B737 NG Exterior Preflight Training

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Boeing 737-800


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Hydraulic systemsPressurize
Position electric pump switches ON

Parking brake.Set

Parking brake light Illuminated

Observe the hydraulic pressure indicators for normal reading (2800psi min)

Landing and turnoff lightsOn & Checked

Position landing and turnoff light switches On and check for illumination; return switches to Off.

Exterior lights.....On

Total Air Temperature Probe........Check

Check for damage and that dust cover is removed

Angle Airflow Sensor....................Check

Check for damage

Left Pitot Static Probes........Check

Check pitot probes for damage, security of attachment Dust covers removed

Nose Dome and Conductor strips...Check

Lower Nose Compartment............Check

Check that lower nose door is closed, Latched handle flush

Taxi Light ..............................Check

Check lights illuminated

Nose Doors .....................Check

Check doors for security of attachment

Tires and Wheels..............Check

Check tires and wheels for condition

Strut Extension............................Check

Ground Locking Pin..............Check

Remove nose gear down lock safety pin

Brake Snubbers...................Check

Verify brake snubbers installed

Nose Wheel Well...........................Check

Check all hydraulic components for visible leaks

External Power Receptacle..........Check

Light Switch Open receptacle door, check light switch off, and close and latch access door.

Right Pitot Static Probes.............Check

Check both pitot probes for damage, security of attachment, and dust covers removed

Sliding Window Handle........Check

Check that handle is flush with surface

Forward Toilet Service Door.........Check

Check door and adjacent area for fluid leakage

E and E Access Door.....................Check

Check door closed and handle flush

E and E Flow Control Valve Outlet......Check

Check that outlet is clear of all obstructions and that air is being exhausted from the outlet opening

Oxygen Pressure Relief Green Disc....Check

Check that the disc is in place

Alternate Static Port..............Check

Check that no obstructions are covering port.

Forward Cargo Door............................Check

Open cargo door..

Forward Cargo Door............................Check

.check condition of compartment, tie downs, and lights

Forward Cargo Door.........................Check

..Close and lock door

Ram Air Deflector and Air Inlet Door.... Check

Check that the deflector door is extended and air inlet is open

Air Conditioning Access Doors...............Check

Check that the latches are secured and doors closed

Lower Anti-Collision Beacon light...........Check

Check that the light is illuminated and rotating

Right Wing Illumination light...................Check

Check that light is illuminated and lens is clean and undamaged

Inboard Landing Light/Turnoff Light......Check

Check lens is clean and undamaged

Leading Edge Flaps...................Check

Check condition of flaps

Engine Inboard Cowl and Latches...........Check

Check condition of cowl and latches secure

Engine Inboard Cowl and Latches...........Check

Check condition of cowl and latches secure

Engine Nose Inlet and Inlet Guide Vanes....Check

Check general condition and cleanliness of inlet. Check inlet guide vanes and fan blades for damage.

Engine Outboard Cowl and Latches............Check

Check condition of cowling and latches secure

Leading Edge Slats................Check

Check condition of slats

Defueling Panel Access Door......................Check

Check that the door is closed and latched

Fuel Panel Access Door..............Check

Checked that the door is closed and latched

Fuel Measuring Sticks.................Check

Check alignment marks on lower wing surface and fuel measuring sticks agree. (One fuel measuring stick is located inboard of engine)`

Ram Air Vent scoop...................Check

Check fuel surge tank vent opening clear

Upper Fuselage Anti-Collision Light.............Check

Check that the light is illuminated and rotating

VHF Antenna......................Check

VHF Antenna......................Check


HF Antenna......................Check

Navigation Lights (green)............................Check

Check illuminated and undamaged

Wingtip Tail Light (white)............Check

Check illuminated and undamaged

Static Dischargers.......................Check

Check undamaged

Right Aileron and Tab..................Check

Check aileron and tab undamaged

Outboard Flap..................Check

Check flaps undamaged

Outboard Landing Light...............Check

Check light for cleanliness and flush with surface

Lower Cowl Latches (6)...............Check

Check condition of cowling and latches secure

Landing Gear Doors and Seal.............Check

Strut, Tires and Wheels.....................Check

Check strut for leaks. Check cable, wheels and tires for general condition. Check inboard and outboard hub caps secured

Brake Wear Indicators.........Check

Check wear indicator pins for length remaining. If pin is even with brake housing, check with maintenance

Strut Extension.................................Check

Check that the strut is not fully compressed

Ground Locking Pin.........Check

Check ground locking pin removed

Ram Air Exhaust.................Check

Check that exhaust are clear and fully open

Wheel well areaCheck

Check wheel well area for general condition and hydraulic leaks and main gear viewer clean..

Hydraulic System Reservoir Quantity..........Check

Check that the indicator on the reservoir is RF or above

Brake Accumulator Indicator...........Check

Check accumulator indicator for brake pressure of 2800 psi minimum pressure

APU Fire Control Panel ......Check

Check that fire handle is up

Inboard Flaps................Check

Check flap surface undamaged

Aft Cargo Door.................Check

Open cargo door

Aft Cargo Door.................Check

check condition of compartment, tie downs, and lights.

Aft Cargo Door.................Check

..Close and lock door

Lower VHF Antenna ............Check

Negative Pressure Relief Valve.......CHECK

Check that the door is flush with the surface

Main Pressure Outflow Valve...........Check

Check That outflow valve is fully open

Pressure Safety Relief Ports (2)......Check

Check that valve openings are free of dirt or obstruction

Aft Toilet Service Door.....................Check

Check door and adjacent area for fluid leakage

APU Air Inlet Door............................Check

Check the door opening is clear

Horizontal and Vertical Stabilizers.. Check

Check undamaged

Elevator pitot probes........CHECK

Check Undamaged

Static Dischargers............................Check

Check right elevator, on top of vertical stabilizer and left elevator undamaged

Elevator and tabs.............................Check

Check elevator balance tab faired with elevator and undamaged


Check rudder faired with vertical stabilizer and undamaged

Aft Airstair (If installed)........................Check

Check door closed and check external handle stowed if airstair is retracted, (if installed)

Inboard Flaps............................Check

Check flap service undamaged

Strut, Tires and Wheels.....................Check

Check strut for leaks. Check cable, wheels and tires for general condition. Check inboard and outboard hub caps secured

Landing Gear Doors and Seal.............Check

Check that strut doors are fastened to strut and lower strut door seal is secure

Brake Wear Indicators......................Check

Check wear indicator pins for length remaining. If pin is even with brake housing, check with maintenance

Strut Extension.............................Check

Check that the strut is not fully compressed

Ground Locking Pin...............Check


Landing gear safety pin

Check Pin secure and intact

Engine Fire Extinguishers.........Check

Check fire pressure indicator on each extinguisher for adequate pressure per bottle data plate. Check red and yellow discharge discs are visible on each extinguisher.

Brake Accumulator Indicator.............Check

Check accumulator indicator for brake pressure reading of 2800 psi minimum pressure.

Wheel Well Area......................Check

Check wheel well area for general condition and hydraulic leaks.

Wheel Well Light Switch............Check

Check wheel well light switch NORMAL

Engine Inboard Cowl and Latches.......Check

Check condition of cowling and latches

Lower Cowl Latches (6)......................Check

Check condition of cowling and latches secure

Outboard Flap..........................Check

Check flaps undamaged

Outboard Landing Light........................Check

Check light for cleanliness and flush with surface

Left Aileron and Tab.............................Check

Check aileron and tab undamaged

Ram Air Vent scoop..............................Check

Check fuel surge tank vent opening clear

Static Dischargers..................Check

Check undamaged

Wingtip Tail Light (white).....................Check

Check illuminated and undamaged

Navigation Lights (Red).....................Check

Check illuminated and undamaged

Leading Edge Slats..........................Check

Check condition of slats

Fuel Measuring Sticks............................Check

Check alignment marks on lower wing surface and fuel measuring sticks agree. (One fuel measuring stick is located inboard of engine)

Check condition of cowling; and latches secure

Engine Nose Inlet and Inlet Guide Vanes....Check

Check general condition and cleanliness of inlet. Check inlet guide vanes and fan blades for damage.

Engine Inboard Cowl and Latches...............Check

Check condition of cowl and latches secure

Leading Edge Flaps......................................Check

Check leading edge flap for damage

Inboard Landing Light/Turnoff Light..........Check

Check lens is clean and undamaged

Left Wing Illumination Light...................Check

Ram Air Deflector and Air Inlet Door.........Check

Check that the deflector door is extended and air inlet is open

Alternate Static Port..........................Check

Check that no obstructions are covering port.

Pilot Returns to Cockpit

Hydraulic systemsDepressurize

Electric Pump Switches OFF

Exterior lights....OFF

Boeing 737-800



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