sample_well.FM1 file. This file is located at the root of the Tutorial project.


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2. Click the Open button. You see the data items and associated data columns that have been defined for the input data file. Once you have selected the data items and columns for the file that you are loading, you can create a template file to be used for another file that contains the same data items located in the same columns.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Data can also be loaded from a .csv file. Instead of columns, the data items are defined as a Field Number instead of defined columns. An example file called sample_well.csv is located in the ...\Geoplus1\Projects\Tutorial folder. The format file is called sample_well_csv.FM1 and is located in the same directory.


April 12, 2011

3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

1. Click the Options tab to observe the options that are available when importing data from a tabular file. For this exercise, we can accept the default to Add New Wells and Update Selected Wells.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

2. Click the Locations tab to observe the options that are available when importing locations from a tabular file.

3. Finally, after all columns are selected and the appropriate options are chosen, click the OK button with the green check to initiate the import process.

Importing digital log data LAS data

You can import digital well log data from industry standard LAS formatted files. 1. Select the ProjectImportLogs FromLAS File menu option on the main screen to import a LAS file.


April 12, 2011

3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

2. Choose the LAS file from the ..\Geoplus1\Projects\Tutorial directory called sample.las.

Since LAS files contain log data for a single well, PETRA attempts to match the currently selected well with the header records of the selected LAS file. If the currently selected well is not the well that is in the .LAS file, the following Information dialog box is displayed, if the well exists in the project.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

You receive a WARNING message if a match cannot be found in the project to the UWI/API that is in the .LAS file. In this case, use the Target Well button to select the well that you want to load the LAS logs into, or select a file that contains the UWI/API for the well in the project that the curves need to be loaded into.

For the sample.las file, the well is in the project and is automatically selected as the Target Well.

The LAS Header Information lists all identifying data from the LAS file header records. The log curves, available for loading, are listed in the Select Logs To Import section.


April 12, 2011

3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

Click to highlight the logs you want to import or click the All button to select all of the curves in the file and click the Import Logs button with the green check. The DEPT log contains the depths for the curves and is not a curve that is to be imported. Log curves can be imported under a different name from the one specified in the LAS file. LAS logs can be renamed as they are imported. To rename a log 1. Click to highlight the log name in the Select Logs To Import list. 2. Click the Rename button and type the new log name.

If the new log name does not already appear in the log database, you are prompted for the new log name's units and description. The new name is added to the log definitions, even if no data is ever loaded. 3. After entering the New Log Name, click OK.

4. Enter the Description for the new log name.

The curve name on the Import LAS Log Data File dialog screen is changed to the new name. 5. Reselect the curve by holding down the Ctrl key and click the new curve or click All again to reselect all of the curves.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

6. Click the Depths tab.

7. Click the Restrict Depths dialog screen as shown below.

button to display the Set Depth Range


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

The depth range screen allows the upper and lower depths of an interval to be defined using either a constant depth value (Measured Depth or TVD Subsea Depth) or variable depth based the formation tops. FM Top and Offset From Top: This option allows the depth interval to vary from well to well based on the values of the formation tops. 1. Select the formation top reference from the drop-down list and optionally set a numeric offset value. The offset provides for such intervals as 100 feet above and below a given top. 2. Accept the defaults. 3. Click the OK button with the green check dialog. to close the Set Depth Range

You can decimate the log data as it is imported by loading every nth depth sample. Set the N= field to 1 to load all samples. Set the value to 2 to load every other sample, 3 for every 3rd sample, and so on. 4. Click the Options tab.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

The Radio button options are Add or Replace Logs simply adds the log if no other log with the same name for the well exists or replaces the current database log if one already exists. Add New Logs Only does not over write existing data and only stores the imported log if another log with the same name for the well does not exist. Merge Into Existing Logs adds the log if it does not exist and merges itself with any existing log of the same name. Use the merge option to combine multiple runs of the same logs over different depth ranges. Add or Rename adds the log if no other log with the same name for the well exists. If there is a log with the same name, the incoming log is renamed with a _1 appended to the existing name to give it a new name. The check box options are Enable Sample Rate Round Off Correction Algorithm corrects for depth round off errors caused by a sample rate (step) value that is an irrational number such as 0.1524 for example, log data digitized with a sample rate of 0.5 feet, and then writes to a LAS file as meters may cause round off errors in the depth values depending on the algorithm used by the data supplier or digitizing company. PETRA can correct round off if you select to load the entire depth range of curve data and the data has no missing depths. Click the Enable Sample Rate Round Off Correction Algorithm check box to activate this option.


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

Disable Error Scanning and Repair scans for potential bad characters in the curve data and looks for data that is not space delimited. These conditions are corrected if this option is checked. Interpolate Missing Depths interpolates values over the missing intervals if the LAS file includes gaps in the depths. Remove Special Characters From API Number removes any non-numeric value from the API number in the LAS file. Embedded blanks are converted to underscores prior to matching wells in the database. Scan Depths and Use Minimum Sample Rate Found scans the depths and determines the minimum sample rate if this option is checked. Append Following Source To Curve Name (Blank For None) allows you to add a source to the curves being loaded. You can import information from the LAS Header Data. 1. Click the Import Headers tab. 2. Highlight the item in the LAS Header Data column. 3. Select the appropriate item from the Well Data drop-down list or from the Zone Data drop-down list. 4. Click the Add To List button. 5. Click the Imports Headers button with the green check. See the following example of importing information from the LAS Header Data.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

If there are tops in the LAS file, they can be loaded by clicking the Import Tops tab. Select the tops and click the Tops button with the green check. The tops are be loaded into the database. There are no tops in this sample file. 6. Click the Options tab and click the Import Logs importing the log curves. button to begin

After the curves are loaded, the following confirmation message is displayed. If you have another LAS file to import, you can click the Yes button and import the log data for the next well. For our exercise, click the No button.

7. Navigate to the Logs tab and click the Refresh Data From Disk icon latest list of logs for the well. 8. Click WSN 2. 9. Click the Logs tab.

to get the


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

10. Click a log to highlight it or hold the Ctrl button and left click to select more than one log curves. 11. Click the Log Preview button LAS batch import You can import more than one LAS file at one time by using the Import Logs From...LAS Batch Import... menu. to view the selected logs.

1. Click the Explorer... button or the Browse... button to locate your LAS files. 2. Select all of the LAS files that you want to load at one time, and then click Open button. 3. After you select the LAS files, review the Options tab and Depth tab to set the parameters that you want to use. 4. After you choose the options for this import, click the Import Logs button to begin importing the log curves.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

The import batch process cycles through each of the LAS files until all of the files have been processed.

Project Menus
There are many settings you can use to customize your project. First, click the Project menu in the Main module. The Project menu is located in the upper left hand corner of the Main screen.

Then select any of the following options to customize your project.

Project>Remarks File menu

The Remarks File... option uses Notepad to open a file where you may store any ASCII information about the Project. The file is named REMARKS.TXT and is located in the PARMS folder for the project.


April 12, 2011

3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

Project>Import menu
Use the Import option to load data for the project. There are many options for importing data, and those options are discussed in detail in the various sections of the manual where data loading is mentioned.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Project> Export menu

Use the Export option to create a PETRA Project File (*.PPF) or a PETRA Template File (*.PTF). Data from the various tables can be exported as well. There are options to create an ASCII Tabular Well Data File, an ASCII Tops File, a Zone Data file, two Landmark files, Log Curves, Raster Logs (TIF files) and LIC files from the current project to a selected file folder, Directional Survey Data, Top Definitions and a SCA MCS Z Data, GES Wellbase V2, and PETRA ASCII Well Data to LogSleuth. Monthly Production Data can be exported as a Tabular file, a Production Analyst file, or a More Simulator Recurrent Data file.


April 12, 2011

3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

Project> Summary Reportmenu

Use the Summary Report option to create a summary report of the project.

There are two types of summary reports that can be generated for the project. When you select the Project>Summary Report. option, you then see two options: Details Zone Item List Reports Counts Only Click the Yes button to select Details Zone Item List or click No to select Reports Counts Only. Click the Cancel button to cancel the selection.

Project> Direct Connect menu

To use any of the Direct Connect options, you must meet certain requirements.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

The requirements for the Project>Direct Connect>IHS US Enerdeq or Canada option or the IHS Canada Logs option are 1. Subscribe to Enerdeq and have a Userid and Password. 2. Have authorization to get into Direct Connect. 3. Have (May 18, 2007) or later version of PETRA installed. Note: Keep in mind that Subscriptions to Enerdeq can be limited to specific areas. When you click on the Project>Direct Connect>MJ Systems menu option, you have requirements to meet.


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

1. MJs LogSleuth has to be installed. 2. You must be a subscriber to MJs log database.

Project>Close>Project menu
Use the CloseProject menu to close the current project while keeping PETRA open and retaining your license.

You can also use the Close The Current Project icon

in the Main module.

Project>Reopen menu
The ProjectReopen menu option displays the last five projects that have been opened. With the left mouse button, click the project that you want to open.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Project>Settings menu
Use the Project Settings menu to customize your project by setting the Map Projection and various options in Program Options.... You can password protect your project, reset a module that may have some problems, set the MJ LogSleuth Project, etcetera.

Customize the settings for the current project by clicking on the Main module's Project Settings Program Options menu.


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

The PETRA Program Options dialog box opens showing the following tabs: General, Font/Graphics, Well List Synchronization, Files, Locks, UWI Search, DBI, and Public General Tab Project Settings Program Options - General Tab The PETRA Program Options dialog screen is shown with the defaults for a new project checked. A brief description is given for each option.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Hide Start up Welcome Screen PETRA does not display the Welcome screen when this option is checked, which allows you to open the previously accessed project, open an existing project, or create a new project. Instead, PETRA displays the main screen in the closed project state. You may then open or create a project using the menus or speed buttons. Hide Plot Date Time Stamp By default, PETRA plots a small label in the lower left corner of all printed graphics showing the date and time the output was produced. Use this option to enable or disable the date-time stamp. Use Formation Top Aliases with Zone Definitions This option is set as a default and determines whether or not to apply top aliases when converting a zone interval to depths. Remember Previous Directory Path For Import/Export This option is set as a default when a new project is created. Each time a file is imported or exported, PETRA repositions the file chooser dialog to the previous directory path. Since the Sample and Tutorial projects were created prior to the current default settings, you need to click in the check box Remember Previous Directory Path For Import/Export to turn this option on. International Project Area (Non-US) With this option set, the Main, Well and Location tabs are altered to not show US state-county and location buttons. Remember Previous Screen Positions This option is set as default when a new project is created. If your project was created under an older version of PETRA, as the Sample and Tutorial projects were, then set this option to have the dialog screens stay in the previous location on the screen after moving them. This is particularly useful with dual monitors. Your display comes up on the last screen you used for that module. When a screen is set to a desired size, that size and position is remembered as well.


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

Disable Well Symbol Translation During Import The SYMTRANS.DEF file is used to translate well symbol codes during data import. For example, a PI symbol code of 2GAS is translated to simply GAS in the database. Use this option to disable such translation. You must have a Symdesc.usr file with the symbol codes defined in the file. Fast Well Deletions Turn on this option if you want to delete wells very fast. Otherwise, PETRA must process all database tables and delete all records associated with the deleted well. The only drawback to using fast deletion is that compressing a database does not release the unused space. If you are using the DBI database engine, the PetraDBIRepair.exe utility has an option to Pack the tables. This removes the orphaned records and removes any unused space in the tables. Force DB Buffer Refresh This option disables the caching or buffering of database table updates. Importing data can be slower with this option enabled. Track Main Module Well Selection On Map Check this option to have the Map module highlight the well that is chosen in the Main module. This feature works best with dual monitor setup where you have Main displayed on one screen and Map displayed on another. Dynamic Open/Close of Raster Log Tables When this option is checked, the raster log database buffers or caching is refreshed with each access. This option may cause slower performance. Do Not Use BLOCKS For DXF Symbol Output This option is used by the Print To DXF File function. When checked, the exported DXF file does not use blocks to create the well symbols. Instead, each symbol is drawn in detail. Enable Zone Item Aliases Zone data item aliases are enabled when this option is checked. Zone item aliases perform like formation top aliases, allowing multiple sources of equivalent zone items to be searched based on a prioritized list. Disable Use Of Map Projection Convergence Angle For Directional Wells With this option checked, deviation surveys are not rotated to correct True North to Grid North. This option is normally left unchecked and the decision to rotate or not rotate is set for each well individually from the Directional Survey Data options. Use Public Parms Folder for Template Files Use this to control the default folder used when saving/loading various template files either the Private or Public Parms folder can be used. Suppress Save Prompt in Main Check this option to suppress the prompt you receive when changing between wells or tabs after changing data. Changes are saved automatically.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Use Buttons on Main Tab Use this option to display the data tabs with a button style instead of the normal tabs. With buttons, it is sometimes easier to see which tab you're on. Displayed as buttons.

Displayed as tabs.

Radio Button Options at the bottom of the PETRA Program Options dialog screen are Lat-Lon Displayed As Decimal degrees or Deg-Min-Sec. For example, you choose how you wish to have latitude and longitude values displayed. Decimal Degrees display as 25.00325, -95.34054, Deg-Min-Sec display as 25:00:11.7 and -95:20:25.95. Note: you may enter lat-lon values by typing in either format. Dates Displayed As Choose the display of the date files: MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY. View Log File... Use this button to display information about the project map projection changes, overlay file(s) saved, seismic lines deleted, etcetera. The information is contained in a file called PetraLog.txt located at the root of the project folder. Font/Graphics Tab Project Settings Program Options - Font/Graphics Tab


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

The options here are used to set the default font to one of the available fonts in Windows. The Graphics Character Set can be changed to one of the character sets that has been installed on the machine. For example, Russian can be chosen, rather that the default of English. There is an option that can be set to Print White Text as Black, which is the default, or to White. The option, Generate Black & White Plots Only, is used to force all plotting to be black and white. The User Pen Sizes (Inches) option allows for four additional pen widths when an option is available for changing the Line Thickness. The widths that are set as the default are thicker than the Narrow, Normal, Wide, and Extra Wide options. The Transparent Color Fill Optimizer has 3 options. Direct, which is the default, Indirect Fill, and Disabled to disable the transparent color fill. This option controls how transparent color fill on top of raster log images is handled by plotter drivers. Some plotter drivers cannot transparent fill directly, so PETRA has alternative methods to generate the fill. The Direct Fill method must be used whenever possible. If problems arise in cross-section raster log pay intervals or tops shading, first try the Indirect Fill method, and if that does not work, use the Disabled method. Note: When the optimizer is disabled, plot files become significantly larger. Well List Synchronization Tab Project Settings Program Options - Well List Synchronization Tab

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Use these options to automatically update the respective selected wells list when any of the synchronized module changes the selected wells. Main, Mapping, and Spread Sheet are three modules that are typically used for synchronization. Files Tab Project Settings Program Options - Files Tab


April 12, 2011

3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

System Text Editor File Name section The System Text Editor File Name defaults to Notepad.exe; however, you may change the default to use another text editor. The File Extension Used By Text Editor defaults to .TXT and can be changed to another extension. This is the executable file name of a text editor used by PETRA to view or edit various text files and reports. Typical choices here are NOTEPAD, WORDPAD, and WRITE. The default is NOTEPAD.EXE. The Image Files section This option allows you to specify the path name(s) for searching for raster log images. By using a search path, PETRA stores only the file name in the database and resolves the full name using the search path. The advantage to using a search path is that projects may be moved to a different drive and still find the images. The disadvantage to using a search path is that the path has to be resolved each time an image is accessed. Note: Use the IMAGESEARCH.TXT file to specify the path(s) where the images may reside. Place the file at the root of the project images folder. You have the following options when storing the IMAGESEARCH.TXT file: Store Image Files With Full Path Name - This is the default. Store Image Files As File Name Only and Use Search Path(s) Below. Use this option when the path(s) have changed for the images and you need to change the search path(s) for the images. Click the Add Path... button to browse to a folder where the images are located. You can add one or more paths. Alternate Path For LIC Files - You can add an alternate path for the log image calibration files by clicking on the where the .LIC files is stored. button in that section and browsing to a folder

Image File Drive Mapping can be used to redirect where PETRA is looking for images and LIC files when the paths are exactly the same but the drive mapping has changed. Locks Tab Project Settings Program Options - Locks Tab

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Well Location Locking Well locations can be locked for all wells or for individual wells. Once a well's location is locked, it cannot be changed, either by import or manual edit, until the location is unlocked. You must first enable locking before well locations can be locked. Enable location locking by checking the Well Location Locking Enabled option. If you want a well's location to be locked automatically when manually edited, then check the Automatically Lock Location After Manually Modified option. A locked location will not be changed when data is imported from a file or any other method. To force well locations to be locked, click the Lock All Locations button. To unlock all locations, click the Unlock All Locations button. The unlock function prompts you to unlock all wells or only those wells that were not individually locked. Lock Map Projection Use this lock feature to lock the map projection so it is not inadvertently changed by anyone accessing the map projection screen. Also, importing a Petra Project File (*.PPF) cannot change a locked map projection. UWI Search Tab Project Settings Program Options - UWI Search Tab


April 12, 2011

3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

This screen allows you to set special characters that need to be removed from UWI values that are read from an import file when trying to match with the database UWIs with the same set of characters removed. The default set of characters are shown on the dialog screen above. Click the check box to the left of the Remove Special Characters from imported UWIs to Match with DB UWIs to remove the special characters in both the import file UWI and the UWI as stored in the Well database. Add and/or delete the characters that are to be removed in the Special Characters To Remove data field. Sort UWI Values As section Note: The sort of the UWI Values defaults to Alphanumeric. To change the sort to Numeric, click the radio button to the left of Numeric. When you use the Numeric option, the UWI value cannot contain Alpha characters. DBI Tab Project Settings Program Options - DBI Tab

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

The options here have been set to make optimum use of the system memory and cache. Our recommendation: Leave the settings set to their default values. Public Tab Project Settings Program Options - Public Tab

The Disable Overlay File In Use Feature, when selected, displays a warning message whenever you load an overlay file that has already been loaded by another user. If you are the first user to open a particular overlay file, you become its owner with rights to save over the


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

existing file. All other users cannot overwrite the file until the owner exits Petra or closes the overlay file.

Set Map Projection...

Note: PETRA uses the Blue Marble Database (geocalc.xml) that contains all of the international dautms and coordinate systems. Two Coordinate Systems are provided in PETRA for setting up the map projection. Determine what datum the latitude and longitude values have by asking the vendor what the datum is for the locations. If the locations are XY coordinates, you must also find out what projection was used to create the XY coordinates. The Standard method utilizes standard coordinate systems provided by the Blue Marble geodetic transformation library. This option provides most projections commonly used in energy mapping projects. Examples are U.T.M. and State Planes. The Custom method allows you to select and customize a specific projection algorithm by changing default settings, such as, central meridian, ellipsoid, or false eastings and northings. The Custom method also includes common, but not all State Plane settings. Click the Main module's Project Settings Set Map Projection... menu to bring up the Map Projection Settings dialog screen.

The map projection settings determine how Latitude-Longitude coordinates are converted to X,Y coordinates for display purposes. If your project contains only X,Y locations, choose the No Projection - Locations are in XY option. If you are not sure which projection to use or don't really care, choose the Polyconic Projection. Polyconic works well except very near the equator, in which case choose UTM.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Make sure the datum that you chose agrees with the datum for the coordinates that you will use to load into PETRA. Click the Help button for assistance with the various settings.

System Colors...
You can customize all graphics elements, such as borders, titles, screen background, etcetera. Screen color and plotter color for each element can be selected independently from a palette of 16 solid colors. Line thickness and style (solid, dashed, dotted, etcetera) can also be selected for each element. Customization of the system colors can be accessed via the Main module's Project Settings System Colors menu. Also, colors for individual modules can be changed from the Display Colors menu of the module.

Well Symbols...
This option displays the symbols that have descriptions assigned to use in your projects. They are displayed on the left side of the dialog screen in the section titled Current Well Descriptions. The total number of symbols available to you in PETRA are displayed in the right display panel, titled Symbol Definition under the section titled, Available Symbols. Currently, there are 238 symbols available to choose from. To change the color or description for a Well Symbol, click the symbol in the Current Well Descriptions portion of the dialog screen. The Symbol Code, current description, Screen Color, and Plotter Color are displayed in the Symbol Definition portion of the dialog screen. Change the current information for the selected symbol, and then click Apply. To add a Well Symbol to the Current Well Descriptions, 1. Click the New Description button. 2. Type in the Symbol Code that you want to use in the Symbol Code data field. You can use up to a maximum of eight characters for the Symbol Code. 3. Type in a description in the Description data field. You can use up to 60 characters for the description. 4. Click the color for the Screen and Plotter Color Selection. 5. Scroll down the list of Available Symbols, and then click the one that you want to add. 6. Click the Apply button. The new symbol is added to the bottom of the Current Well Descriptions list. 7. Click the OK button with the green check mark

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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

Note: You may have to make an entry in the symtrans.usr file for the project depending on the new Symbol Code. This file is located in the project\parms folder and contains the import data Symbol Codes that are to be imported in the left column and the PETRA Symbol Codes in the right column that the input Symbol Code will be translated into. The file can be edited using Notepad.exe. Add the new Symbol Code in the file and the translation code for that symbol. This is necessary for PETRA to be able to translate Symbol Codes during the import of wells and their Symbol Codes. As an example, a new Symbol with a Symbol Code of OILPROD was added to the Symbol Descriptions and a data file was loaded with that code. If the sumtrans.usr file is not edited to contain the new Symbol Code and Translation, the Symbol that will be displayed is OIL due to the following record in the translation file: OIL* OIL. By adding a record above the OIL* OIL record that reads =OILPROD OILPROD, that translation will be handled properly and the Symbol selected for OILPROD will be displayed instead of the OIL symbol.

To drop a Well Symbol from the Current Well Descriptions list, 1. Click the Symbol in the Current Well Descriptions list that is to be dropped. 2. Click the Drop Description button. That Well Symbol is deleted from the current list. 3. Click the OK button with the green check mark.

Reset Module...
This option is used to reset a module that has become inoperable. You may want to save some parameter files before you reset the module. For instance, when you Post Well Data, you can save a template that can be reloaded after resetting the module so you don't have to re-build your data posting template. The saving of the parameter file may not be called a template for each option. As an example, the Attribute Map uses the term Settings instead of Template. For each option where you have data displayed on the map, save your settings or template if you want to recover those parameters after resetting the module.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

1. Click the check box next to the module that you want to reset.

2. Click Reset Module(s) button.


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PETRA Users Manual

The message displayed below is shown.

3. Click OK.

The selected module is set to the defaults for that module. You may have to re-enter some settings. You can re-load the individual setting or template files for each option that you saved the files for. Do not load a saved Map Settings File if you were having problems with the map settings that were used before you reset the Map Module. You can reload a different saved Map Setting File that you know worked properly before the error and go from there.

Set Tab Colors...

This option is used to set the colors for each of the tabs in the Main module. There are system default colors that can be changed. If you create your own colors, keep the tab colors fairly light so the tab label shows through. You can also display this menu by right clicking on the Tab or the Active Tab Indicator displayed to the right of the module icons. A Set Tab Colors dialog

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box is displayed. Click the Set Tab Colors menu Colors dialog screen.

to bring up the Tab

Either double click the tab or the color icon to be changed. You see the selection indicator displayed to the left of the tab that you want to change the color for. The Color selection dialog screen is displayed.


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

The default color is shown as the selected color by the rectangle square around the color box. Select the new color, and then click the OK button to accept the new selected color.

The default color scheme is displayed on the tabs in Main module below. The rest of the screen shots for Main do not show the tabs with colors. If you do not want to use any colors, click the Clear All button Active check box and uncheck the

in the Tab Colors dialog screen, shown above.

An example of colored tabs is shown below.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

You can download the manual from https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/Petraman.zip The password to unzip the file is petraplus. The file is a PDF document.

Password Protect Project...

This option is used to protect a project by requiring the user to know a password. Enter the password in the New Password (5-20 Chars) and the Confirm Password data fields. Click the OK button with the green check.


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

If the Confirmation password is incorrectly entered, or is left blank, you see the following message:

Once both passwords are entered correctly, you see:

Click the OK button with green check. To change the password, click the Radio button to the left of the Remove Project Password option and enter the current password for the project in the Current Password data field, and then click the OK button with the green check.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

You see the following message.

Click the OK button. Repeat the process described above to enter a password for the project. The new password is now required when opening the project. When you try to open a project that is password protected, you see the following message:

Enter the assigned password for the project, and then click the OK button with the green check

If the password has been forgotten, contact IHS Customer Care PETRA instructions on how to reset the password.


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3 Data Organization and Concepts

PETRA Users Manual

ReLoad symbol code translations

This option reloads the translation codes for well symbols using the SYMTRANS.DEF file located in the PARMS folder where PETRA was installed. This is the System Path that was set up when PETRA was installed or, if using a network version, when the Client was installed on the local machine. You see the Information dialog screen. Click OK. You see a confirmation dialog screen. If you want to translate the well symbols codes for the currently selected wells using the new translation file, click the Yes button; otherwise, click the No button.

Get latest symbols

This option is used to obtain the latest set of symbols available from the System Path that was set up when PETRA was installed or, if using a network version, when the Client was installed on the local machine. Click OK to obtain the latest set of symbols from the System folder or click the Cancel button to keep the set of symbols that are currently being used. Click OK to complete the process.

Reset default UWI column widths

This option resets the columns to the right of the WSN column on the Main screen.

Set MJ LogSleuth Project

You must have JM LogSleuth installed on your machine, and you must have a subscription for MJ LogSleuth. Set the project path that you are using for your MJ LogSleuth images. The following messages are displayed if you do not have MJ LogSleuth installed.

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PETRA Users Manual

3 Data Organization and Concepts

Register PetraDBServer for ESRI Plug-in

The ArcMap extension is a menu tool added to ESRIs ArcMap product that allows data exchange with a PETRA product. Requirements: PETRA ESRI licenses(s) using FlexLM for Windows license management ESRI ArcMap 9.1 or newer Select this option to automatically register the components in the PC Registry. Administrative rights are necessary to register the components. Installation of the PETRA Toolbar in ArcMap: To add this toolbar to ArcMap, 1. Start ArcMap and from the Tools menu, select Customize. 2. Click the Add from file button, and then browse to select the PetraESRI.dll file. 3. From the Tools menu, select Customize, and then check the box next to the word PETRA. The toolbar is added to ArcMap, and you can access PETRA data using these components. If PETRA can open the project and access the data in Main, then the ArcMap toolbar can open the project and access the data.

Project>Exit Menu
The Project Exit menu option can be used to close the current project and exit PETRA.


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Other options for closing a project and PETRA are provided by clicking the PETRA logo in the upper left corner and selecting Close on the dialog screen, or by clicking the red X in the upper right corner, or the Close and Exit icon that looks like a door. When the Exit PETRA message is displayed, click OK. If this Close Open Modules dialog screen is displayed instead, you have the option of clicking the Cancel button, which allows you to close each of the open modules, or you can click the OK button to have PETRA close each of the open modules. This latter option is useful if you have used Task Manager to close one of the modules. The following dialog screens are displayed when you click the OK button.

Set MJ LogSleuth Project...

The MJ LogSleuth Projects dialog screen is displayed if you have installed LogSleuth. Instead of just showing one project, you may see several projects. It depends on how many projects you have in LogSleuth. 1. Highlight the LogSleuth project that you want to use in PETRA.

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2. Click the OK button with the green check. If you have not installed LogSleuth, you see the following messages displayed.

Project>Prospect menu
The Project Prospect menu option is used to create a prospect well list, load a prospect well list, or to change the wells from Prospect mode to Project mode. When in Project mode, all of the wells for the entire project are used. There is a Help section for Prospects.

The Help menu displays the information available for Prospects.


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Click Project Prospect Help... menu to display the Prospects Help dialog screen.

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The PETRA Help dialog screen is displayed. Click and drag the Scroll button to view the remaining information in the Prospects help screen.


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Save Prospect Well List Menu

Using the Sample or Tutorial project, the Main screen shows the Total Number of Wells in Project and the Number of Currently Selected Wells.

Arbitrarily select the odd numbered WSNs.

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1. Click Wells Edit WSN List or Prospect List File... menu.

2. Enter the Comment, County Prospect, or your own prospect name in the comment data field. 3. Enter the odd numbered Well Sequence Numbers as shown below.

4. Click Save Well File. Enter a file name for the WSN List to be saved to. We used County.WSN.


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5. Click Yes. 6. Click the Exit button to close the dialog screen. 7. Click Wells Select Wells from a WSN List... menu or the Wells Load WSN List... menu.

8. Select your file that you saved. Click the Open button.

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9. Click Yes on the Confirm dialog screen. Parameters are set in a similar way to this one, depending on your well selection list.


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10. Click the Project Prospect Save Prospect Well List... menu.

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The Save Prospect Well List (*.PRO) dialog screen is displayed. 11. Enter the file name for the Prospect, and then click Save.

12. Enter the Text to comment the prospect file, and then click OK.


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The Save Prospect Well List (*.PRO) dialog screen is displayed. 13. Enter the file name for the Prospect, and then click Save. A dialog screen with the number of wells selected for the prospect is shown. 14. If you want to put the project into Prospect mode for the selected wells, click YES; otherwise, click No.

Using the Sample or Tutorial project, the Main screen looks like this after setting to prospect mode. Note the information about the total number of wells and the number of wells currently selected. There is information about the number of wells for the Project that has been selected.

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Load Prospect Well List menu

To load a saved prospect well list 1. Click the Project Prospect Load Prospect Well List... menu.


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The Select Prospect Well List (*.PRO) dialog screen is displayed. 2. Select the Prospect that you want to load, and then click the Open button.

. 3. Click Yes on the Load This Prospect? dialog screen to load the wells for the selected prospect.

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4. If the prospect well list does not contain an AOI Area Of Interest set of limits due to being created in an older version of PETRA, the following dialog screen is displayed:

5. Click the Yes button to set the Area Of Interest for the prospect wells. If the prospect well list does contain an AOI Area Of Interest set of limits, the following dialog screen is displayed:

6. If you have added wells to the project and if some of those wells reside in the AOI of the prospect, click the Yes button to search the entire project to look for the new wells that may reside in the AOI. After the search is completed, if there are new wells for the prospect, update the prospect well list. You see the selected wells in Main for the selected Prospect.

Use Entire Project

To load all of the wells for the project 1. Click the Project Prospect Use Entire Project... menu.


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The following dialog screen is displayed.

2. Click the radio button to the left of the option you want to use for selecting the wells that you want displayed in Main. 3. Click the OK button to select and use the wells that you have chosen.

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Main Module
Review the Main module to understand the management of project data and how to access the other modules.

Switching Between Modules

Each PETRA module is an executable program in communication with Main and other active modules. Each module appears in the Windows task bar and can be accessed by clicking the module task bar icon. An example of the Start Bar for XP is shown below. Shown are the Start, Quick Launch Tool Bar, Task Bar items; Main Module, Cross Section Module and the Map Module.

Each module also contains a Window menu from which any active module can be accessed. The screen capture below shows the menu from the Cross Section module. When you click Window Main, you return to the Main module.

The Window menu from the Map module is shown below. When you click Window Cross Section, you return to that module. To return to the Main module, click Window Main.

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Opening the Tutorial Project

Open the Tutorial project with the following steps: 1. Click the Start button for Windows A Pop Up menu with choices is displayed. 2. Click All Programs , and then Petra, , and then GeoPlus Petra. .

Note: A shortcut created to run PETRA was placed on your desktop when PETRA was installed. You can click that shortcut to run PETRA. If you have created a shortcut to run PETRA, you can click that shortcut,

The PETRA splash screen is displayed briefly. Wait until it disappears.


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If this is the first time that you have opened PETRA, the following message is displayed:

3. Click OK to continue. The Welcome to PETRA dialog screen is displayed. 4. Click the radio button to the left of Open an EXISTING Project.

If you opened the Tutorial Project earlier, the ReOpen TUTORIAL Project radio button is turned on. The ReOpen radio button is always set to the last project that you were in when you shut PETRA down.

5. When the Select Project To Open dialog appears, either click the TUTORIAL project name, and then the Open button, or double-click the TUTORIAL project name to open

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If this is the first time that the Tutorial project has been opened, the following dialog screen is displayed:


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This project is in Imperial units. Click the OK button with the green check to accept the default selection. Do not change to Metric. 6. If the following dialog screen is displayed, click No as we have not picked any Raster Pay for this project.

The TUTORIAL project opens showing a list of wells. The Project tab of the Main Module is selected, and the projection information is displayed. 7. Click the PETRA logo to see the date and version, licensing and other miscellaneous information displayed in the About PETRA dialog screen. On the bottom right of the dialog screen you will see the Datum for the project and the Version number. The Version number is also displayed in the upper left of the PETRA Main dialog screen in brackets.

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8. Click on the Help>Project File Info menu to display information about the project as well as the date for the geoplus1.exe which is associated with the Version of PETRA. Other information of interest is displayed.


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Main Module Overview

The PETRA Main module screen is organized into a list of wells on the left, and a series of tabs on the right. Each tabbed section displays details of a specific data type for the well highlighted in the well list. Typing over the data displayed in the data entry fields modifies any data in the tabbed sections. Each tabbed section contains a Save button , or an Update button , which must be clicked to update the database with any changes that are made. PETRA automatically prompts you to save the data if you change data and then click the left mouse button on another well or attempt to close the project without saving the changes.

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Projection for projects

The projection for the project must be the first setting made before loading any data into the project. Well locations are provided as either latitude-longitude or x-y coordinates. The following discussion on map projections is meant only to ensure your projects are set up correctly based on whether you have lat-lon or x-y data. It is not meant to explain the differences in the various map projections or datum's. 1. Click either the Main Module's Project Settings Set Map Projection menu option OR from the Project tab, click the Set Map Projection button OR the Location tab. 2. Click the Projection button screen. to display the Map Projection Settings dialog


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Note: The Projection Settings for the Tutorial project provided by IHS has been locked. To unlock the projection, click the Unlock tab. Click the Unlock Map Projection button. This will allow the different parameters to be displayed. Do not make any change to the parameters at this time. PETRA operates in one of two coordinate modes. All well locations, seismic and other location data are stored as latitude-longitude or as x-y coordinates. You cannot have some wells with latlon and other wells with only x-y values. When lat-lon locations are stored, PETRA computes the x-y coordinate corresponding to the selected map projection. When x-y locations are stored, PETRA computes the lat-lon coordinate corresponding to the selected map projection, which has to be correct for the x-y coordinates that are loaded. The Map Projection online help has extensive information explaining the various settings, datums, coordinate systems, and Datum Shift. Click the Help button at the bottom of the Map Projection Settings dialog screen to display the PETRA Help dialog screen.

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Note: If you've made any changes to the projection, click the Cancel button, as we do not want to change the map projection at this time.


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Sorting the Well List

The well list displays the well sequence used by the database, the unique well identifier (typically, the API number), and the custom well label. Try scrolling the list left and right to see the different fields. The well list can be sorted by the UWI, WSN, Well Name, or Well Label. The default sort order is by WSN. Position the mouse cursor over the well list and click the right mouse button to display the pop up sort menu.

The check mark to the left of the sort option list indicates the last option chosen. To change to a different option, position the cursor over the desired option and click with the left mouse button. The well list is reloaded in the selected sort order.

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To change the columns and their display order, click the desired combination. The UWI and Well Label are the default columns. To sort on the Well Name, you need to click one of the column options that have the Well Name included for the Columns to be displayed as shown in the example above.

Project Tab
The Project tab section shows the Project Description, the Total Number of Wells stored in the project, and the Number of Currently Selected Wells in the main module. The selected wells are the wells displayed in the well list to the left of the Project tab. If you have changed to Prospect mode, the Total Number of Wells in Project is displayed as Total Number of Wells in Prospect. Typing over the description data that is displayed in the Project Description field modifies the project description. This change is written to the Project.ini file when the project is closed.


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Click the PETRA logo to display information about PETRA. The dialog screen on the left below displays the information for a Standalone License using a Memo Hasp Bitlock. The dialog screen on the right displays the information for a Subscription Standalone License using a Memo Hasp Bitlock.

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The dialog screen on the left below displays the information for a Network License using a Nethasp Bitlock. The dialog screen on the right displays the information for a Network license using FlexLM.

These are the same dialog screens that are shown when you click the Help About PETRA menu. Click the red X dialog screen. in the upper right corner of the dialog screen to close the About Petra

Note: The Version will change as PETRA is updated with new enhancements and bug fixes. Major releases of PETRA end in .0. Minor releases will have the last digit of the version incremented as the major release is updated with enhancement and bug fixes since the last major release. As an example, the first minor release for version will be releases are every six to eight weeks apart on an average. PETRA Download link: Minor releases are made on an as needed basis. The enhancements and bug fixes are incremental. All files are included in both major and minor releases for updating PETRA to the latest version. PETRA Download link:

Click the Software Download link to select the appropriate file to download for the installation or update of PETRA.


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Click the Software Downloads link. The following WEB page is displayed with the dates displayed when the WEB was last updated. For standalone version of PETRA, you can turn on a switch to automatically detect when there is a new version available on the WEB. In the geoplus.ini file you add a keyword SKIPUPDATECHECK=0 to the [STARTUP] section of the ini file. Use notepad.exe to edit the file as there are no extra line fees and end of file characters added with this editor. For a network/client version of PETRA, we do not recommend turning to this option. The IT administrator will determine when new updates are installed. Note: The dates displayed are entered manually; therefore, the dates on these pages may not reflect the actual date of the files that have been uploaded to the Web. To view the actual dates for the following files: alldisks.exe, server.exe, PSVer2.exe, petramultienv.pdf, and client.exe go to https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petrafiles.txt. The dates shown will be when the files were last uploaded to the Web.

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For standalone version of PETRA, you can turn on a switch to automatically detect when there is a new version available on the Web. In the geoplus.ini file, you add a keyword SKIPUPDATECHECK=0 to the [STARTUP] section of the ini file. Use notepad.exe to edit the file as there are no extra line feeds and end of file characters added with this editor. For a network/client version of PETRA, we do not recommend turning on this option. The IT administrator will determine when new updates are installed. Note: We do not recommend turning on this switch if you have a mixture of standalone and network/client users. You cannot open PETRA projects using different versions due to the possibility of table modifications for newer versions.

Well Tab
On the Main dialog screen, click the Well tab.


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The Well tab shows the well header detail information for the well highlighted in the well list. The screen includes data fields for Unique Well ID (UWI), Well Number, Well Name, Operator, Label, Lease Name, Lease Number, etcetera. When you pull the Main screen wider and resize the window splitters, you see the date the well was added and last changed. When you click the check box to the right of Zone Favorites, you can select and display information from other tables on this screen. For instance, you can display the KB, DF, GR, TD, and Completion Date from the Well table to see the data values that are stored in the table displayed in this area.

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You can change to a different well by clicking in the Unique Well ID column of the well list, by clicking the Next and Previous buttons Next Well buttons

or by clicking the Previous Well or

located to the right of the UWI display data field.

Typing over the current value modifies any of the well data fields. As you type, the Save button becomes active, indicating you have the option to update the database with your changes. After making all necessary changes to the Well tab screen, click Save. . If you modify any data fields and attempt to go to another well without first saving the data, PETRA prompts you to save the data. If you click Save but realize you made a mistake, click the Undo icon to reset the well to the values prior to the last save. To see how this works, select the first well in the well list and change the historical operator name by typing Big Oil Company in the Hist Oper field. Next, click Save. . If you have a sound card enabled on your system, you hear a sound as the data is updated. Next, click the Undo icon. The well data resets to the prior values.

The well symbol displayed on maps and cross sections is shown on the Well tab screen. Choosing one of the symbols listed in the Well Symbol and Desc list box changes the symbol.


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There are currently 238 symbols to choose from. Again, click Save changes.

to store your

The Active Datum list allows you to choose a datum elevation from several predefined fields including Kelly bushing (ELEV_KB), derrick floor (ELEV_DF), ground level (ELEV_GR), and seismic datum (ELEV_SEIS). The datum elevation is used to compute subsea formation tops or other depths at run-time. Each well can reference a different elevation. The actual elevation data values can be viewed and edited on the Zones tab screen, where the datum elevations are listed under the WELL zone; on the FmTops tab, where the datum elevation is shown above the tops, and on the Well tab in the Active Datum data field. The Remarks section, on the Well tab, provides a place to store any general comments about a well. This section is also used to store various remarks imported from commercial well data sources.

Adding a new well manually

Wells can be added manually to a project using several methods. From the Well tab screen you can add a well by typing a new UWI and all associated well header information. Then click Save. . PETRA detects the attempt to change the UWI and displays the Add or Replace Well screen. At this point, you can click the Add New Well button new well to the database. Try adding a new well. 1. Change the first well's UWI field from 42201077770000 to 42201077771000. 2. Click Save. . to add the

The following screen appears.

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3. Click the Add New Well option. The new well appears at the end of the well list. Note: Wells can also be added using the main screen's Wells Add A New Well menu.

You are prompted for the UWI for the new well. 4. Enter the new UWI and press OK to actually add a new well into the database.


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Shown below is the dialog screen for entering the API number for this menu item. Do not actually enter this API into the well database. Click Cancel.

You can add more wells by entering more UWIs or click Cancel when done. If you actually add a well, you see the last well UWI that was added at the bottom of the dialog screen. The well list is repositioned as the last well added to the project. You can then update the well header fields for each of the newly added wells.

Changing the Unique Well Identifier

Change the Unique Well Identifier for a well from the Well tab screen. 1. Type over the UWI field, and then click Save. The Add or Replace Well screen appears to prompt you. 2. Click Replace to change the UWI for the selected well. 3. Change the UWI field of our new well from 42201077771000 to 42201077771001. 4. At the add or replace prompt, click Replace. The new well is updated with the new UWI. To see the change in the display, you may need to click the well above and then back on the new well. This causes the database tables to be refreshed.

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5. Try replacing the UWI with that of another well. Notice that PETRA does not allow two wells with the same UWI. 6. Click OK to close the Error dialog screen.

Deleting a single well

You can delete a single well from the database using the Wells Delete Well menu item. 1. First, click the well list to highlight the well you want to delete. Select the new well we added in the last section. 2. Pull down the Wells Menu and click the Delete Well menu item. You are prompted twice to verify that you really want the well and all of its data deleted from the database. After the well is deleted, the screen resets to the Project tab showing the number of wells in the project and who a total of 21 wells and 21 wells selected. The well you deleted is no longer in the well list.

Deleting multiple wells

Note: Read through the following section, but do not actually delete the Tutorial wells for now. To delete more than one well at a time, 1. Select the wells to be deleted using one of the well selection tools such as the Wells Select Wells By Data Criteria menu item. 2. Choose the Wells Delete All Selected Wells menu item. Caution: This option deletes all of the wells displayed in the well list on the left side of the Main screen. However, you are prompted twice to verify that you really want to delete these wells. After deletion, the screen resets the Project tab to show the number of wells in the project, and all remaining wells in the project show as selected. Note: Always make sure that you have the correct wells selected for deletion before using this option.


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Location Tab
From the Main screen, click the Location tab. When there is directional survey data for the well, you see Directional Survey Available listed in the Misc Location Information data area at the bottom, middle of the screen. You are also able to select the Show Survey Data option to display the survey data graphically. Click WSN 17 and check the Show Survey Data option to see this graphical display.

The Location screen displays the well's surface and bottom hole latitude-longitude and x-y coordinates. You also have access to region-specific, detailed-location data using a series of buttons located on the right side of the screen. Detail screens are provided for Directional Survey Data, Section-Township-Range Data, Offshore Location Information (Gulf of Mexico Data), Texas Location Data, North East Location Data, and Projection Settings (Map Projection Data).

Deviated wells
Directional or deviated wells are wells that contain directional survey data describing the coordinates of the borehole at various depths. PETRA queries the database for the presence of directional survey data to determine whether or not a well is deviated. Directional surveys can be imported or entered by hand as MD, TVD, Dip and Azimuth, or as MD, TVD, X-offset and Yoffset. The radius of curvature method is applied to convert dip and azimuth to x and y offsets.
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Deviated wells are treated differently than non-deviated wells. For example, during mapping, a deviated well's symbol location is determined by projecting the deviated borehole path onto the map surface. The well symbol is positioned along this path at a predetermined depth. This depth can be the total depth of the well or a depth of a formation top. The surface projection of the borehole is sometimes referred to as a worm track or spider diagram. On cross sections, the deviated path of the borehole is projected onto the plane of the cross section. Digital log curves, tops, and tests are plotted relative to the angled borehole.

Displaying the survey data

To display survey data from the Location tab screen, 1. Click the WSN=17 on the WSN list. This is a directional well as indicated by the remark Directional Survey Available in Misc Location Information in the bottom, middle section of the screen. 2. Click the Dir Survey button on the Location tab to access the survey data details. The system displays the Directional Survey Data screen. The survey screen contains a series of tabs: The General tab shows remarks and provides a utility to convert depths from measured depth to TVD and vice versa. The Data tab shows the survey data in spreadsheet format. The data can be added or modified from this spreadsheet. The Preview tab shows a plotted graphical representation of the survey data. On the left is a graph showing the East-West and North-South components of the survey footage offsets from the surface location. The y axis is TVD and can be adjusted by changing the Max Depth field and clicking the Redraw button. The right graph shows a map view of the survey worm or spider plot. The axes are in feet (or optionally, meters) on the earth's surface.


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The Import/Export tab allows the data to be imported from or exported to an ASCII file. Note: Click the Cancel button to close the survey screen without making any updates to the database.

Locking projection
To use locking projection 1. Click either the Main Module's Project Settings Set Map Projection menu option, or from the Project tab, click the Set Map Projection button tab, click the Projection button dialog screen. , or on the Location to display the Map Projection Settings

2. Click the Lock tab, click the Map Projection Settings dialog screen, and then click the Lock Map Projection... button. 3. Click the OK button on the Lock Map Projection? confirmation screen and then on the OK button on the Information screen that is displayed.

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Locking locations
To lock the locations for the wells 1. Click the Project Settings Program Options menu. The PETRA Program Options dialog screen is displayed.


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2. Click the Locks tab. 3. Click the check box to the left of Enable Well Data Field Locking. 4. Click the Lock All Locations... button. The following dialog screen is displayed:

5. Click OK. 6. Click the OK button with the green check Program Options dialog screen. at the bottom of the PETRA

When you click the Locations tab, the locations are displayed in Red, and a message is displayed in the Misc Location Information field at the bottom, middle of the screen that states that ## ALL OF THE LOCATIONS ARE LOCKED AT THE PROJECT LEVEL ##

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Fm Tops Tab
To use Fm Tops, from the Main screen, click the FmTops tab .

PETRA stores all formation tops, bases, fluid contacts, or markers in the FmTops table. This tutorial refers to any data item stored in the FmTops table as a top. Tops can be viewed and edited as either measured depth or subsea TVD; however, the database stores all tops as a measured depth. Subsea (subdatum) or TVD values are computed when needed using datum elevations and directional surveys.

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The Active Only Check Box allows you to display only those Formation Tops that have live data in them. This is useful when you have a large number of top names for the project, but many of the tops have not yet been picked. The FmTops tab displays a table showing all formation tops for the highlighted well. The table shows both measured depths (MD) and TVD subsea depths. Notice the datum elevation used to compute subsea values is displayed at the top of the table. The deviated wells are displayed with a column header of TVDSS. Non-deviated wells have a column header of SS. If the well is deviated, the subsea values are also TVD computed from directional survey data. You can modify either the MD or TVD value. The other value changes accordingly. You can also change the Active Datum and/or value from the FmTops Tab. You must click the Save button to update the database. Important Note: When typing values in the data cells, the value is recorded only when you move the cursor out of the edited cell or when the Enter key is pressed. The cursor moves out of a cell when an arrow key or the tab is pressed. To set a value to null, highlight the value, press the delete key or space bar, and then press the Enter key. Both MD and TVD values show a blank cell. A top's remark field can be edited by typing in the Remarks cell or by using a Edit Remarks dialog box. The Edit Remark... dialog box is activated from a right button click popup menu Clicking on the Edit Remark... option brings up a Remarks dialog screen where you can add or modify the remarks for the top. Clicking on the Edit Properties... option brings up a Modify Zone Item Description dialog screen which allows you to change the Item Name, Source, Units (<>Metric), number of Decimals, Description and Remarks for the Item. Note: Remember to click in a data cell for the top that you want to edit. Formation tops are identified by a 1 to 30 character Item Name and a 1 to 8 character Source identifier sometimes referred to as a Source Code. The Source identifier is optional. A geologist might use their initials as the Source to identify their own picks for a particular top. Each individual top value can have a 1 to 8 character quality code to indicate the quality of the formation pick. In addition, each top value can contain a 1 to 4096 character remark field. The FmTops tab screen contains several buttons along the bottom for Maintenance, Printing the tops for the selected well, adding a new top, setting up aliases, setting a display order for the tops, and showing tops by a specific source.


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Printing tops
The Print Tops button provides the ability to print the tops for the currently selected well. Click the printer icon to display the printer dialog menu to choose the printer and print the tops. Click OK to print to the selected printer.

New top
The New Top button database. allows you to quickly add a new top definition to the

Top aliases
The Aliases button provides a mechanism to specify a prioritized list of top names as formation top equivalencies. During mapping, for example, if an alias name is specified, the database uses the alias list to search the database for the first top value that does not contain a null value. To set up an alias, first click in one of the data cells of the top to be aliased. Then, click the Aliases button. Note: When defining aliases, don't forget to select the aliased top as the first top in the alias list.

Show tops by sourceShow Tops By Source Fm Tops Tab Main Module

The Show Tops By Source button displays a dialog screen called, Show Tops By Source and is used to show the tops with all sources or by a selected set of tops. There is an option to sort the tops by name.

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For this project there are not any source codes for tops. Click the OK button with the green check or the Cancel button with the Red X to close this dialog screen.

Reordering tops
The ReOrder button allows the geologist to specify the display order for viewing tops in a particular order or stratigraphic sequence. There is an option to display only those tops specified in the Order List. When this option is turned on, the other tops are not being displayed. This feature can save you time trying to find a particular top name in a long list of tops. There are two sort buttons available at the bottom of the Reorder dialog screen. An A to Z button and a Z to A button. On the Import/Export tab, there are two options to save a file or read a file, or to specify the sort order. The PETRA Order List is a binary file. The External File (Strat Table) is an ASCII file that can be edited by any editor that can open an ASCII file, such as Notepad, Excel, Word, and so forth. When using Word or Excel, remember to save the file as a text file instead of a Word Document or an Excel Spread Sheet.

Formation tops maintenance

The Maintenance button invokes the maintenance dialog screen. This dialog screen provides maintenance of both tops and zone data. To perform maintenance on tops,


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1. Click the FM Tops tab, and then click the Maintenance button.

2. After clicking the Maintenance button

, click the Data Items tab.

There are several options available to assist in the maintenance of the Tops. Options for maintenance The New Item FMTOPS. The Modify Item The ReOrder the user. The Clear Data Data Item. The Clear Remarks selected Data Item. The Delete button brings up a dialog box for adding a new Data Item to button is used to modify any of the Data Items Data Fields. button is used to order the Data Items in the order desired by button is used to clear all of the Data Fields for the selected

button is used to clear the Remarks field for the button is used to delete the selected Data Item.

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The # Decimals for the selected Data Item(s).

button is used to set the number of decimals to be displayed

The Save CSV File button creates an. csv file with the Project name and description along with the top names and description. The Save Template... button saves a template definition file.

The Load Template... button loads a saved template definition file. It adds zone item names to the current zone. The Print button prints the Project name and description along with the top names and description. The Hilite Color... lighting the selection. The Hilite Color... for the selected. The Lock/Unlock selected wells only. button with the crayons is used to select a color for high

button with the large X is used to remove the hilite color

button is used to lock or unlock the selected items for the

The Delete No Data button is used to delete well with less than or equal the number of tops that is selected. You must click the Value Count button first to active the counting of the tops.

The Rename by Src source to the new source.

button is used to rename all of the tops with the old


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The ALL The None

button is used to select all of the Data Items. button is used to de-select any/all selected Data Items.

The Value Count button is used to display the number of wells that contain live data for each of the Data Items. Shown in parentheses to the left of the Formation Top Name in the dialog screen above.

Zones Tab
To work with zones, from the Main screen, click the Zones tab.

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PETRA provides for an unlimited number of user-defined data fields to be stored in the project database. User-defined well data are organized into groups called zones. A zone is like a table containing one or more columns of numbers, dates, or text. Rows in the table correspond to wells. Zones have a corollary with geologic zones because they are defined by a depth interval. Zones can reference measured depths, subsea TVD, but more frequently reference formation tops or markers. When a zone references an upper and lower formation marker, PETRA quickly evaluates the tops to determine the appropriate depth range for any given well. The Zone database provides a logical and efficient organizational tool for managing geological mappable well data. Items such as isopach, true stratigraphic thickness, net pay, average porosity, and so forth, can be grouped together under the zone corresponding to the geologic depth interval of interest. The Zones tab section of the main screen provides a quick visual reference for system and user defined zone data fields. Zone data are presented as a table with a list of zone names on the left and data values on the right. Clicking the zone name results in the zone data items being displayed for the selected zone. Zone data values can be edited and updated to the database by clicking the Save button.


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A zone item's remark field can be edited by typing in the remark cell or by using an Edit Remarks dialog box. The Edit Remarks... and Edit Properties... dialog boxes are activated from a right button click popup menu:

The Jump To Hyperlink... option is used to associate a file or WEB Link that you want to see displayed for the well when you activate this option. For instance, enter the path to an excel spreadsheet in the Text Item or Remark data field. When you click the Jump To Hyperlink... option, the specified spreadsheet is displayed. Click the Edit Remark... option to bring up a Remark screen where you can add or modify the remarks for the zone. Click the Edit Properties... option to bring up a screen which allows you to change the item name or description. Click the Show Stats option to display a chart with the data statistics for the data item for the selected wells. Click the Edit Highlight Color option to display a Set Highlight Color dialog screen. Click the Default Column Widths option to set the column widths back to the default widths very useful if you have sized the columns so that you can no longer see the columns. Click the Show Aliases option to display a dialog screen that shows what the zone item is aliased to. Click the Suppress Commas option to display the values without a comma. Click the Rename For This Well Only option to rename the selected item to a new name for this well only.

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Click the Write to CSV File option to write the FmTops that are displayed for the current selected well to a CSV file. Click the Lock Item for This Well... option or click the Hot keys Ctrl+L to bring up a confirmation dialog allowing the item to be locked.

Click the Yes button to lock the specified item. Click the No button to cancel the request. Click the Unlock Item for This Well... option or click the Hot keys Ctrl+U to bring up a confirmation dialog screen allowing the item to be unlocked.

Click the Yes button to unlock the specified item. Click the No button to cancel the request. Click the Lock Item for Selected Wells... option or click the Hot keys Alt+L to lock the item for all selected wells.

Click the OK button to lock the specified item for the selected wells. Click the Cancel button to cancel the request. Click the Unlock Item for Selected Wells... option or click the Hot keys Alt+U to unlock the item for all selected wells.


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Click the OK button to unlock the specified item for the selected wells. Click the Cancel button to cancel the request. A zone Maintenance utility can be accessed for adding, deleting, and modifying zone definitions and zone data variables. The View/Edit All button invokes a screen that provides viewing and editing of zone data items presented by zone instead of by well. A table shows the zone data for all selected wells. A statistical histogram is available showing the data range and frequency distribution for zone data. The view/edit utility can be accessed from various PETRA screens and provides a quick data check or verification of computed results. Use the Print Zone Data icon well. Use the Define Zone Aliases button to print your Zone data for the current selected

button to display the Assign Zone Item Aliases dialog button when

screen. You can assign aliases for the items in a Zone. Click the Done finished.

Creating a new zone

A zone is a logical grouping of related data. Zones usually represent a geologic interval and reference formation tops to define the depth interval of interest. Zones contain z data items or variables for storing numbers, dates and text fields. When you add a new zone to a project, you only add the definition and depth reference. You are not adding any data values to the wells. Suppose we have two formation tops, A and B, which define the upper and lower boundaries of our zone of interest. We can create a zone called AB to store reservoir properties such as isopach, net pay, porosity feet, etcetera. First, click the Maintenance button screen is displayed. on the Zones Tab. The Zone Maintenance

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The New Zone

button brings up a dialog box for adding a new Zone.

The Modify Zone button brings up a dialog box for modifying the Zone name, Description, and/or remarks. The Delete Zone selected to be deleted. button deletes any non-system defined Zone that is

The ReOrder button allows the geologist to specify the display order for viewing tops in a particular order or stratigraphic sequence. The Hilite Color... lighting the selected. The Hilite Color... for the selected. 1. Click the New Zone button. 2. On the new zone definition screen, enter AB as the zone name. button with the crayons is used to select a color for high

button with the large X is used to remove the hilite color


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3. Enter a description such as, Interval A to B. 4. Click the OK button to add the zone definition to the database. The zone AB is added to the database. 5. Next, you need to define the depth interval for the AB zone. The Interval Definition Tab is activated. The upper and lower depth references can now be set. The following dialog screens is displayed:

6. Set the upper depth to FmTop A by selecting top A from the drop down list in the Upper Depth group. 7. Click the radio button labeled FmTop to set it to the on position (Radio button filled in), if it is not already set. 8. Set the lower depth to the FmTop B in a similar manner. Again, make sure the radio button labeled FmTop is set to the on position (Radio button filled in). Notice too, that you can enter offset footages for the UPPER and LOWER depths. This allows the zone to start, for example, 25 feet (or meters) above or below the specified formation top.

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9. Click OK. An Update Zone Interval definition confirmation screen is displayed with the Zone name, the Upper Depth FmTop, Lower Depth FmTop, and offsets for each if entered.

10. Click OK to return to the Zones Tab screen. You receive a prompt upon exiting for each zone that has been modified. 11. Click Yes to accept the changes. The AB zone is added to the Zones Tab. 12. Click the AB zone name. Notice that there are no data fields associated with the new zone. In the next section we add data fields to the new zone.

Adding new zone variables or items

Zone data items are added to a zone using the zone Maintenance button the bottom of the Zones Tab screen or by using the Add a new Zone button. For this exercise, use the zone Maintenance button Zone. to add the Data Items to the located at

1. From the Zone Maintenance Screen, click to highlight the AB zone name, and then click the Data Items tab.


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If any data items have been added, they are displayed at this time. 2. To create three zone data items, click the New Item button to start adding fields using the New Zone Data Item screen.

3. Enter the name and description for the data item. For now, enter the name ISOPACH and description Interval Thickness. You can specify the units as FT <>MTR. The toggle will be Feet to Meters if your project is set to Imperial Units. Make sure the Data Type is numeric.

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4. Click the OK button with the green check AB zone.

to add the isopach definition to the

The New Zone Data Item screen reappears to allow you to continue entering items. 5. Add a field called PAY with a description of Net Pay and PHIH with a description of Porosity Feet. 6. Click the Cancel button with the red X to stop adding more data fields.

7. Return to the Zones Tab screen from the maintenance screen by clicking the OK button with the green check .

8. Click the AB zone on the Zones Tab list to show the newly added data fields. All values are set to null, which is indicated by blank data cells. New zone variables are also added to zones during calculations. For example, instead of adding the ISOPACH data item definition ahead of time, you can simply compute the AB zone isopach using the Compute From Zones Isopach menu option. You can actually create an isopach variable for all project zones at once, if necessary.

Logs Tab
From the Main screen, click the Logs tab, and then click the well list to select the well with WSN=10.


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PETRA provides a log curve database for storing digital well logs. Logs can be imported in standard LAS and LIS data formats. PETRA includes a robust set of tools for editing, analyzing, and extracting reservoir properties, such as net pay and hydrocarbon pore volume from log data. The Logs tab section lists the digital well logs stored for a particular well. In addition, if you click the Radio button to the left of Values and double-click a curve, DPHI for instance, the log data values for the selected log are displayed. The log values can be edited from this list, if desired. If you click the Radio button to the left of the Curve option, the log curve is displayed. The Delete button deletes the highlighted logs from the selected well.

The Rename button allows a selected log to be renamed to one of the already defined log names. Renaming a log for a well simply changes the log name reference. The Log Maintenance button is used to add new log names and descriptions, make global changes to the log database, and rename or delete log curves by name. The Depths button allows you to restrict the depth interval of the data shown in the Log Preview and Digits displays. The Log Preview option displays selected well logs side-by-side and is intended as a quick quality control tool. The log preview utility also offers several log editing tools and can display and correlate formation tops. 1. Select one or more log curves from the Logs tab screen and click the Log Preview button to view the logs. Notice that as you move the mouse over a log curve at the Status bar at the bottom of the screen, the curve summary information is displayed. If you click the right mouse button

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over a specific curve, you see a large pop-up menu containing several functions for editing curves. 2. Exit the Log Preview screen clicking the File Close menu or by clicking the standard Windows Close button in the upper right corner of the screen


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When you right click one of the curves, a Pop Up Menu, as shown below, is displayed.

To discover more about these options, 1. Click the Logs Tab on the Main Screen. 2. Click the Log Preview tab, and then the Help menu. Another method to display Help information for Log Preview is to click the Help>Help Menu Item in the Main module. 1. Click the plus sign to the left of the Main Module. A list of the Help Topics under the Main Module is displayed. 2. Click the plus sign to the left of the Logs Tab Screen.

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3. Click the Log Preview entry.


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IP Tests Tab
From the Main screen 1. Click the IP Tests tab. Shown below are the IP tests for WSN 2.

The Show Combined Well Completions check box shows the completions from the other completions for the well, if there are any. The Locked check box locks the data so that it cannot be modified unless you Unlock the data. 2. Click the Details... button The Production Test Details screen is displayed.

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You can add, delete, update, scroll through tests, add IP Test depths to perfs and clear the data fields on this screen. 3. Click the Close Details dialog screen. button with the green check to close the Production Test

Fm Tests Tab
From the Main screen, 1. Click the Fm Tests tab. There is no Fm Test data for this set of wells.

The Show Combined Well Completions check box shows the completions from the other completions for the well if there are any.


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The Locked check box locks the data so that it cannot be modified unless you Unlock the data. 2. Click the Details... button. The Formation Test Details dialog screen is displayed.

You can click the Update

button, the Add

button, the Delete

button, scroll through tests (Previous Test/Nest Test buttons) on this screen. When you click the Recoveries tab, you have the same options available as well. Click the Clear Fields button to clear the data fields. Click the Options tab to uncheck the Display Choke Size in 64th inches. 3. Click the Maintenance tab to use the various maintenance options: Delete All Tests For This Well..., Delete All Test For ALL WELLS IN DB..., and to Set All FmTests UNITS FLAGS to Current Project Units. 4. Click the Close Details dialog screen. button with the green check to close the Production Test

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Cores Tab
From the Main screen, 1. Click the Cores tab. 2. Click the first well in the project.

You see the data that has been loaded for this well. If there are any well completions, the Show Combined Well Completions check box is marked and a list of the wells follows. 3. Click the Details button .

The Locked check box locks the data so that it cannot be modified unless you Unlock the data by clicking the Locked check box to remove the check.


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You can Add New , Delete , Update Cored data using the buttons for these options on this screen. 4. Click the Close Details dialog screen.

, and Clear

button with the green check to close the Cored Intervals

Perfs Tab
From the Main screen, 1. Click the Perf tab. 2. Click WSN 19 in the project. You see the data that has been loaded in this well for the Perfs. The Locked check box locks the data so that it cannot be modified unless you Unlock the data by clicking the Locked check box to remove the check.

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3. Click the Perfs Details... You can Add New

button . , Update , Delete Current Perf

, and Clear Fields . There is a button at the bottom for deleting all of the perf data for this well . You can also lock the perfs for this well by clicking the check box to the left of Locked at the bottom of the screen. If the depths are not sorted properly, you can sort them by clicking on the Sort button the screen. at the bottom of

There are different Perf Types that can be set by clicking the drop-down selection button to the right of the Perf Type data field. 4. Click the Cancel button with the red X to close the Perfed Intervals dialog screen without saving any changes.


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Shows Tab
From the Main screen, 1. Click the Shows tab. 2. Click WSN 19 in the project. You see the data that has been loaded in this well for the Shows. The Locked check box locks the data so that it cannot be modified unless you Unlock the data by clicking the Locked check box to remove the check.

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3. Click the Show Details... You can Add New

button. , Update , Delete , and Clear

Fields . There is an option for setting the Shows by clicking the check box to the left for the type of show or shows that are associated with the depth range that was entered for the show. You can mark a show as Do Not Plot by clicking the check box to the left of the Do Not Plot option at the bottom of the screen. You can lock the shows by clicking the check box to the left of the Locked option at the bottom of the screen.

4. Close and accept any changes made by clicking the OK button with the green check, or close the dialog screen without saving the changes by clicking the Cancel button with the red X.

Production Tab
From the Main screen, click the Production tab, and then click the well list to select WSN=10. For this display the Mo Prod Chart BkGnd color has been changed from black to white. The Mo Prod Years color has been changed from white to black. Some of the Mo Prod Chart's colors were changed to make them brighter for the display.


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The system colors can be modified by going to Project Settings... System Colors.... Be careful when making changes to the System Colors. Remember the original setting so that you can change the setting back to the original if this causes problems.

PETRA includes a production database for storing production data (or any other data) on a monthly basis. Production can be imported from commercial sources such as IHS, loaded from ASCII tabular files, or entered manually into a custom spreadsheet that is saved as an .csv file and loaded into the Production table. The database is not limited to OIL, GAS, and WATER production. Like the zone database, you can define and store monthly data for an unlimited number of data items. Data items, such as, injected water or CO2 production can just as easily be stored, charted, and used in calculations. Functions are available to compute cumulative values and perform month-to-month data transformations using a user-defined mathematical equation evaluator. The Production Tab screen shows a chart of selected monthly production data for the current well. Wells not containing the selected data are indicated by the words No Data in the chart. By default, Oil, Gas, and Water are displayed in the chart. The Options button any monthly data to be charted. Scales can be set automatically or manually. allows

The Data button displays the monthly production custom spreadsheet where data can be entered, modified, and printed. The Maintenance button names. is used to add, modify, and delete production data item

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Computing cumulative production data

Monthly production data is stored as individual monthly values in the database. If you want to know and map the total production for the wells in our project, you need to compute a cumulative value. The cumulative values are stored in a zone data item, normally under the WELL zone. PETRA can compute cumulative values for any monthly production variable over a selected date range. In addition, you can compute the total number of years used to determine the cumulative values. The total year's value can aid in determining the significance of the production of one well relative to another well with a similar cumulative value. The cumulative production calculations are performed for all wells currently selected in the main module, that is, those wells listed on the main screen. 1. Select the Main screen's Compute From Production Cumulative and Average Production Rates menu.

The following Compute Cumulative and Average Production Rate screen is displayed.


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Important Note: Year 0 stores any production prior to the first year containing monthly values. These pre-monthly values are known as historical values. 2. Click the Compute Values Using Following Monthly Production Stream drop-down selection button and select the data stream that you want to compute the average production rate for. For our example, use Oil. Make sure the check box beside the Include Historical (Year 0) is checked. It's okay if the Use Aliases check box is checked. At this time, there are no aliases assigned. 3. Click the Time Tab.

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The options that are available provide you with a wide selection for computing values from the production data streams. Options The Compute for Constant Date Range option uses the From and Through sections to define the date range for selecting monthly data for the cumulative calculation.

The Compute for Zone Date Range option uses the From Zone Item and Through Zone Item sections to define the date range for selecting monthly data for the cumulative calculation. You must have a date item with a date stored in the database to use this option.


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The Compute for Months option is used when you want to use a range of months.

The Compute for First option is used when you want to compute for the first range of months based on whether they are producing or producing and non producing. There are two radio button selection menus. The drop-down for the Compute for First 12 months is shown.

The Compute for Last option is used when you want to compute for the last range of months based on whether they are producing or non producing. There is a check box that can be checked to Store Null Value If Insufficient Months Produced. Use the Compute for Constant Date Range option and use the default range of years and months for this tutorial exercise.

1. Click the Cum Prod tab. 2. Click the Item drop-down list button to the right of the Item data field and select the CUMOIL data item. 3. Set the zone and item names of the Store Cumulative Results In section to the WELL zone or a zone name that you have created. The Item name was previously set to CUMOIL. You can type a different name if you do not want to use the default item name for this data.

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4. Click the AvgProd tab to view the options that are available. For this exercise, do not use any options on this tab.

5. Click the High-Low tab to view the options that are available. For this exercise, do not use any options on this tab.

6. Click the First-Last tab to view the options that are available. For this exercise, do not use any options on this tab.


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7. Click the Capture tab to view the options that are available. For this exercise, do not use any options on this tab.

8. Click the OK button for the selected wells.

with the green check to start computing cumulative values

You see a verification prompt displayed indicating the action about to be taken.

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To proceed with this process, 1. Click the OK button.

When the calculation progress bar completes, you see a prompt to Compute Another Value? Click the Yes button.

2. Repeat the cumulative calculation for gas production. 3. Click the Data tab and select the GAS production variable in the Compute Values Using Following Monthly Production Stream drop down list. 4. Click the Cum Prod tab, and select the WELL zone and CUMGAS item. 5. Click the OK button with the green check on the Compute Cumulative and Average Production Rate dialog screen to start the computation. 6. Click the OK button on the Compute Production Z Values verification for the CUMGAS calculation to proceed.

When the calculation progress bar completes, you see a prompt to Compute Another Value? Click the Yes button.


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Repeat the cumulative calculation for water production and do the following: 1. Click the Data tab and select the WTR production variable in the Compute Values Using Following Monthly Production Stream drop-down list. 2. Click the Cum Prod tab, and select the WELL zone and CUMWTR item. 3. Click the OK button with the green check on the Compute Cumulative and Average Production Rate dialog screen to start the computation. 4. Click the OK button on the Compute Production Z Values verification for the CUMWTR calculation to proceed.

When the calculation progress bar completes, you see a prompt to Compute Another Value? Click the No button.

5. To see the newly computed cumulative values, click WSN 10, and then click the Zones tab in the Main module. You see the values that have been computed for CUMOIL, CUMGAS, and CUMWTR for the wells that have production loaded. Note: There are several wells that do not have any production loaded.

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To view the cum data items from the Well zone for more than one well, do the following: 1. Click the View/Edit All.. button at the bottom of the Zones tab. The following dialog screen is displayed.

2. Click the plus + to the left of the Well zone. The following dialog screen is displayed.


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3. Click the CUMOIL data item to show the values for each well. You can use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through the wells. Do the same for the CUMGAS and CUMWTR data items. The Stats button shows a histogram showing the data range and frequency distribution of the cumulative gas production.

4. Exit the histogram by clicking the Close button with the green check on the Data Statistics screen, and close the View/Edit Zone Data screen by clicking the Close button with the green check located at the bottom of the View/Edit Zone Data screen.

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Prod Cums Tab

From the Main screen, 1. Click WSN 2, and then click the Prod Cums tab.

Note: The Sample and Tutorial data sets does not have any data loaded for this table.

2. Click the Details... button to add data to the Prod Cums table and to manage the User Column Names. This table was designed to be a User defined table. 3. Click the Fixed Column Labels tab. These data items are System items. The Item name cannot be changed or deleted; however, the Column Label can be changed. The displayed label is the Column Label that is displayed for the data field. The default column labels are shown below. 4. If you want to change the Column Label, click the name that you want to change, Fm Name for instance, and change it to the Column Label name that you want to see displayed.


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There are fifty user defined columns with a data type that can be set to either a Number with a specified number of decimal places or as a Date. You can change the Column names from the default that is shown to something more meaningful to you. 5. Click the User Column Name that you want to change, for instance, CUMOIL. The name is displayed in the Column Definition Name data field where you can type over the name. You can change the Type to either Number and specify the number of decimal places for that Column, or change the type to Date. If you change the Type to Date, the data entered must be in a date format. 6. Click the Options tab to set the date format. The default is mm/dd/yyyy.

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7. Grab the Scroll bar to scroll to the bottom of the list to see the ten string columns. 8. Click the User Column Name that you want to change, for instance, STR_1. The name is displayed in the Column Definition Name data field where you can type over the name.

9. Click the Options tab. You can select the format for the Date columns and specify if you want the ALTNAME to be substituted for the FMNAME when the data field is blank.

10. Click the Advanced tab. You have an option to delete all records in the Pd Cum table that meet the specified criteria. There are options to Lock Selected Wells, Unlock


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Selected Wells and a Misc Functions option to Set ZERO Top and Base Values To Null.

11. Click the Report tab. You have the ability to set up a report that is written to an. csv file with the columns that are specified in the Report Columns section. 12. To add more items to the Report Columns section, double-click the item in the Available Columns section. You have the ability to move the item up or down the list by clicking the item that you want to move and then click the Move Up button Down button to move the item. or the Move

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Rasters Tab
From the Main screen, click the well WSN 21 and then click the Rasters tab.

Note: You do not see the Pay Data... button as shown above unless you click the ComputeFrom LogsExtract Raster Pay To DB Table... menu and click the OK button on the Extract Raster Pay To DB confirmation dialog screen. The Merge Groups button is grayed out until you have assigned groups for the rasters and select two or more groups to merge together.

Raster log images can be assigned to a well and displayed using the cross section module. Each raster log image must be depth calibrated before it can be displayed. Many times, the edges of the tracks are curved due to the paper stretch or slippage while being scanned. A tool has been provided in PETRA to straighten a crooked image using some dummy depth calibrations. After the image has been straightened, the dummy depth calibrations are cleared, then depth calibrated and assigned to a well. Read the section Cross Section with Raster Images for the details on using the straightening, depth calibration, digitizing tools, and understanding image groups.


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Images can be either TIF, JPG, or BMP files and can be located anywhere on your computer or network. An Images Folder, in your project's public Folder, has been created as a convenience for you. Each calibrated log image has an associated text file containing calibration information generated by this function. This file is a Log Image Calibration file and has an extension of .LIC. The Group Maintenance button is used to perform various maintenance items for the Rasters you have assigned to the wells in the database. You can create and/or update log image group names, assign aliases, rename groups, print a group list, delete all or selected groups, resolve image paths, clear MJ LogSleuth Flags, add well records to the LIC file, repair and synchronize LIC file groups, Find and replace LIC/TIF path prefixes, Delete uncalibrated rasters, and copy Image Files to a specified folder. Click the Group Maintenance button to bring up the Log Image Group Maintenance dialog screen. The various options can be found by clicking on the different tabs.

Use the Add, Replace, and Delete buttons to manage the groups. The Assign/Calibrate button is used to display the calibration dialog screen. You can straighten, calibrate, and DIGITIZE scanned raster log images and assign them to a well without opening the Cross Section module.

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Across the top of the screen is a series of menus and icons. All of the menus are drop-down except for the ReDraw menu. Click the View drop-down menu for specific operations that can be turned on and off.

Note: There are options that will be greyed out until you add and calibrate an image. These are Depth Calibration Toolbar, Pay Zone Toolbar, and Curve Digitizing Toolbar. Note: The Merge Groups button is grayed out until you have assigned groups for the rasters and select two or more groups to merge together as shown in the image below.

Other Tab
From the Main screen, click the Other tab.


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Data for Casing Details, Fault Cuts, Pd Sym, Well History, Liner Details, Cement, Velocity and Pay Data are accessed from this tab.

Casing Details
Click the Casing Details button to view Casing data details.

Values that can be loaded into the Casing table are: Depth, Size, Units, Amount, Units, and Remarks.

Fault Cuts
Click the Fault Cuts button to view the Fault Cut Details data.

Values that can be loaded into the Fault Cuts table are: Depth of Fault Cut, Amount of Section Missing, and a Description. You can set the depths as MD or TVD. You can set a color for the fault cut. Note: In the Map Module, the items in the Fault Cut Tables can be turned on at each well with their respective colors.

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Production Symbols (Pd Sym)

Click the PD Sym button to view Production Symbols data details.

Production Symbols are depth referenced well symbols stored in each well. These well symbols can be plotted on cross sections on the depth track to indicate various producing zones. Optionally, each well symbol can have a remark posted beside it on the cross section. To assign a production symbol to a well 1. Select the well from the main module's well list and click the Other tab. 2. Click the Pd Sym button to open the Production Symbol data entry screen. 3. Enter a measured depth, select a well symbol and color, enter any remarks you might want posted. 4. Click the Add New Symbol Depth button. Post production Symbols on the cross section 1. Open the Cross Section module. 2. Select the Wells Plot Test Indicators menu option where production symbols can be activated. The production symbols are plotted in the center of the depth track. Well symbol thickness can be set using the Display Colors menu option.

Well History
For Well History, 1. Click the Well History with the selected well. button to view the Well History file associated

A text document can be assigned to each well. 2. Click the Well History... button. The following dialog screen is displayed if there is not a Well History file associated with the selected well:


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3. If you want to create a Well History file that is associated with this well, click the Yes button; otherwise, click the No button. If you click Yes, the following notepad file is displayed.

4. Enter the data that you want to display in the associated text file below PETRA Well History File. Remember to save the file.

Liner Details
Click the Liner Details button to view Liner Details data.

Values that can be loaded into the Liner Details table are Top Depth, Base Depth, Size, Units, Date, and Comment.

Click the Cement button to view Cement details data.

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Values that can be loaded into the Cement table are Top Depth, Base Depth, Date, and Comment.

Click the Velocity button to view the Depth To Time Functions dialog screen.

Pay Data
Click the Pay Data screen. button to view the Pay Interval Data (all Shown) dialog

All velocities for PetraSeis are now stored in PETRA. You can find these by clicking the Other tab and clicking the Velocity... button. Read the PetraSeis manual to learn more about this feature. Look in the Table of Contents for Velocity Functions.

Scout Tab
From the Main screen, 1. Click the Scout tab, click WSN 1, and then click the Display Scout Ticket Data check box. A scout ticket report is a well report showing selected data items for each well in the project. Several options are available to filter what data actually gets included in the report. You can change the size of the text by clicking on the drop-down button to the


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right of the Text Size option. The choices are Small, Medium, and Large.

2. Click the check box to the left of Display Scout Ticket Data display the scout ticket information.


3. Click the Options... button to display the Scout Ticket Report Generator dialog for selecting information to be displayed in the report, which well(s) to create the report for,

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and other criteria.

View Tab
From the Main screen, 1. Click the View tab. 2. Click WSN 19 to display that well. 3. Click the Depth Range button to set the Upper and Lower depths. For this exercise, Top A was selected for the Top depth and Top B was selected for the Lower depth.


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4. Click the check box to the left of the various items that you would like to see displayed, if there is data for those items in the database tables.

Intervals Tab
From the Main screen, 1. Click the Intervals tab.

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2. Click WSN 1 to display that well.

3. Click the .Edit Details button to display the Edit Interval Data dialog screen and add or change data associated with the intervals.

Note Interval data stores data to a specific depth interval that doesnt fit well with the traditional zone concept, such as data that is too fine (such as core descriptions) or too coarse (such as mud weights or biostratigraphic information) to fit inside two formation tops. PETRA stores interval data in tables and fields similar to a spreadsheet. The table stores related interval data in a spreadsheet where each interval is stored as a separated row. This data can be used to derive grids in the map module, perform additional computations within the PETRA database, illustrate in PETRAs cross-section tool, and convert into digital logs. Inside a table, each interval is stored as its own row, and information about that interval is stored in fields or columns in that row. All tables come with a few fields, TOP, BASE, DATE1, DATE2, QUALITY, and FMNAME, but you can add user-defined fields containing numbers, dates, or text. In addition to the standard fields, the LITH table in the example below contains the field Desc which stores lithologic descriptions.


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Log Image Calibration
All raster logs must first be depth registered (calibrated) before they can be positioned correctly on a Cross-Section. PETRA includes a tool to depth register an image and assign it to a well. Images can be TIF, JPG, or BMP files and can be located anywhere on your computer system or network. An Images Folder, in your project's public Folder, has been created for your convenience to store the calibration files and images for the project. Each calibrated log image has an associated text file containing calibration information. This file has an extension of LIC and is called a Log Image Calibration file. To begin using the log calibration features, 1. Navigate to the Main module. 2. Make sure that you click and highlight WSN 21, which has an image in the Tutorial project. In the Main module, click the Rasters tab, and then click the Assign/Calibrate... button. . The Calibration Log Image module is displayed.

Once you get to the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen, either from the Main module or from the Cross Section module, the calibration/log straightening procedure is the same. When the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen is displayed, you see

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The Menu items at the top A series of icons A Group selection with the DEFAULT image group name displayed and a drop-down arrow to the right A Zoom control for the image The well that has been selected prior to coming into the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen.

In addition to calibration, crooked images may be straightened prior to use. The following section, Straightening An Image, describes how to straighten an image. If your image does not need straightening, then proceed to the Depth Calibration Log Image section, which covers depth calibration.

Straightening an Image
Many times, the edges of the log tracks are curved due to paper stretch or slippage. When images appear to snake across the screen as you scroll down the image, a page has stretched or slipped during a scan, and the edges of the log tracks are curved. An example of this type of snaking line is shown below. The first image shows the edge at the top (Depth 4232 to 4278 with no gap between the left border and the image. The second image is shown at 5988 to 6046 feet. Notice the wide gap between the left border and the image in the second display. This gap keeps changing as you scroll down the image. The image below shows the gap between the straight edge and the left edge of the image.


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It is possible, with a PETRA tool, to straighten a crooked image. Go through the following steps to straighten an image using an image located in the X:\Geoplus1/Projects/Tutorial?images folder with the name D-122.tif. In this example, WSN 21 is selected as the well to assign the scanned raster image to. The following steps give you options for accessing the Calibrate Log Image module. 1. From the Main module, scroll down the well list and click WSN 21. 2. Click the Rasters Tab. You see several buttons on the dialog screen. Note the Assign/Calibrate button and the Group Maintenance button . The Group Maintenance button is not being used in this example, which uses the system group called DEFAULT. 3. Click the Assign/Calibrate button to bring up the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen. 4. From the Map module, you need to select the well to be used in the cross section; therefore, click the Well To Well Cross Section icon.

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The cursor changes to cross hairs with a ? to the right. 5. Move the cross hairs over the well with WSN (Well Sequence Number) 21 and click with the left mouse button, and then right click to end the well selection for the cross section. This brings up the cross section module with the well selected. 6. You can also select a single well cross section from the Main module by clicking the well that you want to display in the cross section, which in this case is WSN (Well Sequence Number) 21, and then clicking the LogsSingle Well Cross Section... menu.

From the Cross Section module, there are a couple of ways to bring up the log calibration dialog screen. 1. Click the RasterLogsLog Image Calibration menu.



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2. Right click the well in the cross section to bring up the following dialog screen:

Once you get to the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen, either from the Main module or from the Cross Section module, the calibration/log straightening procedure is the same. When the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen is displayed, you see a series of drop-down menus across the top, a row of icons, then the Group section with the DEFAULT image group name, and then the Zoom controls and the well information that has been selected prior to coming into the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen.

1. Load the image into the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen by clicking the FileOpen Image menu.

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2. Click the D-122.tif image, and then click the Open button, and then after the image is loaded, click the Zoom - + buttons. The display scale changes so that you are able to see more or less of the image. An example of the image, as it is brought into PETRA and clicking on the Zoom - & + buttons , is displayed below.


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3. Add some depth calibration control points to the image. Use an arbitrary 0 to 100 scale and interpolate the depths every 20 feet. There are four depths that are automatically generated. 4. Add two depths, one at the extreme top of the image as depth 0, and another at the extreme bottom of the image as depth 100. 5. Click the DepthsAdd Depth Point menu or the Depth Calibration toolbar, Depths, Add button.

6. Position the blue add depth line at the extreme top of the image and click the left mouse button.

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7. Enter a 0 for the depth reference, and then click OK.

8. Scroll to the extreme bottom of the image, position the blue add depth line at the bottom of the image, and then click the left mouse button.

9. When the Depth Calibration screen is displayed, enter a value of 100 for the depth reference, and then click OK. Right click to end the Add depth option. (You can also click the Add button to end the depth capture routine.)

10. Click the DepthsInterpolate Depths menu or the Depth Calibration toolbar, Depths, Interp button.


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The Confirm Interpolate Depths? message is displayed.

11. Click OK to continue.

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12. Enter 20 in the Interpolate Depths dialog screen.

13. Click OK, and then click OK on the Confirm Warning 4 Depths Will Be Generated. dialog screen.

14. Click the EditAdd Track Straight Edge menu.


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OR the Add Straight Edge icon The following Information message is displayed. Click OK to continue.

Click OK to continue. The example image included with the Tutorial project is a fairly straight image; therefore, you do not see the offset of the log calibration control points like the ones shown in the examples below. The examples below have the straight edge positioned at the left edge of the left-most log track. Normally, the left edge of the depth track is used as the depth track is generally the straightest. These two examples show the adjustment that must be made to straighten the image. As you view the image at deeper depths, you see varying amounts of adjustment that need to be applied to the image.

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In this example, with depth, the straight edge is farther away from the edge of the image.

Adjust each depth calibration control point to align with the edge of the of the log curve track.

The following example shows the depth calibration control point after it has been moved to the edge of the log curve track.


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You can see from these examples that some control points require more adjustment than others. Add more control points and adjust, if necessary.

You can zoom to a larger scale and fine-tune the control point adjustment. In the example shown below, you move the control point slightly to the right.

Continue, with the following: 1. Click the EditStraighten Image Edges menu option


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the Straighten Image icon. 2. After clicking the OK button on the Confirm dialog screen, when you scroll down the image, you see that the image has been straightened.

The message shown below is displayed during the straightening of the image.

You see an Information message displayed telling you that the image has been modified with a reminder to save the image to a new file name. 3. Click OK to continue.

4. Click the FileSave Image As menu to save the image to a new name.


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A Save Image as TIF File dialog screen is displayed.

5. Enter the new file name for the image. For the example, use D-122_Straightened.tif as the file name. 6. After entering the name for the straightened image, click Save. The dummy calibrations, used for straightening the image, need to be cleared out of memory. 1. Click the Edit Clear All Calibrations... menu.

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The following confirmation dialog screen is displayed.

2. Click Yes. The dummy calibrations are cleared from memory. You are now ready to calibrate the image.

Depth Calibration Log Image

If you are not in the Calibrate Log Image module, from the cross section you can bring up the calibration module by clicking the RasterLogs Log Image Calibration menu


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Optionally, you may right click the well that you want to assign the image to, and then click the Calibrate Log Image option.

From the Main module, you can bring up the calibration module by clicking the well, in our case, WSN 21, the Raster tab, and then the Assign/Calibrate button.

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Once you get to the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen, either from the Main module or from the Cross Section module, the calibration procedure is the same: When the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen is displayed, you see a series of drop-down menus across the top, the DEFAULT image group name, and the well that has been selected prior to coming into the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen.

1. Load the image into the Calibrate Log Image dialog screen by clicking the FileOpen Image menu.


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2. Click the D-122.tif image, and then click the Open button. 3. After the image is loaded, click the Zoom - + buttons, as needed, to see a reasonable amount of the image.

Image Groups
The cross-section displays log images for a given well by referencing group names. For example, you might display images from the GR group in track 1 and images from the Default group in track 2. PETRA predefines one group called the Default group. An image can be calibrated using this group name; however it cannot be deleted or replaced. You can create as many additional groups as you have different log types in a project. Group names should normally have something to do with either the log curves they contain or the sample rate (number of inches per 100 feet) of the log, that is, 5-inch logs. Each well can have only one image or vertical slice of an image in a group. However, there is no limit to the number of different groups you can define. Therefore, if you have five different log images for a well, you must have five different image groups defined. The well has 1 image in each of the five groups. The PETRA database has a table containing a reference to log image calibrations. Each record in the table contains a well sequence number (WSN), image group number (IGN), and a path to the calibration file. This scheme allows an unlimited number of images to be referenced for any given well.

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To add a new group, 1. Click the Group menu item. The Add or Delete Groups menu option is displayed. When you click the Add or Delete Groups menu option, a Log Image Group Maintenance dialog screen is displayed.

2. Enter a new Group name in the Image Group Name (Case Sensitive) data field and enter a description for the new group in the Image Group Description data field. 3. Click the Add button with the blue plus Image Groups section. Another way to add a new group is to 1. Click the small plus + button to the right of Group at the top of the calibration screen. A New Image Group Name dialog screen is displayed with an Enter New Group Name data field. 2. Enter the new Group name, and then click the OK button. You see the new group name when you click the drop-down selection button right of the Group data display field. to the to add the new group to the Log

The log images for different log types can be saved as a different group. For instance, you might want to call the 5 inch gamma ray GR_5IN. Other examples are: NeutronDensity_2_5IN, Resistivity_1IN, Elog, and so forth.


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Calibrating a Log Image

The Depths calibration menu has the following options: Image Depth Type - Remember to set the type to TVD for TVD images. The default is MD. Image Depth Units Are Display Depths As Go To Depth... (Ctrl+g function keys) Go to First Calibrated Depth Go to Last Calibrated Depth Restore Original Depths... Add Depth Point Delete Depth Delete All Depths... Interpolate Depths... Set Est. Depth Rounding Factor... Set Depth Pick Tolerance Set Depth Shift Amount...

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The Image Calibration Toolbar

The following sections describe the features and uses of the Image Calibration toolbar. The Depth Calibration toolbar The Depth Calibration toolbar is located on the right side of the Calibration dialog screen and has several parts to it. The Go To Top Depth and Go To Bottom Depth buttons are at the top of the toolbar. When you click the T button , the image is displayed at the first calibration depth. When you click the B button, the image is displayed at the last calibration depth. The Previous Depth button, function key F7, and Next Depth button, function key F8 buttons are next. When you click the Previous Depth button or the function key F7, the image is or the

displayed at the previous calibration depth. When you click the Next Depth button function key F8, the image is displayed at the next calibration depth. The Depths section The Depths section is next and contains the Add, Drop, Interp... and Dec... buttons.

1. When you click the Add depth button cursor is placed on the image. 2.

, a horizontal blue line is displayed when the

Move the blue line to a depth on the image, and then left click to anchor the line at that depth. A Depth Calibration dialog screen is displayed.

3. Enter the depth value the blue line represents, and then click OK. The line turns red, and the depth entered is displayed on the image.


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4. 5. When you click the Delete Depth Drop button depth line to select it. , move the cursor to a calibration

When it is selected and you left click the calibration line, the calibration depth is deleted. The Interpolation button The Interpolation button is used to interpolate depths between the uppermost and lowermost depths. You enter the interpolation increment. The Decimate Depths button The Decimate Depths button is used to decimate the calibration depths.

1. When you click the Decimate Depths button, a Confirm dialog screen is displayed. If you want to proceed, click OK.

2. Enter a number for the decimation, and then click OK.

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The results of the decimation are displayed. 3. Click OK to complete the transaction. Remember to save your calibration file.

The Edges section The Edges section is next and contains the Left and Right buttons.

When you click the Set Left-most Edges button , a vertical blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. Move the blue line to the left edge of the image and left click to anchor the line at that edge. The line changes to a thin blue line with an indicator pointing to the right of the image. When you click the Set Right-most Edges button , a vertical blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. You move the blue line to the right edge of the image and left click to anchor the line at that edge. The line changes to a thin blue line with an indicator pointing to the left of the image.

The Upper Scale Block section (titled UprScl on the button) The Upper Scale section is next and contains the Set Header Top and Set Header Bottom buttons.


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When you click the Set Header Top Scale button , a horizontal blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. You move the blue line to the top of the header on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns green and the keyword HDRTOP is displayed to the right of the image. When you click the Set Header Bottom Scale button , a horizontal blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. You move the blue line to the bottom of the header on the image, and then left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns green, and the keyword HDRBOT is displayed to the right of the image and the calibrated header section is set to a green color fill.

The Lower Scale Block section (titled LwrScl on the button) The Lower Scale section is next and contains the Set Header Top and Set Header Bottom buttons.

When you click the Set Header Top Scale button , a horizontal blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. You move the blue line to the top of the footer on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns green and the keyword FTRTOP is displayed to the right of the image. When you click the Set Header Bottom Scale button , a horizontal blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. You move the blue line to the bottom of the footer on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns green and the keyword FTRBOT is displayed to the right of the image and the calibrated footer section is set to a green color fill. Since this image does not have an Upper and a Lower Scale, this display shows the same section of the image as the Upper Scale Block.

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The Log Header section (titled HDR) on the button The Log Header section is next and contains the Set Log Header Top, Set Log Header Bottom, and Print Log Header Print buttons.

When you click the Set Log Header Top button , a horizontal black line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. You move the black line to the top of the Header on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns blue and the keyword LOGHDRTOP is displayed to the right of the image. When you click the Set Log Header Bottom button , a horizontal black line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. You move the black line to the bottom of the footer on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns green and the keyword LOGHDRBOT is displayed to the right of the image and the calibrated header section is set to a blue color fill. Since this image does not have a Header, this display shows the same section of the image as the Upper and Lower Scale displays.

Click the Print button to select a printer/plotter to print the WSN, UWI, Name, Image Group, calibration file and image file information and the Header of the image.


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Assign a Group Name

Select the appropriate image group from the Image Group Name drop-down list or Add a new group using the GroupAdd or Delete Groups... menu. Refer to the Image groups section above for more detailed information. For the purposes of this tutorial, use the Default group.

Define the Calibration Depths

This process involves picking two or more depths from the image. Each depth point is picked by first choosing the EditAdd Depth Point menu or by clicking the Add button the top of the Calibration toolbar. located at

1. Position the horizontal cursor exactly at the depth you wish to pick, and then click the left mouse button. You are prompted for the depth value. 2. Enter the depth value. The screen redraws showing you the new calibration depth point. 3. Repeat the process for each depth reference point. 4. When all of the depths have been entered, you can click with the right mouse button, or click the Add button to get out of the Add Depth Point mode.

5. Position the horizontal blue line at the top depth line, and then click the left mouse button.

A Depth Calibration dialog screen is displayed. 6. Enter the depth that the blue line was dropped on. For the tutorial, it is 7746, and then click OK.

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7. Scroll to the bottom of the image, and then left click after positioning the blue line on the desired depth.

In this case the depth is 8260. 8. Click OK.

9. Scroll back up through the image to look at the depth indicator lines at the 100 foot depths on the image. They are narrow black lines that appear every 100 feet. 10. If the depth indicator is shifted above or below where it should be, left click the blue line at the correct depth. The Depth Calibration dialog screen is displayed with the depth where the line was positioned. 11. Click OK. 12. Scroll up and down to see if there are any more depth indicator lines that are offset. 13. Add a Depth Calibration line for the ones that are offset. You may only have to add one. Sometimes several are required. 14. When the depth calibration process is completed, right click to end the calibration process or click the Add button

to turn off the calibration process. Below is the 7900 foot

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marker that is slightly offset.

Note: The portion of the image that can be displayed on the cross-section is only the section within the range of the calibration depths. Portions of the image above the shallowest calibrated depth and below the deepest calibrated depth are not displayed, except for the header and the footer. Note: If you need to adjust the location of the depth calibrations, click and drag the depth marker using the left mouse button.

Define the Left and Right Edges of the Image

Set the leftmost edges of the image to display by using the EditSet Left-Most Edge menu

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or by clicking the Left button

under the Edges portion of the Image Calibration toolbar.

1. Position the vertical cursor at the leftmost point of the image to trim the left edge. 2. Set the right-most edges of the image to display by using the EditSet Right-Most Edge menu or by clicking the Right button Calibration toolbar. under the Edges portion of the Image

3. Position the vertical cursor at the right most point of the image to trim the right edge. Shown is an example of the left and right edges with the edge indicator pointing in from each edge.

Note: To adjust the location of either edge marker, click and drag the marker using the left mouse button.

Define the Log Header Section

For this example, 1. Click the EditLog HeaderSet Log Header Top menu.


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OR click the Top header button in the HDR section.

A horizontal black line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. 2. Move the black line to the top of the header on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns blue, and the keyword LOGHDRTOP is displayed to the right of the image. The header section normally is the area of the image containing the header information for the well. 3. Click the EditLog HeaderSet Header Bottom menu or click the Bottom header button in the HDR section.

A horizontal black line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. 4. Move the black line to the bottom of the header on the image, and then left click to anchor the line at that point.

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The line turns blue, and the keyword HDRBOT is displayed to the right of the image. 5. To change the location of either header marker, click and drag the marker using the left mouse button.

Define the Log Scale Section

For the tutorial example, use the Header portion of the image as the Footer since there is not a separate header and footer for this image. 1. Click the EditUpper Scale HeaderSet Upper Scale Top menu.


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OR click the Set Header Top footer button


the Upper Scale section titles UprScl.

A horizontal blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. 2. Move the blue line to the top of the scale section on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns green, and the keyword HDRTOP is displayed to the right of the image. The scale section normally is the area of the image containing the log track scales. 3. Click the EditUpper Scale HeaderSet Upper Scale Bottom menu or click the Bottom footer button in the Upper Scale section titles UprScl.

A horizontal blue line is displayed when the cursor is placed on the image. 4. Move the blue line to the bottom of the footer on the image and left click to anchor the line at that point. The line turns green, and the keyword HDRBOT is displayed to the right of the image. 5. To change the location of either footer marker, click and drag the marker using the left mouse button.

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6. Follow the same procedures to calibrate the Lower Scale section for an image using the Lower Scale Block titled LwrScl and the associated buttons or menu.

Deleting Calibration Depths

Individual depth references can be deleted using the DepthsDelete Depth menu


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or clicking the Drop button located in the Depths section of the Calibration toolbar. After invoking the delete function, click the left mouse button on the depth marker to be deleted. The screen redraws once the marker is deleted. You can also delete all depth references using the Menu Option DepthDelete All Depths....

Saving the Calibration File

To save the Calibration file, 1. Choose the FileSave Calibration As... menu to save a file containing the calibration data, image name, depth references, etcetera. This also updates the PETRA database with a reference to the calibration file, which is now associated with the current well.

Note: Log Image Calibration files have a file extension of .LIC.

2. Click the Save File button with the green check name.

to save to the default file

You can change the name to another name. It is suggested that you keep the UWI/API as part of the file name.

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3. Click OK to confirm the information associated with the calibration file.

4. Click OK.

5. To end the calibration session, click the FileExit menu or click the red X in the upper right of the dialog screen.

Loading a Calibration File

You can load and modify a previously saved calibration file using two methods.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

First, the FileLoad Calibration File... menu allows you to choose the specific calibration file to be loaded. The image name is read from the calibration file and the image is opened and displayed. Second, the FileLoad Calibration For Group... menu retrieves the name of the calibration file from the PETRA database, which is associated with the current well and image group name.

How to Digitize a Raster Log TUTORIAL PROJECT

Raster logs are scanned copies of paper logs saved as image files. Digital logs, on the other hand, store log values in a form that is directly readable by a computer. Digital logs have several advantages over raster logs: They are more easily stored in PETRAs database, look great in a cross section, and can be calibrated and used in calculations. Converting a raster log into a digital log is called digitizing. Going from a simple image file to a digital log involves two major steps: depth calibrating the raster image and tracing the desired log curve. This guide walks through depth calibrating and digitizing the GR curve on the D-122 well in the TUTORIAL project. Note: A value of 16.0 was entered for the ELEV_KB. Click on the Zones tab. Click in the ZValue data field and enter 16.0. Hit enter, and then click on the Save button.

Depth-Calibrating the Raster Image

Raster logs are scanned copies of paper logs saved as image files. PETRA needs to know what part of the image corresponds to which depth in order to assign values during digitizing. Most commercial data vendors depth register their data, but images directly from scanners and state providers are not depth calibrated. The first step to calibrating a raster is to select the correct well in the Main Module. For this example, select the D-122 well in the Main Module.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

The Raster Calibration Screen

To start calibrating a raster log, open the raster calibration screen. In the Main Module, click on the Assign/Calibrate button on the Rasters Tab. This opens the Calibrate Log Image screen. Notice that the selected wells UWI and name appear on the screen.

Next, open an image file by going to File > Open Image on the menu bar. Navigate to the specific image file and select it. By default, the D-122s raster log will be located here C:\geoplus1\Projects\TUTORIAL\IMAGES\D-122.tif. It might be useful to use the zoom buttons on the upper left corner of the window to make the image larger or smaller.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

Group Names
All raster images are assigned group names. A group name usually describes the log type (like Resistivity) and/or scaling (1, 2, or 5of a log image. Select the appropriate image group from the Image Group Name drop-down list. To add a new group, click the plus + button next to the group names drop-down box or Group > Add or Delete Groups on the menu bar. Since the raster image is a resistivity log, add a Resistivity group.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

When selecting or creating group names, it is generally better to aim for fewer, more general group names rather than creating many precise group names. The more group names in a project, the tougher it will be to display cross sections later.

The Depth Calibration Toolbar

Though most of the tools to calibrate logs are available from the menu bat at the top of the screen, the quickest and easiest way to calibrate a raster log is to use the Depth Calibration Toolbar (highlighted in blue in the example above). To turn on this toolbar, go to View > Depth Calibration Toolbar on the menu bar.

Define the Calibration Depths

As mentioned above, PETRA needs computer-recognizable depths to be assigned to depths printed on the log. This process involves picking two or more depth calibration points from the image. Only the log between the top and bottom depth calibration point can be digitized or shown on a cross section. To create a new calibration depth, click the Add button on the Calibration Tool Bar. Alternatively, go to Edit > Add Depth Point on the menu bar. Next, position the horizontal cursor at the depth you wish to pick and click the left nouse button. You will be prompted for the depth value. After entering the depth value, the screen will redraw showing the new calibration depth.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

To change the location of the depth, click and drag the depth calibration point using the left mouse button. To edit the value of an existing depth, click the depth calibration point with the right mouse button and enter a new value. The better the quality of the raster log, the fewer points necessary to depth calibrate the image. Most raster logs only really need a handful of points. PETRA also automatically scales and places reference black lines every 100. Unlike normal red calibration lines, these cannot be movedthey just show PETRAs scaling between your calibration lines. If these black lines look close to the actual image, your calibration points are sufficient. If the thin black calibration

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

lines are off of the depths printed on the raster log, add new points or adjust your existing depth calibration points.

Deleting Calibration Depths

To delete an individual depth calibration point, click the Drop button on the Calibration Tool Bar. Alternatively, go to the Edit > Delete Depth on the menu bar. After selecting this tool, click the left mouse button on the depth marker to be deleted. The screen will redraw once the marker is deleted. You can also delete all depth calibration points by going to Edit > Delete All Depth on the menu bar.

Interpolating Depths
PETRA can interpolate and create calibration depth points between the uppermost and lowermost calibrated depths. Since PETRA already scales between registered depths, adding a lot of new points generally does not aid in the overall calibration of the raster log. After creating two or more depth calibration points, click the Interp button on the Depth Calibration Toolbar or go to Edit > Interpolate Depths on the menu bar. Select the interpolation increment, and PETRA will compute depths at your specified interval between the top and bottom depth calibration point.

Saving Calibrations
Although it is not strictly necessary for digitizing, this is a good point to save the calibration. A calibration file stores information like depth calibration points and edges, raster image file name, and group name. Saving a calibration file also updates the PETRA database to link the image and group name with the currently selected well. Click the Save Calibration As button at the top of the screen. Alternatively, go to File > Save Calibration As on the menu bar. This brings up the Save File As dialog box. It is generally best to use the default name and store the calibration file in the same folder as the image.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

After saving the file, the group name will now show up on the Rasters Tab in the Main Module, and you will be able to plot the raster in a cross section.

Digitizing the Curve

In the following section, we will cover the following topics to explain digitizing the curve: Turning on the curve digitizing toolbar Selecting the digital log curve and scale Setting the left and right track edge Drawing the Digitizing Line Changing the Track Scales (Curve Wrapping) Editing a Curve Segment Saving and Loading Your Work-In-Progress Storing a Curve to the Database Loading a Curve from the Database Starting Another Curve

Turning On the Curve Digitizing Toolbar

Once the raster image is open, select View>Curve Digitizing Toolbar on the menu bar at the top of the screen to toggle the toolbar on and off. It will appear on the left side of the screen

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

Selecting the Digital Log Curve and Scale

The next step is to tell PETRA the curve name and the scale for the log to digitize. Select the red Set Curve button at the top of the digitizing tool bar.

This button opens the Log Digitization Details window. In the Log Curve to Digitize dropdown box, select an existing curve or enter a new curve name. This curve name will be the name of your digital log, so be careful about replacing an existing digital log for the selected well. Next, specify the curve values for the left and right sides of the track boundary. For curves on a logarithmic scale, such as resistivity, make sure to select the Use Log10 Scale button. For this example, well digitize the gamma ray curve. Notice that the footer of the D-122 log states that the GR curve has a micrograms radium-equivalent/ton scale from 0.8 to 8.8. In order to distinguish it from a more traditional gamma curve, it is named GR_RAEQ. The track


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PETRA Users Manual

boundaries are set belowjust like on the footer, the scales go from 0.8 to 8.8. The actual raster log wraps when the count exceeds 8.8, but thats easy for you to deal with later.

Notice that the same scale box on the digitizing toolbar now shows the name of the curve to be digitized and the scale.

Setting the Left and Right Track Edge

The next step is to set the left and right edges of the track containing the curve to be digitized. PETRA uses these lines to calculate a numerical value of the digital log. Notice that the footer of the log states that the curves scale is from 0.8 to 8.8. The left and right digitizing track edges will tell PETRA where 0.8 and 8.8 are, with digitized points in the middle scaled accordingly. As an example, a digitized point halfway between the left and right track edges will be stored as 4.8.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

To set digitizing tracks, select the Left and Right buttons in the Tracks box on the digitizing toolbar, and then click the respective track boundary. Remember that digitizing tracks (in the blue box on the left side of the screen) are different than track edges.

In the example below, the left and right track edges (in red) are around the first track containing the gamma ray curve.

Raster logs are often curved due to paper stretching or slipping during scanning. Crooked edges mean inaccurate digital logs. To handle crooked rasters, you can either straighten the whole image, or adjust the left and right track boundaries.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

Straightening the whole image has two advantages. You only have to adjust one track straight edge instead of two separate track boundaries, and you can save your work as a new copy of the straightened raster image. If you are digitizing multiple tracks on the same raster log or a fairly long section, straightening the whole image will ultimately save time. For information on how to straighten a raster log, refer to the Straightening an Image section mentioned earlier in this chapter. The other way of dealing with crooked raster logs is to adjust the left and right digitizing track lines. Both the left and right track edges have control nodes at every calibration depth. You can move these control points with the left mouse button to align track edges with the image. The advantage to this method is that it saves a step and eliminates the need to store multiple copies of the raster image. Simply adjusting track boundaries is easier for short digitizing runs on straight raster images.

Drawing the Digitizing Line

The next step is to actually trace the log curve with a digitizing line. As mentioned above, PETRA reads these lines and compares them to the track boundaries in order to calculate a digital log value for each depth. There are two major ways to draw these lines: Manual and Automatic. Drawing the Digitizing Line Manual To manually digitize log curves, first click the Start button on the Digitize section of the digitizing toolbar.

The Log Digitization Details box will reappear to confirm the settings on the log and scale. Here, you can also select the digitizing style. The default drawing style is that every left click creates one control point on a digitizing line. You can also select Stylus Mode, which continually records points at the specified increment when you hold down the left mouse button. In the example below, the stylus mode will create a point every half foot. Select OK to keep the log settings and the pick mode and return to the raster image.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

The next step is to draw the digitizing line. In stylus mode, click and hold the left mouse button to continually record points. If using point and click mode, simply click on top of the curve to create points and draw a line. If in point and click mode, you can temporarily activate the stylus mode by holding down the ALT key. Notice that on the bottom of the screen PETRA shows the depth and the value of the curve at the mouse position. These are the values going into the digital log, so its a good idea to check this in the beginning to make sure the curve and depth values are reasonable.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

To stop tracing the digitizing line, click the Stop button on the Digitize section of the toolbar or right click the mouse. Digitizing lines are divided into independent segments. Each time you select Start during manual digitizing, PETRA brings up the Log Digitization screen and you create a new curve segment with its own scale. Selecting Continue, on the other hand, just adds more points to the existing curve segment at the same scale. You can have as many or as few curve segments as you want. For more on curve segments, see Editing Curve Segments below. IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE, you can either immediately stop and fix the mistake or wait until the end. To fix a mistake, you can either individually select and move control points (see Editing Curve Segments below) or simply select Continue and draw over the mistake. Drawing the Digitizing Line Automatic PETRA can also automatically follow and trace simple, bold, well-defined curves.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

First, select the Start button under the Auto section, and then click the uppermost point on the curve to be digitized. The auto tracer will attempt to follow the densest portion of the log beginning at the selected point. You can press the ESC key or click the left mouse button to stop the auto tracer. The Manual button allows you to manually re-digitize over sections not properly handled by the auto tracer. The Set button displays a screen for setting properties controlling the auto tracer. Pick Aperture When automatically digitizing a curve, PETRA looks for the darkest adjacent point within a window or aperture. The pick aperture sets the size of this window, which is by default 10 pixels wide by 5 pixels tall. Sample Increment This determines how many nodes will be created for a given foot of log. In the example below, the increment is set for 0.5, so one point will be created at every half foot. Note that this increment just determines how smooth the traced line will be. The sample rate of the digital curve is independent of this number. Maximum Feet (Mtrs) to Digitize per Pick This option sets the maximum distance PETRA will digitize a line. Limiting line length prevents PETRA from getting stuck on the wrong line and creating a large mess. Maximum Duplicate X or Y before Stopping If PETRA starts tracing a straight line, odds are good that PETRA is following either a horizontal or vertical grid line. This sets the maximum number of duplicate pixels PETRA will allow before stopping.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

There are a few tricks that can help with auto digitizing. Since the tracing algorithm looks for adjacent dark pixels, it can easily get confused by vertical scale lines and horizontal depth lines. PETRA can filter out straight horizontal and vertical lines. This process modifies your image file, so be sure not to save over the original image filemake sure you have a backup. Both of these filters can reduce the clarity of the curves as well, especially where the curves intersect the filtered horizontal or vertical lines. To restore the filtered lines, select File > Reload Original Image.

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5 Log Image Calibration

Edit > Filter > Remove Vertical Lines


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

Edit > Filer > Remove Horizontal Lines

Changing the Track Scales (Curve Wrapping)

Whenever the curve on the raster image reaches a track edge, the scale will wrap and the curve will reappear on the opposite side of the track. At this point, you will need to stop digitizing and change the scale. The left and right side track scale is displayed near the top of the Digitize Toolbar. Each curve scale range is displayed in a different color beginning with red for the base scale. There are six colors defined above and below the base scale. To increase the scale range and wrap the curve, click either the right arrow or on the right side of the scale value. To decrease the scale, click either the left arrow or the left side scale value.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

In the example below, the GR curve has started reading above 8.8 and has wrapped around the scale. At this point, right click or select Stop.

Next, click the right arrow to wrap the digitizing scale to the right from 08-8.8 to 8.8-16.8 and select Continue to digitize the wrapped section of the curve. Note that the digitizing line skips a saddle in between the two hot highs; it is perfectly reasonable to skip a section and come back to it later. Notice in the example below that the digitizing scale and the digitizing line are pink to show that they are on a 8.8-16.8 scale.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

Right click or select Stop to stop digitizing. Click the left arrow to wrap the scale back to 0.8-8.8 scale and select Continue. Notice that the digitizing line color has returned to red. Make sure to fill in the saddle in between the two high gamma count spikes.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

Scale wrapping also works for the automatic tracer. When it detects that the curve has run into the track edge, it will ask if you want it to automatically adjust the curve scale. In the example below, the automatic digitizer has spotted the track edge. Selecting Yes will stop the digitizer and automatically wrap the scale for you. The next step is to click the uppermost part of the wrapped curve.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

Editing a Curve Segment

As mentioned above, digitizing lines are divided into segments. Every time you press Start for either manual or automatic digitizing, you create a new line segment. Each segment has its own scale and can be shifted left and right or up and down independently of any other segment.

Selecting a Curve Segment To edit a curve segment, first click the Select button on the red Edit toolbar. Alternatively, double-click the curve segment. Selecting a line segment shows each of the control points as small rectangles. To deselect a segment, click the right mouse button. In the example below, there are two curve segments. The top segment is selected, which shows all the control points for that line.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

Moving Curve Segment Points Once a curve segment is selected, you can individually move any control point. Simply left click and drag the control point to its new position. Right clicking deselects the curve segment to show the newly edited curve. Deleting a Curve Segment To delete the selected curve section, either click the Delete toolbar button or press the Delete key on the keyboard. Remember that this deletes the entire curve segment. If you accidentally delete something, use the Undo Button on the Edit toolbar. Changing Curve Scale Range To change a curve segments scale range, first set the correct scale range at the top of the digitizing toolbar. Next, select the segment and click the Scale button. The curve section will then be set to the scale shown on the top of the scale bar. Breaking a Curve Segment


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

You can break a segment into two segments. First, select the segment. Then, hold down the CTRL key and click a segment control point. All points ABOVE the picked point will become unselected. They are now part of a different segment. Breaking and Deleting Part of a Segment You can also break a segment into two segments, and then delete the bottom portion. First, select the segment. Then, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys together and click a segment control point. All points BELOW the picked point will be deleted. Using the Delete Rectangle You can draw a rectangle to delete intermediate points of the selected curve segment. First, select a curve segment. Next, hold down the SHIFT key and click and drag to form a rectangle. All points within the depth range of the rectangle will be deleted. The segment will be deselected and two new segments will form. Deleting ALL Curve Segments Click the Clear tool bar button in the Edit Section to delete all curve segments. Merging of Curve Segments Normally, when a curve segment is digitized over the same depth interval as a previous curve segment, the new segment is automatically merged into the earlier segment. Merging prevents having multiple segments over the same depth interval. Segments will not be merged when the auto-trace function is used or when the wrap settings are different. You can manually merge segments by first selecting a curve segment, and then pressing the F5 function key. Bulk Shifting a Curve Segment Sometimes it is useful to shift an entire curve segment. To move an entire curve segment at one time, first select the segment. Next, select one of the arrow buttons in the Shift toolbar. This moves the entire segment in the direction of the arrow.

Saving and Loading Your Work-In-Progress

You can save the digitized curve segments to an external file. This file stores both the digitizing line and digitizing track settings, but not depth-calibration lines. This is useful for creating a backup on a long digitizing project or for when you need to change gears and work on something else.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

Storing a Curve to the Database

The final step of digitizing a raster log is to store the traced line as a digital log. In this step, the curve segments are resampled to the specified sample rate and merged together. When segments overlap in depth, earlier segments are replaced by later ones. In other words, where lines overlap, PETRA will use the last drawn line. Once stored, the digital curve is available in PETRAs database for drawing in cross sections or calculations.

To store a curve, select the Store button on the blue Curve toolbar. This brings up the Log Digitization Details box. First, select the digital curve name you want the curve stored as. In the example below, well stick with GR_RAEQ. Notice that the options under Track Boundaries are grayed outsince each segment stores its own scale, theres no need to change this. Next, set the depth sample rate, which just sets how many samples will be stored per unit of depth. The default is 1 foot, as shown in the example below. If you will be using this log for calculations with other logs, make sure that this number matches the sample rate of your other digital logs. Most digital logs are stored on a half foot sample rate. Next, set the Database Curve Update Mode. If theres already a curve stored with the same curve name, this determines how the digitized log will be stored. Replace Curve will completely erase the old digital log and replace it with the new digitized curve. Merge With Curve will keep the old log and only replace the sections youve digitized. Finally, set the curve interpolation method. The linear method draws a straight line between control points, while a spline attempts to fit a curve between control points. The interpolation method on the main screen is linear, so most people digitizing already account for that when picking points. In other words, people mostly place the points close enough together for a linear interpolation to accurately trace the curve line.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

The digitized log now appears in PETRAs database and can be used for calculations or display. In the example below, notice how GR_RAEQ now has a value for every depth.

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PETRA Users Manual

5 Log Image Calibration

Loading a Curve from the Database

The Load button under the Curve section lets you load a digital log curve from the database to display on top of a depth-registered raster curve. This is particularly useful for doing quality control on someone elses digitizing work.

First, set the left and right track scales. Next, select the red Scale button at the top of the digitizing toolbar.

Next, select the pre-existing digital log curve on the Log Curve to Digitize drop-down menu. This is the log youll load into the digitizing screen. Select OK.


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5 Log Image Calibration

PETRA Users Manual

Finally, select the Load button on the Curve toolbar. This will replace any digitizing lines on the main screen with the digital data from the selected curve in the database.

Starting Another Curve

If you want to digitize more than one curve, you will need to use the Edit > Clear button on the toolbar. This will remove previously digitized segments from memory so they dont get stored as part of the new curve.

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Mapping Module
The mapping module provides essential display functions for any project. In the Main module, click the Mapping map module. icon or the ToolsMapping menu to display the

Mapping Module Overview

The mapping module is initiated using the ToolsMapping menu option on the Main screen or the Mapping icon.

When the map opens, it retrieves certain information about each well. A Loading Wells fuel gauge shows the progress while the map is initialized. Once initialized, the well symbols appear on a white background. Note the map scale in the lower left corner of the mapping window as well as the number of wells that are displayed on the map. This icon, when clicked, shows the second row of icons at the top of the map. This icon, when clicked, hides the second row of icons at the top of the map.

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PETRA Users Manual

6 Mapping Module

The wells are shown with the WellsDirectional SurveyEnabeled option turned on. The well symbols are not labeled initially. You can add annotations around the well symbol using the OptionsData Posting menu or the Post Well Data icon Well Spot dialog screen. to display the Data Posted By

1. Click the Well Header Items drop-down button under the Available Data Items options. 2. Click the API Series No. data item, and then click the Move Selected Item move the data item to the Selected Data Items list box. 3. Under the Data Item Details menu, change the Position to Above. button to


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Note: There is a Posting Sample display in the upper left portion of your screen. This shows how the data would look on the map after it is posted.

4. Click OK. The map is redrawn with well labels plotted above each well.

Note: You can move the Data Posted By Well Spot dialog screen to the right, if it is on top of the Posting Sample window. This allows you to see the Posting Sample window, which shows you how the well will be annotated. This window is displayed in the upper left portion of your screen. The Post Sample screen shot is shown in the note above. The Map below is shown with the Quick List feature turned off.

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PETRA Users Manual

6 Mapping Module

Quick List feature This feature consists of three list boxes, an Imagery section, and a Map Navigation section down the left side of the map window. The upper list provides quick access to map data items like posted text, contours, attribute and bubble map templates. The middle list displays all overlay layers containing data. The lower list allows you to select multiple wsn lists to control the wells on the map. The Imagery section has a Map Image Active check box that is checked if you subscribe to an imagery service and have a valid URL, user name, and password entered for a Web Map Service that you are subscribing to. The Map Navigation section is used to quickly activate the Pan/Zoom feature for the map module. The quick lists are made visible using Show Quick Lists icon located to the left of the Print icon. An auto refresh option at the bottom of the quick list panel allows immediate map refresh when a list check box is toggled. When the quick lists are not in auto refresh mode, you must click a small apply button at the top of the lists. There is a section at the bottom to activate the Pan/Zoom Tool. Click the Open icon activate. to


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In the Map Data list, double-click an item to bring up the associated dialog screen for selecting or changing the parameters that are needed for the map. To turn the item off, click the check box to the left of the item. If the item is not grayed out, you can turn the item on by clicking the check box to the left of the item. If the item is grayed out, double-click the item to set the parameters for the item.

Land Grid Overlay

Political and cultural data are available from commercial data suppliers, for example, IHS, Whitestar, or Tobin Data Graphics. The data is also available from the WEB at various locations. PETRA can import these data using the map Overlay utility (or Direct Connect when using IHS). This tutorial contains a sample of a land grid that has been imported from the original vendor's format and saved as a binary Overlay file. You can load and display the land grid by selecting the OverlayLoadOverlay File and selecting the file named LANDGRID.OVL. The map overlay is discussed in more detail later in this tutorial. To show all of the cartographic data that was loaded into the overlay, click DisplaySet Map Extents From Overlay Extents menu.

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6 Mapping Module


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6 Mapping Module

PETRA Users Manual

Selecting a Well on the Map

A single click a well symbol highlights a well. Several editing options are available for a selected well, including moving the location, dropping from the map, or deletion from the project.

Viewing Data for a Specific Well

Well information is displayed whenever you click the right mouse button on a well symbol. A pop-up menu shows the basic well header data with an option to select items to be displayed for the selected well and to change the symbol size for that well.

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When you select the Layers... option, the Overlay Layers dialog screen is displayed as shown below.


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PETRA Users Manual

When you select the Active/Inactive Options... option, you see the Disable and Enable Map Options dialog screen as shown below. Place a check by the options that you want to display. If there is an option that you want to disable, click the check box to the left of the option(s) that you want to disable.

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For the tutorial, only the Posted Well Data is displayed; therefore, that is the only item that can be disabled.

When you click the User FavoritesSelect option, a dialog screen is displayed where you can select additional items that you would like to see displayed when you use the right click a well option.


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PETRA Users Manual

1. Click either the Well Header Data drop-down list OR the Zone Data Item drop-down list button .


A list of items is displayed from which you can select the items that you would like to see displayed when you right click a well, and then click the User FavoritesSelect option. 2. Click the Add button to add the item to the Selected Data Items selection list.

3. Click OK to close the Well Data Selection dialog screen. 4. Right click a well, and then click the User FavoritesSelect option. You see your favorites displayed in the drop-down display screen. The selected favorites are shown in the right hand display. 5. To change the User Favorites, click the Select menu item and add or remove the items that you want to see displayed.

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6. Click the Change Symbol Size... option to change the symbol size.

If you want the symbol to be larger, enter 1.5 or 2.0. To make the symbol smaller, enter .75 or .5. The symbol size adjusts appropriately.


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PETRA Users Manual

7. If you want to add an additional well to a cross section, click the Add Well To Cross Section option. The well is added to the cross section, if the cross section is active.

If the cross section is not active, you see the following message.

8. To disable a well so that it is not plotted on the map, click the Disable Well (do not plot) option. The well is dropped from the map display.

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PETRA Users Manual

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9. To re-display the well location on a Google Map, click the Google Map at Location option.

10. To re-display the disabled well(s) on the map, click the Wells Enable All Wells that have been Disabled menu option.


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PETRA Users Manual

When you double-click a well symbol with the left mouse button, PETRA immediately jumps to the Main module screen positioned at the selected well if that well is one of the wells that is selected in the Main module. This feature can be used to quickly access any data for a specific well. To return to the map, either click the Map - PETRA task on the Windows task bar, or click the Mapping icon . The task bar from XP is shown below.

To return to the Map with the cursor pointing to the selected well, click the Highlight Well On Map icon or use the F8 function key.

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PETRA Users Manual

6 Mapping Module

Finding a Specific Well

To locate a specific well on the map, first go to the Main module and select the desired well in the well list. Then, click the Highlight Well On Map icon or use the F8 function key. The system jumps to the map with the selected well highlighted. The mouse cursor points to the highlighted well. Note: This feature only works when the mapping module is open.

You can enlarge a portion of the map by setting a zoom rectangle. 1. Select the DisplayZoom In menu or click the Zoom In The cursor changes to a magnifying glass. 2. Position the cursor at the upper left corner of the region to be enlarged. 3. Click and hold down the left mouse button while dragging the lower right corner of the rectangle so that it encloses the region to enlarge. 4. Release the left mouse button. The map redraws showing that portion of the map falling inside the zoom window. icon.

Note the change in map scale. You can repeat the process to further zoom in. 5. Use the DisplayZoom Out menu or icon to revert to the previous zoom window. sets the map back to the original

The DisplayZoom Off or Turn Zoom Off icon limits.

Panning and Scrolling

Once in the zoom mode, you can scroll up, down, left or right by pressing one of the arrow keys while holding down the shift key. You can also pan in any direction by clicking the Pan


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icon and clicking and dragging with the left mouse button to the new position. The screen is redrawn with the map positioned at the new location. If you prefer to use the keyboard to navigate, here are the function keys that can be used:
Menu DisplayZoom In [While zoomed in, press the + and keys to zoom in and out by 1/4 of the zoomed extents.] DisplayZoom Off DisplayPan Function Keys Ctrl+z

Alt+Z F10

Posted Base Maps

Base maps typically show various information posted around each well symbol. Data posting options are available using the OptionsData Posting menu or the Post Well Data icon. Up to 50 data lines can be posted. Each item can be in one of 4 blocks: located above, below, left or right of the well spot. The text height and color can be set for each line item. Text sizes can be specified in inches or Map X/Y's.

Selecting and Formatting Posted Data

To select and format posted data 1. Select the OptionsData Posting menu or click the Post Well Data icon display the Data Posting By Well Spot dialog screen. to

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2. Notice the Available Data Items section in the upper left portion of the dialog box. Posted data items are chosen from this section and added to the Selected Data Items list on the right by clicking the associated Add Well Header Items button. For example, select the API Series No from the Well Header Items group and click the Add Well Header Items button just to its right.

A line reading API Series No. is added to the Selected Data Items list. 3. You can change the color by clicking the color below the Text Color option. A Color palette is displayed. 4. Click the color that you would like to assign to the text, and then click OK. 5. Set the Position to Above. Set the Text Height to read 0.1. 6. Click the Options tab, and click the drop-down button In to select inches. to the right of All Sizes Are

Next, you can add a line item below the well showing the total depth of the well.


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1. In the Available Data Items section, locate and select the Zone Data Items zone called WELL and the item called TD. 2. Click the Add Zone Item button next to the zone drop-down list.

The phrase WELL - TD is added to the Selected Data Items list. 3. Set the position to Below and the text color to black. Try adding other data items noting the change in the Posting Sample window. 4. Click OK to return and redraw the map. Try zooming in to reduce clutter. 1. Once again, invoke the Data Posting option. Click the Options tab and click the box beside the Enlarge with Zoom option. 2. Click OK to redraw the map. Now when you zoom in, the posted data text enlarges somewhat making the text easier to read.

To turn off or disable data posting, invoke the Data Posting option once more. 1. Click the check box beside the Active option so that it is in the unchecked state. 2. Click OK to return and redraw the map without any well annotation. The posting options are retained and can be reactivated by simply invoking the posting
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option, and then clicking the OK button.

Note: Data posting can also be disabled and/or reactivated from the OptionsActive/Inactive menu or from the Quick List menu, which can be displayed on the left side of the map. The Options Tab has several check boxes that can be set. There are some options that can control the distance between the well and data; the line spacing for the text, a global scale factor, and a drop-down list to set the sizes in inches or map XYs. The Wells Tab has some additional options that you can set. You can post data for all wells displayed on the map, which is the default, highlighted wells only, or wells that you have selected in a Well Sequence Number (WSN) List. The PdCum Tab has options for posting the PdCum data. The Misc Tab has options for Zone Items Legend data, Legend Text Size Multiplication Factor, and a Wrap Zone Text Items to a specified number of characters. The default is to not wrap the text data. The Overposting Tab has options for the Manually Shifted text as well as Automatic Overpost Resolution. There are check boxes to Hide Connecting Line and Draw Top Connecting Line. If you have moved text, there is a button to clear shifted text for all wells, labeled Clear DB Shifted Text....

Contour Maps
Contour maps are generated by constructing gridded surfaces from wells, faults, overlay contours, user control points, and/or seismic z values. A grid file contains regularly spaced values interpolated from the original data. Contours are drawn from the gridded surface data. PETRA provides an easy to use interface for choosing gridding and contouring options. Grid files cannot be displayed for a projection that is different than the one it was created with. The file contains X/Y values that are based on the projection the Map is in when the grid is created. A series of help documents titled Create Contour Grid are available in PETRAs help to outline the options for creating a contour grid. Click Help in the Map Module. When the PETRA Help dialog screen is displayed, click the Search tab. Enter Create Contour Grid in the Type in the word(s) to search for: data field. Click the List Topics button.


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Creating a structure map grid

To illustrate the gridding and contouring process, create a structure contour map of the A formation top. Note: The following set of steps is only required for projects containing directional wells. Before going through these steps, you might want to read the next Note below. The well locations currently displayed are based on the maximum directional survey depths. Before we grid the data, it is important to set the well locations to the projected location of A formation. 1. Use the WellsDirectional SurveySet Location Depth menu to display the Directional Well Location Definition dialog screen.

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2. When the Directional Well Location Definition dialog screen is displayed, click the drop-down button and select the Locate Wells at Formation Top Depth option.


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3. Click the Depth Parameters Fm Top drop-down list Formation. 4. Click the OK button with the green check.

button and select the A

The new well locations are recomputed. We are now ready to create the A formation grid. 1. Begin by choosing the ContoursCreate Grid menu option.

OR the Create a Grid icon. The Create Contour Grid screen is displayed.
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Note: You can also use an option on the Create Contour Grid dialog screen to set the proper XY for the formation that is to be contoured by checking the Check box to the left of Cal XY For Dev Wells At Top:. The drop-down list select the desired top. button can be used to

2. From the Data tab section, locate and select the FMTOPS zone name and the A formation top name. Note how the grid title and file name fields adjust automatically. You can change these fields if you wish or use the defaults. There should be a check mark by the box that reads Zone Data. 3. Place a check mark by the box labeled Calc XY For Dev Wells At Top: to get a structure map and not a map of the measured depths. 4. Click the Method tab.


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5. Click the Estimate Grid Size From Z Data radio button.

6. Click the OK

button with the green check to initiate the gridding task.

Note: You may want to experiment by increasing or decreasing the grid size or using different surface style options. Computing the grid for this small project won't take long. However, to accommodate larger projects, gridding is performed as a background job so you can continue doing other things during longer gridding tasks. This sample gridding screen was captured from an example with much more data. More than one gridding task can be active simultaneously. Once the gridding task completes, you are ready to display your contour map.

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Structure map contouring

PETRA simplifies the contouring process and produces a reasonable map on the first try by computing default values for contour range and interval using grid file statistics. Most of the time you simply select a grid file and click OK to see the contours. However, there are several options for controlling contour range, interval, color scheme, and labeling style. 1. Invoke the contouring option by selecting the ContoursDisplay Contours... menu item

OR by clicking the Contour a Grid icon.

The Contour a Grid screen appears with the file FMTOPSA.GRD pre-selected. By default, Grids are listed in descending date order. 2. To sort the grid files by name, click the radio button to the left of By Name.


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Note: Click the Default Range button to set the default contour range and interval. 3. Click the Options Tab to look at the available options. This tutorial uses the eight options that are checked at this time.

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4. Click the OK

button with the green check to display the contour map.

5. Select the ContoursDisplay Contours... menu item.

OR Contour a Grid icon again.

6. This time, click the Options Tab, and then click the Color Filled Contours option so that it is checked. 7. Click the Draw Color Bar Scale option to display the color bar. 8. Click OK to see a color filled contour map with the color bar displayed on the map.


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Contour range and color palette

To make changes 1. Again select the ContoursDisplay Contours... menu item.

OR Contour a Grid icon.

Note: Two options are available for editing/selecting colors: Normal Colors and Enhanced Colors. Both of these options select colors for display; however, Normal Colors may be a little simpler for new users. Select the Normal Colors option by clicking the radio button to the left of this option. 2. This time, click the Colors button on the Grid Tab screen. PETRA displays the Color Interval Definition screen to select the color for each contour interval. The current color intervals are displayed in the center list. 3. To change an interval color, click once on its row in the interval list. Notice how the color palette indicates the current color. 4. Next, click once on a color palette cell to change the interval to a new color. 5. Click the Help button for many more features such as changing the number of color intervals, editing the color palette, and blending colors using interpolation.

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6. Click the OK button

with the green check to close this dialog screen.

The changes that you have made are saved.

Contouring with faults

PETRA provides a very easy method to incorporate fault discontinuities into gridded surfaces. Faults can be added to a map using the Overlay feature, which is discussed in more detail in the Map Overlay Utility chapter. Read the Adding an Overlay Line Editing Line Attributes paragraph. In general, you can digitize faults from the screen as a series of points tracing the fault line or polygon. You then turn on the Include Faults option when the grid is created.

Creating an isopach
PETRA offers three methods for generating isopach contour maps. The first example below shows how to grid and contour the computed interval thickness at each well. The second example illustrates gridding the upper and lower structures of our formation, and then computing and contouring the difference between these surfaces. The third method uses the grid-to-grid calculation method. Methods two and three are similar; the difference between the two methods involves how you calculate the isopach.


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Note: To display an isopach in the 3D Viz module, the grid must be derived by using method three of the aforementioned methods. Computing isopach values at each well To compute an Isopach for a Geologic Zone, 1. Compute the isopach at each well. Begin by defining a zone referencing the upper and lower formations as its depth intervals. Use the AB zone defined earlier in this tutorial which has tops A and B as its boundaries. 2. Switch back to the Main module by clicking the Main - PETRA button on the Windows task bar OR selecting the WindowMain mapping menu at the top of the Map display.

3. Check that all wells are selected by viewing the Project Tab. If all wells are not selected, select the WellsSelectAll Wells menu or use the Crtl A hot keys. 4. Select the ComputeFrom ZonesIsopach menu.

5. Click the Method tab. 6. Click the Zone Definitions radio button.

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7. Click the From Zones Tab.

8. Highlight the AB zone name in the list box labeled Select The Zones For Isopach Calculation. Do not highlight other zones unless you wish to also compute isopach values for them. The default zone data name for the computed isopach values is ISOPACH.


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Note: Since the TUTORIAL project contains deviated wells, you need to check the box to enable the Apply TVD Correction To Isopach option. This removes apparent thickness caused by the angled borehole. This is not the same as true stratigraphic thickness, which corrects for structural dip and azimuth.

9. Click the OK button

with the green check to close this dialog screen.

You see a confirmation message. 10. Click OK. The Isopach is computed.

11. Return to the Mapping module by clicking the Map - PETRA button on the Windows task bar.

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OR by clicking the Mapping icon. You are now ready to create a grid of the isopach values. 1. Invoke the ContoursCreate Grid menu and select the ISOPACH variable of zone AB. 2. Click OK to start gridding. 3. When the grid task completes, select ContoursDisplay Contours. 4. Locate and select the grid file called ISOPACH.GRD, which is located at the top of the grid file list (grids are sorted in descending order by date).

5. Click OK to draw the isopach contours. Isopach map from structure grids The second method for constructing an isopach map of the AB interval involves creating two structure grids, one for formation A and one for formation B. You then subtract grid B from grid A to create a third grid, which contains the isopach values. 1. Begin by creating a grid of the formation B top following the same procedure used to create the structure grid for A. Don't forget to set the well symbol location depth to the B formation, using the WellsDirectional SurveySet Location Depth menu. 2. After the B grid is generated, select the ContoursGridsIsopach and TST... menu. This option performs mathematical operations between two grids.


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3. Use the drop-down list button the FMTOPSA.GRD file name. 4. Use the drop-down list button the FMTOPSB.GRD file name.

in the Upper Surface Grid section to find and select

in the Lower Surface Grid section to find and select

5. Enter the name AB.GRD in the Output Isopach Grid or use the drop-down list button to select an existing grid file that you want to overwrite.

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6. Enter a grid title, such as Isopach, using A and B Grids.

7. Click the Compute

button with the green check to compute the isopach.

There is no correlation intended in naming the sample tops (A and B) and the two input grids (A and B). The following message box is displayed confirming the Grid to Grid Option that was chosen and the grids that are to be used for A and B. The Output grid is shown as well. If the output grid file already exists, you get a message asking if you want to replace the existing grid file. 8. Click Yes if you want to replace the file.

The following message is displayed if the number of rows and columns are not the same for both grid files.


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When this warning is displayed, use the ContoursGridsResample Grids To Match menu option to resample the grid with the smallest number of rows and columns to the grid with the largest number of rows and columns.

9. Click the drop-down list button to the right of the Grid To Match All Resampled Grids (Source) data field to select a grid file.

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10. Click the Grid Info...

button to display the information for that file.

11. Change the grid file to the FMTOPSA.GRD file to check the information for that file.

12. Click the Close dialog screen.

button with the green check to close the Grid Information

Changing the grid file to check information 1. Change the grid file to the FMTOPSA.GRD file to check the information for that file. You want to select the grid file with the largest number of rows and columns as the Grid To Match All Resampled Grids (Source) grid file. The FMTOPSB.GRD file has the most


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rows and columns. That file is used as the source file. For the Grids To Resample (Target) file selection, select the grid(s) that you want to match the source grid by clicking on the grid file name(s). In this case, select the FMTOPSA.GRD, since we have selected the FMTOPSB.GRD as the source file. 2. After you have selected the source and target grid files, click the OK with the green check. A Resample Grid(s) information screen is displayed. 3. Click OK. The resampled grids are renamed to RS_gridfilename. button

A RS_FMTOPSA.GRD file is created. Use that file to compute the AB Grid Isopach. After completing the steps necessary to create the output grid that contains the ISOPACH using the Grid To Grid operation, display the resulting grid file AB.GRD using the ContoursDisplay Contours option. Isopach map from structure grids using the grid to grid calculations method The third method for constructing an isopach map of the AB interval involves creating two structure grids, one for formation A and one for formation B. Then subtract grid B from grid A to create a third grid, which contains the isopach values. 1. Begin by creating a grid of formation B top following the same procedure used to create the structure grid for A. Don't forget to set the well symbol location depth to the B formation, using the WellsDirectional SurveySet Location Depth menu. 2. After the B grid is generated, select the ContoursGridsGrid-To-Grid Calculations menu. This option performs mathematical operations between two grids.

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3. Enter the name AB.GRD in the C drop-down list box in the Output Grid File section. 4. Enter a grid title such as Isopach using A and B Grids.


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5. Locate and select the Grid Operation entitled C=A-B. For the Input Grids section, select the FMTOPSA.GRD for the A Input grid file and FMTOPSB.GRD as the B input grid file. 6. Click OK to start the calculation. There is no correlation intended in naming the sample tops (A and B) and the two input grids (A and B). The following message box is displayed confirming the Grid to Grid Option that was chosen and the grids that are to be used for A and B. The Output grid is shown as well.

You could possibly see the same warning message about the grids stating that they must have the same number of rows and columns as described above. Follow the same procedure as mentioned above to resample the grids to match.

Bubble Maps
Bubble maps display one or more z data variables as a color-filled circle or circle segment at each well. The radius of each circle can vary in size depending on the z value magnitude or can be a constant size for all wells. Bubble maps are ideal for displaying highly variable data such as cumulative oil and gas production. Bubble maps can also provide a good quality control tool to quickly show which wells have good values. For example, while correlating formation tops from cross sections, you might display the top you are picking as a fixed radius bubble map. You can easily keep track of which wells have not been picked and which cross sections need to be displayed. 1. If the contours from the previous example are still being displayed, click the ContoursHide Contours menu or the Hide Contours icon off OR 2. You can click the check box to the left of Contours in the Quick List to turn off the contour display.
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For this tutorial, the cumulative gas production we computed during the discussion on Main's Production tab is displayed. The values are stored in the WELL zone as an item name called CUMGAS. 1. Open the Bubble Map Options screen by selecting the Map's OptionsBubble Map menu or by clicking the Bubble Map icon.

The Bubble Map Options screen is divided into two sections. The Data Items For Bubbles (Max 32) list shows the item names currently selected for the bubble map. Each bubble can be composed of up to 32 segments from 32 different Z data items. The right half of the screen consists of several tabbed sections used for data selection and parameter settings. 2. The cumulative gas production bubble map begins by locating and selecting the CUMGAS item of the WELL zone from the two drop-down list boxes within the Select Z Data Used For Bubbles section on the Z Data tab screen. Change the upper list box to the WELL zone. The lower list box shows all WELL zone data items. 3. Locate and select the CUMGAS data item. Notice how the Value Range section adjusts to give appropriate default values. 4. Click the Colors button to change the color scale and palette using the same technique described under contouring.


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5. Click the ADD Item To List to the selection list.

button with the blue + to add the CUMGAS data item

6. Click the Radius tab and choose the Vary Radius as Units/Inch option by clicking the Radio button to the left of this option. Type a radius/inch value of 20000000.

7. Finally, click OK to draw the bubble map.

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Map Overlay Utility

With respect to non well centric information, the map overlay utility provides the capability to create, import, edit, and display political and cultural data such as land grids and lease outlines. In general, the overlay utility allows arbitrary lines, text, and polygons to be added to maps. The overlay is composed of 256 user definable layers. Each layer can be displayed and manipulated independently. A layer contains one or more graphical element types. There are two basic graphical element types: lines and text. The overlay utility also allows PETRA users to define geologic faults used for contour map construction. Contour maps can be captured to an overlay layer where contours can be modified and re-entered as control points to the gridding process. The map overlay is similar to many drawing programs in that you can draw lines, text, and polygons on the map. PETRA extends these CAD-like features by recognizing faults and contour lines as special graphic elements. The overlay data is stored in a binary file with an extension of .OVL. When the map is loaded, the data from the last overlay file is loaded into memory. Any changes that are made to the overlay are made in memory and must be saved to a .OVL file, otherwise the changes are not available when the overlay file is loaded the next time the Map module is activated.

Overlay toolbar
For simplicity, the overlay includes a toolbar which is activated from the OverlayShow Toolbar menu. The overlay toolbar contains icons to manipulate overlay lines and text. A brief description is given for each icon: Note: An option is available for capturing data from a map using a digitizing tablet. Please refer to the chapter Capturing Data with a Digitizer for configuring a digitizing tablet using a WinTab driver.

Select overlay line or text item. Show/Modify attributes of the selected item. Add a line, polygon, contour, or fault to the map.


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Activates the Auto Set Polygon function. After clicking this button, then click inside an overlay polygon. The attributes (style) of the polygon is then set to predefined settings These predefined settings are set using the OverlayEditSet Auto Set Polygon Attributes menu. Add text to the map. Click three points. First point is the start of text baseline, second point is the end of text baseline, and third point indicates text size. Add a text box by drawing a rectangle on the map. A text box contains multiple lines of horizontal text. Add a box or rectangle to the map. Add a circle or an ellipse to the map. Click once for center, then drag mouse to enlarge circle, then click to set the radius. Click the Circle or Ellipse radio button to define the circle or the ellipse. Add an Image reference to plot a Windows metafile or bitmap file. Click and drag to draw a rectangle to define the position and size of the image. Add an Arrow to the map. Click once at the start of arrow head, and then click again for arrow tail. Use the line attributes of area fill for a solid arrow. Use the Text tool to label the interior of the arrow. Draws a legend box. Rotates Line or Polygons. Uses a rotation angle in degrees counterclockwise. Smooth the selected line, contour, or fault by creating a new control point between each of the current control points. Simplify the selected line, contour, or fault by reducing the number of control points making up the item. Break a line, contour, or fault at the exact point where the item was selected.

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Connect the selected line, fault, or contour to its nearest neighbor. Change the plotting order of the selected item so that it plots on top of all others. Change the plotting order of the selected item so that it plots behind of all others. Clip all graphics items that fall inside a selected rectangle. Clip all graphics items that fall outside a selected rectangle. Delete one or more control points from the selected item. After selecting an item, click the left mouse button on one or more control points, and then click the right mouse button. The indicated control points are removed. Add one or more control points to the selected item. After selecting an item, click the left mouse button between one or more control points, then click the right mouse button. New control points are added between the original points. Display the area enclosed by the selected line. Undo the last edit or deletion. Clip all visible and non read only items inside of a user defined polygon. Click the left button to define the polygon. Click the right button when all points are defined. Clip all visible and non-read only items outside of a user-defined polygon. Click the left button to define the polygon. Click the right button when all points are defined. Delete the selected item. Copy the selected item into the overlay clipboard function.


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Paste the item from the overlay clipboard onto the screen. Displays this help screen. Display Layer & Preferences screen, which provides global editing options. Imports an Overlay File from disk. Saves the Overlay in memory to an overlay file on disk. Loads a layer file from disk. A layer file contains a single layer exported from another overlay. Saves (exports) a single layer to a layer file on disk. Constructs filled polygons from a layer of contour lines. Used to find and highlight a particular text string on the map. Defaults to ACTIVE." The Overlay Auto Save feature enables you to have your current overlay files saved to a temporary file periodically during the session as one or more backup files. When you click the ACTIVE button, this turns the Auto Save feature OFF. Click the OFF button to turn the feature back to ACTIVE. After zooming, you can scroll left, right, up, or down.

Adding an overlay line

To add a line to the map, 1. Click the Draw Line toolbar icon.

The cursor changes to a cross-hair with a ? mark to the lower right.

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2. Position the mouse at the first point of the line and click the left mouse button. 3. Move the mouse to the next point to record. Notice the rubber band line connecting the previous point. 4. Repeat for all points making up the line. 5. After the last point, click the right mouse button to signal the end of digitizing. The Overlay Line Attributes dialog box appears. 6. Click the Rename Layer button to change the name of the layer to a more meaningful name instead of Layer # 2. 7. Define what class of line you want by clicking on the Line Class button and selecting the desired line class from the available list. drop-down list

Overlay line classes

The overlay line classes are Normal Line - Normal lines include any line or polygon, smoothed or unsmoothed, filled, framefilled, or unfilled. Polygons can be forced to have the first and last points closed. If you click the Closed Polygon check box, this forces the starting and ending points to match when drawing


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polygons. This switch should be specified when using area fill options. The Contour Clipping Polygon is used to clip contours at the boundary of the polygon. Contour Line - Contour lines have an associated Z value and use a special drawing and labeling algorithm. Contour lines can also be used as input to grid construction. Unconformity Line - Unconformity lines are drawn as a wavy line. These lines are commonly used to illustrate an unconformable surface contact. Other properties of normal lines apply. Fault Trace - Fault traces have special properties related to their effect on gridding. For this example, 1. Select normal line. You might select the Smooth Item icon to smooth the fault by adding extra data points. Do not use the Closed Polygon option for a fault.

Note: You must always start and end at the end of the fault, and the fault must be drawn clockwise. You cannot start in the middle of a fault. The end that is opposite from where you started must have a very sharp angle when you start down the other side of the fault. Do not use the Smooth Line Points, Closed Polygon, or Contour Clipping Polygon options. Instead, use the Smooth Item icon from the Overlay toolbar. After smoothing, you must make the end of the polygon go to a sharp angle by clicking on the point at the opposite end from where you started to draw the polygon and drag it out to make a sharp angle.

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The following dialog screen shows the attributes that can be assigned to the fault.

2. To change the fault symbol size and distance between symbols, click the Layers icon on the overlay toolbar , or Overlay Preferences & Layers menu.

3. Click the General tab when the Overlay Layers dialog screen is displayed. 4. Change the Distance Between Symbols (Map Units) value to change the distance between fault symbols.


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5. Change the Symbol Size (Map Units) to change the size of the fault symbols.

Editing line attributes

You can change the attributes of any overlay line after it has been added to the map: 1. Change the color of the line we added earlier, by clicking the Overlay Select Item icon on the overlay toolbar OR select the OverlayEditSelect Item menu, Hot Keys Ctrl+e. The cursor changes to a cross hair to indicate the active selection mode. 2. Position the cursor on the line and click once with the left mouse button. The line control points are drawn to show the line is selected. 3. Next, click the Modify Attributes icon on the overlay toolbar or the OverlayEditModify Attributes menu. The line attributes screen is displayed just as when you initially added the line to the map. You can now change any of the line's properties. 4. Click OK to redraw the map.

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Note: A short cut to edit line attributes is to hold the Shift key down and double-click the left mouse button on the line or item that you want to select. This causes the line or item to be selected and the attributes dialog screen to be displayed.

Moving lines and line points

Entire lines can be moved from one location on the map to another using a drag technique. To move a line, 1. Select the line using the Overlay Select Item icon down the Shift key and Left Click the line. on the overlay toolbar or hold

2. With the cursor on the line, click and hold down the right mouse button and the Alt key on the keyboard at the same time. The Alt key may be released after the line is selected for movement. The line moves with the cursor until the right mouse button is released. Instead of moving the entire line, you can also move individual line control points. 1. Select the line. 2. Click and hold down the left mouse button over a control point. The control point moves with the cursor until the left mouse button is released. 3. Adjust the location of as many points on the line as needed, and then click the right mouse button or the map redraw icon located at the top of the map module redraw the screen. to

4. Using the Left Mouse button, single-click while holding down the Shift+Ctrl keys to select multiple overlay line or text items. 5. After selecting the multiple items, hold down the Alt key and right click to move all of the selected items.

Adding overlay text

To add a label or text string to the map, 1. Click the Add Text icon.


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2. Click the left mouse button on the base line point defining the starting location of the text string. 3. Move the mouse and click again to pick the ending base line point. 4. Move the cursor upward to adjust the text box height. 5. Click a third time to select the height and display the Overlay Text Attributes dialog box. 6. Enter the text string, select the layer, where the text is to be stored, the text color, the justification, the desired font, and make any adjustments that may be needed to the text height and text angle in degrees.

Editing text attributes

Like lines, overlay text attributes can be modified. You can change height, color, text angle in degrees, the justification of the text, the font, set an opaque background, specify an option to allow the text to be plotted in the map gutter, or even the text string itself. The text must first be selected before it can be modified. 1. Select a text item by first clicking the overlay toolbar Overlay Select Item icon.

2. Click the left mouse on the text to be modified. The selected text is indicated by a box around the text and control points along the base line. 3. Click the Modify Attributes icon on the Overlay toolbar or the OverlayEditModify Attributes menu. 4. Change the text information, and then click OK. Note: You can also invoke the text attributes dialog box by holding the Shift key down and double-clicking the left mouse button on the text item that you want to select.

Moving text
Text can be moved from one location to another or rotated. To move text, 1. Select the text as described above, and then click and hold the right mouse button and the Alt key on the keyboard at the same time. After the text is selected, the Alt key may be released. You can move the text while holding the right mouse button down.

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2. After the text is positioned where you want it, release the right mouse button. 3. Selected text can be rotated by selecting a text item by first clicking the overlay toolbar Overlay Select Item icon.

4. Click the left mouse on the text to be modified. The selected text is indicated by a box around the text and control points along the base line. 5. Click the Modify Attributes icon on the Overlay toolbar or the OverlayEditModify Attributes menu. 6. Change the Text Angle in Degrees information, and then click OK. Note: You can also invoke the text attributes dialog box by holding the Shift key down and double-clicking the left mouse button on the text item that you want to select.

Capturing Data with a Digitizer

The following sections describe how to capture data with a digitizer. Note: PETRA does not have to be running when you establish communication between the PC and the digitizing tablet. You can move the digitizing cursor on the tablet and see the screen pointer move. If you do not see the screen pointer move, Check the power to the tablet. Make sure the tablet is connected to the PC. Make sure that the power is turned on for the tablet. Make sure that the cursor for the digitizer is plugged in. Make sure that the WinTab driver was installed correctly. When you have communication between the PC and the digitizing tablet, you are ready to begin the process to capture data into PETRA.


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Map Overlay UtilityAdding Overlay Text Map Overlay Utility

This tutorial uses the Tutorial project database, which is installed with the PETRA program files. The Tutorial project contains all data referenced by this manual. The map overlay utility provides the capability to create, import, edit and display political and cultural data, such as land grids and lease outlines. In general, the overlay utility allows arbitrary lines, text, and polygons to be added to maps. The overlay is composed of 256 user definable layers. You can display and manipulate each layer independently. A layer contains one or more graphical element types. There are two basic graphical element types: Lines and Text. The overlay utility also allows PETRA users to define geologic faults used for contour map construction. Contour maps can be captured to an overlay layer where contours can be modified and re-entered as control points to the gridding process. The map overlay is similar to many drawing programs in that you can draw lines, add text, and polygons on the map. PETRA extends these cad-like features by recognizing faults and contour lines as special graphic elements. PETRA provides the option to input lines, text, faults, etc., using a Wintab compliant digitizing tablet. You will first need to install the Wintab driver for your tablet and operating system. If you do not have a Wintab driver, you need to download one from the web site for your plotter. The tablet used in this manual is a SummaSketch III Professional, 12 inches high by 18 inches wide. The web address for this tablet is: http://www.calcomp.com/support.htm. The following procedure was used to download and install the tablet driver: On the GTCO CalComp web site, we selected the Summagrahics digitizers and graphics tablets option. That took us to another page with a Digitizers and Graphics Tablets and a Driver & Software Downloads option. We selected the appropriate driver for our tablet and operating system. The file was called TW-10.03.0004.exe. We downloaded that file and went through the installation procedure. You will go through the same kind of procedure for your digitizing tablet.

Using a Wintab Driver and a Digitizer Tablet

Options are available for capturing Line data, Wells, and Seismic Lines into the map overlay from a paper map using a digitizer tablet. The Wintab driver, available through your tablet vendor, is used to communicate with the digitizing tablet. After obtaining and installing the Wintab driver and connecting the tablet to the PC, you can capture Line data, Wells, and Seismic Lines from the tablet into PETRA. Note: We do not recommend using the Stylus or Pen when using a digitizer tablet to capture data as they are very difficult to configure for the Left and Right Click data capture
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mode. PETRA uses two buttons on the tablet mouse for capturing the data from the digitizing tablet. Since there are only two buttons being used, you can use a four button mouse or the sixteen button mouse that comes with your digitizer. You use the two buttons that you assign for Left Click and Right Click.

Comment About Registering the Digitizing Tablet

After you have the Wintab driver installed, open the Map module and print a map with the landgrid displayed from the Tutorial project. Remove the printed map from the printer, and tape the map to the digitizing tablet. Note: If you printed a zoomed in area, you will need to set the limits for the map to the zoomed area. If you don't, you will not see the digitizing cursor on the map when you start the digitizing process even though you go through the calibration steps. To set the limits for a zoomed in area, 1. Click the Display>Data Limits>Set/Enter Limits menu. 2. Click Set Limits from XYs button. If you want to return back to these limits again, save the limits by clicking the Display>Data Limits>Save Limits menu. When you want to return to these limits, click the Display>Data Border Gap menu. 3. Click the Check box to the left of Active if there is a check in the box. If the box is empty, just click the Cancel button, as the option is not active. 4. Click the Display>Data Limits>Load Limits menu. 5. Double click the name of the file that was entered when the limits were saved.

Configuring the Wintab Driver

The settings that are shown below are for TabletWorks v10.0 using a SummaSketch III Professional 18 by 12 tablet with a 16 button Mouse (Cursor). The dialog screen below shows the information obtained from the tablet after the driver was installed and the TabletWorks Control Panel was opened. The screen shown below shows the data on the Info Tab and the tablet that is connected to COM1.


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PETRA requires two buttons to be set: 3 for left click and 1 for right click. To use to capture data when using the Tablet Mouse, you can click one of two buttons. 1. Click the 16Btn tab. 2. Click Button 1. It should be set to Left Click under the Button Assignments. If it is not set to Left Click, click the radio button to the left of the Left Click option.

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3. Click Button 2. It should be set to Right Click under the Button Assignments. If it is not set to Right Click, click the radio button to the left of the Right Click option.

4. If the Apply button is not greyed out, click it to apply the changes. If there were not any changes, the Apply button is greyed out.


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When the Wintab driver is configured, and you have communication between the PC and the digitizing tablet, you are ready to begin the process to capture data into PETRA. When you move the mouse on the digitizing tablet, the cursor on the screen should move. If it does not move around the screen as you move the mouse around the tablet, the tablet has not been configured properly or is not turned on.

Tablet Registration Instructions

To register the tablet, 1. Click the Overlay Menu at the top of the Mapping Module Screen. The menu items for the Overlay are displayed. 2. Click the DigitizingTablet (Wintab) Pick Corner Pts From Map option.

3. Click the Yes button. 4. Four registration corner points must be selected from the map on your PC screen that will correspond to four registration corner points on the map that is on the digitizing tablet. Capture these points clockwise, starting with the lower left registration point. 5. Select the lower left registration point on the PC screen that corresponds to the lower left registration point on the map and is on the digitizing tablet. There are a couple of keys that you can use to Snap to a Well or a Control Node on an Overlay Line, such as a Section Corner. The F1 function key snaps to a Well. The F2 function key snaps to a control node. The F3 function key snaps to the nearest quarter section grid intersection if the Quarter Section Grid is turned on.

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Note: The following procedure uses the PC mouse to capture the map corner points from the screen. 1. With the PC Mouse, select the lower left registration corner point. If you want to use the Snap feature, move the mouse close to the Well or Control Node, remove your hand from the PC Mouse, and then press the F1 or F2 function key to snap to the Well or Control Node. You see the cursor snap to the Well or Control Node. 2. Now press the Enter key to capture the coordinates for the lower left registration point. You see a red dot placed where the registration point was picked. 3. Follow this procedure for the upper left, upper right, and lower right registration points.

The graphic shows capturing the last corner point. Note: The red dots show the locations where the registration points are taken.)


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After capturing the fourth and last registration point, the following dialog screen is displayed.

1. Choose the Coordinate Type to be captured while digitizing, and then click the OK button with the green check on it. (For this discussion, use the Lat-Lon Coordinates option.) An Information box is displayed. 2. Click the OK button to continue.

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A dialog screen is displayed. 3. If you click the PETRA Tablet icon on the Quick Launch tool bar at the bottom of the screen, you see the dialog screen entitled PETRA Tablet.

4. Click the Hide button. This places the icon back on the Quick Launch tool bar at the bottom of the screen.

5. Verify the following settings: Horizontal and Vertical Axis Types should be set to Linear. Tablet Button 1 Function should be set to Digitize. Tablet Button 2 Function should be set to Finish. On the right side of PETRA Tablet dialog screen, there are two sections. The upper section is called Point Digitized When Tablet Cursor and the lower section is called Beep.
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The Point Digitized When Tablet Cursor section has three options available for capturing data from the tablet. Button is Clicked is an option to capture data every time the Left Click button is used. This is the default option. This option is sometimes referred to as Point or Point to Point mode when digitizing. Is Moved Horizontally by: and Is Moved Vertically by: is an option to capture data after the Left Click button is clicked to anchor the starting point of the line and the tablet cursor is moved a specified distance either horizontally or vertically, or if both conditions are met. This option is sometimes referred to as Stream mode. You can capture data in Stream mode using this option or option 3, Is Moved a Distance of: as mentioned below. Is Moved a Distance of: is an option to capture data after the Left Click button is clicked to anchor the starting point of the line and the tablet cursor is moved the specified distance. Remember to make sure the value represents the coordinates that you specified on the Register Digitizing Corner Points From Map dialog screen. There were two choices, Lat-Lon Coordinates and X-Y Coordinates. If the choice was Lat-Lon Coordinates, the value for the option, Is Moved a Distance of:, is something like 0.0010. If there are too many points being taken, change the Is Moved a Distance of: value to a larger number, for instance 0.0020. This change captures about half as many points for a line that is the same length. This option also is sometimes referred to as Stream mode. You can capture data in Stream mode using this option or option 2, Is Moved Horizontally by: as mentioned above. The Beep section has two options that can be set to cause a beep sound. The first is On Button Click to enable the beep when you click the left button on the digitizing mouse. The second is On Point Digitized to enable the beep when a point is digitized when you are in the Is Moved Horizontally or Vertically mode or the Is Moved a Distance of mode. There is an information box at the bottom of the screen that tells you if the tablet has already been registered or if the tablet has not been registered. Note: If the map has been moved, you will still need to register the tablet even though the message indicates that the tablet has been registered. 1. Click the Register Tablet button PETRA Table dialog screen. that is displayed at the bottom of the

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Note: If you see the following warning dialog screen, close the Map and re-open again. The communication to the digitizing tablet was lost.

The Calibrate dialog screen that is shown below, is displayed. Notice the four corner points that were captured on the Map have been entered as decimal degrees, since that was the option chosen earlier. 2. Click on the Digitize Corner Pts From Tablet button.

Note: You may hand enter the four corner points on this screen, instead of capturing them from the PC Screen if you know the coordinates for the four corner points. The hand entered coordinates may not be as accurate as actually capturing them with the Snap feature mentioned above. The points shown below were captured from the map on the screen.

After you click on the Digitize Corner Pts From Tablet button, a Digitize Lower-Left


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point on tablet prompt is displayed on the right side of the Calibrate dialog screen.

3. Using the Digitizing Mouse, position the tablet mouse cross hairs over the registration point on the map that is on the digitizing tablet. This point must correspond to the lower left registration point that was captured on the PC map.

Note: You will not see the cross hairs track on the PC Screen. 4. Press the button on the tablet mouse that was set up as the Left Click button. You see A 1 in the Calibrate dialog screen data window, and the instructions change to Digitize Upper-Left point on tablet.

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Note: If you do not see the 1 appear, the button that you are using may not be the one that was set up as the Left Click button. If the Calibrate dialog screen drops down to the Quick Launch Tool Bar, the button that you are using for the Left Click may be the Right Click button instead. Verify the settings for the Tablet Mouse using the TabletWorks icon in the Icon tray located on the lower right side of the screen . The icon for TabletWorks looks like this:

Note: If the tablet is not connected to the PC, the icon for TabletWorks in the Quick Launch Icon Tray has a red X on the icon to show that the tablet is not connected: Review the Configuring the Wintab Driver section for more information. 5. Move the Digitizing cursor cross hairs to the registration point on the digitizing tablet map that corresponds to the upper left registration point on your PC map. Press the button on the tablet mouse that was set up as the Left Click button. 6. Continue this procedure for the Upper-Right and the Lower-Right points. The Calibrate dialog screen drops down to the Quick Launch Tool Bar at the bottom of the screen. The examples shown are for XP.

The complete Task Bar, for XP, is shown below:


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The four calibration points are shown as red dots after calibration.

This process stays active until you click the Overlay Menu and select the Disabled option. OverlayDigitizingTablet (Wintab)Disabled.

Calibration Verification
If the Overlay Tool Bar is not displayed on the right side of the map, click the Overlay>Show Tool Bar menu.

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The toolbar that is displayed below is shown on the right side of the map.


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Click the Pencil icon that is displayed in Draw Line when the cursor is placed over the icon. Use the digitizing mouse to move to the lower left calibration point. You should see the large cursors with the ? mark on it move to the lower left Red calibration point on the PC screen. The windows displayed below show the large cursor tracked to the lower left calibration point.

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If the cursor does not track to the four calibration points, you need to double check the calibration process. Note: You can click the Esc key on the keyboard to abort the drawing of a line in the Map module.


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Capturing Line Data with a Digitizer

PETRA can capture line data directly into the overlay from a digitizing tablet. The tablet must have a Wintab complaint driver. After starting PETRA, open the Mapping module and register the tablet, following the procedure outlined in the section above titled Tablet Registration Instructions. This enables the capture of line data into one or more of the Overlay layers. There are two ways to activate the line drawing tool. 1. Click the OverlayEditAdd Line menu option.

2. Click the Draw Line Overlay Toolbar icon . The cursor changes to a large cross hair with a ? (Question mark) associated with the cross hairs.

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3. Verify that the tablet is calibrated by moving the digitizing cursor to the four registration (Calibration) points. The cross hairs should track to the four Red dots on the PC map. If they don't, check to make sure that the tablet was calibrated properly and that the map coordinates correspond with the coordinates in the Main module. 4. Read the Note in the Comment about registering the Digitizing Tablet section of the manual concerning the steps that need to be taken if you have zoomed into an area. 5. You can use the F9 key to turn on the display of the coordinates on the map. Snap to a well, write down the XY coordinates, and press the F9 key again to obtain the Lat/Long coordinates. Write those values down as well. 6. Double click on the well. This takes you back to the Main module. 7. Click the Location tab. 8. Compare the coordinates that were written down for the well. If they are not very close, the XY coordinates for the overlay data must be re-computed. 9. In the Map module, click the Overlay>Edit>Recalc XYs From LatLons menu. More than likely, the projection for the project was changed, and the X/Y's for the overlay data was not re-computed. 10. Check the coordinates again. 11. Remember to save your overlay file.

Normal Line
1. After clicking on the Draw Line Overlay toolbar icon , move the digitizing cursor to the point where you want to begin capturing the data from the map. 2. Press the button for the digitizing mouse that was assigned as the Left Click button to capture data points as you move the cursor along the line that you want captured into the overlay. 3. To end the capture process, press the button on the digitizing mouse that was assigned as the Right Click button. An Overlay Line Attributes dialog screen is displayed.


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4. After the Overlay Line Attribute dialog screen is displayed, make choices for the data that was just captured. 5. Click the Rename Layer button Overlay_Edit_Rename_Layer] to change the name of the layer to a more meaningful name instead of using the default of Layer # 2.

6. You define what class of line you want by clicking the Line Class drop down list button to select the desired line class from the available list.

7. Select Normal Line for this example.

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8. Click the drop down selection button that are available.

for Line Width to see the different Line Widths

9. Select Normal for this example. 10. Click the drop down selection button that are available. for Line Style to see the different Line Styles

11. Select Solid for this example. The Smooth Line Points fit a curve through the lines that have been captured. The Closed Polygon adds an additional point to the captured data points to make the first and last point be exactly the same. Use the Contour Clipping Polygon to clip contours that are displayed from a contour grid and/or from a overlay contour layer. The Volumetrics Polygon Name is used when you want to compute volumetrics from a grid file for a overlay polygon. There is a check box that can be checked if you want to plot the Volumetrics Polygon Name on the map. The option is called Plot Polygon Name. The option Allow In Map Gutter is used when you want the item to plot outside the normal margins of the map. Click the check box to the left of that option to


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activate it. Your Overlay Line Attributes dialog screen should look something like this:

12. Click the OK button with the Green check. 13. Repeat the process for as many lines as you want to capture. 14. Remember to save your overlay file.

Contour Line
1. After clicking the Draw Line Overlay toolbar button move the digitizing cursor to the point where you want to begin capturing the Contour Line from the map. 2. Press the button on the digitizing mouse that was assigned as the Left Click button to capture data points as you move the cursor along the Contour Line that you want captured into the overlay. 3. To end the capture process, press the button on the digitizing mouse that was assigned as the Right Click button. An Overlay Line Attributes dialog screen is displayed.

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After the Overlay Line Attribute dialog screen is displayed, make choices for the data that was just captured. 1. Select a layer for the contours to be captured into and change the name of the layer to reflect the contour data that is being captured. 2. Click the Rename Layer button to change the name of the layer to a more meaningful name instead of using the default of Layer # 2. For this example, use MORROW CONTOURS. 3. Define what Class of line you want by clicking the Line Class drop-down list button to select the desired line class from the available list. For this example, select Contour Line. Another tab is displayed, called Contours. 4. Click the Contours tab and enter the Contour Value. The Label Height (inches) for labeling the contour lines can be changed, and an option to Label Contour Line can be checked on this screen as well. An example of the Overlay Line Attributes dialog screens are shown below.


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5. Enter the appropriate contour value and select the Hachures option. The default is None. The Hachured Contoured Examples shown below are In for the upper contour line set to 200 and Out for the lower contour line set to 220.

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6. Click the OK button with the Green check line into memory.

on it to write the digitized contour

7. Repeat the process for as many contour lines as you want to capture. 8. Remember to save your overlay file.


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Fault Trace
1. After clicking the Draw Line Overlay toolbar button , move the digitizing cursor to the point where you want to begin capturing the Fault Trace from the map. 2. Press the button on the digitizing mouse that was assigned as the Left Click button to capture data points for the Fault Trace as you move the cursor along the Fault Trace that you want captured into the overlay. 3. To end the capture process, press the button on the digitizing mouse that was assigned as the Right Click button. An Overlay Line Attributes dialog screen is displayed.

4. Select a layer for the Fault Traces to be captured into and change the name of the layer to reflect the contour data that is being captured. 5. Click on the Rename Layer button to change the name of the layer to a more meaningful name instead of using the default of Layer # 2. For this example, use FAULTS. 6. Define what class of line you want by clicking on the Line Class drop-down list button to select the desired line class from the available list. For this example, select Fault Trace. Another tab is displayed, called Faults.

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7. When you click on the Faults tab, select the attributes to be assigned to the fault line on this screen. To assist you in determining which Fault Direction you want to select, do as follows: 1. Look down the Fault starting at the first digitized point and face toward the second digitized point to determine Down to the Right or Down to the Left.

2. Select the appropriate options.


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3. Click the OK button with the Green check line into memory.

on it to write the digitized fault

The example faults shown below were digitized with all of the faults starting at the top of the map (Northwest) and going to the bottom of the map (Southeast). Starting on the West of the map, going east, the fault lines shown are as follows: Down to the Right, Fault Symbol Style set to None. Down to the Right, Fault Symbol Style set to Normal. Down to the Right, Fault Symbol Style set to Reverse. Down to the Right, Fault Symbol Style set to Vertical. Down to the Right, Fault Symbol Style set to Lateral. Down to the Right, Fault Symbol Style set to Bar & Ball. Down to the Left, Fault Symbol Style set to None. Down to the Left, Fault Symbol Style set to Normal. Down to the Left, Fault Symbol Style set to Reverse. Down to the Left, Fault Symbol Style set to Vertical. Down to the left, Fault Symbol Style set to Lateral.

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Down to the left, Fault Symbol Style set to Bar & Ball.

4. Repeat the process until all of the Fault Trace data has been captured. 5. Remember to save your overlay file.

Using the Digitizing Mouse (Cursor) to Add New Well

There are several ways to add a new well to the database. In the Main module, you can load a well or wells from a file in various formats. You can use the WellAdd a New Well menu.

Note: To see these wells in the Map module, you must select the wells in the Map module so that the Map module knows which wells to display on the Map. You can add a well in the Map module with the PC mouse, as well as the digitizing tablet and digitizing mouse. We'll discuss how to add a new well to the database using the digitizing mouse. Note: If the tablet has not been registered, you need to register the tablet, following the procedure outlined in the section above titled Registering the Tablet.


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1. Click the WellsEditAdd New Well With Mouse... menu option. The cursor changes to cross hairs. 2. Move the cursor to the location on the map taped to the digitizing tablet where the new well is to be spotted.

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For this example, use the survey boundary that is displayed on the map that is labeled T. & N.O.R.R. CO. A-275.

3. Move the cross hairs to the right hand side of the survey boundary about even with well 21 from the top of the survey line and to the left of the right survey boundary line. Click the Left tablet mouse button once. An Add New Well From Map dialog screen will be displayed.

4. Enter the information as follows, or your own information as desired: In the UWI or API# data field, enter 4220196000000. In the Well Number data field, enter Example # 1. In the Well Name data field, enter PETRA Example.


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In the Well Label data field, enter Example # 1. In the Operator data field, enter geoPLUS Corporation. 5. In the Well Symbol data field, click the drop-down button at the end of the data field and select the appropriate well symbol. We have chosen the Dry Hole symbol for this example. 6. After entering the data click on the Add Well button.

The new well will be displayed on the map in the approximate location as shown below.

7. Repeat the process of clicking on the Wells Edit Add New Well With Mouse menu option for as many new wells that are to be added.

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Using the Digitizing Mouse (Cursor) to Add a Seismic Line and Shotpoints
If the tablet has not been registered, you need to register the tablet following the procedure outlined in the section above titled Registering the Tablet. 1. Click the ToolsDigitize Seismic Line menu option.

A dialog screen Digitize Seismic Line is displayed. 2. Enter a Line Name in the data field.

3. In the Digitizing Method section, select either the Automatic Set Start End and Increment or the Manual Prompt For Each Shot Point option by clicking the radio button to the left of the desired option. For this exercise, use the Automatic Set Start End and Increment option.


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4. In the Automatic Digitizing Settings section enter the First Shot Point Number, the Last Shot Point Number, the Shot Point Increment, and the Second Shot Point Number. You can also enter a Shot Point Extension, if there is one. 5. Click the check box to the left of the Redraw Map After Each Line Is Digitized option, and the map redraws after each line is digitized. 6. After entering the required data for the Seismic Line to be digitized, click the Begin Digitizing button, with the Green Check on it.

7. Using the Digitizing Tablet Cursor, start the Seismic Line and Shot point capture by moving the cursor to the first shot point to be captured. 8. Click the button assigned as the Left Click to capture the data. An example of data being captured is shown below.

A Store Digitize Seismic Line? dialog screen is displayed with the parameters for the line.

9. Click the OK button to store the digitized data into the Seismic Database.

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Another Digitize Seismic Line dialog screen is displayed.

10. Enter the new Line Name and associated parameters for the new line. 11. Click the Begin Digitizing button to digitize the new line. 12. If you have completed the digitizing for all of the seismic lines, click the Cancel button. 13. Click the Seismic Posting button screen. to bring up the Seismic Mapping Options dialog

14. Select the desired options, and then click the OK button with the Green Check to display the digitized seismic line.


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An example of the digitized seismic line is displayed on the Map.

General Comments
If you are finished with the capturing of data with the tablet and do not need to capture any other data using the table, you can turn off the DigitizingTablet(Wintab) option. Click OverlayDigitizingTablet(Wintab)Disabled menu to turn off the PETRA Tablet. As long as you do not move the map on the digitizing tablet, you can capture more data that may be on that map at any time in the future by only going through the digitizing process. PETRA remembers that you have previously calibrated a map to capture data into the overlay. The calibration points for the current map will be valid until you move the map on the tablet, change projections, or place a different map on the tablet. Note: Remember to repeat the calibration process when you move a map on the tablet, change projections, change the overlay, modify the area of interest in any way, or want to use another map for capturing data. PETRA can capture line data directly into the overlay from a digitizing tablet. The tablet must have a WinTab compliant driver. After you have started PETRA, you need to start the Mapping Module and register the tablet so you can properly capture your line data into one or more of the Overlay layers

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Using the digitizer tablet, you can add new wells to the database and add Seismic Lines to the Seismic 2D database as well. Please refer to the chapter Capturing Data with a Digitizer for configuration setting using the Win Tab driver.

Using Footage Calls to Spot a Well

Modifying the location for a well in PETRA is easily accomplished by using the tools provided in either the Map Module or the Main Module. One of the tools provided in the Mapping Module allows a well location to be computed from footage calls. Any well that you spot using footages must already appear somewhere on the map. If you are spotting a new well, it can easily be added using the WellsEditAdd New Well with Mouse menu. Note: Refer to the chapter Capturing Data with a Digitizer to see how to capture wells using the digitizing tablet. The footage call spotting process involves digitizing the four corners of a grid, called the Quarter Section Grid. This grid, which outlines a section or survey block, serves as the reference lines for spotting the well. Although PETRA simply needs four points picked with the mouse to define the grid corners, this tutorial example demonstrates a snapping technique to insure accuracy of the grid corners. Without snapping, the corners can only be as accurate as the screen resolution, which may not be good enough for spotting wells. If you have a project that has sections loaded in the overlay, you can also use the Auto Qtr Section Grid icon or the ToolsQuarter Section GridAuto Pick Section... menu or the Ctrl+q function keys to automatically draw the quarter quarter section grid lines for the section that you click in.


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For this tutorial example, use the survey boundary displayed on the map and labeled T. & N.O.R.R. CO. A-275. If for some reason the overlay data is not displayed, click the OverlayLoadOverlay File menu. Select the Landgrid.OVL file, and then click OK. The cartographic data for the Tutorial Project is displayed. The following describes the snapping method to draw the Quarter Section Grid. 1. Position the mouse cursor near one of the survey corners, and then press the F2 key to snap the mouse to the nearest control point of an overlay line. 2. Without Touching the Mouse, press the Enter key to register or pick the point. Caution: Do not try to pick the point with the mouse after snapping. This causes the mouse to move slightly as the button is clicked, thus changing the snap point. 3. To begin adding the Quarter Section Grid to the map, click the ToolsQuarter Section GridPick Section Corners menu. The cursor changes to cross hairs, and a message is displayed at the bottom of the Map Display screen to the right of the map scale.

4. Capture the four grid corners in a clockwise direction, starting with the lower left corner of the grid.

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PETRA Users Manual

6 Mapping Module

a. Using the mouse, move the cross hairs close to the lower left corner of the section that you want to create the quarter section grid for. Caution: Do not use the mouse buttons to capture the corner points. b. Press the F2 function key located at the top of the keyboard. This snaps the cross hairs to that section corner. c. Press the Enter key. That corner is now captured in memory. d. Move the cross hairs to the upper left corner of the section that you are capturing the corner locations for. e. Press the F2 function key. When the cross hairs snap to the corner, press the Enter key to capture that corner into memory. f. Move the cross hairs to the upper right corner of the section that you are capturing the corner locations for. g. Press the F2 function key. When the cross hairs snap to the corner, press the Enter key to capture that corner into memory. h. Move the cross hairs to the lower right corner of the section that you are capturing the corner locations for. i. Press the F2 function key. When the cross hairs snap to the corner, press the Enter key to capture that corner into memory. After you capture the four corners, the quarter section grid is displayed.

5. Click the well you want to move. For this tutorial example, click the well with well sequence number 21


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The well is highlighted with a green circle around it. 6. Click the WellsEditSpot From Footage Calls menu.

A Spot Well Surface Location From Footage Calls dialog screen is displayed. In the tutorial example, use 500 feet from the west line and 1000 feet from the north line.

Note: The following warning message is displayed if you do not click the well before you click the WellsEditSpot From Footage Calls menu.

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7. Change the FWL to FEW by using the drop-down list button. You can change the FNL FSL in the same manner. 8. Enter 500 in the data field for the E-W Distance and 1000 in the N-S Distance data field.

9. Click the Options tab. 10. Click the radio button to the left of Feet in the Footages Are Entered In section. 11. Click the radio button to the left of Surface in the Location To Compute section.


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12. Click the radio button to the left of Texas Location in the Update section.

13. Click the OK

button with the green check.

The message displayed below is shown. Click Yes.

14. Click Yes. The well is re-positioned to the location as shown in the example below.

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6 Mapping Module

15. To turn the Quarter Quarter Section grid off, click the ToolsQuarter Section GridHide menu option or use the function keys Alt+q.

Using the Mouse to Add a New Well

There are several ways to add a new well to the database. This section discusses how to add a new well to the database using the mouse. If you know the approximate location on a map where a well is supposed to be located and need to spot that well until you have the actual location, you can accomplish this very easily in the mapping module. The mapping module is initiated using the ToolsMapping menu option on the main screen or the Mapping icon. To add a new well using the mouse, 1. Click the WellsEditAdd New Well With Mouse menu option or the function keys, Alt+A. The cursor changes to cross hairs. Move the cursor to the location on the map where the new well is to be spotted.


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For this example use the survey boundary that is displayed on the map that is labeled T. & N.O.R.R. CO. A-275. 2. If for some reason the overlay data is not displayed, click the OverlayLoadOverlay File menu. 3. Select the Landgrid.OVL file, and then click OK. The cartographic data for the Tutorial Project is displayed. 4. Move the cross hairs to the right side of the survey boundary about even with well 21 from the top of the survey line and to the left of the right survey boundary line. 5. Click the left mouse button once. An Add New Well From Map dialog screen is displayed.

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6 Mapping Module

6. Enter the following information: In the UWI or API# data field, enter 4220196000000. In the Well Number data field, enter Example # 1. In the Well Name data field, enter Petra Example. In the Well Label data field, enter Example # 1. In the Operator data field, enter IHS.

Note: When you are adding a new well for your project, the above information is based on the new well that you want to enter for your project. If you have the information, you can also enter the footage call information at this time. Refer to the WARNING Footage locations are for reference only, and will NOT change the well location chosen with the mouse. message at the bottom of the dialog screen You can modify the estimated location to the correct location based on the footage calls by going through the procedure described above in Using Footage Calls to Spot a Well. 7. After entering the data, click the Add Well button.


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The new well is displayed on the map in the approximate location shown below.

Using the Mouse to Move a Well Location

When you can visually locate a well on the map, but you know the location on the map is not correct, you can move the well with the mouse. 1. Click the well to be moved, and then click the WellsEditMove Well Location menu. (Use the last well added to this tutorial project to try this procedure. The well is Well Sequence Number 22 located in the survey boundary displayed on the map and labeled T. & N.O.R.R. CO. A-275.) If for some reason the overlay data is not displayed, click the OverlayLoadOverlay File menu. 2. Select the Landgrid.OVL file, and then click OK. The cartographic data for the Tutorial Project is displayed.

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You see the message displayed below if you fail to click a well before clicking the WellEditMove Well Location menu.

3. Click the well that you want to move to another location. 4. Click the WellEditMove Well Location menu. The cursor changes to cross hairs and a blue rubber band line is drawn from the selected well. 5. Move the mouse to the left. You see the blue rubber band line being drawn as you move the mouse. 6. Once you move the cross hairs to the new location for the well, click the left mouse button once.


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7. Click the radio button to the left of Surface Location Only, and then click the OK button with the green check.

A confirmation screen is displayed. 8. Click OK.

The display below shows the well in the new location.

Using the Mouse to Update Missing Well

When you have added wells that do not have a location and they need to be spotted on the map, you can use the WellsEditUpdate Missing Well with Mouse menu.

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1. Click the WellsEditUpdate Missing Well with Mouse menu. A Well To Update dialog screen is displayed. 2. Enter the WSN of the well that needs to be updated. You can obtain the WSN for the well from the Main module.

3. After entering the correct WSN, click OK. The well is spotted at the location chosen by the cursor on the map where it was positioned. If you enter a WSN that already has a longitude/latitude value, you see the following Warning dialog screen.


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6 Mapping Module

PETRA Users Manual

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Cross Section Module
Cross sections provide a profile view of a series of wells and illustrate structural or stratigraphic relationships in two dimensions. PETRA can display cross sections containing digital log curves and/or scanned raster log images, formation tops, faults, posted well information, cored, perforated, tested intervals, and interpretive overlays. Structure and stratigraphic cross section options are available with wells displayed in either vertical or deviated borehole format including horizontal wells. Log curve selection and track layouts are totally customizable. Digital Log Curves can be shaded using a cutoff value or shaded using another facies log to produce a geocolumn display. Shading can also be performed between two log curves. The cross section offers powerful editing tools beyond normal display functions. Formation tops can be correlated interactively, well logs can be edited and depth shifted, and user-drawn annotations can be added as an interpretive overlay.

Starting a Cross Section

The cross section module is typically initiated from the Mapping module; however, it can also be initiated from the Main module by using the ToolsCross-Section menu option on the Main screen, the Cross-Section icon, or for a single well, the LogsSingle Well Cross Section... menu can be used. When initiating the cross section from the Mapping module, the cross-section is automatically invoked when you select the cross section wells. The mapping module provides five options for cross section well selection. The CrossSectionWell-To-Well... menu option allows you to select each well for the cross section by clicking a sequence of wells from the map. The Single Well Display... option allows you to select the single well that is displayed in the Single Well Cross Section. The CrossSectionLine & Corridor... option allows you to select the two end points of a line of section and a corridor on either side for well inclusion. The CrossSectionLine & Wells... option allows you to select the two end points of a line of section and the individual wells on either side of the line for well inclusion.

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7 Cross Section Module

The CrossSectionSelect Wells From List... option allows you to select wells from the current map selected wells for well inclusion. For this tutorial example, use the Well-ToWell option. Note: If the Bubble Map is displayed, click the check box to the left of Bubble Map to turn off the display. 1. Open the mapping module and select the CrossSectionWell-To-Well... menu or the Well-To-Well Cross Section icon.

The cursor changes to a cross hair with a message in the lower panel of the Map screen that reads, Click each well then Rgt Btn to end.

2. Using the left mouse button, click and release the mouse button on 3 or 4 wells in sequence that form somewhat of a straight line across the map. Note the rubber band line indicating the line of section. The sequence of wells illustrated is WSN 1, 2, 4, 7, and 6.

3. Press the Delete key to drop the last well picked if you change your mind.


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7 Cross Section Module

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4. After clicking the last well, click the right mouse button once to end the picking mode. The Esc key cancels the cross section picking mode altogether. The cross section module is activated showing a stick diagram of the selected wells in the order they were picked from left to right.

The stick diagram is only drawn the first time you enter the cross section module. Thereafter, the cross section is displayed based on the template that has been developed to display the cross section. The wells are spaced relative to the well symbol locations on the map. Note: The very first time you enter the cross section module, the depth scale needs to be set to the interval of interest. PETRA provides an automatic mode to set the depths using either tops or logs.

Automatic structure depth using formation tops

A structural cross section containing formation tops and log curves is displayed. The default cross section shows a depth range from 1000 to 2000 feet with a vertical scale of 100 feet/inch. Specify a depth interval that includes the formation and log data we wish to illustrate. PETRA

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offers two short cuts, which automatically sets the depth range to the selected formation tops or log curves. To use the tops option, first select the tops you want to display on the cross section. 1. Select the TopsDisplay Options... menu or the Select Tops icon.

A Formation Tops For Cross-Section dialog screen is displayed. All formation tops are listed in the Available Tops list. 2. To list the tops that are active for the wells that are selected for the cross section, click the check box to the left of Show Tops w/Values. The list of tops is reduced to those tops that have data for the cross section selected wells.

3. Click to highlight top A, and then click the Add Top A appears in the Displayed Tops list.



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4. Repeat the selection for top B by simply double clicking B in the Available Tops list. Many options are provided to control color and style of the drawn tops, which are discussed later. 5. Click OK. The cross section redraws but does not show the tops because the depths that are currently selected are not deep enough for the selected tops. 6. Click the DepthsDepth Scale... menu or the Set Depth and Scale the Cross-Section Depths dialog screen. icon to display

7. Click the Structure Depths tab. 8. Click the Compute Using Tops button. The Upper and Lower Depths are set based on the selected tops.

9. Click the OK button with the green check to redraw the cross section showing a structural cross section with the two tops.

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10. Optionally, you can click the DepthsAutomaticCompute From Tops menu. The screen redraws showing a structural cross section with the two tops that were selected earlier.

Note: If you had log curves displayed, you could use the DepthsAutomaticCompute From Logs menu to show the structural cross section with the depths based on the depths of the selected curves.

You can quickly adjust the vertical scale by using the DepthsExpand By 2X and DepthsCompress By 2X menus.

Selecting digital log curves

The tutorial displays the gamma ray log in the track just to the left of the depth track (Track 1). 1. Click the LogsScales and Display Options... menu or the Select Logs and Scales icon to display the log selection dialog screen.


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2. Double click the GR curve listed under the Available Logs column, OR click the GR curve, and then click the Add Curve button the Selected Logs column. to move the GR curve to

The Scale tab section indicates the track number and left and right track scales. Default values are computed from the selected curve for the well in the cross-section. The small color box to the left of the curve indicates the color in which the log is drawn. You can choose to show the curves, which are available for only the selected wells or those available for all wells by clicking the radio button to the left of All Wells or Selected Wells at the bottom of the dialog screen in the Show Curves For: section. 3. To change the GR curve line color to red, click the Style tab to change the line color from black to red. 4. Click the color box below the Line Color option to display the Color dialog screen. 5. Click the red color cell in the Basic colors section of the dialog screen. 6. Click OK. You see a red box appear to the left of the GR curve to indicate the color of the curve line, and you see yellow to the far right of the GR curve to indicate that the curve is to be
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plotted in Track 1. The tracks are color coded. In the Shading Method section, you can set the option to Shade Using Cutoff or to perform GeoColumn Shading. There are miscellaneous options in the Misc Plotting Style section that may be set as well as changing the Line Style and Line Width by using the drop down menus. 7. Click the Tracks tab to see the colors assigned to the various tracks. You can set the option to Shade Using Cutoff or to perform GeoColumn Shading. There are miscellaneous options that may be set as well as changing the Line Style and Line Width.

8. Refer to the Help screen for additional information by clicking the Help button at the bottom of the dialog screen. To select or view which log track the GR curve is plotted in or to change the track reference number of a log, 1. Click the Tracks Tab. The small colored box on the right side of the curve indicates which track the curve has been assigned. For the GR curve, there is a small yellow box on the right side of the Selected Logs display. Note that yellow is assigned to track 1. Also note that tracks 1 and 2 are the only tracks that are turned on at this time. There will only be the two tracks grids drawn. The Track Definitions refer to the track grid only and does not affect drawing the log curve(s). 2. To change the track reference number of a log, click the Scale Tab. Click the Selected Log, in this case GR, and use the Up and Down number for the specified log curve. scroll buttons to change the track


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Note: The Miscellaneous (Misc) tab contains additional options used to control curve plotting. Click the Misc tab to change the various options.

IMPORTANT: When more than one log is listed in the Selected Logs list, the scales, colors and styles, cutoffs, etcetera, apply only to the currently highlighted log name. Set the parameters for each curve by clicking on the curve and setting the scale, color, track, styles, and so forth. The settings for a curve are for all wells displayed on the cross section. You cannot define settings for each well.

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3. Click the OK button with the green check to display the cross section with the GR curve and the two tops.

4. Click the DepthsDepths Scale menu or the Set Depths & Scale click the Depth Scale tab. Change the Depth Scale to 50 Feet per Inch.

Icon, and then

5. Click OK to redraw the screen showing the logs, log tracks, and formation tops.


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7 Cross Section Module

PETRA Users Manual

Stratigraphic cross section

Change the structure section into a flattened stratigraphic section by hanging the section on the upper A formation top. (A) To do this, simply right-click at the intersection of any well track and the formation top A. Select the Flatten on A menu item. Note: If either top is missing for a well, you do not see any data displayed below the well symbol since the stratigraphic interval cannot be defined for the well.

Correlating formation tops method 1

Correlating formation tops or markers can easily be accomplished using the cross section tool. You can adjust the depths of any displayed formation top, pick depths for the missing tops, or add new tops to the project. Typically, well logs are required to perform good geologic correlations. However, PETRA does not require logs for the correlation process. To begin correlating a top, select the TopsStart Correlate... menu. The correlate dialog box displays a list containing all the formation tops.

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(B) You can also use the short-cut method by right-clicking at the intersection of a well and a top, like formation A and choosing the menu entitled Correlate A. If the Correlation toolbar has been turned off, you can add the Correlation toolbar and use the options there as a short cut instead of going to the menu each time. To add the Correlation toolbar, click the TopsCorrellation Tool Bar... menu.

1. Click the TopsStart Correlate... menu, or click the New button on the Correlation Toolbar.


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The Select Top To Begin Correlating dialog screen is displayed. 2. Click the New Top... button. The Add New Formation Top Marker dialog screen that is shown below is displayed.

When you click the New button on the Correlation Toolbar, the Add New Formation Top Marker dialog screen shown below is displayed.

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3. For this tutorial exercise, add a new top to the project called B2 with a description of My Pick of B. 4. Click the OK button with the green check.

A confirmation dialog screen is displayed with the information that you entered. 5. If you want to enter another top, click Yes; otherwise, click No. For this exercise, click No.

The new top appears at the bottom of the Select To Begin Correlating dialog screen, or at the bottom of the Top drop-down selection list if you are using the Correlation Toolbar. 6. Click the B2 top name in the selection list. B2 is displayed in the upper right corner of the Select To Begin Correlating dialog screen or at the top of the drop-down selection list if you are using the Correlation Toolbar. 7. Either click the Correlate button or the Start button to return to the cross section and begin correlating B2.


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In either case, the mouse pointer becomes a cross hair indicating the correlation function is active and the name of the top is displayed in the lower right section of the status bar. 8. Position the cursor on the depth track beneath the well and a few feet below the line marking the original B top. 9. Click and hold down the left mouse button. 10. Move the cursor up and down to change the value of the top. 11. Release the left mouse button to record the final value for the B2 top for this well. 12. Repeat this process for other wells picking the B2 top just below the B top. 13. Click the right mouse button to end the correlation process. At this point you are prompted whether or not to update the project database with the changes. Click Yes to update the database.

The cross section is redrawn showing the newly correlated B2 formation. The correlation process is also terminated if you cause the screen to be redrawn through zooming or scrolling. Re-select the Correlate Tops icon to restart the correlation process.

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Correlating formation tops method 2

The correlation screen can also be brought up by right clicking on a well and top. The top that you select when you right click is the one set for correlating.


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7 Cross Section Module

PETRA Users Manual

Cross Sections with Raster Images

PETRA Cross-Sections can display both digital log curves and/or scanned raster log images. This section describes how to straighten, calibrate, and assign a raster image to a well for display as a cross-section. All data items in the database that are available for cross-sections with digital logs are also available for posting with the scanned raster images.

Cross Section Log Image Calibration Net Pay

Scanned raster log images, displayed in the cross section module, can show one or more colorfilled intervals representing zones of pay. Also, the pay thickness for these intervals can be stored in the Zone database where they become available for posting or contouring. The pay intervals are defined in the Log Image Calibration screen. You pick the top and base depths of each pay interval. A vertical guideline can be added and used as a visual aid to show where the log curves cross over the desired cutoff value. Each defined interval is associated with a pay number and color. Pay numbers range from 1 to 100. For example, a log image might have five intervals picked, with two intervals making up pay zone 1 and the other three belonging to pay zone 2. PETRA computes and displays the thickness of each of the five intervals and stores the sum for all pay zone 1 intervals in the zone database. Likewise, the sum for all pay zone 2 intervals can be stored in the zone database. Optionally, the total thickness of all pay zones (pay 1 plus pay 2) can be stored in a total pay zone item.

Cross section log image display options

The cross-section displays log raster images for a given well by referencing group names. For example, you can display images from the GR group in track 1 and images from the Default group in track 2. PETRA predefines one group called the Default group. You can create as many groups as you have different images for a well. Group names should normally have something to do with either the log curves they contain, such as GR or the sample rate (number of inches per 100 feet), such as 5-inch logs or 5 logs. Note: It is permissible to use the double quotes as part to the Group name, but not for a file name. A filename can contain up to 255 characters, including spaces. A file name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? < > |, (Back slash, forward slash, colon, asterisk, question mark, quotes, less than, greater than, and or).

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7 Cross Section Module

Each well can have only one image in a group. However, there is no limit on the number of different groups you can define. Therefore, if you have five different log images for a well, you must have five different image groups defined. The well has one image in each of the five groups. In the Cross Section Module, click the RasterLogsLog Image Display Options menu.

Available image groups This section contains a list of all defined image group names. The check box to the left of the Show Groups For This Cross Section Only, when clicked, displays the groups that are available for the wells that are selected for the cross section. Double-click a group name or click it once and click the Add Group button to the Image Groups To Display section. button to add it


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Image groups to display This section contains a list of all image groups that are displayed on the cross section. Click to highlight a group name, and then click the Add Group button to add the group to the Image Groups To Display portion of the dialog screen, then set the details for the group, as described below.

Each selected image group has Group Details associated with it. Click to highlight one of the groups listed in the Image Groups To Display section. Then, set the appropriate detail options. Since this project only has the Default group, use the Default group. Log Track # - This defines the image's plotting position relative to the well symbol and digital log depth track. The track positions are illustrated for convenience. Track Width - The track width is entered in inches and determines the width of the log raster image. Typically, the track width must be set to the actual width of the paper log from which the image was scanned.

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Note: Log images use the same tracks as the digital log curves. Therefore, changing the width also affects any digital curves displayed in the same track. Adding a New Group Clicking on the New Group button creates a New Group. You enter the Image Group Name and Image Group Description, and then click the Add button to add the new group name to the Log Image Groups. Group options tab This section applies to all image groups and contains various plotting options and conditions. Show Pay Zones - With this option checked, any pay intervals that have been defined during the calibration process are drawn on the cross section. Post Pay Value - With this option checked, the pay values are plotted. Plot Pay Cutoff Lines - With this option checked, the pay cutoff lines are plotted. Show Extra Depths Above/Below Calibrations - This section contains options for plotting extra depths above and below the calibration depths. Aliases - This section contains options for the Group aliases. General tab This section applies to all image groups and contains various plotting options and conditions. Plot Scale Header at Image Top - The section of the image that has been defined as a header appears above the log image curve section. Plot Scale Header at Image Bottom - The section of the image that as been defined as a header appears below the log image curve section. Note: it may be necessary to increase the size of the bottom margin if the bottom header becomes clipped. Header and Footer Height (inches) - The amount of space to reserve for plotting the header section, both above and below the curve section. The header section is stretched to fit this height. Float Top Header - Normally, the top header section appears just below the well symbol at the upper depth of the cross section. This option causes the top header to float with the top of the image curve section even if the image starts deeper than the upper depth of the cross section. Draw Calibration Lines - This option draws lines across the image at the calibration depths. Use this option to compare the image calibration depths with the digital depth track.
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Hide Track Grids Containing Images - This option causes digital track grids to be hidden if the track contains a log image to be displayed. Suppress Depth Track If Image In Track 0 - The depth track that is drawn between Track 1 and 2 is not displayed if there is an image in Track 0. Suppress Raster Image If Track Contains LAS Curve - This option is used to suppress a raster image if the track contains an LAS Curve. Show Full Image Path Name in Status Bar - This option displays the full path to the image in the status bar at the bottom of the cross section when the cursor is placed over the image. If the path is very long, you may only see part of the path. Plot Images From Other Completions - This option plots calibrated images from other well completions for the selected UWI/API. Use Screen Plot Technique For Printer - This option uses the screen plot technique to plot the image on a plotter. This option may not be compatible for all plotters. Only use this option if your log images are not printing correctly, such as, they are printing as solid black. It's possible that this option could cause PETRA to crash when you try to print using an incompatible printer. Display Image Gaps - This option displays any gaps that have been set when the image was calibrated. Label Image Groups - This option displays the Group name at the bottom of the image. Memory tab The two radio buttons are used to control the options for managing how memory is used when the cross-section is redrawn Reload Images From Disk This option reads the raster image from disk each time the image is redrawn. Use this option when there is limited disk space available for virtual memory. The image may redraw slower since the data is reloaded from disk. Keep Images In Memory This option reads the raster image from memory each time the image is redrawn. Use of this option may require virtual memory usage. File tab You can load a template file or save a template file. Misc. tab Set the Pay Label Text Height in inches. There is a switch to set the text to Opaque.

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7 Cross Section Module

There is an option to set the Pay Label Position. There is a check box option to use the pay from the calibration files instead of the database pay tables.

Pay toolbar select pay number

To select a pay number, 1. Click the drop-down list button to display a list of pay number.

2. Select the pay number you want to use.


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3D Visualizer
3DViz connects to the PETRA tables and opens with the default screen, showing main selected wells. The 3D scene is moved and adjusted using the left mouse button to drag a point in the screen causing the scene to shift and rotate. The right mouse button is used to zoom in and out by dragging a point up to zoom in and down to zoom out. The scene may be rotated by holding down the Ctrl key and dragging a point with the left mouse button. Pan is accomplished by using the middle mouse button or by using the Shift key and left click dragging. If a well is highlighted in the Main screen, all other wells displayed are dimmed.

Mouse Control
Double Click on a well to select the well in the Main screen.
Do this Left Click and Drag Right Click and Drag Up Right Click and Drag Down Ctrl + Left Click and Drag Shift + Left Click and Drag Middle Click and Drag To Rotate and move scene Zoom In Zoom Out Rotate Scene Pan Scene Pan Scene

Keyboard Shortcuts
Key stroke F2 F4 F5 F6 Ctrl + x Ctrl + e Ctrl + f Result Seismic Editing Mode (Adjust Seismic Planes) Adjust View to Horizontal Refresh Data From Tables & Restores Default View Restore Default View Axis Options Extent Options Frame Options

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8 3D Visualizer

Ctrl + o Ctrl + c Ctrl + Alt + c Ctrl + d Ctrl + l Ctrl + w Ctrl + a + z Ctrl + Shift +

Display Options Clear All Clear Screen Display All Set Light Position Set Data Limits to Full Extent Selects All Wells in Database Zoom In Zoom Out Zoom Off Rotate the scene in the selected direction Pan the scene in the selected direction

Hot Keys for Display Options

w s Show as wireframe Show as solid

Vertical Tool Bar Buttons

Bore Holes Tops Shows Perfs Logs Dip Meter Log Add Grid Load Petra Overlays


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Add Petra Map Cross Section Add Plane Depth or Time Seismic Data Seismic Arbitrary Line Add Seismic Horizon Seismic 2D Lines

Horizontal Toolbar Buttons

Save Current View Restore View Restore Default View Clear Screen Refresh All Data from Disk Search Well by WSN Set Extent Set Vertical Exaggeration Display Map View Window Display Front View Window

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8 3D Visualizer

Please note the following: Only PetraSeis/Seismic Data can be displayed in Time Mode. To display wells properly in time mode, a velocity function is required for each well. Time mode is selected by clicking Display->Mode->Time. Multiple Grids and multiple Cross Section images may be displayed at the same time. Each Grid or Cross Section appears in the Layers list box. The latest Video/OpenGL driver may need to be installed or a Floating Point Error may be encountered. Double click the layer item to change the properties of that layer. Uncheck the layer to hide it. Select the layer, and then click the Remove button (X; at top of screen) to remove the layer from the list.

Selecting Wells/Bore Holes

When initializing the 3D-Viz module, by default all bore holes selected in the main module are depicted. However, similar to other PETRA modules, the wells to be illustrated may be selected based on various data criteria: a WSN list or wells currently selected for display in other subject modules. Note: All depth information is required to be subsea for the 3-D viewer. In addition, all bore holes are required to have a Kelly Bushing or other datum (which is referred to as KB) and Total Depth Z value in order to be displayed.


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If wells are not depicted due to the lack of a Kelly Bushing or Total Depth, a KB and TD can be computed by selecting the Wells dropdown, Set KB and TD, checking the box adjacent to Set KB and TD for Missing Records. Please note KB and TD values can be calculated using the mean KB and TD or user specific values. Please see the screen captures below.

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Bore Holes
Bore Hole characteristics are determined by selecting the button or the Wells dropdown, and then Bore Holes. Bore Holes are displayed as tubes of the specified diameter, color and opacity.

The Opacity and Dim Opacity are used to highlight a selected Bore Hole by dimming all except the selected well. It may also be useful to dim all the wells for a better view. Note the Bore Hole toolbar button has a popup menu allowing all wells to be dimmed. 1. Select Wells to Highlight:


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2. Click to select wells by data criteria. The selected wells can be plotted with a different color than the other boreholes. The boreholes can be un-highlighted by un-checking the check box.

The Tops dialogue box is selected by pressing the button or the Wells drop-down menu, and then Tops The Tops dialog allows the user to select a group of formation tops for display on the well bore. As shown below, the available tops are shown on the left and the selected tops on the right. The control buttons may be used to move the selection between the list boxes. The selected tops are first shown using a default random color value. These colors may be changed (see below). Select Tab:

The Select Source control may be used to sort the Available Tops by source. Once the tops are selected, the color and size may be changed. The tops are shown as discs with the diameter borehole diameter times size factor. To change the size, highlight the desired selected tops, and then change the size factor.

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To change the color, select the top or tops desired, and then click on the change color button.

Options Tab

Tops StyleSelect the desired top's display style (cylinders/disc/ticks) Skip Well if Quality Code ContainsEnter one or more values, separated by a semicolon to indicate tops that are not to be plotted on wells that have matching quality codes defined for those tops. The Selected Tops list is shown below the Layers list in the Legend Box and has controls to check all ( ) or hide all ( ). The Refresh Tops button

There is also a button to display the Tops property dialog. ( ) updates tops from the data base.

Click on the check box of each top to show or hide the top.


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Any top can be highlighted by first selecting it in the legend box, and then clicking the right mouse button to display a popup menu.

Click Hilite to highlight a selected top, and Clear Hilite to unselect the top.

The Shows dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or Wells drop-down menu, and then Shows This dialog box controls the size and color and opacity of cylinder for the various shows.

The size is a multiplier based upon the size of the bore hole parameter. The color for each show is based upon the hierarchy shown. For example, if shows were Oil and Water, the color would be the Oil color.

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The Perfs dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Wells dropdown and Perfs The Perfs may be shown along the bore hole as colored cylinders on the bore. Select the color, size, and opacity desired for the Perfs display.

The Curves/Logs dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or Wells dropdown well, and then Curves A digital log may be shown on the well bores.


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The log is drawn around the borehole based on a scale factor that is directly relational to the size of the bore hole. The curve is then colored corresponding to a selected color Range (or palette) for any desired log. Size Factordetermines the maximum size of the log based upon the bore hole diameter. Logarithmic Scalecheck this option to plot a log using log 10 value. The left and right scales should be entered as powers of 10 when using this option. Clip Logs at Rangechecking this option causes the log trace to be truncated at the track boundaries whenever the log value is beyond the range defined by the min and max scale. Shift Logs to Fit Rangechecking this option shifts the data of the selected log such that the mean value of the log trace coincides with the mean value of the selected range defined by the min and max scale. Normalize Logs to Fit Rangecheck this option to normalize selected log data to fit the range defined by min and max scale. Note: While Normalize Logs to Fit Range is selected, the clipping and shifting log trace option is disabled and vice-versa. Directiondetermines the dimension for the largest log value.

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Opacityset the opacity of the logs ranging from 0(transparent) to 1(opaque). Roundnessset the roundness (vs. hexagonal) of the logs ranging from 1(minimum) to 6(maximum). Colorthe Shading log is used to determine the colors of the depth values of the log curve. This defaults to the same log that is used for the diameter scaling. Select another curve to show a combination of attributes, one as diameter and the other as color. The color Min Scale and Max Scale default to the values in the log curve. The Sample Rate is used to resample the log curve for clarity of color. Choose the type of Color bar desired, and then click the Color button to select the desired colors.

The Logs box shown below shows the current color palette used to display the selected digital log. There are two buttons used for changing the Log properties and changing the colors. The image(s). prompts to the Log Display Options and the refreshes the log


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Note: RasterLogs can only be displayed in the 3D-Visualiser via the cross section module, meaning the Raster Logs have to be displayed in a cross section and printed to 3D Viz The illustration below shows the methodology for printing to 3D Viz while in the cross section.

Dip Meter
The Dip Meter dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Wells dropdown menu, and then Dipmeter Digital logs having Dip and Azimuth data can be displayed as directionally tilted disks.

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Use Aliasescheck to include aliases for the logs. Sample RateDisplay Depths that are Multiple ofdisks are displayed at the depth increment specified by this field. No. of Dip/Azm Sample to Averagetotal number of samples to average on either side of the target depth to calculate an average Dip and Azimuth for the target depth to display. (For example, disks will be displayed at every 10 unit depth increments by averaging 5 sample points on either side of it). Size Factordetermines the size of the discs based upon the bore hole diameter. Colordisks can be colored using a single color or multiple colors by selecting any curve. Click to select the desired color scheme.

The Display Grids dialog box allows you to Display PETRA structure grid (or fault plane derived from creating a grid). Display Isopach. Display Grids is displayed by selecting a PETRA structure grid (depth) and an attribute grid (color). The attribute grid defaults to the structure grid, although a different attribute


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grid may be selected. The attribute grid must have identical grid characteristics as the structure (same size and bins). The colors for the attribute grid may be changed and the opacity may be adjusted. The color of the right side Information box changes to reflect rectangular grid (white) or triangular grid (yellow) or incomplete grid (red).

To display a fault plane from a fault cut in 3D-Visualiser, fault cuts must be saved to formation tops and then a grid is created from the formation top. This is accomplished in the Main Module by selecting Compute-> From Formation Tops-> Extract Fault Gaps to Fm Tops, and then in the mapping module a grid is created from the fault gaps that were sent to the Fm Tops. Once this grid has been created, follow the steps below to display the grid (fault plane).

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An Isopach is displayed by selecting either two structural grids of the same size and bins or by selecting one upper structural grid and a PETRA Isopach grid. Both grids must be the same size and bins and the grids must be rectangular as well. Note: In Petra grids can be Resampled to Match and grids can be converted from Triangular to Rectangular in the Map Module. Click Map Module->Contours dropdown->Grids->(Resample Grids to Match or Convert Triangular to Rectangular Grid..). On selecting an Upper Grid, the Lower Grid List Box is filtered to include only the grids that are at lower elevation than the upper grid and of same size and bins. To select a PETRA Isopach Grid, check Check if this grid is an Isopach grid, which causes all the grids to be displayed. You can then select the desired grid.

Select desired color and opacity for display.


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Load Overlay File

The Load Overlay File dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Maps dropdown and Load Overlay File A PETRA overlay file may be displayed at a specified depth on the 3D display.

The opacity may be set anywhere from transparent 0 to opaque 1.

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1. Click

to change Overlay Preferences.

2. Click the Top or Bottom button to set the elevation to display the overlay. The Position value may be changed to position the overlay at any position. The value shows time when in time mode. 3. Check Post Well Symbol if you are placing well symbols on the overlay. 4. To post well symbols different from the wells selected in 3DViz, Browse to desired WSN List File. If no WSN List File is selected then symbols are plotted for the 3DViz selected wells. The symbol size factor controls the size of the well symbol.

Petra Map/Map Images

The Petra Map dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Maps dropdown menu, and then Load Petra Map Map images generated by the PETRA map module may be displayed at a specified elevation on the 3D display. Map images can be created in Petra Mapping module by going to File->Print To>3DViz Image.


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The map images contain a well list which may be used with the image by checking the Load Wells from Image check box. The opacity may be set anywhere from transparent 0 to opaque 1. Click the Top or Bottom buttons to set the elevation to display the image. The value may be changed to position the map image at any elevation. The Place Map At changes to time when in seismic.

Cross Section
The Cross Section dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Wells drop-down menu, and then Cross Section The cross section options control the display of saved cross section/fence diagram images from PETRA or the location of the current cross section. Multiple cross section images may be shown, generating a fence diagram. Cross Section images (of extension X3D) are shown in the combo box if they are in the existing PETRA project. Click the Browse button to find and load cross sections saved to another location. The Cross Section images have to be created in Petra Cross Section Module. Note: Please note that only structural cross sections with depth set as subsea can be viewed in 3DViz. After creating a structural cross section in the Petra Cross Section module go to File->Print To->3DViz... to create [.X3D] files. Set the Opacity and Rendering Resolution as desired. Note: The higher the resolution, the more memory required and the slower it renders.

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Raster Logs can only be displayed in the 3D-Visualiser via the Cross Section module, meaning the Raster Logs have to be displayed in a Cross Section and printed to 3D Viz The illustration below shows the methodology for printing to 3D Viz while in the Cross Section module.


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Depth/Time Plane
The Add Depth Plane or Add Time Plane dialog boxes are accessed by selecting the button or Surfaces dropdown, and then Depth or Time Plane The Depth or Time Plane options control the position, color and opacity of planes that can be plotted as depth markers.

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Note: The Surfaces drop-down box prompts you to choose the type of plane to insert based on the current mode selected. The Depth or Time mode is chosen by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then double clicking either Depth or Time. Multiple horizontal planes can be plotted at desired depths. 1. Set the Opacity and Color as desired.

Seismic Cube
When you load seismic data, the 3D Viz display automatically changes to time mode. The Select 3D-Seismic Survey dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Seismic drop-down box, and then Seismic Cube The 3D-Seismic data is displayed as a cube where its sides can be easily translated and rotated to get multiple views of the Seismic data.


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1. Select PetraSeis 3D Seismic Survey and Volume from the drop-down boxes. 2. Click to set color bar. The outline of the 3D Survey is displayed in the right region. 3. Select Volume of InterestSelect inline, crossline and time extents to limit the seismic display of the area of interest. This helps to render fast results. 4. Click to extend the display limits to Full 3D Survey extents.

Decimation FactorSeismic 3D data can be decimated in both time and XY extents to reduce memory storage needed to render the data. Load Seismic data AsSeismic 3D data can be loaded as a 8 bit or 16 bit integer value. 5. When you click OK, the seismic cube is displayed. A [Seismic Cube] entry is added in the Layers list. The visibility can be controlled by checking it on or off.

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A Seismic Legend [Seis] is also added in the Legend Box to control the seismic cube properties.

L1, L2: Planes along the Inline direction. T1,T2: Planes along the Crossline direction. S1,S2: Time Slices. 6. To increase color intensity increase the gain of the Seis 3D Color bar.


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7. Right click at any track bar to reset the selected plane (or all planes) position to default or Hilite/Un-hilite the selected plane or to change the plane outline colors.

1. Type directly at the white boxes adjacent to the track bars of the respective planes to display quickly the inline, crossline, or slice of interest. Seismic Cube Planes can be translated by Dragging the respective track bars of the planes Dragging the planes directly in the viewer 2. Press hot key [F2] or click at in the top toolbar. The button changes to and the status bar color changes to sky blue

3. Holding middle mouse button down, click at the center of any of the 6 planes and drag to move it. Once the middle mouse button is released, the button changes back to. planes can be interactively translated after that. 4. Press the hot key [F2] or click again to drag the planes interactively. No

5. To rotate Seismic Cube Planes, press the hot key [F2] or click at in the top toolbar. Hold the middle mouse button down, and then click at the edge of any of the 6 planes and drag to rotate it. 6. Click to RESET all plane positions and to reset colors to default.

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Note: Please note that only PetraSeis 2d or 3d Seismic Data can be displayed in Time mode. 1. Select Time mode by clicking Display->Mode->Time. 2. To show seismic values, left click and hold [F2] to get cross-hairs. The value is shown on the toolbar.

Seismic Arbitrary Line

The Select Seismic Arbitrary Lines dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Seismic drop-down menu, and then View Arbitrary Line Seismic Section along any arbitrary line can be displayed by first creating Combo/Arb Line in PetraSeis and then selecting the line(s) to display using the dialog below.

2. Select single or multiple Combo/Arb lines, and then click OK to display. The selected Combo/Arb line(s) are clipped to the selected seismic survey in 3DViz. Thus a combo line created in PetraSeis that covers multiple surveys is clipped to the extent of 3DViz Seismic Survey. Note: Seismic data (seismic cube) must be loaded prior to display seismic arbitrary line displays.


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Seismic Horizons
The Seismic Horizon dialog box is accessed by selecting the button or the Seismic drop-down menu, and then Seismic Horizons Seismic Horizon is displayed by first selecting a PetraSeis Survey, and then selecting Structure (time/fault) horizon and an attribute horizon (color). The attribute horizon defaults to the structure horizon, although a different attribute horizon may be selected.

The Colors for the attribute horizon may be changed and the Opacity may be adjusted. Click the Select button in the Seismic Horizon dialog box to select horizons. Single or multiple horizons can be selected and plotted.

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Note: Please note that Seismic Horizons can only be displayed in Time Mode (Display-> Mode-> Time). In PetraSeis, time horizons may be converted to SS depth, and then converted to PETRA Grid Files, which can be shown in depth mode.

Seismic 2D Survey
Seismic data automatically changes to Time Mode.


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PetraSeis 2D-Seismic data can be displayed using the down menu, and then 2D Lines.

button or the Seismic drop-

Select 2D lines (right side) from the available 2Ds. The selected 2D Lines are displayed (red color) on the right side panel along with well locations. The green line outlines the XY display extent. DecimateThe Seismic 2D data can be decimated by specifying XY and time decimate factors. Select 2D ExtentSpecify start time and end time to limit 2D seismic data to the time interval of interest. The XY display extent can be set manually using the combo box XY Extent.

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1. Display extent of the 2D lines can be also be set graphically by clicking and then drawing a rectangle to select the region of interest. The green line outlines the selected display extent. 2. ColorSelect color bar using . . to refresh drawings on

3. Vertical exaggeration can be set by clicking 4. Click to restore default extents and the right panel.

A Seismic 2D Legend [Seis] is also added in the Legend Box to control the seismic 2D Lines properties.


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Note: Please note that seismic 2d lines can only be displayed in [Time Mode] (Display-> Mode-> Time).

Save Current View

To Save Current View select the and then Save Current View. button or Display drop-down menu,

Restore Current View

To Restore Current View, select the menu, and then Restore Current View. button or Display drop-down

Restore Default View (F6)

To Restore Default View, select the button or Display drop-down menu, and then Restore Default Viewrestores default position scheme.

Restore Default Window Settings

To Restore Default Window Settings, select the Display drop-down menu, and then Restore Default Window Settings.

Clear Screen
The Clear Screen option is accessed by selecting the button or Display dropdown menu, and then Clear Screen. When Clear Screen is selected, the following window is displayed. Click Yes to recover previously displayed images or No to remove existing layers.

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Refresh All Data (F5)

To Refresh All Data select the button, or click the Display drop-down menu, and then select Refresh All Data, or press F5. Note: The original screen extents are displayed.

Search Well by WSN

To Search Well by WSN, select the button or the Wells drop-down menu, and then select Search Well by WSN


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Set Extent
Access the Set Extent dialog box by selecting the button or the Display drop-down menu, and then Set Extent Use the Set Extent dialog to adjust the default X, Y, and Z extents of the display.

It may be necessary to change the extents after selecting a different well list or grid file. The XY Extents and the Z Extents combo boxes may be used to set the extents from some entry in the Layers.

Set Data Limits to Full Extents

Access Set Data Limits to Full Extents by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then Set Data to Full Extents. This zooms out the display to view the entire area of data.

Set Vertical Exaggeration

Access the Vertical Exaggeration dialog box by selecting the button or the Display drop-down menu, and then Set Vertical Exaggeration

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Map View
Access the Map View window by selecting the drop-down menu, and then Map View. button or the View

The Map View is a window showing the XY extents of the visualizer and the selected wells.

The Map View may be used to Highlight the wells in a rectangular area. Select multiple highlighted wells (left mouse button + Ctrl Key) or wells within a rectangular area. Set XY Extent to a rectangular area.


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Note: the rectangular area below with a white background. To select the white rectangular area, 1. Hold the Ctrl key down, and then draw a rectangle using the right mouse button pressed down. The selected rectangular area can be moved in the scene by using the Shift key and holding the middle mouse button down. 2. Move the mouse over the red lines on the edges of the map until the cursor changes, and then click and drag the line to the desired location. This must be repeated for each side. 3. Use 4. Use 5. Use Zoom-In button to draw a rectangle to Zoom to a rectangular area. Zoom-Out button to zoom to the previous level Zoom-Off button to un-zoom to highlight, and then select the Wells

6. Click the tool bar buttons drop-down, and then Set XY Extent.

A particular well may be highlighted in the visualizer by clicking it in the Map View window. Multiple wells can be highlighted by clicking wells holding the Ctrl key down. Double clicking shows the PETRA Main module with the well selected. Toolbar buttons are also available for setting the Map View to the current extents or refreshing the window. Note the XY coordinates in the status bar. ,

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Front View (Full Data Extent)

Access the Front View window by selecting the down menu, and then Front View. button or the View drop-

The Front View window shows the XZ view of the wells and tops. It can be used to set the Z extents graphically by dragging the red lines to the desired position and clicking the right toolbar button to set the visualizer Z extents.

Directional surveys can be displayed by choosing


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Note the X coordinate and the Depth or (Z coordinate) as the mouse is moved within the window.

1. Access the Depth or Time Mode dialog box by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then Mode. 2. Choose Depth or Time.

Set Light
Access the Light Option dialog box by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then Set Light You can select a Fixed Light Source or Light Move with Object. The light source can be relocated by selecting (single left click) the white sphere (it highlights red) and dragging the sphere to the desired location. Note: In the event the extents (typically the vertical exaggeration) are set unrealistically to establish the globe surrounding, the below warning is displayed. To resolve this issue, reset the extents or vertical exaggeration by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then Set Extent

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Frame Options
Access the Frame Property dialog box by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then Frame


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Frame Options are used to draw lines at the corners of the cube bound by the extents. They can also be used to position semi transparent planes on the sides of the cube.

Frame ColorSelect the desired color for the frame. Draw PlanesSwitch causing the selected planes to be shown. ExtentsControl the XYZ extents of the frame only. The default Frame has the North Face colored with a semitransparent color as shown. This is useful for determining North Orientation of the Cube.

Axis Property
Access the Axis Property dialog box by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then Axis The Axis dialog is available to select parameters for labeling the X, Y, and Z axis.

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Axis Visible check boxes control which of the Axis display. Corner Offsetdetermines the distance the axis line is from the cube corner (zero is on the corner). Size Factoris a text scaling parameter for the labels. Titledetermines the text plotted along the selected axis. Ticks and Labelscontrols the number of labeled points along each axis.

Access the Display Options dialog box by selecting the Display drop-down menu, and then Options Display options control various project parameters shown below.


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Display Warningslists warnings and errors encountered while plotting the display. Display Light Option when Setting Lightswitch for displaying Light Option Dialog when setting Light. Display Help at Startif checked, then Help is always displayed at the start of the application. Background Colorchange to modify the background color of the visualizer. Fixed Light Sourcelight is fixed relative to the observer. Light Move with Objectlight source is fixed relative to the object. Rotation Anglenumber of degrees the image rotates with each button or key press. Zoom Factormultiplier used for toolbar button zooming. Save as Default Display optionssave current display options as Default display options. This applies to all the projects of the current user. For example, if the user wants White as default background color, then clicking this button while selecting a White background sets white as the default background color.

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Show Well Symbol Plane

To display well symbols and the north arrow on the well symbol plane, select the Wells dropdown, and then Show Well Symbol Plane.

Note: Please note a layers list to turn off/on the well symbol plane is displayed after selecting the Show Well Symbol Plane.


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A double left-click on the layer in the layer list, Well Symbol Plane, activates the window to select the attributes for the well symbol plane. Note: The plane may only be placed at upper most extents.

Show Side Panel

To Display/Hide the Side Panel (active layer box, and the Tops, Logs, and Seis tabs), select View and Show/Hide Side Panel.

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Window Drop-down Menu

Prompts to the Main, Mapping, or Cross Section modules if the modules are currently open. Note: The Main module can be accessed by double clicking on a well symbol.


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Help Drop-down Menu

Note: To access current memory information, including Available Physical kb, select the Help drop-down menu, and then About Petra 3DViz At the bottom of the window the information associated with the current memory is highlighted.

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Hyperlinks to PETRA and PetraSeis

The following hyperlinks to PETRA and PetraSeis are located on the IHS Web site and include the most common files to be downloaded.

PETRA Online User Community

IHS and the PETRA team cordially invite you to participate in the PETRA Online User Community. We would like you use the PETRA Community Site to interact with us and with other PETRA community members in a new way. Enter the following link: http://www.ihscommunity.com/energy/ into your internet browser and click the go button. If you have a PETRA license or work for a company that has a PETRA license, you can register as a PETRA SIG Member. You will then be able to post to the Forum and to see the Posts made by other PETRA SIG Members.

PETRA and PetraSeis Update links

https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/Whatsnew.html This link is used to view the latest changes for PETRA, The enhancements and bug fixes are listed by Version and Module.

www.ihs.com/permission/en/pps-downloads.aspx - PETRA Standalone and Network Download site. PetraSeis can be downloaded from this site as well.

PETRA Standalone version

Download the latest standalone version of PETRA Contains all files for a complete install or update.

PETRA Network Version

Client (PC) Software Contains the components that must reside on each PC that will execute PETRA. Note: It is not necessary to download and install the client.exe for existing workstations. Use for new installs.

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PETRA Users Manual

Hyperlinks to PETRA and PetraSeis

Server Software Contains the shared code that all PETRA users access over the network.

PetraSeis Download Pages

www.ihs.com/permission/en/pps-downloads.aspx Click on the link Download PetraSeis to download the latest version of PetraSeis. The install file PSVer2.exe is used for the standalone install of PetraSeis as well as the Network install of PetraSeis.

Direct Link to PETRA and PetraSeis Update Files

https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/alldisks.exe This file is a complete install/update for PETRA. This file does not contain the bitlock drivers. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/client.exe Network Client Install. Note: You do not have to download and install the new client.exe for existing installs of PETRA. Download and install for new client installs. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/PSVer2.exe PetraSeis Update file This file is for the Standalone as well as the Network update/install. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/server.exe Used to Update/Install the Network Version of PETRA. This file contains all files and folders for an install or update.

Training site Dates for US and Canadian training sessions:

http://www.ihs.com/products/oil-gas-information/training/petra.aspx Click on the Course Schedule tab. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/PETRA_OV_FOR_GEO_CLASS_OUTLINE.pdf Outline for the Overview for Geoscientist training class. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/PETRA_OV_FOR_ENG_CLASS_OUTLINE.pdf Overview for Engineers class outline. NEW! Online PETRA Training Now Available. Enter the following link into your Internet Browser:


April 12, 2011

Hyperlinks to PETRA and PetraSeis

PETRA Users Manual

http://www.ihscommunity.com/energy/index.php?topic=2222.0 - Note that if you are not currently a member of the IHS Energy Community Forum, you can click the Register link to sign up. Please use your Name and Email address that we associate with your PETRA License. This Online course provides an overview on the functionality of the IHS PETRA geological and engineering analysis tool. Click a hyperlinked title listed on the page at this Web site to launch the associated course module. Don't forget to turn on your speakers or plug in your headphones.

Note: The playback bar across the bottom of each of the modules provides controls to pause, play, fast forward, rewind, and close. These modules use the Adobe Flash player. If you don't already have it installed, we've provided a link at the bottom of this page.

PETRA Utilities and Bitlock Drivers

https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/cleanzone.exe Utility to list the number of Tops or items in a zone. There is a Delete Items option to delete items or tops that are selected. When you click the Tops tab, click Get Live Data Counts to see the number of live tops. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/copyproj.exe Utility used to copy and/or rename PETRA Projects. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/curvature.pdf Documentation on Curvature Attributes and their application to 3D interpreted horizons. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/DBI_ODBC.EXE ODBC Driver for PETRA Data base is Read Only. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/getvolumeinfo.exe Returns information about the Hard Drive. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/hasp.zip Aladdin Bitlock Drivers VISTA/Windows7 Compliant Contains HDD32.exe (GUI Install program) and Hinstall.exe (Command Line install and un-install utility). Note: Windows 7 has Native drivers that are installed when you plug in the USB bitlock. Normally you do not have to install the HDD32.exe as a driver for the Aladdin USB Bitlock. You must have install privileges in order for the driver to be installed.

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PETRA Users Manual

Hyperlinks to PETRA and PetraSeis

https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/inifix.exe Utility used to edit Project Ini Files; https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/liccat.exe Utility used to build a report and a DBIsam database that can be used for a batch import of raster LIC files. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petraborrow.exe Utility for FlexLM license users to check out a license. This utility must be run from the network install folder. The default folder name is Petrasrv. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petrafiles.txt This link lists the size and latest install dates on the WEB for the following files: alldisks.exe, server.exe, PSVer2.exe, petramultienv.pdf, and client.exe. The links to these files can be found in the section Direct Link to PETRA and PetraSeis Update Files. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petraflex.zip Files for installing FlexLM on a Network includes installation instructions. The geoplus.exe daemon is included. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petraihs.exe Files needed for Direct Connect Enerdeq https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petramultienv.pdf PETRA Usage in Large Multiuser Environments Documentation file for IT Managers. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petraprojectreport.zip Reporting Utility when using Work Groups. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petrascan.exe Project data scan and report utility. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/petrasync.exe Utility to synchronize Petra Projects. A .PPF file is created. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/PSV2Man.zip PetraSeis Manual Password protected password petraplus https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/segyviewer.exe PetraSeis Utility to view SEGY Seismic Data. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/sysversion.exe Returns version information for Windows including Service Pack. https://petraftp.ihsenergy.com/well_symbol_meta_files.zip This file contains all of the symbols available in PETRA in two formats: JPEG and EMF.

PETRA Middleware (Data Movers)

Middleware (Data Movers):


April 12, 2011

Hyperlinks to PETRA and PetraSeis

PETRA Users Manual

1. OpenSpirit http://www.openspirit.com/index 2. Innerlogix (Schlumberger) http://www.slb.com/content/services/software/im/innerlogix.asp 3. Petris Technologies http://www.petris.com/ProductsandServices.asp 4. Volant http://www.volantsolutions.com/index.htm Applications: 1. Seisware (geophysics) http://www.seisware.com/?gclid=CMXth7yZjZ0CFdZM5QodWHfD7Q 2. BHL Boresight (geosteering) http://bhlboresight.com/ 3. Petrosys (specialty mapping package) http://www.petrosys.com.au/ 4. HDS (petrophysics) http://www.hds-log.com/ 5. PST (petrophysics) http://www.pstware.com/solutions-overview.html 6. Powerlog (petrophysics limited access) http://www.fugro-jason.com/software/powerbench/PowerLog.htm

April 12, 2011



2D Seismic Tool - Main Module, 44

3D Visualizer - Main Module, 47

Adding a New Well Manually Well Tab Main Module, 161 Adding an Overlay Line Map Overlay Utility, 318 Adding New Zone Variables Zones Tab Main Module, 184 Adding Overlay Text, 340 Assign a Group Name, 251 Automatic Structure Depth Using Formation Tops, 396 Available Image Groups Cross Section Log Image Display Options, 412

Creating a New Project Main Module, 57, 71 Creating a New Zone Zones Tab Main Module, 181 Creating a Shared Project, 58 Creating a Structure Map Grid Contour Maps, 309 Creating an Isopach, 318 Cross Section Log Image Calibration Net Pay, 410 Cross Section Module, 393 Cross Section Tool Main Module, 43 Cross Section with Raster Images Cross Section Module, 410 Cross-Section Log Image Display Options, 410

Data Organization and Concepts, 57 DBI Tab Program Options, 113 Define the Calibration Depths, 251 Define the Left and Right Edges of the Image, 253 Define the Log Footer Section, 256 Define the Log Header Section, 254 Deleting a Single Well Well Tab Main Module, 164 Deleting Calibration Depths, 258 Deleting Multiple Wells Well Tab Main Module, 164 Depth Calibration Log Image, 241 Deviated Wells Location Tab Main Module, 166 Digitizing Map Overlay Utility, 332 Displaying the Survey Data Location Tab Main Module, 166

Bios Settings, 15, 16, 19 Bitlock, 14, 15, 16, 19 Bubble Maps, 29, 43, 329, 394

Calculations and Transformation Tools Main Module, 50 Calibrating a Log Image, 245 Capturing Data with a Digitizer Map Module, 342 Casing Details, 217 Changing the Unique Well Identifier Well Tab Main Module, 160 Client Workstations, 15 Compute Menu Main Module, 49 Computing Cumulative Production Data Production Tab, 200 Configuration File, 17 Conflicts with Printer/Plotter, 15, 19 Contour Maps Mapping Module, 308 Contour Range and Color Palette Contour Maps, 317 Contouring with Faults Contour Maps, 318 Copy Printer File to Printer, 49 Cores Tab Main Module, 194 Correlating Formation Tops, 329, 404

Editing Line Attributes Adding an Overlay Line Map Overlay Utility, 318

File Naming Conventions, 16 File Tab Cross Section Log Image Display Options, 415 Files Tab Program Options, 110 Finding a Specific Well Mapping Module, 304 FlexLM, 26 Fm Tests Tab Main Module, 192 Fm Tops Tab Main Module, 171 Font/Graphics Tab Program Options, 108 Formation Tops Maintenance Fm Tops Tab Main Module, 171 Function Keys, 29

April 12, 2011


PETRA Users Manual

Index Mapping Tool Main Module, 43 Memory Tab Cross Section Log Image Display Options, 414 Misc Tab Cross Section Log Image Display Options, 402 Missing or Null Data Values Project Data, 70 Moving Lines and Line Points, 340 Moving Text Adding Overlay Text Map Overlay Utility, 341

General Tab Cross Section Log Image Display Options, 413 General Tab Program Options, 105 GEOPLUS.INI, 17 Get Latest Symbols Project>Settings Menu, 125 Group Options Tab Cross Section Log Image, 413

Hardware Key, 14 Hardware Requirements, 13 HASP Bitlock, 17 Help Project - Prospect, 129 Help Menu Main Module, 52

Network, 14 Network Bitlock, 24 Network Client, 14 New Top Fm Tops Tab Main Module, 173

Image Calibration Toolbar, 246 Image Groups, 243 Image Groups to Display Cross Section Log Image Display Options, 410 Importing Digital Log Data Creating a New Project Main Module, 88 Importing Tabular ASCII Well Data Creating New Project Main Module, 81 Importing Well Data Creating a New Project Main Module, 78 Installing Hasp Memo Bitlock, 17 Introduction, 11 IP Tests Tab Main Module, 191

Opening the Tutorial Project, 144 Other Tab Main Module, 216 Overlay Line Classes, 336 Overlay Tool Bar Map Overlay Utility, 332

Panning and Scrolling Mapping Module, 305 Password Protect Project Project > Settings Menu, 122 Pay Toolbar Cross Section Calibration Net Pay, 415 Pd Sym Other Tab Main Module, 218 Perfs Tab Main Module, 195 PETRA Modules and Tools, 37 PETRA Projects, 57 PETRA Tutorial Overview, 29 PetraSeis Tool Main Module, 45 Posted Base Maps Mapping Module, 305 Printing Tops Fm Tops Tab Main Module, 173 Prod Cums Tab Main Module, 210 Production Analysis Tool Main Module, 45 Production Tab Main Module, 198 Program File Names, 16, 17 Program Options Project > Settings Menu Main Module, 104 Project > Close Menu Main Module, 103 Project > Exit Menu Project > Settings Menu, 127 Project > Export Menu, 100 Project > Import Menu Main Module, 99 Project > Prospect Menu Project > Settings Menu, 129 Project > Remarks File Menu Main Module, 98 Project > Reopen Menu Main Module, 103 Project > Settings Menu Main Menu, 104 Project Data, 67 Project Database File Extensions, 17 Project Menus Main Module, 98 Project Tab Main Module, 154 Projection for Projects, 150

Land Grid Overlay Mapping Module, 293 Last Menu - Main Module, 55 Lease License Code, 14 Load Prospect Well List Menu Project Settings Menu, 139 Loading a Calibration File, 261 Location Tab Main Module, 165 Locking Locations Location Tab Main Module, 168 Locking Projection Location Tab Main Module, 167 Locks Tab Program Options, 111 Log Cross Plot Tool Main Module, 44 Log Histogram Tool Main Module, 45 Logs Tab Main Module, 186

Main Module, 38, 143 Map Overlay Utility, 332, 343 Map Overlay Viewer Main Module, 49, 173 Mapping Module, 289 Mapping Module Overview, 289


April 12, 2011

Index Public Tab Program Options, 114

PETRA Users Manual

Thematic Mapper Main Module, 46 Top Aliases, 173 Trouble Shooting, 15, 19 Trouble Shooting conflicts with Bitlock, 19 Tutorial and Sample Projects, 12

Quick Overview, 26

Rasters Tab Main Module, 214 Registry Entry, 17 Reload Symbol Code Translations Project > Settings Menu, 125 Removing Hasp Bitlock, 21 Removing Rainbow Bitlock, 22 Reordering Tops, 174 Reset Default UWI Column Widths Project > Settings Menu, 125 Reset Module Project > Settings Menu, 117

Unique Well Identifier (UWI) Project Data, 67 Units Menu Main Module, 50 Unlock code, 15 Updating Bitlocks, 23 Updating Flex LM, 26 Use Entire Project Project > Settings Menu, 141 Using Footage Calls to Spot a Well, 378 Using the Mouse to Add a New Well Map Module, 384 Using the Mouse to Move a Well Location Map Module, 387 Using the Mouse to Update Missing Well Map Module, 390 UWI Search Tab Program Options, 112

Save Prospect Well List Menu Project > Settings Menu, 132 Saving the Calibration File, 259 Selecting a Well On the Map Mapping Module, 295 Selecting and Formatting Posted Data Mapping Module, 305 Selecting Digital Log Curves, 399 Set Map Projection Project > Settings Menu, 115 Set MJ LogSleuth Project Project > Settings Menu, 128 Shared Project Data is Live, 66 Sharing Projects, 57 Shows Tab Main Module, 197 Slip Logs Module Main Module, 47 Software Installation, 14 Sorting the Well List, 153 Spread Sheet Tool Main Module, 44 Standalone, 14 Standalone Bitlock, 23 Starting a Cross Section Cross Section Module, 393 Straightening an Image, 226 Stratrigraphic Cross Section, 404 Structure Map Contouring Contour Maps, 314 Switching Between Modules, 143 System Colors Project > Settings Menu, 116

Velocity Other Tab Main Module, 220 Viewing Data for a Specific Well Mapping Module, 295 Virus Scanning Software Considerations, 16

Welcome Topic, 11 Well History Other Tab Main Module, 218 Well Label Project Data, 67 Well List Synchronization Tab Program Options, 109 Well Selection Project Data, 69, 70 Well Sequence Number (WSN) Project Data, 67 Well Symbols Project > Settings Menu, 116 Well Tab Main Module, 158

Z Cross plot Tool Main Module, 44 Zone Data Items Project Data, 68 Zones Project Data, 68 Zones Tab Main Module, 177 Zooming Map Module Mapping Module, 304

April 12, 2011


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