Manufacturer Renesas STMicroelectronic STMicroelectronic Infineon Infineon
Electronics s s Technologies Technologies
Core Variant M16C/60 STM8 STM8 XC800 I-Series XC800 I-Series
Flash 524288 32768 32768 24576 24576
ROM 0 0 0 12288 12288
RAM 31774 4096 2048 1798 1798
EEPROM 0 2000 1000 0 0
Maximum 24 24 24 24 24
Dhrystone MIPS 0 20 20 6 6
Vcc Min 2.7 2.9 2.9 4.7 4.7
Vcc Max 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.2 5.2
Operating -40 to 85 -40 to 85 -40 to 85 -40 to 85 -40 to 85
A/D Bits 10 10 10 10 10
A/D Channels 26 9 9 8 8
D/A Bits 2 0 0 0 0
D/A Channels 8 0 0 0 0
Timers 11x16-bit, WDT 3x16-bit, 8-bit 3x16-bit, 8-bit GPT, WDT GPT, WDT
Timer Bits 16 40771 42583 16 16
Serial Interfaces 5xSCI, IrDA SPI, 2xUART with SPI, UART with LIN 1xSSC, 2xUART 1xSSC, 2xUART
I2C Interfaces 3 1 1 0 0
DMA Channels 2 0 0 0 0
Maximum GPIO 88 34 25 34 34
Pin Count (min) 1 1 1 1 1
On Chip 100 44 32 48 48
Package Options LQFP100, TQFP 44 LQFP 32 PG-TQFP 48 PG-TQFP 48
From the above table, it gives a clear cut idea of choosing the Renesas M16C/60 core controller for the
The M16C controller has more flash memory of about 524MB when compared to the controllers in its class.
It also has the highest RAM of 31MB which makes it more reliable in usage in many applications. It features
26 A/D channels and therefore it can used for ******* (fill this up or use the or sentence) or to design
support various analogue parameters for the system. It supports D/A of 2bits and 8 channels which is not a
feature of others. There are 11 16-bit timers and a watch dog timer (WDT) in the Renesas M16C. The
controller has 5xSCI and an IrDA module (continue the sentence as you have used this in you project). It
also has 3 I2C interfaces and so it can be used (make up some sentence regarding its use). This controller
can also be used for applications managing bulk data as it embedded with two DMA modules. In
comparison with other controllers, the Renesas M16C has 88 general purpose IO and therefore it is reliable
and flexible in many applications. ( check this sentence)