Air Law PPL Notes
Air Law PPL Notes
Air Law PPL Notes
The Period of validity of a private pilots license for a person under the age of 40 is: 24 months A pilot without a night rating shall not act as a pilot in command of an aircraft carrying a passenger unless such a pilot has carried out at least: Three take off and landings in the 90 days preceding the flight In an aircraft in which smoking is allowed, smoking will nevertheless be prohibited during: Take off, landing and when the aircraft is on the ground (critical phases of flight) An aircraft is to maintain a track of 344 (T), drift 6 right, variation 20W, high ground 4300ft above mean sea level, the appropriate VFR flight level to use is: FL055 (odds flight level 344+ 20W +6East = 004) A student pilot may operate as a pilot in command of a solo flight: Only if the aircraft has been indorsed in his log book by his instructor Flight time means: From the moment the aircraft starts to taxi until it comes to rest at the end of its flight The period of validity of a class 1 medical for a person under 40 is: 12 months; over the age of 40 and ATPL pilot is: 6 months
The period of validity of a class 2 medical for a person under 40 is: 24 months; over the age of 40 is: 12 months When operating outside an aerodrome control area, an aircraft that is overtaking a slower aircraft at the same height and heading shall pass the aircraft: On the right
Away from built up areas, open air assemblies and persons, the minimum height that an aircraft may be flown is: 500ft above the ground or water
A series of green flashes to an aircraft on the ground means: Cleared to taxi In aviation, the term infant is used to define a passenger who: Has not reached his or her second birthday No aircraft shall be operated unless a seat is provided for each person aged: 2 years or more An aircraft to maintain track of 168 (T), variation 22W, en route high ground is 21000ft AMSL and reported cloud cover is 2/8 at 3500 AMSL, the pilot may fly at: FL045 (3/8 OCT will not be allowed) Where a right hand circuit is being flown at an airfield an aircraft may: Overtake a slower aircraft on its left A hand-operated fire extinguisher must be carried on: ALL aircraft The maneuvering area of an aerodrome includes: Taxi ways and runways An aerodrome that is not equipped with night flying facilities may not be used by an aircraft to take off and land by night: Except in an emergency The pilot in command of an aircraft may propose an amendment to an air traffic control clearance, but the amendment: May not be applied by the pilot without ATC approval No persons shall act as a flight crewmember of an aircraft if his flight time to exceed of is likely to exceed: 400 hrs during the preceding 90 days
No person shall act as a flight crewmember of an aircraft: Within 72 hours of giving blood, 28 hours from scuba diving An authorized officer, inspector, or authorized person may suspend a person from exercising all or any of the privileges of his or her pilot license rating or validation for a period not exceeding: 30 days Graphic yellow cross on red background square. The visual ground signal as shown in the figure below when displayed in the signal area of an aerodrome indicates: Landings are prohibited With reference to the maintenance of competency requirements, if a pilot fails a proficiency check, he or she may under go another proficiency test: Must under go corrective training and must provide a letter of recommendation for a retest Every VFR flight shall be so conducted that the aircraft is flown with visual reference to the surface and no time above more than: 3/8 of cloud within a radius of 5nm of the aircraft A pilot may fly through a declared prohibited area: Fly through a prohibited area provided written permission from the commissioner is obtained / Fly above a prohibited area provided that the aircraft remains above the specified upper limit of the prohibited area An aircraft for which as air traffic flight plan had been filed: May be given priority over aircraft for which flight plans have NOT been filed An aircraft is to maintain a track of 170 (T), drift 3 right, variation 21 W, high ground 4300ft above sea level, the more appropriate VFR flight level to use is: FL065 (even, as you need a 1000ft clearance) A record of each fuel and oil top up must be kept: In the aircraft flight folio Flight crewmember licenses or certified copies therefore must be carried in the aircraft: On ALL flights
A single pilot, single engine, piston aircraft class rating is valid: For a period of 24 months after the first year of issue An aircraft that has been involved in an accident may be moved: Only if authority to move it has been granted by the investigator in charge The applicant for the re-issue of an expired class rating must: Only pass a proficiency check with a flight instructor For an aircraft flying VFR in uncontrolled airspace at 1500ft above the ground by day, the required weather minima are: 5km visibility, distance from cloud 2000ft horizontally, and 500ft vertically An aircraft operating VFR is maintaining a track of 359 magnetic. Another aircraft also flying VFR is maintaining a track of 180 magnetic. The two aircraft: Will have at least 1000ft separation Simulated emergency situations, which affect the flight characteristics of an aircraft, may be carried out in an aircraft: When passengers are not on board the aircraft The requirements for the issue of a PPL(H) license: 25 Hrs dual instruction A minimum of 15 hours solo time of which 5 hours must be solo cross country time (1 triangular x-country >100NM with 2 full stop landings at different aerodromes); max 5 hrs on FSTD Smoking on a licensed aerodrome is prohibited at any place within: 15 meters of an aircraft In terms of the semi circular rules, the selection of the FL will be based on: Magnetic track The holder of a valid PPL shall be permitted to act as the PIC of a piston engine aircraft with a maximum certified mass of 5700kg: After it has been indorsed in his logbook
Oxygen must be available to all occupants of an aircraft flying: In excess of 120 minutes between 10,000ft and 12,000ft An aircraft is flying a western course, the ground is 2100ft and reported cloud cover is 2/8 at 3500ft. The aircraft: May fly at FL045 even A white or yellow cross, located at each end of the runway means: The runway is closed
An electronic logbook may be used provided that: The data is printed on paper at least every 90 days With regards to Student pilots, the relevant entries must be made in the pilot s logbook within: 7 days The applicant for a private pilots license must undergo the skill test within: 30 days of the date of application For an aircraft to operated by day, a serviceable rotating beacon or strobe light: Is not required (if night, it is required) The holder of a PPL may not exercise any of the privileges of his or her license unless such a holder has undergone a skill test for the issue of a rating, a proficiency check for the revalidation of a rating, or a general revalidation check: Any time in the preceding 12 months Original or certified copies of the documents to be carried in an aircraft on a domestic flight include: Certificate of release to service, certificate of registration and pilot s license The PIC surviving an accident involving an aircraft within the RSA will report such an accident as soon as possible to the: Commissioner A Private Pilot s License (Aeroplane) issued is valid for a period of: 10 years, provided that all yearly requirements are met
Revalidation & proficiency check is required every: 12 months from initial date of issue, and thereafter every 24 months for LICENSE competency. 3 hours of Solo flight must be recorded in the previous 6 months before any skill test is taken A pilot shall not act as PIC of an aircraft carrying passengers by day, unless such pilot: within 90 days immediately preceding the flight, carried out either by day or night, 3 take off and 3 landings in the same class of aircraft Flight plans shall be filed: 30 minutes before departure If filing during flight while outside controlled or advisory airspace, flight plans shall be filed: 10 minutes before the aircraft enters controlled or advisory airspace If estimated time of arrival is to be in error of original flight plan by: excess of 3 minutes, a revised estimated time shall be notified to such air traffic service unit as soon as possible. Including increase or decrease in average true airspeed of 5% The owner or operator of an aircraft must retain the flight folio records for a period of: 5 years from the last date of the entry therein No owner or operator of an a/c in which fuses are used, shall operate the a/c unless there are spare fuses available for use in flight equal to: at least 10 percent or three, whichever is greater, of the numbers of fuses required to form complete circuit protection First Aid kits required per passenger # s: 0-99 = 1 kit 100-199 = 2 kits 200-299 = 3 kits 300 + = 4 kits Fire extinguishers required to be located within the flight deck: 1 fire extinguisher. 7-30 max passengers seating requires 1 fire extinguisher
No pilot shall use a public road as a place of landing or take off in an aircraft except: during emergency with purpose of saving lives When two aircraft are approaching head-on and there is a danger of collision, each aircraft shall alter heading: to the right When two aircraft are converging at the same level, the aircraft that has the other aircraft on the right shall give way (so the one on the left must give way) An aircraft that is being overtaken: has the right of way. The overtaking aircraft must alter its heading to the right of the slower aircraft If there is a right hand circuit being followed at the aerodrome, the overtaking aircraft shall alter it s heading: to the left An aircraft in flight or operating on ground or water, shall give way to: other aircraft landing or on its final approach to land An aircraft flying at or below 1500ft and following a power line, road, railway, canal or coastline, shall fly: to the right of the line feature being followed (unless instructed to do so by the air traffic service) Aircraft speed: No one shall fly an aircraft outside controlled airspace and below FL100 at an indicated airspeed of more than: 250knts Aircraft speed: No one shall fly an aircraft within controlled airspace at an indicated airspeed of more than: 160knts in the case of a reciprocating engine a/c, 200knts in the case of a turbine-powered aircraft Lights to be displayed by an aircraft operating with the maneuvering area of an aerodrome: operating lights, navigation lights to be displayed in the air: Left wing = red 110 degrees visible Right wing = green 110 degrees visible Horizontal plane = white 140 degrees visible
Distress signals: SOS in Morse code, MAYDAY over radio, red lights fired one at a time, parachute flare showing red light Urgency signals: switching landing lights and or navigation lights on and off, PAN PAN over radio Restricted or prohibited airspace entry: red and green lights or stars discharged from the ground at intervals of 10 seconds GET OUT!
Light signals from aerodrome to aircraft in flight: Steady green = cleared to land Series of green flashes = return for landing Series of red flashes = unsafe, do not land Steady red = give way to other a/c and continue circling Steady red on final approach= do not land for the time being Series of white flashes = land and proceed to apron Acknowledgement by aircraft when in flight during daylight: rocking wings left to right Acknowledgement by aircraft when in flight during night: switching on off twice landing lights or navigation lights Light signals from aerodrome to aircraft on the ground: Steady green = cleared for take off Series of green flashes = cleared for taxi Series of red flashes = taxi clear of landing area in use Steady red = stop Series of white flashes = return to starting point at aerodrome Acknowledgement by aircraft when in on the ground during daylight: moving ailerons or rudder Acknowledgement by aircraft when on the ground during night: switching on off twice landing lights or navigation lights Visual Ground signals:
Red with yellow X = Landing prohibited Red with yellow line diagonal = special precautions must be observed Use of runways and taxiways: Horizontal white bum bell = use runways and taxiways only Horizontal white bum bell with black stripes = use runways and taxiways only, maneuvering confined to runways & taxiways also Closed runways: Yellow or white cross = runway and or taxiway closed if displayed Glider flights in operation: Double white cross displayed horizontally Agricultural flights in operation: figure A displayed Air traffic service reporting office: The letter C displayed vertically in black against yellow background indicates the location of the air traffic service reporting office
Landing light wing-bar description: the PAPI system, are constructed so the pilot, on approach slope see the two units closest to the runway as red, and the two units farthest from the runway as white (more red means LOW on slope, more white means HIGH on slope approach)
Identification & interception of an aircraft: radio contact on frequency: 121.5 or visual signals as follows by intercepting a/c: -Rocking wings while in front and left of a/c being intercepted Meaning: follow me away from prohibited area Answer: rocking wings -Rocking wings while in front and to the right of a/c being intercepted: Meaning: follow me to landing terrain Answer: rocking wings -When a and b has been acknowledged it makes a slow level turn into desired course: follow-intercepting aircraft -Sharp turn 90 by intercepting a/c: you may proceed
Minimum height flying in open air over built up areas with gathered people: 1000ft Minimum height flying over clear land or water: 500ft Minimum height circling people in built up open-air area: 3000ft Minimum height flying over a game reserve: 1500ft Transition altitude 25nm from airfield, change from local QNH to QNE 1013= VMC 2000ft AGL Transition level 25nm from airfield, change from QNE 1013 to local QNH = VMC 3000 FEET AGL