Vought's F-8 Crusader - Navy Fighter Squadrons
Vought's F-8 Crusader - Navy Fighter Squadrons
Vought's F-8 Crusader - Navy Fighter Squadrons
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Nl\,ry S(}(Jl\I)ll()NS
This book provides brief squadron
histories and extensive color and
markings for Navy F-8 fighter squad-
rons. This book differs from previous
books in that the aircraft's develop-
ment and testing was covered in Part
One of this four-part F-8 series. Naval
Fighters Number Sixteen is 114 pages
and covers the F-8's development and
testing, foreign users and the F8U-3.
Authored by Steve Pace it retails for
$15.95. Naval Fighters Number Sev-
enteen is 66 pages and covers the
Navy and Marine RF-8 photo Crusad-
er squadrons. It retails for $10.95.
Naval Fighters Number Eighteen is 66
pages and covers the Marine F-8
fighter squadrons. It retails for $1 0.95.
Anyone having photos or other infor-
mation on this or any other naval or
marine aircraft, may submit them for
possible inclusion in future issues.
Any material submitted will become
the property of NAVAL FIGHTERS
unless prior arrangement is made. In-
dividuals are responsible for security
Gclearance of any material before sub-
" . .
r,mlsslon. ISBN 0-942612-19-1
Steve Ginter, 1754 Warfield Cir., Simi
Valley, California 93063
-.& All rights reserved. No part of this publica-
I.<:? tion may be reproduced, stored in a
J retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
by any means electronic, mechanical or
otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher. 1990 Steve Ginter
3. Employment of the F-8E, 1968.
9. VU-1, Unique Antiquer's.
10. VC-1, Blue Aliis.
11. VU-2, Blue Tails.
12. VC-2, Blue Tails.
14. VF(AW)-3, Blue Nemesis.
15. VX-3.
19. VX-4, Evaluators.
23. VU-4, Dragon Flyers.
24. VC-4, Dragon Flyers.
26. Workhorse Of The Fleet.
27. VC-5, Checkertails.
29. VU-7, Utron Seven.
31. VC-7, TALLYHOers.
33. VU-8/VC-8, Red Tails.
35. VU-10, Proud Pelicans.
36. VC-1 0, Challengers.
39. VF-11, Red Rippers.
43. VC-13, Figthn' Saints.
44. VF-13, Night Cappers.
48. VF-24, Checkertails.
56. VF-26, Sundowners.
57. VF-32, Swordsmen.
63. VF-33, Tarsiers.
64. VF-43.
65. VF-51 , Screaming Eagles.
74. VF-53, Iron Angels.
82. VF-62, Boomerangs.
87. VFP-63, Eyes Of The Fleet.
90. VSF-76, Fighting Saints.
91. VF-84, Vagabonds / Jolly ROgers.
94. VT-86, Sabre Hawks.
95. VSF-86, Gators.
95. VF-91 , Red Lightnings.
97. VF-103, Sluggers.
100.VF-111, Sundowners.
109.VF-124, Crusader College.
118.VF-132, Peg Leg Petes.
119.VF-141, Iron Angels.
121.VF-142, Fighting Falcons.
124.VF-154, Grand Slammers / Black
131. Confessions of an early Sader
Raider by John Miottel, VF-154.
139.VF-162, Hunters.
145.VF-174, Hell Razors.
150.VF-191, Satan's Kittens.
157.VF-194, Red Lightnings.
169.VF-201, Hunters.
171. VF-202, Superheats.
172.vF-211 (first VF-211), Checker-
175.VF-211 (second VF-211), Figh-
ting Checkmates / MiG Killers.
184.VF-214, Checkmates.
185.VF-301, Devil's Disciples.
186.VF-302, Stallions.
187.VF-661, Firefighters.
190.VF-662 (VF-11A1).
191.VF-672 (VF-31 B2).
191.VF-673 (VF-31 B3).
192.VF-701 (VF-124D1), Hunters.
193.VF-703 (VF-53D2), Superheats.
195.VF-931 (VF-34W1).
197.VF-932 (VF-33W2, VF-34W2).
198. Naval Air Test Center NATC.
204. Naval Test Pilot School, TPS.
205. Flying Brothers.
206. Naval Weapons Center, China
209. Pacific Missile Range / Naval
Missile Center / Pacific Missile Test
214. Naval Air Test Facility (SI), NAS
215. Naval Air Development Center,
NADC, NAS Johnsville.
215. Thunderbird Aviation F-8K.
216. Fleet Air Gunnery Unit, FAGU.
217. F-8 Production List.
FRONT COVER, 1958 silk painting of
LTJG W. J. MioHel's F8U-1 over mount
149195 aboard the Bon Homme Richard
in 10-70. (Barry Miller); VF-84 F8U-2
aboard the Independence on 9-24-59.
(USN); VF-103 F-8C aboard the Forrest- ..
al in 5-64. (USN); VF-162 149710 F-8H
aboard t)l.9 S.hangri-La in 6-70. (Barry
The basic loose deuce formation
stressing section integrity was used
for all fighter roles. Squadron flight
schedules reflected the practice of fly-
ing "teams" on all hops. The squadron
tactical organization was utilized and
rare exceptions were noted wherein
individual sections were split to facili-
west of Vinh Son (185TN/105-55E).
The barrier concept was also em-
ployed when hard targets were not
assigned to the strike aircraft and
several sections were conducting
recce missions over various routes
and a single F-8 section was unable to
provide close escort for all strike
After all aircraft were feet wet
TARCAP rendezvoused with assigned
tanker aircraft (usually the EKA-3B
assigned the dual role of ECM/tanker,
otherwise a KA-4) , refueled to a mi-
numum of 4500 Ibs. and checked in
with the MiGCAP control ship for as-
signment as MiGCAP.
1.) Mission. The mission of
the BARCAP is the protection of all
friendly forces over the Gulf of Tonkin.
Red Crown was the primary control
ship for BARCAP on UHF button 14,
frequency 281.9 MHZ. Station assign-
ment subsequent to the termination of
bombing North of 190 N is 050 radial
20-60 miles from TACAN channel 26
located on the PIRAZ ship at 1937'N
1064TE. BARCAP's were never as-
signed additional missions, were
normally kept feet wet, and were not to
be used for intercepts of MiG's that did
not threaten surface forces or support
aircraft over the Gulf of Tonkin.
Occasionally the BARCAP station
was expanded so that special mission
Air Force flights (in particular COM-
BAT APPLE) were provided close
escort at the northeastern extremity of
their tracks. This placed the BARCAP
up to 110 miles on the 065 radial of
channel 26.
were launched first and recovered last
due to the nature of their mission. An
expeditious rendezvous was required
regardless of weather conditions in
order to effect an early on-station re-
lief. Rules required that the relieving
CAP must be North 0119 15'N, under
radar control and positive radio com-
munication with Red Crown before the
on-station section could proceed to-
ward homeplate. When relief was
effected, the off-going section re-
turned to homeplate as expeditiously
as possible using section random
tate scheduling. The armament
configuration as reflected above was
used almost exclusively. Great em-
phasis was placed on ground and
flight checking of the missile and gun
system. A missile maximum detection
range test was completed on all hops
and records maintained on each air-
craft to reflect the status of the missile
and aircraft armament system. Aircraft
guns were fired out on a scheduled
basis and preventive maintenance
conducted to keep them in good order.
The APQ-94 reliability was high and
routine BARCAP/FORCECAP Tactics
were predicated on its utilization.
TICS. Every attempt was made to
utilize standard doctrine. Daylight op-
erations stressed visual lookout and
night operations stressed the utiliza-
tion of the radar and mutual protection
a.) TARCAP. Fighter aircraft were
assigned to' accompany all strikes
which proceeded North of 1840'N
during daylight hours. The TARCAP
rendezvoused with the strike group
normally at Hon Mat Island at an alti-
tude of 14-18,000 feet and proceeded
with the strike group to the target,
maintaining close escort throughout
the ingress and egress phase of the
strike. Standard operating procedure
provided for elements of the strike
group to separate and conduct recon
of prescribed highway/waterway seg-
ments after completing initial strikes
against Traffic Control Points (TCP).
TARCAP was provided for all ele-
ments operating North of 1840'N
specifically providing protection
against "pop up" enemy aircraft oper-
ating in the same general locale. Upon
completion of initial TARCAP assign-
ment and after all strike aircraft were
feet wet, the fighters joined the Iron
Hand and RESCAP attack aircraft and
provided close escort during their
recce phase or established a barrier in
the general locale of recce operations.
Since CVW-5 was assigned the
Northern Traffic Control Area (TCA)
this TARCAP barrier was generally
oriented roughly parallel to 19N and
flown between the coast at Phu Dien
Chau (1 goN) and the Song Ca north-
1 AIM-9D
1 AIM-9C
4 LAU-10
4 MK-82
2 AIM-9D
6.) Flak Suppression
1.) Day TARCAP, BAR-
2.) Night FORCECAP,
3.) Armed Reece/Coastal
Reece (download to two
LAU-10 when wind over
deck is 30 kts or less)
4.) Weather Reece Night 2 AIM-9D
Day forecast good weather 2 LAU-10
Day forecast bad weather 2/4 AIM-9D
5.) Strike. 4 MK-82
6 MK-81
2 MK-83
4 CBU-24
4 LAU-10
6 MK-81
4 MK-117
4 MK-82
The F-8 was used as a fighter and
as a bomber. The primary mission
however, was assigned to air superi-
ority and daily mission scheduling
reflected this priority. Attack missions
were assigned only after all fighter
commitments had been met. The or-
der for priority of mission assignment
was as follows:
a.) BARCAP & Condition CAP
b.) TARCAP, MiGCAP, and
c.) Armed weather recce and
point target bombing.
a.) Photo escort.
b.) Logistics.
radar letdown if the weather did not
allow for Case I recovery.
Tanking was provided for all
BARCAP hops. Normally, one KA-4
was provided and 1500 lbs. of fuel
was given to each fighter midway
through the cycle. Bingo fuel states
were considered when tanking was
not available or an undue delay was
experienced in on-station relief.
Section loose deuce formation
was used exclusively during daylight
VFR conditions. Night or IFR forma-
tions were normally 4-5 mile radar
trail, or close tactical wing if the radar
was inoperative. Radio discipline was
continuously monitored to eliminate
the divulgence of important tactical in-
formation to enemy electronic sys-
tems. Fuel states and steer times
were always given using the base al-
titude code of the day. Information
concerning the status of weapons
system, missile system or gun system
was relayed either by hand signals or
by KY-28 cipher.
The BARCAP was occasionally
double cycled to maintain constant
coverage on station. In order to
achieve realistic utilization of the
BARCAP under these situations, a
minimum of 5000 lbs. of fuel per F-8
was required. In all cases, but partic-
ularly at night; stringent fuel man-
agement was observed with trade-off
between maximum endurance and
high performance. An average fuel
flow of 3000 pounds per hour (PPH)
while on-station provided the compro-
mise. It was policy to always com-
pletely fill aircraft with liquid oxygen for
each launch, thus being ready for a
double cycle.
BARCAP flying, by its nature, is
hours and hours of pure boredom in-
terspersed with moments of sheer
exhilaration or terror. Pilots were con-
tinually reminded not to get com-
placent during the hours of boredom
or careless during the exhilaration
phase as Ho's boys were constantly
figuring out ways to bag you.
c.) FORCECAP. The mission of
FORCECAP was similar to BARCAP
except the assigned control ship
varied each day. Each carrier was as-
signed daily FORCECAP missions
and information concerning the con-
trolling unit. Whenever possible,
FORCECAP hops were utilized to
train GCI controllers and keep pilots
current on AI techniques and termi-
nology. Night FOPCECAP commit-
ments were utilized to best advantage
in the training of controllers and in pilot
refresher hops.
d.) MiGCAP.One section of fight-
ers was assigned as MiGCAP during
any cycle when strike aircraft were
operating north of 1840'N. The MiG-
CAP would be placed under the
control of the strike support ship
(SSS). They would hold "feet wet" at
an altitude of 20-25,000 and maintain
a barrier patrol oriented along the
coastline adjacent to the operating ar-
ea. When the MiG threat developed
and MiGs had penetrated south of
A VF-211 F-8E is being positioned on
the starboard catapUlt of the USS Han-
cock (CVA-19) prior to an armed recce
mission. 4 LAU-10 Zuni launchers are
loaded on the"y"fuselage racks.(USN)
19N, the MiGCAP would be vectored
immediately toward a position to en-
gage. Whenever there was a second
section of fighters available, they
would be vectored into a 3-4 mile trail
position on the lead aircraft.
TACTICS. The loose deuce sec-
tion was used exclusively and all
available fighters were vectored in
pairs toward the engagement area.
Run-in altitudes were kept as low as
possible, 1000-1500 feet, to remain
below the enemy radar screen. Run-in
speed was maintained between
550-600 kts. When engaged, maxi-
mum lookout doctrine was required as
anytime there were MiGs at twelve
o'clock there were also MiGs at six
o'clock. The AIM-9D missile per-
formed approximately 60% satisfac-
torily when it was fired "in envelope".
Continued stress was placed on
knowing the envelope of the missile
and setting up the shooting situation
correctly in order to get a kill. Maxi-
mum use was made of the VHF
jamming capabilities of the EA-6A and
the EKA-3B from a position just off the
The fighter pilots aggressively
went after the MiGs avoiding any
known SAM or flak trap enroute. The
most successful attacks were high
speed slashing attacks keeping speed
high and at all times maintaining the
criteria for offensive maneuvering.
environment which surrounds the U.S.
fighter pilot, Le., over enemy territory,
vectored against a superior enemy
GCI system, SAM, and AAA threat,
and an equally aggressive enemy
fighter pilot, requires the ultimate co-
ordination between the controller and
the pilot. CAP aircraft must be given
positive vectors to intercept the MiGs.
The controller must assume aggres-
sive, positive control and must
endeavor to give a good set-up on the
MiGs, speGifically, put our CAP be-
tween 3 and 9 o'clock 1-3 miles aft of
the MiGs. In order to prosecute the
intercept with as little penetration as
possible into the area of operations for
our strike aircraft, the fighter must
necessarily be vectored toward the
enemy aircraft. However, to reduce
the probability of allowing a second
enemy fighter section to be vectored
to the six o'clock position of friendly
fighters and to enhance our capability
of cutting the enemy off from sure re-
treat to the north of 19, the intercept
vector was delayed until such action
will make these eventualities more
certain. A second MiGCAP section
under a separate controller could be
used to guard the six o'clock of the
first MiGCAP section by trailing at ap-
proximately five miles. Experience
showed that controllers had difficulty
in holding a second MiGCAP section
in this optimum position and that usu-
ally the vector to intercept presented
friendly fighters at the twelve o'clock of
at least one section of enemy fighters
even though the lead section of
friendly fighters was able to gain an
immediate offensive. The MiGs and
their controllers appeared to aim for
this sandwiching tactic, knowing that
they were favorably set up for it with a
sanctuary to the north which effec-
USS Oriskany (CVA-34) based F8E
zooms toward Tiger Island, off the
coast of North Vietnam. Tiger Island
was a transfer point for supplies from
North Vietnam to the Viet Cong in the
south. (USN via Barry Miller)
tively reduced the area of friendly
fighter operations by one half.
The necessity for continuing the
intercept vector to engagement with-
out regard to "boundaries", rather than
making an initial thrust toward the en-
emy aircraft and turning away cannot
be overemphasized. A "break-off" turn
at distances less than eighteen miles
will prove fatal to the friendly fighters.
Close liaison with the controlling
ship (SSS) was maintained through
prebriefed tactics and extensive de-
briefs of the engagements. This
liaison and the subsequent under-
standing of the problems associated
with fighter engagements as regards
fuel and tanking requirements, clear-
ing six o'clock and positioning F-B
fighters for visual acquisition were
meaningful in attempting to prosecute
desired tactics. This liaison empha-
sized the importance of feeding all
known information regarding bandits
from any source to engaging fighters.
Superiority of numbers was not
achieved by the combination of MiG
17s and 21 s at any time. On several
occasions sections of MiGs were held
on friendly radars trailing egressing
F-8s. Whenever possible, additional
fresh fighters with sufficient fuel and
armament should be positioned to
provide cover for disengaging fighters
who will be low on fuel and ammuni-
tion. Tankers were held as close as
possible to the beach and vectored
toward spent fighters to expedite
e.) PHOTO ESCORT. The mis-
sion was performed using a fighter
configured aircraft as escort to the
RF-8G. Typical profile of the mission
was a climb to 15,000' to 20,000',
rendezvous, and then proceed to the
coc;st-in point using the mapping scale
of the APQ-94 for accurate positioning
in event of bad weather. Most mis-
sions were flown between 5,000 and
6,000 feet with the F-8 flying a loose
deuce position. It is important to em-
phasize staying away from the trail
position on the RF-8G as any under-
lead by enemy gunners would put the
escort in the line of fire. The escort is
assigned the responsibility of calling
all flak, SAM's, and break turns as the
photo pilot is normally occupied with
navigation and photography. Since
most photographic runs were made at
500 to 600 kts., the escort often re-
quired tanking upon going feet wet. A
typical profile would require tanking of
1,000 to 1,500 Ibs. in order to meet a
1+30 time cycle. The primary mission
of the escort in countering an air threat
is defensive in nature and the fighter
must remain with the photo Crusader
unless he is required to separate in
order to prevent attack.
REeCE. All armed/weather recce
flights were conducted on an "as
needed" basis. CTF-77 established
the basic weather recce requirements
for each carrier and these flights were
assigned to the fighter squadrons. The
aircraft were configured to carry either
2 LAU-1 0 or 4 MK-82 so as to perform
an effective armed coastal recce mis-
sion while satisfying the requirements
of weather reporting. Specific require-
ments for weather reporting were
assigned by Strike Center prior to
launch. The pilot was normally re-
quired to relay the weather back to the
ship at the earliest opportunity and, in
addition, be prepared to make recom-
mendations on the execution of strike
flights into his assigned area of re-
sponsibility. Ordnance was expended
on assigned point targets or targets of
opportunity. With the advent of good
weather in the target areas, Weather
Recce missions were combined with
TARCAP missions in fighter config-
ured aircraft. Weather information and
recommendations were passed back
to the force either prior to or following
escort of strike aircraft on their
practice of escorting Ironhand config-
ured A-4s with F-8 fighters was
utilized to release more A-4 aircraft for
primary strike missions when the re-
quirements existed. This provided
additional visual lookout protection to
VF-211 F-8J, updated F-8E, flying sur
veillance over a Chinese Communist
Hung Chi class merchant ship. (USN)
the pouncer aircraft and provided
fighter cover when conducting pounc-
er missions in a MiG threat area. The
responsibilities on the F-8 escort were
to provide additional electronic pro-
tection to the Ironhand aircraft by
continuously maintaining the two
plane ALFA formation. The fighter es-
cort assumed the leader was always
"on the gages" and called out all flak,
SAMs, MiGs and even friendly aircraft
that posed a threat to the section.
Should an engagement with enemy
aircraft become inevitable, the Iron-
hand leader would pass the lead to the
F-8 fighter escort. The fighter would
maneuver to defeat the attack as soon
as possible and then resume the pri-
mary mission of providing cover for
the SAM suppressor. The tactical ma-
neuvering performed by the F-8 must
stress defense against the MiG threat
as the F-8/A-4 were not compatible to
offensive tactical maneuvering. Of pri-
mary importance, however, is that the
strike force will be without needed
protection until the pouncer section
can reassume its primary mission of
SAM suppression.
h.) BOMBER ROLE. The basic
delivery techniques for the F-8 strike
aircraft was a 45 dive angle with a
5,000 foot AGL release. F-8 bombers
were utilized in South Vietnam or Laos
under FAC control. At the onset of
good weather in the North, the F-8s
were assigned point targets in areas
of responsibility after meeting all other
commitments. When the active MiG
threat South of 20N commenced all
F-8 assets were utilized in the fighter
VF-111 F-8D 147056 firing a Zuni over Vietnam in 1965, while attached to Midway.
- - - - " " - - - ~ .
Six VC-2 F-8K Crusaders from NAS Oceana flying over Virginia Beach in April 1970. (USN)
VC-2 F8C 145558 at NAS Willow Grove in September 1966; note black #2 outlined in white on the upper blue tail. (Jansson)
F-8C 146918 from VC2 at NAS Oceana on 5-31-67; note the red lightning bolt on the ventral fin. (Swisher)
VC-3 was established on 2 May 1949,
from Detachment One, Fleet All-Weather
Training Unit, Pacific (FAWTUPAC). The
squadron transferred from NAS North Island
to NAS Moffett Field, Califor.nia, in October
1949. At Moffett the squadron flew Grumman
F6F-5Ns, TBM-3E/3Ns, an AD-2Q and an
VC-3 was tasked with the miSSion of
providing nightfighter and attack detach-
ments to the Pacific Fleet. To this end the
squadron received F4U-5Ns and F8F-1 Ns.
'On 30 November 1950 the F3D "Skyknight"
brought the squadron into the jet age. The
F3Ds would soon be followed by F2H-2B and
F2H-3 "Banshees". 1954 saw the F7U "Cut-
lass", FJ-3 "Fury" and the F9F-6 "Cougar"
added to VC-3's inventory. In April 1956 the
F4D-1 "Skyray" arrived and VC-3 was rede-
signated VF(AW)-3 on 1 July 1956. Three
other new aircraft were operated by
VF(AW)-3 prior to its disestablishment on 2
May 1958: the F3H-2N "Demon", F8U-1
(F-8A) "Crusader" and A4D-1 "Skyhawk".
142415 and 142409 on 5-18-57, note open
rocket tray as seen on early F8U-1s. (Larkins)
Since August 1954 the squa-
dron had also operated as a tran-
sitional training unit for high
performance aircraft. Six officers
and 30 enlisted men would partici-
pate in the Fleet Indoctrination
Program (FIP). Upon completion
of the 600 flight hour program, the
team returned to Moffett to train a
core unit of squadron pilots, usu-
ally the CO or XO, ops officer, and
maintenance officer, who in turn
trained the transitioning squadron.
F8U1143681 approaches NAS Moffett Field, the first Crusader College. Tail
stripe was dark blue and rudder atypically painted gUll grey instead of white.
VX3 F8U-1 141352 is seen being hoist-
ed onboard the FDR for carrier
qualifications on 3-31-57. Early F8U-1s
were unusal in that the rudders were
not white and the afterburner section
was painted. (National Archives)
Air Development Squadron Three
(VX-3) was formed on 20 November
1948, by merging two squadrons of
CVLG-1, VF-1L and VA-1L, and was
placed under the operational control of
Commander Operational Develop-
ment Force. VX-3's main mission was
threefold: to evaluate new and already
existing naval aircraft, airborne equip-
ment and methods; recommend
methods for the most effective tactical
employment of aircraft and equipment;
and to recommend training proce-
dures and countermeasures for these
aircraft and methods. Based at NAS
Atlantic City, New Jersey, VX-3 boast-
ed some of the Navy's most
experienced aviators, and from 1948
until decommissioning flew nearly ev-
ery new model of carrier-based aircraft
in the fleet.
The squadron received its first
Vought F8U-1 "Crusader" in Decem-
ber 1956. VX-3 also received the
F11 F-1 "Tiger" and F4D-1 "Skyray"
shortly thereafter. In April 1957, VX-3
became the first Navy squadron to
operate off the deck of an aircraft car-
rier with these new fighters. The
squadron went onboard the USS
Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) for
carrier qualifications and advanced
TACAN work. VX-3's Commanding
Officer, Captain Dose, made the first
fleet landing of the new F8U-1 while
III \ ~
aboard CVA-42.
On 6 June 1957, CAPT Dose and
LCDR P. Miller, Jr., took off from the
USS BonHomme Richard (CVA-31)
on the west coast and landed on the
USS Saratoga (CVA-60) on the east
coast, a distance of 2,200 miles, in the
record-breaking time of three hours
and twenty-eight minutes.
Not all Crusader operations at
VX-3 led to glory; some led to blood-n-
guts. In early December 1956 LT
Blake landed short of the runway in
the dirt. Then on 21 December a VX-3
pilot on his first (and last) Crusader
flight raised the wing at 500 knots and
lost the wing, the aircraft, and his life.
The dubious honor of the first F-8
carrier accident fell to VX-3 when on 2
April 1957 LCDR Miller sheared off a
landing gear on touchdown aboard
CVA-42. Three days later CDR Boyd
lost power on takeoff from the F.D.R.
and executed a successful ditching
only to drown along with the helo
rescue crewman.
The squadron continued to oper-
ate the F8U-1 and later the F8U-2 in
projects for mirror landing systems,
Sidewinders, Zunis, in-flight refueling
and aerial tow targets. Air Develop-
ment Squadron Three was decom-
missioned on 1 March 1960.
VX-3 F8U-1s 141358 #5, 141362 #1, and 141347
#6 being serviced in front of the FOR's island in
April 1957 during car-quais. (Vought)
141357 and 141358 prepairing for launch, note
location of the wing codes and the call number
on the tail-cone as well as the forward
fuselage. (Vought)
141362 landing on CVA-42. The raised bulk-
head on the front of the wing is red. (Vought)
VX-3 F8U1 141358 taxis forward prior to launch from the FDR in April 1957. (USN via Steve Pace)
F8U1 from VX3 conducting in-flight refueling tests from a VAH11 AJ-2 "Savage" tanker aircraft. (USN via NASM)
On 6-6-57 CAPT Dose and
LeDR Miller prepair to
launch from CVA-31 on
their record breaking west
to east speed run.(USN)
143706 during refueling
trials. (AAHS) F8U-1
143724 sporting VX3s
new JC tail code in late
1957. (G. S. Williams via
VX-4 F8U-2N (F-8D) 147050 on 5-19-62
with "y" style missile racks; note up-
per Sidewinder has barber pole red
stripes on the nose and a lower blue
control fin. Tail stripe is blue with white
stars. (D. Olson via Jansson)
Air Development Squadron Four
was commissioned on 15 September
1952, when the Commander Naval Air
Force Pacific Fleet directed CDR
James G. Sliney to form and com-
mand the squadron at the Naval
Missile Center, Point Mugu, California.
The squadron's mission was to con-
duct projects dealing with the
evaluation of air-launched guided
missiles, namely the Sparrow I. VX-4's
mission evolved into the development
of a missile or missile component and
its best use as a weapon, to conduct
tests and evaluations of aircraft
weapons systems and support sys-
tems in an operational environment,
and to develop all-weather intercept
tactics for air-launched missiles.
The Vanguards of VX-4 were ini-
tially equipped with the F7U and F3D,
but with the advent of the Bullpup and
Sparrow III missiles, the squadron ac-
quired the FJ, A4D, F3H, F8U and
F4D for advanced missile test pro-
grams. As the Evaluators the squa-
dron used the Crusader into the 1970s
for Sidewinder and Zuni development.
Virtually all the different variants of the
F-8 were used by VX-4 at one time or
VX-4 F8U-1 143793 on 5-19-62 with wind
driven silver cable reel on the fuselage
and a red DEL MAR target attached to
the black wing-mounted target hous-
ing. Tail stripe is blue with white stars
and rudder is atypically gUll grey. (Ol-
son via Jansson)
VX-4 F-8E 150306 carrying eight iron bombs. Red borders
have been added to the tail stripe. (USN via Wyckoff)
150306 on the ground on 12-21-62 with an XKD2B-1 (AQM-37)
missile on the port wing pylon. (USN via Wyckoff)
VX-4 F-8E 150892 at PI. Mugu on 10-18-64. The tail, wing, and fuselage stripes were dark blue bordered by red with white stars.
OPERATIONAL TEST AND EVALUATION FORCE is printed under the wing. The fin tip is black and the afterburner section is
painted. (Swisher)
VX-4 F8E 150315 on 5-20-67 with eight iron bombs and four VX4 F-8J 150898 on 5-18-68 with flaps full down and OPERA-
Sidewinders. Note gUll grey and white wing pylon. (Swisher) TIONAL TEST AND EVALUATION FORCE below wing.(Swisher)
VX-4 F-8H 147904 at NAS North Island on 10-3-70. Tail and fuselage flash are dark blue bordered by red with white stars. (C. J.)
so XF
VX-4 F-8Js 149143 and 150315
launch during the NAS Point Mu-
gu Space Fair in 1967. (Craig
Kaston via Stan Wyckoff)
VX-4 F-8H 148681 taxiing in after
landing at the 1970 Pt. Mugu air
show. (via Burger)
VX-4 F-8H 148692 in flight over
the runways at PI. Mugu on
10-15-71. (USN)
VU-4 was originally commis-
sioned as VJ-4 on 15 November 1940
at NAS Norfolk. Subsequent home
bases were Guantanamo, San Juan,
Squantum, Chincoteague and Oce-
ana. The squadron has operated over
thirty types of aircraft from its first
PBY-1 Catalina to the supersonic F-8
The mission of VJ-4 during World
War II was to fly anti-submarine patrol
and conduct rescue operations. After
the war the squadron was redesignat-
ed Utility Squadron Four and its
mission was changed to that of fleet
support in air-to-air and surface-to-air
weapons training as well as training
fleet air intercept controllers and radar
and ECM operators.
In 1952, the squadron added
F6F-5K and F9F-5K drones to its in-
ventory for use as realistic targets for
the fleet. On 5 June 1958 P2V-5 and
UB-26J aircraft were obtained for
launching jet powered KDA drones.
The Delmar towed target arrived in
February 1960, one month after the
squadron became responsible for Re-
placement Pilot Training for FJ-3M
Furys. This lasted until August 1961
when VU-4 pilots entered F-8 training
at MCAS Beaufort. The F8U-1 (F-8A)
was flown until May 1964 when it was
replaced by the F-8C. The Hayes tar-
get arrived at about this time and,
along with the Delmar target, the
squadron was able to field high speed,
supersonic, highly realistic targets.
In July 1964 UTRON FOUR De-
tachment Alfa was formed at NAS
Cecil Field, also operating the F-8C
and US-2C aircraft, to provide servic-
es to the Fleet in the Jacksonville
Operating Area. During the Cuban
Crisis, the Detachment was directed
to provide round-the-clock courier
services between Guantanamo Bay
and various stateside headquarters
locations, and was commended for its
performance by the Commander-in-
Chief, Atlantic Fleet.
UTRON FOUR was redesignated
VC-4 on 1 July 1965.
Mystery F-8A on 3-18-63. Plane carries
VU-4 JF tail code with VMF-333 rudder
and fuselage flashes in red? (D. Olson)
VU-4 F-8es 146933 and 145588 over southeast Virginia on 13 April 1965, tails are red with a white circle. (USN)
Fleet Composite Squadron Four
was commissioned when VU-4 was
redesignated VC-4 on 1 July 1965. In
November 1966, the squadron began
Replacement Pilot Training in the F-8.
Pilots were received from the F-8
CRAW, VF-124 with minimum time in
type and VC-4 had the responsibility
to complete a flight syllabus which
would enable newly assigned pilots to
contribute to the squadron's mission.
Twelve replacement pilots were thus
trained during 1967.
On 22 March 1967 F-8C 145588
piloted by LT Karl B. Wagner, experi-
enced an engine explosion and
flameout while on a routine service
mission. The pilot determined the air-
craft was on fire and ejected,
parachuting safely to the ground near
Murfreeboro, North Carolina. In June
1968, an F-8B was transferred out to
LTV, Dallas, as the prototype F-8L.
During 1968 VC-4 participated in
Operation Springboard from 26 Janu-
ary until 25 March and in Operation
1 4 6 9 ~ : 3 "
Racer Run from 21 June until 26 June
and finally in the Operational Readi-
ness Inspection of the USS Shangri-
La (CVA-38) from 10 December until
20 December.
In the spring of 1969 VC-4 started
transitioning its F-8Bs to F-8Ks. The
squadron's F-8s were utilized in Op-
eration Springboard that year. In 1969
the squadron supported the fleet by
providing DETS to NAS Roosevelt
Roads, MCAS Beaufort, NAS New
Orleans, Homestead AFB, NAS Key
West, and Patrick AFB.
1970 saw VC-4 F-8K DETS going
to NAS New Orleans once and NAS
Key West seven times. However, by
the end of the year the Crusaders
were all but phased out with only one
F-8K remaining (146910). On 30 April
1971 VC-4 was disestablished.
VC-4 F-8C 146983 on 5-31-67, minus the
squadron's colorful red tail markings.
F-8C 146933 on 5-24-67 with a tow cable
fuselage pylon and the red tail. Fin tip
was black with a gold cross. (Jansson)
..--",'-. VC-4 DET-CECI
VC-4 DETACHMENT CECIL F-8C on 5-25-67 with red tail and
flat black fin cap and white aircraft numbers. (Jansson)
~ - --
VC-4 F-8C 145592 on 5-23-67, white circle on tail is bordered
by black and area above missile rail is black. (Swisher)
VC-4 F-8K 146941 at NAS Oceana on 6-20-70 with new red tail markings, and the black "JF" tail code shadowed in white.
(Stephen H. Miller via Dave Menard)
Fleet Utility Squadron Five (VU-5)
was established on 16 August 1950 in
order to provide utility services to the
fleet in and around the islands of Ja-
pan. As the squadron and its services
expanded, UTRON 5 was required to
send detachments to carriers and
bases as far from its home base of
NAS Atsugi as NAS Cubi Point, Phil-
ippines. VU-5's primary mission was
to provide targets for both the aerial
and surface components of the fleet.
Other missions consisted of photo
services, adversary missions, air-
borne control of surface launched
missiles, and carrier on-board delivery
(COD) services.
UTRON 5 received five F-8A Cru-
saders in 1962 to use as high speed
target tugs and adversary aircraft.
Some of the F-8As were replaced with
four F-8Ds in 1965, with the squadron
being redesignated Fleet Composite
Squadron Five on 1 July 1965.
UTRON 5 F8U-1 (F-8A) 143807 landing at NAS Atsugi on 11-6-62. (T. Matsuzaki)
Colors were engine gray fuselage, yellow vertical and horizontal tailplanes and
wings with a red-orange rudder and wing stripe. Landing gear and interior gear
doors and engine intake were white.
VU-5 F-8A 143763 at the Naval Air Rework Facility (NARF), NAS North Island on
6-12-65. The vertical and outboard wings were yellow and the rudder was red.
VC-5 F-8B 145478 at Naha AFB sporting the squadron's checkertail. (Miller! Menard)
Fleet Composite Squadron Five
(VC-5) was commissioned on 1 July
1965 when UTRON FIVE (VU-5) was
redesignated. VC-5 is based ashore at
NAS Atsugi, Japan. Two permanent
detachments, Detachment NAHA
(DET ALPHA) and Detachment CUBI
PT (DET BRAVO), are based ashore
at Naha AFB, Okinawa, and NAS Cubi
Point, Luzon, Philippines, respective-
ly. The squadron's mission is to
provide air services for fleet training
tasks. The following tasks are
1.) To provide towed targets and
target drones for surface-to-air or air-
to-air gunnery and rocket or guided
missile firing.
2.) To provide still photography,
motion pictures and aerial photo-
graphic services as required by the
3.) To provide targets for CIC and
ECM exercises and radar calibration.
4.) To perform such other utility
services for the forces afloat, within
the capabilities of the aircraft as-
signed, which will aid in the
advancement in the training of these
5.) To perform administrative and
logistic flights within the capabilities of
the aircraft assigned.
6.) To maintain pilot combat
readiness training within the capabili-
ties of the aircraft assigned.
During 1966 the following aircraft
were assigned: VC-5 Atsugi, 14 F-8C,
4 US-2C,1 RC-45J; VC-5 DET NAHA,
4 DF-8F, 2 DP-2E, 3 US-2C, 2
UH-34E; VC-5 DET CUBI PT, 5 A-4B,
4 US-2C, 1 RC-45J.
The TDU-22 series target re-
placed the DELMAR targets and was
used for SAM and AAM firings as well
as ships gunnery exercises during
1966. In April and March 1966,
VMF(AW)-323 deployed to Naha to
conduct wnat was up to that time the
largest scale air-to-air missile exercise
ever against this target. A total of 38
missiles were fired. In December 1966
the USS Enterprise successfully fired
a deck mounted Sparrow III against a
towed TDU-22B.
During the period 2 July through
14 July 1966, VC-5 transferred its en- .
tire inventory of eleven F-8D aircraft to
VF-24 in return for fourteen older and
worn F-8Cs from Fighting Two Four.
VC-5 would operate almost all
variants of the Crusader until its phase
out in 1970. These included the F-8A,
F-8B, F-8C, F-8D, DF-8F, and F-8K.
Close-up of VC-5 red-orange and yellow
checkerboard tail pattern. (via Menard)
COs F-8C on
5-21-67 with
TDU-22 tar
get and yel-
low fuselage
stripe while
at NAS Atsu-
gi.{T. Matsu-
VC-5 OF-8F
at NAS Atsu-
gi on 5-18-69
in the color-
fUl drone di-
rector mark-
ings. Fuse-
lage was en-
gine grey &
the vertical
tail was red-
orange. The
tail was yel-
low and the
wing was
yellow with
stripe. (Mat-
VC-5 OF-8F
attached to
Note tail is
missing the
UE tail code;
tail is red
orange. (Be-
secker via
Lionel Paul)
VC-5 OF-8F
at Danang in
1970. Colors
are that of a
drone direc-
tor aircraft
as describ-
ed above. A
ard tail has
been added
to this col-
orful paint
scheme, the
air intake is
VU-7 F8U-1 143764 at NAS North Island on 8-25-62. Tail from above the numbers to
below the fin cap is da-glo red and the "UH" is bordered by white. (Clay Jansson)
Utility Squadron Seven (VU-7)
was commissioned on 4 December
1942 at NAS Alameda, California, with
the mission of providing utility aircraft
services to units of the Pacific Fleet.
These services included the towing of
aerial targets and launching of self-
propelled drone targets for surface-to-
air and air-to-air gunnery and missile
firing; providing airborne targets for
the fleet Anti-aircraft Warfare Training
Center; radar calibrations; Electronic
Countermeasure exercises; inflight
refueling; and other utility and admin-
istrative services within the cap-
abilities of the assigned aircraft, which
were F-8 Crusaders and A-4
UTRON SEVEN was based at
nine different locations during its
twenty three years of existence. The
squadron was based at Pearl Harbor
from July 1944 until October 1945 with
two detachments at Barbers Point,
Hawaii, and Agana, Guam.
While f.lying the F-8, UTRON
SEVEN was based at NAS Miramar,
California. The squadron had been
previously based there from April
1949 to September 1951, when Mira-
mar was an Auxilliary Air Station.
With the advent and implementa-
tion of each new weapon to the fleet,
VU-7 has had to provide a target for
use in training of personnel for the
operation of the new weapon and
weapon system. Development of the
air-to-air missile, for instance, required
a target technique which would simu-
late fast, high flying enemy aircraft for
missile target practice. The F-8 used
the Hayes towed target and the
AQM-37A rocket propelled target.
With them VU-7 provided high alti-
tude, supersonic targets for firing of
live missiles even in darkness or in-
strument flying weather.
In 1965 the squadron's assets
consisted of four F-8As, fourteen
F-8Cs, four DF-8Fs and nine A-4Bs.
VU-7 was redesignated Fleet Com-
posite Squadron Seven (VC-7) on 1
July 1965.
F-8A on 11-19-62 towing a DELMAR
target. Tail and wing flash are dark red
and wing bracket was red. (USN)
VU-7 F-8A 145385 at NAS North Island on 5-2-64, with silver cable reel mounted on the fuselage and the wing mounted pylon
used exclusively for the HAYES target. The black dot under the wing was a cable pUlly. The cable ran from the pylon through
the pUlly to the wind driven cable reel. Notice pattern of the red folded wing tip. (Harry Gann)
VU-7 F-8C 146995 at Edwards AFB on 5-16-65. Vertical tail
markings and fuselage rack are red. Pilot's steps are extend-
ed and the speed brake is in its normal partially opened
parked position. (William Swisher)
VU-7 OF-8F 143691 at NAS Miramar on 4-3-65. The fuselage
is engine gray, and the tail is red-orange with a flat black fin
cap, and the wings and horizontal tailplanes are yellow.
Landing gear and interior doors are white. (William Swisher)
Fleet Composite Squadron Seven
was established on 1 July 1965 when
Utility Squadron Seven was redesig-
nated VC-7 and placed under the
command of Commander Fleet Air
Miramar. At that time, the squadron
had a complement of four OF-8A,
fourteen F-8C, and thirteen A-4B air-
craft. The OF-8F replaced the OF-8As
in early 1966 and later that year three
F-4 Phantoms were acquired. In 1967
the squadron received four RF-8A
photo birds (see Naval Fighters Num-
ber Seventeen). The F-8K arrived in
1969 and the squadron was decom-
missioned in 1970.
After having been nameless for 23
years, VC-7 selected the name "TAL-
LYHOers" as a squadron nickname on
10 December 1965. The name is de-
rived from the term "TALLYHO" which
means "Target Visually Sighted".
VC-7 pilots used the term approxi-
mately 1500 times a month while
flying practice air intercepts for various
naval activities in Southern California.
DF-8F 145319 on 2-19-66 with "TALLY-
HOers" on the tail. Red tailed RF-8A
145636 on 8-26-67 (William Swishwer)
.. . .1 . #
:2 ."""
. .
,. ..'ll' ".
VC-7 F-8C 146931 at NAS Miramar on
2-19-66. "TALLYHOers" was painted
on the red tail. Tail code "UH" was
black bordered by white. (Jansson)
VC7 F-8K 147006 takes the runway at
Miramar during the 1970 air show. The
squadron insignia is painted on the
red tail. (Ginter)
VC-7 OF-8A 144427 at the Pima Coun-
ty Air Museum in July 1976. Today she
has been repainted in the markings of
aVF-32 F-8A (see VF-32). (Ginter)
Closer view of F-8K 147005 at NAS
Miramar on 3-14-70. (Clay Jansson)
Originally designated GMSRON-2
(Guided Missile Squadron Two), Fleet
Utility Squadron Eight (VU-8) was
established on 1 July 1958 at NAS
Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico. The
squadron's first F-8 Crusader came
aboard on 15 November 1963. VU-8
used the F-8 primarily as a drone
control aircraft. Eight DF-8Fs were on
hand on 8 January 1965, when VU-8
installed the first Delmar Tow Sys-
tems. On 18 June 1965 VU-8 was
redesignated Fleet Composite Squad-
ron Eight (VC-8).
Fleet Composite Squadron Eight
was created on 18 June 1965 when
VU-8 was redesignated VC-8. Still
stationed at NAS Roosevelt Roads,
Puerto Rico, the Red Tails utilized
seven types of aircraft to accomplish
its missions' of keeping the Atlantic
Fleet combat ready through use of
expendable and recoverable targets
and through ECM and intradiction
flights against fleet ships. These air-
craft were: DP-2E and P-2E
"Neptunes", UH-34 "Sea Horses",
DT-288 "Trojans", DF-8F "Crusad-
ers", QF-9G "Cougars" and A-48
"Skyhawks". VC-8 continued to fly the
Crusader until 1973.
VU-8 OF-8Fs were marked identically to
the VC-8 OF-8F shown below and on the
following page. Colors were engine
gray fuselage, yellow vertical and hori-
zontal tailplanes and wings with a red-
orange rudder and wing stripe. For the
location of the wing stripe see the
drawing on page 26. Landing gear and
interior doors were white. Standard red
intake warning chevron is barely vis-
able in black and white. (Barry Miller)
VC-8 OF-8F 144456 at NAS Brooklyn, New York, on 6-4-67. Name painted under the canopy is ENS RON COLE. Note the blade
antennas behind the canopy and behind the nose gear. (Clay Jansson)
VC-8 OF-8F 143682 at Oavis-Monthan on 3-19-71. (G. Liang)
VC-8 OF-8F 144443 at NAS North Island on 6-8-69. (O_Kasulka)
Fleet Utility Squadron Ten was
originally commissioned as VJ-16 on 1
December 1943. Over the years the
squadron has supplied service aircraft
for Fleet training in the Caribbean ar-
ea. Stationed at NAS Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba, the squadron was redes-
ignated VU-10 on 15 November 1946.
The F8U-1 (F-8A) Crusader was ac-
quired in January 1962. UTRON TEN
was redesignated Fleet Composite
Squadron Ten (VC-10) on 1 July
UTRON TEN F8U-1 143756 in flight over
Leeward Point Field, Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, on 2-6-62. The fence line passing
under the aircraft is the Cuban fence.
The U.S. fence ( not shown ) is well
within the Cuban boundaries and only
three-fourths of a mile from the touch-
down point on Leeward's 8,000 foot
runway. Pilots were expected to turn
within the U.S. fence-line on approach.
(USN) VU-10 F-8A 143819 at Litchfield
Park, Arizona, on 3-18-63. Crusader
shield and upper fin stripe were red
bordered by blue with gold crosses.
(Doug Olson via Clay Jansson)
VC-10 was established when Util-
ity Squadron Ten (VU-10) was re-
designated VC-10 on 1 July 1965.
Fleet Composite Squadron Ten re-
mains permanently based ashore at
NAS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. During
the F-8 years the squadron had a
threefold mission and was assigned
two distinctly different types of aircraft
to complete these missions.
One of the Challenger's missions
was to provide service aircraft for
Fleet Training Group GTMO, to help
train the crews of ships undergoing
training in the Caribbean area. Anoth-
er primary mission was to provide
Commander Naval Base Guantanamo
with a ready defense force of both air-
borne attack configu red aircraft and
trained ground defense personnel.
The third mission was unique to GT-
MO and VC-1 O. Since VC-1 0 was the
only squadron assigned to GTMO and
that the base is located in a Commu-
nist controlled country, the squadron
was required to provide alert fighters
I ~ w
......,.'" l47924
in support of CINCLANT reconnais-
sance operations in the Eastern
Cuban region.
Fighter alert requirements de-
manded that four F-S aircraft were
assigned at various times to the oper-
ational control of Commander Naval
Base, Guantanamo Bay. Two of these
aircraft were normally in at least con-
dition five 24 hours a day. Two
additional aircraft were assigned as
necessary to support the special op-
erations. The fighter- alert conditions
prescribed required combat loaded
aircraft as follows:
CONDITION ONE: Two aircraft
airborne within 2 minutes.
CONDITION TWO. Two aircraft
airborne within 5 minutes.
airborne within 15 minutes.
CONDITION FOUR. Two aircraft
airborne within 30 minutes.
CONDITION FIVE. Two aircraft
airborne within 60 minutes.
In 1966 the squadron flew ap-
proximately 200 hours a year on
actual or practice alert scrambles. In
addition, alert birds averaged 335
hours per month in Condition three or
above alert postures (50% of the
time). The squadron would also
launch combat loaded fighters to es-
cort VIPs arriving aboard military
In February 1966, FLECOM-
PRON TEN transferred the last of its
F-8B aircraft and became fully
equipped with the F-SD and the
US-2C. The Challengers were also
awarded the CNO Safety Award for
The F-8Ds were replaced in 1968
with F-SCs and the "C" model was in
turn replaced by F-SKs in 1969. The
F-8 Crusader was retired from VC-10
in 1974.
VC-10 F-8D 147924 at Cecil on 5-25-67.
Tail stripe was red bordered by black
with white crosses. Shield colors are
unknown. (Clay Jansson)
VC-10 F-8C 147028 with a black Crusader shield bordered by red on
the tail in 1968. (Vought) VC-10 1973 squadron photo. Notice most
of the pilots were wearing ball caps with the unofficial squadron
designation of VCF-10, which denoted the squadron's special Air
Defense Mission. (Ted Goldstone)
Periodically VCF-10 would conduct a exercise called DEFEX. In
this exercise the squadron was tasked with attacking NAS GTMO.
As Ted Goldstone relates, it amounted to legalized flathatting.
Where else could you roll-in and bomb the BOa and then return
at 550 kts. to strafe the GEDUNK!
VC-10 Alert Bird armed with four Sidewinders and having the wing
pylons installed, stands ready with steps extended and canopy
open. "LTJG TED GOLDSTONE" is painted below the canopy.
VC10 F-8K 146968 at the Bradley Air
Museum, Windsor Locks, Connecti-
cut, on 15 August 1975. The name
under the canopy is ENS LARRY HEN-
DERSON. (Norm Taylor Collection)
VCF10 F-8Ks 145549 (#9), 147029
(#4), 145566 (#8), and 147010 (#6) in
flight in 1974. Markings on the tail
were a small black Griffin followed by
ared-white-blue fin flash. The ventral
fin started forward with red followed
by white and blue. The wing stripes
were red and blue (no white). Note that
the top two Crusaders have VCF10
painted on their fuselage. (Goldstone)
In the summer of 1974, VCF-10 had
a pilot swipe the Crusader sword from
VFP-63 and mail it to Homestead AFB.
After a suitable wait to allow VFP-63 to
go nuts looking for it, a ransom was
agreed to. Dick Reditt, the VFP-63 pilot
holding the real Crusader sword flew to
Holrnstead AFB with a load of target
paint which had been swiped from VC-7.
When the VFP-63 pilot first landed, LTJG
Ted Goldstone (at left) and LT Bill
Steiger (at right) tried to trade the wood-
sword for the paint.
Today's Red Rippers came into
being on 16 February 1959 at NAS
Cecil Field, Florida, when VF-43 was
redesignated VF-11 (see VF-43). The
previous VF-11 had been decommis-
sioned on 15 February 1959. Upon
being redesignated VF-11, VF-43 opt-
ed to carryon the traditions and
insignia of the original VF-11 which
dated back to 1 February 1927.
On 27 April 1959 VF-11 joined Air
Group Seven (CVG-7) during the
shakedown cruise of the USS Inde-
pendence (CVA-62). CDR Skidmore,
the squadron CO, made the first Cru-
sader landing aboard the new carrier.
The shakedown period lasted until 29
June 1959 with the squadron returning
to Cecil that evening. Eighteen pilots
became carrier qualified in the F-8
during this at-sea period.
The squadron's second at-sea
period came on 29 September 1959
and lasted until 7 October on what
was to become the Red Rippers'
home carrier, the USS Franklin D.
Roosevelt (CVA-42). The squadron
was assigned to Carrier Air Group
One (CVG-1) and participated in op-
eration LANTFLEX 3-59 in the role of
day fighter, CAP,and interceptor.
While at Cecil on 13 October, eleven
squadron pilots received Broadcast
Control Intercept (BCI) "E" awards,
including the new CO, CDR Prichard.
January 1960 saw VF-11 depart
aboard CVA-42 for the squadrons first
cruise. This MED cruise lasted until 24
August 1960. During this deployment
the squadron received a rating of out-
standing for its ORI inspection.The
Red Rippers took part in many opera-
tions which included close air support
of Task Force 61 during the amphibi-
ous landings on Northern Libya on 4-5
April 1960. Combat Air Patrol for op-
erations Haystrike (8-9 April), Rejex I
(6-7 May), Rejex II (9-10 May), Royal
Flush (14-17 June), and Purple Sage
(18-19 July) were also conducted
during this cruise.
The squadron conducted weap-
ons training at NAS Leeward Point,
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, from 1 No-
vember until 17 November 1960.
During this temporary deployment the
Rippers third CO, CDR J. Arnold Jr.
became the first F-8 pilot to fire a
48.8% in 20,000 foot gunnery.
The second F.D.R. deployment
started on 15 February 1961. On the
23rd, VF-11 became shore based at
Naval Station Rota, Spain. This as-
signment lasted until 17 August when
the Red Rippers boarded the F.D.R.
once more for the return trip to Flori-
da,which ended on 28 August 1961.
Car-quais were conducted on
CVA-42 from 16 to 22 October 1961.
During these carquals LTJG Kryway
lost his F8U-1 during a spectacular fi-
ery ditching caused by a broken wheel
strut. Carquals took place again from
13 to 18 November. On Saturday, 18
November, VF-11 was off loaded and
flown back to Cecil. All of VF-11 's gear
had been loaded on vans, transported
to Cecil, and stowed, and most per-
VF-11 F8U-1 143709 launching off the
USS F. D. Roosevelt in the MED on
3-10-60. The wing tip and upper fin
stripe and the tail flashes were yel-
low.The Sidewinder's body was blue
and the stenciling square is red. (USN)
sonnel had left for liberty. Two hours
later CAG-1 was alerted and ordered
back aboard at once for a classified
special mission. Within four hours all
aircraft and gear and 95% of the per-
sonnel were aboard for the emer-
gency cruise which lasted until 30
November 1961.
On 5 February 1962, four Red
Rippers, LCDR J. C. Dixon Jr., LT A.
J. Hedberg, LT J. D. Davis and CAPT
J. H. Bennett USAF, made arrested
landings aboard the USS Enterprise
(CVN-65). Then on 8 February VF-11
became the first AIRLANT squadron
to receive the all-weather F8U-2NE
(F-8E). The new "E" model was car-
qualed aboard the USS Forrestal
(CVA-59) in late March, during which
time VF-11 became the first squadron
~ 4 " " J , " VF-ll
VF-11 F8U-1 145347 at Naval Station
Rota, Spain, during the 1961 FOR
cruise. The fuselage lightning bolt,
wing tip stripe and wide vertical fin
stripe is yellow bordered by red. (USN)
VF-11 F8U-1 being started at Rota,
Spain. Note the Gordons Gin boars
head insignia has been added to the
fuselage. (USN)
to land an aircraft during its first oper-
ational flight on board an aircraft
carrier. F8U-2NE BUNO 149161 was
ferried from Vought Dallas to VF-11 at
Cecil Field, given a test hop and with
less than three hours in its log book
was landed aboard CVA-59.
From February until deploying to
the MED on 14 September 1962,
VF-11 was primarily engaged in radar
intercept training in the new F8U-2NE
(F-8E). Four short ship-air cruises
were conducted from April until Sep-
tember, with the 20 April until 18 May
1962 cruise also being a orientation
cruise for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
VF-11 's third deployment aboard
the FOR was from 14 September 1962
until 20 April 1963. After returning
from the MED the squadron entered
on an intensive training program in-
volving air-to-air and air-to-ground
gunnery. This training schedule was
broken by deployments and detach-
ments being used to cover the crises
in Haiti and Cuba. From 12 August
1963 until January 1964 VF-11 main-
tained a detachment of six aircraft at
NAS Key West, Florida, to participate
in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
In preparation for a fourth FDR
deployment, car-quais were conduct-
ed from 22 January until 8 March
1964. The Red Rippers and the FDR
left for the MED on 24 April and re-
turned on 23 December 1964. A fifth
deployment was conducted in 1965
which ended in December. The suc-
cess of this accident-free cruise aided
the squadron in winning the CNO
Safety Award.
In January 1966 the squadron's
13 F-8Es were swapped-out for 9
F-8Ds to be used prior to converting to
the new McDonnell F-4B Phantom.
From 21 January until 11 February
1966, VF-11 F-8Ds participated in
Operation Springboard. Then from 1
April through 30 April a six plane de-
tachment was sent to NAS Key West
for "HOT PAD" duty. Four planes were
also sent to BritiSh Guiana from 22
May through 27 May to represent the
US during their Independence Day.
Inearly July 1966 the F-8Ds were
transferred out and VF-11 was trans-
ferred to NAS Oceana where it would
receive the F-4B and join CVW-17.
The F-4B was replaced by the F-4J in 1973 and was in
turn replaced by the F-14A in the summer of 1980. With
Tomcats came assignment to the USS John F. Kennedy
(CV-67) and CVW-3. Then on 1 April 1985 the Red Rippers
were reassigned to CVW-6 and the USS Independence
VF-11 F8U-1 145357 piloted by LTJG John T. Kryway brakes
away from the arresting gear with a fiery broken wheel strut
on board the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) on 10-21-61.
The pilot ejects as the F-8 leaves the deck. The shield below
the wide yellow tail stripe was blue with a red lightning bolt
and two red balls. (USN)
F8U-2NE (F-8E) 149161 .
VF-11'sthird color
scroll with the Air Wing's
added to the tail. Tail
stnpe is yellow bordered by
The ventral fin was blue
with a red lightning bolt
(Collect-Air) F-8E 150330
the same markings. (Bucha-
nan via Menard) F-8E 149170
and 150692 fly over the FDR
on 11-8-65. (USN)
Composite Squadron Thirteen
was commissioned in August 1973
with the aircraft and personnel from
the decommissioned VSF-76 and
VSF-86 (see VSF-76 & VSF-86). The
NAS New Orleans-based squadron's
primary mission was to provide Dis-
similar Air Combat Training (DACT) to
the fleet. Originally flying the F-8H
Crusader, the squadron transitioned
to the A-4L Skyhawk in 1974 and
transferred its duty station to NAS
Miramar, California, in 1976. Today
the squadron's primary aircraft is still
the A-4, although many different mod-
els are used for their DACT mission
including the F-16N Falcon. In Octo-
ber 1988 VC-13's designation was
changed to VFC-13.
F-8H 148703 on 10-17-73 at NAS New
Orleans with black and white rudder
and VSF-76's "AW" tail letters painted
out. ( Fred Roos) F-8H 148692 in Octo-
ber 1973 in full VC-13 markings. Aircraft
number 07 has been added to the nose
and the squadron's new "UX" tail let-
ters are also added. The 07 and UX are
shaded in black. (J. H. Weathers)
VF-13 was commissioned in Sep-
tember 1948 by taking personnel and
aircraft from two other squadrons in
Carrier Air Group One. These two
squadrons were VF-11 and VF-12
whose insignias were incorporated in-
to VF-13's insignia.
Based at NAS Cecil Field, Florida,
VF-13 began transitioning from F9F-8
Cougars to F4D-1 Skyrays in January
and Feburary 1959. The Skyrays were
flown until September 1962, when the
venerable Ford was replaced by the
F3H Demon. The Demons took part in
the blockade of Cuba and were re-
placed by the F-8E Crusader on 2 July
1964. Fighting Thirteen had been the
last operational Demon squadron in
Early October saw VF-13 and
their new F-8E Crusaders, in Key
West, Florida, standing alert duty and
preparing for a two week Caribbean
cruise aboard the USS Shangri-La
(CVA-38) in November. After returning
to Cecil, Fighting Thirteen embarked
on a rigorous weapons training pro-
gram and increased night flying in
preparation for the spring and summer
Mediterranean cruise. In January, the
squadron was aboard the Shang for a
carrier refresher period with Air Wing
On 10 February 1965 VF-13 de-
ployed aboard CVA-38 for its first
Mediterranean cruise. Stopping in the
Caribbean on 15 February for a com-
bined Shangri-La-Air Wing Ten ORI,
they sailed for the MED on 1 April. On
14 June eight of the squadron's F-8E
Crusaders participated in the Paris In-
ternational Air Show at Le Bourget
Field. VF-13's first cruise ended on 20
September 1965.
After returning from the MED the
Shang departed for a yard period.
When the Shang returned, VF-13 as
part of Air Wing Eight embarked for a
six week cruise to Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, on 20 June 196.6. The squad-
ron's pilots practiced refresher carrier
landings while staging from NAS
Leeward Point.
Upon return to Cecil on 29 July
1966, Fighting Thirteen began a rapid
transition to F-8D aircraft. This evolu-
tion was completed in time to embark
in the Shangri-La on 29 August 1966
for a two week operating period off the
Florida coast. Retu rning 0 n 12 Sep-
tember, the squadron busied ,itself
with last minute preparations for the
squadron's second MED cruise which
began on 29 September 1966.
The Atlantic transit was utilized by
the squadron to increase readiness
through training. Upon arrival off Rota,
Spain, air operations began. On 12
October 1966 the Shang relieved the
USS Saratoga (CVA-60). Four days
later an accident on the flight deck
precluded further air operations.
CVA-38 required repairs that took two
weeks to complete at Naples, Italy.
During November the ship visited Val-
letta, Malta and Istanbul, Turkey.
December 1966 operations were cur-
tailed somewhat by weather and the
long period spent in Athens, Greece
for Christmas. During December the
men of VF-13 were among those who
searched in vain for survivors of the
Greek ferry boat Heraklion. VF-13 re-
turned home on 20 May 1967.
From that time until the squadron
VF-13 F-8E in 1965 with the squadron's
insignia under the wing. The name
"CDR R. S. Cooke" is painted under the
canopy as well as a champagne glass
with Night Cappers written above it.
(USN via Barry Miller)
once again left for the MED it was
transitioning from the F-8D to the F-8C
model. A total of seven F-8Cs were
modified with a "hard point" wing, en-
abling the aircraft to carry" con-
ventional stores.
On 15 July 1967 a detachment left
for NAS Key West and Combat Air
Patrol for a period of two months.
Then on 4 August, the squadron
moved aboard the Shang for approxi-
mately one month of intensive training
off the coast of Cuba. Another two
week refresher cruise took place on
25 September, during which Air Wing
Eight hosted the American Ordnance
Association for a fire power demon-
stration. VF-13 fired Zuni rockets,
Sidewinder Missiles and 20 millimeter
From 15 November 1967 to 1
January 1968, the squadron was de-
ployed with CVA-38, in-chopping into
the Sixth Fleet on 22 November. From
6-10 December, the squadron partici-
pated in PHLIBEX 10-67, in co-
ordination with the Marine Amphibious
Landing Force, providing close air
support. Since that time, normal at-
sea operations were conducted, with
port-of-calls being made at Valletta,
Malta and Naples, Italy.
One last MED cruise was con-
ducted from 1 January until 1 July
1969 by VF-13 in F-8Hs. VF-13 was
disestablished on 1 October 1969.
YF-13 F-8E 150348 armed with the F-8's unique twin Zuni
launchers mounted on the "Y" fuselage racks in 1965. The
wide tail and narrow wing stripes are believed to be red.
(Tailhook Photo Service, YF-03725)
.909 7
~ ~
YF-13 F-8E 150846 on 2-19-66 in new color scheme, but still
with CYW-10's "AK" tail code. Tail and wing stripes are red
with white stars, radome is tan and fin tip is black. (Clay
VF-13 F8D 148700 with
red wing, forward fuse-
lage and tail stripes
bordered by white in
1966 while on board
the Shangri-La. The
aircraft carries the
"AJ" CVW-8 code. Note
the raised wing and
the open auxiliary air
intake doors. (Kasulka
via Jansson) 147918
on CVA-38 in 1966.
(Candid Aero-Files) FI-
prepares to launch
from the Shangri-La
(USN via Barry Miller)
~ r - l 3
VF-13 F-8D 147070 at NAS Cecil Field, Florida, on 5-25-67. The stars on the red nose and tail stripe are white and the wording
USS SHANGRI-LA is red. "LT LARRY DURBIN" is painted below the canopy rail. (Clay Jansson)
VF-13 F-80 147918 escorts a Soviet TU-95 Bear over the
Mediterranean while armed with four Sidewinders during the
1967 CVA-38 MEO cruise. (USN)
VF13 F-8H 148692 from the USS Shangri-La in February
1969. Note the wing is raised while in level flight and at
altitude. (USN)
VF-24 Checkertail pilot shows the re-
sults of applying too much back
pressure too fast while taking a wave-
off during one of the squadron's Mid-
way deployments. (via Art Schoeni)
VF-24 was originally commis-
sioned as VF-211 in June 1955 at
NAS Moffett Field, California. As-
signed to CVG-21 and flying FJ-3
Furys, VF-211 deployed aboard the
USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31)
in August 1956.
After the Checkertails returned
from their WESTPAC cruise, transition
to the F8U-1 (F-8A) Crusader took
place. The new supersonic Crusaders
deployed aboard the USS Midway
(CVA-41) in August 1958.
On 9 March 1959, VF-211 was
reassigned to CVG-2 and was redes-
ignated VF-24. The squadron
deployed aboard Midway again from
August 1959 until March 1960. Upon
returning to Moffett Field, VF-24 com-
menced transition to the F8U-2 (F-8C)
Crusader. The Checkertails took their
new F8U-2s to sea from February
1961 until September 1961. Upon re-
turn to CONUS, VF-24's new home
was NAS Miramar. Two more peace-
time cruises were conducted aboard
Midway, one in 1962 and one in
The squadron was briefly
redesignated VF-214 from 1 until 17
September 1964 (see VF-214).
The start of our expanded in-
volvement in Vietnam brought a
reassignment to CVW-21 and the
USS Hancock (CVA-19). VF-24 along
with VF-211 put to sea aboard "Hana"
on 10-21-64 on the first of what was to
be eight combat cruises, seven
aboard Hancock and one aboard the
Bon Homme Richard. The first Viet-
nam cruise saw the Checkertails
taking part in operation Flaming Dart,
a series of reprisal strikes against
Dong Hoi, on 7 February 1965. This
was followed by participation in early
Rolling Thunder missions, with the
squadron returning to CONUS in May
The War necessitated a quick
turn-around and VF-24 saw itself back
in the Tonkin Gulf by November 1965.
VF-24 F8U-1 s 145388 (#112) and 145326
(#101) in flight. Notice location of wing
codes and red and white checkerboard
stripe on the tails. (USN via Barry Miller)
, .
~ .
DURING 1963 AND 1964
VF-24 F-8C 147011 landing at NAS At-
sugi on 30 March 1964, with CVW-2's
"NE" tail code. (T. Matsuzaki)
VF-24 F-8C 147020 at Miramar after
returning from the 1962 WESTPAC
cruise. A red checkmark has been
added to the tail and the aircraft
shows the effects of salt water corro-
sion. (1-19-63 by Clay Jansson)
For the 1963-64 cruise, VF-24's modex
was changed from the 100 series to
the 400 series as seen on 1-15-64 as
F-8Cs 147015 (#452), 147000 (#457),
147710 (#454), and 146919 (#460) fly in
. formation. (USN via S. Nicolau)
This deployment, which lasted until
August 1966, saw VF-24 being
overshadowed by its sister squadron
VF-211 who had scored four
victoriesover North Vietnamese MiGs.
During the next War cruise, 26 Janu-
ary 1967 until 25 August 1967, aboard
the USS Bon Homme Richard
(CVA-31) VF-24 would draw blood,
On 19 May LCDR Bobby Lee and LT
Phillip Wood each ~ a g g e d a MiG-17
with AIM-9D Sidewinders. This per-
formance was repeated on 21 July
1967 when LCDR Marion (Red)
Isaacks and LCDR Robert Kirkwood
each downed a MiG-17 and LTJG Phil
Dempewolf was credited with a
LCDRs Isaacks and Kirkwood re-
ceived Silver Star Medals in De-
cember 1967 for the air actions that
resulted in the downing of the two
VF-24 F-8C 146960 at Miramar on 8-7-65
after completion of the 1964-65 cruise.
There were eleven Zuni ground attack
mission hash marks and the name CDR
H. J. Post under the canopy. (Swisher)
VF-24 F-8Cs 146997 (#451), 146990 (#447), 146960 (#446), and
147009 (#441) each loaded with eight Zunis over the Tonkin
Gulf in 1966. (Bowers via Pace)
VF-24 F-8C 146996 while landing at NAS Atsugi On 2-1-66. The
checkerboard tail stripe was red and white and the check-
mark on the tail was red. (T. Matsuzak)
VF-24 F-8C 147029 from CVA-31 in 1967 in the South China
Sea. (Candid Aero-Files) VF-24 F-8C 146919 on CVA-31 in the
Tonkin Gulf during 1967. (G. Bragg via Jim Burridge)
LCDR Isaack's citation described
his action as flight leader of four F-8s
protecting a strike group attacked by
eight MiG-17s while on a mission
against the Ta Xa oil storage area 20
miles from Haiphong.
In the ensuing battle, LCDR
Isaacks fired two Sidewinder missiles
at one MiG-17, which caused them to
cease their attack on the strike group
and turn to meet the F-8s. Outmaneu-
vering two MiGs, he shot one down
with a Sidewinder while under fire
from two other enemy aircraft within
gun range. His plane was hit several
times but he outmaneuvered his ad-
versaries and, although his Crusader
was on fire, reversed his turn to reen-
gage the remaining MiGs, whose
pilots were then running for home. He
then rejoined the strike group, which
had reached its targets, dropped its
bombs with good results, and was
headed back to the coast. Although
his aircraft was on fire during the en-
tire 30 minute flight over hostile enemy
VF-24 F-8C 146996 on 8-26-67 with new lower checkerboard
stripe, four and a half MiG-17 silhouettes on the ventral fin
and LT Chip Harris painted below the canopy. (Swisher)
VF-24 MiG Killer F-8C 146992 on 8-26-67. LCDR Bobby Lee
and one Russian star denoting the MiG-17 Kill of 19 May were
painted below the canopy. (Clay Jansson)
territory and 40 minutes flight over
water to the ship, LCDR Isaacks
elected to remain with the aircraft and
was able to land aboard in spite of
imminent danger of control loss or
LCDR Kirkwood, the second sec-
tion leader, while providing TARCAP .
for 15 A-4s also fired Sidewinders at
the eight attacking MiGs, including the
one downed by Isaacks. Then he at-
tacked another MiG by maneuvering
into position for the kill. He fired a
Sidewinder which exploded alongside
the MiG causing it to turn right with
LCDR Kirkwood close behind. He then
charged his guns, closed to 600 feet,
VF-24 F-8H 148648 on 3-19-68 with four
MiG-17s on the ventral fin and LCDR
BOB KIRKWOOD and one Russian star
under the canopy. (Clay Jansson)
and began firing while steadily closing
the range on the MiG. This resulted in
the MiG catching fire, pitching up, and
the pilot ejecting as LCDR Kirkwood
passed close aboard.
. Vr-24
F-8H 147055 with unusual yellow checkmark on the tail on
7-31-69. (Swisher)
VF-24 F-8J 150883 at NAS Cubi Point in December 1970. LT
Chris Clausen is painted under the canopy. (Barry Miller)
I." I.
., ., a .
, 3' ..
, 15088
~ M l D r J i \ -
.! .
After completing this sucessful
cruise, VF-24 started re-equipping
with updated F-8H aircraft. The F-8H
was used on the next two cruises
aboard CVA-19, the "Fighting Hana".
These were from 7-18-68 until 3-3-69
and from 8-2-69 until 4-15-70.
After returning to CONUS in April
1970, the F-8Hs were traded in for
F-8Js. Three F-8J cruises aboard the
Hancock would be conducted. These
were from 1-7-72 until 10-3-72, from
5-8-73 until ~ - 8 - 7 4 and in 1975. VF-24
returned from its last F-8 cruise in Oc-
VF-24 F-8J 150302 escorts the FLYING
SQUIRL, an RF-8G of VFP-63 in 1970.
tober 1975 and started converting to
the Grumman F-14A Tomcats. Re-
named the Fighting Renegades in
1979, VF-24 continues to fly the F-14.
VF-24 F-8J 150302 after the 1971 cruise. (Fred Roos) VF-24 F-8J 149201 with new markings for the 1972 cruise. (Jansson)
VF24 F-8Js in
flight, 149201 is
the CO's air-
craft and carries
complete mark-
ings; 150932 is
in the fore-
ground. The tail
markings con-
sist of the VF-24
insignia in red
and white with
the handle of
the sword being
yellow. (USN via
Barry Miller)
CO lands F8J
149201 at NAS
Atsugi on 8-8-72
A sword was
painted below
the canopy with
the pilot's name,
also a drawing
of Foghorn Leg-
horn is aft of the
nose number (T.
VF-24 F-8J de-
parts the angle
deck of the Han-
cock in Sept. 72.
(Barry Miller)
VF-24 F-8J land
ing on board the
Hancock in 1972
VF-24 F-8J 150340 in flight with the black and red tail markings. LCDR Taco Bell (later CO of VFP-63) is painted below the
canopy and the coveted "E" is painted aft of the nose number. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF-24 F-8J 150323 at NAS Miramar on 3-16-73 with CDR John
Nichols painted below the canopy. Tail markings were a black
and red checkerboard stripe with a black rudder with red stars
and a red checkmark bordered by black. (Swisher)
VF-24 F-8J 150898 at Nellis AFB in October 1974 with the CO's
name, CDR PAUL STEPHENSON, painted below the canopy.
Radome was barbered striped black and red and the red stars
on the rudder were outlined in white. (Barry Miller)
VF-24 had seven combat loses
from 1966 to 1972. The aircraft lost
were: F-8Cs 146919, 147027,
146915, 147021, and 147002; F-8H
148648; F-8J 150311. Most were lost
to AAA fire. In addition, eight Crusad-
ers were lost to operational accidents
from 1965 to 1972. These were:
F-8Cs 147011, 147012, and 147031;
F-8Hs 147924, 147897, and 147919;
F-8Js 150336, and 150229.
F-8J 149139 on 9-15-74 in the red and
black tail markings used on VF-24s last
cruise. LT GARY GARLAND is painted
below the canopy. (Fred Roos)
Fighting Twenty-Six came into
being on 1 September 1964 when the
Sundowners of VF-111 (see VF-111)
were redesignated VF-26. The redes-
ignation took place when VF-111 was
reassigned to Carrier Air Wing Two
(CVW-2). Unlike the permanent
switching of designations that took
place between VF-24 and VF-211, the
Sundowners redesignatfon only lasted
until 17 September 1964.
F-8D 148632 on 9-12-64 in the freshly
painted VF-26 markings. (Swisher)
VF-32 was first commissioned as
VFB-3 on 1 Febru ary 1945. The
squadron flew F6F-3 Hellcats from the
USS Yorktown (CV-10) during World
War II. In 1946 the Grumman F8F-1
Bearcat replaced the F6Fs and the
squadron was redesignated VF-4A on
15 November 1946. On 7 August 1948
VF-4A was redesignated VF-32 and
re-equipped with Vought F4U-4 Cor-
sairs in preparation for its combat
cruise to Korea aboard the USS Leyte
Gulf (CV-32) as part of Carrier Air
Group three (CVG-3).
The Swordsmen returned from
Korea in January 1951 and reported to
NAS Sanford, Florida. In 1952 the
squadron transferred to NAS Cecil
Field, Florida, and became the first
Navy squadron to equip with the
swept-wing Grumman F9F-6 Cougar.
VF-32 flew the Cougar (F9F-6 F9F-8,
and F9F-8B) from 1952 through 1956.
On 25 March 1957 the Swords-
man became the Navy's first fleet
fighter squadron to receive the F8U-1
(F-8A) Crusader. In February 1958
VF-32 joined the newly commissioned
USS Saratoga (CVA-60) for the car-
rier's first Mediterranean cruise as part
of CVG-3. During their first cruise with
the Crusader the Swordsmen took
part in the Lebanon Crisis by providing
air cover for the landing of 1,800
United States Marines at Beirut in July
1958. VF-32 took its Crusaders
aboard the "Sara" five more times be-
fore transitioning to the McDonnell
F-4B Phantom in 1965. These
deployments were:
1.) 8-15-59 until 2-26-60.
2.) 8-22-60 until 2-26-61.
3.) 11-28-61 until 5-11-62.
4.) 3-29-63 until 10-25-63.
5.) 11-28-64 until 7-12-65.
The F8U-1 (F-8A) was replaced
VF-32 F8U-1 142413 on 6-28-57 over
Cecil Field. The wide tail stripe was
yellow with black stripes and the
square area in front of the guns was
red. Note yellow and black wing stripes.
(National Archives)
by the F8U-1 E (F-8B) in 1959 and the
F8U-2N (F-8D) in 1961. While flying
the F-8D in August 1962, the
Swordsmen were called upon to es-
cort RF-8A photo-recon Crusaders
conducting overflights of Cuba during
the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Swordsmen moved from
Cecil Field to Oceana in August 1965
and transitioned to the McDonnell
F-4B Phantom for reassignment to
CVW-1 and the USS Franklin D.
Roosevelt (CVA-42). In early 1974
VF-32 began transition training into
the Grumman F-14A Tomcat. The
Swordsmen continue to fly the F-14
F8U-1 141361 in late 1956 with CVG-3's single "K" tail code on the yellow tail. The thin tail stripes were black and the black
powder stains around the gun ports would indicate recent gunnery practice. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF32 F8U-1 143755 with the 1957 "AC" CVG-3 tail code refu-
els from an AD-6 Skyraider on 11-26-57. The tail colors
remained the same, but the area around the canopy was
painted yellow bordered by black. Note location of the wing
codes. (National Archives)
CAG BIRD, VF-32 F8U-1 143742 aboard Saratoga in early
January 1958. The yellow canopy area is very distinct and the
thin horizontal tail stripes were yellow bordered in black.
Vertical tail stripes were red, yellow, light blue, and orange.
(J. C. Fahey via Dave Ostrowski)
VF-32 F8U-1 143747 is being towed past
the island on the Saratoga during the
squadron's first F-8 cruise in 1958. (via
143747 launches from the HMS Ark
Royal. (via Burger)
VF-32 flightline on 13 May 1960, with
F8U-1 E 145417 in the foreground. (USN)
F8U-1 Es (F-8Bs) 145460, 145490, 145515, and 145435 in flight over eVA-60 during 1960-61. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF-32 F8U1 E (F-8S) 145482 is
being hoisted aboard the USS
Saratoga prior to the 1960-61
cruise. 145438 sits on the dock
awaiting its turn with the crane.
VF32 F8U-1 E 145455 touches
down on the USS Saratoga with
a DELMAR target aft of the wing
during 1961.
148710 .
VF32 F-80 148710 at
the Paris Air Show in
June 1965. Tail, ven-
tral fin, and upper
wing markings were
yellow bordered by
black. (0. Kasulka via
Jansson) OF-8F gate
guard 141351 in bo-
gus VF-32 markings.
(Interair) F-8A 144427
painted in VF-32 1958
markings. This was a
VC-7 OF-8F (see page
32).1986 photo at the
Pima County Air Mu-
seum. (Jim Burridge)
Fighter Squadron Thirty Three
was first commissioned in 1943, flying
Grumman F6F Hellcats. The squad-
ron was then decommissioned during
the post-war demobilization. VF-33
was recommissioned in October 1948
at NAS Quonset Point, Rhode Island,
Flying the F8F Bearcat.
The squadron transitioned to the
Chance Vought F4U Corsair and
sailed aboard the USS Leyte (CV-32)
to Korea. From September 1950 until
February 1952, the squadron sup-
ported ground operations as part of
VF-33 transitioned to the Grum-
man F9F Cougar in May 1953 and
deployed with CVG-6 aboard the USS
Midway (CVA-41). Following their
1954 Mediterranean deployment,
VF-33's homeport was changed to
NAS Oceana, Virigina, where the
squadron transitioned to the North
American FJ-3 Fury. In November
1957, VF-33 received the supersonic
Grumman F11 F-1 Tiger and subse-
quently deployed to the MED aboard
the USS Intrepid (CVA-11). The
squadron also took part in the Domin-
ican Republic Crisis in July 1960.
The short-legged but nimble Ti-
gers were replaced by F8U-1 E (F-8B)
Crusaders, sfarting in February 1961.
VF-33 then deployed their new
mounts aboard the Intrpid in August
1962 brought about an equipment
change to the new F8U2-NE (F-8E),
as-well-as assignment to the Navy's
first nuclear powered aircraft carrier,
the USS Enterprise (CVAN-65). As a
element of CVW-6 the Tarsiers took
part in the Cuban blockade, followed
by Mediterranean and World Cruises
during 1963 and 1964.
In November 1964, the squadron
transitioned to the McDonnell F-4B
VF-33 F8U-1 E 145517 on board the In-
trepid on 4-6-61. The rudder, wing tips,
and lighting bolt were yellow. All the
other markings were in black. (Som-
merich via Jannson)
Phantom. From 1962 through 1967,
VF-33 won five CNO Safety Awards,
of which four were consecutive. This
set a NAVAIRLANT record.
In September 1967 the F-4Bs
were replaced by the newer F-4Js.
The squadron then deployed aboard
the USS America (CVA-66) to Viet-
nam as part of CVW-6. In 1969, the
Tarsiers were transferred to CVW-7
and the USS Independence (CVA-62).
VF-33 continued to fly Phantoms off
-the Indy until they were replaced by
Grumman F-14A Tomcats in July
1981. In early 1988 the squadron
changed its name to the Starfighters.
VF-33 F8U-2NE 149191 with ENTER-
PRISE on the fuselage. The markings
are the same as those for the F8U-1 E
above. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF-33 F8U-1 E (F-8B) 145490 from
the USS Intrepid (CVA-11) in flight in
August 1951. USS INTREPI D was
written in large capitols above the
yellow lighting bolt on the fuselage
side. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF-33 F-8E 149170 takes the barrier
on the flight deck of the USS Enter-
prise (CVAN-55) on 8-23-52. (USN)
VF-43 was commissioned on 1
September 1950. Initially equipped
with F4U-5 Corsairs the squadron
changed to the F4U-4 in 1952. VF-43
joined the jet age in 1953 with the
F9F-5 Panther. The Panthers were
replaced with swept-wing F9F-6
Cougars in early 1955 which in turn
were replaced by F9F-8s on 1 July
In October 1957, all VF-43
aviators were sent to the F8U
maintenance course and received
training in the F8U operational and
procedures trainers prior to the
transition to the Crusaders. In
February and March, eleven pilots
completed their six familiarization
hops in the F8V-1s at VF-174. The
first F8U-1 arrived on 3 April 1958 and
VF-174 transitioned the remaining
nine pilots in April and May.
F8U carquals were conducted in
October and the squadron provided
CAP duties for fleet units in December
as part of DESAIRDEX 2-58 ex-
ercises. With fourteen F8U-1 s
assigned VF-43 was redesignated
VF-11 on 16 February 1959.
Although no photographic records
of VF-43 F8U-1 Crusaders could be
located, I am sure that at least one
reader out there could provide us with
suitable squadron colors and
markings for FITRON 43 Crusaders.
The Screaming Eagles started out
as in 1927 flying Curtiss F6C-4s as
VF-3S. The squadron designation was
soon changed to VF-3B and the Boe-
ing FB-5 replaced the F6C-4. In 1929
the FB-5 gave way to Boei ng F3B-1 s
which were traded for Boeing F4B-4s
in 1931. 1935 saw the retractable gear
Grumman F2F-1 join the squadron. In
1937 the squadron was redesignated
VF-5B and upgraded F3F-3s were
assigned. When war broke out on 7
December 1941 the squadron was
equipped with Grumman F4F-3
The Screaming Eagles were
decommissioned on 7 January 1943,
and most of the squadron's assets
including personnel were assigned to
the newly commissioned VF-1. VF-1
was redesignated VF-5 on 15 July
1943 while flying Grumman F6F
Hellcats. By February 1945 VF-5 was
flying the Vought F4U Corsair. Then
on 15 November 1946 VF-5 was
redesignated VF-5A while flying the
Grumman F8F-1 Bearcat. The
Bearcat was replaced by the North
American FJ-1 Fury on 18 November
1947 and VF-5A became the first
Navy fleet squadron to operate jets
from carriers.
The Screaming Eagles were once
again redesignated on 16 August
1948 when they were given their
current designation of VF-51. Grum-
man F9F-2 Panthers replaced the
Furies and the squadron flew F9F-2s
and F9F-5s during three Korean War
deployments. In late 1953 F9F-6
Cougars replaced the Panthers which
were replaced by North American
FJ-3 Furies in 1955. The squadron
transitioned to the supersonic Grum-
man F11F-1 Tigers in 1958, only to re-
equip with Douglas F4D-1 Skyrrays in
January 1959.
VF-51 returned from their F4D-1
Skyray cruise on 11 October 1960 and
the Ford pilots were replaced by a
group of RAG (see VF-124) trained
F-8 Crusader pilots. After a change-of-
command ceremony on 10 November
VF-51 F8U-2NE (F-8E) 149154 taxis in at
Norton AFB on 5-19-62. Initial F-8E
scheme was Spartan with a red tail
stripe between the rudder and the fin
tip. Early F-8Es also had painted
afterburners. (Swisher)
a concentrated training schedule was
commenced in the new F8U-1
Crusader to prepare the squadron for
a scheduled WESTPAC cruise in the
spring of 1961.
VF-51 completed carrier qual-
ifications from 16 until 20 January
1961 aboard the USS Ticonderoga
(CVA-14). Then during the first two
weeks of February and the first two
weeks in March, intensive weapons
training was conducted at MCAAS
Yuma. From 22 until 26 April, VF-51
acted as day fighter CAP for the Tico
in exercise Green Lite off of Southern I
Fighting Fifty One left on its first
VF-51 F8U-2NE (F-8E) 149142 at NAS
Lemoore on 5-30-62. (Swisher)
F-8 WESTPAC cruise on 10 May 1961
aboard the Ticonderoga. On 15 and
16 May 1961 an ORI inspection was
conducted in Hawaii. During the de-
ployment a majority of the squadron's
aircraft and pilots were shore based at
either NAS Atsugi or NAS Cubi Point.
The following operations were con-
ducted by VF-51 during this cruise:
1.) Operation Checkertail I, strike
against Okinawa on 16 June.
2.) Operation Big Shot, CAP for
Tico on 20-22 June.
3.) Operation Checkertailll, strike
against Okinawa on 10 July.
4.) Operation New Boy, strikes
against Luzon on 28 July.
5.) Operation Blue Sky, AAWEX
with ADCC Taiwan on 7-19 October.
6.) Operation Cross Tie, CAP for
joint exercises with HMS Victorious on
24-28 October.
7.) Operation Base Hit, strikes
against Luzon on 26 November to 8
In addition to these operations, VF-51
participated with an aerial demonstra-
tion for the Chinese Nationalist
celebration of the Ten-Ten Day, and
for Philippine Aviation Week. The
Ticonderoga and the squadron re-
turned stateside on 14 January 1962.
After returning from WESTPAC,
the squadron transitioned to the
F8U-2NE (F-8E) on 8 February 1962.
The new Crusaders participated in
operation Pot Shot off San Diego on
16-21 March. On 1 April VF-S1 took
the bomb capable F-8E to NAAS Fal-
lon to learn how to bomb. The
squadron returned to NAS Miramar on
20 April and then conducted carquals
aboard the USS Ranger (CVA-61)
from 22 June until 3 July 1962.
On 16 July 1962 the Screaming
Eagles flew aboard the USS Constel-
lation (CVA-64) during its transit from
AIRLANT to AIRPAC. The transit was
completed on 17 September.
During the three month pre-
deployment period, the squadron had
an eight day gunnery deployment at
MCAAS Yuma, a ten day carqual re-
fresher deployment, ten day weapons
VF51 F8U-2NE (F-8E) Crusaders
149140 (#101), 149141 (#102), 149143
(#104), and 149147 (#105) on a gunnery
flight. Note that the Bureau Numbers
are consecutive because VF-51 was the
first AIRPAC F-8E unit. (USN via Miller)
training exercise, and a ten day strike
exercise aboard the USS Ticonderoga
(CVA-14). The Tico and the Scream-
ing Eagles departed for its WESTPAC
cruise on 3 January 1963.
During the ORloff the Hawaiian
coast, VF-51 had a very successful
Sidewinder firing exercise with all
missiles fired resulting in direct hits on
DELMAR targets. Because of space
limitations, at least one-third of the
squadrons aircraft, pilots and enlisted
men were shorebased at Sangley
Point NS, NAS Cubi Point, or NAS
Because of the F-8E the squadron
contributed a significant advancement
to fleet capability and readiness by
becoming the first squadron to con-
duct regularly scheduled night oper-
ations with supersonic aircraft from
the 27 Charlie carrier.
After returning from their first F-8E
WESTPAC on 15 July 1963, VF-51
conducted a weapons deployment to
MCAS Yuma from 3 November until
21 November. This was followed by
four brief training cruises aboard Tico
from 5-13 December 1963, 22-31
January 1964,13 February until 6
March 1964, and 21 March until 3 April
The squadron deployed again to
WESTPAC on 14 April 1964 and con-
ducted an ORI aboard the Tico from
20-23 April while off the coast of Ha-
waii. The Screaming Eagles were
ordered to the USS Constellation
(CVA-64) from 5 June until late July of
1964, to provide escort for RF-8As on
aerial photographic reconnaissance
missions over Southeast Asia. From
late July until September the squadron
remained at sea off Southeast Asia
while aboard the Ticonderoga. After a
VF-51 F-8E 149154 with new red rudder
and ventral fin trim on 8-4-63. LT R. P.
KARR is painted below the canopy rail.
short layover in Cubi Point, the Tico
returned to the South China Sea and
Southeast Asia until 15 December
1964 when the cruise was concluded.
Once back at Miramar, VF-51
participated in Operation Fighter
Sweep from 16-18 February 1965 and
Operations Silver Lance from 26 Feb-
ruary until 8 March and Tee Shot from
6 until 8 April. This was followed by a
VF-51 F-8E 150887 on 4-3-65 at NAS
Miramar. Double nuts nose number and
multicolored check-marks on the rud-
der identify this as the CAG bird. CDR
MAC SNOWDEN and the VF-51 insignia
were painted below the canopy rail.
--"'---- ... _-----
67 -------_. --_.. _-_.. -
weapons deployment to Yuma from
23 May until 5 June and a carqual ex-
ercise aboard the USS Hancock
(CVA-19) from 28 June until 1 July
1965. Another weapons deployment,
this time to NAAS Fallon, Nevada,
took place from 11 until 22 July. Once
back at Miramar the squadron took
part in operation Hot Stove during Au-
gust and September 1965.
The Screaming Eagles went to
war again aboard the Ticonderoga on
28 September 1965. VF-51 participat-
ed in the following large air strikes
against North Vietnam; Uong Bi ther-
mal power plant on 12-22-65, Hai
Duong highway/railway bridge on
12-23-65, Hai Phong railway bridge on
4-14-66, Ha Tinh complex, Ha Chanh
highway bridge, and Bach Long V
military area. The squadron returned
to Miramar on 13 May 1966 and con-
ducted one last at-sea period aboard
CVA-14 from 8 until 12 August, fol-
lowed by a weapons deployment to
Yuma on 19 September 1966.
VF-51 boarded its new home, the
USS Hancock (CVA-19) on 26 No-
vember for fleet exercises associated
with preparations for the 1967 war
cruise. The Hancock and VF-51 sailed
for Vietnam on 5 January 1967. Three
F-8Es were lost during the cruise, one
(149138) was lost to AAA fire and its
pilot LT R. W. Dodge became a POW
on 5-17-67. The other two were oper-
ational losses with 149192 being lost
on 2-12-67 and 150301 being lost on
5-1-67. The squadron returned to
Miramar on 22 July 1967.
During the summer of 1967 the
squadron converted to the remanu-
factured F-8H Crusader and then
departed to Vietnam aboard the USS
Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) on 27
VF-51 F-8E 149201 on 4-3-65 after re-
turning from the 1964 cruise. This well
weathered Crusader has the USS
TICONDEROGA painted in large letters
on the aft fuselage and the USS CON-
STELLATION painted in smaller letters.
This was because the squadron oper-
ated in combat from both carriers
during this cruise. LTJG ROY MILLER
is painted below the canopy rail and the
radome is red. (Clay Jansson)
January 1968. Combat operations
soon got under way and once again it
was looking as if VF-51 would not get
the opportunity to down MiGs. Then
on 26 June, CDR "Moose" Myers
downed a MiG-21. This was followed
by LT Norm McCoy downing a second
MiG-21 on 1 August 1968. The squad-
VF-51 F-8E 149153 with TICONDEROGA
and CONSTELLATION on the aft fuse-
lage and overspay evident everywhere
in order to protect the aircraft from fur-
ther corrosion. (Swisher)
VF-51 F-8Es arrive aboard the Ticon-
deroga on 9-24-65, 4 days prior to the
65/66 cruise: CAW-5 CAG ,CDR Mac
Snowden in 150851; 149147 minus
rudder and ventral fin stripes; 149179
with Screaming Eagle insignia under
the canopy rail; 149152 with rescue
triangle inside the nose number; and
149201 with the pilot wearing an As-
tronaut type helmet. (William Swisher)
F8E 150670 on 7-16-66 with CDR C. B.
painted on the white and red placard
above national insignia. 150670 re-
painted on 9-17-66 with CDR R. E.
150679 with CAW-5 insignia on the tail
and multi-colored rudder stripes on
8-26-67. (Swisher) CDR JACK SNY-
DER's F-8E 150320. (Clay Jansson)
N F ~
I S O ~ ? (l.
ron left for home on 29 September
1968 and arrived back at Miramar on
10 October.
The F-8H were traded for F-8Js
and the squadron was on its way back
to Vietnam aboard the Bonnie Dick on
6 April 1969. The Screaming Eagles
were unable to add to their 1968 MiG
kills during this cruise, and although
the squadron did not lose an F-8 in
combat, two were lost to operational
causes. F-8J 150341 was lost on 26
April and 149226 was lost on 8 May.
VF-51 returned to Miramar on 29
October 1969.
YF-51 s last F-8 deployment took
place aboard the Bon Homme Richard
from 2 April 1970 until 12 November
1970. After returning from Vietnam the
squadron spent the next year transi-
VF-51 F-8E 150845 in the landing con
figuration passes over the USS
Hancock in the Gulf of Tonkin on 31
May 1967. (USN)
tioning to the McDonnell F-4B
Phantom, which would score four
MiG-17 victories for VF-51.
The F-4Bs were replaced with
F-4Ns in early 1974 which were re-
placed in turn by the Grumman F-14A
Tomcat on 16 June 1978. VF-51 con-
tinues to fly the Tomcat today.
VF-51 F-8H 148710 from the USS Bon
Homme Richard loaded with six 5001b.
iron bombs heads for Vietnam in 1968.
VF-51 F-8H 148691 on 1-20-68 from the USS Bon Homme Richard with the name CDR PARRISH painted under the canopy rail.
The radome and the area surrounding the gun ports were black. (Swisher)
VF-51 F-8Hs 148691 (#101) and 148680 (#114) over the Pacific. (USN) F-8J 149196 launches from the Bon Homme Richard
(CVA-31) in the Gulf of Tonkin on 13 June 1970. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF-51 F-8J 149155 with CDR A. A.
the canopy rail and red-yellow-blue-
orange-black diagonal CAG stripes on
the rudder on 3-15-69. (Swisher)
149155 again almost one year later on
3-1470 with a red radome and upper
tail stripe. (Jansson) F-8J 150295 on
3-14-70 with shield on tail reading
"Adm Joseph Clifton AWARD out
standing Navy fighter squadron
1969." F-8J 150311 over NAS Atsugi
on 8-12-70 with the Budweiser man
painted on the side. (T. Matsuzaki)
V F ~ 5 3 was established on 15
October 1963 when VF-141 (see
VF-141) was redesignated VF-53. The
Iron Angels were assigned to Carrier
Air Wing Five (CVW-5) and won the
Chief of Naval Aviation Safety Award
for 1963.
Training for a 1964 WESTPAC
cruise started on 3 November 1963
with a gunnery deployment to MCAS
Yuma, which lasted until 22
November. Carquals were conducted
from 5 to 13 December aboard the
USS Ticonderoga (CVA-14). This was
followed by a weapons training
exercise aboard Tico from 22 to 31
January 1964. The Iron Angels and
CVA-14 sailed for Hawaii on 13
February and conducted a strike
exercise from 23 March until 3 April,
prior to deploying to Vietnam.
During this cruise, four Iron Angel
pilots came to the aid of the USS
Maddox (00-731) during what
became known as the Gulf of Tonkin
Incident. On 2 August 1964 while
passing off the coast of Hon Me
Island, the Maddox was attacked by
three North Vietnamese torpedo
boats. The Maddox called for air
support, evaded the two torpedos fired
at it and engaged the PT boats with
gunfire. As the North Vietnamese craft
retired, a flight of four VF-53 F-8Es
lead by the squadron's CO, CDR R. F.
Mohrhardt, arrived overhead and
attacked with a load of 20 mike mike
and Zuni's. The third PT boat, slowed
by previous damage from the
destroyer's guns, was set afire and
sunk during the Iron Angels' strafing
runs. On the night of 4 August the
Maddox in company with the USS
Turner Joy (00-951) were attacked by
PT boats again.
Zuni rockets are being loaded into the
tubes of a VF-53 F-8E aboard the USS
TICONDEROGA (CVA-14) during the
Tonkin Gulf Incident in Aug. 64. (USN)
Because of the two unprovoked
attacks in international waters, Presi-
dent Johnson ordered retaliatory
attacks against four PT boat bases on
5 August 1964. VF-53's F-8s along
with Crusaders, Skyhawks, and
Skyraiders from the Ticonderoga and
the Constellation proceeded to knock
out an estimated twenty-five enemy
torpedo boats. The Iron Angels' efforts
during these actions resulted in the
squadron being awarded the Navy
Unit Citation.
The squadron returned to CONUS
in December 1964 to commence
training for the next WESTPAC de-
ployment. During the training cycle,
March 1965 was spent at MCAS Yu-
ma, Arizona, for air-to-air and air-to-
ground gunnery exercises. In July a
deployment to NAAS Fallon, Nevada,
was made to participate in a joint
weapon exercise with other CVW-5
With training completed, the
squadron boarded the Tico and de-
parted on 29 September 1965 for the
Far East. During the cruise the
squadron flew 1,656 combat sorties
over North and South Vietnam. A
squadron record was established on
the cruise when over 1,000 carrier-
based hours were flown during the
month of March 1966. The CO, CDR
Mohrhardt, was shot down by AAA
and recovered over the North on 19
April while flying 150853. Two other
F-8Es ,149176 and 149179, were lost
to operational accidents during this
Another intensive training period
for the squadron began upon return to
CONUS in May 1966. In September
VF-53 F-8E 150877 at Miramar on
4-3-65; tail and ventral fin trim was yel-
low bordered by black. (Clay Jansson)
the Iron Angels deployed to MCAS
Yuma for weapons training in air-to-air
gunnery and air-to-ground weapons
delivery. During the months of No-
vember and December 1966, the Iron
Angels made an EASTPAC deploy-
ment aboard Hancock for carrier
qualifications and further weapons
On 5 January 1967, VF-53 de-
parted California aboard the Hancock
VF-53 F-8E 149187 on board the
TICONDEROGA on 9-24-65. The folded
wings show the yellow and black wing
. tip trim. The name LCDR C. B. BAILEY
is painted below the canopy rail on a
yellow background. (Swisher)
VF-53 F8Es 149187 (#225), 149151
(#227), 149184 (#232), and 150900
(#234) land aboard the Tico on 9-24-65
while steaming off of North Island,
California. Notice the location of the
wing codes and the drooped leading
edges. 149151 has LT MIKE WELCH
painted under the canopy rail.
(William Swisher) .
_. _ 150663
uss 1\tllllllli\;-:- ~ - _
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VF-53 F-8E 150663 at Miramar after returning from the 1965/66 cruise on 7-16-66. The name LT DAVE BOURLAND is painted
under the canopy rail with four mission marks below that. (Clay Jansson)
VF-53 CAG bird, F-8E 150323 repainted for the 1967 cruise
aboard Hancock on 9-17-66. (Clay Jansson)
VF-53 F-8E 150877 with under-wing pylon painted in the
squadron's second scheme on 9-17-66. (Clay Jansson)
(CVA-19) for its third combat cruise in
the Tonkin Gulf. In the following
months Iron Angel pilots participated
in major strikes against Kep Airfield,
Haiphong POL stowage area, several
major bridges and railyards near Hai
Duong and thermal power plants,
trans-shipment areas in the major cit-
ies of Dam Dinh and Ninh Binh.
After returning home in July 1967,
the Iron Angels deployed for weapons
and strike training in October at MCAS
Yuma and NAAS Fallon. Once back at
Miramar the squadron conducted
carrier operations aboard the USS
Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31) in
preparation for their fourth Vietnam
On 27 January 1968 Bonnie Dick
sailed for the Tonkin Gulf. During the
early months of the cruise, March and
April, the weather over the North
prevented the squadron from
conducting strikes into assigned Lines
of Communications (LOC) sectors.
The majority of the first line period was
spent flying weather reconnaissance,
BARCAP, FORCAP, and limited
strikes into South Vietnam and Laos.
This negated the requirement for
TARCAP and MIGCAP and therefore
the F-8 was used as a bomber to
increase the effectiveness of the Air
Wing's daily assignments.
On 20 March 1968, the weather
cleared sufficiently over the North to
afford the Air Wing the opportunity to
launch its first Alfa Strike into North
Vietnam. The strike was conducted
against the Thanh Hoa Transhipment
Point. Light resistance was en-
countered and the strike group
incurred no losses.
During the Subic Bay inport period
following the first line period, a bomb-
ing restriction was announced by
President Johnson. This affected op-
erations for the remainder of the
cruise, as bombing was no longer
permitted north of 19 degrees. The
remainder of the cruise developed into
a relatively normal routine of opera-
VF-53 F-8E 149215 at Miramar on
8-26-67. The Iron Angel insignia can be
seen on the tail. The tail, wing and ven-
tral fin markings were yellow bordered
by black. (William Swisher)
tions with daily strikes into assigned
Lines of Communications sectors
against transhipment points, rail lines,
and storage areas. Then, during the
months of May and June, the employ-
ment of enemy fighters brought aerial
combat to VF-53 and Air Wing Five.
On 29 July 1968, four Iron Angel
fighters engaged four enemy
MiG-17s. When the ensuing battle
was ended, VF-53 had joined the MiG
Killers, when CDR Guy Crane, Exec-
utive Officer, scored a MiG Kill
shooting down one MiG-17. A few
days later, on 1 August, LT George E.
Hise joined up with a pilot from VF-51
VF-53 F-8E 150349 on 1-20-68 just prior
to their 1968 cruise. A replacement
metal panel can be seen behind the
cockpit. (Clay Jansson)
and succeeded in severely damaging
a MiG-21. Although the aircraft was fi-
nally downed by the VF-51 pilot, LT
Norman McCoy, Jr., the airmanship
and teamwork exhibited by the two pi-
lots were considered outstanding.
At the completion of the cruise,
the Iron Angels flew eight of their
F-8Es to the Continental United States
via Guam, Wake, and Hawaii. Upon
arrival at San Diego on 10 October
1968, the squadron commenced a
thirty day stand down period.
On 31 October 1968 VF-53 traded
their F-8Es for upgraded F-8J Cru-
saders. The new aircraft was an
improved version of the F-8E and in-
cluded a more sophisticated air-
intercept radar (APO-124), more ad-
vanced DECM equipment (ALO-100),
a radar warning and homing device
(APR-30), and a boundry layer control
(BLC) wing. A more substantial land-
ing gear combined with BLC and
double drooped ailerons provided the
F-8J with the capability of increased
gross landing weights and a decrease
in landing approach speeds of ap-
proximately 15-18kts. The new aircraft
were not fully operationally equipped
when received, however, posing many
problems during the ensuing training
cycle. Immediately a major modifica-
tion program was started at NARF
North Island to complete installation of
necessary equipment. The time re-
quired for this modification program
cost the squadron many valuable flight
hours of training.
The F-8J modifications increased
the airframe weight by about 2,0001bs
and reduced the J57P20 engine thrust
available in BLC, by about 1,000Ibs.
The drag configuration and aircraft
manueverabilty were affected by
changes both to wing, UHT and thrust-
to-weight ratio. The F-8J was in fact a
new improved aircraft that developed
less maneuverability potential, restric-
tions for employment, and had failures
not common to prior F-8 series air-
craft. The F-8J was limited to carrying
two AIM-9D/G Sidewinders.
On 1 December 1968, the squad-
ron deployed to MCAS Yuma for a one
week training period in twenty thou-
sand foot air-to-air gunnery. This
period of training was immediately fol-
lowed by a one week period of
intensive combined air wing training
operations at Fallon, Nevada.
The fifth Iron Angel war cruise
started on 18 March 1969, when
CVW-5 deployed aboard the USS Bon
Homme Richard (CVA-31). After a
brief operating period off the Hawaiian
Islands, the ship commenced a 15 day
transit to the Naval Station, Subic Bay,
arriving at Subic Bay on 15 April 1969.
At this time a Navy EC-121 Warning
Star was shot down by a North Korean
MiG off the Sea of Japan. As a result
of the EC-121 incident, Task Force 71
was formed and CVA-31 and VF-53
were assigned to this force. The Bon
Homme Richard was immediately or-
dered to get underway for Yankee
Station. Combat operations com-
menced on 18 April 1969 and lasted
until 8 October, with operations from
both Yankee Station and in the waters
off Okinawa.
The cruise was uneventful insofar
as there being any aerial combat. All
MiG activity took place above the 19th
parallel and the rules of engagement
precluded fighters from entering North
Vietnam airspace unless in pursuit of
enemy aircraft which had attempted to
penetrate US airspace.
The squadron experienced near
tragedy on five occasions when air-
craft were lost at sea. None of these
loses were do to combat, and all five
pilots were recovered. LT Mansell
ejected when a fuel cell ruptured dur-
ing inflight refueling; LCDR Lusk
ditched his F-8 when the afterburner
failed during the catapult shot; LT
Wells and LT Manlove ejected when
they experienced engine failure; and
LCDR Taylor ejected when his
controls failed.
Upon arrival at San Diego on 29
October 1969, the squadron com-
menced a thirty-day stand-down
period, after which an intensive train-
ing period commenced in preparation
for the 1970 combat deployment. This
deployment commenced on 2 April
1970, and was the squadron's sixth
war cruise.
Because of the bombing restric-
tions, strike missions were not flown
into North Vietnam. The only actual
combat missions were occasional
strafing runs made in Laos after com-
pleting TARCAP aSSignments. Op-
erations consisted of a normal routine
for combat support missions; BAR-
CAP, FORCAP, Photo Escort and
Weather Recce. Sorties. Armed Photo
Reconaissance sorties were flown
over Laos and over Route Package II
in North Vietnam. Most weather recce
assignments were flown in Laos.
During the cruise, the squadron
lost its youngest pilot, LTJG Lloyd G.
Howie on 15 May, and shortly there-
after, on 14 June, its senior pilot and
skipper, CDR Dean Elmer Kaiser.
Howie's aircraft went down in the
Gulf of Tonkin following a normal two
hour BARCAP mission over the
Northern Gulf. He had taken two
wave-offs from the BHR and was pro-
ceeding with instructions to tank while
heading in-bound to Da Nang. Shortly
after refueling, both aircraft entered a
thin cloud layer and both pilot and air-
craft were never seen again.
CDR Kaiser was lost while partici-
pating in a scheduled fly-off to NAS
Cubi Point, after completion of a Yan-
kee Station line period. CDR Kaiser
and his wingman were climbing
through 35,000'MSL when CDR Kai-
ser directed afterburner selection. The
wingman's burner failed to light and he
soon lost sight of his skipper, who in
turn tried to find his wingman. CDR
Kaiser disappeared and one of the
most extensive searches in Naval
History began. Available assets were
drawn from Clark AFB, NAS Cubi and
NAS Sangley Point as well as com-
plete participation by the BHRand
America and all available surface units
in the Subic Bay areas. Despite the
effort, neither CDR Kaiser or his air-
craft were ever found.
All squadron aircraft were brought
back to the States aboard the Bonnie
Dick, which arrived in San Diego on 12
November 1970. Upon arrival at Mira-
mar the squadron began preparing for
the disestablishment of the squadron
on 29 January 1971 .
VF-53 F-8Es 149158 (#206)
and 150900 (#209) on 18
March 1967 whHe flying to-
ward targets over North
Vietnam. The area around the
gunports was painted black.
VF-53 F-8J 149195 prepares
to launch from the USS Bon
Homme Richard (CVA-31) in
June of 1970. See page one
for a color photo of this air-
craft. (Barry Miller)
149195 again in June 1970
while orbiting the ship prior
to making its approach for
recovery aboard the Bon
Homme Richard. Aircraft is
equipped with the "Y" racks
and twin Sidewinders. (USN)
VF-53 F-8J 150877 on 3-15-69 at NAS North Island during the
major modification program to prepare the new F-8Js for
Vietnam employment. (William Swisher)
VF-53 F-8J, belonging to LT BILL TRIONE after a nose gear
failure at Da Nang in June 1970. (Barry Miller)
VF-53 CAG Bird, F-8J 150343 at Da Nang in June 1970. CDR
JOE ELLISON CAG is painted below the canopy rail. The
multicolor tail colors were red-yellow-blue-orange. (Barry
VF-53 F-8J 150905 takes off from NAS Atsugi on 12 August
1970. (T. Matsuzaki)
81 --------------- ------ ..._--------------------
VF-62 was commissioned on 1
July 1955 at NAS Cecil Field and was
equipped with North American FJ-3
Fury aircraft. The squadron would de-
ploy their Furys aboard the USS
Randolph (CVA-15) and the USS Es-
sex (CVA-9) prior to converting to
F8U-1 Crusaders in 1960.
On 1 March 1960, VF-62 received
its first F8U-1 s. All but four pilots were
transferred out and ten new RAG
trained (VF-174) pilots were received
to initiate the transition. On 1 June the
Boomers deployed aboard the USS
Shangri-La (CVA-38) to the Caribbe-
an. In addition to (l. concentrated
shake-down cruise, VF-62 conducted
a highly successful gunnery program
at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Day and
night carrier qualifications were com-
pleted for all pilots and the Shang
returned to Mayport on 18 July. The
squadron then returned to Cecil to
complete COMPLEXES in gunnery
and intercepts.
On 6 September 1960, VF-62 de-
ployed again in Shangri-La and sailed
for the North Atlantic in order to par-
ticipate in the major NATO exercise
Sword Thrust. During this exercise,
operations were conducted in the
Norwegian Sea and North Atlantic, in
conjunction with other NATO forces.
The only VF-62 mishap was a faulty
catapult shot on which the squadron
XO, CDR J. E. Davis, went off the
starboard side of the deck, where the
F-8 broke up and sank. CDR Davis,
however, escaped without injury and
was recovered by helicopter. At the
completion of Sword Thrust, the
Shang docked in Southampton, En-
gland, for ten days prior to sailing for
Mayport on1 0 October.
On 16 November, the training cy-
cle took VF-62 aboard the Shangri-La
for a two week refresher cruise to the
Caribbean. The squadron returned to
Cecil Field on 28 November, where
normal training was resumed and
Christmas was spent at home.
On 1 February, VF-62 embarked
aboard the Shangri-La for Rota,
Spain. Three months of extensive
gunnery and tactics training was ac-
complished at Rota, after which the
squadron returned to Cecil Field on 16
May. Just two weeks after return from
the Mediterranean, the Boomerangs
were ordered to load back aboard the
Shang on 1 June for an emergency
deployment to the Dominican Repub-
lic, where a polictical crises was taking
place. After two weeks off the Domini-
can Republic the squadron proceeded
to the Island of Viexes to participate in
VF-62's XC, CDR J. E. Davis in F8U-1
145350, hangs momentarily in the cat-
walk of CVA-38 before falling into the
North Sea in Sept 1960. (USN)
fullscale Marine landing exercises pri-
or to returning home on 20 June 1961.
Day and night refresher carquals were
conducted between 18 and 28 July
and between 21 and 27 August.
September and October were
spent in concentrated training of radar
and Sidewinder intercept techniques.
Then on 1 November the entire squa-
dron deployed to Leeward Point, NAS
Guantanamo, for three weeks of in-
tensive air-to-air gunnery. The Boom-
ers set a NAVAIRLANT record in No-
vember by flying 809 hours in one
month. The squadron returned to
Cecil in December, but Christmas
leave was curtailed due to the mount-
ing political tensions in Latin America.
Because of this the squadron main-
tained a combat ready status 24 hours
a day into the New Year.
In the month of January 1962, day
and night refresher carquals were
conducted off the Florida coast aboard
the USS F. D. Roosevelt (CVA-42),
with all pilots becoming day and night
On 8 February 1962, VF-62 was
temporarily assigned to Carrier Air
Group One for the Shakedown cruise
of the world's largest ship and first
nuclear aircraft carrier, the USS En-
terprise (CVAN-65). A group of five
VF-62 pilots had already operated on
the Big "E" in mid-January, when CDR
G. C. Tally, CAG ONE, made the first
jet landing on the Enterprise. Operat-
ing out of Guantanamo Bay, the Big
"E" received the highest mark ever at-
tained by a Navy ship while under
shakedown. VF-62 was no less im-
pressive, as it flew 614.6 hours during
the month of March alone, and ac-
counted for 548 of the 2908 landings
amassed on the nuclear carrier.
In early April of 1962, VF-62 again
joined the Big "E" where in company
with the USS Forrestal (CVA-59), the
squadron took part in a joint air show
and firepower demonstration for Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy and members
of Congress. Five VF-62 pilots; CDR
Moorer, LCDR Elmer, LT Oliver, and
LT Heiss had the honor of shaking
hands with the president following the
giant demonstration.
CDR George C. Talley's F8U-1 Crusader
145375 was the first aircraft to land
aboard the USS Enterprise (CVAN-55)
in January 1962_ CDR Tally was CAG of
Air Group One aboard Enterprise.
VF'-62 JiIrI'
=- - =.: _
In late October 1962, during the
initial build-up for the Cuban Missile
Crisis, Fighting Sixty Two was put un-
der temporary control of the U. S. Air
Force. Under the Tactical Air Com-
mand all activities were coordinated
through CVG-1 O. The primary mission
during this period was strike and
fighter escort for attack aircraft.
The Boomers were temporarily
assigned to CVG-3 aboard the USS
Lexington (CVS-16) until 26 Novem-
ber 1962 when they were reassigned
back to CVG-10. The squadron re-
turned to Cecil Field on 14 December
and sent five F-8Bs to NAS Key West
to stand fighter alert duty from 19 De-
cember until January 1963. Then,
between 29 January until 20 March,
four aircraft were assigned fighter alert
at NAS Leeward Point, Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba.
The remainder of the squadron
stayed at Cecil during January, Feb-
ruary, and March. Training centered
around Sidewinder intercepts against
DELMAR tow targets and in air-to-air
refresher landings aboard the Shang
and experimented with the new attack
capabilities of the F-8E.
CVA-38 and VF-62 departed for
the MED on 1 October 1963. The
Shang steamed through the Straits of
Gibraltar on October 11 and relieved
the USS Saratoga (CVA-60) at Golfo
di Palmas two days later. VF-62 and
Air Wing Ten put on a air power dem-
onstration for the NATO Defense
College in early November. This was
followed by a NATO exercise named
the Invasion of Spain. December saw
VF-62 attack a French Air Group from
their carrier the FOCH, in a joint NATO
exercise. Another exercise, operation
Ouick Draw 1-64 was conducted in
January. The Shang was relieved by
the USS F. D. Roosevelt (CVA-42) in
mid-May and sailed for home.
VF-62 was on the move again
when it participated in Operation Sail
in June 1964 as part of the World's
Fair festivities at New York. Then, af-
ter returning to Mayport, the squadron
demonstrated the versatility of the
F-8E to visiting Midshipmen.
In September 1964 the Boomers
found their seagoing home on the
USS Independence (CVA-62). The
Big "I" was taking part in a joint NATO
exercise in the North Atlantic, and
VF-62 was taken along to keep Soviet
reconnaissance aircraft under obser-
vation if they attempted to approach
the force. This mission proved very
productive with the squadron inter-
cepting more than twenty-five
intruders. The Indy was then diverted
to the MED for a month to give the
FDR emergency relief. During this pe-
riod, LTJG Larie Clark successfully
ejected after his Crusader flamed-out
in the groove and hook skipped #3
and #4 wires.
VF-62 again deployed aboard the
Shang on 15 February 1965 for a
seven month MED cruise. While on
this cruise, the squadron sent a three
VF-62 F-8S 145438 is being hoisted
aboard the Shangri-La in 1963. VF-62
F8U-1 (F-8A) and F8U-1 E (F-8S) aircraft
were marked with yellow wing tip and
upper tail stripes bordered by black
with black boomerangs painted on
them. (USN)
In April and May of 1963 the Boo-
merangs embarked on a shakedown
cruise aboard the Shangri-La. During
this cruise four F-8Bs were deployed
to NAS McCalla, Guantanamo Bay,
and accomplished another first for the
fleet by flying alerts from the 4,300
foot airstrip.The F-8s utilized Morest
gear to make over 150 field arrest-
ments while flying CAP missions while
defending Guantanamo.
During the cruise a Boomerang
pilot logged the 50,000th landing on
the Shang since her recommissioning.
Another Boomer pilot, LTJG Walker
successfully ejected after a ramp
strike at night. His rescue became fa-
mous when he was found hanging
feet dry from the chute which had
caught the deck edge protrusion by
the #2 elevator.
June and July of 1963 saw the
F-8Bs being replaced by factory-fresh
F-8Es. Concentrating on radar tech-
niques, the squadron quickly became
aproficient all-weather fighter outfit. In
August the pilots logged day and night
plane detachment to the USS Sarato-
ga (CVA-60) for a two month period.
The squadron returned to Cecil in
September and on the 29th of October
was presented the COMNAVAIR-
LANT Battle Readiness Excellence
Plaque by RADM H. H. Caldwell,
From 15 December 1965 until 15
January 1966 VF-62 was assigned
alert duty at NAS Key West. Once
back at Cecil training exercises con-
tinued until June 1966 when VF-62
deployed aboard the Shang for a
training cruise to Cuba.
After returning to Cecil on 28 July,
~ ..'.' ........... ' ..'.-
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the Boomers traded in their F-8Es for
F-8Ds. The squadron took the "0"
model on a MED cruise beginning on
29 September 1966. Once in the
MED, they participated in operations
Phiblex with the Marines, Lafayette
with the French and Dawn Clear with
the Italians.
While conducting a joint exercise
with the USS America, VF-62 had the
misfortune of a mid-air collision. Both
pilots, LCDR Joe Vinti and LTJG Ed
Davis, ejected safely and were re-
turned to the Shang amidst happy
squadron members. This deployment
was followed by two further Shang
deployments. These deployments
VF-62 F-8E 150352 with the words CDR
JOE MOORER painted under the cano-
py rail on 8-1-63. (USN)
were; from 14 November 1967 until 4
August 1968 and from 7 January
1969 until 1 July 1969.
The Boomerangs (Boomers or
Yellowtails) of VF-62 were decom-
missioned at NAS Cecil Field, Florida,
on 1 October 1969.
VF-62 F-8E 150915 while on tempoary
duty with the USS INDEPENDENCE. ON
. LOAN TO, is painted in small letters
above USS INDEPENDENCE on the fu-
selage side. (USN via Barry Miller)
Two VF-62 F-8E Crusaders, 150339 (#207) and 150341 (#208) in flight. When the F-8Es arrived the markings changed to a wide
yellow stripe which almost covered the complete tail, see the color photo on the inside back cover. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF-62 F-8E 150923 on 5-1-66. The aircraft is freshly painted
and the large yellow tail and small black boomerangs can be
easily seen. (William Swisher)
VF62 F-80 148708 at Cecil on 5-25-67. The tail code has been
changed to "AJ", denoting assignment to CVW-8. (Clay
VFP-63 was established on 1 July
1961 when VCP-63 was redes-
ignated. VFP-63 flew the Crusader
exclusively until the squadron was
disestablished on 30 June 1982. (See
Naval Fighters Number Seventeen,
Navy and Marine RF-8 Photo-Recon
Squadrons, for information and photos
of the squadron's photo birds.)
Due to the dwindling number of
F-8 fighter squadrons, VFP-63 took
over F-8 replacement training from
VF-124 in September 1972. For fight-
er pilot training the squadron acquired
F-8J and F-8H Crusaders. Then in
1975 when the F-8 fighter squadrons
were disbanded, VFP-63 discontinued
F-8 replacement training, but contin-
Red trimmed F-8H 147916 with shark-
mouth on 10-25-69. The words LT
JERRY UNRUH were painted below the
canopy rail. F-8J 150849 with red tail
stripes and LCDR BILL EVANS painted
below the canopy rail. (Jansson) Red
trimmed F-8J 150906 belonging to CDR
J. M. SCHULZE ON 10-28-72. (Swisher)
,pp- ..
VFP-63 was not only responsible for transitional flight training, but for gunnery and weapons training as seen here. F-8J 150317
launches 2.75" rockets from wing mounted launchers. (USN via Barry Miller) 150317 again while dropping bombs in company
with F-8J 149155. Tail stripes were red with white stars. (USN/Tailhook VF03726)
VFP-63 F-8J 149185 at Miramar on
10-6-74 with FIGHTERTOWN paint-
ed above NAVY on the rear
fuselage. Tail and wing stripes were
red with white stars and the double
nuts on the tail was in red. The
painted under the canopy rail.
F-8H 147050 at Miramar in 1974, mi-
nus the usual red tail and wing
stripes. (via Burger)
VFP-63 F-8J 150904 in overall light
grey color with dark grey markings,
in 1980. (via Burger)
F-8J 150302 in overall grey with
black trim and "CDR TACO BELL"
(see page 55 for LCDR TACO BELL
and his VF-24 F-8J 150340) painted
under the canopy. Mini flames
around gun ports were red. (Ginter,
. ----.'.....
. - ...103 .
VSF-76 F-8H 148661 at NAS New Orleans in May 1973, with VSF-76 F8H 148662 at NAS New Orleans in 1973 with the
black diamonds on a white rudder. (J. Weathers via F. Roos) squadron insignia on the tail. (J. Weathers via F. Roos)
VSF-76 was one of two New
Orleans-based squadrons tasked with
the mission of providing fighter cover
for anti-submarine carriers. VSF-76
was assigned to CVSGR-70 and was
commissioned in July 1968 as VSF-
IIX2. Flying A-4B Skyhawks the
squadron was split into VSF-75XI and
VSF-70XI. The A-4Bs were replaced
with A-4Cs and the squadron was re-
designated VSF-76. In 1971 the
A-4Cs were replaced by F-8Hs. In
August 1973, VSF-76 and VSF-86
were redesignated VC-13.
S S S 9 ~ .
N A ~ ~
....~ ~ ! i . ~
VF-84 F8U-2 145559 at NAF Washington in May 1959. VF-84 was the first Navy
squadron to receive the F8U-2 (F-8C). (Crimmins) 146979 in full squadron markings.
The squadron adjusted quickly to
the hot new Crusaders by coming in
first in the Atlantic Fleet Weapons
Meet and by winning the Crusader
Excellence Award in 1959 and the Ef-
ficiency "E" for 1960.
VF-84 deployed the Crusader as
part of CVG-7 aboard the USS Inde-
pendence (CVA-62) from August 1960
through March 1961. VF-84 and its
sister squadron VF-13 (F-3Bs) partici-
pated in the blockade of Cuba during
the Cuban Missile Crisis. Following
this action, the Jolly Rogers deployed
to the MED in 1963-64.
The Furys were replaced by
F8U-2 Crusaders in early 1959. Then
on 15 April, the Jolly Rogers of VF-61
were decommissioned with VF-84 be-
ing the recipient of most of VF-61 's
personnel. A vote was taken and the
Vagabonds nickname was replaced
by that of Jolly Rogers.
The F-8Cs were replaced by F-4
Phantoms in 1964, which in turn were
replaced by F-14s in June 1976. F8U-2145587 on 8-29-59; see color photo on inside cover. (R. T. O'Dell via Larkins)
VF-84 was commissioned at NAS
Oceana, Virginia, on 1 July 1955.
Originally nicknamed Vagabonds and
flying the FJ-3 Fury, VF-84 was as-
signed to Air Task Group 182
(ATG-182). Flying a mixed bag of
FJ-3s and FJ-3Ms, the Vagabonds
made their first deployment as part of
Carrier Air Group One (CVG-1)
aboard the USS Forrestal (CVA-59)
from January through July 1957.
VF-84 F8U-2s 145572 (#206),
145585 (#212), and 145587
(#213) aboard Independence
on 9 October 1959. (USN)
F8U2 145575 on 23 Apri I
1960 at NAS South
Weymouth. (Jim Burridge)
F8U-2 146934. (C. T. Modlin
via Larkins) Colorful trim
was yellow and black. Nose
flames were yellow and red.
YF-84 F8U-2s 146957 (#202), 145554 (#210), 145575 (#207),
and (#212) over the Med on 5-22-62. (USN)
Two YF-84 F8U-2s in flight over the Mediterranean Sea on
5-14-62, while flying from the Independence. (USN via Miller)
YF-84 F8U-2 (F-8C) in outdoor storage, date and place unknown. The name "CO CDR A. J. NEMOFF" is below canopy. (Brown)
VF-84 F8U-2 145559
CAG BIRD with rud-
der colors red, bille,
yellow, green, white,
orange, and black.
During the 1960s VT-86 was
tasked with providing radar training
for F-8D and F-8E pilots, and as such
operated a small number of T-39Ds
equipped with AN/APO-94 fire con-
trol radars. In addition to the T-39Ds,
the squadron operated a number of
F-8 Crusaders. The Sabre Hawks
were based at NAS Glynco while fly-
ing the Crusader.
VT-86 F-8A 145336 at MCAS EI Taro on
5-20-67. The tail and outer wings were
red. (William Swisher)
VSF-86 was the second F-8 anti-
submarine fighter squadron (see
VSF-76). VSF-86 was assigned to
CVSGR-80 and was commissioned
as VSF-IIX2 in July 1968 while flying
A-4Bs. The squadron was split into
VSF-80X3 and VSF-85X4. The
A-4Bs were replaced by A-4Cs and
VSF-80X3 and VSF-85X4 were re-
designated VSF-86. The A-4Cs were
replaced by F-8Hs in 1971. In August
1973 VSF-76 and VSF-86 were re-
designated VC-13.
VSF-86 F-8H 147047 in black trim in
1973. (J. Weathers via F. Roos)
The Red Lightnings obtained the
F8U-1 Crusader, an aircraft capable of
the speed the squadron's name im-
plied, in December 1958. These were
replaced with F8U-2s in September
1959. VF-91 deployed its F8U-2s
(F-8Cs) twice aboard the USS Ranger
(CVA-61) before the squadron was
redesignated VF-194 (see VF-194) on
1 August 1963.
VF-91 F8U-2 145566 from the USS
Ranger in May 1960. (USN via Downey)
commissioned USS Philippine Sea
(CV-47) for her 1946/47 shakedown
cruise, the squadron flew a mixed bag
of F6F-5P Hellcats and F8F-1
Bearcats. This was followed by a Med
cruise in 1948.
In September 1948, VF-9A was
redesignated VF-91. The squadron
deployed to Korea in 1953 with F9F-2
Panthers. F9F-6 Cougars replaced
the Panthers in 1954, which in turn
was replaced by FJ-3 Furys in 1956.
VF-91 was originally commis-
sioned as VF-20 in 1942 while
equipped with Grumman F6F-3 Hell-
cats. F6F-5s replaced the F6F-3s in
August 1944 and on 20 October, the
squadron destroyed eighteen Japa-
nese aircraft over Taiwan.VF-20 was
transferred to NAAS Charleston in
1946 and redesignated VF-9A on 15
November. Assigned to the newly
VF-91 F8U-2 147008 sports a thin red stripe below the black fin tip as it taxis in at San Francisco on 9-18-60. (William T. Larkins)
VF-91 F-8Cs 146994 (#104), 146997 (#101), 146993 (#103), and
145565 (#108) in flight over Mount Fujiyama, Japan, in Sep-
tember 1962. 146994 and 146993 have a red tail stripe just
below the fin tip. (USN)
VF-91 F-8C 146996 landing at NAS Atsugi, Japan, on 12-10-62.
The red lightning bolt that would become standard on VF194
F-Bs has been added to the tail and the pilot's name, LT S. C.
FLYNN is under the canopy rail. (T. Matsuzaki)
VF-103 was commissioned on 1
May 1952 at NAS Cecil Field, Florida,
in response to the Korean War. The
squadron was initially equipped with
Vought FG-1 D Corsairs and assigned
to CVG-1 O. The Sluggers transitioned
to the Grumman F9F-6 Cougar in July
1953. Between 1953 and 1957, the
dash sixes were upgraded to F9F-8s
and finally F9F-8Bs. CVG-10 and
VF-103 deployed its Cougars aboard
the USS Coral Sea (CVA-43).
Late in 1957, transition training for
the Vought F8U-1 Crusader started
and the Sluggers entered the super-
sonic age. The first Crusader cruise
took place aboard the USS Forrestal
(CVA-59) between September 1958
and March 1959. Upon return to Cecil
Field, VF-103 was reassigned to
CVG-8 and was transferred to NAS
Oceana in June 1959, where conver-
sion to the F8U-2 (F-8C) took place.
The squadron returned to the MED
aboard Forrestal in January 1960 and
returned in August. Two more F8U-2
cruises aboard CVA-59 were con-
ducted, one from February until
August 1961 and one from August
1962 through March 1963. In the
summer of 1963 the F-8Cs were re-
placed with F-8Es. One deployment
was made with the F-8Es from July
VF-103 F8U-1145322 in 1958. (USN)
1964 until March 1965.
Once back at Oceana VF-103
transitioned to the McDonnell F-4B
Phantom and was assigned to CVW-3
aboard the USS Saratoga (CVA-60).
The squadron would make eleven de-
ployments aboard Sara with the
Phantom. The F-4B was replaced with
the F-4J in 1968, which in turn was
replaced by the F-4S in 1981 prior to
converting to the Grumman F-14A
Tomcat of today.
VF-103 F8U-1 launches from the USS
Forrestal (eVA-59) on 5-19-59. (USN)
VF-103 F8U-1 144460 in late 1957 shortly after equipping with Crusaders. Wing tip stripes and tail arrow were yellow bordered
by black. The Sluggers insignia is painted behind the canopy. (USNITailhook VF02359)
Two VF-103 F8U-1s, 144447 (#208) and 144450 (#204), patrol-
ling the Med as part of the force for peace in 1959. The
squadron's insignia was painted behind the cockpit. (Vought)
VF:103 F8U-1s; 145322 (#201), 144460 (#214), 145380 (#209),
and 143784 (#210) over the Mediterranean and the Forrestal
on 10-10-58. Arrows on the tail were yellow. (USN)
Two VF103 F8U-2 (F-8C) Crusaders in flight.
(Smithsonian Institute)
VF-103 F-8Cs 146909 (#204), 145596 (#207),
and 145600 (#206) in flight and venting fuel
over NAS Oceana on 6-10-63. (USN)
VF-103 F-8Es 150303 (#201), 150301 (#200),
150310 (#203), and 150305 (#208) in flight
during 1965. (USN)
VF-103 F-8E 149145 sans tail arrow. The name
LT PIXLEY is painted below the canopy.
(Collect-Air Photos)
V F ~ 1 1 1 was originally commis-
sioned as Fighter Squadron Eleven
(VF-11) on 10 October 1942 at NAS
North Island, California. Two weeks
later the squadron was in Hawaii
training in their F4F-4 Wildcats. It was
while at NAS Maui that the squadron's
"Sundowner" insignia was devised.
This insignia proved to be prophetic as
during the period of April to July 1943,
VF-11 shot down fifty-six Japanese
aircraft from its Guadalcanal base.
VF-11 transitioned to the F6F Hellcat
for its second combat tour aboard the
USS Hornet (CV-12). When the war
ended the Sundowners returned to
NAS North Island and transitioned to
the F8F-1 Bearcat.
In July 1948 VF-11 was redesig-
nated VF-111. The Sundowners tran-
sitioned to F9F-2 Panthers in 1950
and deployed aboard the USS Philip-
pine Sea (CV-47) in July for the first of
three Korean War cruises. During their
third war cruise, the Sundowners were
on hand to fly the final strike of the
Korean War on 27 July 1953.
After the war VF-111 transitioned
to swept-winged F9F-6 and F9F-8
Cougars, which were replaced by the
FJ-3 Fury in June 1957. On 19 Janu-
ary 1959, VF-111 was decommiss-
ioned and the next day VA-156, a NAS
Moffitt Field based F11 F Tiger squ-
adron, was redesignated VF-111.
VA-156 adopted the Sundowners
nickname and heritage. upon the re-
designation. The new VF-111 would
complete two F11 F deployments
aboard the USS Shangri-La (CVA-38)
and the USS Hancock (CVA-19) be-
tween 1959 and 1961.
VF111 F8U-2N (F-80) 148638 at NAS
Lemoore on 7-8-61. The afterburner
section was painted on early F8U-2Ns.
(William Swisher)
Upon returning to NAS Miramar in
March 1961, VF-111 became the first
Navy squadron to re-equip with the
F8U-2N (F-8D) Crusader. The F-8Ds
deployed twice aboard the USS Kitty
Hawk (CVA-63) in 1962 and in
1963-64. The squadron was reas-
signed to Carrier Air Wing Two
(CVW-2) and was redesignated VF-26
(see VF-26) on 1 September 1964.
The designation lasted only until 17
September when the squadron re-
verted back to VF-111.
VF-111 F-80s 147065 (#102) and 147048
(#104) with unpainted afterburner sec-
tions and thin red fin stripe, on 12-18-63
while flying from the Kitty Hawk. (USN)
Commanding Officer's F-8D 148652
landing aboard the USS Kitty Hawk
(CVA-63) during the 1962 cruise. Tail
stripe was red and fin tip was black.
(USN via Barry Miller) VF-111 F-8D
147056 on 12-20-63 with the name LT
N. W. COX painted under the canopy
rail. (USN) VF-111 F-8Ds 148638 (#111)
and 148699 (#114) in March 1964 while
over Japan. Red sharkmouths have
been added and the speed brakes are
fUlly extended. Note characture on fin
tip as drawn below. (USN)
VF-111 was flying from the Kitty
Hawk when the naval air war in South
East Asia turned into a shooting war in
1964. On 6 June a VFP-63 RF-8A
from the Kitty Hawk was shot down
over Laos and because of this fighter
escort was ordered on all future re-
connaissance flights. On 7 June
VF-111 earned the dubious distinction
of losing the first fighter version of the
F-8 to hostile fire. The Sundowners
commander, CDR Doyle W. Lynn,
was shot down over Laos while es-
corting two VFP-63 RF-8As. CDR
Lynn ejected safely 35 miles south of
Xieng Khouang and was successfully
rescued the next day.
The Sundowners returned to
Vietnam in 1965 aboard the USS
Midway (CVA-41) as part of CVW-2.
VF-111 F-8D 148647 at NAS Miramar on
9-12-64, sporting the new CVW-2 "NE"
tail code and with USS MIDWAY paint-
ed on the fuselage side. (Swisher)
CVW-2's "NE" tail code replaced the
CVW-11 "NH" tail code used aboard
the Kitty Hawk. During the cruise
three VF-111 pilots were lost during
combat operations. On 8 May CDR L.
O. La Haye was lost in F-8D 148637,
followed by the squadron's skipper,
CDR Lynn on 27 May while flying
F-80 148706. The third pilot was
LTJG G. R. Gollahon, who was lost on
12 August in F-80 147911.
VF-111 F-8D 147908 with sharkmouth
and red stripes on the tail, wing tips,
and ventral fins on 9-12-64. Pilot's
name, LTJG J. E. SHARDY, is painted
below the canopy rail. (Swisher)
After returning to Miramar in No-
vember, the F-8Ds were slowly
replaced by F-8Cs. The F-8Cs were
replaced by F-8Es in preparation for
the 1966 War cruise aboard the USS
Oriskany (CVA-34). The squadron's
tail code was changed to "AH" to
reflect assignment to CVW-16.
The squadron and the Oriskany
sailed for Vietnam on 26 May 1966
and arrived on station on 11 June.
During the cruise three Crusaders
were lost in combat over North Viet-
nam. F-8E 150880 was lost to AAA on
11 August and the pilot LTJG C. A.
Balisteri was recovered. On 13 August
LCDR N. S. Levy was recovered after
losing 150866 to AAA. A MiG claimed
150896 on 5 September and CAPT W.
VF-111 F-80 147062 forms up with a
VAH-8 Skywarrior tanker off the coast
of Vietnam on 6-15-63. (USN)
K. Abbott became a POW. The
squadron returned to Miramar on 16
November and commenced turn-
around training for their 1967 cruise.
VF-111 F-80 147072 with CVW-16's
"AH" tail code on 2-19-66. Tail and wing
stripes were red. (Clay Jansson)
VF-111 F-8C 150907 at NAS Miramar on 2-19-66, prior to the 1966 USS Oriskany cruise. Air Wing Sixteen's "AH" tail code and
USS Oriskany have been added. The name "CDR R. COOK" is painted under the canopy rail. (Clay Jansson)
VF-111 F-8E 149185 at NAS Lemoore on
5-1-66. Characture on tail was known as
"Omar" (see drawing below). Pilots
name printed below the canopy rail was
Once back at Miramar, the squa-
dron once again received F-8Cs. On
11 May 1967, VF-111 's Detachment
VF-111 F-8E 149180 landing at NAS At-
sugi on 8-11-66. (T. Matsuzaki)
11 known as "Omars Orphans" de-
ployed aboard the USS Intrepid
(CVS-11) on that carrier's second war
cruise. The anti-submarine carrier In-
trepid was being operated as a light
attack carrier, and after its first Viet-
nam cruise, the fighter detachment
was assigned to provide CVW-1 0 with
its own escorts. With DET 11, VF-111
received its third tail code "AK". During
the cruise, which ended on 30 De-
cember 1967, VF-111 lost one aircraft
(146993) to AAA fire over the north on
12 August, with the pilot LCDR F. S.
Teague being recovered.
The Sundowners' second Oriska-
ny War cruise which started on 16
June 1967 proved to be extremely
costly for CVW-16. The carrier lost 29
aircraft during combat and another 10
to operational problems. VF-111
proved to be lucky by losing only 4
aircraft. AAA claimed 146938 on
10-5-67 and 146907 on 12-5-67. Op-
erational accidents claimed 146929
on 9-8-67 and 147004 on 11-19-67.
The squadron returned to Miramar on
31 January 1968.
Omars Orphans deployed aboard
Intrepid again on 4 June 1968. It was
during this cruise that the Sundowners
would claim their only MiG kill. On 19
September, LT Anthony Nargi en-
countered a MiG-21 during a MiG
CAP mission. He subsequently
downed the MiG-21 with a AIM-9
Sidewinder for VF-111 's 160th. kill.
This kill was recorded on LT Nargi's
111th. mission while flying F-8C
146961. The detachment returned
home on 8 February 1969.
VF-111 's Oriskany based aircraft
were converted to the remanufactured
"H" model in preparation for the 1969
cruise aboard the USS Ticonderoga
(CVA-14). The Sundowners left for
Vietnam on 1 February 1969 and ar-
rived on station on 18 February. This
deployment proved to be relatively
uneventful for the squadron with only
one operational loss on 7-6-69.
VF-111's only MiG killer, F-8C 146961 on 5-24-68 at NAS Miramar, ten days prior to departing on its MiG killing cruise. The air-
craft was the mount of LT JOE THOMPSON and had TIGER painted in white on the red tail stripe. LT ANTHONY NARGI would be
flying her on 9-19-68 when he would use a AIM-9 Sidewinder to down a MiG-21. (Clay Jansson)
VF-111 Detachment 11 (Omar's Orphans) F-8C 146911 on
5-24-68. The red tail, wing, and ventral fin stripes were bor-
dered by black and the Rising Sun motif has been added to
the rudder. The name "ROADRUNNER" has been added to
the tail stripe. (Clay Jansson)
VF-111 F-8C traps aboard the USS Intrepid (CVS-11) in Sep-
tember 1968 while operating in the GUlf of Tonkin. The raised
wing's bulkhead was red and the aircraft was typically armed
with two Sidewinders. (USN via Barry Miller)
5-24-68. (Jansson) F-8C 147022
on 7-27-68. (Jansson) VF-111
F-8H 148636 taxiing forward on
the Ticonderoga in 1969. This
aircraft was lost during an op-
erational accident on 7-6-69.
SUNDOWNERS was painted in
white on the red wing bUlkhead.
(Dom Hayes) F-8H 148661
which was flown by LT CARL
STATTIN on 1-28-69. The "AH"
tail code was bordered in white.
(Harry Gann)
CYW-16 returned to Miramar on
18 September 1969 and was reas-
signed to CYW-8 aboard the USS
Shangri-La (CYS-38). The Shang, an-
other anti-sub carrier from the Atlantic
Fleet which was loaned to the Pacific
Fleet as a light attack carrier left May-
port, Florida, on 5 March 1970.
CYW-8's "AJ" tail code became the
squadron's fifth tail code. When the
squadron returned home on 17 De-
cember 1970, they had flown over
12,500 missions over Vietnam and
were awarded the Navy Unit Com-
mendation and the Meritorious Unit
VF-111 F-8H 148652 on 3-14-70 with
CVW-8s "AJ" tail code. The name LCDR
BLACKJACK FINLEY was painted un-
der the canopy rail. (Clay Jansson)
In 1971'the F-8H Crusaders were
replaced by F-4B Phantoms which in
turn were replaced by the F-14A
Tomcat in April 1977.
CDR BILL RENNIE's F-8H 147909 on 3-19-70. (Clay Jansson) VF-111 F-8H 148684 over Atsugi on 7-24-70. (T. Matsuzaki)
00 ~
VF-111 F-8H 147048, CAG
BIRD, on 3-14-70 prior to
the Sundowners' last F-8
cruise. The rising sun
rudder markings were
red, yellow, green, or-
ange, and blue. (Clay
Jansson) 147048 during
cruise while over NAS
Atsugi on 7-24-70. (T.
F-8H 147055 belonging to LT CHUCK SCOTT at Da Nang in 1970. F-8H 148677 in June 1970; see the back cover. (Barry Miller)
VF-124 came into being when on
11 April 1958 VF-53 was redesignated
VF-124. VF-53 had originally been
commissioned on 16 August 1948.
Stationed at NAS Moffett Field, Cali-
fornia, the squadron became re-
sponsible for training replacement F-8
pilots. Also commissioned on that date
was Replacement Carrier Air Group
Twelve (RCVG-12), which VF-124
was assigned to. Under this new or-
ganization the squadrons like VF-124
were affectionately referred to as the
RAG (Replacement Air Group), or in
this case the F-8 RAG.
On 30 June 1961 the squadron
transferred to NAS Miramar, Califor-
nia, home of all Pacific Fleet fighter
squadrons. Known as the Crusader
College during its F-8 years, VF-124's
organization and responsibilities in-
creased greatly due to the need for
replacement F-8 pilots for the Vietnam
War. In 1970 the RCVGs were dis-
banded and VF-124 fell under the
direct command of the Commander
Fighter Airborne Early Warning Wing
Pacific Fleet. With the introduction of
the F-14A Tomcat and the dwindling
need for F-8 fighter pi lots, VF-124
turned over the RAG duties to VFP-63
(see VFP-63) and VF-124 became the
F-14 RAG.
One of the first VF-124 aircraft was this
ex VF-154 F8U-1 143707. The fuselage
and tail markings are that of VF-154 and
only the squadron designation was
changed to VF-124. This May 1958 pho-
to was taken while VF-154 was on its
first F8U-1 deployment. (W. T. Larkins)
r '.
VF-124 F8U-1 143737 on 5-17-58 at Moffett Field. Tail markings were international orange with black stripes and stars. (Larkins)
VF-124 F8U-1145425 at NAS Oakland on 9-6-59. The gear are now painted white and the tail is international orange with white
bordering the "NJ" and stars. A blue practice Sidewinder was mounted on the fuselage side. (William T. Larkins)
VF-124 F8U-1 E (F-8S) 145442 at MCAS Yuma on 3-19-60. Note
the gunpowder stains on the forward fuselage from continu-
ous gunnery training. (William Swisher)
VF-124 F8U-1 144443 at MCAS Yuma on 12-3-59. Squadron
tail markings were missing and the afterburner section was
painted. (William Swisher)
Three VF124 F8U-1s; 145422 (412), 145424 (416), and 145391 (425) returning to NAS Moffett Field on 5-21-60. These photos
show the location and shape of the upper and lower international orange wing markings. (William T. Larkins)
VF-124 F8U-1 143714 at NAS Miramar on 4-8-62. Tail markings were international orange with a black "NJ" bordered by white.
Note the extended Ram Air Turbine (RAT) and the raised wing. (William Swisher)
VF-124 F8U-2 (F-8C) 147003 at NAS Moffett Field. The first
VF-124 F8U-2 was acquired in 1959. (William T. Larkins)
VF-124 F-8A 145400 at NAS Miramar on 1-19-63. Note loca-
tions of wing codes and outer wing markings. (Clay Jansson)
-.t_* .*
45567 ~
VF124 F8U2 145567 at NAS Moffitt Field on 7-2559. Outer wing panel flashes and the tail were international orange and the fin
tip and the radome were black. Notice the tied-on canvas exhaust covers. (William T. Larkins)
VF124 F8U2145570 at NAS Moffett Field on 51659 with the
Ram Air Turbine (RAT) extended. (William T. Larkins)
VF124 F8U2 146931 taxing with raised wing at NAS Moffett
Field on 52160. (William T. Larkins)
By 1964 The Crusader College was operating F-8C, F-80, and F-8E Crusaders as seen in these photos taken on 8-1-64. All air-
craft no longer carried the international orange trim. F8C 146990 (432), F-80 148672 (452), and F-8E 150861 (405). (Jansson)
" ' ~
In-flight photo of four VF-124 Crusaders over Southern California with CAG-12's aircraft, F-8E 150903, in the foreground on
10-20-65. Insignia on the tail was that of RCVW-12. (USN) Below, CAG-12's aircraft being washed. (William Swisher)
15903 as it appeared in 1969 with all of Replacement Carrier Air Wing Twelve's (RCVW-12) squadron insignias on the rudder.
Top to bottom; VF-121, VA-122, VAH-123, VF-124, VA-125, VF-126, and VA-127. The world has been painted behind the RCVW-12
insignia on the tail. The CAG's name, CAPT ED HOLLEY, was painted below the canopy rail. (William Swisher)
"'J \50903
VF-124 F-8E 150683 pre-
pares to launch from the
port catapult of the USS
Constellation (CVA-64),
while VF-124 F-8D 147055
taxis into position for
launch on the starboard
catapult. At left, F-8D
147055 lifts off the Con-
stellation's deck. Below,
F-80 147905 launches
from the starboard cata-
pUlt of the Connie.
(Vought I Schoeni)
, 53
VF-124 F-8H 147047 in 1971 with red stripes and a black Crusader character drawing with a red shield on the tail. Note wing
pylon and the pilot's name LT JACK MUSITANO was written under the canopy rail. (Clay Jansson)
VF-124 F-8J 149222 in 1971. (Burger)
VF-124 F-8E 150872 launches from the
port catapu It of the USS Indepen-
VF-132 F8U-2Ns 148696 (207) and
148701 (211) over NAS Leeward Point
during the Connie's shakedown cruise.
On 21 August 1961 the Peg Leg
Petes of VF-132 were recommis-
sioned as a component of the newly
commissioned Carrier Air Group Thir- .
teen (CVG-13) at NAS Cecil Field,
Florida, flying the new supersonic
F8U-2N (F-8D) Crusader.
On 13 February 1962 the squad-
ron boarded the USS Independence
(CVA-62) for two weeks of day and
night carrier qualifications. Shunning
conventional survival equipment the
pilots flew every flight in the Navy's full
pressure suit, becoming the first
squadron ever to carrier qualify at
night thus equipped. During this cruise
the squadron logged 287 traps, 96 of
which were at night. After returning to
Cecil Field, the Peg Leg Petes com-
menced preparations for the
shakedown cruise of the USS Con-
stellation (CVA-64). During this period
the squadron participated in a 48 hour
NORAD exercise. Scoring more au-
thenticated kills than any other Navy
squadron in the exercise, the officers
and men received the highest praise
from the Commanding General of the
32nd. NORAD sector.
On 3 March 1962 VF-132 loaded
aboard the Constellation for its two
month shakedown cruise. While oper-
ating ashore at NAS Leeward Point,
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the squad-
ron completed two week-s of gunnery
practice by recording the highest ban-
ner score yet in a F8U-2N. After the
two weeks ashore, VF-132 resumed
shipboard day and night carrier oper-
ations in preparation for the Connie's
Operational Readiness Inspection by
Fleet Training Group, Guantanamo.
Two mishaps occurred in April.
On the 25th. LT Robert R. Loomis
struck the ramp during a night carrier
approach, damaging the landing gear
and tail section. He crashlanded at
NAS Leeward Point without injury.
Then on the 30th, CDR George C.
Watkins, CAG-13, ejected immediate-
ly after a night bolter in which the
aircraft had been damaged. He was
rescued uninjured by the plane guard
After supporting the Connie in its
successful ORI, VF-132 flew ashore to
NAS Cecil Field on 5 May 1962. In
June during preparations for CVG-13s
South American cruise VF-132 re-
ceived official notice of impending
decommissioning. In September the
aircraft and personnel were trans-
ferred to other units. On 1 October
1962, VF-132 was decommissioned.
CDR JAY ARNOLD's F8U-2N 148680;
tail markings were yellow bordered by
black. Note Peg Leg Pete on fuselage.
The Iron Angels roots and insignia
can be traced back to Fighter Squad-
ron Fourteen (VF-14) which was
commissioned on 23 August 1943 at
NAS Atlantic City as a component of
Carrier Air Group Fourteen. Flying
Grumman F6F Hellcats, VF-14 took
part in the naval battles for Tinian,
Saipan, Iwo Jima, Guam, Palau, Oki-
nawa, Leyte, and the second battle of
the Philippine Sea. The Iron Angels
returned to San Diego in November
1944 with nine Aces. The squadron
was decommissioned on 14 June
When the Korean War broke out,
many Naval Air Reserve squadrons
were recalled to active duty. One of
these, VF-721, was aboard the USS
Boxer (CVA-21) as a component of
Carrier Air Group Fourteen in March
1953 when it was redesignated
VF-141. The new VF-141 adopted the
Iron Angel insignia of World War II
fame. While flying the Grumman
F9F-2 Panther, the squadron made a
second Korean deployment aboard
the USS K.earsarge (CVA-33).
Upon returning to Miramar, the
Iron Angels transitioned to the Mc-
Donnell F2H-3 Banshee in late 1953.
The squadron stepped up to the Dou-
glas F4D-1 Skyray in 1956 and the
McDonnell F3H-2 Demon in 1959.
In May 1962 the Demons were
replaced with the F-8E Crusader. The
transition to the 1,000+MPH Crusad-
ers was quick and orderly. VF-141
took to sea aboard the USS Constel-
VF-141 F8U-2NE (F-8E) 149180 at NAS
Miramar on 1-19-63. Tail stripe and
ventral fin markings were red and af-
terburner section was painted.
lation (CVA-64) in February 1963. 93
flying days with 1190 carrier landings,
of which 314 were at night, ended
when VF-141 returned home on 10
September 1963. The squadron also
participated in a firepower demonstra-
tion on 25 July for president Chaing
Kai Chek and was awarded the CNO
Safety Award for 1963. On 15 October
1963 VF-141 was redesignated VF-53
when it was assigned to Carrier Air
Wing Five (see VF-53).
VF-141 F-8Es 149176 (#102) and 150320
(#113) over the USS Constellation
(CVA-64) on 5-17-63. (USN)
VF-141 F-8E 149185 refueling from VA146 A-4C 149559 in November 1962. Note the locations of the wing codes. (USN via Miller)
Air Wing Fourteen; VAW-11 E-1 B, VA-145 A-1s, VA-146 A-4Cs,
VF-143 F-4B, VAH-10 A-3B, and VF141 F-8E. (Tailhook)
Four F-8Es 150318 (#112),149187 (#107),149176.(#102), and
150335 (#114) over the Constellation on 6-20-63. (USN)
VF-142 was originally established
as VF-791 at NARTU Memphis, Ten-
nessee, on 1 November 1949. The
squadron flew F6F-5 Hellcats as one
of 128 fighter units of the Naval Air
Reserve. With the advent of the Kore-
an War VF-791 was one of eight
fighter squadrons called to active duty
on 20 July 1950.
Equipped with F4U-4 Corsairs
VF-791 deployed to Korea on 2 March
1951 aboard the USS Boxer (CV-21)
as a component of Reserve Air Group
101 (CVG-101). After returning to the
United States on 24 October VF-791
became the first AIRPAC squadron to
receive F9F-5 Panthers in April 1952.
On 4 February 1953, VF-791 and
CVG-101 were redesignated VF-142
and CVG-14 respectively. After only
thirteen months in the Panther and
with no deployments in the type,
VF-142 upgraded its mounts to F9F-6
Cougars in May. It was during this
time that the name Fighting Falcons
was selected. Two cruises were made
with Cougars. One MED cruise
aboard the USS Randolph (CVA-15)
from 3 February to 4 August 1954 and
one WESTPAC cruise aboard the
USS Boxer (CVA-21).
In March 1956 the Cougars were
replaced by FJ-3 Furys and one de-
ployment from 21 January until 25 July
1957 was made aboard the USS Hor-
net (CVA-12). Upon returning to NAS
Miramar, VF-142 became the second
AIRPAC line fighter squadron and the
first Miramar based squadron to equip
with the Chance Vought F8U-1 in
September 1957.
The Fighting Falcons spent most
of 1958 asho're, evaluating new high-
altitude pressure suits and working
with the USAF NORAD Command on
air defense intercept exercises. Dur-
ing carrier qualifications aboard the
Midway on 12 March, LTJG G. M.
Lindsay lost VF-142's first F8U-1
(143744) during a ramp strike. As-
signed to the USS Ranger (CVA-61)
VF-142 deployed on 3 January 1959
where it was the first AIRPAC Cru-
sader squadron to operate from a
Forrestal class carrier. Following five
weeks of combat training near Hawaii
the squadron received the highest
grade in CVG-14 during the ORI. Dur-
ing the cruise which ended on 27 July,
numerous air power demonstrations
were conducted, along with armed
CAP flights in the Formosa Straits.
In September 1959 the F8U-2 re-
placed the F8U-1 and the squadron
took the improved Crusader to the
fourth annual TOPGUN Weapons
Meet at MCAAS Yuma. The second
F-8 deployment commenced on 14
May 1960 aboard the USS Oriskany
(CVA-34). On 30 June, VF-142 be-
came the first F-8 squadron to
successfully complete an accident-
free fiscal year. In addition, the covet-
ed AIRPAC Battle Efficiency "E"
Award was bestowed upon VF-142 as
the outstanding day fighter squadron.
This deployment ended on 15 De-
cember and VF-142 immediately left
for the 1960 TOPGUN Weapons Meet
at MCAS Yuma.
In June 1961, VF-142 swapped
their F8U-2s for VMF-323's F8U-1s
and in July joined CVG-11. On 11 Au-
gust they borded the USS Kitty Hawk
(CVA-63) as she departed Norfolk,
Virginia, for her shakedown cruise to
. San Diego.
Early 1958 photo of VF-142 F8U-1s
143739 (#104) and 143764 (#102), Fuse-
lage arrow and tail markings were red.
Red ta if ed VF-142
F8U-1 143761 on fi-
nal in 1958. (USN)
VF-142 F8U-1 (F-8A)
145318 aboard the
Ranger on 9-23-58.
(USN) VF-142 F8U-2
146907 at the Yuma
TOPGUN meet on
12-3-59. Markings
were changed to a
small red tail stripe
under the fin cap.
Note powder stains
on the fuselage.
Upon returning to Miramar, the
F-8 pilots were transferred to the
newly established VF-132. VF-142
was then assigned to RCVG-12 for
transition training in the F4H-1 Phan-
tom. Upon completion of conversion
training, the Fighting Falcons of
VF-142 was assigned to CVG-9 in
April and on 1 June was redesignated
The squadron would down ten
MiGs and make eight combat cruises
plus two peacetime cruises with the
F-4 prior to disestablishment on 1
November 1975.
VF-142 .
VF-142 F8U-2 (F-8C) 146908 touches
down aboard the USS Oriskany
(CVA-34) in 1960. The afterburner
section was painted and the only
markings were a thin red stripe below
the black fin cap. (USN) VF-142 F8U-2
146913 taxis forward on the "Big 0" in
1960. (USN) VF-142 F8U-2s 146922
(#114), 146907 (#110), and 146924
(#107) on the flight line at MCAS Yuma
for the December 1960 TOPGUN
weapons meet. (S. Krause) F8U-2
145567 with a yellow tail stripe and the
Battle "E" Award on the tail on
2-13-61. (USN)
The roots of VF-154 can be traced
back to VBF-718, a Naval Air Reserve
squadron which was established at
NAS New York on 1 July 1946. The
squadron was redesignated VF-68A
on 1 February 1947 and VF-837 on 1
December 1949.
The Korean War caused the Navy
to recall 42 reserve squadrons by May
1951 with VF-837 being called to ac-
tive duty on 1 February 1951. VF-837
made one War cruise aboard the USS
Antietam (CV-36) as part of Carrier Air
Group Fifteen (CVG-15) and was re-
designated VF-154 on 4 February
1953 when CVG-15 and its squadrons
were augmented into the regular Na-
vy. February 4th. also marked the start
of two Korean War deployments
aboard the USS Princeton (CVA-37).
Black Knight insignia designed by
LTJG John Miottel and drawn by Milton
Caniff, creator of Steve Canyon, is dis-
cussed by (left to right) LTJG John
Miottel, LCDR R. B. Baldwin, and LTJG
Carl Madson. (via Miotell) VF-154 flight-
line at Moffett in 1957, pilot is in a full
pressure suit. (via John Miottel)
While at NAS New York, the
squadron flew F6F-5 Hellcats, F4U-4/
FG-1 D Corsairs and FH-1 Phantoms.
As VF-837, the squadron transitioned
to Grumman F9F-2 Panthers for its
Antietam deployment and then
changed to F9F-5 Panthers for its de-
ployments aboard pri nc-eton as
VF-154 returned to NAS Moffett
Field on 31 February 1955 and transi-
tioned to the North American FJ-3
Fury in July. In the spring of 1957 the
FJ-3s were replaced by the Chance
Vought F8U-1 Crusader. This gave
the squadron the distinction of being
the first operational Pacific Fleet F8U
squadron. VF-154 would fly various
models of the Crusader until replaced
by the McDonnell F-4B Phantom in
November 1965. Various models of
the Phantom were flown until Novem-
ber 1983 when the Black Knights
transitioned to the Grumman F-14A
VF-154's first deployment of the
Crusader was to NAAS Fallon, Neva-
da, for weapons training. This was
followed by the first NAVAIRPAC
Sidewinder firings at NAS Miramar.
This was followed by another trip to
Fallon in September and the Navy's
first carrier qualifications by an opera-
tional squadron on 18 November
1957. The November carquals were
conducted aboard the USS Hancock
(CVA-19), and were repeated in
Shortly after the arrival of the
Crusader, a squadron-wide compet-
ition for a more appropriate squadron
insignia was announced. The winning
design was submitted by LTJG J. Mi-
ottel and was forwarded to the Chief of
Naval Operations for approval. Ap-
proval was gfanted and the squad-
ron's new insignia was released to the
press in December 1957. The squad-
ron continued to be known as the
Grand Slammers until the name Black
Knights was added to the top of their
insignia in 1963.
VF-154 left its home base at NAS
Moffett Field, California, for deploy-
ment to Japan aboard the Hancock on
16 February 1958. During this cruise,
which ended on 3 October 1958, the
F8U would be plagued by teething
problems in the form of gear and tail
hook failures. Two aircraft were lost on
4 March while the Hancock was oper-
ating off of Oahu. LTJG C. F. Ramsey
VF-154 F8U-1 Crusaders at NAAS Fal-
lon in September 1957. Only two of the
aircraft were wearing the squadron's
distinctive orange lighting bolts. (John
lost one of his landing gears and was
killed during his ejection. Then LTJG
John Miottel had to take the barricade
due to a failed arresting hook. Unfor-
tunately the barricade tore off the port
landing gear and the aircraft went over
the side. Luckily the pilot escaped as it
hit the water.
Between March and June, five
more mishaps, mainly attributable to
gear and hook problems occurred.
One of these, on 20 June, was LTJG
Miottel taking the barricade for the
second time, to become the only
Crusader pilot to thus do so. Because
of these reoccurring problems, F8U
operations were only conducted within
bingo field distances. By the time the
cruise ended all of VF-154's Crusad-
ers had been reworked to eliminate
further gear and hook failures.
VF-154 F8U-1143720 in 1957. The light-
ing bolts on the fuselage and the tail
were orange bordered by black. The
landing gear on the early F8Us were
natural metal. (Geoge Thomas via Clay
VF-154 F8U-1 launch-
es from the USS
Hancock (CVA-19) on
11-25-57. The steam
catapult has just
been fired. (USN)
VF-154 F8U-1 143697
during carrier qualifi-
cations in November
1957. Landing gear is
natural metal. (Na-
tional Archives)
VF-154 F8U-1 143689
aboard Hancock in
November 1957. No-
tice the speed brake
was slightly open.
(National Archives)
The squadron redeployed aboard
Hancock from 1 August 1959 until 18
January 1960 with the improved
F8U-1 E. No further gear or hook
problems were experienced during
this cruise.
VF-154 would deploy four more
times with the F-8, all aboard the USS
Coral Sea (CVA-43). The first Coral
Sea cruise from 19 September 1960
until 27 May 1961 was to Japan.
VF-154 F-8s flew air superiority for the
task force from NAS Atsugi and from
Naha Air Base. After returning home
in May, the squadron's home base
was transferred to NAS Miramar, Cal-
ifornia, in June 1961.
The Coral Sea redeployed from
12 December1961 until 17 July 1962
and became the first CVA to operate
in the Bearing Sea. For this cruise
VF-154 flew the updated F8U-2N
VF-154's third Coral Sea cruise
was to Sydney, Australia, for partici-
pation in the 21 st. annual celebration
of the Battle of the Coral Sea. This
deployment lasted from 3 April 1963
until 25 November 1963.
The fourth Coral Sea deployment
started on the 23rd. anniversary of the
Pearl Harbor attack, on 7 December
1964. VF-154, commanded by CDR
Flight of five VF-154 F8U-1s; 143779
(#401), 143798 (#408), 143801 (#411),
143773 (#402), and 143795 (#406). No-
tice the bottom two are carrying
Sidewinders. (via Barry Miller)
Henry Glindeman Jr. was beginning
their first Vietnam War WESTPAC
cruise. Once on station, the Coral Sea
joined TF-77 with the Hancock and the
VF-154 F8U-1 143793 on 2 January
1959. Unlike the squadron's first
F8U-1s, this aircraft has been delivered
with the aerial refueling package as ev-
idenced by the bUlge above the guns.
The colorful orange lighting bolts were
eliminated after the 1958 cruise. (USN)
The F-8Ds would first see combat
on 7 February 1965, the day after
guerrillas attacked American bases in
South Vietnam. The retaliatory air
strikes took place against the Dong
Hoi military barracks. This attack was
the start of nine months of non-stop
combat operations for the squadron
and marked the squadron's loss of its
first aircraft in combat. LCDR R. W.
Scumaker ejected from his flak riddled
~ \ . .
F-8D only to be interned until 1973.
Five more aircraft were lost by the
Black Knights before suspending
combat operations on 14 October
1965. On 26 March LTC. E. Wange-
man Jr. ejected from his damaged F-8
and was recovered uninjured after at-
tacking the Bach Long radar site.
Bach Long claimed two more aircraft
on 29 March. LCDR K. E. Hume was
VF154 F8U-1 E (F-8S) 145466 flies over
the flight deck of the USS Coral Sea
(CVA-43) on 3-6-61. (USN)
killed and CDR Donnelly ejected and
spent 45 hours in the shark-infested
waters off Bang Long Island before
being rescued. Then LTD. A. Kardell
was killed while strafing trucks in
North Vietnam on 9 May. The squad-
ron's last mission was flown against
their first target, the barracks at Dong
Hoi, and LT J. A. Terhune was forced
to eject over the Gulf of Tonkin where
he was rescued.
For the squadron's first Vietnam
cruise and its last F-8 cruise, VF-154
was awarded the Armed Forces Ex-
peditionary Medal and the Navy Unit
Commendation Medal. Individual per-
sonnel were awarded one Silver Star,
three Distinguished Flying Crosses
and a 120 Air Medals. VF-154 would
go on to fly six more combat cruises,
five aboard Coral Sea and one aboard
Ranger, and all with F-4 Phantoms. In
1983 the Grumman F-14A Tomcat re-
placed the Phantom.
VF154 F8U-1 E 145524 taxing at NAS
Moffett Field on 5-16-59. The colorful
orange Jig hting bolts have been re-
placed with a thin orange stripe below
the black fin cap. (William T. Larkins)
Air Wing 15 in review, with VAH-4 Skyraider, VF-151 Demon, VA-152 Skyraider, VA-153 and VA-155 Skyhawks, and VF-154's
F8U-1 E (145516) Crusader. (USN via Stan Wyckoff)
VF-154 F8U-2N 148673 (#413) flies 148676's (#414) wing while
inverted during a flight over the Philippines in January 1962
while deployed aboard the USS Coral Sea (CVA-43). (USN)
VF-154 F8U-2Ns (F-8Ds) 148651 (#401) and 148654 (#404)
preparing to refuel from two VA-155 Skyhawks while over the
Pacific in May 1962. (USN)
VF-154 F-8D 148649 at NAS
Miramar on 1-19-63. The pilots
SON was painted below the
canopy rail. The letters WBJS
(Worlds Best Jet Squadron)
were painted in black on the
raised wing's red bUlkhead.
(Clay Jansson)
VF-154 F-8D 148678 over NAS
Atsugi on 19 September 1963.
The name CDR W. R. ELLIS
was painted below the canopy
rail. The thin orange tail stripe
is clearly visible above the
rudder. (T. Matsuzaki)
LT Terhune ejects from Black
Knight F-8D 147899 over the
Gulf of Tonkin as 148670 flies
chase on 8 November 1965.
Aircraft were armed with the
double Zuni rocket tubes on
the upper missile rail and a
single Sidewinder on the
lower rail. (USN)
VF-154 F-8D 148673 at NAS
Miramar on 9-12-64 with the
Black Knight insignia on the
tail. The ventral fin was bor-
dered by orange. (Swisher)
"When VF-154 received the first
F8 U-1 in June 1957 I had a total of
about 600 hours, approximately half in
props (SNJs and T-28s). My only car-
rier landings had been my six trap
qualification in the SNJ aboard the
USS Saipan in October 1955. During
this exercise I remember watching in
amazement as one of my classmates,
attempting a deck launch, tootled up
to the island, turned hard to starboard
and taxied into the Gulf of Mexico. As
I recall, his subsequent taxiing was
conducted in relative safety and se-
renity as the driver of a NYC cab. The
rest of us smiled knowingly and went
blithely on, confident that nothing like
that would ~ happen to us.
"Needless to say, I was absolutely
thrilled to be assigned to a jet fighter
squadron. Tom Wolf's depiction in his
book The Right Stuff of the attitude,
spirit and elitism of this cadre of char-
acters is just about the most
perceptive and accurate I've ever
"VF-154 was flying the North
American FJ-3 Fury at this juncture. It
was a great little aircraft, quick and
agile with the somewhat less than re-
liable J65 engine which was subject to
intermittent unexplained seizures at
embarrassing moments.
"It would be a gross understate-
ment to say that we in VF-154 were
pretty happy when we got the word
about transitioning to the F8U-1 Cru-
sader. In fact, use of the word 'tran-
sition' was somewhat deceptive. The
F-8 was no 'small step' for most of us,
it was a major evolutionary leap; a
new world in terms of complexity,
handling variables, overall operational
capability and flight dynamics. For ex-
ample, two of these technological
"advances" were:
A. the so-called 'J.C.' maneuver
which evolved out of the tendency of
the aircraft to porpoise when it
touched down. Once this phenome-
non commenced, it rapidly became
increasingly violent as the pilot in-
voked his savior (hence the 'J. C.') and
tried to compensate. In this situation
one was always a bit overanxious and
thereby automatically out of sync. The
solution was simply to undialate, relax
and stop trying to fly out of it.
B. Was a performance glitch that
manifested itself as a sort of sinking
dip or lapse in power before the after-
burner cut in --- a real gut grabber in
high speed low-level flight, especially
when inverteq (come on COME ON!!).
"1'\1 never forget watching one of
our guys with about 10 F-8 hours un-
der his belt try to "lower the boom" at
Fallon on a nice hot day. He came
screaming along the runway at about
75 feet. When abeam the tower he hit
the burner --- it was as if straight and
level flight no longer existed --- the
power sucked out from under him, he
compensated with backstick --- the
burner hit, he pushed forward, etc. He
looked like a supersonic kangaroo as
he went out of sight. He survived, but
there were some telltale chips in his
hard hat --- or, was it that one could
just discern several unusual bulges in
the canopy where he'd made contact?
Whichever, he was fairly pensive for a
day or two.
Overall impression:
SNJ: Little Deuce Coupe
FJ-3: Austin Healy
F8U-1: Formula One
"When it came time for carrier
qualifications, I guess one could say
that at least most of us hadn't devel-
oped too many bad habits around the
ship since our only prior exposure was
our six measly SNJ traps sometime in
the dim past. But there was no prob-
LTJG John Miottel on VF-154's f1ight-
line at NAS Moffett Field in December
1957 after becoming the first Fleet pilot
to complete carquals in the F8U-1.
(John Miottel)
lem because we had a hot-shot
Marine F-8 driver along as an observ-
er - some jar-head named Glenn.
"As it turned out, I ended up in a
contest with our Ops officer for the first
operational squadron pilot to qualify
(which certainly meant first on the
West Coast and probably in the entire
fleet). We both had five traps but Ops
had the rank and was using it. Thus,
he had arranged to have the next shot
and I was pretty downcast until good
old Major Glenn found found some-
thing just wrong enough with my
. superior officer's aircraft to delay his
launch. I could swear I caught a
glimpse of that famous John Glenn
grin and a quick wink as I rolled onto
the cat that day. My Hero!
"We lost two pilots during car-
quais. They had been good buddies
and experienced pilots, but both were
kind of nervous about carrier work. On
19 November 1957, LTJG C. O. Th-
ompson --- after many attempts ---
and never getting near enough to blow
the dust off the wires --- I'm sure
breathed a sigh of relief as he was
bingoed back to Moffett from the Han-
cock which was just outside Monterey
Bay. Unfortunately his respite was
tragically brief since neither he nor his
aircraft were ever seen again. My first
roommate Lew Jesse hit the ramp in
January 1958, while the Hancock was
conducting carquals 400 miles west of
Los Angeles.
LTJG Lewis E. Jesse strikes the ramp of the Hancock in Jan-
uary 1958 during predeployment carquals 400 miles west of
Los Angeles.
The port main landing gear separates from the VF-154 F8U-1
as the aircraft continues down the deck on the two remaining
The Crusader continues down the angle on the nose wheel.
Near the end of the angle Jesse's F-8 touches back down on
the remaining main gear.
The F8 leaves the angle and the canopy fires as Jesse heads
for the water and his death. Below, side view of 143773 show-
ing the wrinkles in the fuselage caused by the ramp strike. (all
photos via John Miottel)
In flight view of VF-154 F8U-1 143798
during the 1958 cruise. (via Ed Shiver)
"The Hancock deployed in Febru-
aryof 1958 with the remaining pilots
all just barely carrier qualified. Need-
less to say it was to be interesting and
eventful cruise.
"All in all my squadron's experi-
ences would seem unbelievable if one
hadn't been there. Unfortunately there
were a sufficient number of incidents
to cause VF-154 to suffer the loss of
45% of its pilots including 5 pilots and1
crew member killed, and as best I can
recall 14 struck aircraft, a full
squadron complement were struck; all
in less than 2 years.
"On 5 March 1958, I had flown as
escort for an F9F-8P reconnaissance
flight and returned to the vicinity of the
ship about 0900 and entered the dog
pattern to await recovery. On my first
pass I called 2500 Ibs. at the 180 po-
sition and received a wave off on
approaching the ramp. As I entered
the downwind leg for the second time
the ship instructed all aircraft in the
landing pattern to clean up and dog. I
noticed that two or three other F8Us
were dogging. Then two F9F-8Ps
were recovered due to low fuel states.
The five F8Us were cleared to enter
the landing pattern and on the down-
wind leg the tower informed all aircraft
that the #4 and #5 arresting cables
had been removed leaving only wires
1,2, and 3. I was directly behind #411
in the pattern and saw him receive a
bolter or a wave off. As I came aboard
I felt that I had a steady glide path and
good speed control. However, I re-
ceived a bolter and added power for
the wave off. As I did so the LSO
called and asked me to recycle my
hook as it was cocked to one side. I
recycled the hook twice but still had a
warning light in the up position. On the
next approach I felt I had touched
down among the three remaining
wires, however, I received no arrest-
ment. On the next pass I was still
behind #411 and when I was between
the 180 and 90 position I noticed that
411 had received a bolter and as the
aircraft neared the end of the angled
deck a thick stream of whitish vapor
tinged with yellowish brown was
streaming from the port wing. The air-
craft seemed to be well under control
and commenced a climb as the pilot,
LTJG C.F. Ramsey (my second
roommate), transmitted: "Tower this is
411, I have a utility hydraUlic failure,
I'm going up.and eject.'After a interval
of perhaps 5-10 seconds the ship
transmitted: "Negative 411 Bailout!'
Bailout now!' I was just about abeam
the island and I caught sight of the
aircraft in an extremely steep dive
about two miles ahead of the ship at
about 500 to 600 feet, still streaming
smoke or vapor. I did not see the pilot
leave the aircraft and it was assumed
he was killed on impact. The ship or-
dered the remaining aircraft to clean
up and head for the beach. I called the
ship, and said negative as I reported
my fuel state as 1500 Ibs. They rog-
ered and said to stay in the pattern
and try to land as soon as the other
aircraft were given a steer.
"The two F-8 pilots who were bin-
goed to the beach in Oahu flew into
the island's worst storm in 50 years.
LTJG Carl "Holy Roller" Koen found
himself at critically low-state some-
where above the clouds climbing to
eject when he happened to look down
and see a hole in the overcast ---
there, through the hole, he spied the
runway at Barbers Point. Needless to
say he rolled over and made an expe-
ditious descent. Being of strongly
religious persuasion, Koen did not
even stop to sign the yellow sheet af-
ter landing, but proceeded directly to
the base chapel.
"The other VF-154 pilot, LTJG
Paul 'Foggy' Hamilton, also found
himself above the clouds somewhere
north of Oahu with only fumes and
condensation left to fly on. Somehow
he finally raised MCAS Kaneohe.
Hamilton's contact was a Marine cor-
poral who had the presence of mind to
crank-up a portable GCA unit which
hadn't been used in 3 years. He pro-
ceeded to talk Hamilton in to a landing
downwind (Paul later swore that he
could see the duty-shark off the far
end of the runway thrashing around in
anticipation). Being somewhat more
temporal by nature, Hamilton repaired
forthwith to the '0' club which was
opened for him by the base com-
mander. At which the MAG-13 skipper
presented him with a 'green card' in-
strument rating. This, of course, was
somewhat of a joke since the prime
NAV gear in the F-8 at the time were
OMNI and TACAN --- the problem be-
ing that no one west of San Diego
seemed to have a fully operational
and reliable TACAN station.
"After a steer was given to the
departing aircraft, I made two more
passes. I was positive that the landing
had been among the remaining wires
since I could feel the wheels rolling
over them, however, I received no en-
gagement. After waving off from the
second attempt the LSO called the
tower and said 'Tower, we're never
going to trap 404 with that canted
hook.' After a short pause they told me
that they were going to rig the barri-
cade. When I was finally cleared, I
entered the glide path with less than
500 Ibs. I was extremely careful in
monitoring my line up and airspeed
and in keeping the meatball centered.
As I got within 100 to 200 yards of the
ramp the mirror was obscured from
view by the barricade. This caused me
to become low and power was added.
I knew that I would be low over the
ramp but I felt the best and only thing
to do was to go ahead and intercept
the glide path immediately prior to en-
gaging the barricade. As I approached
the barricade I held it steady and kept
flying as I had been instructed and the
LSO called what I believed to be "cut"
and I came off on the power and
"The forces of the arrestment
seemed somewhat less than that of
those usually received from the ar-
resting cables. Everything seemed
fine when suddenly the aircraft veered
to the left and I was on the port deck
edge. The plane came to rest there for
an instant then rolled about 60 de-
grees to port, where-upon I blew the
canopy off since I felt there was a
good chance of going over the side.
Almost immediately the aircraft rolled
on over and turned on its back as it
fell. I looked up and saw the wake of
the ship and put my hand on the
ditching handle. I braced for the im-
pact and as the water rushed into the
cockpit I pulled the handle and was
apparently thrown free.
"I tried to regain my senses and
swim free of the screws, as I bobbed
to the surface abeam of the LSO plat-
form. I had great trouble breathing
because my oxygen mask would not
function and I could not release the
fittings that clamped it to my hard hat.
I swam to a large rubber raft, inflated
my flotation gear and pulled the mask
down over my nose, got some air and
tried to release it. Finially I slipped my
hard hat and mask off over my head
and lit a flare to let the ship know
where I was. Shortly thereafter I was
picked up by the helicopter. So ended
my initial barricade test.
"Although apparently unscathed, I
emerged from my experiences with
every part of my body aching except
three toe nails. My subsequent recov-
ery took place on Oahu.
VF154 FBU-1 143792 in the port catwalk edge just prior to
rolling over the side. Below and right, 143792 hangs In the
barricade straps with the cockpit submerged. The FB was cut
loose and sank off the coast of Hawaii. (John Miottel)
"The events of 5 March 1958 and
my prior experience with the F8U-1,
did make me reflect on the perfor-
mance and safety of the Crusader. As
a dedicated young pilot and in my ca-
pacity as acting safety officer, I
therefore, naturally thought it encum-
bent upon me to do some rigid testing
of the aircraft's systems and perfor-
mance. Although for security reasons,
most of this work was conducted se-
cretly, I found it necessary to set up
and execute one of my experiments at
NAS Atsugi in May of 1958.
"The idea was to verify the low
level maneuvering characteristics of
the aircraft in the event it was neces-
sary to employ them in barricade
engagements, combat or other peril-
ous situations. In order to perform this
test, I took the runway, hit the burner,
143737 tries the "flying engage-ment"
technique: still airborne as the tail hook
catches the #1 wire until the wire plays
out where upon the entire weight of the
aircraft is put onto the nose gear which
collapses. (John Miottel)
cranked the F-8 up to maximum
ground speed short of blowing the
tires, sucked up the gear, popped the
wing down and executed a snappy 4
point roll passing the end of the run-
way at an undetermined altitude. The
only problem with this exercise arose
from the fact that the Skipper of the
base happened to choose that exact
moment to pause in his morning stroll
around his office and to look out of his
window. Unfortunately, although I was
safely airborne and completely under
contrOl, the aircraft had a slight ten-
dency to 'dish out' on the inverted
portion of a roll. Thus, from the skip-
per's vantage point, an upside down
F-8 had just disappeared below the
tree line at the base perimeter. Of
course, this apparent aberration was
all part of my program. I had also se-
lected this opportunity to conduct
some ground-breaking research in
agronomy. Hence, I planned to closely
observe the adjacent paddy fields
which I knew to be at least 20 feet be-
low the elevation of the airfield.
Furthermore, I believe that, as a result
of this research effort, that year for the
first time on record, the local populace
was blessed with a bumper crop of
fried rice.
"Meanwhile the base commander
--- when he had sufficiently regained
his power of speech --- took strong
exception to my experiments, obvi-
ously not a man of scientific inclination
(and undoubtedly a BLACK-SHOE).
Fortunately, LT 'Easy Ed' Shiver had
command of the Crusader Kamakazi
detachment at this time and was suc-
cessful in keeping me out of the line of
fire by knocking rings with the good
captain. However, my acting squadron
CO, LCDR Baldwin, simply didn't
comprehend or appreciate the merits
of my research either. He not only had
the nerve to burden me with the only
flight violation of my otherwise un-
blemished career, but also he had the
temerity to tag me with the unseemly
moniker, 'CRASH'.
"Shipmates will recall Shiver
(A.KA 'Backhoe' or 'Mr. Chips') as an
early pioneer in alternative arrestment
techniques for the Crusader.
"Easy Ed" Shiver (man farthest from the camera) surveys
damage to the deck which was the result of "squatting" on
the tail hook. The second time he did this, the hook shoe was
sheared about 90% off by the steel deck plate and he caught
the #1 wire with his toenails. The ship's carpenters loved him
so much that he was called "Mr. Chips". (Ed Shiver)
The most dramatic example consisted
of a procedure in which the landing
Crusader carved trenches in the ship's
teak decking from the fantail up to the
area of the arresting gear. At this point
the impact of the buried hook against
the metal deck edge underlying the
arresting cables generally caused
separation of the hook shoe. This was
accompanied by sudden deceleration
sufficient to allow engagement of the
number one wire with the remanant lip
of the hook shank. The LSO and Ships
carpenter finally combined forces to
convince Shiver that this procedure ---
although effective --- was too costly,
so he gave it up.
"On 20 June 1958, the culmina-
tion of my scientific exercises and
thoughtful experimentation came to
pass. The proof is the picture of
143796 (#407) sedately taxiing into
the barricade. I'm sure, that upon so-
ber reflection, my ex CO ADM Baldwin
would admit that if it were not for my
efforts, this might never have
"On 20 June, I was launched for a
refresher landing period. After a cou-
ple of wave-ofts and a couple of traps,
I was approaching the ship in what
seemed to be a good steady pass, on
air speed and with good line up. As I
touched down I felt the wheels going
over the wires and was very surprised
not to receive an engagement. I was
informed that I had a cocked hook and
was told to recycle it. After all attempts
to straighten the hook failed, I was told
to conserve fuel while the barricade
was rigged. Since I had a previous
barricade engagement and knew what
to expect, I felt that rather than eject-
ing I could bring the aircraft aboard. At
about 800 Ibs. I started into a straight
in approach and came on glide path
slightly low, pretty far out. I corrected
for the low and at this time the mirror
was obscured by the port barricade
stanchion, but the LSO was talking me
down. When I saw the meatball again
it was slightly high and I was slightly
right of the center line from trying to
look around the stanchion. I corrected
for both conditions and felt in good
shape over the ramp. The LSO called
'cut' as briefed. I unwittingly advanced
the throttle slightly and tried to pull it
around the horn and therefore going
into the afterburner detent. I immedi-
ately realized what I was doing and
pulled the throttle out of the afterburn-
er detent before ignition could take
place and pulled it aft and around the
horn into cutoff. The engagement felt
very comfortable and not unlike a
normal arrestment."
1 August 1958: I can't believe
that my F-8 flying days are just about
over. It's a great day--CAVU all the
way. The sea south of Okinawa is slick
as blue ice. The starboard catapult
has just launched "Easy Ed" Shiver,
who's also on his last hop.
It's all familiar routine as I roll to-
ward the port cat, but that anxious /
exhilarated feeling keeps blipping my
concentration. Just .d.Q the procedure--
it'll be a flawless flight.
A SUMMATION: Taxi up .
check up .... turn up .... salute .
WHAMMO! Off and running fifty feet
over the water. A smart clearing turn
to port .... OOPS! I can't roll back
straight and level. The stick hits dead
center and stops. Try again: "Klunk!"
Another sickening stop at center.
OOPS! Pay attention! The nose has
dipped steep left bank and accel-
erating no bano, please. Okay,
back stick and kick right rudder ....
jerky yaw into wings level, nose up,
attitude GOOD! Real time from
launch about 3.5 seconds.
NOW! What the hell is going on
with the stick? OPPS! Horrible th-
ought!: the wings are folded!! Jeezus,
no way to see them! Is it possible
those buggers have shot me off with
my wings folded .... ! A quick queasy
grope down to the right side of the
seat; WHEW! The wing fold lever is
down and locked. Looks okay. So,
gear up, wing down, cleaned up, ac-
celerating and climbing. So far so
good: over 2,000 feet, safe ejection
altitude. Everything else seems A-OK
except no starboard aileron.
Let's see; no obvious wedges
around the stick base. Maybe it's time
to share this little private drama. Ed's
ahead and above in a slow port turn,
waiting and wondering when I'll join
him. I do, and we consult a bit about
the possibilities. I'm okay on visual
check. No nasty little red flags sticking
up from the wing folds. Still, something
is drastically wrong. What is. it? Triple
check time. Whether I ease it over or
slam it over, the stick is IlQ1 going to
cross the center line in the forseeable
future. Now what?
Okay, no alternative but the igno-
minious call to Mother. We gotta tell
the ship.
"Er .... urn .... seems like we got a
slight glitch here .... DQ., no, take it
easy, nothing lethal." Long descriptive
passage; response as expected. The
whole nine yards.
"Affirmative, I tried that roger,
tried that too Hi, skipper no, just
fine except yeah, tried it .... Raj,
that didn't work -- wait one, I'll try again
.... Nope, didn't work this time either
.... negative, all systems check."
(Mental flash! Ed and I are scheduled
to catch the COD flight from "Hannah"
heading home tomorrow, and we just
gotta be on it!)
"Tell you what, I got a good idea,
why don't I just dump fuel, get down to
a nice fat reserve, come back, and try
to get it aboard? No hassle! .... Pri Fly
doesn't like it, huh? Why not? Really,
its a piece a cake, I'll do fine. Tell them
I got a half stick and plenty of rudder ...
& remember who there talking to -- we
can always do another barricade! ....
Okay, ~ , I Mar you; but .... Roger -
bingo to the field at Naha, but ....
Roger -- ten. -- mile straight -- in ap-
proach, Ed leads and lands first." OK
Naha -- Clear the field, callout the
emergency crew and the Padre, bat-
ten down the nurses: here comes
Crash & Company!
Much later, Naha 0 Club: OPPS!
Someone from base maintenance
wants me. "Come on, Ed, we got a
COD to catch!" Not exactly. The
maintenance chief's waiting there with
a funny grin. "You Mr. Miottel?" he
says. "Got a present for you." He
drops a slightly mashed quarter-inch
Phillips-head bolt into my palm. "You
know, we spent the last six hours
tearin' that airplane of yours apart: up
on jacks, every hatch open, every ac-
cess panel off. Nothin', no joy, stick
still frozen solid. So finally I send a guy
up to sick bay for a dentist mirror. We
get a flashlight and stick this mirror in-
to a three-inch slot midships, turn on
the light, and bingo, there she is be-
tween the starboard aileron actuator
push rod and the frame: this little jew-
el, wedged in tight as a tick. Had a hell
of a time gettin' it out; probably been
floatin' around in the fuselage since
birth, just waitin' to get stuck there on
that cat-shot today. Amazin', ain't it:
million-to-one shot I'd call that .... har,
har, har! Get it?"
"Thanks a lot, chief, but how about
it, are we gonna be ready to launch in
the morning"
"Jeez, sorry sir; it'll take us a week
to glue that bird back together."
"But, chief, we just gotta get back
aboard! The squadron ~ us.
They're already short of pilots and air-
craft, we got this Lebanon thing
breaking, and--,"
"Hey, no hassle, sir. We got an-
other plane for you!" Amazed silence.
"Yeah, it's that bird that one of your
guys busted the landing gear off of on
the ship, then flew in to Kadena three
or four months ago. A real mess, but
Air Force O&R took care of it and
she's fine now. Been through a com-
plete overhaul--new gear, new wing,
new engine, the works. Just like new!"
HOT DAMN! This is l1--what a fi-
nale! "Let's go catch a COD, Ed!!"
2 August 8:00 a.m.: Some quick
fun and games saying bye-bye to our
Okie pals, then back home to Hancock
and that COD. Fabulous day .... there
she is! I'm a bit heavy and don't want it
to end just yet, so Ed goes on aboard.
In due time, I request permission to
lower the boom on Hancock. Okay,
here goes: port side just above deck
level .... KAROOMPA! Up, victory roll,
ease over the top, down into the
break, wham, bam, thank you ma'am,
and aboard. Hook up & taxi forward--
down the #1 elevator. As I park and
. unstrap, there's my plane captain
grinning like a fool. Toss him the pa-
perwork, "she's all yours!"
Two hours later: Packing to go, I
hear a polite knock at the stateroom
door. "Mr. Miottel?" "Hi chief." "Hi, Mr.
Miottel. Just thought you'd like to
know-that aircraft you brought back
from Naha? It can't fly." OOPS!
"Whatcha talking about--what'd I do?"
"No, no-you didn't do nothi'n. That
plane just can't fly. Seems like Air
Force O&R at Kadena, they got a little
mixed up. On the engine change, they
plugged in the wrong fuel control-must
have been an old one off the shelf.
Made for the F4D .... just won't work in
an F8U. Well, we'll miss you. Good
luck on the flight home!" Long reflec-
tive pause .... "Oh--I see--thanks,
chief. So long." I close the door after
him & return to my packing.
I think, it's just as well left now--to
later and greater Sader Raiders.
VF-154 pilots man their aircraft in preparation for launch. F8U-1 143802 is in the foreground with 143805 behind it. Below,
143805 (#404) sits on the port catapult awaiting the launch order. Notice the location of the wing codes and the four round af-
terburner coolling doors located on the upper rear fuselage. (John Miottel)
On 1 Septe mber 1960 at NAS
Cecil Field, Florida, VF-162 was es-
tablished along with VF-161, VA-163,
VA-164, and VA-165, as well as the
parent organization Carrier Air Group
Sixteen. Congress had granted the
Navy permission to organize the Air
Group for one year only, and its exist-
ence beyond this time was in doubt.
Unlike the other elements of
CVG-16, VF-162 had no problems in
finding aircraft to equip with. The
F4D-1 Skyray had already been
phased out of the Pacific Fleet, and
was reduced in favor of the F3H in the
Atlantic Fleet. The squadron would be
the all-weather fighter element of
CVG-16 which would be needed to
replace squadrons temporarily taken
out of service for retraining in the new
F4H Phantom II.
In the spring of 1961, VF-162
transferred to Carrier Air Group Six,
changed its tail code to "AF", and re-
placed VF-74 aboard the USS Intrepid
(CVA-11). On 3 August VF-162 de-
parted for an extended Mediterranean
cruise which ended when the squad-
ron returned to Cecil Field on 28
February 1962. The squadron imme-
diately prepared to move to NAS
Miramar, as CVG-16 had been or-
dered to the Pacific Fleet. On 2 April
the Hunters began painting out their
squadron markings on the Skyrays,
and by the 4th. most of their personnel
had left for VF-124's "Crusader Col-
lege" at Miramar.
Flying the F-8A, the Hunters
made their first WESTPAC and their
first Crusader cruise aboard the USS
Oriskany (CVA-34) from September
1963 until March 1964. After returning,
the squadron did not deploy again for
over a year, 'during which time VF-162
converted to the all-weather F-8E.
VF-162's next deployment took
the squadron on its first war cruise,
from 5 April until 16 December 1965.
On 5 October LTJG Rick Adams in
F-8E 150848 (#227) was hit by a SAM
while over North Vietnam, and res-
cued. Although on fire, Adams flew his
aircraft out to sea with the face curtain
half pulled before he ejected. This
would be his first of two shootdowns.
After a quick turnaround VF-162
left on its second war cruise on 26
May 1966 with CDR Richard Bellinger
as the CO. CDR Bellinger, while the
squadron XO in 1965, had been Rick
Adams' wingman. On 12 July 1966,
Bellinger once again saw Adams go
down when he had been hit with AAA.
Adams, thus became the first US pilot
to be shot down and recovered twice.
The powers that be decided that twice
was enough for one war and Adams
was censured from further action in
On 16 July 1966, four days after
Adams had been shot down, CDR
Bellinger decided to set a MiG trap.
Since the MiGs had been following the
strike group back to the sea, VF-162
would hang way back behind them on
their exit to the coast. That way the
trailing F-8s would catch the MiGs
when they came out. The trap worked
and you soon had three F-8s and two
MiG-17s flying in a ever-tightening
circle as each aircraft was trying to get
a shot at his attackers. The fracas
continued and Bellinger was hit, but
managed to nurse his riddled F-8 to
the sea, where he ejected and was
picked up uninjured.
VF-162 F-8A 143752 on 1-19-63. Rud-
der, chin stripe, and wing stripes were
black with yellow stars. Stripe below fin
tip is yellow. (Clay Jansson)
~ N H
On 9 October 1966, Bellinger a-
venged his downing by the MiG-17 in
JUly. He had been hiding below ene-
my radar in mountainous terrain and
had been given constant updates on
on the incoming MiGs. Once in range,
the F-8s popped up from where they
were hiding at 300 feet above the rice
fields. The MiGs were at 3,000 feet
and the F-8s entered a tail chase in
which Bellinger fired two Sidewinders
while following a MiG-21 into a split
"S". The MiG shed its wing and Bell-
inger killed the Navy's first MiG-21.
The Hunters proved to be a color-
fullot and certainly the most colorful
pilot was the squadron CO, CDR Ri-
chard "Belly" Bellinger. Bellinger (call
sign "Belly-One") was six feet tall and
over 200 pounds with a beer belly,
hence the name. Belly had even
worked a trade with some Army folks
for camo flightsuits to enhance his
squadron's colorful image.
Belly-One tried another experi-
ment during the cruise which intended
to help eliminate or minimize SAM
launches against the strike force.
Bellinger and his wingman launched
with clean-winged F-8s which would
be used as SAM decoys for the strike
group (unarmed precursors of the Air
Force wild weasels). The two Crusad-
ers simulated A-4s by popping up near
the target in preparation for a diving
attack. Eight SAMs were launched
and the clean maneuverable F-8s
succeeded in defeating the SAMs.
The strike force was able to complete
the attack without any SAM
On 18 August 1966 LCDR D. A.
Verich was shot down in 150300 by
AAA. He, like Rick Adams, would be
shot down twice. The .squadron lost
two other F-8s on the cruise; 150924
on 6 October 1966 and 150919 on 19
July 1966. LT R. D. Leach was recov-
ered, but LT T. A. Dennison who was
downed by a SAM died in captivity.
The cruise ended prematurely
when, on 26 October, a fire started in
VF-162 F-8E 150911 on display with the
"y" missile pylon and two Sidewinders
on each side. Snoopy riding a missile
has been added to the fin tip. (Jansson)
a flare locker which killed 44 and de-
stroyed one A-4, two UH-2s, and
damaged three other A-4s. After re-
pairs, the Oriskany and the squadron
returned to Vietnam on 16 June 1967
for the squadron's third war cruise.
LCDR Verich returned for this
cruise and was rewarded with being
the second VF-162 pilot to be shot
down and recovered twice. He was
downed in 150925 on 16 July 1967 by
a SAM, and unlike Rick Adams, con-
tinued to combat.Three more VF-162
Crusaders would be downed in com-
bat, but the pilots would .not be as
lucky as Verich. On 19 July CDR H. P.
Hunter, the XO, was killed in 150899
by AAA fire. On 26 October 150310
was shot down by a SAM and LTJG C.
LTJG W. F. FLAGG's F-8E on 9-12-64 at
NAS Miramar. (Swisher)
D. Rice became a POW. Then on 4
January 1968 150865 was also
downed by a SAM and LTJG R. W.
Minnich was listed as missing in ac-
tion. Two other aircraft, 150916 and
15091 0, were lost during non-combat
operations on 20 July and on 11 Sep-
tember 1967 respectively.
On 14 December 1967 LT Rich-
ard E. Wyman was flying in 150879
when he downed the 12th. MiG lost to
Crusaders while operating 32 miles
southeast of Hanoi. The aerial battle
began developing when four MiG-17s
jumped an A-4 and an F-8 flying at
18,000 feet and 32 miles southwest of
Haiphong. LT Wyman's flight was
alerted and they engaged the MiGs in
a fierce dogfight which lasted six min-
utes before the enemy aircraft
disengaged and headed northwest.
Responding to the alert, LT Wy-
man and his skipper, CDR C. A. L.
CDR Bellinger's F8E 149203 on
2-19-66. "Moon" eyes were used as
nose numbers and the stars on the
rudder were red, yellow, blue, orange,
and green. (Clay Jansson)
LT Rick Adams' F-8E 149207 prior to
the 1966 cruise where he would be shot
down and recovered for a second time.
(Clay Jansson, 2-19-66)
CDR "Belly" Bellinger in camo flight
gear. He was the first Navy pilot to
down a MiG-21. (USN)
Weathered F-8E 150913 on 1-28-67 after
the 1966 cruise with wing pylon. (W. 5.)
VF-162 F-8E 149195 lands on the Oris-
kany on 12-567. Corrosion had set in
and the paint around the service panels
is showing through. "THE HUNTERS"
was painted in black on the yellow
raised wing's shoulder bulkhead. (USN)
Swanson, arrived on the scene and
began making close passes and firing
their 20MM cannons at one of the
fleeing MiGs. "The skipper and I made
alternate passes at him," Wymen said,
"and he kept wheeling and firing back.
VF-162 switched to the F8J for the 1969
cruise aboard the Ticonderoga. The
squadron was seen here at NAS North
Island on 1-28-69 just prior to loading
aboard the Tico. Wing stripes were
black bordered by yellow. (Harry Gann)
The front of his plane was lit up with
cannon fire. I got my sights on him
once but he turned so hard I couldn't
get off a shot. The skipper made an-
other run and then I went in again."
"The air was hazy and the MiG
had olive drab camouflage that blend-
ed in with the terrain. It was tough to
keep him in sight. I tried to get him
over the horizon so I could see him
against the sky. I had to bite my
tongue to keep from firing --- I didn't
want to waste a shot. I turned into him
as hard as I could and followed him
into a bank. He started to roll out of the
bank, then he seemed to change his
mind. I was right behind him and I fired
a missile."
The missile hit the MiG's left wing
near the fuselage. LT Wyman report-
ed that, "the wing fell off then red fire
streaked along the left side of the
plane as it cartwheeled down into a
rice paddy. There was a big ball of
flame when it hit. The dogfight started
at high altitude but we were barely
above the ground when it ended."
CO of VF-162, CDR "Stolly" Stollen-
wergn's F-8H 148628 at Miramar on
3-19-70 prior to the start of the 1970
cruise. (Clay Jansson)
In January 1968, just prior to
leaving Vietnam, CDR Swanson went
locomotive hunting with his Sidewind-
ers. He launched one Sidewinder and
scored a direct hit. The feat was re-
peated by LCDR John S. Hellman two
days later, again with positive results
when his Sidewinder hit behind the
locomotive's stack.
The cruise ended on 31 January
1968 and CVW-16 regrouped, transi-
tioned to the F-8J, and shifted to the
USS Ticonderoga (CVA-14) for a
cruise from 1 February 1969 until 18
September 1969. Compared to the
1967-68 cruise when CVW-16 lost 39
aircraft and twenty airmen, the 1969
cruise was uneventful. During this
cruise only one aircraft, 150656, was
lost during a non-combat operation.
The squadron returned to Viet-
nam one last time from 5 March 1970
until 17 December 1970 aboard the
USS Shangri-La (CVS-38) and was
reassigned to CVW-8 with a new tail
code of "AJ". The squadron also
switched their F-8Js to F-8Hs for this
deployment. In 1970 the AIRWING
lost only one A-4C and its pilot to
combat. VF-162 lost three Crusaders
(148650,148660, and 148643) during
non-combat operations with no loss of
life. After returning to Miramar from
this cruise the squadron was decom-
VF162 F-8H 148643, seen here on
3-14-70, would be lost to a non-combat
accident du ring the 1970 cru iSQ on 20
October. Markings new for this cruise
were the black stripe bordered by yellow .
with three yellow stars on the ventral fin
and yellow shading on the new "AJ" tail
code. Also USS SHANGRILA was in red
on many of the squadron's aircraft in-
cluding 643 and 628 above. (Swisher)
At left and below, LCDR J. O. Kennedy
Esq's F-8H 148650 at Da Nang, Vietnam,
in May 1970. USS SHANGRI-LA was
black. This aircraft was lost on 29 April
during non-combat ops. (B. Miller)
VF-162 F-8Hs; 147070 (#202), 148691 (#203), and 147049 (#205) operating out of NAS Atsugi in July of 1970. THE HUNTERS can
be seen painted in black on the yellow wing shoulder bulkhead on 147070 and 148691. (T. Matsuzaki)
VF-174 started out as Bombing
Squadron 81 (VB-81). Equipped with
three SB2C-3 Helldivers, VB-81 was
commissioned at Wildwood, New Jer-
sey, on 1 March 1944. The squadron
adopted its current insignia in May
1944, a ferocious-looking batlike crea-
ture with a razor for a beak.
On 15 November 1946, while fly-
ing SB2C-5 Helldivers from the decks
of the USS Princeton (CV-37), VB-81
was redesignated Attack Squadron
Thirteen Able (VA-13A). VA-13A be-
came VA-134 on 2 August 1948 while
flying F4U-4 Corsairs from the USS
Tarawa (CV-40). Late in 1949, VA-134
moved to NAS Jacksonville, Florida,
where the squadron was redesignated
VF-174 in February 1950.
VF-174 made two deployments to
the Med with their Corsairs. One
aboard the USS Coral Sea (CVB-42)
from September 1950 until January
1951, and one aboard the USS Fran-
klin D. Roosevelt (CVB-43) in 1951
and 1952.
Conversion to swept-winged
F9F-6 Cougars was completed by
January 1953 with the squadron
moving to NAS Cecil Field in 1954.
VF-174 joined CVG-1 aboard the USS
Midway (CVB-41) from December
1954 until June 1955. Upon their
return to Cecil Field, the squadron
transitioned to the FJ-3 Fury which
was exchanged for F9F-8 Cougars in
the spring of 1956. The Hellrazors de-
ployed their Cougars aboard the USS
Bennington (CVA-20) from October
1956 until May 1957.
VF-174 was selected to spear-
head a new Navy program which
would establish Fleet Replacement
Squadrons (FRS), later to become
Replacement Air Group Squadrons
(RAGS). The Hellrazors were chosen
as the AIRLANT F-8 RAG and re-
ceived their first six F8U-1 Crusaders
in November 1957. F-8 pilot training
was supplemented with the evaluation
of the MK. IV full pressure suit, the
F8U-H Twosader and the training of
French F-8E(FN) pilots.
On 1 July 1966 VF-174 was rede-
signated VA-174, and traded in their
F-8s for the new Vought A-7A Corsair
II, to become the AIRLANT A-7 RAG.
VA-174 was disestablished on 30
June 1988 and VA-122 at NAS Le-
moore, California, took over all A-7
VF-174 F8U-1 143788 at Master Field, Miami, Florida, on
1-25-58 with the squadron's original "AB" tail code. The
stripes on the tail were black with yellow diamonds. (Swisher)
VF174 F8U-1141360 equipped with DELMAR target towing
gear in 1958 after the "AB" tail code was changed to "AD" to
reflect assignment to (RCVG-4). (USN via Barry Miller)
A USS Saratoga-based VA34 A4D Skyhawk refuels VF-174
F8U-1 144434. The tail stripe between the "AD" and the "33"
was yellow. (USN via Barry Miller)
Flight of four VF-174 F8U-2NEs (F-8E) from NAS Cecil Field
from above in July 1962. The "00" or double nuts on the lead
aircraft designates it as the CO's. (USN via Barry Miller)
F-8D 223 prepares to launch on
the starboard catapult. F-8E
149167 (#232) launches from the
starboard CAT. 149167 taxing for-
ward. (Arther Schoeni via AAHS)
~ A O
VF-174 F-8E 149166 (#202) pulls up to
the starboard catapult on the Forrest-
al with F-8Es 150345 (#204) and (#219)
on the port side. (USN)
VF-174 F-8C 146945 takes a wave-off
from the Forrestal. The yellow tail
stripe shows up well. (Arthur Schoeni
via AAHS)
VF174 F-8C 145598 (#209) and F8E
149167 (#232) wait for their turn at the
catapult as another VF-174' Crusader
launches during August 1963. (Arthur
Schoeni via AAHS)
VF-174 F-8E 150296 at MCAAS Yuma, Arizona, on 3-16-63.
Notice the "Y" missile racks. (William Swisher)
VF-174 F-8D 148641 in flight over Mayport, Florida, on
8-18-64. (USN via Barry Miller)
VF-191 was commissioned as
VF-19 at NAAS Los Alamitos, Califor-
nia, on 15 August 1943. The squadron
equipped with F6F-3 Hellcats and
conducted carrier qualifications a-
board the USS Altamaha (CVE-18).
The squadron left for Hawaii in Febru-
ary 1944 aboard the USS Lexington'
(CV-16). Once in Hawaii VF-19 dis-
embarked for gunnery training and in
June was ferried to Eniwetok where
they rejoined the Lexington's Air
Group 19 (CVG-19) on 9 July 1944.
VF-19's war cruise only lasted until
early November, but in that short peri-
od of time Fighting Nineteen had shot
down 155 Japanese planes as well as
nearly 200 on the ground.
In February 1945 the squadron
was based at Auxiliary Field Santa
Rosa, California. From here the
squadron went to Grumman's Be-
thpage factory to be the first Navy
squadron to equip with the new F8F-1
Bearcat. Before the Bearcat could be
fielded in combat the war ended. On
15 November 1946 the squadron was
redesignated VF-19A and then on 24
August 1948, Satan's.. Kittens became
1949 saw Satan's Kittens re-equip
with Grumman F9F-2B Panthers.
VF-191 deployed to Korea aboard the
USS Boxer (CV-20) and the USS
Princeton (CV-37). The squadron's
Korean War compliment .was aided by
the arrival of the six Blue Angels along
with their F9F-2s and support person-
nel. 1953 saw the F9F-2s being
replaced with F9F-6 Cougars which in
VF-191 F8U1 145399 landing at NAS
Atsug i on 16 August 1961. Aircraft is
the squadron's CAG bird. Small tail
stripe above the rudder carried the
squadron colors of the Air Group: red,
yellow, blue, orange, and green. (T.
turn were replaced by North American
FJ-3 Furys in 1955. The squadron be-
came supersonic in October 1957
when the Grumman F11 F-1 Tiger was
The sleek, short legged Tiger was
upstaged by the potent Vought F8U-1
Crusader in June 1960. VF-191's
Crusaders deployed for the first time
in 1961 aboard the USS Bon Homme
VF-191 F8U-1 145370 over the Pacific in
late 1960. (USN I Tailhook VF02102)
nON KDMME ~ I r " ' _ ' - _ - . .
Richard (CVA-31). Tragedy struck in
March 1962 when the squadron's
skipper, CDR J. M. Heffernan, was
lost off the California coast.
The F-8A (F8U-1) was replaced
by the all-weather F-8E in 1963 and
the squadron deployed to Southeast
Asia from 28 January 1964 until 21
November 1964. During this period
F-8E 150139 was lost to an opera-
tional accident on 5 August 1964.
The first Crusader war cruise
started on 21 April 1965 and contin-
ued for nine months and some 2,000
sorties from the decks of the Bonnie
Dick. The squadron lost its first pilot to
enemy action on 29 July 1965 when
LTJG E. D. Brown was shot down by
AAA over South Vietnam in F-8E
150337. This was followed by the loss
of three other aircraft late in the cruise.
LTD. A. Moore became a POW when
on 27 October his aircraft (150655)
was hit by a SAM. On 18 November,
while flying 150332, LTJG W. D.
Sharp was hit by AAA and subse-
quently ejE!cted and was rescued.
Another POW was taken on 28 No-
vember when CDR Rutledge was shot
down by AAA in 150327. One other
aircraft, 150331, was lost on 12
September and the pilot was killed
during non-combat operations. The
Bon Homme Richard left Vietnam
waters on 4 January 1966 and
returned home on 13 January.
VF-191 F8U-1 (F-8A) 145370 at NAS
Moffett Field on 5-19-62. The tail stripe
was red and Satan's Kitten insignia was
painted on the forward fuselage behind
the cannon ports. (William T. Larkins)
CVW-19 and VF-191 were trans-
ferred to the Ticonderoga (CVA-14)
for the next war cruise. The Tico left
for Vietnam on 15 October 1966 and
returned on 29 May 1967. The F-8E
was employed again and there were
more losses. AAA fire claimed 149184
and deposited LCDR R. D. Mullen in
the Hanoi Hilton on 6 January 1967.
VF-191 F-8A 145365 with red and white
diamonds added to the tail at Litchfield
Park, Arizona, after being replaced by
the F-8E on 3-18-63. (Swisher)
VF-191 F8A 145365 attempts inflight
refueling from a VA192 Skyhawk over
the Pacific in November 1962. (USN /
Tailhook VF02101) .
Then on 7 March 1967 another pilot
was killed in an operational accident
which also claimed F-8E 150350.
The squadron returned to the war
zone aboard the Tico on 27 December
1967 again equipped with F-8Es. The
highlight of the cruise occurred on 9
July 1968 when LCDR John B. N i c h ~
ols III, bagged a MiG-17 during a
photo escort mission while flying
150926. Nichols was following LT
William Kocar's RF-8 at 3,000 feet
while the photo bird was at 2,000 feet.
Nichols spotted a MiG-17 going for
Kocar. He alerted Kocar who made a
hard turn with Nichols in trail and as
Nichols turned tracers from the MiG's
F-8E 150869 at Miramar on 4-28-66.
WING NINETEEN is painted above the
main gear door. The intake lips, ra-
dome, and fin tip were red. The red
diamond on the rudder was faceted
with the colors red-yellow-blue-orange
to signify the Air Wing's squadrons.
(William Swisher)
wingman streaked by his cockpit. A
Sidewinder was fired outside the en-
velope and missed, but the lead MiG
rolled out of its turn and Nichols fired
his second Sidewinder which was a
direct hit. The MiG did not go down
and Nichols used his guns to finish the
job. After the wingman's initial pass he
had disappeared. The cruise ended
on 17 August 1968 with the squadron
losing F-8E 150667 and its pilot on 2
February and the loss of 150335 on 24
February 1968.
In July 1968, VF-191 traded its
F-8Es for the remanufactured F-8J.
CVW-19 again switched carriers and
boarded the USS Oriskany (CVA-34)
for another Vietnam deployment on 16
April 1969. This cruise proved to be
relatively uneventful with the squadron
losing only one aircraft, 150284 on 26
October 1969. The squadron returned
to Miramar on 10 November.
During the turnaround period the
squadron deployed to NAF EI Centro,
California, for two weeks of air-to-air
gunnery. Satan's Kittens recorded
1,739 hits, including three century
banners (100 hits each) and one dou-
ble century banner (200 hits). LT
Howie Nygard was the TOP GUN.
Three more Vietnam cruises were
made by VF-191 on board the
Oriskany. These were:
1.14 May-10 December 1970
2.14 May-18 December 1971
3. 5 June 1972-30 March 1973
During these cruises, 150289 and its
pilot were lost on 6 November 1970,
and 150887 was lost on 26 November
Two more Oriskany deployments
followed the end of the war. These two
deployments were from 18 October
1973 until 5 June 1974 and from 16
September 1975 until 3 March 1976.
When the cruise ended in 1976 so
ended F-8 fighter operations from 27
Charlie carriers.
In Mach 1976 conversion to Mc-
Donnell F-4J phantoms started. After
a cruise aboard the USS Coral Sea
(CVA-43) in 1977, VF-191 was de-
commissioned on 1 March 1978. On 1
December 1986, VF-191 was recom-
missioned along with VF-194 as a
F-14 squadron assigned to CVW-10.
The resurrection was shot lived when
VF-191 was disestablished on 29 April
1988 due to budget cuts which elimi-
nated Air Wing Ten.
VF-191 F-8E 149195 from the USS
(Jansson) F-8E 150326 from the USS
TICONDEROGA on 9-17-66. CDR Billy
Phillips' second CAG bird. Markings
as before with addition of black can-
non areas. (Jansson) F-8E 149213
from the TICONDEROGA on 9-17-66
with LT BILL WORLEY painted below
the canopy. (Jansson) ORISKANY
CAG bird, F-8J 150299, belonging to
CDR BILL Gureck on 4-14-69 (Swisher)
~ ~ 1 3
- uss OrosKMIY
t:-:._L VF-191
VF-191 F-8J 150284 at Alameda on
4-14-69. Tail markings on all Oriskany
deployments were red and white ex-
cept on CAG birds. The pilot's name
under the canopy rail was that of CDR
RAY DONNELLY XC. Donnelly would
become the squadron's CO. This air
craft was lost in an operational
accident on 10-26-69. (Swisher)
VF191 F-8J lands aboard the Oriska-
ny during the 1970 cruise. Notice the
battle "E" behind the 107 nose
number. (Don Priest)
VF-191 F-8J 150658 at Miramar on
5-12-73. LTJG RAY ROSE is painted
below the canopy rail on the black
placard which runs into the black anti-
glare panel and radome. (Fred Roos)
VF-191 F-8Js 150318 (#103) and
150889 (#110) over the Pacific with
150889 flying inverted. "Y" missile
rails were mounted with Sidewinders
only being loaded on the bottom rails.
(Arthur Schoeni via AAHS)
~ O l
Miramar on 5-12-73. (Roos)
F-8J 150915 with triple ejector
racks and practice bombs on
3-31-72. (Swisher)
VF-191 F-8J 149201 on 5-14-70.
Besides the battle "E", the for-
ward fuselage carries CDR RAY
DONNELLY CO. (Jansson)
LT CHUCK LOWRY sits In his
Nang in June 1970. (B. Miller)
VF191 F-8J 149143 at NAS Miramar
on 4-9-71 in Air Wing CAG markings.
Radome, fin tip, tail flash and rudder
diamond were red. The red rudder di-
amond was faceted with the Air Wing
colors of yellow, blue, orange and
green. (Swisher)
VF191 F-8J 149205 rides out heavy
seas with a VF-194 Crusader while
positioned behind the raised catapult
blast shields in 1971. (Don Priest)
VF-191 F-8J 150904 at NAS Miramar
on 6-15-74. The pilot's name CDR
SPUDS POTOSNAK was painted be-
low the canopy rail. (Clay Jansson)
VF-194 was created when VF-91
(see VF-91) was redesignated VF-194
on 1 August 1963. Attached to CVW-19,
the Red Lightnings' F-8C Crusaders
were deployed aboard the USS Bon
Homme Richard (CVA-31) from 28 Jan-
uary 1964 through 21 November 1964.
This goodwill tour to the Indian Ocean
had a scheduled completion date of
September 1964. On 28 August the USS
Maddox (DD-731) and the USS Turner
Joy (DD-951) were attacked by North
Vietnamese torpedo gunboats and the
"Bonnie Dick" was ordered to commence
strike operations against North Vietnam.
CVA-31 and VF-194 left Yankee Station
for San Diego on 6 November 1964.
VF-194 arrived back at NAS Mira-
mar on 21 November 1964 and began to
immediately re-equip with the much im-
proved F-8E in preparation for a Vietnam
war cruise. The Red Lightnings found
themselves qn Yankee Station again as
part of CVW-19 aboard CVA-31 on 26
May 1965. Combat operations were
conducted until 2 October 1965 from
both Yankee and Dixie Stations. On 9
October the squadron supported exer-
cises Checkertail, Autumn Flower, and
provided support for Operation Dagger
Thrust. These operations concluded
on 3 November and after a well de-
served R&R period in Hong Kong, the
squadron returned to Yankee and Dix-
ie Stations from 14 November to 16
December 1965.
During this cruise VF-194 earned
the dubious distinction of losing the
first carrier-based aircraft over South
Vietnam. LCDR R. E. Weedon was
shot down during a strafing run against
a VC position on 30 June 1965. Lucki-
ly, LCDR Weedon was rescued by an
Army helicopter. Two other combat
losses occurred on 17 and 28 Novem-
ber due to AAA fire , and two
operational losses occurred on 24 and
25 Septem-ber respectively.
VF-194 returned to Miramar on 13
January 1966 and prepared for a re-
turn trip to Vietnam aboard the USS
Ticonderoga (CVA-14). The Red
Lightnings left Alameda for Vietnam on
15 October 1966 and returned on 29
May 1967. The on-line period lasted
126 days during which the squadron
lost one F-8E and pilot, LT M. T. New-
ell, to a North Vietnamese SAM on 14
December 1966.
The second Tico war cruise lasted
from 27 December 1967 until 17 Au-
gust 1968, during which the squadron
lost two more F-8Es, one to a SAM on
14 February 1968 over the North, in
F-8C 145579 on 4-3-65, after VF-194 convert-
ed to F-8Es for its 1965 cruise. (Swisher) F-8C
147001 on 4-3-65. (Jansson)
F-8E 150344 at Miramar on 2-19-66 after VF-194's second cruise aboard the Bon Homme Richard. (Jansson) The most colorful
F-8 CAG BIRD ever is seen on 8-16-66. Tail stripes from top to bottom are blue, yellow, green, orange, red, and the lightning bolt
and nose numbers are red. (Jansson) For the 1966 cruise VF-194 was assigned to the Ticonderoga. (Swisher)
150932 ~
F-8E 150932 at Mir-
amar on 9-17-66
with wing pylons
and dual fuselage
Zuni racks during
weapons training
for the 1966-67 de-
ployment. (Jans-
F-8E 150353 land-
ing at NAS Atsugi
on 11-1-66. The tail
markings remain-
ed unchanged
from the previous
Bonnie Dick cruise
but black cannon
blast areas were
added for the 1966-
67 cruise. Raised
wing bulkhead is
red with HUDoN-
HUDoN in white. (T.
CAG BIRD, 150909
landing at Atsugi
on11-4-66 with the
added black paint
to the cannon blast
area. (T. Matsuzaki)
F-8E 150311 on the
USS Ticonderoga
during the 1967-68
war cruise. Tail
lightning bolt is
red. (Candid Aero)
150683 at Miramar
on 4-14-69. COM-
and the CVW-19 in-
signia was under
the wing (Swisher)
which LTJG R. C. McMahan became
missing-in-action. The second loss
was operational and occurred on 4 July
When the squadron returned to
Miramar in August they set about con-
verting to F-8J Crusaders for a fifth war
cruise aboard their third carrier, t h ~
USS Oriskany (CVA-34). The Oriskany
and VF-194 left Alameda on 16 April
1969 and returned on 10 November
1969 with the loss of but one aircraft on
21 May.
The squadron was back at Mira-
mar in December when LT Cyrus
Riddell ejected out of an F-8J on short
F-8S 145533 was used for proficiency
training while VF-194 transistioned to
F-8Js. This 1-28-69 photo shows the
enlarged red lightning bolt and lower
location of the "NM" tail code as used
on the 1969 and 1970 Oriskany war
cruises. (Jansson)
VF-194 used F-8Js for its 1969 war
cruise. 150882 is seen on 1-28-69 with
USS Oriskany painted red. (Swisher)
At left, Don Priest launches in F-8J
149182 in 1970; note location of wing
codes. Bottom, F-8J 150307 touches
down on CVA-34 with two Sidewinders
on the fuselage racks. (Don Priest)
final due to loss of engine oil and sub-
sequent seizure. The unpiloted F8 flew
through hangar one killing thirteen and
destroying Crusaders from VF-191
and F4s from VF-96 and VF-92.
Two other VF-194 Crusaders were
lost in January 1970 off the San Diego
coast. During a ACM training mission
LT Gary Crowell and LT Cyrus Riddell
had a midair from which both pilots
ejected successfully.
The Red Lightnings again deployed
to Vietnam on the Big "0" on 14 May
1970 and while off the coast of Hawaii
during night-ops LT Dave Woltz had a
ramp strike. LT Woltz was unhurt but
his Crusader was a loss. This would be
the only accident during the cruise and
the only cruise in which VF-194 would
not lose an aircraft in the war zone. In
November the squadron supported the
Son Tay POW camp raid by flying
BARCAP off the coast of Haiphong.
The Squadron returned to Miramar
on 10 December 1970 and again left
for Vietnam in May 1971. This cruise
lasted until18 December 1971 and was
marred with but one operational loss on
21 June 1971. VF-194's Executive Of-
ficer (XO) CDR Dave Metzler entered
the break and flew into the water. The
ensuing search was unable to find any
evidence of the pilot or aircraft.
The last war cruise of VF-194 and
the Oriskany took place from 5 June
1972 until 30 March 1973. Again, one
Crusader was lost by the squadron.
This operational loss took place on 27
September 1972. Prior to arriving
state-side VF-194 and the Mighty "0"
witnessed the end of the war.
Two more peace-time deployments
in F-8s were conducted aboard the
Oriskany prior to transitioning to the
F-4J Phantom in late 1976. These two
deployments were from 18 October
1973 until 5 June 1974 and from 16
September 1975 until 3 March 1976.
VF-194 and its sister squadron
VF-191 had the distinction of being the
last two Crusader squadrons to deploy
aboard a 27 Charlie carrier.
In March 1976 VF-194 converted to
McDonnell F-4J Phantoms prior to a
USS Coral Sea (CVA-43) cruise which
ended in October 1977. The Red
Lightnings were decommissioned on 1
March1978 only to be recommission-
ed as an F-14 unit with CVW-10 on
1 December 1986. On 29 April 1988
VF-194 became a victim of budget cuts
and was decommissioned.
At top, Red Lightning F-8J recovers
aboard the Oriskany off Vietnam in
1971. VF-194 F-8J 150882 shares eleva-
tor with VF-191 F-8J 150871. (Don Priest)
Deck scene aboard CVA-34 with a
VF-194 Crusader taxing past VA-215
Corsairs to its parking space. (Don
Lt Don Priest waits his turn to launch off the port catapult of the USS Oriskany in 1970 while sitting behind the blast
shield in F-8J 150662. The tail lightning bolt is red outlined in white. Also note the double-droop wing used on the F-8J.
Well worn VF-194 F-8J over the Tonkin Gulf; note zinc chromate paint along the wing folds and above the Sidewinder missile.
(Barry Miller)
Four VF-194 Crusaders; 149187 #214, 150678 #203,150325 #207, and 150307 #205 fly into NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii, in 1970.
(Don Priest)
150683 escorts
RC-135M 24135
over the Tonkin
Gulf in 1970 (D.
Priest) 150683
landing at NAS
Atsug i on 22
October 1970;
lightning bolts
on the rudder
are red, yellow,
blue, orange,
green, and black
(T. Matsuzaki) F-
8J 150680 was
the CAG BIRD in
1971, as seen at
Miramar on 4-9-
71. (Jansson)
F-8J 150662 in 1970. (Don Priest) Six Red Lightning F-8J Crusaders overfly NAS Miramar in 1971; 149182 #213 (LT Fred Sage),
149175 #204 (LT AI Erickson), 150347 #202 (CDR James Ryan), 150340 #211 (LT Rod Parker), 149177 #206(LT Don Priest), and
150868 #212 (LT Gary Crowell). (Don Priest)
For the 1972 cruise
the Red Lightnings'
tail codes were en-
larged with the light-
ning bolt passing
through it.(USN via
Barry Miller)
F-8J s 150324 #211
and 150328 #206 fly
over Japan on 8 Au-
gust 1972.(T. Mat-
F-8J 150324 sits on
the ramp at NAS
Miramar on 31 March
1972; the red light-
ning bolt is bordered
by white.(Swisher)
F-8J 150660 in 1973 over Southern California. F-8J 149175 refuels from a VA-153 Corsair. (USN via Barry Miller)
. :.
F-8J 150328 on 13 March 1976. (Swisher) F-8J 150674, "THE SPIRIT OF 76", on 13 March 1976 after retirement. (Swisher)
Under the 1970 reorganization of
the Naval Air Reserve Force, VF-201
was commissioned from elements of
the disestablished VF-124D1 on 25
July 1970. Fighter squadron 201 was
a component of Attack Carrier Air
Wing Twenty (CVWR-20) at NAS
Dallas, Texas.
Originally outfitted with the F-8K,
the squadron's first shipboard opera-
tions were conducted aboard the USS
Ticonderoga on 14 November 1970
off the coast of Southern California.
On 5 December 1970 the squadron
started transitioning to retired fleet
VF-201 established a reputation
of being the most frequently deployed
tactical reserve force squadron while
flying the F-8 Crusader. It was with
some sadness that the F-8s were
phased out in favor of F-4N Phantoms
in April 1976. In October 1986 the
squadron began transitioning to the
F-14A Tomcat which is still flown to-
day from NAS Dallas.
VF-201 F-8H 147065 on 4-10-71. Tail flashes were red as was
the background for CDR CHUCK BLAKER's name below the
canopy rail. The intake lips and stripe around the nose were
black and the black nose number was bordered by white.
VF-201 F-8K, nose number 115, being positioned aboard the
USS John F. Kennedy (CVA-67) on 8-13-71. The tail markings
were enhanced by bordering the red flashes with black. The
ventral fin had also. been painted with red bordered by black.
y v . ~
- ~ " 1 i ' __
Black nosed F-8H 147070 on 5-31-71.
OFFICER was painted in white on a
red background. "AF" on tail was
shaded in red. (Fred Roos) 147070
again in 1974 with a red flash on the
ventral fin and the squadron insignia
on the rudder. (via Burger) CAG bird,
F-8H 148691 in Nov. 1973. Lower fin
flash was red-yellow-blue-orange-
green. (Buchanan via Menard) F-8H
148698 in 1975. (Fred Roos)
. ~ ~
liD _ 5
148698 ~
VF-202 was commissioned on 25
July 1970 from the assets of decom-
missioned VF-53D2 (see VF-703). The
Superheats flew the F-8H until it was
replaced with F-4 Phantoms in 1976.
The Phantoms gave way to F-14As,
which are still flown today.
VF-202 F-8H is launched from the USS
Kenndey in August 1971. 202's aircraft
had their rudders painted to simulate the
Texas flag. (Vought) CDR TEX ELUOn
CAG-20's F-8H 148687 on 5-20-74.
VF-202 insignia was on the fin tip. (Roos)
VF-211 was commissioned at
NAS Moffett Field, California, in June
1955. The squadron's first aircraft was
the North American FJ-3 Fury. As part
of CVG-21 , the Checkertails deployed
aboard the USS Bon Homme Richard
(CVA-31) in August 1956.
Once home from its WESTPAC
cruise in the spring of 1957, the
squadron transitioned to the new su-
personic Crusader. On 16 August
1958 the squadron deployed aboard
the recommissioned USS Midway as
a component of CVG-2. The cruise,
which ended on 8 March 1959, was a
WESTPAC deployment to the Philip-
pines, Hong Kong, Okinawa, and
Japan. During the cruise, VF-211
performed for Chiang Kai Shek, and
for Secretary of Defense McElroy.
On 9 March 1959, VF-211 was
redesignated VF-24 (see VF-24) and
VF-24 was redesignated VF-211 (see
VF-211 Checkmates).
VF-211 F8U-1 (F-8A) 143683 in August 1957 at NAS Miramar.
The Checkertails lived up to their name by having a red and
white checkerboard painted on the tail. A long red fuselage
flash in the shape of a giant checkmark was also applied. This
early F8U-1 has not been refitted with refueling equipment.
(Clay Jansson)
VF-211 F8U-1 (F-8A) 143714 at NAS Miramar in August 1957.
This aircraft was equipped with refueling gear as can be dis-
tinguished by the bUlge that starts behind the cockpit and
extends through the national insignia. The landing gear on
these early F8U-1s were natural metal. Aircraft were wearing
CVG-21 's "NP" tail code. (Clay Jansson)
Checkertail102 and
110 143683 and
143726 respectively
in tight formation
over Moffett Field in
1957. (NASM)
VF-211 F8U-1
143730 on final in
early 1958. (Vought)
VF-211 F8U-1
143708 at NAS Mir-
amar on 8-10-57.
(William T. Larkins)
Checker 102 (144454) with revised tail mark-
ings and CVG-2's "NE" tall code as used
during the USS Midway 1958-59 deployment.
Like VF-154, VF-211 experienced the same
gear and hook failure problems as evidenced
by Checker 104's failed nose gear on the
Midway. (USN)
Checkertail F8U-1s 144461 (#105), 143800
(#108), 144451 (#112), and 143794 (#104) fly at
18,000 feet over Mount Fujiyama, Japan. (USN)
~ ~ - ~ . ~ . ~ ..~ ~
The Checkmates became the
second F-8 Crusader squadron to be
designated VF-211 on 9 March 1959
in what has probably been the most
confusing designator swap in naval
history. On that same day the first
VF-211, the Checkertails, were redes-
ignated VF-24 (see VF-24) and VF-24,
the Checkmates, became the second
VF-211 was originally commis-
sioned on 1 May 1945 as Bombing
Squadron Seventy Four (VB-74) at
NAAF Otis Field, Maine, flying Curtiss
Helldivers. On 15 November 1946
VB-74 was redesignated VA-1 Band
the Helldivers were replaced with
AD-1 Skyraiders in JUly 1947. On 1
September 1948 , VA-1 B was redes-
ignated VA-24 and the AD-1 s were
upgraded to AD-2s in December.
However, continued engine problems
with the AD-2s resulted in them being
swapped out for F4U-4 Corsairs in
February 1949. On 1 December 1949,
while assigned to NAAS Oceana,
VA-24 was redesignated VF-24 and
transferred to NAS Alameda, Califor-
nia, in June 1950 in preparation for the
Korean conflict.
A Korean combat cruise on the
USS Boxer (CV-21) was concluded on
9 June 1951 and the squadron transi-
tioned to the Grumman F9F-2 Panther
at NALF Santa Rosa, California, prior
to the squadron's second Boxer de-
ployment to Korea. This cruise ended
on 26 September 1952 when VF-24
returned to NAS Alameda.
The squadron was upgraded to
the F9F-6 Cougar which in turn were
replaced by FJ-3 and FJ-3M Furys in
late 1955. The highly maneuverable
Furys were phased out in the summer
of 1957 for the all-weather F3H-2M
Demon. Then during Christmas week
of 1958 the Demons were replaced by
Grumman F11 F-1 Tigers and the
squadron was relocated to NAS Mof-
fett Field, California.
On 9 March 1959 VF-24 switched
squadron designations with VF-211,
becoming VF-211 Checkmates, the
designation still used today. The
squadron'S association with the Cru-
sader started in December 1959 when
the F11 F-1 s were replaced by F8U-1 s
(F-8As). The squadron would go on to
fly various models of the Crusader for
the next sixteen years and make
twelve carrier deployments including
seven Vietnam combat cruises up till
December 1975 when the F-14A
Tomcat replaced the Crusader.
The squadron became known as
the Fighting Checkmates and as the
MiG Killers, with seven confirmed kills
and one probable, including both the
first and the last F-8 kill. VF-211 was
second in MiG kills only to VF-96's F-4
Phantoms who had ten kills including
Cunningham and Driscoll's five.
VF-211 took their F8U-1 s aboard
the USS Lexington (CVA-16) on 29
October 1960 for the squadron's first
WESTPAC cruise in the type. The
cruise ended on 5 June 1961 and the
squadron was relocated to NAS Mira-
mar, California, by the end of the
This deployment was followed by
two more F8U-1 (F-8A) cruises. Both
cruises were aboard the USS Hancock
(CVA-19) and were conducted from
2-2-62 through 8-20-62 and from
6-7-63 through 12-16-63.
After the 1963 cruise, the squad-
ron began to replace its F-8As with the
all-weather F-8E in February 1964.
The first F-8E deployment started on
10-21-64 aboard the Hancock. The
.Hanna was operating off Southeast
Asia when VF-211 became the first
U.S. fighter squadron to encounter
MiGs over North Vietnam. The squad-
ron took part in retaliatory air strikes in
VF-211 F8U-1 143708 aboard the Coral
Sea, at NAS North Island, on 8-19-61.
The only marking was a thin red stripe
below the tan fin cap. (Swisher)
, .
VF-211 F8U-1 144436 at North Island
on 8-25-62. A red and white checker-
board rudder and a red stripe below
the fin tip as well as a red kangaroo
adorn the tail. (Jansson) F-8A 143743
at NAS Miramar on 1-19-63. (Jansson)
F-8A 143701 with speed brake extend-
ed and dumping fuel in preparation for
recovery aboard the Hancock on
3-26-63. (USN) F-8A 145363 landing at
NAS Atsugi on 9-19-63. USS HAN-
COCK is painted in red above NAVY on
the aft fuselage. (T. M atsuzaki)
February 1965 against Dong Hoi.
The squadron returned to Mira-
mar on 29 May 1965 and after a quick
turnaround were back to sea on 10
November. It would be during this
eventful cruise that VF-211 would start
earning the MiG Killer name. Three
confirmed and one probable kill as
well as the first F-8 MiG kill would
The first MiG would be killed by
the squadron's CO, CDR Harold L.
Marr, in F-8E 150924 on 12 June
1966. A probable kill was also scored
that same day by CDR Marr. Nine
days later CDR Marr's wingman LTJG
Phil Vampatella, flying the same air-
craft (150924), downed the squad-
ron's second MiG-17 during a photo
mission turned search and rescue
VF-211 F-8E 150909 landing at NAS At-
sugi on 11-24-64. (T. Matsuzaki)
when LTC. Eastman from VFP-63 in
RF-8A 146830 and LTC. Black from
VF-211 in F-8E 149152 were shot
down. In spite of Vampatella's efforts
both Eastman and Black became
LTJG Vampatella and his flight of
for four Crusaders were called in to
cover LT Eastman's rescue attempt.
Vampatella's horizontal stabilizer was
hit by 37mm during the attempt and
being low on fuel, he and his wingman
were departing for a tanker when they
were alerted to incoming MiGs. Turn-
ing back to the threat Vampatella
found he was unable to keep up with
his section leader due to his flak dam-
age. He arrived at the fight 30 seconds
after his leader and spotted a MiG-17
tailing LT Black. He shouted a warning
but the MiG downed his shipmate. He
then spotted a second MiG trying to
gain firing position on him. He dove for
the deck in a tight turn pulling out just
VF-211 F-8A CAG bird (144428) at NAF
Litchfield Park, Arizona, on 3-23-64.
Stars on the rudder were in the Air
Wings colors. (William Swisher)
above the trees, and checked his six
to see the MiG heading for home. He
turned again and closed rapidly on the
unsuspecting MiG and fired a Side-
winder for the squadron's second vic-
tory. For his action Vampatella was
awarded the second Navy Cross is-
sued to a Naval Aviator in Vietnam.
. CDR Harold L. Marr, right, is congratu-
lated by his wingman, LTJG Phil
Vampatella, after downing a MiG-17 on
6-12-66 with F-8E 150924 in the back-
ground. Nine days later, on 6-21-66,
Vampatella would down his own MiG
while flying 150924. (USN)
VF-211 IN 1965
VF-211 CAG bird, F-8E 150891 on 8-7-65.
Multi-colored stars and "?" mark were
painted on the red and white rudder.
Squadron insignia was also located on the
tail. (Clay Jansson)
VF-211 F-8E 150916 at Miramar on 8-7-65.
Like 150891 above, the aircraft was armed
with Zuni rocket tubes on the lower "Y"
rack rail. (William Swisher)
VF-211 F-8E 149210 on 8-7-65. This Han-
cock based Crusader was armed with four
Zunis per fuselage side. (Clay Jansson)
On the same day Vampatella shot
down his MiG-17, LT E. J. Chancy
bagged one too, just five minutes lat-
er. Chancy (Gene), who was also
involved in the rescue attempt, scored
his kill with a AIM-9D Sidewinder while
flying F-8E 150867. This kill enabled
Chancy to settle up for being shot
down by North Vietnamese AAA on 2
May 1966 while flying 149169.
Two more Checkmate Crusaders
were shot down during this cruise.
LTJG T. E. Brown was killed on 29
April 1966 during combat over the
north in 150867, and LT L. S. Miller
was recovered on 23 May after AAA
had hit 150901. A third F-8E, 150891,
was lost on 24 December 1965 during
normal flight operations.
The squadron returned to Mira-
mar on 1 August 1966 to regroup for
another cruise. This cruise aboard the
USS Bon Homme Richard (CVA-31)
VF-211 F-8E 149193 taxiing in after
gunnery practice as evidenced by the
gun powder stains surrounding the
lower gun ports. (Vought)
lasted from 26 January 1967 until 25
August 1967.
During this cruise the squadron's
scores continued to rise. LCDR M. O.
Wright scored first on 1 May 1967,
when a MiG-17 was clobbered by a
Sidewinder fired from "Moe's" F-8E
150303. A few weeks later, on 19
May, the squadron's CO CDR Paul
Speer in 150348 and LTJG Joseph
Shea in 150661 scored another dou-
ble kill for VF-211. For his kill, Shea
employed t.he unusual tactic of herd-
ing the MiG into firing position for his
Sidewinder by firing short bursts with
his 20 mike mike. A fourth occurred on
21 July when LCDR Ray G. (Tim)
Hubbard downed a MiG-17D with both
cannon and Zuni fire while flying
The squadron ended the cruise
with four confirmed kills and four loss-
es, none of which were to MiGs.
150930 was downed by a SAM on 19
May 1967 which resulted in LCDR K.
Russell becoming a POW. On 21 May
LCDR Hubbard was shot down in
150348 by AAA prior to his 21 July
LTJG TOM HALL taxiing forward in his
F-8E on 4-25-67. (USN) F-8E 150352
catapults from the Hancock on 5-24-67.
150352 would be the aircraft in which
Hall was shot down in on 6-10-67. (USN)
CDR Paul Speer and LTJG Joseph
Shea, 5-19-67 MiG Killers. (USN)
MiG kill. Then on 6 June LTJG T. R.
Hall was downed in 150303 and re-
covered only to again be downed in
150352 on 10 June. The second time
around Hall was not so lucky as he
was captured and became a POW.
149150 on 8-26-67. On return from the
1967 cruise, VF-211 F-Bs carried six red
kill marks with yellow stars on the ven-
tral fin. Another kill mark is under the
pilot's name. This was a personal kill,
not this aircraft's. (Jansson) 149146
with LCDR TIM HUBBARD's name and
kill marking on the nose. (Jansson)
CDR R. B. RUTHERFORD's 150351.
(Jansson) VF-211 CAG bird with the
name CDR JACK MONGER painted on r-
the canopy rail. (Jansson)
For the 1968-69 cruise the MiG
Killers returned to the Hancock. The
squadron sailed for Vietnam on 18
July 1968 and returned on 3 March
1969. The F-8H (remanufactured
F-8D) was used for this deployment.
But the fresh mounts encountered no
MiGs during this relatively uneventful
cruise. Two aircraft, 148694 and
147923, were lost on 24 August and
15 November respectively during op-
erational accidents.
After returning to Miramar the
squadron traaed their F-8Hs for F-8Js
(remanufactured F-8Es) in preparation
Two VF-211 F-8Es, 149175 (#103) and
150923 (#102), refueling with a KA-3B.
(via Jansson) F-8H 148659 on 5-24-68.
For the 1968-69 cruise, the F-8H was
used and VF211 returned to the
Hancock. (Jansson) F-8J 150680 on
7-31-69 with revised markings. For the
196970 cruise and all subsequent
cruises the F-8J was used. (Swisher)
for the 1969-70 cruise. Even though'
no MiGs were downed during the pre-
vious cruise, VF-211 were still the
number one MiG Killers in the Navy, a
position they held until Cunningham
and Driscoll bagged three out of four
MiGs downed by VF-96 Phantoms on
5 October 1972. During the cruise,
which lasted from 21 August 1969 un-
til 6 April 1970, VF-211 lost only one
aircraft (150349) on 28 November
The squadron deployed again
from 22 October 1970 until 2 June
1971 during which time two F-8Js,
149197 and 150294, were lost due to
operational accidents. For the third
time MiGs were not encountered.
The squadron's seventh and final
combat cruise took place from 7 Jan-
uary 1972 until 3 October 1972. On 22
April a lone MiG-17 was spotted by
LCDR Frank Bachman and LT Jerry
Tucker, but as the MiG Killers rolled in
on him at a half-mile out, he nosed
over and bailed out. Unfortunately this
was not listed as an official kill, but it
would be the last MiG 'downed by a
The next cruise, which started on
8 May 1973, was once again to the
Tonkin Gulf, where the squadron took
part in Operation End Sweep Support
Carrier. The cruise was to have ended
on 15 August but was extended while
the Hancock took part in the Mid-East
aboard the Hancock on 7-31-69, two
days before sailing to Vietnam. 150294
would be lost on 3-16-71 during an op-
erational accident. (William Swisher)
crises. The squadron returned on 8
January 1974.
One last Crusader cruise took
place from 18 May 1975 until 20 Oc-
tober 1975, after which the MiG Killers
transitioned to the Grumman F-14A
Tomcat in December.
VF-211 F-8J 149195 in f1ig ht in 1971.
When the squadron transitioned to the
F-8Js, a large red check mark was add-
ed to the tail and the ventral fins were
painted red and white. (Barry Miller)
VF-211 F8J 149210 patrols the Ton
kin Gulf on 3-18-71. The name LT
RICK AMBER was painted below the
canopy rail and BEAR was painted on
the fuselage aft of the cockpit. (USN)
VF211 F-8J at Da Nang in November
1970. The name LTJG BRIAN FOYE
was painted below the canopy rail and
FOYBOY was painted on the fuselage
aft of the cockpit. (Barry Miller)
VF-211 F-8J 149186 at NAS Lemoore
on1 0-1 0-71. The cannon ports were
red and the name LT JERRY TUCKER
was painted below the canopy rail. (D.
Kasulka via Fred Roos)
VF-211 F-8J 149216 over the Grand
Cyn. in 1970-71. (Don Priest)
VF-211 F-8J 149220 at NAS
Miramar on 2-9-75. The gun
ports were stained with pow-
der burns. (Clay Jansson)
May 197!? overhead view of
four VF-211 F-8J Crusaders
over Hawaii. Compare the
wing codes shown here with
those seen on the previous
pages. (USN)
VF-214 existed as a temporary redesignation of VF-24, from 1
September until 17 September 1964. F-8C 147012 was seen in the
markings shown below.
With the reorganization of the re-"
serves, Reserve Carrier Air Wing
Thirty (CVWR-30) and VF-301 were
commissioned on 1 October 1970 at
NAS Miramar, California. The Devil's
Disciples were equipped with F-8J
Crusaders and flew the type until 13
June 1974 when McDonnell F-4B
Phantoms replaced them.
VF-301 holds the distinction of
being the only accident-free Navy F-8
fighter squadron. From 1 October
1970 until 13 June 1974 the Disciples
accumulated 14,289 accident free
VF-301 would go on to fly the
F-4B, F-4N, F-4S and the F-14A which
it first acquired in October 1984. The
squadron still flies the Tomcat today.
VF-301 F-8J 150844 in 1972 with the
name LCDR FERGUSON on the nose.
(D. Kasulka) LCDR CASEY's 149139 on
3-31-72. (Swisher) 149204 in 1973. 301 's
markings were a red ventral fin flash
and tail arrow that were bordered in
black. All other markings were black.
The Stallions of VF-302 became
Reserve Carrier Air Wing Thirty's
(CVWR-30) second fighter squadron
on 21 May 1971. Stationed at NAS
Miramar and equipped with the F-8K
and F-8J Crusader, VF-302 flew the
type until November 1973 when it was
replaced by the F-48 Phantom. From
the F-48, the Stallions went on to fly the
F-4N, F-4S, and finally the F-14A Tom-
cat which it acquired in 1985.
CDR BILL KIPER's F-8K 147007 at NAS
Miramar on 5-12-73. (Fred Roos)
VF-302 F-8K 146986 in flight over
Southern California with a dummy
Sidewinder mounted on the fuse-
lage. (USN via Barry Miller) VF-302
F-8J 150654 at Miramar in 1972. (D.
Kasulka via Jansson)
VF302 markings were yellow tail
and ventral fin flashes bordered by
wide black bands, with all other
markings being black.
Based at Andrews AFB and flying
the FJ-4B (AF-1 E) Fury since May
1962, VF-661 transitioned to the F-8A
and F-8B Crusaders in January 1965.
Initially VF-661 and its Marine coun-
terpart, VMF-321, shared aircraft,
hence the Navy and Marine on the
On 22 January 1968, the US In-
telligence Collection Ship, USS
Pueblo, was siezed by North Korean
patrol boats causing what is known
today as the Pueblo Crisis. The presi-
dent's response to this crisis was to
activate six Naval Air Reserve Squad-
rons and VF-661 was one of them.
The squadrons were called to active
duty on 26 January and on 27 Janu-
ary the commanding officer, CDR
Lemuel O. Warfield, was welcoming
his assembled squadron aboard. The
squadron transferred to NAS Cecil
Field, Florida, where they were as-
signed to CVW-8 with their "AJ" tail
During the second week in August
the squadron's F-8Bs were replaced
by factory-fresh F-8Hs. The squadron
CDR Warfield boards a VF-661 F-8H for
the first east coast operational F-8H
flight on 8-11-68. (USN via Warfield)
was upgraded in preparation for a de-
ployment aboard the USS Shangri-La
(CVA-38) in which the squadron was
to have replaced VF-13 for a Med
cruise. Instead VF-661 was released
from active duty on 19 September
1968 and decommissioned on 11
VF-661 F-8Bs at Andrews in 1965.(C. J.)
F-8A 143817 at Andrews AFB on 6-2-67 with 6A tail code and NAVY MARINE on the fuselage denoting its joint usage by VF-661
and VMF-321. Note aircraft has been used for gunnery as evidenced by the blackened cannon ports. (William Swisher) F8A
143809 at Andrews AFB on 6-2-67, with aircraft # 10 above the rudder and with a flat black fin tip. (Clay Jansson)
F-8A 145408 of VF-661 after activation. The CVW-8 AJ tail
code has replaced the former 6A tail code. (Ostrowski via OM)
VF-661 squadron photo at NAS Cecil Field in August 1968
with F-8H 147047 in the background. (USN via CAPT Warfield)
In-flight photos of VF-661 F-8Hs with full markings consisting of red ventral fin flashes bordered by black and black tail stripes
with a white AJ tail code on a red field. F8Hs 147049 (#100),147047 (#101),148657 (#102), and 148677 (#110). (USN via CAPT
"BUZ" Warfield)