R. A. Langel L.: Satellite Magnetic Anomaly Map Greenland
R. A. Langel L.: Satellite Magnetic Anomaly Map Greenland
R. A. Langel L.: Satellite Magnetic Anomaly Map Greenland
1 Introduction
In recent years satellite magnetic data have begun to be used for crustal studies. Regan et al.
(1975) compiled a global satellite magnetic anomaly map between f 50" latitude. Langel et
al. (1 982, in preparation) have derived similar maps of the polar regions and Fig. 1 reproduces
the map for northern high latitudes. The anomalies that can be observed on these and similar
maps are of very long wavelength and probably originate deep in the Earth's crust (Mayhew
1982a). Surface geology and the satellite magnetic anomaly map can be thought of as
expressions of major, large scale processes and structures in the Earth's crust. Langel et al.
(1980) demonstrated this by comparing a satellite magnetic map with upward continued
aeromagnetic data from northern Canada. They found that the aeromagnetic data contained
more information than the satellite magnetic data, but that the later data better revealed the
600 R . A . Langel and L. morning
very large-scale features normally obscured in the more detailed aeromagnetic data. Regan &
Marsh (1 982) in a study of the Bangui magnetic anomaly using corresponding ground geo-
physical and geological data verified the existence of this large anomaly and determined its
source to be in the lower crust.
Very little is known about the properties and structures of the crust underlying Green-
land. Most of the geophysical work has been carried out in the narrow strip of ice-free land
along the rim of the Inland Ice, and at certain offshore locations.
Geophysical data from below the Inland Ice are extremely scarce. Because of this scarcity
of data it is important to explore what information can be gained for Greenland where sub-
stantial anomalies occur (Fig. 1) by applying the methods which have been successful for
other anomalous regions.
300" 320"
Figure 2 - continued
Langel et al. (1980) were able to obtain a map which agreed in large measure with aero-
magnetic data and this procedure has been adapted for the Greenland data.
All available POGO passes over Greenland have been inspected in the form of computer
plots of the type reproduced in Fig. 2. These show the residual magnetic field obtained by
subtracting a model of the core field from the magnetic field measured by the satellite. A
spherical harmonic model of degree and order thirteen, POGO (2/72), Langel et al. (1980),
was used. Before selection, the residual field of individual passes (see examples in Fig. 2) in
general results from two major sources and probably several minor ones in various propor-
tions. The major ones are the fields of external origin and the field originating in the crust.
Minor ones can be instrument noise and errors in the main field model subtracted. Some-
times the external fields are totally dominating, and the magnetic data must then be discarded
from further use. Therefore, traces showing values of the residual magnetic field in excess of
20nT at any place north of 50" N were immediately eliminated from the analysis, as these
data were almost certainly dominated by mainly external fields. All remaining ( 3 19) traces
were visually inspected and all passes appearing to contain significant contributions from any
time varying field were further omitted. Passes with very small amounts of data were also
removed. This process left 134 passes, see Fig. 3 , which were accepted as containingmainly
crustal anomalies and which could be used for the production of the satellite magnetic ano-
maly map. When comparing these remaining passes it was found that significant differences
between traces were still present in the form of fields with wavelengths of the order of a few
thousand kilometres. As in the cited references, a linear function was fitted to each indivi-
dual pass and subsequently subtracted from the residual field of that pass. The process signi-
ficantly improved the already substantial internal agreement between nearly coincident
Magnetic anomaly map of Greenland 603
Figure 3. Locations of the passes with quiet POGO data used in this study.
To obtain data relative to a common altitude, the gridded magnetic field was modelled by
an equivalent source procedure (Mayhew 1979; Mayhew et al. 1980). A grid of dipoles was
placed at the surface of the Earth aligned in the direction of the present magnetic field. The
dipoles were spaced in equal area with the distance between dipoles equivalent to 3" at the
pole. Magnetic moments which would reproduce (in a least-squares sense) the measured
magnetic field anomaly at the original observation altitude were calculated. From the dipole
moments the corresponding magnetic field at an altitude of 500 km was calculated. Fig. 4
shows a contour map of this field, herewith presented as a good and consistent represen-
tation of the crustal contribution t o the POGO data over Greenland.
The equivalent source representation used to derive Fig. 4 may also be utilized to infer the
relative average bulk magnetization of the magnetized crustal layer, provided the thickness
of that layer is known. In the absence of definitive crustal thickness data we have calculated
an equivalent magnetization assuming that the crust is 40km thick, as a first approximation,
see the discussion later. This is shown in Fig. 5. In this model the relationship between rela-
tive magnetization and thickness of the magnetic crust is linear so that the variations reflect
a combination of changing crustal thickness and magnetization.
Figure 4. The satellite magnetic anomaly map of Greenland. This is the best and most consistent represen-
tation of all existing POGO data over Greenland. The map has been produced by an equivalent source
calculation to 500 km. (The kinks in the contours are due to the contouring method.)
Figure 5. Contour map of equivalent magnetization calculated from the equivalent source representation
forming the basis for the map of Fig. 4 assuming a 40 km thick magnetic crust. Contour interval is
1X lO-'Am-'.
Magnetic anomaly map of Greenland 605
well, and this is where the geology of Greenland has been studied in detail. A recent compre-
hensive review of the Greenland geology is given in Escher & Watt (1976), from which the
simplified picture of Greenland geology of Fig. 6 is taken as is the ensuing discussion. Only
references adding to or significantly changing the information given in Escher & Watt (1976)
are given in the following. The main geological features will be described very briefly. While
it is probably true that clues to the understanding of satellite magnetic data can be found in
quite detailed work, the magnetic map of Fig. 4 is best understood in terms of structures of
the same order of magnitude as those described below.
The Precambrian shield makes up the major part of the ice-free regions. It is divided into
four major structural units. The Archaean gneiss complex is found on the west and east coasts
Figure 6. Major geological structures of Greenland. Adapted from Escher &Watt (1976) with permission,
and with changes according to Jepsen & Kalsbeek (1981).
Magnetic anomaly map of Greenland 607
In view of this long and varied evolution of Greenland there is an obvious interest in
improving the understanding of the underlying crust. In the following discussion the satellite
magnetic anomaly map will be related to the geological features of Greenland.
4 Discussion
Interpretation of the satellite magnetic anomaly map is limited by its accuracy and resolu-
tion. These are difficult to define unambiguously, but some indications can be given. Fig. 7
shows the 95 per cent confidence interval for the map of Fig. 1, calculated as the standard
error of the mean for each average. Modelling these anomalies with equivalent sources results
Figure 8. From Frey & Langel (in preparation): POGO magnetic anonlalies reduced to the pole and fixed
to the continents, which have been arranged in a Laurasia reconstruction. See text for discussion.
It has been noted by Frey & Langel (in preparation) that many long wavelength satellite
magnetic anomalies are nearly continuous over reconstructed boundaries of Pangaea. Fig. 8,
reproduced from their paper, shows that if the Greenland-Norwegian Sea is closed to a
Mesozoic pre-drift position the North Greenland magnetic high would be just adjacent to a
high over Western Scandinavia, separated from this by an elongated relative trough following
the reconstructed Caledonian mobile belt, i.e. a situation quite similar t o what can now be
observed over the Nares Strait region. The negative anomalies over central parts of Greenland
line up with a major minimum centred over an area of the Baltic shield. If these correlations
are meaningful indications of‘ once continuous structures of the lower crust it would imply
that the anomaly sources were in existence prior t o the separation of Greenland and Scandi-
navia, and that consequently the structures below the Inland Ice discussed above probably
are of Precambrian age. Later developments in the Paiaeozoic (?)-Mesozoic basins then
gave rise to the accentuated minima over these regions.
5 Conclusions
Kesults of these studies can briefly be summarized as follows:
(1) It has been possible to compile a satellite magnetic anomaly map from POGO data
over Greenland which is relatively free of the erfects of external fields.
(2) A qualitative correlation of magnetic anonialies and major geological features has been
demonstrated, further confirming the usefulness of satellite magnetic data for regional
studies of lower crustal structure.
( 3 ) Significant changes in crustal structure and/or petrology are indicated under the cen-
tral part of Greenland. This may have a bearing for future plate-tectonics studies, and should
be considered in the planning of further geophysical work over the Inland Ice.
The results obtained with the POGO data have encouraged the planning of further work
using the MAGSAT data. The better resolution of the new data may reveal more detail of
Magnetic anomaly map of Greenland 61 1
geologically interesting trends hinted at in the POGO data. It is hoped that results emerging
from the rapidly progressing interpretation of new aeromagnetic data from the East Green-
land shelf, e.g. Larsen & Thorning (1980), Andersen et al. (1981), will provide additional
information of use in the geological interpretation of MAGSAT data.
The computational work for this study was accomplished by Robert Horner and Fred
Gertler, to whom we are very grateful. We would like to thank our colleagues Herb Frey and
Charles Schnetzler for stimulating and helpful criticism. This paper is published with the
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