Character Sketch Ishmael

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Thomas Jemmerson

ID :807000743

Character Sketch : Ishmael Ali (Roger Braithwaite)

Age: 32
Ishmael Ali (formerly Roger Braithwaite) has known the groom for most of his life.
They first met in Primary School when groom (then a small skinny boy) was being
hassled by a group of bullies. Ishmael, always the champion of the underdog but himself
slight in build attempts a rescue. Both boys are beaten by the bullies but form a bond that
lasts throughout their high school years.
They part ways and eventually lose touch as that stage of their life ends. Ishmael, set in
his anti establishment ways, becomes an activist and social worker. He eventually turns
to Islam as he believes it to be a practical religion applicable to the modern context. It is
at this point that he changes his name from Roger to Ishmael. (The groom migrates to the
US where he continues his studies and eventually joining the US Army.)
Ishmael distrusts politicians, most especially those of the American persuasion. He
dislikes the way Islam is portrayed in the media as regressive and violent. He is skeptical
about alternative lifestyles because of his religious beliefs, although he is not a blatant
homophobe. He is extremely pleased at the prospect of renewing acquaintances with his
old friend after so many years but wants to leave the gathering after the grooms fianc is
revealed. Ishmaels loyalty to his friend makes this task difficult however. He eventually
decides to make his exit but as he finishes packing his bags the 9/11 events occur.
On a physical level Ishmael tends to slowly scratch his head when faced with stressful
situations. He may occasionally mutter the word Haram.

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