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Semiconductor Devices Name: _______________________ Enrolment No: ____________

1. What is the band gap in electron volt (eV) for germanium?

a. 0.75 ev b. 1.5 eV
c. 2 eV d. 3 eV

2. When pn-junction diode is forward biased, the flow of current across the junction is mainly due to:
a. Drift of charges b. Diffusion of charges
c. Both drift and diffusion of charges
d. Depends on the nature of the material.

3. For detecting light intensity, we use:

a. Photodiode in reverse bias b. Photodiode in forward bias
c. LED in reverse bias d. LED in forward bias.

4. Figure given below is a logic symbol of:

a. OR gate b. AND gate

c. NOT gate d. NAND gate
5. A semiconductor is known to have an electron concentration of 8 x 10 13 per cm3 and hole
concentration of 5 x 1012 per cm3. The semiconductor is:
a. n – type b. p – type
c. Intrinsic d. Insulator
6. The energy band in solids is an outcome of:
a. Bohr theory of hydrogen atom b. Paulli’s exclusive principle
c. Coulomb’s law d. Einstein’s special theory of relativity
7. If  = 0.95 for a transistor, the value of  is:
a. 80 b. 20
c. 100 d. 19

8. When impurity atoms (pentavalent or trivalent) are added to intrinsic semiconductor, the forbidden
band or band gap between valence band and conduction band:
a. Increases b. Decreases
c. Not affected d. Does not exist

9. A p – n junction diode cannot be used:

a. As rectifier,
b. For converting light energy into electrical energy,
c. For getting light radiation,
d. For increasing the amplitude of a.c. signal.

10. The pure semiconductor has:

a. An infinite resistance at 00C.
b. A finite resistance, which does not change with temperature
c. A finite resistance, which decreases with temperature
d. A finite resistance, which increases with temperature.
11. The arrangement shown can perform the function of:
a. AND gate
b. NAND gate
c. OR gate
d. XOR gate

12. Crystals exhibit:

a. Long range symmetry b. Short-range symmetry
c. Long range asymmetry d. Short-range asymmetry

13. Polymers are:

a. Crystalline b. Amorphous
c. Orthorhombic d. None of these

14. Which one of the following gates correspond to the truth table given below?
a. XOR 1 1 0
b. OR 1 0 0
c. NAND 0 1 1
d. NOR 0 0 1

15. An oscillator is an amplifier with:

a. Positive feed – back b. Voltage gain
c. No feed – back d. Negative feed – back


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