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Site Code.

Site identification
and address
County, district
East Sussex
and / or borough
O.S. grid ref. TQ671286
Geology. Wadhurst Clay/Ashdown Sands boundary
Project number. SNUFFLER1003
Fieldwork type. Geophysics
Site type.
Date of fieldwork. 18/09/10
Sponsor/client. IHRG
Project manager. David Staveley

Period summary Unknown

Project summary.
A magnetometer survey of a possible circular enclosure
(100 word max)
A Geophysical Survey of a Possible Enclosure near Stonegate

by David Staveley

During 2010, a large circular feature was spotted on the 2003, 2004 & 2005 Google Earth imagery
by a member of the Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group in a field to the east of Stonegate
(TQ671286). The Independent Historical Research Group (IHRG), having done work nearby and
also having contacts in the area obtained permission from the landowner for a magnetometer survey
across the feature. The enclosure itself is cut by a fairly old field boundary, suggesting some


The author would like to thank the landowner for giving permission for the survey, Robin
Hodgkinson for negotiating with the landowner, and all those who helped with the survey on the


The magnetometer survey was undertaken by IHRG using a GRAD601-2 using 40x40m grids, with
lines spaced 1 metre apart and 4 readings per metre along the line, walking east-west. The data was
processed using Snuffler with destripe, despike, and interpolation (Y only) filters applied.


The grids were set out and recorded using a total station and an arbitrary grid. Two resection points
and a baseline are described in the table below.

Description Grid North Grid East

South face of centre post of gate N edge of field 624.9 538.02
SE corner of cricket pavilion 558.89 481.82
NE corner of survey area 594.3 580
SE corner of survey area 500 580

The potential enclosure is shown as a dashed line. Within the survey area, red features are the
magnetic halo from the adjacent fence. Blue features are other features of an unknown nature. The
possible enclosure unfortunately does not show up on the results. This doesn't mean that it isn't
there, as clean cuts without any fill of domestic detritus will not show up on clay with a
magnetometer. A resistivity survey may work in this case, but has not been tried as yet.

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