Merengue 2011
Merengue 2011
Merengue 2011
Origin: The Merengue is the national dance of the Dominican Republic. That is the only fact that we have concerning its origin other than it was probably born in that country and/or Haiti, the neighboring island. There are many tales of its conception. Stories are told of a Dominican Republic soldier that was wounded in one leg and could only shuffle sideways with a pronounced limp. The others, not wishing to offend the hero, copied him out of sympathy. Another story tells of shackled slaves working in the sugar fields cutting down the cane. They had to take small side steps as they worked down the rows. However it came to be, this dance was very popular in the Dominican Republic in the mid 1800 s. It is not clear just when this dance was introduced in the U.S. but it has enjoyed limited but constant success for many years. Music: Danced in 2/4 timing the music has two clear even beats to the bar that are played in a marching rhythm. However, different styles allow for a various number of beats within each part of the Characteristics: This dance is fun and is probably the easiest dance to learn. Its basic movement is made up of simple side steps that progress in a counter-clockwise direction around the floor. It can be danced with a strong Cuban motion, and in fact, can be a good beginning for students that are being introduced to this style of hip
Fig Full Silver Silver III Silver II Silver I 1: Crossbody Leads 2: Crossbody Cradle Wheel 3: Alternating Underarm Turns 4: Hip Circle 5: Crossbody with Checked Walk 6: Man's Wrap and Shoulder Wrap 7: Around the Back Roll Out Spins 8: Pretzel 9: Coffee Grinder 10: Back Spot Underarm with Check and Spins