6 Acknowledgement
6 Acknowledgement
6 Acknowledgement
Thanks may be a little but its eloquence is magnified only when it is spelled from the depth of their heart. At this point of time, I would like to extend my heart felt thanks to all those who helped me through out this major assignment. I express my deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks to our College Management and Principal for encouraging me in unfolding my hidden potentialities and developing my personality. I also wish to express my profound gratitude to our Pricipal
Mr.V.Kandasamy,M.E,(Ph.D) for his timely suggestion and consistent encouragement. I extend my gratitude to my Guide Mr.A.Sureshkumar,M.E,(Ph.D), Assitant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, for providing enough guidance, advice and encouragement during the entire course of project work. I also like to thank all the teaching and non teaching staff members of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department for their kind help and assistance in making this project a great success.