5S Check List Seiri

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Name:___________________________ Function:____________________ Shift:____________ Checked zone:__________________________ Date:____/________/_________

5S Check list S1=Seiri=Sort=Clear up Separate things which you need from things you dont need
Table 1. Check results for step S1 # Yes No Check list for step S1 1 Are there any useless things that can bother your work environment? 2 Are there any useless raw materials, semi-finished products and/or waste left as is, nearby workplace? 3 Are there any tools, spare parts, materials left on the floor, nearby equipment? 4 Are all frequently used objects sorted, arranged, stored and labeled? 5 Are all measurement instruments/devices sorted, arranged, stored and labeled? 6 Does the inventory or in-process inventory include any unneeded materials or parts? 7 Are there any unused machines or other equipment around? 8 Are there any unused jigs, tools, dies or similar items around? 9 Is it obvious which items have been marked as unnecessary? 10 Has establishing the 5S's left behind any useless standards?

Table 2. Observations, comments, improvement suggestions found during S1 step check # Observations, comments, improvement suggestions found during S1 step check

Notes: 1. Check and note in table 1 with Yes or No every in table element associated with S5 2. Complete free rows in table 1 for new checking directions specifics for S5 3. Note positions in table 1 for your observations, comments, improvement suggestions, using for that table 2 4. Your evaluation is useful for working place improvement 5. Keep the check list for group analysis 6. Your observations and improvement suggestions are well come in our suggestion system

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