Guidelines For Cosmetic Products in Dubai
Guidelines For Cosmetic Products in Dubai
Guidelines For Cosmetic Products in Dubai
1. Introduction
2. Objective
3. Registration
3.1. What Is Registration?
3.2. The Registration Regulation
3.3. Legal Illustrative Aspect of Registration
3.3.1. Definition of Cosmetic
3.3.2. Functions for Cosmetics Products
3.3.3. The Field of Application of Cosmetics
3.3.4. Illustrative List of Cosmetics
3.3.5. Borderline Products
4. Who Should Apply for Registration?
4.1. Local Manufactures
4.2. Foreign Manufactures
4.3. Criteria of Applicant
4.4. Responsibility of Applicant
5. How to Start Registration Process?
5.1. Registration Steps
5.2. Necessary Documents to Accompany Application Forms
5.2.1. Certificate of Free Sales (CFS)
5.2.2. Health Certificate (HC)
5.2.3. Laboratory Test Report
5.2.4. Analysis Report
6. A Guide for Labeling Cosmetic Products
6.1. Labeling of the Product
6.2. Objective
6.3. Coverage of the Mandatory Standard
6.4. Requirements of Labeling Mandatory Standard
7. Amendments or Change in Registration Particulars
8. Validity of Product Registration
9. Product Recall
10. Penalty
11. Cosmetic Services
11.1. Request for Approval of Cosmetic Label
11.1.1. Service Description
11.1.2. Fees
11.1.3. Validity
11.1.4. Procedures
11.2. Request for Releasing the Cosmetic Shipments Arriving in Dubai Ports
under the Supervision of Dubai Municipality
11.2.1. Service Description
11.2.2. Fees
11.2.3. Procedures
1. Introduction
The Cosmetic Team (CT) at Dubai Municipality, Consumer Products Safety Section
(CPSS) prepared this guideline based on the Dubai Municipality Local Order No. 11,
2003. The program regarding cosmetics ensures that better protect for consumer health is
maintained. In fact, several steps are needed to be taken by the importers, suppliers,
distributors, retailers, consumers and/or any concerned party so that safety of the
cosmetic products is revealed and the approval of the labeling of the products is retained.
In general, the cosmetic product put on the market within Dubai Community must not
cause damage to human health when applied under normal or reasonably foreseeable
conditions of use, taking into account, in particular, of the product's presentation, its
labeling, any instructions for its use and disposal as well as any other indication or
information provided by the manufacturer or authorized agent or by any other person
responsible for placing the product on the Dubai Community market.
2. Objective
The foremost objective of cosmetic product safety procedures is to maintain public health
& safety through implementing efficient regulatory control system as well as to promote
public awareness of the importance of the safety procedures of cosmetics implemented.
This guideline describes the requirements for registration process.
3. Registration
3.1. What Is Registration?
Since consumer safety is the primary principle of cosmetics registration, its process allows
the CPSS to gather adequate information to assess the safety of cosmetic products. It is
necessary to emphasize that no cosmetic product shall be manufactured, imported,
exported, advertised, sold or distributed in Dubai unless it has been registered in
accordance with DM regulation.
¾ Within the application form, the following aspects should be filled with
details and numbers: Serial Number, Product name, Brand, Country of Origin,
Batch Number & Bar Code. e.g. Bar Code: 1234567, Country of Origin:
UAE, …etc
¾ Within the application form the aspects: Shelf-life & Remarks aspects will be
filled by CT.
After filling the form, the applicant sends the soft copy of the “Application Form for
Cosmetic Labeling Assessment” to the following email address: [email protected].
The applicant submits the required documents (Health Certificate, Free Sale
Certificate, Analysis Report, Laboratory Test report) to CPSS along with one of each
product that was applied for labeling assessment.
The applicant makes sure that the products carry a sticker which is numbered with the
same number as applied in the application form.
CPSS reviews the documents and application form and adds the remarks if necessary.
CPSS contacts the applicant via email for collecting the “Cosmetic Labeling
Assessment” report.
At the time of collecting the letter, an amount of Dhs 10 for each product that has
been applied for should be paid.
The followings are the required components that must be declared in clear English or
Arabic language:
Product name
Brand name of the product
Manufacturer detail
Country of origin
Size or Weight of the product
Production & Expiry dates or/ Period After Opening (PAO)
Storage conditions; unless it is clear from the product name or presentation
Instructions of use; unless it is clear from the product name or presentation
Health warning notes; unless it is clear from the product name or presentation
Code Industrial number of product (Bar-Code) & Batch number
Medical claims not allowed
Pictures, illustration which are inconsistent with the prevailing social customs and
values shall not be used.
Based on these conditions, the health inspector/officer from CPSS will withdraw any
cosmetic product that does not comply with the specifications mentioned above and issue
fines to the violated individuals.
Note: Either HC or FSC is needed to complete the application procedures for certain
6.2. Objective
This is to identify ingredients to which public may be allergic or which may cause an
adverse reaction as well as to compare diverse cosmetic products.
9. Product Recall
The goal of product recall is to promptly and efficiently retrieve Batch/ Bar Code of the
product that does not comply with registration requirements, or that may have an
undesirable effect on humans. The decision for recall shall be made when there is or may
be risk to the cosmetic consumer. Recalls can be initiated through at the request of the
Dubai Municipality, or other relevant authorities to recall the product.
10. Penalty
Individuals who contravene any of the provisions of the guidelines and regulations will
be charged as violated by Local Order No. 11 / 2003.
11.1.2. Fees:
The value of the fees is Dhs 10.00 per product category plus Dhs 10.00 as knowledge
fees for payment orders Dhs 50.00 and above based on Local Order No. (11/2003).
11.1.3. Validity:
This service is valid for two years under current conditions.
11.1.4. Procedures:
11.2. Request for Releasing the Cosmetic Shipments Arriving in Dubai Ports under
the Supervision of Dubai Municipality
11.2.2. Fees:
The value of the fees is Dhs 50.00 per consignment plus Dhs 10.00 knowledge fees based
on Local Order No. (11/2003).
11.2.3. Procedures:
S.NO. Procedures Location
1 The importer representative is required to Packing List CPSS
present samples from the consignments to Airway Bill
CPSS employee for inspection Trade License
Accurate physical inspection of cosmetic Packing list CPSS
2 products to insure that it meets cosmetic
labeling requirements
Receiving the payment order by the importer CPSS
3 ---------------------------
Paying the inspection fees to the Cashier Payment order issued by Cashier counter
counter the CT stating the value
Handing a copy of the receipt over to the A copy of the receipt CPSS
5 CPSS employee who attaches it to the soft
copy of the required shipment documents
6 Getting the Release Stamp for the CPSS
11.3. Procedures for Cosmetic Consignment Release with Undertaking & Warning
11.3.2. Fees:
The value of the deposit is determined by the CPSS and does not exceed Dhs 10,000
(Annex 1) based on Local Order No. 11/2003 in which can be reimbursed after the
registration process is done.
11.3.3. Procedures:
S.NO. Procedures Location
The importer representative is required Packing List CPSS
to present the consignments documents Airway Bill
to CPSS employee Trade License
Request for recovering the deposit after Ensuring that all CPSS
releasing the consignment and taking the outstanding cases of
necessary procedures in this connection undertaking as well as the
obligations for which an
undertaking has been
written have been fulfilled
Checking with the Finance Department DM Main office/ Finance
9 Refund letter from CPSS
11.4. Request for Releasing the Shipments Arriving in Dubai Ports under
Supervision of other Municipalities
11.4.2. Fees:
A deposit is determined by CPSS which can be reimbursed after submitting the reply of
the concerned municipality requesting necessary action.
11.4.3. Procedures:
S.No. Procedures Required Documents Location
1 Submission of shipment documents to No-objection letter from the CPSS
CPSS & filling the undertaking form concerned municipality
Packing List
Airway Bill
Trade License
2 Receiving the fees & deposit payment CPSS
orders by the importer representative
3 Paying the fees to the Cashier counter Payment orders issued by the Cashier counter
CPSS stating the value
4 Handing a copy of the receipt over to the A copy of the receipt CPSS
CPSS employee who attaches it to the soft
copy of the required shipment documents
5 Getting the Release Stamp for the CPSS
consignment to be transferred to the ---------------------------
concerned Municipality
6 Submitting letter from concerned Receiving letter from concerned
municipality of receiving the consignment municipality
7 Request for recovering the deposit after Ensuring that all outstanding CPSS
11.5.2. Fees:
No fees required.
11.5.3. Procedures:
S.No. Procedures Required Documents Location
1 CPSS Packing List CPSS
Airway Bill
2 Undertaking form for non- A copy of non-commercial form CPSS
commercial consignment to be
filled by the customer
3 Getting the Release Stamp for CPSS
the consignment
Annex 1: