1d82csales Management
1d82csales Management
1d82csales Management
Course Objective:
It is essential for everybody aspiring to be a sales manager to have an understanding of the concepts of Selling. This
helps them understand not only their role better, but also guides them towards better practice of management.
To introduce students to the concepts and theories of sales
To develop an understanding of application of these concepts
To help understand the various facets of the role of a sales manager
Course Contents:
Module I: Introduction to Sales Management
Concept, scope, functions; Personal Selling,; Buyers- Sellers dyad and salesmanship.
Examination Scheme:
Components C A CT EE
Weightage (%) 10 5 15 70
Text & References:
• E Cundiff and N Govini, Sales Management- 5th Edition. Prentice Hall of India
• Laforge, Avita, Professional Selling A trust based approach, Ingram, Harcourt College Publications.
• Smart Selling, Christopher Power.
• David Mayer and H M Greenberg, What makes a good salesman.
• Stanton, Bursnick and Spiro, Management of Sales force.