What's The Best Gym Exercise Schedule?: Chest Exercises
What's The Best Gym Exercise Schedule?: Chest Exercises
What's The Best Gym Exercise Schedule?: Chest Exercises
Figuring out the best gym exercise schedule all depends on what your goals are.
Chest Exercises:
Back Exercises:
Shoulder Exercises:
Arm Exercises:
Exercise Weight (lbs) Reps Sets
EZ-Bar Curls 50 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
Preacher Curls 60 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
Hammer Curls 35 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
Incline Dumbbell Curls 25 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
Cable Curls 55 lbs 10 reps 3 sets
But you might just want to get ripped and toned and look tight and lean like a swimmer so you may not
want to lift weights all that much. It all depends on your body and your goals. But regardless of how
you look, if you want to look better, you must have a schedule for when you go to the gym. You have
to plan your day around it.
You can’t say, "I’ll go to the gym if I have time" or "I’ll go to the gym if I don’t get off work too late".
This can’t happen. Go to the gym, workout, lift weights before work so it’s done. This way you’ll start
seeing results. Pick a gym exercise schedule that fits you and your life.
Lots of hardgainers with skinny physiques can be extremely dedicated and focused as if they’re on
some sort of quest to complete. But they actually do their body more harm if they don’t rest.
A simple test to see if you’ve given your muscles enough recovery time. If you can’t lift the same
amount of weight as the last time you worked out, then you’re weaker. You should be stronger each
time you walk in that gym.
I know you want to learn how to gain weight but you would be better served doing some
cardiovascular or flexibility instead of doing your normal muscle building program for that day.
While your muscle, tendons and fibers are resting and recovering from the intense workouts, don’t
forget to get sleep. Sleep is the number one time when muscles grow and repair themselves after a
tough muscle tearing workout program! After this muscle building program by Tom Venuto you’re
going to need all the recovery time you can get because you’ll be exhausted.
Just be warned though that this muscle building program is just for newbie’s and obviously doesn’t
tell you exactly which exercises to do, how often, in what order and all the finer details.
Visit that course below for all the incredible details on everything from how to get rid of love handles, to
burning fat and even a step by step course that lays out the perfect muscle building program for
each body type.
Cacao, Goji Berries, Hemp Seeds, Incan Berries, Acai, Aloe Vera, Bee Pollen, Raw Honey, Maca
Root, Camu Camu Berry Powder, Coconut Oil
Wild Foods:
Animal Foods:
Raw Meats (Bison, Bear, Cow, Fish), Raw Chicken Eggs, Raw Butter, Raw Cheese, Raw Milk
Fermented Foods:
Vegetable Juices:
Essential Oils:
Essential oils are nature’s answer to drugs and medicines. These are highly concentrated oils from
plants and different herbal substances that allow the body to heal and I believe are a great addition
to your health protocol.
Some people train their abs 3 to 4 times a day and perform tons of 6 pack abs exercises only to find
out that they’re nowhere nearer to having those six packs. It’s because of the spot reduction myth.
Everybody believes that in order to get rid of the fat in the belly, then all you have to do is perform
belly exercises, hence the 100 sets of sit ups. It’s impossible to lose fat in a specific area by doing
exercises for that area.
Performing a biceps curl doesn’t eliminate the fat on your arms. It only stimulates your biceps.
Similarly, doing tons of sit-ups does not reduce your belly fat.
You have to approach it at a holistic level. In order to get rid of your fat in the belly, you need to get
rid of all your fat entirely reducing your overall fat percentage ratio. You do this by creating a calorie
deficit by eating 15 to 20% less than your caloric maintenance level.
Stop falling for those six pack abs programs. Stop falling for those thermogenic fat loss pills, bogus
fat diets and fancy exercise routines that promise you a trim midsection.
Just listen to what Sean says and create a caloric deficit. Eat more small meals spaced two to three
hours apart. Concentrate on eating high quality protein, natural unrefined carbs and drink plenty of
water. This alone is the perfect formula for getting those six packs abs fast.
Read our Muscle Gain Truth review for more information about the best selling muscle gain product
called Muscle Gain Truth. Find out if it’s right for you and your fitness and health goals.
Compound exercises include
Bench press
Inverted Barbell rows
Barbell lunges
To find the best ab workout for men, you’re probably more interested in isometric and isolation
exercises that focus on core strength and tightening up the abdominal muscles.
Cardiovascular exercises include running, biking, walking, cross training, dancing, surfing etc.
Basically you need these types of exercises to burn fat and calories. The elliptical machine and stair
stepper machines are great along with treadmills. I suggest going outside for a bike ride or hiking in
the local mountains.
Doing elongation exercises of your core trunk muscles will help stretch out your core allowing for
greater flexibility along with more muscle fibers that are exposed to intense training when you do
isolation exercises in the gym. Yoga helps everything else you do, but nothing else can help yoga.
Yoga should be the core of your entire workout program. It helps with breathing, flexibility, balance
and injury prevention.
You can perform crunches by lying on the ground on your back, preferably on a workout mat. Place
your hands behind your head, while keeping your feet flat on the ground with your knees bent. Lift
your head, chest, shoulders and trunk up about 6 inches off the ground. This will help put stress on
your core stomach muscles. Do as many as you can for 1 minute, then rest for 30 seconds while
doing 3 sets.
Planks are one of the best core strength exercises you can do. It’s one of the best ab workouts for
men because of the greater trunk and core strength guys have in order to perform and get results
from this amazing exercise. Many women have trouble with this one because it requires lower and
upper back strength along with shoulder and arm strength. I recommend 5 sets for 1 minute each with
rests of 45 seconds in between each set.
How to get a flat stomach in a week: Diet
For the next week, you’re going to have to cut your calories by a lot. This article about how to get a
flat stomach in a week isn’t going to give you specific foods to eat but it’s more geared to helping you
put together simple strategies that you can taylor to any diet.
Food combine:
Don’t eat starches with proteins (meat and potatoes, turkey sandwhiches etc). Eat them at seperate
meals. Always have a fresh raw salad with each meal.
One of the reasons why you’re storing fat is because you’re not properly digesting your food. Take 1-
2 high quality enzyme capsules 10 minutes after eating.
Hydrochloric Acid:
HCL is simply stomach acid. If you have low stomach acid (which everybody has these days as a
result of eating excess processed carbohydrates over a long period of time) you will not absorb
vitamins and minerals from your food. The less food you absorb, digest and eliminate the higher
your risk of every known disease is. You can by HCL pills at any health food store.
Another way to increase HCL is to eat lemons and take a shot of Braggs Apple Cider
Vinegar before and after eating heavy meals. Avoid drinking water during your meals as this will
decrease the amount of stomach acids you have and drastically hinder digestion.
This is a simple idea that most everybody fails at. Bear in mind that if you go to bed at 9pm you’ll
want to stop eating around at least 6pm. You actually burn calories while you sleep and if you can’t
sleep right that will effect your health in many other ways not just weight loss.
All sugars and candy (this also means processed carbs like pasta and breads).
All dairy (even if it’s raw dairy. The protein casein is difficult to digest for many people and
causes weight gain).
All wheat (wheat contains gluten and this not only robs your body of minerals but it’s very
difficult to digest and makes you fat. Also gluten as been shown to damage your intestinal
villi,making it more and more difficult absorb nutrients into your blood stream).
These include coconut oils, avocados, raw grass fed butter, raw eggs, fat from grass fed meats etc.
Fat on your dinner plate cannot turn into fat on your body. It’s that simple. What makes us fat are
Coke, Pepsi, Pizza, Ice-Cream (when not made right). Healthy fats are good for you and won’t make
you fat, period.
Each day you need to do at least one hour of intense cardio training followed up by an extensive ab
workout followed by lifting weights. When you lift weight, you’re building muscle. Muscle burns fat
just by its nature. It increases circulation and metabolism while also helping the thyroid glad to
operate better.
This type of fat loss program (only when trying to get a flat stomach in a week, keep in mind) needs
to be 3 days on 1 day off and continued for the final 3 days. So 6 out of the next 7 days you will be
working out and following a healthy diet.
As part of this 6 day workout plan, yoga is essential too. Yoga helps you elongate your muscles and
keep your breathing correct amongst a myriad of other things too long to list.
As I said learning how to get a flat stomach in a week was going to involve a pretty intense week of
training and eating right.
I like to go for a run the very first thing in the day. This will help you burn even more calories during
the day as well as regulate your metabolism that day to work for you instead of against you.
If you have a rebounder (mini trampolene) jump on this every single day you workout this week.
Jumping up and down is the ONLY way to stimulate your lymphatic system. Your lymph system
helps to protect your main organs in your chest, lungs, heart, brain etc from toxins and poisins in our
envoirnemnt. By releasing the lymph fluid you will lose weight. The action of jumping up and down
helps to stimulate the lymph system.