Disclaimer: patient plays a large role in the decision to use a drug. See
the use of placebos in conventional medicine.
1) All information in this book has been made available in
order to help you take consciousness of all the factors that 4) Other alternative methods are available to go with herbs,
affect infertility, fertility, sexual life and health in general. nutrients and aromas, and they have proved efficient too;
It does not intend to replace a medical advice! this include breathing techniques, massage, acupuncture,
shiatsu, yoga, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and for
2) You should test for all the causes that may affect you and Muslims in particlular: special Du’as, Zamzam, cupping (a
your health before you look for more drastic cures such as cure for all diseases as rlated in on Haadith), eating or
surgery or chemicals. Allaah has promised us that there is a dietary habits, prayers, reciting Qur’aan, etc. There are
cure for everything, exept old age and death, so one can literally hundreds of types of unconventional medicines
find it if s/he looks long enough and hard enough. that cure or prevent diseases. An unconventional medicine
is any type of therapy that is different from traditional
3) Drug therapy has become the concern of many people. medicine in the way that it focuses on a patient’s mind,
Among the reasons are the following: body, and inner energy, to aid in healing. Some, use magic
A. Most drug therapy must be closely monitored and charms (in a certain Haadith, Islam teach us that charms
carefully dosed. This dose may have to be altered and amulets are Haram because they do not cure but just
frequently due to the nature of the particular disease get rid of the Shaytan), colour therapy, sound therapy, and
process or other concomitant ones the patient may have. juice therapy, in which natural juices are used as tonic
Often enough doses are augmented in order not to cure but therapies, flower therapy, nutritional therapy, hydrotherapy,
to mask the suffereings of the patient. imagery, hypnosis, reflexology, aromatherapy,
B. Since chemicals and synthetic products are used, toxic physiotherapy, naturopathy, naprapathy, allopathy,
effects often occur. Often one has to weigh the advantages osteopathy, preventive Medicine, Hakim’s medicine
of drug use against the side effects and the choice is not (inherited therapies), music therapy, Ayurveda,
always clear. detoxification therapies, Qigong, Taiji, and so on and so
C. Therapeutic drugs are usually very expensive. forth.
D. The decision to use drug prescriptions depends greatly
on the disease process. Acute, life-threatening diseases 5) Some ahadith related to natural medicines in Islam:
usually require it, however, for chronic, non-curable Allah t'ala tells us in Surah An'am, verse 17: "If God touch thee
diseases (such as arthritis) the necessity of drugs is more with affliction, none can remoe it but He;" (VIII: 7)
subjective. Often doctors over-prescribe medicines in order And, once again, in Surah Bani Isra'il, this idea is even
not to lose their clients. The psychologic makeup of the made more clear: "We send down (stage by stage) in the
Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who Quick healing, arrest of blisters, and masking of gangrenous
believe... " (XVII: 82) odours were all achieved in record time.
It was reported by Jabir bin AbduUah that Prophet Reflexology has helped many women having PMS (pre-
Muhammad (SAAS) said: "For any disease there is a cure, and menstrual symptoms) problems (Jacobs, 1996 :193) .
when the cure matches the disease, the person recovers by the Pepermint oil dropped in the back of the neck is very efficient
will of Allah" to calm headaches. (Earle & Rose,1996)
It was reported by Abu Hurairah that the Prophet William D. Kelley, DDS was a dentist who claimed to have
(SAAS) said: "Allah never inflicts a disease unless he makes a healed himself of pancreatic cancer with his own therapy, in
cure for it." 1964. His program includes a specific dietary program,
Prophet Muhammad (SAAS: Allah’s Peace and detoxification, neurological stimulation through chiropractic
benediction be Upon Him) said: "An ounce of prevention is adjustment and supplements of vitamins, minerals and enzymes
better than a ton of treatment." (Peter Barry Chowka, 1999).
The Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) said: "Fast (the
month of Ramadan) so that to heal your bodies from diseases." 8) The treatments mentioned here are just an indicator of
what you can find in the market and what sort of answers
6) These therapies, contrary to conventional medicine, are you may find if you go see a practitian.
known to be non-toxic, effective and safe when
adminiestered by a professional. Often enough they replace 9) The treatments given here will not correspond to the needs
successfully harsh treatments prescribed in conventional or the health condition of certain people but will suit others.
medicine, even treatments like chemiotheraphy or surgery Certain herbs for instance damage the liver in some people
or infertility (Doheny, 2002). but are safe in others, and it all depends on the dosage and
the time frame in which you are using those herbs.
7) However, unconventional therapies must be used hand in
hand with conventional medicine. They complete each 10) Note that herbs take months, even years to take effect,
other even if, in some cases, they cannot replace each other. but when they do, they really work in harmony with
For example, Essential oils have the ability to help heal and your body.
prevent infections. During World War One, chemist Maurice
Gattefosse experimented with the use of essential oils for the 11) Anybody who has a serious disease ought to start to study
treatment of soldiers war wounds. In July of 1910, he burned about his/her disease especially alternative methods.
his hands in a laboratory explosion. He rolled in grass to put Sometimes learning the art of breathing or makinf slight
out the flames, but gas gangrenous sores began to appear. He changes in lifestyles make all the difference. Only a
applied essential oils of terpene-free lavender to the burns and qualified person can help you determine what is going on in
noticed a sudden arrest of gasification tissues. (Nash,1996:19) your body.
The alternative methods aim to make the body heal itself with 17. Peter Barry Chowka. (1999). Alternative Medicine and the War on
Allah's help. Not just take away the symptoms only, like very Cancer, The Original Pioneers: A Written and Photographic Essay.
Originally published in Better Nutrition August 1999
often with Allopathic medicine. But discuss all treatments with 18. http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/jellyfish/347/Islamic_Medicine
a real doctor, natural or allopathic. This includes your herbalist, .html
the holistic practitioner, the acupunturist, the chiropractor and 19. Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya. (1996-1997). Natural Healing with
all other non- conventional practioners. Medicine of the Prophet. Translation and Emendation by Shaykh
Muhammad Al-Akili. Publisher: Pearl Publishing House.
References: 20. Aikman,L."Nature's Healing Arts;From Folk Medicine to Modern
1. Clover, Anne. (1991). Homeopathy. London: Thorsons. Drugs. " National Geographic Society Books, 1977. Benowicz, R.J.
2. Earle, S., Rose, J. (1996). Aromatherapy. (Aromatherapy Booklet "Non-Prescription Drugs and Their Side Effects". Grossel and Dunlap,
No.1). California: National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy. A. Filmway Co. Publishers, N.Y. 1977. 3.
3. Eisenberg, D., Lee Wright, T. (1995). Encounters with Qi, Exploring 21. Muhammad, S.D. Al-Tibb Al-Nabawy (Arabic) Dar Al-Hikmah,
Chinese Medicine. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. Beirut, Lebanon.
4. Fulder, Stephen. (1996). The Ginseng Book. New York: Avery 22. Sakr, A.H. (1971)."Dietary Regulations and Food Habits of Muslims"
Publishing Group. J. Amer. Diet. Assoc. 58: 23.
5. Gottlieb, Bill. (1995). New Choices of Natural Healing. Pennsylvania: 23. Sakr, A.H. (1975). "Fasting in Islam". J. Amer. Diet. Assoc. 67: 17 -
Rodale Press Inc. 21.
6. Hill, Ann. (1978). Reflexology. A Visual Encyclopedia of 24. Sakr, A.H. "Overeating and Behavior" The Muslim Scientist and in J.
Unconventional Medicine. (109). New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. Islamic Med. Assoc.
7. Jacobs, Jennifer. (1996). Herbs. The Encyclopedia of Alternative 25. http://altmedicine.about.com/
Medicine. (172). Toronto: Stoddart. 26. Kathleen Doheny. “Acupuncture May Help Infertile Couples”
8. Keville, K., Green, M. (Sept. 15, 1997). Aromatherapy- Therapeutics. HealthScoutNews Reporter. For more information, see:
9. Lockie, Andrew. (1989). The Family Guide to Homeopathy. New http://www.asrm.org/
York: Prentice Hall Press. 27. A complete list of herbs Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings:
10. Mackay, Hugh. (Oct.21, 1997). Reflexology. http://www.personalhealthzone.com/herbsafety.html
11. Monte, Tom. (1993). The East West Guide to Healing Your Body. New 28. Many interesting online articles on alternative health:
York: The Putnam Publishing Group. http://www.healthy.net/
12. Nash, Barbara. (1996). From Acupressure to Zen. California: Hunter 29. Herbal Library to learn more bout different comon herbs:
House. http://www.healthcentral.com/peoplespharmacy/pp_herblibrary/pp_her
13. Pilkington, J. Maya. (1991). Alternative Healing and Your Health. New blibrary.cfm
York: Ballantine Books. 30. http://www.islamset.com/sitemap.html
14. Rosenfeld, Isadore. (1996). Dr. Rosenfeld’s Guide To Alternative 31. A very nice set of articles:
Medicine. New York: Random House. http://www.ummah.net.pk/dajjal/fertil1.html
15. UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER TREATMENTS. (1990). The Office 32. Encyclopedia of herbs and treatments with references:
of Technology Assessment of the U.S. government printing office, http://www.mothernature.com/Library/Ency/
1990. Islamic Medicine (Edited by Shahid Athar , M. D.): http://www.islam-
16. Richard, Walters. (1993). Options. Avery, 1993. usa.com/im1.html
Sexual Issues and theMuslim mind "So let man consider from what he is created. From a gushing
fluid that issues between the lion and the ribs.”
"Your women are a tilth for you, so enjoy your tilth the way
Sexual Education: you wish, and make an introduction to yourself.”
Sex education in Islam has never been taboo and it How can parents refuse to answer basic questions and not
suffices to listen to scholars of Islam, the first one is our instill a negative feeling about sex in their children?
Prophet (SAAS) to be convinved that no question is a bad How can they ignore their children’s questions when it is so
question. easy to access infrmation on the subject by sometimes illicit or
Many modern Muslim parents feel too shy to talk about sexual wrong channels?
issues, especially in their families, creating tension where there How can parents shut their children from anatomy or biology
should not be any. They often prefere to delegate this question books and give the impression this is pornography and not
to other people or leave their children in complete ignorance something natural and a complete part of life?
even to the time of marriage! How can they prevent their children from seeing animals
Allah who has sent the Noble Qur’an as a guidance for reproducing in nature when the sight offers itself before their
mankind, discusses in His Sacred Book subjects as diverse as eyes?
reproduction, creation, family life, embyology, menstruation How can parents ignore the look of wonder in their children’s
and even ejaculation. face when they see their mother’s growing belly or they
And Prophet Muhammed (SAAS), who has been sent to us as witness their women folk going through the menstruation and
an example, discussed with his companions many aspects of pregnancy process?
their sexual life including sexual positions or ways to enhance Maybe parents think that the more they talk about it, the more
libido. their children will be tempted by it?
The problem is that Islamic societies of today are far from Sex education is not about giving licence to children to play
Islam and people in these societies have confused shyness and around, it is about knowing the anatomy and physiology of
modesty with taboo and ignorance! human body, the act of sex given with the act of love, the
Islam says: "Do not divulge secrets of your sex with your wife reproduction and family life, the hygiene relative to sexuality,
to another person, nor describe her physical feature to anyone" the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted
but Islam does not prohibit to ask general questions about sex. pregnancy, the necessity of marriage for peacefulness and for
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has said: "Blessed are the completing one’s faith, to aknowledge one’s pulsions as
women of the Ansar (citizens of Medina). Shyness did not stand normal and a gift from Allaah and a way to give Sadaqah to
in their way seeking knowledge about their religion. ones companion.
How can parents encourage their children to read
Qur’an and ignore passages in the Qur’an related to the
Western ideas of sexual education: be more mature and more prepared for it. The health hazards of
In Western schools, sex education is being given before or early sex include sexual trauma, increase in incidence of
during puberty. But teachers are told to give the technical cervical cancer, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage
aspects of sex education without telling the students about pregnancy. A variety of injuries are possible and do happen
moral values or how to make the right decisions. The result is when sex organs are not ready for sex in terms of full
that children are not told about abstinence, but about maturation. Some of these injuries have a long lasting effect. In
prevention! fact 25% of college freshman boys during a survey responded
The secular sex education devoid of morality promoted by by saying that if they have paid for the food, and the girl does
educators like Dr. Sol Gordon is very far from the teachings of not go all the way, they have a right to force her to have sex.
Islam. Some modernists believed in: Even Bertrand Russell, who strongly supports the
Nudity at home. Children can see their parents’ organs and libertarian view, had to accept that some restrictions in sexual
some even witness their mother giving birth. No wonder that morality are necessary. He writes, "I am not suggesting that
75% of all child molestations and incests (500,000 per year) there should be no morality and no self-restraint in regard to
occur by a close relative (parent, step parent or another family sex, any more than in regard to food. In regard to food we have
member) in a familiar surrounding. restraints of three kinds, those of law, those of manners, and
A child's playing with genitals of another child is a "naive those of health. We regard it wrong to steal food, to take more
exploration". However, we have heard of small children raping than our share at a common meal, and to eat in ways that are
other small children after such explorations. Sexual pulsions likely to make us ill. Restraints of a similar kind are essential
are present in children even before puberty and it is known that where sex is concerned, but in this case they are much more
even fetuses have erections! complex and involve much more self-control." (Russell,
The idea that children caught reading 'dirty' magazines should Marriage and Morals, p. 293-294)
not be made to feel quilty implies that those children will see
people and sex life as a steretyped image or a mecanical thing What sex signifies for Muslims :
where love has no part. Besides, sexual morality is not Contrary to what is often taught in western cultures, Islam does
instructed in these magazines. On the contrary, free sex is not consider women (or men) an object of sexual pleasure that
showed as the norm! is only gratifying for one self. While the sex outside marriage
Gordon explains: " If your daughter or son is already sexually is a punishable sin, sex with one's spouse is an act of worship
active, instead of telling them to stop it, the parents moral duty and an act of Sadaqah.
is to protect their health and career by providing them Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: "When one of you
information and means for contraception and avoiding VD". have sex with your wife it is a rewardable act of charity". The
Abstinence has been taught to children and many children have companions were surprised and asked, "but we do it out of our
admitted enjoying it because most of the time they were desire, how can it be counted as a charity?". The Prophet
already engaged in sexual acts but wished they had waited to replied "if you had done with a forbidden women, it would have
been counted as a sin, but if you do it in legitimacy it is lesson should be appropriate to the age of the child. Note that
counted as a charity?" not all children mature at the same rhythm, so parents should
Islam recognizes the strong sexual urge and desire for apply discernment.
reproduction. However, it does not make it the aim of
marriage, nor does it make reproduction a necessity in 7-10 Years: the Age of Discernment
marriage. If it were so, our prophet (SAAS) would have At this age, the child should know the etiquette of entering the
divorced most of his wives who did not have children with parents' room, and the rules concerning looking at others.
him! Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says, "O you who believe!
In Islam the marriage of a man and woman is not just a Let your slaves and the children among you who have not come
financial and legal living arrangement, but love and joy are part to the age of puberty ask your permission (before they come to
of the contract. your presence), on three occasions: before morning prayer
Allah says: (salatul Fajr), and when you put off your clothes for the noon
"Among His signs is that he created consorts for you from rest, and after the late-night prayer (salatul Isha). These three
among yourself, so that you may find tranquility with them, and times are of privacy for you, outside these times, there is no sin
(He) set love and compassion between you. Verily in this are on you or on them to move about, attending to each other. Thus
signs for people who reflect." Allah makes clear the Signs to you. And Allah is All-Knowing,
All-Wise." [24:58]
Islamic sex education should be taught at home, starting at an Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, says, "And say to the believing
early age, and before giving education about the anatomy and women that they should lower their gaze and guard their
physiology, sexual morality should be well established. private parts, that they should not display their beauty and
The father should teach the son and mother should teach her ornaments except what ordinarily appear thereof. That they
daughter. should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their
While small, children can be taught about intrcourse vaguely, beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands'
mentioning the verse: fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their
"They are your garments, and you are their garments" brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons." [24:31]
When they grow up, they should be taught what is necessary at Allah orders us, "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze,
the moment the need emerges. and protect their private parts. This is purer for them. Verily,
Often small children are satisfied by pretty, unsophisticated Allah is All-Aware of what they do." [24:30]
answers while teenagers need more details. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "Beware of
entering [places] where women are!" (Bukhari and Muslim)
Different stages of children sexual education: Children ten years and older should not share the same bed
As a child goes through different developmental stages, his even if they are of the same sex, as the Prophet advised, saying,
sexual education should too be planned in stages, and each "Enjoin your children to perform salah when they are seven,
and spank them for it when they are ten, and let them sleep in The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "Young
separate beds." (al-Hakim and Abu Dawud) men, those of you who can support a wife should marry, for it
keeps you from looking at women and preserves your chastity.
10-14 Years: Adolescensce " (Bukhari)
At this age, the child should learn how to avoid sexual arousal, The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "A woman is
and should be protected from it. normally sought as a wife for her wealth, her beauty, her
"And when the children among you come to puberty, nobility, or her deen (religiousness), so choose a religious
then let them also ask for permission, as those senior to them woman and you will prosper." (Muslim)
(in age). Thus Allah makes clear His Signs for you. And Allah The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "When someone
is All-Knowing, All-Wise." [24:59] with whose religion and character you are satisfied, asks to
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "A man should marry your daughter, agree to his request. If you do not do so,
not look at the awrah of another man nor a woman of a there will be corruption and great evil on earth." (Tirmithi)
woman, nor should a man go under one cloth with another The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "A woman who
man, nor a woman with another woman." (Muslim) He also has been previously married has more right concerning her
said to a man he saw uncovering his thigh, "Cover your thigh, person than her guardian, and a virgin's consent must be asked
for the thigh is awrah." (al-Hakim) about herself, her consent being her silence." (Bukhari and
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "It is better for Muslim)
one of you to be pierced by an iron needle in the head than to Jabir Ibn Abdullah, radhiallahu anhu said concerning his wife,
touch the hand of a woman that is not allowed to him." "(Before marrying her) I used to hide behind a tree to see her."
(Tabarani) The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "When one of
This sin is considered a fornication of the hand, as the Prophet, you intends to marry a woman if he is able to look at what
sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The eyes fornicate, and the would induce him to marry her he should do so." (Abu Dawud)
hands fornicate, and the feet fornicate, and the intimate parts About mahrams, the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said,
fornicate." (Ahmad) "What is forbidden by reason of kinship is forbidden by reason
Is there a person purer than Muhammad, sallallahu alayhe wa of suckling." (Bukhari)
sallam? And in spite of that he said, "I do not shake women's These are considered maharim because Allah mentions them in
hands." (Ahmad) He also said, "I do not touch women's the Holy Qur'an, "And marry not women whom your fathers
hands." (Tabarani) married, except what has already passed; indeed it was
shameful and most hateful, and an evil way. Forbidden to you
14-16 Years: Puberty (for marriage) are: your mothers, your daughters, your sisters,
When the child should know the etiquette of sexual intercourse, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your foster
if he or she is ready to get married in the near future. mother who breastfed you, your foster milk suckling sisters,
your wives' mothers, your stepdaughters under your
guardianship, born of your wives to whom you have gone in - O Allah, unite between us in good, and if You separate us,
but there is no sin on you if you have not done so (to marry separate us in good." (Abu Shaybah)
their daughters), the wives of your sons who spring from your The groom is encouraged to please his bride and treat her with
loins, and two sisters in wedlock at the same time, except for kindness. It is a sunnah that he presents to her something to
what has already passed; verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most drink or to eat. Asmaa bint Yazeed, radhiallahu anha, said, "I
Merciful." [4:22-23] adorned Aisha, radhiallahu anha, for her wedding night, and
Such was the answer of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, came to her side and
sallam, to Khawlah Bint Hakeem, who asked him if a woman brought a big cup of milk from which he drank and then
should make ghusl when she has a sexual dream. He said, "No presented it to her, but she blushed and lowered her head."
ghusl on her unless she has a discharge, similarly there is no (Ahmad)
ghusl on the man unless he ejaculates." (Ahmad and Nasa'i) The couple is encouraged to engage in foreplay before having
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "When he sits intercourse. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said,
between her arms and legs, and the two organs touch, and his "One of you should not fall upon his wife like the way an
organ disappears (in hers), there should be ghusl, whether he animal does, let there be a messenger between them." He was
ejaculated or not." (Muslim) asked, "And what is the messenger?" He replied, "Kissing and
"They ask you about menstruation, say: it is a harmful thing, talking." (Ad-Daylami)
therefore keep away from women during menses and go not Before starting intercourse, it is a sunnah to make the following
unto them until they are clean." [2:222] supplication, "In the name of Allah. O Allah, keep Satan away
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "The from us, and keep Shaytan away from (the offspring) that
menstruating woman and the one in a state of sexual impurity which You grant us." (Bukhari)
must not read anything from the Qur'an." (Tirmidhi). They are free to have intercourse in any position they wish, as
It is a desirable Sunnah that the groom puts his hands on the Allah, subhanahu wa ta 'ala, says, "Your wives are as a tilth
bride's head and pray for her. unto you, so approach your tilth when or how you wish."
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, taught us to say, "O [2:223]
Allah, I ask You her goodness, and the goodness of the inborn Having intercourse on the night before Friday is desirable as
dispositions which You have given her, and I solicit Your the Prophet said, "Whoever makes ghusl on Friday to clean
protection from her evil, and the evil of the inborn dispositions himself from janabah (i.e., after having intercourse), then left
which You have given her." (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah) for salah, it is as if he offered a camel in sacrifice." (Bukhari)
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "Verily, After intercourse, it is desirable that they take a bath (ghusl)
affection is from Allah and repugnance is from Satan who before going to sleep. If this presents a hardship on them they
wants you to hate what Allah has allowed to you. So when your should perform ablution (wudhu) and can postpone ghusl until
wife comes to you, ask her to make two raka'at with you and before Fajr salah. If they want to have intercourse a second
then say, 'O Allah, bless my wife for me, and bless me for her. time, it is desirable that the man performs wudhu first. For the
Prophet said, "If one of you had intercourse with his wife and worship he will appreciate its sweetness in his heart." (Ahmad,
then wants to come to her again, it is better for him to perform at-Tabarani)
wudhu, for it gives him vigor to come again." (Muslim) The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said to Ali Ibn Abi
It is strictly unlawful for the couple to engage in sodomy, as Talib, "O Ali! Do not let the second look follow the first. The
the Prophet said, "Cursed is the one who comes to his wife in first look is allowed to you but not the second." (Tirmithi,
her anus." (Ahmad and Abu Dawud) A man asked Ibn Abbas, Ahmad and Abu Dawud)
radhiallahu anhu, about one engaging in sodomy with his wife, Allah subhanahu warns us saying, "O you who believe! Follow
and Ibn Abbas said, "This man is asking me about kufr." The not the footsteps of Satan. And whosoever follows the
Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam has even said, "Whoever footsteps of Satan, then verily he commands what is indecent
has intercourse [with his wife] during her menses, or commits and wrong." [24:21]
sodomy with her, or comes to a diviner, then he disbelieved in One of the Satan's means to tempt people into sin, is privacy
what was revealed to Muhammad." (Tirmithi) with non-mahram women, for this reason the Shar'iah has
Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam said, "When the man prohibited it. The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "A
invites his wife to his bed, but she refuses, and so he spends the man does not meet privately with a woman without the Satan
night being angry at her, then the angels will curse her until being the third (present)." (Tirmithi)
the next morning." (Bukhari) Allah says, "And those who invoke not with Allah any other
Concerning contraception, the Qur'an says, "Women are your god, nor kill such life as Allah has forbidden, except for just
fields. Go then into your fields as you please." (2:223) cause, nor commit illegal sexual intercourse; and whoever
does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be
16 and Above: Young Adults doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide
The unmarried young men and women should learn sexual therein in disgrace." [25:68-69]
abstinence, and the dangers of adultery and fornication (zina). The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "Those who
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "It is cannot (marry) should fast, for it is a means of cooling sexual
written on the son of Adam his lot of zina passion." (Bukhari)
(fornication/adultery), that will inevitably afflict him. The zina One good way to educate about chastity is to remember the
of the eyes is looking, the zina of the ears is hearing, the zina of many verses in the Qur'an warning against zinaa. Parents can
the tongue is talking, the zina of the hand is assaulting, and the consider the story of Yusuf, who is the perfect example of the
zina of the foot is walking; the heart desires and wishes, and chaste man, "And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce
the genitals affirm or deny." (Bukhari and Muslim) him, she closed the doors and said, 'Come on, O you.' He said,
The Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa sallam, said, "No Muslim 'Allah forbid! "' [12:23]
whose eyesight falls inadvertently on the beauties of a woman The Islamic Shari'ah strictly prohibits the practice of perverted
and then he lowers his gaze, but Allah will credit for him a act, such as homosexuality or fornication, which is mentioned
in many places in the Holy Qur'an.
The story of Prophet Lot's people, who were addicted to this Some opinions about Islamic sexuality:
practice, is the best example. Prophet Lot, alayhes salam, said
to his people, "Verily, you do sodomy with men, and rob the "They [your wives] are a vestment for you, and you a
wayfarer! And practice all wickedness in your meetings." vestment for them…. So now lie with them, and seek what God
[29:29] And he said to them, "Of all the creatures of the world, has prescribed for you" (2:183-187).
will you approach males, and leave those whom Allah has Concerning the wholly positive and appreciative
created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing valuation of human sexuality in Islam, for example, Hyde and
people!" [26:165-166] But their answer to Prophet Lot, DeLamater write:
alayhessalam, was, "Bring us the Wrath of Allah if you are “The Muslim believed that sexual intercourse was one of the
telling us the Truth." [29:29] And so Allah gave them the finest pleasures of life, reflecting the teachings of the great
punishment they deserved, "And We rained on them a rain of prophet Muhammad. Moreover, extraordinary prowess is
torment. And how evil was the rain of those who had been attributed to Muhammad, who had several wives.” [Janet
warned." [26:173] Shibley Hyde and John D. Delameter. Understanding Human
Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wa Sexuality. New York: The MacGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,
sallam, said, "Whomever you found committing the crime of 1997. p. 4.]
Lot's people [i.e., sodomy], then kill both partners." (Ahmad) Abdelwahab Bouhdiba writes about Islam’s view of
References: sexuality: “Islam in no way tries to depreciate, still less to deny
1. Gordon, Sol and Dickman, Irving R "Sex Education - The Parents’ Role." the sexual and invests it with such a transcendental
Public Affairs Pwnphlet No. 549. significance that any trace of guilt is removed form it. Taken up
2. Imam Ahmad Quoting Abu Omama - page 30-31 "Modesty And Chastity this way sexuality is full of positivity. Islamic life becomes an
In Islam"-By M. Z. Nadvi, Islamic BookPublisher, Kuwait. alternation and complementarity of the invocation of the divine
3. Human Sexuality and the Shariat by Professor Dr. Omar Hassan Kasule
Word and the exercise of physical love. The dialogue with
4. Gender Identity: Sex Education, Teenage Pregnancy, Sex in Islam and Being and the dialogue of the sexes punctuate our daily lives.”
Marriage By Shahid Athar [Abedlwahab Bouhdiba. Sexuality in Islam. London:
5. Sex in Islam - Its Role and Purpose by Syed Mumtaz Ali & Rabia Mills Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985. p. 8.]
6. What Every Teenager Needs to Know (About Sexuality) by Alia Amer: “The Islamic view of the couple based on the pre-
7. Islam Rethought: Gender, Sexuality, and Marriage in Islam by Ausaf Ali,
established, premeditated harmony of the sexes presupposed a
Ph.D. October 2001 profound complementarity of the masculine and the feminine.
http://cyber_bangla0.tripod.com/aa/Islam_Rethought.html The harmonious complementarity is creative and procreative.
By that is meant that the extension of life, which is happiness
and appeasement of tension, but also satisfaction and
legitimate pleasure…. Islam conceives of sexes and their union,
their differentiation and their mutual adjustment. Hence the In the Islamic construction of sexuality:
unique value attributed to each of the two sexes.”
So there will be sex in Paradise between those who will “Sex or human sexuality is a wholly positive,
go to heaven and the houris. "Paradise is a place of sexual constructive, and wholesome thing, a gift from God. Except
pleasure." God Himself preordained it. Bouhdiba writes: angels, all beings created by God are sexual beings.
"Pleasure there is also carnal. For paradise are people with Both men and women need sexual gratification from the age of
houris. These creatures are as feminine as can be imagined, puberty and continue to need it up to their ripest old age.
their faces white, green, yellow and red at once…. On their Sex or the wanting, seeking, and obtaining of sexual
breasts is written the name of their [earthly] husband, linked gratification, beyond the age of puberty, is a birthright of every
with one of the beautiful names of God…. All the houris are in male and female.
love with their husbands…" Sex has an independent value of its own. It is not merely a
Apparently, the celibacy of Jesus and the love of women of means to an end, viz., procreation. Sexual intercourse can be
Muhammad will have consequences in the paradise, for and is, for the most part, engaged in solely for pleasure.
Bouhdiba writes: "In other words, the Christian will be a- Natural and normal sexual activity is between the male and the
sexual in paradise, whereas the Muslim will experience infinite female of the species. This rules out bestiality in every shape
orgasm." and form.
In essence: “The meaning of paradisiacal pleasure is certainly But unnatural sexual activity between persons of the same sex
that it takes the body seriously. Far from derealizing our (sodomy and lesbianism) is a fact of life and has to checked
desires, Islam teaches us to realize them more fully. The and punished. In this category falls, too, heterosexual sodomy,
evocation of Paradise is a vigilant oneirism. It is not the or anal intercourse between man and woman, which is to be
theological that is at issue here, but the psychological. The checked and punished, too.
image of the Muslim paradise is positive and affirmative of Islam recognizes masturbation, but there is no general
self. Islam does not repress the libido. In paradise our desires consensus whether it should be punished.
will be accommodated, taken seriously. This means that the Between the male and the female, the natural (biologically
peace of paradise is achieved through self-fulfillment. For intended) sexual act is vaginal intercourse, i.e., the penetration
paradise is first of all a meeting with others. Love is a sense of the vagina by the penis with the intention of sexual
multiplied by the presence not only of wives, but also of houris. intercourse and the achieving of orgasm by both.
This pluralization of love implies its own transcendence in Other forms of sexual acts between the man and the woman as,
others. In paradise everyone will have at least one companion, for instance, when she is menstruating or when he is bodily
for ‘there is no celibacy in paradise’ (ma fil jannati min a’za).” incapacitated of performing the natural sex act, but as a matter
[Bouhdiba, Sexuality in Islam, p.84] of choice, too, if the two so choose, are permissible. These acts
may include oral sex (fellatio or cunnilingus), intercourse
between the thighs of the woman (called in English
interfemoral intercourse and masturbation of the penis by the especially the man must see to it that the woman reaches
hand of the woman. (Some Muslims take the position that, orgasm, too.
whereas masturbation by one’s own hand is forbidden, it is Not only sex education (in the physical aspects of sex) but also
permissible by the hand of the woman.) sexuality education (of the place, significance, and role of sex
Penetration of the vagina while the woman is menstruating is in Islam, and the human objectives, social demands, and ethics
categorically forbidden. and morality of sexual relations between men and women) are
Penetration of the woman’s anus (i.e., anal intercourse with the the necessary accompaniments and imperatives of sexuality in
woman) is categorically forbidden. Islam.
Sodomy (male homosexuality) and/or any contact or touching The Prophet admonished his followers not to come upon their
between two males, which may be sexuality motivated, wives, concubines, and slave girls like animals. He made
intended, or symbolic is categorically forbidden. foreplay mandatory and for the man waiting, too, until the time
Lesbianism (i.e., sexual activity between women) and/or any the woman was ready for the act of sexual intercourse itself.
contact or touching between two females, which may be When done lawfully (according to the Shariah, or Islamic law)
sexually motivated, intended, or symbolic is probably not and properly (with due advance physical preparation and
forbidden, but is strongly condemned. (The Qur'an and Sunnah psychological anticipation, and in the spirit of cooperation and
do not mention lesbianism explicitly, but, given the spirit of the the pursuit of mutual pleasure, and, above all, without haste),
teaching of Islam on sexuality, lesbianism is as good as sexual intercourse between the man and the woman between
forbidden.) whom exists love and compassion and desire for each other,
Incest is categorically forbidden. does not only bring supreme pleasure to the parties to the sex
Celibacy is categorically forbidden, for it is neither natural, nor act, but is something akin to prayer and, as such, pleasing to
desirable, nor achievable by humankind—neither by men, nor God. It self-actualizes humanity and fulfills the divine purpose
by women. behind God’s Creation.
All in all, Islam categorically forbids what it calls zina and the It must be mentioned, too, that Islam takes a very, very serious
Shariah, or Islamic law, prescribes capital punishment for view of accusing someone of zina, i.e., unlawful sex. While the
every act of zina. Zina, or unlawful sex, is a comprehensive Shairah, or Islamic law, prescribes one hundred lashes for each
concept and includes within its scope sexual intercourse party to the zina, in some cases death by stoning, for both
outside of marriage and concubinage. As such, categorically parties guilty of zina, it demands four eye witness to the
forbidden are fornication (premarital sex), adultery alleged unlawful sex act. These four witnesses must be four
(extramarital sex), homosexuality, and/or all that falls outside reliable Muslim men. In case four witnesses are not
marriage and concubinage. forthcoming, the accuser(s) become guilty of the crime of
Men and women are exhorted and admonished to be good at slender for which the Shariah prescribes eighty lashes. Hence,
sexual intercourse and fully mindful of the necessity that it in the absence of confession by the parties, conviction for zina
must produce full and complete satisfaction for both, i.e., in a Shariah court of law is virtually impossible. However, in
the case of a pregnant woman, her pregnancy is treated as the “[Because of] abstinence, if continued over a long period, the
living proof of her guilt.” nerves are weakened, production of semen (spermato genesis)
is stopped and the male sex organ may become shriveled.”
Ill effects of sexual deprivation: [Muhammad Zafeeruddin Nadvi. Modesty and Chastity in
Ibn Sina’s Qanun, the author of the most famous Islam. Tr. Sharif Ahmad Khan. Kuwait: Islamic Book
treatise on medicine in the world during the Medieval Age, Publishers, 1982. pp. 60-61.]
used by Muslims and Europeans alike until the eighteenth Finally, he quotes Allama Navavi: “The demand of
century, underscore the ill effects of sexual deprivation: strong passion for sexual union sometimes becomes so
“When men abstain from sexual intercourse, the semen overwhelming that if it is not met soon enough; it harms the
accumulates, turns cold, and acquires poisonous [qualities]. body, the heart and the eyesight.” [Muhammad Zafeeruddin
The semen sends to the heart and brain harmful and poisonous Nadvi. Modesty and Chastity in Islam. Tr. Sharif Ahmad Khan.
fumes…. You should know that the retention of semen is Kuwait: Islamic Book Publishers, 1982. pp. 60-61.]
extremely harmful, and may cause one of the testicles to Nadvi’s conclusion is: “All these opinions convince us
recede.” [B.F. Musallam. Sex and Society in Islam. that marriage is essential for health, since seminal fluid, if not
Cambridge. England: Cambridge University Press, 1983. p. discharged at the time when it is demanding a vent, it affects
133.] physical health along with other detriments, both material and
Muhammad Zafeeruddin Nadvi quotes a number of spiritual.” [Muhammad Zafeeruddin Nadvi. Modesty and
sources on the ill effects of sexual deprivation due to the Chastity in Islam. Tr. Sharif Ahmad Khan. Kuwait: Islamic
absence of the discharge of the semen. He quotes Allama Book Publishers, 1982. pp. 60-61.]
Nafeesi: Nadvi quotes Allama Nafeesi again: “Sexual union
“And when bursting with excitement and with a throbbing enhances body heat and makes the body accept the food, makes
body, seminal discharge is a must, since if it is withheld and man happy, lessens anger, keeps away filthy ideas and is
the seminal reservoir is overfull, it will stifle the body heat and helpful in the cure of so many ailments caused by the phlegm
weaken it. And it must ultimately come to pass that it becomes and the black bile. Abstinence is injurious for health, and those
cold and make the body cold also. If retained long enough the given habitually to abstinence become the victims of many
seminal fluid becomes like fainting fits and epilepsy. The diseases.” [Muhammad Zafeeruddin Nadvi. Modesty and
seminal fluid that is straining to come out must be provided Chastity in Islam. Tr. Sharif Ahmad Khan. Kuwait: Islamic
outlet so that the tense conditions may be relieved and the body Book Publishers, 1982. p. 62. ]
may be enabled to take food in properly.” [Muhammad The practice of delaying marriage must be combated by
Zafeeruddin Nadvi. Modesty and Chastity in Islam. Tr. Sharif convenient means if the dangers arising from its continuation
Ahmad Khan. Kuwait: Islamic Book Publishers, 1982. pp. 60- and spread are to be avoided.
61.] Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi writes: “There is no doubt that sex
Next, Nadvi quotes Muhammad bin-e-Zakaria: is necessary for the development of the individual’s
personality, and for the society as a whole. Sexual development spouse's. . . Therefore, whosoever seeks more beyond that in
is intimately connected with feelings of personal worth and the sexual gratification], then they are the transgressors."(23: 5-6)
assurance of being loved. Sexual deprivation endangers mental Islam does not allow a person to harm or destroy himself; and
health, hinders good relationships and creates inefficiency in sin or immorality is a means of perdition. This limitation is
the society. But sex can be a destructive force if not controlled based on the love and concern which the Merciful God has for
and channeled through marriage. It will then be a force us. "Allah does not desire to make any impediment for you, but
working against the individual, the institution of marriage and He desires to purify you and to complete His blessings upon
family, and the society as a whole. In fact, ‘sex is capable of you." (5:6)
impelling individuals, reckless of the consequences while under
its spell, towards behaviour [sic] which may imperil or disrupt First signs of sexual impulses:
the co-operative relationships upon which social life Sexual desire is aroused in human beings at the age of puberty.
depends’.” [Marwan Ibrahim Al-Kaysi. Morals and Manners in Puberty is known in Islamic law as al-bulugh, or Tamyeez,
Islam: A Guide to Islamic Adab. Leicester, England: The (coming of age as a man and woman). There are three signs of
Islamic Foundation, 1987. p. 40.] puberty (bulugh).
“Puberty in Boys
Intercourse and morality:
1. Discharging semen as a result of wet dreams, known as
Islam holds a person responsible even for the use of his inzaalul-manyyi. Allah (SWT) states: "But when the children
or her body. You are not allowed to abuse your own body or among you come of age, let them also ask for permission, as do
harm it. Allah says, "The hearing, the sight, the heart all of those senior to them in age." (Al-Qur'an, 24-59)
these shall be questioned of." (17:38) Describing the day of In a hadith, the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "Friday bath
judgement, He says, "On the day when their tongues, their (ghuslul-Jum'ah) is mandatory upon anyone who has
hands, and their feet shall bear witness against them as to what experienced a wet dream." (Bukhari/Muslim) The point in this
they were doing." (24:24) "On that day We will put a seal upon hadith is that Islamic obligations are not incumbent on anyone
their mouths, and their hands shall speak to Us and their feet until they reach the age of bulugh.
shall bear witness of what they were earning." (36:65) 2. Appearance of hair around the pubic area is another sign of
Imam Zaynu'l-'Abidn, in his Risalatu 'l-Huquq, puberty. If a person sees that even without wet dreams, he or
describes the rights which a person's tongue, ears, eyes, feet, she has attained puberty. This may happen at the age of thirteen
hands, stomach and sexual parts have on him. If a person or fourteen, and parents should inform girls and boys about
misuses or abuses his body, then he is guilty of infringing the these signs.
rights of his own body and also the rights of God who has 3. Reaching 15 years of age: When the person reaches 15, he
given the body as a trust to us. The Qur'an says, "The believers or she is a man or a woman, and anything that is obligatory on
are...those who protect their sexual organs except from their a man or woman is obligatory on him or her from that time on.
In a hadith reported by Abdullah Bin Umar (raa), he said: "My him or her to make up the fast. If he was not fasting, it is
parents brought me to the Messenger of Allah on the eve of the incumbent upon him to observe the rest of the day in fasting,
Uhud Campaign and I was fourteen years old, so the Prophet because he has become an adult upon whom Islamic rites are
(saas) did not enlist me in fighting." But a year later in the obligatory. Girls in menstruation can't observe half day, nor
Campaign of Al-Khandaqq, I was fifteen, so this time the should they make that half day up.” [Taken from: “For Whom
Prophet (saas) enlisted me in combat." (Muslim) Fasting is Mandatory?”]
This hadith indicates the age of 15 is the legal age for a Muslim
boy or girl to be responsible for his or her religion as well as Since the sexual urge begins at puberty and as Islam
worldly responsibilities. Some of us who reside in the western says that sexual urge should be fulfilled only through marriage,
world, seem to think adulthood depends on State laws. In some it has allowed marriage as soon as the boy and the girl reach
states it is 18, while in others it is 19, or 21, and so on. This is a the age of puberty. In the case of girls, it not only allows them
very serious mistake, as the juvenile will reach puberty to be married as soon as they become mature, but also
(bulugh) and adulthood, but go on without observing his or her recommends such marriage. It is based on such teachings that
Islamic duties, such as Salat, fasting, or being restrained from Islam discourages girls from postponing their marriage because
that which is prohibited. of education; instead, it says that girls should get married and
then continue their education if they wish to do so.
Puberty in Girls Physical maturity by itself, however, is not enough for a
Girls reach puberty and adulthood when they experience the person to handle the marriage responsibilities; rushd (maturity
above three signs. However, they have a fourth sign, that is, of mind) is equally important
menstruation (hayd). Whenever a girl experiences it, she is a A recent article on the American youths says, "[Y]oung
woman even if she is 12 years old. At that time, the Qalam, the Americans entering the 21st century are far less mature than
pen of responsibilities, begins to flow and to record the deeds their ancestors were at the beginning of the 20th. The
of the servant, good or bad. It is interesting that in the western difference is evident in all areas of youthful development: sex,
world the case is the reverse. You see, when a juvenile reaches love, marriage, education and work. Physically, today's youths
the age of puberty in Al-Islam he or she should be careful are maturing earlier than previous generations, but
about anything he or she does or says. On the contrary, in the emotionally they are taking much longer to develop adult
West when the person comes of age, he or she is allowed to do attachments." [Newsweek , Special Edition Spring 1990, p. 55]
things which are detrimental to his or her well being. They are Consequently, it is not easy for boys and girls of our atomic era
licensed to read, watch, and listen to so- called adult material, to marry as soon as they become physically mature.
as if when one is an adult it is time to be irresponsible. But studies now demonstrate that couples who cohabit
Indeed, if puberty is attained during the days of Ramadan, say before marriage are more likely to divorce than those who do
at midday, and the young person is fasting, he or she should not. [Newsweek, p. 57]
continue his or her fasting and there will be no obligation on
Glen Elder, a sociologist at University of North
Carolina, has this to say about cohabitation: "It's a relationship Book 8, Number 3251: KITAB AL-NIKAH (THE BOOK OF
that attracts those, mainly men, who are looking for an easy MARRIAGE)
way out and it is uncertain what, if anything, it contributes to Iyas b. Salama reported on the authority of his father that
marriage." A twenty-four year old lady wrote the following in a Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) gave sanction for
letter to Ann Landers: "...The line [in a previous letter] that contracting temporary marriage for three nights in the year of
struck home was from the teenager who said she knew lots of Autas 1847 and then forbade it.
Book 8, Number 3255: KITAB AL-NIKAH (THE BOOK OF
girls her age who had several partners 'just for the fun of it.' I MARRIAGE)
found that odd because I was having sex at 16 and it was no Sabra al-Juhanni reported on the authority of his father that
fun at all. Sleeping with guys wasn't exciting or thrilling, it was while he was with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon hm)
degrading. It made me feel lonelier and emptier than ever. I he said: 0 people, I had permitted you to contract temporary
also worried from month to month about being pregnant. That marriage with women, but Allah has forbidden it (now) until
can be a real hell...if I could talk to the young girls who read the Day of Resurrection.So he who has any (woman with this
your column, I would tell them that teenage sex doesn't solve type of marriage contract) he should let her off, and do not
problems, it creates more. It doesn't make a girl feel loved. It take back anything you have given to then (as dower).
makes her feel cheap. I'd let them know that it doesn't make a
girl 'more of a woman,' it can make her less of one." Love and women
[The Vancouver Sun, Dec. 5, 1989]
The Qur'an says, "And among His signs is that He has
created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you
Interdiction of Mu’tah (temporary marriage)
may live in tranquility with them; and He has created love
Temporary marriage is unlawful for all times to come:
Book 8, Number 3243: KITAB AL-NIKAH (THE BOOK OF
(muhabbah) and mercy between you. Verily in that are signs
MARRIAGE) for those who reflect."(30: 21)
Abdullah (b. Mas'ud) reported: We were on an expedition with Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq says, "Loving (hubb) women is among
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and we had no the traditions of the prophets." (Wasa'ilu 'sh-Shi'ah, vol. 14,
women with us.We said: Should we not have ourselves p.9) The same Imam quotes the Prophet as follows, "The
castrated?He (the Holy Prophet) forbade us to do so He then statement of a husband to his wife that 'I love you'
granted us permission that we should contract temporary (inniuhibbuki) will not leave her heart ever." (Wasa'ilu 'sh-
marriage for a stipulated period giving her a garment, and Shi'ah, p. 10)
'Abdullah then recited this verse: 'Those who believe do not There are three interesting ahadith in which Imam
make unlawful the good things which Allah has made lawful Ja'far as-Sadiq has described the love for women as a sign and
for you, and do not transgress.Allah does not like trangressers" cause of increase in faith. He says, "I do not think that a
(al-Qur'an, v. 87). person's faith can increase positively unless his love for women
has increased. "( Wasa'ilu 'sh-Shi'ah, p. 9) In another hadith, he Then the groom should do wuzu and pray two rak'at sunnat
says, "Whenever a person's love for women increases, his faith prayer and then recite the following du'a: Allahummar zuqni
increases in quality." Wasa'ilu 'sh-Shi'ah, p.11) In a third ulfataha wa wuddaha wa rizaha bi; war zini biha, waj ma'
hadith he relates the love for women to the love for Ahlu'l-bayt baynana bi ahsani ijtima'in wa anfasi i'tilafin; fa innaka
which is an important teaching of the Qur'an. He says tuhibbul halal wa tukrihul haram.
"Whosoever's love for us increases, his love for women must O Allah! bless me with her affection, love and her acceptance
also increase." (Wasa'ilu 'sh-Shi'ah, p. 11) of me; and make me pleased with her, and bring us together in
the best form of a union and in absolute harmony; surely You
Prevention of adultery like lawful things and dislike unlawful things.
Allah says: Do not go near adultery, .surely it is an indecency, Then he should ask the bride to do wuzu and pray two
and an evil way [of fulfilling sexual urge]. (17:32) Fornication rak'at sunnat prayer.
and adultery have severely been condemned in the saying of When they are ready to go to bed, the groom should put his
the Prophet and the Imams. In Islam, pre-marital sex is hand on the bride's forehead and pray the following du'a while
considered an immoral act against the rights of Allah and one's facing the qiblah. (So don't forget your qiblah compass!)
own sexual organs. Allahumma bi amanatika akhaztuha wa bi kalimatika s-
The Prophet said, "When one of you sees a beautiful tahlaltuha. Fa in qazayta li minha waladan, faj-'alhu
woman, he should go to his wife. Because what is with her [i.e., mubarakan taqiyyan min Shi'ati Al-i Muhammad (sal-lal-
wife] is same as what is with the other one." (Wasa'il, vol. 14, lahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam) wa la taj-'al lish Shaytani fihi
p. 72-73) The same hadith is also recorded with a slight shirkan wa la nasiba.
difference: The Prophet said, "O Men ! Verily the act of seeing O Allah! I have taken her as Your trust and have made her
[a beautiful woman] is from Satan, therefore whoever finds this lawful for myself by Your words. Therefore, if you have
inclination in him should go to his wife." (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. decreed for me a child from her, then make him/her blessed
73) and pious from among the followers of the Family of
Muhammad [peace be upon him and them]; and do not let the
The Wedding Night: Satan have any part in him/her. [Al-'Urwah. p. 624.]
The hadith says, "Take the bride to her new home during As far as the shari'ah is concerned, it is neither
the night." (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 62) Based on this saying, it is obligatory nor forbidden to have sex on the first night. It is a
recommended that the wedding should take place at night. private decision between the newly wed couple; it has nothing
After all, Allah has made the night "so that you may rest in it." to do with others. The groom should take the feelings of his
(10: 67) bride into consideration and he should be cautious no to hurt
After the bride has entered the room, the groom is her as breaking the hymen may be painful.
recommended to take off the bride's shoes, wash her feet (in a
washbowl) and then sprinkle the water around the room.
Is sex forbidden at any time in marriage? i. during frightful natural occurrences, e.g., eclipse, hurricane,
Yes, by considering the discomfort for the women during earthquake;
the monthly periods, Islam has forbidden both the husband and ii . from sunset till maghrib;
the wife from engaging in sexual intercourse during ii. from dawn till sunrise;
menstruation. iii. the last three nights of lunar months;
The Qur'an says: “They ask you about menstruation. Say: iv. eve of the 15th of every lunar month;
"Menstruation is a discomfort (for women). Do not v. eve of 10th Zil-hijjah;
establish sexual relations with them during the menses and vii. after becoming junub.
do not approach them (sexually) until the blood stops. Then
when they have cleansed themselves, you go into them as Are there days and times when sexual intercourse is
Allah has commanded you." (2:222) recommended?
According to the shari'ah, the duration of the monthly period is Yes we have certain ahadith which say that it is better
between three to ten days. If the bleeding was for less than to have sexual intercourse at these times:
three days, it is not menstruation; if it is for more than ten days, i. Sunday night;
then it is menstruation for ten days and then it is counted as ii. Monday night;
istihazah, irregular bleeding during which sex is permitted. iii. Wednesday night;
(For further details, see my Ritual Ablutions for Women.) iv. Thursday noon;
The prohibition of sex during the periods is limited strictly to v. Thursday night;
sexual intercourse; other intimate contact (with the exception vi. Friday evening;
of the vagina and anus) is allowed. However, it is better not to vii. whenever the wife wants to have sex.
play with her body between the navel and the knees. Thursday and Friday are weekends in the Islamic calendar!
Sexual intercourse is also not allowed during the post-
natal bleeding (40 days), during daytime in the month of Are there times when it is obligatory (wajib) to have sexual
Ramadhan, and when a person is in ihram during the intercourse ?
pilgrimage to Mecca. At all other times, sexual intercourse is Yes! It is wajib on man to have sex with his wife at
allowed. least once in every four months; this is considered as one of the
conjugal rights of the wife. This obligation stays in force unless
Is it discouraged (makruh) to have sex at any time or on there is a valid excuse or the wife waives her right.
any day ? It is best to have sexual intercourse only after digestion
There are certain ahadith which say that sexual is completed. It is said that Ibn 'Umar never had intercourse
intercourse during some days and at some times is makruh, but except after a meal.
not haram. Intercourse should be avoided when one is tired, or sad, or
These days and times are as follows: disappointed, and also after taking medicine. It should only be
indulged in when there is a strong desire , and only when this Based on this reality, Islam emphasizes on foreplay. Imam 'Ali
desire is aroused neither by effort nor by erotic ideas or sights. says, "When you intend to have sex with your wife, do not rush
It should be the result of there being an excess of semen. because the woman (also) has needs (which should be
Sexual abstinence has resulted in disease more than fulfilled)." (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 40) Sex without foreplay has
once. Intercourse safeguards health, but excessive been equated to cruelty. The Prophet said, "Three people are
intercourse results in tremors [shaking movement of body] and cruel: a person who has sex with his wife before foreplay.''
palsies [immobilisation], and weakens the faculties, and dims (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 40) Another hadith equates sex without
the eyesight. foreplay to animal behavior: "When anyone of you has sex with
“And if they ask you about menstruation, say: 'It is an illness, his wife, then he should not go to them like birds; instead he
so let women alone during menstruation, and do not go near should be slow and delaying." (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 82) The
them until they are cleansed; and when they have purified Prophet said, "No one among you should have sex with his wife
themselves, then go into them as Allah has commanded you. like animals; rather there should be a messenger between
Surely Allah loves those who turn to Him, and He loves those them." When asked about the messenger, he said, "It means
who purify themselves”.(Quran: 2.222) kissing and talking." (Tahzibu'l-Ihya, vol. 3, p. 110) Imam
For that blood is decaying blood, and can harm the sexual Ja'far as-Sadiq has been quoted as follows: "Tthere should be
organ of a man, causing ulceration [and cause great harm in a mutual foreplay between them because it is better for sex."
child born]. The Prophet , said: "Do anything rather than (Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 82) The Prophet said: "Every play of a
commit adultery. And whoever has intercourse with a believer is void except in three cases: horse-riding, archery
menstruating woman should make compensation of one dinar and mutual foreplay with his wife these are haqq." (Wasa'il,
or half a dinar." vol. 14, p. 83)
A Jew, when his wife is menstruating, abstains from all
intercourse with her, sets her apart in the house, and makes her As far as the basic coital positions are concerned, there are
eat and drink alone. When the Prophet learned of this , he said, no restrictions .
"Except as regards intercourse, do everything differently to the 'Basic coital positions' refere to the positions known as
Jews, for the curse of Allah and His anger is on them." the man above, face to face, woman above face to face; side
position, face to face; rear-entry position in which the husband
Sexual Intercourse and its obligations: penetrates the vagina from the rear. Actually, the shari'ah has
Foreplay: left it on the husband and the wife to explore and experiment as
Jabir said, the Prophet , forbade the act of making love before they wish.
caressing." In the early Islamic period, the people of Medina,
The Prophet (s.a.w.) also told the men not to leave their wives influenced by the Jews, used man-above face to face position
before they too had been satisfied, as is their right. during sexual intercourse; whereas the Meccans liked to
experiment various positions. After the migration of Muslims
to Medina, a Meccan married a Medinan woman and wanted to earlier says, "Most young children are biologically
have sex with her in his own way. The woman refused and said programmed to interpret the sight or sound of adult coition as
that he can have sex with her only in one position. The case evidence of a violent assault (they are aware of it earlier than
was reported to the Prophet; so Allah revealed the verse saying you would expect, so don't keep babies in the bedroom), and
"Your women are a tilth for you, so go in to your tilth as you the awareness of mother-father sexual relations is on all counts
like." (2:223) [A-Tabataba'i, al-Mizan, vol. 3. English translation. p. 319] far too explosive a matter to be monkeyed with in the interest of
However, it is makruh to adopt a standing position, or Reichian experiments."
to face the qiblah or keep it on the backside during the Islam has laid down clear guide-lines about the privacy of
intercourse. It is advisable to refrain from the acrobatic adults. Referring to the children who have not yet reached the
positions given by some sexologists of the East and the West age of puberty (bulugh), the Qur'an says:
which might even cause physical harm. Remember, the basic “O you who believe! ... Those of you who have not yet
rule is mutual pleasure and flexibility. If one partner does not reached puberty should ask you for permission (before
like a particular position, then the other should yield to his or entering your bedroom during) three times: before the
her feelings. dawn prayer, when you put off your garments at midday
(for siesta), and after the night prayer these are three times
Privacy of privacy for you. Besides (these three times), there is no
Book 8, Number 3369: KITAB AL-NIKAH (THE BOOK OF
blame on you or them if you go to one another (without
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri (Allah he pleased with him) reported that announcing yourselves). Thus God makes clear to you the
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upoin him) said : The most signs, and God is All-Knowing, Wise.” (24:58)
wicked among the people in the eye of Allah on the Day of Then referring to the children who have reached the age of
judgment is the men who goes to his wife and she comes to him, puberty, the Qur'an says: “When your children reach puberty,
and then he divulges her secret. they should ask your permission (at all times before entering
We have quite a few ahadith in which the Prophet your bedrooms) just as those who were before them had asked
(SAAS) has emphasized that when you engage in sexual permission. Thus God makes clear to you the signs, and God is
intercourse, make sure that no child (or, for that matter, any All-Knowing, Wise.” (24:59)
other person) sees you or hears you. Abu Basir quotes Imam
Ja'far as-Sadiq as follows, "Be careful not to have sex with your Hygiene
wife while a child can see you. The Prophet used to dislike this Abu Rafi` narrated that the Prophet (s.a.w.) went to his
(attitude) very strongly." [Wasa'il, vol. 14, p. 94-95]. If a child sees wives' places on one day, one after the other, taking a bath at
and hears the parents engaged in sexual intercourse, he might the place of every one. Abu Rafi` said that he asked: ‘O
go through a shocking psychological experience. It might also Messenger of Allah! Why don't you make it one bath? The
create a problem in his own adult life. The manual quoted
Prophet (s.a.w.) said: This is better, more purified, and The Prophet (s.a.w.) said: “Do not surprise women at home at
cleaner.’ (Abu Dawood and An-Nasa'i). night. (Al-Bukhari)”
The husband and the wife are allowed to take a bath
together in one place, even if he sees all of her body and she Islam and the ways to enhance libido:
sees all of his body. The desire to have a better sexual performance and
`A'ishah said: I used to take a bath with the Prophet (s.a.w.) pleasure for both men and women has been a subject of interest
from one water container that was between me and him. Our for many people over time. Even if this desire gets over-
hands used to get mixed in it, and he would put his hands in the exaggerated in modern times due to sexual licence, fashion,
water until I say: Leave for me, leave for me. She said: We peer pressure, the availability of pornography and sex slaves,
were both Junub. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). and the negative model on movies and commercials, it is a
`A'ishah said: The Prophet (s.a.w.) used to wash his legitimate desire.
groin area and used to do an ablution (Wudhu') before he ate Islam stresses the importance of satisfying one’s partner
or slept while being Junub (status after the intercourse). (Al- sexually but emotional involvment is always more important,
Bukhari and Muslim). and abstinence was practiced by the Prophet (SAAS) and the
Sahabas during fasting, celibacy, war campains or after an
The purificatory bath (ghusl) is obligatory when: oath.
(1) sperm or liquid exits from the body whether in a dream or Muslim Hakims (traditional physicians') have been working on
during excitation; medications for over one thousand years trying to achieve a
(2) the two sexual (circoncised) parts meet magic love pill. Now that this "love pill" seemingly has been
(3) after woman’s menstrual period; found, some Muslims want to rip its benefits.
(4) after her postnatal lochia stops or after a child is born in a Viagra, which is sold around $10 per pill in the U.S.A., is
dry birth. being sold at $100 per pill on the black market in Saudi Arabia.
(The Arabic term maniya used in all these rulings refers to both Kuwait recently had allowed the sale at about $49 per pill
male sperm and female sexual fluid. i.e. that which comes from officially. The grand religious scholar of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh
orgasm, and both sexes are intended by the phrase sperm or Baaz has allowed it to be used by men if it does not cause any
sexual fluid wherever it appears.) harm to the body. But it has been prohibited in Iraq. Our
prophet (SAAS) himself used “harissa” (sweet meat) in order
Other to strengthen his sexual performance.
The man is also prohibited from surprising his wife
when coming back from a trip. He should notify her and give Why is Viagra considered dangerous?
her the time to take care of herself, as the Prophet (s.a.w.) and Sildenafil (Viagra) relaxes the smooth muscles in the arteries
his companions did when they came back from a battle. of the male organ allowing an increase in blood flow,
necessary for an erection. It is purely mechanical having no The essential component of marriage is the relationship itself.
effect on the libido (Prostratecancer.uk p.2). The 61-year old woman suing her partner serves as an
Reported side-effects include: allergic reactions, example. “And one of His signs is that He created mates for
breathing difficulties and closing of the throat; swelling of the you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put
lips, tongue, face, ankles or legs; hives, chest pain, irregular between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs
heartbeat, dizziness and prolonged erections up to four hours in this for a people who reflect” (Rum 30: 12). Viagra is not
which alone can damage the male organ. Viagra is a nitrate, about love and compassion but purely physical needs. This
which when taken with nitrate-based medications for heart places a risk of increasing promiscuity outside of marriage
disease is problematic. Doctors warn that Viagra should not be along with the diseases that can follow, let alone unwanted
taken more than once a day. Those with angina, high or low children. Endocrinologist Dr. Shahid Athar from the Indiana
blood pressure, liver or kidney disease, a bleeding disorder, University School of Medicine argues that some Muslims are
stomach ulcer, an eye condition or deformity of the male organ obsessed with sex not recognizing that Viagra is not a ‘love
are forbidden to take Viagra (Directresponse p.1-6). pill’. Many women complain that they are at the mercy of a
‘Viagra attack’ by their husbands even if they are not in the
Natural Alternatives mood. Dr. Athar advises that “instead of trying to achieve
If sex is important to the marriage, there are many natural potency, men should try to achieve love and respect for and
alternatives. Medical herbalist Cheri Wagner recommends from their wives… The human body is a wonderful creation of
foods like pomegranate which the Prophet Muhammed (SAAS) God, but not a sex machine” (Athar p.1, 2).”
also recommended as a blessing on Fridays in addition to figs Extract taken from: islamonline.net
and dates which all enhance the libido. Also there are herbs
like ginseng, palmetto, avocado and carrot oil (Mann p.2). In A few more Natural Alternatives
Malaysia they use a root called Tongkat Ali – ‘Ali’s Cane as a If a person cannot reach orgasm on account of being
drink but is also available in the form of a pill or a tea bag over-energetic (nervous) and unable to relax, meditative
(Asia p.1-3). Zallouh root from the Middle East is useful for regular exercise such as walking, yoga or tai chi can help. On
male impotency and female frigidity. Lebanese clinical trials the contrary, intense workouts have a tendency to decrese
by the Lebanese Society for Urological Studies found 60% – libido or to keep it in check. A diet low in sugar, caffeine and
80% efficiency of the root involving 7,000 volunteers with no other stimulants should be opted for as well as relaxing herbs.
side effects. Zallouh increases blood flow to the sexual organs. Foods like red meat, sugar, white bread, cheese, eggs,
Drunk as a tea, it will be interesting to see what reports there fruits, hot spices, chocolate, pasta, garlic, onions and
will be as the US-based Nutranex standardizes the root extract caffeine can actually increase libido in some people, as they
with other ingredients in the form of a capsule (Business p.1. are all stimulants.
2). Foods like salads and raw vegetables, cooked
vegetables, barley, brown rice, popcorn, water, bitter and
sour spices, and condiments (such as vinegar) can reduce an Narrated Qatada: Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet
excess libido, increase a low libido, and maintain a healthy used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night
one. Thus, if you have a naturally high libido, a vegetarian diet and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the
will help you normalize it. Protein and fruits will help those Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that
who have a low libido. the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa'id
Traditional "power foods" that are said to increase said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about
libido are: halva (said to be very effective for women), nine wives only (not eleven). [Sahih Bukhari. Volume 1, Book
seaweed, and bee pollen. Halva is prepared by grinding a cup 5, Number 268.]
of sesame seeds and mix in raw honey until it is the Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Muntathir: on the
consistency of firm dough. authority of his father that he had asked 'Aisha about the saying
Fava beans (known as ‘ful’ in the Middle East) are also of Ibn 'Umar (i.e. he did not like to be a Muhrim while the
known to increase sexual desire because of their high smell of scent was still coming from his body). 'Aisha said, "I
dopamine content, says Julian Whitaker, MD, founder of the scented Allah's Apostle and he went round (had sexual
Whitaker Wellness Center in California. Fats and oils are big intercourse with) all his wives, and in the morning he was
libido decreasers . Muhrim (after taking a bath)." [Sahih Bukhari. Volume 1,
Herbs that increase libido are especially damiana and Book 5, Number 270.]
dong quai, and in lesser strength hibiscus, licorice, linden, A man once went and complained to the Prophet , that
fenugreek, chaste tree, ginger, red clover, star anise and he had very few children. The Prophet told him to eat eggs.
wild yam. According to Abu Huraira, the Prophet once complained to the
Herbs that decrease libido in some people are hops, passion angel Jibril that he could not have sexual intercourse often
flower and valerian. enough. "What?" replied the angel, "Why do you not eat
Herbs that help men with problems like premature harisa? There is the strength of forty men in this dish!"
ejaculation are ginkgo, hibiscus, sarsaparilla, dandelion, [harisa is a tasty meatdish]
ginseng, saw palmetto, and cloves. Many of these herbs also From Abu Rafi` comes this hadith: I was seated once in the
balance hormone levels. house of the Prophet . He passed his hand over his head and
Research shows that sunlight enhances libido. Libido said, 'Make use of henna, the best of all dyes, for henna
is thus highest during the summer and lowest during the winter. strengthens the skin and increases sexual energy. Anas, too,
Would that mean you should move to a hot country? said, "Dye yourself with henna, for surely henna is
Effective oils to increase libido are rose, jasmine, rejuvenating, and makes a man handsome, and compels him
vanilla, ginger, pine, ylang-ylang and tonka. to sexual intercourse."
Among the ahadith is the one that shaving the pubic hair
Fertility and libido in some ahadith: stimulates intercourse. Abu Nu'aim has transmitted this
Among the foods that are excellent for this purpose are peas, a. Late 20s
onions, meat, eggs, cocks and sparrows . After these a man b. Early 30s
c. At 35
should drink fresh milk and then rest and say his prayers. d. Late 30s
Similarly, he should eat pine kernels, haricot beans,
turnips, carrots, grapes, asparagus, and pistachio nuts, 3. What can most likely harm the fertility of both women and men?
hazel nuts and their like. He should avoid acidic and salty a. Smoking
foods. b. Stress
c. Drinking a lot of coffee
d. Being overweight
e. All of the above
1. Price, JoyceProstratecancer.uk.org. “Erectile Sysfunction” 08/20/02.
2. Directresponsemarketing.com. “Sidenafil (oral)” 08/21/02. 4. Which of these conditions can affect a woman’s fertility?
http://www.deprenyl.org/how.htm a. Hypertension
3. Mann, Denise. “Natural Alternatives to Viagra”. Better Nutrition. b. Endometriosis
Findarticles.com. 08/22/02. c. Food allergies
4. Asian Economic News. “Ali Tongkat- Malaysias’s Very own Viagra” d. High blood pressure
01/03/00. Findarticles.com. 08/22/02.
5. Business Wire. “Nature’s Viagra Comes to America” 02/09/01. 5. Which of these signs proves abnormalities in the male sperm?
Findarticles.com. 08/22/02. a. Sperm is 25 million per milliliter
6. Athar, Shahid. “Sex, Viagra and Islam” 08/25/02. b. About 50 percent of the sperm are alive and mobile
7. Islamonline.net. Questions on natural health answered by By Karima c. The pH of the semen is slightly alkaline
Burns, MH, ND d. The sperm are clumping together
8. Adab Al-Jima` (Intercourse Etiquettes) or Sexual Etiquette in Islam, by 6. If a doctor cannot help you with your fertility problem, you will
L.M.A: http://www.al-islamforall.org/litre/Englitre/sexinis.htm never conceive?
a. True
Questions: b. False
How Much Do You Know About Fertility?
7. Should couples over age 35 seek medical help?
1. When a couple struggles to conceive, what is the most likely a. Right away
explanation? b. After three months of trying
a. The woman has a fertility problem c. After six months of trying
b. The man has a fertility problem d. After one year f trying
c. Each is equally likely to have a fertility problem
d. They both have fertility problems 8. Couples with fertility problems need to undergo complicated, high-
tech procedures?
2. According to a study in the May 2002 issue of Human Reproduction, a. True
at what age does a woman's fertility start to decline? b. False
reproduction of a woman, however it does affect the regularity of her
9. How many days a month does women can become pregnant periods.
from vaginal intercourse?
a. Eight days 4. b. A common causes of female infertility include irregular periods, tubal
b. Three days blockages, pelvic inflammatory disease, thyroid problems, and hormone
c. Any time imbalances. But they are not irreversible conditions.
d. Fourteen days
5. d. Clumping sperm cannot swim up the uterus and find the egg for
10. Men need more sex than women? fertilization to occus. Normal sperm counts range from 20 million to 100
a. True million per milliliter of semen and it is slightly alkaline. One of the ancient
b. False. means of contraception was to introduce an acidic solution into the vagina.
For good fertility, at least 50 percent of the sperm should be alive and
11. The majority of sexually transmitted infections occur in moving. Abnormalities are not irreversible and for each disease, a cure.
people under 25.
a. True 6. b. According to the Mayo Clinic, about 60 percent of couples with
b. False. "unexplained" infertility conceive within three to five years on their own.
7.c. Couples under 35 should wait one year, while couples over 35 should
ANSWERS: seek a medical help after six months, and those over 38 should go a few
1. c. According to the ob-gyn "bible" Clinical Gynecologic months after trying. Couples who have problems conceiving often have, for
Endocrinology and Infertility, both partners have a 40% chance of women, a history of irregular periods, pelvic inflammatory disease,
having a problem. In the rest of the cases, about 10 percent of the time endometriosis, or polycystic; for men, a history of undescended testicles, as
both partners have a fertility problem, and 10 percent of the time the well as a previous groin injury.
cause is unexplained.
8. b. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, 85
2. a. A woman's fertility starts declining gradually in her late 20s. percent to 95 percent of all cases of infertility can be treated with fertility
Most women in their late 20s or early 30s can become pregnant fairly drugs or other therapies and do not require fertilization in vitro.
easily, but it might take a month or two longer.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there is only a 15 percent chance that a 45- 9.a. A woman is most likely to become pregnant from vaginal
year-old woman can become pregnant without medical help, but this does intercourse during a total of eight days: up to five days before
not prevent many women from having babies very late. ovulation, the day of ovulation, and two days following ovulation.
Some women (rare) can become pregnant at any tie during their
3. e. Smoking, stress, and extra weight can hamper sperm production or menstrual cycle.
make sperm less mobile.
Drinking five or more cups of coffee a day doubles a pregnant woman's rate 10. b. People have different sexual needs, whether they are men or
of miscarriage, according to a December 2000 study reported in the New women. Some women have more sexual needs than some men.
England Journal of Medicine. According to the American Society for Some men have more sexual needs than some women. But it is true
Reproductive Medicine, stress (and nervousness) does not affect the that men get arose more quickly then women.
11. a. Many young people do not know enough about how to Hawwa (RA), then from Nuh (AS) and a few of his followers?
prevent getting sexually transmitted infections until it is too late. Prayer is one of the means to ask for children at the example of
our prophet Ibrahiim (AS), as well as Zamzam that gives us
FERTILITY ISSUES whatever we drink it for. However, there are many ways to
influence our reproduction, some so simple that we do not even
Helping Fertility: think about. Part of Islam teaches us that if we want something,
we have to strive for it, and looking for medicines and ways to
"Only 50 to 60 percent of all conceptions advance beyond cure our ailments is certainly one effort that has a reward at the
20 weeks and of pregnancies that are lost, 75 percent end.
represent a failure of implantation," says researcher Susan J. Instead of using synthesized medicines that may have negative
Fisher. sides effects on our health, why not use remedies that are right
Her research showed that the reason why an embryo there under our reach (adopting a healthy lifestyle) and right in
can stick to the wall of the uterus is like a key in a lock or a our backyards (oils and plants)? Plants or radical changes in
piece of a jigsaw puzzle. lifestyle maybe take much longer to act on our body, but our
"One piece of the puzzle is a protein on the embryo and the patience has its own rewards too: physical and spiritual.
other is a very specialized carbohydrate sugar structure," says
Fisher. How to change one’s lifestyle?
She adds: “Currently, fertility clinics can prompt successful Get out of all medication, even out of the counter medications
pregnancies 25 to 40 percent of the time. By more precisely and medicines as common as drugs for flu or headaches. Try to
timing implantation, based on the readiness of the uterus to find other solutions or make sure you ask your doctor advice!
adhere to the embryo, these chances could improve”. Women who are trying to get pregnant should avoid drugs
"A lot of women don't use the pill because of the hormonal known to cause defects in the baby: these include retinoids
effects. If you had a drug that went directly to the molecules (Vitamin A drugs often prescribed for acne), warfarin, lithium,
that control adhesion it would be not only very successful, but danazol, phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproate.
also have many less side effects." [www.cbsnews.com] When trying to conceive it is very important to drink
Science has helped many couples to become fertile and lots of water about 8-10 cups a day. This helps to "clean out"
there are still many discoveries that make life possible. your system and helps to increase fertile quality cervical fluid.
Synthesized drugs or surgery, even if acting faster are still If you are out of the pill, Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex agnus-
harsher on the body. castus) and Helonious Root (False Unicorn or Chamaelirium
We tend to forget that a child is a gift from Allaah and that luteum) are useful to help women go off birth control pills and
Allaah has put many means of natural reproduction at our normalize their hormones.
disposition. Nature is very resourceful. Otherwise, how could Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) will strengthen the uterus in
we have multiplied from one couple, first from Adam (AS) and preparation for implantation. Other methods for detoxification
would include alterative herbs which help increase elimination, - Vitamin C, 1000mg
sweating, fasting and juicing.
Eating well is also important for both male and female. Studies For Females:
showed that nutrient deficiencies, even very slight ones, can - Co-Enzyme Q10, if previous problems with miscarriage.
prevent conception. (CoQ10 is found in all food but is easily destroyed by cooking.
Both parents should eat foods full of beta-carotene and folic Highest sources are rice bran, wheat germ, soy & some beans.)
acid present in bananas, apricots, olives, oily fish, eggs, liver,
dark leafy greens such as spinach. Some men and women A supplement plan to be taken 3 months before conception:
conceive only by changing their diet. Eat organic fruits and Nutrients Mother Father
vegetables because they are not treated with chemicals and are Folic acid 400mcg -
not genetically manipulated. Washing and peeling all fruits and Zinc 30mg 30mg
vegetables should reduce the problem of pollution. Selenium 100mcg 100mcg
And reduce highly refined food products like white flour and Linseed (flaxseed) oil 1000mg 1000mg
sugar, which have been shown to suppress the immune system Vitamin B6 up to 50mg up to 50mg
and rob the body of valuable vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B12 up to 50mcg up to 50mcg
Vitamin E 300-400iu 300-400iu
Vitamin C 1000mg 1000mg
Fertility Vitamins: Vitamin A up to 2300iu -
Manganese 5mg 5mg
For Males & Females :
- Look for a basic Multi Vitamin Mineral supplement L-arginine - 1000mg
- Essential Fatty Acid Complex L-carnitine - 100mg
Dietary recommendations from The Foundation of Health:
- Zinc http://www.marilynglenville.com/foundation_of_health.htm
- Vitamin B6
- Potassium Citrate (source: kelp, fresh and dried fruits, Having frequent sexual encounters with the same
vegetables, rice, wheat bran, potatoes, bananas, orange partner, especially during the fertile period, is of help.
juice, apricots, unsalted nuts, seeds, grains, mushrooms, It is known that the sperm counts among males has
molasses, seafood, & the table salt KCL. dropped by 2% a year since the 1980’s due to chemicals
- Vitamin E, 1000u. present in our daily environment because not only they affect
us directly, but also they end up in our drinking water.
For Males (increase sperm count and motility) : A U.S. study showed that women who were infertile or
- L-Carnitine, 3000 mg daily. suffered repeated miscarriages had high levels of certain
- L-Arginite
chemicals found in carpets and upholstery (materials that make infrequent periods (obliomenorrhoea) or absence of periods
a soft covering for a seat). (amenorrhoea).
Avoid cooking in aluminum saucepans, canned foods or Failure to ovulate (20% of cases) is common due to stress,
painting your walls. All of this influences your fertility as well hormonal imbalances, and various disorders.
as your baby’s health. Avoid tight underpants that warm up the Age: After the age of 30 the quality of the eggs begins to
sperm too much, causing lack of energy among the diminish, and it becomes harder to become pregnant and carry
spermatozoids. We know that the Romans used to take a hot a fetus to term.
bath before sex as a contraceptive measure. Pelvic inflammation (10% of cases): Blocked or damaged
Remember that the sperm sojourns three months inside the fallopian tubes due to STD, miscarriages, abortions, childbirth,
male’s body before being allowed leaving the body. During or an intrauterine device.
this time, many things can happen. This is where science can Uterine Fibroids: It occurs in 40% of women and can interfere
help. You can be tested to see what the problem is and if it is with implantation or growth.
your partner or you who is infertile. Endometriosis (5% of cases): The tissue, which lines the
It is important to note that one in every six couples of uterus (endometrium), grows outside of the uterus.
childbearing age have a problem conceiving (no pregnancy Prenatal Exposure to Diethylstilbestrol (DES): DES is a
after the first year). But over 80% of all infertile couples can be synthetic estrogen given to some women who were deemed at
helped to achieve pregnancy with proper medical treatment. risk for miscarriage during the 1950's and 1960's. Women
This proves that there is nothing wrong with their sex organs, whose mothers took DES while pregnant with them are at high
but other physical factors play a role in their infertility. It is risk for organ disorders.
recommended to use all natural means before trying Pelvic Adhesions: Caused by surgery or infection, it occurs
conventional medicine or use both alongside for when scar tissue forms between two or more internal organs.
complementarily and after letting your doctor know what Immunological Infertility: The woman's system produces
plants you are using. antisperm antibodies, which destroy her partner's sperm.
Contrary to what was believed by many, about one
third of all infertility cases are due to a male problem! Causes for Male Infertility:
Another third is caused by female problems, and one third Ninety percent of male infertility is caused by the
by other factors. failure to produce enough sperm. Azzospermia occurs when no
sperm is produced while olibospermia is diagnosed when few
Causes for Female Infertility sperm are produced. The causes are diverse:
Polycystic Ovarian Disease: Presence of many minute cysts in Infection: known by the presence of anti-sperm antibodies,
the ovaries, by excess production of androgens, and by which attack and destroy the sperm.
Varicocele: A cut in varicose vein causes blood to fall in the Drug abuse with heroin, amphetamines, cocaine, and PCP has
testes and augment temperature, destroying sperm. Surgery been associated with decreased libido, erectile failure, and
would repair this. ejaculatory problems. Heroin is known to interfere with normal
Obstruction of the duct: Blockage or damage to the spermatic hormonal production, diminished testosterone production in
tubes caused by STD, infection, or a congenital abnormality. males.
Ejaculation: Impotence (no or feeble erection) can be caused Anabolic steroids used by athletes to increase muscle mass,
by a high fat diet (fatty deposits clog the arteries in the penis), significantly diminishes sperm counts. Beware! Some over-the
by drugs used to treat high blood pressure, and by the nerve –counter supplements may affect negatively people who are
damage caused by diabetes. having difficulty conceiving and one of them is most likely to
Miscellaneous: Problems of the testes (caused by endocrine be found in every household!
disorders or inflammation), glands or coital disorders, exposure
to diethylstilbestrol (DES) a synthetic estrogen used in the Herbs to avoid in men trying to conceive are:
1950's and 1960's that caused cysts in the male reproductive Cotton (Gossypium Herbaceum) or cottonroot, used in
tract, undescended testicles. China as a male contraceptive.
Dr. Phillip Galle, a Springfield, Illinois fertility
specialist, adds: "Ginseng is listed as possibly causing
problems. Another one is kava kava [used by Pacific islanders
for three thousand years as a relaxing and stress reliever]. And
black cohosh is another good one to avoid"
2. N.M. Biswas, R. Sen Gupta, A. Chattopadhyay, G. Roy Choudhury, M. 4. Fluoride, Quaterly Society for Fluoride Research, online journal:
Sarkar, Effect of atenolol on cadmium-induced testicular toxicity in male http://www.fluoride-journal.com/
rats, Reproductive Toxicology 15 (6) (2001) pp. 699-704. 5. Fluride action network: http://www.fluoridealert.org/
3. Lloyd S., Jr Jolibois, Matthew E. Burow, Kenneth F. Swan, William J.
George, Mary B. Anderson, Michael C. Henson, Effects of cadmium on cell - Lithium: Toxic. It is used to fight against mood swings and
viability, trophoblastic development, and expression of low density depression. May cause harm to the unborn child and harm the
lipoprotein receptor transcripts in cultured human placental cells,
Reproductive Toxicology 13 (6) (1999) pp. 473-480.
breastfeeding babies and risk of impaired fertility is taken in
4. M. Piasek, M. Blanusa, K. Kostial, J.W. Laskey, Placental cadmium and too large doses. But may increase fertility if taken in small
progesterone concentrations in cigarette smokers, Reproductive Toxicology doses.
15 (6) (2001) pp. 673-681. 1. Nielsen FH. Ultratrace minerals. In: Shils ME, Olson JA, Shike M, Ross
- Fluoride : Some industrial copanies sell toxic fluorosilicate AC, eds. Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease. 9th ed. Baltimore, MD:
waste pretending it is the same as naturally-occurring calcium Williams and Wilkins; 1999: 283-303.
2. Pickett EE, O'Dell BL. Evidence for dietary essentiality of lithium in the
fluoride. rat. Biol Trace Elem Res. 1992; 34:299-319.
Fluoride is a very strong poison that accumulates in our body. 3. Schrauzer GN, Shrestha KP. Lithium in drinking water and the incidence
The Fluoride is not efficient at all against dental cavities. of crimes, suicides and arrests related to drug addictions. Biol Trace Elem
Fluoride has been linked to cancer, osteoporosis, kidney Res. 1990; 25:105-113.
problems, skeletal fluorosis, Alzheimer's disease and mottled 4. Birch, N.J. ed. Lithium in medicine. New Trends in Bio-inorganic
Chemistry, ed. Williams, and D. Silva 1978, Academic Press: New
teeth. York. 389-436.
Consumption of Fluoride during a year or more means 5. Anke, M., et al, ed. The biological importance of lithium. Mengen-
irreversible damage on certain parts in our brain that regulates und Spureneelemente, 1981, Arbeitstagung: Leipzig. 217-239.
our willpower. It was used as a pacifier of prisoners in the
Gulag archipelago in Russia and in prisons in Nazi Germany. - Lead: lead levels in men are associated with lower semen
Communists had containers with Fluoride in some areas around quality, including lower sperm count, less motility
the world ready to contaminate drinking water at command. (spontaneous movement), and increased structural abnormality.
Fluoride goes straight through a common carbon water Higher cadmium levels are also linked to a greater percentage
filter and all other kinds of water filters except filters with of pathologic sperm.
reverse osmosis or distillers . It is common in tap water, fruit Lead and cadmium disrupt the metabolism of zinc, a metal that
juice from concentrate, in agriculture. the body depends on for optimum reproductive function, as
1. “Poison peril lurking in our tap water” by Martina Watts. Brighton and well as protein synthesis, tissue repair, and immune function.
Hove, Monday 09 June 2003 This occurs far below levels defined as toxic by the World
2. Camargo JA. (2003). Fluoride toxicity to acquatic oganisms: a review. Health Organization (WHO).
Chemosphere. 50(3): 251-264. 1. Telisman S, Cvitkovic P, Jurasovic J, Pizent A, Gavella M, Rocic B.
3. Metcalfe-Smith JL, et al. (2003). Toxicity of aqueous and sediment-
Semen quality and reproductive endocrine function in relation to
associated fluoride to freshwater organisms. Environmental Toxicology and
Chemistry. 22: 161-166.
biomarkers of lead, cadmium, zinc, and copper in men. Environmental Herbicides has been found to change the sex of many animals
Health Perspectives 2000;108:45-53. in rivers where they are deversed, so how does it affect male
2. Sallmen M, et al. "Paternal exposure to lead and infertility." Epidemiol.
and female sexuality?
3. Plenge-Bonig A, Karmaus W. "Exposure to toluene in the printing 1. Buck GM, Mendola P, Vena JE, et al. Paternal Lake Ontario fish
industry is associated with subfecundity in women but not in men." Occup consumption and risk of conception delay, New York State Angler Cohort.
Environ Med. 1999;56:443-448. Environ Res 1999;80(2 Pt 2):S13–S18.
Gerhard I, et al. "Heavy metals and fertility." J Toxicol Environ Health. 2. Padungtod C, et al. "Occupational pesticide exposure and semen quality
1998;54(Part A):593-611. among chinese workers." J Occup Environ Med. October,2000; 42(10):
4. Robins, et al. "Semen quality and fertility of men employed in a South 982-992.
African lead acid battery plant." Am J Indust Med. 1997;32:369-376. 3. Guo YL, et al. "Semen quality after prenatal exposure to polychlorinated
5. Paul M. "Occupational reproductive hazards." Lancet. biphenyls and dibenzofurans." Lancet. October7,2000;356:1240-1241.
May10,1997;349:1385-1388. 4. Cocco PL. "Environmental exposure to p,p'- DDE and human fertility."
6. Hurley D. "Pollutants blamed for steady decline in sperm counts, Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. 1997;59:677-680.
ejaculate volume." Med Trib. 1992;Oct. 8;p. 14. 5. Smith, et al. "Occupational exposures and risk of female infertility." J
7. Coste J, et al. "Lead-exposed workman and fertility: a cohort study on Occup Env Med. 1997;39:138-147.
354 subjects." Eur J Epidemiol. March,1991;7(2):154-158. 6. Burton LL. "Environment and infertility." Env Health Prospectives.
7. “Herbicide use raises fertility questions” by Jason Mc Lure (State Capital
POLLUTANTS bureau) , dec. 02, 2002.
8. “Pesticide Facts” compiled by RATE (Real Alternatives to Toxins in the
- Pesticide exposure: Pesticides can be absorbed through the Environment):
skin, swallowed or inhaled (most toxic). During application (to http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Environment/RATE/pestfact.html
kill insects: insecticides; weeds: herbicides; and mold and
fungus: fungicides), pesticides drift and settle on ponds, - Cannabis and smoking: Cannabis, cocaine and anabolic
laundry, toys, pools and furniture. People and pets track steroids are all known to significantly reduce the sperm count
pesticide residue into the house. Only 5% of pesticides reach and affect fertility. Cannabis can also interfere with ovulation
target weeds. The rest runs off into water or dissipates in the in women. Smoking is detrimental to a woman's fertility,
air. Drift from landscaping ranges from 12 feet to 14.5 miles. reducing the chance of pregnancy by as much as 50-70% per
No pesticide is safe! cycle. There is also an increased risk of miscarriage in
Increased health risks include: leukemia cancers, spontaneous smokers. For men, smoking reduces the average sperm count
abortions, genetic damage, decreased fertility, liver and by around 15%, also affecting the motility of the sperms.
1. Jensen TK, et al. "Adult and prenatal exposures to tobacco smoke as risk
pancreatic damage, disturbances to immune systems, stillbirths indicators of fertility among 430 Danish couples." Am J Epidemiol.
and decreased sperm counts. 1998;148(10):992-997.
Consumption of fish contaminated with polychlorinated 2. Merino, et al. "Effects of cigarette smoking on semen characteristics of a
biphenyls (PCBs) may reduce the ability of women to population in Mexico." Arch Androl. 1998;41:11-15.
3. Vine MF, et al. "Human sperm morphometry and smoking, caffeine, and NUTRITION:
alcohol consumption." Reprod Toxicol. 1997;11(2/3):179-184.
4. Curtis KM, et al. "Effects of cigarette smoking, caffeine consumption,
and alcohol intake on fecundability." Am J Epidemiol. 1997;146(1):32-41.
- Iron: iron is part of hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying
5. Vine MF. "Cigarette smoking and semen quality." Fertility Sterility. component of the blood.
April,1996;65(4):835-842. Deficiencies in iron make people tire easily in part because
6. Alderete BE, et al. "Effect of cigarette smoking and coffee drinking on their bodies are starved for oxygen. Iron is also part of
time to conception" Epidemiol. 1995;6:403-408. myoglobin, which helps muscle cells store oxygen.
7. Sharara, et al. "Cigarette smoking accelerates the development of
diminished ovarian reserve as evidenced by the clomiphene citrate
The most absorbable form of iron, called “heme” iron, is found
challenge test" Fertility Sterility. August,1994;62(2):257-262. in oysters (not advisable to eat for pregnanct women), meat,
8. Chia S-E, et al. "Effect of cadmium and cigarette smoking on human poultry, fish.
semen quality" Intl J Fertility. 1994;39(5):292-298. Non-heme iron is found in dried fruits, molasses, leafy greens.
9. Rowlands J, et al. "Smoking and decreased fertilization rates in vitro." Acidic foods (tomato) cooked in an iron pan can also be a
Lancet. December5,1992;340:1409-1410.
10. Fredricsson B, Gilljam H. "Smoking and reproduction: short and long
source of dietary iron.
term effects and benefits of smoking cessation." ACTA Obstet Gynecol. It is important for pregnancy and post-partum support.
Scand. 1992;71:580-592. 1. Rushton DH, et al. "Ferritin and fertility." Letter. Lancet.1991;337:1554.
11. Olsen J. "Cigarette smoking, tea and coffee drinking, and subfecundity."
Am J Epidemiol. 1991;133(7):734-739. - Too little Chromium
Chromium Picolinate is a trace nutritional supplement,
advertised as being effective in controlling appetite and
HORMONES increasing metabolic rate while increasing protein synthesis
and retention of muscle. But nobody has prooved this claim.
- Oral contraceptives: increase in fertility problems are due It is vital for carbohydrate metabolism as it potentiates the
to increased exposure to synthetic oestrogens, which upset action of insulin. It normalizes blood sugar levels in subjects
hormone levels. Synthetic oestrogens are found in drugs such with tendencies toward blood sugar fluctuations associated
as the Pill and HRT, non-organic dairy produce and meat with diabetes (hyperglycaemia) and low blood sugar
which often contain hormones, fish from polluted waters, (hypoglycaemia).
pesticides, plastic containers and cling film. In men, too much As chromium deficiency has an ability to depress nucleic acid
oestrogen can lower sperm count. Excess oestrogen in women synthesis.
is associated with conditions such as endometriosis and ovarian Rodents fed on diets low in chromium have a significantly
cysts which both affect fertility. lower sperm count and decreased fertility. Chromium is also
1. http://www.nexusmagazine.com/HormoneHeresy.html
essential for healthy foetal growth and development.
Studies on humans have established that premature infants, and reduces fertility in men and may damage the DNA carried by
those with evidence of intrauterine growth retardation, have sperm.
significantly deficiency in chromium. 1. “Folic Acid Information”: http://www.sbaa.org/html/sbaa_folic.html
The deficit in chromium in the modern diet is due to an ever- 2. Dawson DW, Sawers AH. "Infertility and folate deficiency. case reports."
Br J Obstet Gynaecol. August,1982;89:678-680.
increasing consumption of refined sugar and white flour.
Chromium is discarded in these foods during processing. These - Too little Vitamin E: vitamin E deficiency is linked with
foods further exacerbate chromium deficiency because the sterility in men and women because it causes damage to the
human body cannot metabolize and transform these highly reproductive tissue.
refined foods into energy without the presence of chromium. In a study, infertile couples given vitamin E (200 IU per day
The more one consumes these highly refined foods, the more for the female and 100 IU per day for the male) showed a
chromium is depleted. significant increase in fertility.
1. Anderson RA and Polansky MM: Dietary chromium deficiency: Effect 1. Therond P, et al. "Alpha-tocopherol in human spermatozoa and seminal
on sperm count and fertility in rats. Biol Trace Element Res, 3:1-5, 1981 plasma: relationships with motility, antioxidant enzymes and leukocytes."
2. Hambridge KM: Newer Trace Elements in Nutrition. Eds: W Metrz and
Mol Hum Reprod. 1996;2(10):739-744.
WE Cornatzer p.169, Dekker, New York, 1971 2. Geva E, et al. "The effect of antioxidant treatment on human spermatozoa
3. Borel JS, Anderson RA: Chromium. In: Biochemistry of the Essential and fertilization rate in an in vitro fertilization program." Fertil Steril.
Ultratrace Elements (Ed: E Frieden) Plenum Publishing Co., 1984
4. Barnes B and Bradley SG: Planning for a Healthy Baby: Essential 3. Suleiman SA, et al. "Lipid peroxidation and human sperm motility:
Reading for all Future Parents. Vermillion, London, UK, 1994 protective role of vitamin E." J Androl. September/October,1996;17(5):530-
5. Bradley SG and Bennett N: Preparation for Pregnancy: An Essential
Guide. Argyll Publishing, UK, 1995 4. Long P. "Vitamin E, should you believe in it?, Here's all you need to
6. Hambridge KM: Chromium nutrition in man. Am J Clin Nutr, 27:505- know" Hippocrates. November/December,1994;46-53.
514, 1974
5. Bayer R. "Treatment of infertility with vitamin E." Intl J Fertil. January-
Tolonen M: Vitamins and Minerals in Health and Nutrition. Ellis Horwood March,1960;5(1):70-78.
Ltd, 1990.
7. “The Role of Chromium, Selenium and Copper in Human and Animal
Metabolism, A review from the Literature by Tuula E. Tuormaa for
- Lack of vitamins B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine): are
FORESIGHT, associated with infertility. The B vitamins have many
the Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care. beneficial effects in preconception care and in pregnancy.
First published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 10 (3 & 4): Deficiencies of all of the B vitamins have been associated with
149-164, (1995) fertility problems, miscarriage, neonatal or perinatal death,
foetal abnormalities and low birth weight babies.
- Too little Folic Acid: taking 400 micrograms of folic acid
Supplementation before and during early pregnancy reduces
per day when becoming pregnant reduces the risk of neural
this risk. Supplementation is especially effective during the
tube disorders such as spina bifida. Folic acid deficiency
preconception period and first trimester.
The best sources of riboflavin are liver, milk, meat, dark green 4. Grodstein F, Goldman MB, Ryan L, Cramer DW. Relation of female
vegetables, whole grain and enriched cereals, pasta, bread, and infertility to consumption of caffeinated beverages. Am J Epidemiol
mushrooms. 5. Wilcox A, Weinberg C, Baird D. Caffeinated beverages and decreased
Some reports have indicated that Vitamin B6 may increase fertility. Lancet 1988;2:1453–6.
fertility by increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine, two 6. Joesoef MR, Beral V, Rolfs RT, et al. Are caffeinated beverages risk
brain chemicals that influence the production of the factors for delayed conception? Lancet 1990;335:136–7.
reproductive hormones FSH and LH. FSH and LH arethe 7. Hakim RB, Gray RH, Zacur H. Alcohol and caffeine consumption and
decreased fertility. Fertil Steril 1998;70:632–7.
biochemical necessary for egg production and release. B6 helps 8. Vine MF, et al. "Human sperm morphometry and smoking, caffeine, and
regulate the menstrual cycles, thus encouraging fertility. alcohol consumption." Reprod Toxicol. 1997;11(2/3):179-184.
A 1979 study showed that unexplained infertility could be 9. Bolumar, et al. "Caffeine intake and delayed conception: a European
overcome when women were given between 100 and 900 mg multicenter study on infertility and subfecundity." Am J Epidemiol.
of B6 daily. 1997;145(4):324-334.
The best sources of pyridoxine are whole (but not enriched)
- Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 plays a role in fertility. Intrinsic
grains, cereals, bread, liver, avocados, spinach, green beans,
factor is a substance necessary for the proper absorption of
and bananas. Pyridoxine is needed in proportion to the amount
B12. When an aging stomach lining fails to secrete enough
of protein consumed.
intrinsic factor, a B12 deficiency results, causing serious or
- Caffeine: consumption of more than one cups of coffee per pernicious anemia. Eventually, this condition can cause
day results in 50% reduction of fertility and is associated with infertility in both men and women.
delayed conception in women and increased infertility due to Infertility caused by pernicious anemia was shown to be
tubal disease or endometriosis. reversible with vitamin B12 injections.
1. Marty H. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1984;114(5):178-9.
Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, some soft drinks, chocolate, 2. Sanfilippo JS, Liu YK. "Vitamin B12 deficiency and infertility: report of
cocoa, and many over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. a case." Intl J Fertility. 1991;36(1);36-38.
In one study, consumption of three cups of decaffeinated coffee 3. Gulden KD. "Pernicious anemia, vitiligo, and infertility." J Am Board
per day was associated with an increased risk of spontaneous Fam Pract. July-September,1990;3(3):217-220.
Some researchers suspect that the tannic acid found in any kind - Vitamin C: Vitamin C protects the sperm against the
of coffee and black tea may contribute to infertility. destructive effects of free radicals, which also contribute to the
1. Hatch EE, Bracken MB. Association of delayed conception with caffeine development of many disorders.
consumption. Am J Epidemiol 1993;138:1082–92. Vitamin C supplementation increases sperm count. In one
2. Stanton CK, Gray RH. Effects of caffeine consumption on delayed study, two months after 30 infertile but otherwise healthy men
conception. Am J Epidemiol 1995;142:1322–9.
3. Williams MA, Monson RR, Goldman MG, et al. Coffee and delayed
began receiving 1 g of the vitamin daily, all of their wives had
conception. Lancet 1990;335:1603 [letter]. become pregnant.
Vitamin C protects sperm from oxidative damage. Zinc levels in the seminal plasma (the fluid in which the sperm
Supplementing vitamin C improves the quality of sperm in exist) are directly related to sperm mobility, and dietary zinc
smokers. When sperm stick together (a condition called restriction reduces both sperm count and seminal plasma
agglutination), fertility is reduced. Vitamin C reduces sperm volume.
agglutination, increasing the fertility of men with this A lack of zinc can reduce testosterone levels. For men with low
condition. Many doctors of natural medicine recommend 1 testosterone levels, zinc supplementation raises testosterone
gram of vitamin C per day for infertile men, particularly those and also increases fertility. For men with low semen zinc
diagnosed with sperm agglutination. levels, zinc supplements may increase both sperm counts and
However, high levels of vitamin C can deplete the body of fertility. Most studies have infertile men take zinc supplements
copper, an essential nutrient. It is prudent to ensure adequate for at least several months. The ideal amount of supplemental
copper intake at higher intakes of vitamin C. zinc remains unknown, but some doctors of natural medicine
1. Dawson EB, et al. Ann NY Academy of Science 1987;498:312-23. recommend 25 mg three times per day.
2. Dawson EB, et al. "Relationship between ascorbic acid and male Individuals who take 30 mg or more of zinc per day for more
fertility." World Rev Nutr Diet. 1990;62:1-26.
3. Dawson EB, et al. "Effect of ascorbic acid supplementation on the sperm
than a few months should balance the zinc with copper in
quality of smokers" Fertility Sterility. November,1992;58 (5):1034-1039. order to prevent copper deficiency. For 30 mg per day of zinc,
4. Geva E, et al. "Free radicals, antioxidants and human spermatozoa: 2 mg per day of copper is usually taken. For 60-90 mg per day
clinical implications." Hum Reprod. June,1998;13(6):1422-1424. of zinc, 3-4 mg per day of copper is a reasonable amount. Zinc
5. Luck MR, et al. "Ascorbic acid and fertility" Biol Repro. 1995;52:262- intake in excess of 300 mg per day may impair immune
6. Millar, et al. "Vitamin C - the primate fertility factor?" Med Hypoth.
1992;38:292-295. inc competes for absorption with iron, calcium, and
7. Fraga, et al. "Ascorbic acid protects against endogenous oxidative DNA magnesium. A multimineral supplement will prevent mineral
damage in human sperm." Proc Nat Acad Sci. December,1991;88:11003- imbalances that can result from taking high doses of zinc for
11006. extended periods of time.
1. Sorensen MB, et al. "Zinc, magnesium and calcium in human seminal
- Zinc deficiency: Of all the nutrients associated with fertility, fluid: relations to other semen parameters and fertility." Mol Hum Reprod.
zinc is probably the most important. This mineral is vital for 1999;5(4):331-337.
hundreds of enzyme systems, many of which affect sexual 2. Mohan H, et al. "Inter-relationship of zinc levels in serum and semen in
performance and fertility in men and women. oligospermic infertile patients and fertile males." Indian J Pathol Microbiol.
It is neceaary for the growth and development of the embryo, 3. Bedwal. R. "Zinc. copper and selenium in reproduction." Experientia.
and it is needed for sperm production in men. A very large July,1994;50:626-640.
percentage of couples who fail to conceive or experience 4. Jameson S. "Zinc status in pregnancy: the effect of zinc therapy on
miscarriages are found to be short of zinc. Stress, smoking, perinatal mortality, prematurity, and placental ablation." J NY Acad Sci.
pollution and alcohol deplete body levels of zinc. 1993;1-15.
5. Favier AE. "The role of zinc in reproduction: hormonal mechanisms." Food processing further depletes selenium from our stable diet.
Biol Trace Elem Res. 1992;32:363-382. For example, brown rice has fifteen times the selenium content
6. Hunt CD, et al. "Effects of dietary zinc depletion on seminal volume and
zinc loss, serum testosterone concentrations and sperm morphology in
of white rice. Whereas whole-wheat flour contains twice as
young men." Am Clin Nutr. 1992;56:148-157. much of this vital trace element compared with the white
7. Apgar J. "Zinc and reproduction: an update." J Nutr Biochem. variety.
1992;3:266-278. 1. Levander OA: Selenium: Biochemical Actions, Interactions, and some
human health implications. In: Clinical, Biochemical, and Nutritional
- Calcium: Calcium helps reduce the symtoms of PMS (Pre Aspects of Trace Elements (Ed: AS Prasad) pp 345-368, Alan Liss Inc,
Mentrsual Symtoms), aiding fertility. A dose of 300-milligram New York, US, 1982
2. ASH, Oldfield JE, Shull LR, Cheeke PR: Specific effect of selenium
calcium tablets each day would reduce symtoms for half of the deficiency on rat sperm. Biol Reprod, 20:793 1979
woman population affected, says American Journal of 3. McConnell KP, Burton RM: Selenium in spermatogenesis. In: second
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 179 #2 1998; Health, Sept-Oct International Symposium on Selenium in Biology and Medicine (Eds: JL
1998. Martin and JE Spallholz), Westport, Connecticut: AVI Publishing, 1981
1. Wai Yee Wong, Gert Flik, Pascal M.W. Groenen, Dorine W. Swinkels, 4. Robinson MF: Clinical effects of selenium deficiency and excess. In:
Chris M.G. Thomas, Jenny H.J. Copius-Peereboom, Hans M.W.M. Merkus, Clinical, Biochemical, and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements (Ed: AS
Régine P.M. Steegers-Theunissen, The impact of calcium, magnesium, Prasad) pp 325-343, Alan Liss Inc, New York, New York, US, 1982
zinc, and copper in blood and seminal plasma on semen parameters in men, 5. Pfeiffer CC: Mental and Elemental Nutrients. Keats Publishing Inc, New
Reproductive Toxicology 15 (2) (2001) pp. 131-136. Canaan Connecticut, 1979
- Too little Selenium: It is a trace element. It is a vital 6.Hansen JC, Deguchi Y. "Selenium and fertility in animals and man -a
review." Acta Vet Scand. 1996;37(1):19-30.
element for growth and for maintaining optimum fertility. 7. Vezina GB, et al. "Selenium-vitamin E supplementation in infertile men:
Low dietary selenium wouls be linked with the development of effects on semen parameters and micronutrient levels and distribution." Biol
cancer and cardiovascular disorders. Trace Elem Res. 1996;53:65-83.
Selenium deficiency results in impaired reproductive 8. Krsnjavi H, et al. "Selenium and fertility in men." Trace Elem Med.
performance. It is vital for maintaining the integrity of sperm 1992; 9(2):107-108.
9. Schrauzer GN. "Benefits of natural selenium." Anabol. 1988;7(4):5.
mitochondria. 10. “The Role of Chromium, Selenium and Copper in Human and Animal
Deficiency leads to a reduced testicular growth and sperm Metabolism, A review from the Literature by Tuula E. Tuormaa for
immotitity. FORESIGHT,
Since selenium is not essential for plant growth, the level of the Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care.
selenium in foods of plant origin depends on the soil conditions First published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 10 (3 & 4):
149-164, (1995)
under which they are grown.
Acid rain tends to wash any remaining traces of selenium out
- Lead: an excessive lead accumulation in children is known
of the soil. Not only is the meat we eat low in selenium but also
to cause hyperactivity, a reduced intelligence and anti-social
products such as eggs and milk
behaviour. In adults, it is associated with heart disease, cancer
and infertility. Also, with criminality. In addition, a high OVERWEIGHT
maternal lead is known to lead to miscarriage, a reduced birth
weight and a number of foetal malformations. - Excessively underweight or overweight: About one-third
The same with high aluminium, mercury and an excess of of the U.S. population is overweight. One in five people are
copper. All heavy metals, even at relatively low concentrations, obese! And the rate is rising by over 5% per year.
have a significantly negative effect on fertility and pregnancy Excess body weight is implicated in many different disorders:
outcome. heart disease, diabetes, cancers, prostate enlargement, female
1. Bryce-Smith D and Waldron HA: Lead, behaviour and criminality The infertility, uterine fibroids, and gallstones.
Ecologist, 4 (10):367-377, 1974 During pregnancy, being overweight is a risk factor for
2. Tuormaa TE: The adverse effects of lead. J Nutr Med, UK, 4 (4):351-
361, 1994
gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, gestational hypertension,
3. Barnes B and Bradley SG: Planning for a Healthy Baby: Essential and various other disorders.
Reading for all Future Parents. Vermillion, London, UK, 1994 1. Hauenschild A, et al. "Diet." Gynakologe. 2000;33:11-17.
4. Bradley SG and Bennett N: Preparation for Pregnancy: An Essential 2. Zaadstra B, et al. "Fat and female fecundity: prospective study of effect
Guide. Argyll Publishing, UK, 1995 of body fat distribution on conception rates." Br Med J.
3. Wynn M, Wynn A. "The need for nutritional assessment in the treatment
- Iron of the infertile patient." J Nutr Med. 1990;1:315-24.
1. Rushton DH, et al. "Ferritin and fertility." Letter. Lancet.1991;337:1554. 4. Green BB, et al. "Risk of ovulatory infertility in relation to body weight."
Fertil Steril. 1988;50(9):621-26.
- Copper
1. Wikse SE, et al. "Diagnosis of copper deficiency in cattle." J Am
Veterinary Med Assoc. June1,1992;200(11):1625-1629. OTHER
2. Jockenhovel EN, et al. "Seminal lead and copper in fertile and infertile
men." Andrologia. 1990;22:503-511.
3. Soltan MH, Jenkins DM. "Plasma copper and zinc concentrations and - Melatonin: the hormone which is released in response to
infertility." Br J Obstet Gynecol. 1983;90:457-50. light and day length (melatonin) does have an effect on the
4. “The Role of Chromium, Selenium and Copper in Human and Animal release of other hormones, including oestrogen. So cycle
Metabolism, A review from the Literature by Tuula E. Tuormaa for regulation according to the amount of light is not a surprise.
Increasing darkness during the winter months triggers higher
the Association for the Promotion of Preconceptual Care.
First published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 10 (3 & 4): levels of melatonin in animals, which are believed to play a
149-164, (1995) role in inhibiting fertility.
The same substance is believed to exert a potentially
significant influence on sperm production in men.
1. Male Infertility and Melatonin:
2. Partonen T. Melatonin-dependent infertility. Med Hypotheses 1999 immmune functions, and promoting secretion of several
Mar;52(3):269-7. hormones, including glucagon, insulin, and growth hormone.
3. Malpaux B, et al. "Biology of mammalian photoperiodism and the critical
role of the pineal gland and melatonin." J of Bio Rhyt.2001; 16:336.
It is a testosterone precursor and is necessary if a man is to
4. Gavella M, Lipovac V. "Antioxidative effect of melatonin on human maintain a normal sperm count. Dosage must be adequate. It is
spermatozoa." Arch Androl. 2000;44:23-27. also important for sperm mobility.
5. Reiter RJ. "Melatonin and human reproduction." Ann of Med.1998; However, some studies have reported that arginine helps few,
30:103. if any, infertile men. Nonetheless, many doctors of natural
6. Wehr TA. "Melatonin and seasonal rhythms." J of Bio Rhy.1997; 12:518.
7. Nelson RJ, Demas GE. "Role of melatonin in mediating seasonal
medicine suggest 4 grams of arginine per day for several
energetic and immunologic adaptations." Brain Resear Bull.1997; 44:423. months to see if it will help infertile men.
8. Kennaway DJ, Hugel HM. Mechanisms of action of melatonin within the Individuals with kidney or liver disease should be careful
central nervous system. Anim Reprod Sci.1992; 30:45. before using it.
Individuals with herpes (either cold sores or genital herpes)
- L-Carnitine: A substance made in the body and also found should not take arginine, because it can stimulate replication of
in supplements. It appears to be necessary for normal the virus.
functioning of sperm cells. Supplementing with 3 grams per 1. Battaglia C, Salvatori M, Maxia N, et al. Adjuvant L-arginine treatment
day for four months has helped to normalize sperm in men with for in-vitro fertilization in poor responder patients. Hum Reprod
low sperm quality in several studies 1999;14:1690–7.
1. Vitali G, et al. "Carnitine supplementation in human idiopathic 2. Mendez JD, et al. "Effect of L-arginine and polyamines on sperm
asthenospermia: clinical results." Drugs Exp Clin Res. 1995;21(4):157-159. motility." Ginecol Obstet Mex. August, 1993;61:229-234.
2. Micic SR, et al. "Seminal carnitine and glucosidase in oligospermic and 3. De Aloysio D, et al. "The clinical use of arginine aspartate in male
azoospermic men" J Androl. 1994;15:77(Suppl.). infertility." Clinical Use of Arginine Aspartate. 133-167.
3. Costa M, et al. "L-carnitine in idiopathic asthenozoospermia: a multi- 4. De Aloysio D, et al. "The clinical use of arginine aspartate in male
center study" Andrologia. 1994;26:155-159. infertility." Acta Eur Fertil. 1982;13(3):133-67.
4. Jeulin C, et al. "Acetylcarnitine and spermatozoa: relationship with
epididymal maturation and motility in the boar and man." Reprod Nutr Dev. - Glutathione
1988;28(5)1317-1327. 1. Irvine DS. "Glutathione as a treatment for male infertility." Rev Reprod.
January 1996;1(1):6-12.
- Too little Arginine: This is an amino acid found in many 2. Lenzi AV, et al. "Glutathione therapy for male infertility" Arch Androl.
1992; 29:65-68.
foods. Supplementation with the amino acid L-arginine (16
grams per day), has been shown to improve fertilization rates
- Coenzyme Q10: This is a nutrient used by the body in the
in women with a previous history of failed attempts at in vitro
production of energy. While its exact role in the formation of
(test tube) fertilization.
sperm is unknown, there is evidence that as little as 10 mg per
This element has several roles in the body: it helps healing
day (over a two-week period) will increase sperm count and
wounds, removing excess ammonia from the body, stimulating
1. Ochsendorf, et al. "Glutathione in spermatozoa and seminal plasma of with 100 mg of PABA taken four times per day for three to
infertile men." Hum Repro. 1998;13(2):353-359. seven months.
2. Alleva R, et al. "The protective role of ubiquinol-10 against formation of 1. Sieve BF. The clinical effects of a new B-complex factor, para-
lipid hydroperoxides in human seminal fluid." Molec Aspects Med. 1997; aminobenzoic acid, on pigmentation and fertility. South Med Surg
18(Suppl.):S221-S228. 1942;104:135–9.
3. Lewin A, Lavon H. "The effect of coenzyme Q10 on sperm motility and
function." Molec Aspects Med. 1997; 18(Suppl.):S213-S219.
4. Mancini A, et al. "Coenzyme Q10 concentrations in normal and - Prolonged exposure to heat
pathological human seminal fluid." J Androl. November-December, Hot baths has been used as a means of contraception since
1994;15(6):591-594. antiquity. Fertility can be impaired by heat stroke, tight
underwear, hot baths,or work conditions requiring extended
- S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAM): Preliminary research periods of sitting,extended travel, or work in the heat (see
suggests oral SAM may increase sperm activity in infertile details to come).
men. Damage to sperm quality has also been described following
SAM is normally produced in the liver from the amino acid long-term exposure to microwaves. Heat Active production of
methionine, which is abundant in most diets. Folic acid and sperm requires a temperature about 3–4°C lower than normal
vitamin B12 are necessary for the synthesis of SAM, and body temperature. Decreased sperm count has been noted in
deficiencies of these vitamins results in low concentrations of pathologies such as varicocele and cryptorchidism, as well as
SAM in the central nervous system. in cases of prolonged sauna exposure and in paralyzed patients
Researchers treating people with manic-depression (bipolar restricted to wheelchairs.
illness) have reported that SAM could cause them to switch Impairment of spermatogenesis has been found in chronic
from depression to a manic episode. SAM has been used in a occupational exposure to high temperatures. Problems in
study of pregnant women and was found to be safe. spermatogenesis has been proven among professional
1. Piacentino R, et al. "Preliminary study on the use of s. adenosil
methionine in male sterility." Minerva Ginecol. 1991;43(4):191-193.
drivers,who are exposed to the products of fuel consumption,
noise,vibration, emotional stress, physical load on the pelvic
- PABA: Some previously infertile women have become organs,and increased temperature in the pelvis because of
pregnant after supplementing with PABA (para-aminobenzoic prolonged sitting. The same occurred among welders, who are
acid), 100 mg four times per day. PABA is believed to increase exposed to heat, solvents, heavy metals and noise.
1. Thonneau P, et al. "Occupational heat exposure and male fertility: a
the ability of estrogen to facilitate fertility. review." Hum Reprod. 1998;13(8):2122-2125.
The most well-known property of PABA is as an effective 2. Thonneau P, et al. "Heat exposure as a hazard to male fertility." Lancet.
sunscreen, when used topically. January20,1996;347:204-205.
One research published in 1942 reported that a dozen of 3. “Chronic occupational exposure to high temperatures” by Sheiner,
infertile women were able to conceive after supplementing Hammel, Potashnik and Carel. September 17, 2002.
- Pernicious Anemia: it was found that as many as 10 percent
to 15 percent of adults older than 65 have a vitamin B-12 (also
called cyanocobalamine or cobalmin) deficiency called
pernicious anemia. It leads to primary ovarian failure and
impotency. Pernicious anemia is most common in people of
Celtic (i.e., English, Irish, Scottish) or Scandinavian descent
and more likely attacks people over 40. Vitamin B-12 is found
in meat, poultry, fish, eggs.
1. Gulden KD. "Pernicious Anemia, Vitiligo, and Infertility." J Am Board
Fam Pract. July-September 1990;3(3):217-220.
2. Marty H. "Pernicious anemia as a cause of secondary sterility." Schweiz
Med Wschr.1984;114(5):178-179. Aromatherapy:
A lot of natural treatments are available to the infertile
- Thyroid: Either an overactive or underactive thyroid gland couple. One of them is aromatherapy.
can interfere with both male and female fertility. However, this The use of aromas for medicinal, spiritual and magical
can be corrected by taking thyroid replacement hormone. purposes existed as far as the ancient Egyptians in 3,000 BC,
1. Bohnet HG, et al."Subclinical hypothyroidism and
and perhaps even farther back to 5,000 BC as indicated by the
2. Horne HW. "Protein-bound iodine and reflex speed measurements in Tassili cave paintings representing women wearing fragrant
infertile patients." Int J Fertil. 1963;8:503-06. flower garlands.
3. Faulknew JW."Use of liothyronine to improve sperm counts after Linked to reproduction, there are some Aroma used as
surgical correction of sterility." J Urol. 1962;88:262-65. aphrodisiac. The Kama Sutra suggests anointing the body with
4. Farris EJ, Colton SW."Effects of L-thyroxine and liothyronine on
Blue Lotus and Jasmine oil. Ancient Egyptians used
spermatogenesis."J Urol.1958;79:863-67.
5. Horrax TM.:Liothyronine in the treatment of male infertility."J Frankincense. Ancient Indians used Sandalwood and Jasmine.
Urol.1958;80:49-54. Cleopatra herself was said to use incense.
6. Reed DC, et al."Male subfertility: treatment with liothyronine Aromatherapy is still used in order to treat infections,
(Cytomel)." J Urol.1958;79:868-72. and problems with menstruation, childbirth and pregnancy. The
7. Kupperman HS, et al. "Endocrine therapy of sterility." Am Pract Dig
Roman historian Pliny, author of the 1st Century AD’s Natural
Treat. 1958;9:547-63.
8. Buxton CL, Herrmann WL. "Effect of thyroid therapy on menstrual History mentions 32 remedies prepared from Rose, 21 from
disorders." JAMA. 1954;155:1035-39. Lily, 17 from Violet and 25 from Pennyroyal. Susinon, which
served as a woman’s anti-inflammatory tonic and Amarakinon
were used to encourage menstruation.
Ancient Indians used Sandalwood for genito-urinary infections.
Even Nostradamus suggests Rosewater during the first and last
months of pregnancy.
Other famous herbalists suggest other methods: Nicholas
Culpepper, 1652, Rycharde Banckes, 1525, Li Shih-Chen,
1578 and Joseph Miller, 1722.
All the aromatherapy products can be used as massage
(mixed with a base) or in the bath, but they should never be
taken orally, and if they are pure oil, they should be blended
into oil.
Never use essential oils directly on the skin!
They can also be inhaled by wetting a cotton ball with the oil.
1. Kava, the Miracle Antianxiety Herb, by Ray Sahelian, M.D., published
by St. Martin’e press, N.Y.
2. Kava, the Ultimate Guide to Nature’s Anti-stress Herb, by Maggie
Greenwood-Robinson, Ph. D, published by Dell Publishing, N.Y., 1999.
Note! Kava may be linked to liver damage!
3. The Natural Pharmacist: http:// www.tnp.com.
4. A great site for chemical constituents and actions of medicinal plants:
Jim Dukes: http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/
5. The Botanical Safety Handbook, Editors include Michael McGuffin,
CHristopher Hobbs, Roy Upton, Alicia Goldberg, and Daniel Gagnon. The
American Herbal Products Association.
6. “Male Life Factors” by Anna Peris, PharmD.
7. http://www.fertilitext.org/
8. http://www.altpenis.com/penis_news/fertility_article_index.shtml
Essential Oil Actions Images Personal comments
(Ocimum Bascilium)
aids childbirth I used it and
expels the placenta
========== ============== ………………..………………
Smell: _______________
This oil clears the mind and …………………………………
Blossoms:_________________ aids concentration and helps …………………………………
_________________________ after a stressful say. …………………………………
_________________________ Basil in Greek means “king”.
_______________ It decreases uric acid in the …………………………………
blood. …………………………………
Leaves: _______________
_________________________ ====================
_________________________ It has estrogen-like qualities. …………………………………
___________________ …………………………………
roots: _________________
_________________________ …………………………………
_____________________ …………………………………
Other: ________________
_________________________ ………………………………….
_____________________ .
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Anthemis nobilis) brings on courses I used it and
========== One of the oldest British ………………..……………
Smell: _of apple and straw_ beauty and medicinal
product, it promotes healthy
Blossoms:_______________ skin, the immune system and ………………………………
________________________ the digestive function. ………………………………
________________________ It is relaxing for the mind and
___________________ ………………………………
body and helps with
insomnia. ………………………………
Leaves: _______________
________________________ It helps with sore muscles,
________________________ inflamed joints and helps the ………………………………
_____________________ digestive system by ………………………………
massaging the stomach ………………………………
Stem: _________________ externally.
________________________ ………………………………
______________________ It is rich in azulene, a healing ………………………………
agent. It is used for PM and ………………………………
Other: ________________ menopause as well as for
________________________ toothache, rashes, insect ………………………………
_____________________ bites.
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
Clary Sage
(Salvia sclarea) brings on courses I used it and
expels afterbirth
========== =============== ………………..……………
Smell: _______________ The word “clary” comes
from ‘clear-eye’. Because
Blossoms:__small and blue, its seeds used to be used ………………………………
growing ou from large to heal eyes problems in ………………………………
pinlish mauve bracts______ the middle Ages.
It is used as stress relief
Leaves: __large, hair with a and sedative. ………………………………
hint of purple____________ It helps with hair growth, ………………………………
_______________________ acne and inflammation.
_______________________ ………………………………
=============== ………………………………
Stem: _________________ It contains an estrogen- ………………………………
_______________________ like hormone that helps
_______________________ PMS (pre-menstrual ………………………………
syndromes) and ………………………………
Other: __central stem can Menopause. ………………………………
reach 1.5 meters_________ It helps relieve menstrual
_______________________ cramps and can prevent ………………………………
_______________________ hot flashes. ……………………………..
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Cupressus sempervirens) helps immoderate flux of I used it and
the menses
========== =============== ………………..……………
Cypress assists in energy
Smell: _sweet balsamic ………………………………
level, circulation, muscular,
joint, respiratory and nervous ………………………………
Blossoms:_______________ system health. ………………………………
________________________ ………………………………
It was used by the Egyptian to
___________________ ease internal bleeding because ………………………………
it is a good vaso-constrictor. ………………………………
Leaves: _______________
________________________ It helps with water retention, ………………………………
________________________ varicose, cellulite in ………………………………
_____________________ pregnancy and menstrual ………………………………
cramps and persistent cough.
Stem: _________________ ………………………………
________________________ It is used as a facial tonic for ………………………………
________________________ oily skin and deodorant.
_____________________ ………………………………
=================== ………………………………
Other: ________________ It supports circulation and ………………………………
________________________ hormonal system.
______________________ ………………………………
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Foeniculum vulgare) increases milk flow I used it and
brings on courses
========== Egyptians and Chinese used it to ………………..……………
Smell: _______________ sharpen eyesight, for snakebites, ………………………………
colic and dog fleas.
Fennel was believed to convey ………………………………
______________________ longevity, strength and courage. ………………………………
______________________ It was used to improve vision and ………………………………
neutralize poisons.
Leaves: _______________ ………………………………
______________________ It helps with obesity because it has ………………………………
______________________ an estrogenic action and helps ………………………………
dispersing cellulite that may
have built up during pregnancy. ………………………………
______________________ For the same reason, it is used to ………………………………
increase the milk of nursing ………………………………
Other: __it can grow to mothers.
6 feet high (2 m.).The oil
comes from crushed ===================== Fennel is often used to stimulate milk production by ………………………………
seeds. _______________ It balances hormones. massage on the breasts. However, Fennel is lipid- ………………………………
____________________ Pregnant women and people soluble, so it will appear in the baby’s milk, which is
with epilepsy should avoid it not indicated and must be avoided! ………………………………
altogether. ……………………………..
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Boswellia thurifera)
cleansing of the womb
control bloody flux I used it and
========== =============== ………………..……………
Burnt in altars in Egypt, it has
Smell: warm, spicy, balsamic, ………………………………
always been used in religion and
woody with a hint of lemon__ ………………………………
to fumigate the sick.
Chinese used it successfully in ………………………………
Blossoms :___white or
pale_____________________ tuberculosis and leprosy.
________________________ It was valued in the ancient world
like gems and metals. ………………………………
Leaves: __abundant piinate Egyptian women used it for ………………………………
leaves_____________ rejuvenating face masks.
________________________ It slows the nervous system and ………………………………
helps meditation. ………………………………
Stem: __it yields an oleo gum It enhances immune, respiratory, ………………………………
that is collected from the nervous and epidermal systems.
bark _______________ ………………………………
It helps against crumpiness, mood ………………………………
Other: __it is produced in swings, lack of confidence, intern
Somalia, Chia, South Arabia, ………………………………
some in India. ………………………………
________________________ It helps slowing the breathing. ………………………………
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Pelargonium graveolens) ulcers of the privy parts I used it and
========== ………………..…………………
It was used by the ancients for
Smell: _slightly rose-like_ …………………………………
wounds and tumors.
It supports digestion, liver, …………………………………
Blossoms:___small, circulation and nervous
pink ___________________ …………………………………
It helps clarify juvenile acne
Leaves: ___serrated, because it is antiseptic and a …………………………………
pointed________________ skin-soother. …………………………………
Stem: _________________ It helps to improve mood and …………………………………
_______________________ sleep because it is a mild …………………………………
_______________________ analgesic and sedative. …………………………………
It is helpful for cuts, eczema,
Other: ___found in waste burns, broken veins. …………………………………
land, hedgerows, outskirts It works well as insect …………………………………
of woods. Used as a repellent.
flavouring agent in most …………………………………
major food categoris, It assists PMS and menopause …………………………………
alcoholic and soft drinks
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Jasminum officinale)
warms the womb
removes diseases of uterus I used it and
========== Turks use the wood to make rope ………………..………
stems. It is the favorite tea of the
Smell: _sweet, exotic and …………………………
Chinese and it is used as garnish by
rich______________ Indonesians. …………………………
It helps with coughs and laryngitis. …………………………
Blossoms:_small, white, It tones dry, greasy, irritated and
star-shaped_____________ …………………………
sensitive skin and increases elasticity,
this is why it is used with stretch …………………………
Leaves: _dark, green marks and scarring.
______________________ …………………………
It is anti-depressant, aphrodisiac,
antiseptic, stimulant and emollient. …………………………
Stem: ________________ It helps with impotence, premature …………………………
______________________ ejaculation and frigidity. …………………………
It is used to ease labor and delivery
Other: __shrub that can by strengthening the contractions …………………………
reach 33 feet (10 m.) Oil is and by relieving pain. …………………………
made fom flower.Can be ==========================
found everywhere: The …………………………
It is used as emmenagogue, but is
Mediterranean, East Asia, contraindicated during pregnancy! …………………………
Turkey are good quality It is useful in post-natal depression …………………………
producers______________ ad promotes flow of breast milk.
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Jumiperus communis)
"Fits of the mother"
cramps I used it and
========== Antiseptic but may cause irritation to ………………..……………
Smell: sweet, balsamic (Gin- sensitive skin.
like)_______________ ………………………………
It was used by ancient Greeks and
Egyptians to ward off infections and ………………………………
Blossoms: the male produces yellow to embalm and for flatulence and
flowers; the female green flowers. ………………………………
Females produce a scaly, green indigestion.
quarter inch aromatic cones which During World War II, its oil was used
turn blur-black. Only berries are to treat fever and smallpox and its ………………………………
harvested and dried______ branches to fumigate. ………………………………
It was used in the 17th C as a powerful
Leaves: _reddish brown bark, sticky diuretic and against dropsy. ………………………………
gum, pointed half inch bluish-green In the 19th C it was used to treat ………………………………
stiff needles______________ bladder, kidney infections, psoriasis, ………………………………
gonorrhea, arthritis, gout, genito-
Stem: ______________________ urinary problems. ………………………………
_____________________________ Nowadays, it is used to treat arthritis ………………………………
and cystitis.
Other: It contains more than 70 ………………………………
species of aromatic ………………………………
Contraindicated during pregnancy! ………………………………
Samples (plant, incense or oil):
You can stick an envelope or a plastic bag here, and close samples in it.
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Lavendula augustifolia)
provokes courses
expels dead child and placenta
I used it and
========== =====================
Romans used it as a cleanser in
Smell: __sweet, crisp____ the bath and to speed up ………………………………
healing. ………………………………
Blossoms:_______________ It is a powerful antiseptic.
It calms, refreshes, invigorates. ………………………………
________________________ It can be used undiluted on ………………………………
_______________________ insect bites and burns. ………………………………
It helps muscular pains and
Leaves: _______________ abdominal cramps in PMS (pre- ………………………………
________________________ menstrual syndrome). ………………………………
________________________ It promotes a healthy skin. ………………………………
_______________________ Massaged unto neck and
temples, it helps with ………………………………
Stem: _________________ headaches. ………………………………
_______________________ Massaged on abdomen, it helps
with nausea, cramps, colic.
Other: _oil is extracted from A drop n the pillow helps sleep. ………………………………
flowering tips____________ ===================== ………………………………
______________________ Do not use in pregnancy!
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Origanum marjorana)
provokes courses
griefs of the womb I used it and
========== ………………..……………
Smell: __slightly spicy___ Greek women used it on
their head for relaxation.
Blossoms:__small, white or th
In the 16 C it was strewn ………………………………
pink ____________________ on the floor of rooms to ………………………………
______________________ mask unpleasant odors.
Leaves: ___dark green, It was used with popularity ………………………………
oval____________________ in ancient Greece to calm ………………………………
______________________ muscle spasms and relieve
excess fluids in the body. ………………………………
Stem: ___it has a hairy It was used also as an ………………………………
stem___________________ antidote to poison. ………………………………
It dilates the arteries and
Other: Oil is extracted from capillaries. ………………………………
the leaves and flowery Excessive use may cause ………………………………
tops___________________ drowsiness!
______________________ ===================
________________________ It should not be used during ………………………………
______________________ pregnancy! ………………………………
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Commiphora myrrha) uterine discharges I used it and
========== ………………..……………
Smell: _sharp, balsamic_ It was used in the ancient
Egypt for embalming. It has a
Blossoms:___small, white preservative effect that helps ………………………………
______________________ against the spread of gangrene. ………………………………
Leaves: __few__________ ………………………………
It has an antifungal quality
_______________________ that makes it a good product in ………………………………
many skin, gum and bronchial ………………………………
roots: __The tree has light bark disorders.
and knotted branches_______ ………………………………
_________________________ It is good for mouth and gum ………………………………
disorders. ………………………………
Other: __It is a small tree that
can grow to 16 feet (5m.) It is It is of a great help incase of ………………………………
found in Somalia, Arabia and scanty periods, leucorrhea, ………………………………
Yemen. The oil is made from thrush and amenorrhea.
the gum resin from the trunk.
________________________ ………………………………
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Mentha piperita)
increases milk flow
=============== I used it and
It supports respiratory, immune,
========== nervous and musculoskeletal systems. ………………..……………
Smell: __fresh, minty____ It helps against menstrual cramps by
relieving pain and tension and lessens
Blossoms:______________ fatigue associated with pre-menstrual ………………………………
_______________________ symptoms. ………………………………
_______________________ It dispels hot flashes.
______________________ ………………………………
It soothes headaches that accompany
pregnancy. ………………………………
Leaves: _______________ It is a fine digestive and reliever of ………………………………
_______________________ intestinal colic.
_______________________ It oxygenates the blood, helping in ………………………………
_______________________ healing circulatory disorders, ………………………………
nervousness, insomnia, flu, fevers, ………………………………
roots: _________________ PMS, tension.
_______________________ The volatile oil acts as an anesthetic to ………………………………
_______________________ the stomach wall, helping relieve the ………………………………
nausea in pregnancy and travel
Other: ________________ sickness.
_______________________ Peppermint helps the memory by ………………………………
_______________________ stimulating the brain. ………………………………
Essential Oil Actions Images Plant samples
(Rosa centifolia)
overflowing of the menses I used it and
flux of the womb
========== ================= ………………..……………
Smell: __rich, lasting_____ In Iran, rosewater is drunk ………………………………
every morning to boost and ………………………………
Blossoms:________________ cleanse the system and create
________________________ a feeling of well-being.
________________________ ………………………………
__________________ It has healing effects on insect ………………………………
bites, eczema, dermatitis and
Leaves: _______________ ………………………………
eye irritation.
________________________ ………………………………
________________________ It is used as toner, moisturizer, ………………………………
_____________________ wrinkle reducer. It is cooling.
It can be used for
roots: _________________ hyperactivity in children. ………………………………
________________________ ………………………………
______________________ =====================
It helps women with
Other: ________________ hormonal problems and ………………………………
________________________ helps during heavy periods. ………………………………
Although no Androgen (male hormones) or PMS Treatments: Specific symptoms include swelling
Progesterone-like activity has been found so far in Essential breasts, irritability, and water retention:
Oils, there have been reports of Estrogenic activity. Massage: Rose Geranium (for swelling), Peppermint (for
The phyto-estrogens (or isoflavones) that are present in many swelling) and Fennel (hormonal) for breasts, belly, and small
plants, such as soybeans or clover, help with women hormonal of back.
problems because they have a variety of mild estrogens actions Diffusor: Rose Geranium (irritability)
on the body. Estrogens are responsible for secondary sex Diet: No stimulants, plenty of Peppermint (irritability) tea with
characteristics such as enlargement of the reproductive organs, Star Anise (hormonal)
development of the breasts, appearance of pubic hair, increased Menstral Regulation: for unreliable cycle
deposits of fat beneath the skin, widening and lightening of the Massage: Rose Otto (indicated for scanty or irregular menses)
pelvis and the onset of the menses. It is present in many plants and Fennel (hormonal) on belly and small of back
that facilitate fertility. Diffusor: Rose Otto (indicated for scanty or irregular menses)
Progesterone maintains the pregnancy, and prepares the breasts and Fennel (hormonal)
for milk production. Progesterone stops the other ovary from Diet: No stimulants, Tea with Peppermint (to reduce stress) and
making a second egg when there is ovulation. That’s why Star Anise (hormonal)
women who birth naturally have single births and only one out Menopause: hot flashes, nausea, dry vagina
of 300 months (i.e., every 25 years) do the ovary ovulate two Massage: Rose Otto and Fennel (hormonal) on belly and small
eggs at the same time, resulting in fraternal twins! Sarsaparilla of back and breasts
beans for instance produce phyto-progesterone, a substance Diffusor: Rose Otto and Fennel (hormonal)
which provide the body with progesterone-like benefits. Diet: Fennel and Star Anise tea (hormonal)
If there is an overproduction of progesterone, it can cause Spritz: Peppermint and lemon oils for cooling hot flashes
cramping, emotional stress, nausea, and other signs. Pregnancy: stretch marks, nausea
The hormone production is linked to cancers including breast Massage: belly, thighs and breasts and vagina daily with cocoa
cancer and endometriosis (abnormal growth of the uterine butter, jasmine and carnation
wall). Diffusor: Peppermint and Rose Otto for de-stressing
Learning about the chemical constituents of essential Spritz with Peppermint and Rose or Lemon oils for cooling.
oils enables practitioners to apply them to very specific
problems, since menstrual disorders, PMS (pre-menstrual References:
symptoms), and menopausal problems are known to be caused 1. Marieb, Elaine N.: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Fifth
Edition. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. 1997.
generally by an underproduction of estrogen and an over- 2. Price, Shirley: Aromatherapy Workbook. Thorsons, London and
production of progesterone. California, 1993.
Here are some other remedies that can be used in women’s 3. Rose, Jeanne. Herbs and Aromatherapy for the Reproductive System.
sexual problems: Frog Ltd., California, 1994.
4. Rose, Jeanne: The Aromatherapy Book: Applications and Inhalations. “unconventional medicine” while it was prescribed by our
Herbal Studies Course/Jeanne Rose, San Francisco, and North Atlantic Prophet (SAAS) and successfully used for millenniums.
Books, Berkeley California1992
5. Rose, Jeanne: The Aromatherapy Book: Applications and Inhalations.
Black Seed is a widely used herb by Muslims, and one
Herbal Studies Course/Jeanne Rose, San Francisco, and North Atlantic of the favorites of Prophet Muhammad (SAAS).
Books, Berkeley California1992 Abu Hurayra reported that the prophet (SAAS) said: “Use the
6. Tisserand, Robert: The Art of Aromatherapy. Healing Arts Press, Black Seed as it is the panacea that heals all harms except
Vermont, 1977 death.” (Muslim, Bukhari).
7. The Complete Kama Sutra, trans. Alain Denielou, Park Street Press,
Rochester Vt., 1994
According to Ibn Qayyim al Jawiziyya the Black Seed was
8. Nostradamus: The Elixirs of Nostradamus Ed. Knut Boeser, Moyer Bell, used in several forms to:
Germany, 1996. Orig. Pub. 1552 Eliminate flatulence, extracts the helminths (worms), palliates
9. Online Article: "Extreme Frigidity" in Tthe Aromatherapy Global Online leprosy, provoke menstrual flow and increases milk
Research Archives production
10. Article: "Hormones and Health" by Tony Balacs, in The Aromatherapy
Home Studies Course by Jeanne Rose, Chapter 12.
Fenugreek was also widely used during the time of
11. Online Article "The History of Aromatherapy" by Kathi Keville and Prophet Muhammad (SAAS).
Mindy Green Excepted from Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the The Prophet (SAAS) said: “Resort to the cure of the
Healing Art, Crossing Press 1995 Fenugreek” and He (SAAS) approved of Al Harth ibn Kalda
12. Internet: http://www.nature-helps.com/ using it to treat Sa'd Ibn Waqqas.
According Ibn Qayyim al Jawiziyya, Fenugreek was used in
Plants that promote fertility: several forms to:
Soothe coughs, increase semen, soothes asthma, provoke
menstruation, decompose the tumor in the spleen. Also
recommended to women to soak in a bath with to soothe aches
related to a tumid (distended by fluids) womb.
Plant Characteristics Images Personal comments
Partridge Berry
(Mitchella repens)
Partridge Berry (Mitchella
repens) is a powerful plant I used
that helps with hormonal
========== imbalance and irregular ………………..………
Smell: _______________ menstration and painful
periods. It is also used for
Blossoms:________________ reproductive tract weakness ………………………
________________________ and poor uterine tone. ………………………
________________________ It looks like an evergreen
__________________ ………………………
creeper that carpets some
parts of the woods around ………………………
Leaves: _______________ your house. It is also ………………………
________________________ known as squaw weed or
________________________ twin flower. When its two ………………………
_____________________ flowers fall off, they leave ………………………
behind one single eatable ………………………
Stem: _________________ berry.
________________________ Use only the flowers and ………………………
______________________ leaves. Use small doses of ………………………
this tincture: 3-8 drops a ………………………
Other: ________________ day at least 14 days out of
________________________ the month. It also increases ………………………
________________________ libido. ………………………
Samples (plant, incense or oil):
You can stick an envelope or a plastic bag here, and close samples in it or stick a real sample of the plant.
Plant Characteristics Images Personal comments
(Lepidum meyenii)
Maca (Lepidum meyenii):
Also called Peruvian ginseng or pepperweed, maca I used it and
was cultivated as early as 4000 B.C., throughout the
========== Andean highlands. The Inca discovered this plant, ………………..………………
Smell: _______________ and through them the Spanish after colonisation. In
1549, it is listed in the records as the only good sent
Blossoms:_________________ as tribute to the colonial government, a much as …………………………………
_________________________ 15000-18000 pounds. …………………………………
_________________________ The high altitudes of the Andes made the Spaniards
_______________ …………………………………
nearly infertile and they knew of Maca’s tradition of
increasing fertility and fortitude. It relieves frigidity …………………………………
Leaves: _______________ in women and impotence in men; it revitalizes the …………………………………
_________________________ internal organs and regulate menstruation, and
_________________________ …………………………………
relieves symptoms of menopause. It is also
___________________ recommended for malnutrition, convalescense, …………………………………
memory loss, mental debility, and as a general …………………………………
roots: _________________ tonic.
_________________________ It is also known as an aphrodisiac, revitalizor and …………………………………
_____________________ regulator, anti-arthritic, helpful in respiratory …………………………………
maladies. This is why it was said about it: Maca is …………………………………
Other: ________________ Life, Maca is Health.
_________________________ …………………………………
_____________________ ………………………………...
Plant Characteristics Images Personal comments
(Urtica spp.)
Nettles (Urtica spp.) are
excellent source of calcium, I used it and
magnesium, potassium and
========== vitamin C. Nettles gently ………………..………………
Smell: _______________ nourish the body, providing
nutrients that support the
Blossoms:_________________ hormonal system. Nettles help …………………………………
_________________________ build nutrient rich blood, …………………………………
_________________________ providing iron and vitamin k.
________________________ …………………………………
Leaves: _______________
Male …………………………………
_________________________ …………………………………
________________________ …………………………………
Stem: _________________
_________________________ …………………………………
________________________ …………………………………
Other: ________________
_________________________ …………………………………
________________________ ………………………………...
Female nettle
Plant Characteristics Images Personal
Black Cohosh & I used and
These herbs naturally assist in the
Vitex agnus releasing of LH (luteinizing
castus hormone) by stimulating the ………………..………
pituitary gland in the brain. These
(Chaste Tree Berry) ………………………
supplements are known for
============ ………………………
regulating ovulation as well as
Smell: _______________
helping those with amenorrhea ………………………
(not having menstrual periods).
Blossoms:_________________ ………………………
The Chaste Tree, or hemp tree, is ………………………
a shrub that can be found ………………………
throughout southern Europe and
western Asia. The leaflets are in
Leaves: _______________
groups of five to seven and are ………………………
_________________________ Cohosh Chaste Tree Berry (vitex)
greenish-gray in color on top and ………………………
_________________________ The dried fruit has a pepper-like aroma and flavor. Hippocrates,
grayish on the bottom.
________________________ Dioscorides, and Theophrastus mention the use of vitex for hemorrhage ………………………
They look like the hemp or
cannabis plant. following childbirth and assisting with the “passing of afterbirth.” …………..……………
It grows to a height of 10-20 feet. Decoctions of the fruit and plant were also used in sitz baths for diseases
Other: ___________________ ………………………
It has clustered purple blooms of the uterus. In addition, vitex was believed to suppress libido and
_________________________ inspire chastity, which explains one of its common names, chaste tree. ………………………
with a very pleasant fragrance.
________________________ Vitex can be used continuously for four to six months.
Samples (plant, incense or oil):
You can stick an envelope or a plastic bag here, and close samples in it or stick a real sample of the plant.
Plant Characteristics Images Personal comments
(Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza
Glabra) I used it and
This supplement helps
those who have ………………..……………
Smell: ____________________ infrequent menstrual
cycles by assisting
Blossoms:___________________ ………………………………
adrenal gland
____________________________ insufficiency. Licorice
____________________________ ………………………………
also helps women who
have low estrogen
Leaves: ____________________ levels and increased ………………………………
____________________________ testosterone.
____________________________ ………………………………
Stem: ______________________
Other: _____________________ ………………………………
____________________________ ………………………………
___________________________ ………………………………
Plant Characteristics Images Personal comments
Don Quai
(Angelica Sinensis)
Don Quai (Angelica
Sinensis) This natural remedy I used it and
strengthens the uterus and
regulates hormonal imbalance ………………..………………
and helps regularity in
Smell: _______________ menstrual cycles …………………………………
needs to be taken over a long …………………………………
Blossoms:_________________ period of time to strength the
_________________________ …………………………………
uterus and increase blood flow
_________________________ …………………………………
to the reproductive organs.
_______________ …………………………………
Plant Characteristics Images Personal
Red clover
Common in fields and along
roadsides, it has bright pink blossoms
It is a rich in nutrients that support for the entire body. Red Clover
has an alkalizing affect, which is very beneficial in balancing the I used it and
from mid-summer to fall. Honeybees overly acidic conditions from a modern diet.
pratense): love it. ………………..………
============ The tops flowers and appending
Smell: _______________ …………………………
leaves can be eaten raw or cooked
with grains for great nourishing value. …………………………
Blossoms:_____________ If your vaginal mucus has been diagnosed …………………………
______________________ as to acidic, red clover has the ability to
______________________ alkalinize the body and vaginal mucus. …………………………
______________________ To make an infusion, take one ounce …………………………
by weight of the dried blossoms and …………………………
Leaves: _______________ boil in a quart of boiling water. Cover,
______________________ and let steep at room temperature …………………………
______________________ overnight (or for at least four hours). It …………………………
______________________ is a good idea to use a jar because it …………………………
closes tight. Drink from one to four
Other: _______________ cups a day. It may take up to several …………………………
_____________________ months to up to two years for a …………………………
______________________ woman to conceive using this recipe,
______________________ ………………………..
so be patient.
Samples (plant, incense or oil):
You can stick an envelope or a plastic bag here, and close samples in it or stick a real sample of the plant.
Plant Characteristics Images Personal comments
Wild yam Even if the first infertility pills
were made from this plant I used it and
(Diosorea villosa):
(daily large doses; either a cup
of tea or tow capsules taken ………………..………………
Smell: _______________
three times a day), wild yam
increases fertility if taken in
Blossoms:_________________ …………………………………
small doses (a cup of tea or
10-20 drops of the tincture …………………………………
daily from the onset of menses
________________________ …………………………………
until mid-cycle). Take it for
the two weeks preceding …………………………………
Leaves: _______________
ovulation only. …………………………………
_________________________ …………………………………
Stem: _________________ …………………………………
_________________________ It is one of the highest concentrated sources of plant steroids, …………………………………
________________________ which stimulates hormone production. It helps regulate the …………………………………
estrogen /progesterone ratio, normalizing imbalance. It supports
Other: ________________ …………………………………
the adrenal glands, helping the body regulate the proper
_________________________ production of hormones and steroids. …………………………………
Samples (plant, incense or oil):
You can stick an envelope or a plastic bag here, and close samples in it or stick a real sample of the plant.
Plant Characteristics Images Personal comments
Oat Straw
(Avena sativa)
Oat Straw (Avena sativa) is
excellent for supporting the I used it and
nervous system and
========== depression. Stress and anxiety ………………..………………
Smell: _______________ are often cause of infertility.
It is also a mild aphrodisiac,
Blossoms:_________________ intensifying the sensation. …………………………………
________________________ …………………………………
Leaves: _______________
_________________________ …………………………………
________________________ …………………………………
Stem: _________________
_________________________ …………………………………
________________________ …………………………………
Other: ________________
_________________________ …………………………………
Samples (plant, incense or oil):
You can stick an envelope or a plastic bag here, and close samples in it or stick a real sample of the plant.
Tables of Plants related to In/Fertility
Uterine Tonics
(Plants that have a toning, strengthening, nourishing effect upon both the tissue and functioning of the female reproductive system.)
Emmenagogues : The following herbs nourish the system:
Trigger menstruation. Mugwort, Yarrow, Partridge Berry, False Unicorn Root.
Beth Root, Yarrow, Periwinkle, Shepherd's Purse, American Cranesbill, Ladies Mantle
Uterine Astringents
(that causes
contraction of body
tissues and canals):
Herbs that reduce blood loss
from the uterus (menorrha).
- Blue Cohosh: Caulophyllum thalictroides the Indian squaws prepared a decoction of the root for 2 or 3 weeks previous to labor
to facilitate child-birth.
During labor it relieves false pains and coordinates muscular contractions, at the same time increasing their power. It stimulates
Child Birth normal contraction instead of inducing spasmodic uterine action.
(Labor & After Useful when the uterine action is becoming weary; in which case it may be combined with Cypripedium and a very little
Labor) Capsicum (or Bayberry).
- Black Cohosh: Cimicifuga racemosa It is the best and safest agent known for the relief of after-pains, and is effectual in
allaying the general excitement of the nervous system
after labor. Decidedly and powerfully expediting delivery when the uterine action becomes weary and irritable. Prevents
postpartum hemorrhage. Relieves severe aching and muscular soreness.
- Senecio: Senecio aureus Is not depended upon during labor. After labor it restores lochia, promotes normal uterine contractions,
antagonizes a tendency to relaxation; promotes normal after pains, and tends to prevent excessive flow.
-Black Haw: Viburnum prunifolium Restores normal tone following labor, as well as normal capillary circulation, prevents
subinvolution, prolapse, and malposition.
Threatened Miscarriage
- Blue Cohosh: Caulophyllum It is a good remedy for after pains, especially when spasmodic in character. Caulophyllum acts as
an anti-abortive by relieving the irritation upon which the trouble depends.
- Helonias or false unicorn root: Chamaelirium It rarely fails to arrest a threatened abortion. Not to be relied upon in
- Cranberry bush: Viburnum opulus Like Viburnum prunifolium, it is a remedy for the prevention of abortion, and to prepare the
way for the process of parturition.
- Black Haw: Viburnum prunifolium Most valued in threatened abortion. It should be given in small doses for a considerable
length of time. Women who have previously been unable to go to full term benefit from it.
Reliable in emergencies if given in full doses, frequently repeated. Reliable in habitual abortion; will prevent induced abortion if
membranes not ruptured.
1. Herbs, Fertility & Contraception, by David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H: http://www.healthy.net/
2. Emmenagogues: Are they or are they not?, by David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H.: http://www.healthy.net/
3. Uterine Tonics by David L. Hoffman B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H.: http://www.healthy.net/
1. Herbs, Fertility & Contraception by David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H.
2. Levine: The Mexican plant zoapatle (Montanoa tomentosa) in reproductive medicine. Past, present and future. J REPROD MED (1981 Oct) 26(10):524-8
3. Gallegos AJ et. al.: The zoapatle I -- A traditional remedy from Mexico emerges to modern times. CONTRACEPTION 1983 Mar; 27(3):211-25
4. Southam L et.al.: The zoapatle IV--toxicological and clinical studies. Idem pp.255-65
5. Hahn DW Ericson EW Lai MT Probst A: Antifertility activity of Montanoa tomentosa CONTRACEPTION 1981 Feb; 23(2):133-40
6. Pedron N: The zoapatle. VII. Antiimplantation effect in the rat of zoapatle aqueous crude extract (ZACE) from Montanoa tomentosa and Montanoa frutescens.
CONTRACEPTION 1985 May; 31(5):499-507
7. Gallegos AJ et. al.: The zoapatle. VI. Revisited. Idem pp.487-97
8. Kong et.al.: Fertility regulating agents from traditional Chinese medicines. J ETHNOPHARMACOL 1986 Jan; 15(1):1-44
9. Munshi, Shetye & Nair: Antifertility activity of three indigenous plant preparations. PLANT MEDICA 1977 Vol. 31: 73-75
10. Kholkute et.al.: Studies on the Anti-fertility uses of Hibiscus rosa sinensis. PLANTA MEDICA 1977 Vol. 31 : 35-39
11. Joshi: Antifertility effects of chronically administered Malvaviscus conzattii. PLANTA MEDICA 1981 Vol. 41 : 274-280
12. Prakash: Anti-fertility investigations on Embellin. PLANTA MEDICA 1981Vol 41 : 259-266
Saw palmetto: prostate health when the prostate is enlarged because it shrinks it. Berries used traditionally by Native Americans to teat the
symptoms of urinary tracts problems. Used to improve sperm production. To increase breast size and sexual vigor.
Gingko biloba; Echinacea; St. John's wort; Licorice
Fertility and trying to conceive "And mention in the Book, Maryam [i.e. mention, O
Mohammed, in the Quran the story of Mary], when she
withdrew from her family to a place facing east. She placed a
screen from them; then We sent to her our angel (Jibrael, or
Gabriel), and he appeared before her in the form of a man in
full human form. She said: 'I seek refuge with The Most
Beneficent [God] from you, if you do fear Him.' (The angel)
said: 'I am only a Messenger from your Lord, (to announce) to
you the gift of a righteous son.' She said: 'How can I have a
son, when no man has touched me, nor am I unchaste?' He (the
Female and male symbols, showing that to conceive one must be two. angel) said: 'So (it will be), your Lord said: 'That is easy for
Me: And to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from
"My Lord, grant me from Your bounty wholesome Us (from God)', and it is a matter (already) decreed (by
children. Indeed, You are the hearer of prayers" (3:38) God).'" [Qur’an 19:16-21]
The story of prophet Ibraheem (AS):
Fertility in the Noble Qur’aan: “And his wife [Sarah] was standing (there) and she laughed:
There are stories of miracle fertilization in the Qur’aan. But we gave her glad tidings of Isaac and after him, of Jacob.
We should not forget about them when we put our trust into She said "Alas for me! Shall I bear a child, seeing I am an old
Allaah and we should be patient. woman, and my husband here, is an old man? That indeed
The story of Mariam (RA): would be a wonderful thing!" They said: "Dost thou wonder at
When the wife of Imran said: 'O my Lord! I have vowed to You Allah's decree? The grace of Allah and His blessings on you, O
what is in my womb [my child] to be dedicated to Your ye people of the house! For He is indeed worthy of all praise,
services, so accept this [my vow] from me. Verily, All-Hearer, full of Glory!"” [Qur’an 11:71-73]
the All-Knowing.' Then we she delivered her she said: “...And they (angels) gave him (Ibrahim) glad tidings of a son
'O my Lord! I have delivered a female child' - and Allah knew endowed with knowledge. But his wife came forward
better what she delivered - 'And the male is not like the female, clamoring, she smote her forehead and said: "A barren old
and I have named her Maryam and I seek refuge with You for woman!" They said "Even so has thy Lord spoken and He is
her and for her offspring from Satan, the outcast.' " [3:35-36] full of wisdom and knowledge."” [Qur’an 51:28-30]
The wife of Imran, and mother of Mary, out of her devotion to The Noble Qur'an tells us that Sarah (RA) was old and barren
God vowed to dedicate the child in her womb to the sacred when Allah blessed her with a child. Exegesis place her age at
service of God and asked God to accept her vow. Her hopes about ninety and Ibrahim (AS) was over 100 years old. It was
were in a male child who will be brought up to service the several years before this that Sarah gave her hand maiden,
places of worship and be dedicated to serve God.
Hagar (RA), to Ibrahim (AS) in marriage so that he may have “And Allah sets forth, as an example to those who believe the
children. wife of Pharaoh: Behold she said: "O my Lord! Build for me,
Zakariya (AS) and his wife Ishba (RA): in nearness to Thee, a mansion in the Garden, and save me
“There did Zakariya pray to his Lord, saying: "O my Lord! from Pharaoh and his doings, and save me from those that do
Grant unto me from Thee a progeny that is pure: for Thou art wrong"” [Qur’an 66:11]
He that heareth prayer! While he was standing in prayer in the
chamber, the angels called unto him: "Allah doth give thee References:
glad tidings of Yahya, witnessing the truth of a Word from 1. Qur'an translation by brother Yusuf Ali.
2. "Women in the Qur'an, Traditions and Interpretation" by Barbara Freyer
Allah, and (be besides) noble, chaste, and a prophet,- of the Stowasser ISBN 0-19-508480-2
(goodly) company of the righteous." He said: "O my Lord! Stories of sisters with infertility problems:
How shall I have son, seeing I am very old, and my wife is http://www.angelfire.com/la/IslamicView/Stories.html
barren?" "Thus," was the answer, "Doth Allah accomplish 3. Support group for Muslimah who experience infertility:
what He willeth."” [Qur’an 3:38-40] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Muslimah-Fertility/
“(This is) a recital of the Mercy of thy Lord to His servant
Zakariya.Behold! he cried to his Lord in secret, Praying: "O Determining Ovulation:
my Lord! infirm indeed are my bones, and the hair of my head There are only a few days each menstrual cycle when
doth glisten with grey: but never am I unblest, O my Lord, in conception is possible.
my prayer to Thee” [Qur’an 19:2-4] In a woman’s lifetime she will normally produce 4 to 5
And (remember) Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord: "O my thousand eggs. Eight of these eggs are recruited each month,
Lord! leave me not without offspring, though thou art the best and only one is brought to maturity and released into the
of inheritors." So We listened to him: and We granted him fallopian tube, the other seven eggs deteriorate and die. The
Yahya: We cured his wife's (Barrenness) for him. These egg only lives from 24-36 hours after it is released, and dies if
(three)were ever quick in emulation in good works; they used it is not fertilized by the sperm that can live 72 hours in the
to call on Us with love and reverence, and humble themselves woman’s womb under ideal conditions.
before Us”. [Qur’an 21:89-90] Every month a couple has basically 1 in 4 chance of
Asya (RA) never conceived a child. It is said that her conceiving.
marriage was one of sacrifice she made for the safety of her There are a few techniques that a woman can use in
people becuase the marriage was never consummated, for order to be aware of her most fertile days:
Allah had stricken Pharaoh with impotence. Here is a childless The 1) Basal Body Temperature (BBT) and the 2) cervical
woman, who is set forth as an example for all believers. She fluid (a liquid emitted by your cervix and visible in the vagina)
nurtured a Prophet from infancy even though he was not her are the best indicators of your fertile periods.
own, and she was a martyr. Many people think that women ovulate or are most fertile on
day 14 of their menstrual cycle or 14 days before their period is
expected. If this is true for some women, it is not true for LH permits the sac of the follicle to break and release the egg
others. Ovulation can occur at any time in the female into the Fallopian tube where it can be fertilized. This process
menstrual cycle. is called is ovulation.
1) Basal Body Temperature, increases after ovulation due to LH’s pick that triggers ovulation occurs 12-24 hours prior to
increased progesterone in your bloodstream. ovulation, but LH actually begins concentrating about 36 hours
2) Cervical fluid is sometimes called cervical mucous and it before ovulation.
changes consistency and color throughout your cycle. Estrogen drops dramatically after ovulation.
Observations of the position and texture of your cervix can be
checked using a mirror. A common pattern of in/fertility cycle for women:
Cervical mucus is crucial for the sperm to travel up to the outer Days 1-5 Days Days 12-18 Days
third part of the fallopian tubes for conception. 6-11 19-30
Your menstrual cycle is driven by your hormones. Menstruation Dry Fertile period Infertile
days (even if a women period
They are biochemical substances that run through the ovulated on the 17, the
bloodstream in order to affect different parts of the body. sperm can stay in the
The hormones controlling your fertility are produced in your womb for 72 hours!)
hypothalamus (located in the brain); your anterior pituitary
gland (located behind the hypothalamus); your ovaries; and Chances of Pregnancy by Day of Intercourse
your adrenal glands (located on top of the kidneys). day zero is ovulation
The Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) stimulates -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
the development and maturation of follicles (containing the 0% 11% 15% 20% 26% 15% 9% 5% 0%
eggs or half your baby) in the ovaries. The developing follicles
begin to produce estrogen. The phase of your cycle after ovulation is called the luteal
It causes the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) to grow phase that produces some estrogen and predominantly
and thicken in preparation of implantation of a fertilized egg. progesterone hormone.
By about the seventh day (but this date can vary), the dominant Progesterone, like estrogen, is needed to develop the
follicle produces a sharp rise in estrogen. It is at its peak one to endometrium so that a fertilized egg can implant.
two days prior to ovulation. Your BBT (Basal Body Temperature) rises as a result of
This estrogen releases LH (Luteinizing Hormone) which is progesterone.
what is measured by ovulation predictor kits (OPKs).
If there is no fertilization (or pregnancy), the corpus luteum
dies, progesterone levels fall and a new cycle begins.
Temperatures and cervix fluid / position chart explained:
First Phase: infertility: Second Phase: During Third Phase: after Fourth Phase:
Ovulation ovulation: fertilization:
Right before ovulation occurs the In the second phase (Luteal Phase)
Pre-ovulatory period: before hormone estrogen is produced causing which begins after ovulation, Temperatures climb
ovulation has occurred, temps lower temperatures. temperatures generally will rise 3/10's - 4/10's over the
will normally be between 97.0 ATTENTION! Temperatures can rise between 97.6 and 98.6 due to the Luteal Phase high.
Hormones to 97.5. and fall multiple times before a dip. hormone progesterone which is This is due to the HCG
and Lowest temperature is most likely released from the corpus luetum (Human Chorionic
temperature NOT peak day either. (the follicle that hold the egg). Gonadotropin) hormone
A dip in temperature followed by a The temperatures will remain high that is produced if
rise (at least 2/10's of a degree) higher for 12 to 16 days until they drop conception has occurred
than all temps the previous six days again the day period begin. If and when implantation
and staying at or beyond this level for conception occurs temperatures takes place.
at least 3 consecutive days shows that will remain high during the entire
ovulation has occurred. pregnancy.
Cervical fluid is much more abundant
After menstruation for a period and will feel wet for 2 to 4 days. It Cervical fluid will now change
of 3 to 5 days the cervix fluid can be thick, creamy, milky and will drastically due to the drop in
Cervical fluid is minimal or non-existent. form peaks in your fingertips. It looks estrogen and the surge of
Fluid is clear or slightly white like glue. Color is white or yellow and progesterone following ovulation.
and dries quickly on fingers. vagina is wet. At the pick of the It can be dry, watery, moist or
Then cervical Fluid becomes fertile days, the fluid will be like an sticky and dries up quickly on
sticky for a period of 2 to 3 eggwhites for 1 to 5 days. It is fingertips. The vagina is dry.
days. It feels slightly gummy slippery to the touch and if pulled
but not wet. between the fingertips will stretch 1 to
10 inches. The color is clear and
vagina is very wet.
After your menstrual period,
the cervix is low and easily Right before ovulation, the rise in Estrogen subsides and the hormone
reached with your fingertips. estrogen causes the cervix to rise (out progesterone is released causing
Cervix The opening to the cervix is of reach of your fingers). The the cervix to return to its low,
position closed (a slit of tiny hole). It is opening gets large and feels soft to the closed and hard position.
hard like the tip of your nose. touch like touching your lips.
Hormones Complete natural Fertility Chart
elevated too)
LH (Luteinizing)
Infertile days
Infertile days
temps before
Days 1-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21-30
Other fertile signs
Do not forget to trace the horizontal blue line that separates ovulation from other days
Temperature Between 97.0 to 97.5. Lower (dip) Rises between 97.6 and 98.6 (2/10's
(use a BBT labeled higher than all previous temps)
thermometer) If pregnant, 3/10's - 4/10's higher.
Cervix Fluid C.F. dry or drying quickly Sticky, Creamy, Raw C.F. dry or drying quickly on
on fingertips or liquid. pasty. thick, eggwhite, fingertips or liquid.
Dry vagina Vagina cold. slippery, Dry vagina
not wet. Little wet shiny,
Very wet.
Cervix Position Cervix low, firm, closed High, soft, Low, firm, closed
Take your temperature every morning at the same time, before getting up, and at least after three hours of sleep.
It is better to take the BBT vaginally. Do not change take the temps vaginally one day, orally another; stay consistent.
Charting temperatures (ovulation occurs day 15)
Day 09 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17
98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2
98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1
98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.0
97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9
97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8 97.8
97.7 97.7 97.7 97.7 97.7 97.7 97.7 97.7 97.7
97.6 97.6 97.6 97.6 97.6 97.6 97.6 97.6 97.6
97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5 97.5
These are temperatures taken when waking up and before raising out of bed.
Illness, stress, lack of sleep, medication, high impact exercise, hot weather can cause
temperatures to rise.
When you have identified a temperature that is at least 2/10's of a degree higher than
the previous 6 days, draw a blue line on your chart (see day 16, after ovulation).
In this example, ovulation occurred the 15, the last day the cervix fluid was eggwhite and the
vagina very wet. Conception should occur the 15 or the 14. To help sperm reach uterus, you
can elevate your buttock half an hour after intercourse.
1. For complete details about ovulation charts, see online book, at:
2. Free charting online:
3. Quick temperatures conversion:
Test your BBT and Fertility charting knowledge
with this quiz: 6. You are less likely to conceive:
a. 3 days after ovulation
QUESTIONS: b. The day after the cervix fluid becomes like an egg white
c. The day of the BBT rises
1. The female menstrual cycle starts at:
a. The last day of your menstrual period 7. The luteal phase starts:
b. The first day of your menstrual period a. The day after the temperature rises
c. When your temperature rises b. The day of the temperature rises
c. The day before the temperature rise
2. The ovulation occurs:
a. 14 Days after the period 8. A sign of implantation is:
b. At the temperature rise or one or two days before a. A temperature of at least 98.2 F
c. 14 Days before the period b. A spike 4 days after ovulation
c. A slight spotting 8 to 10 days after ovulation
3. The temperature rise occurs the day when:
a. Your temperature dips slightly 9. The best time to use a pregnancy test is:
b. Your temperature is 0.2 degree higher than the 6 previous a. 14 days after ovulation
days b. 18 days after ovulation
c. Your temperature reaches 98.6 Fahrenheit c. One day after the expected date for the period
4. Your chance of being pregnant is higher if: 10. In case of pregnancy, your cervical fluid will be:
a. Your temperature dips 8 days after ovulation a. Egg white
b. Your BBT (basal body temperature) fluctuates b. Creamy, Sticky or dry
c. Your BBT stays high for more than 18 days c. Yellow and thick
5. The best time to conceive is: 11.Your chances of getting pregnant each cycle is:
a. On the day of the temperature rises and your cervical fluid is a. 20%
watery. b. 50%
b. When your cervical mucus is thick. c. 90%
c. From 2 or 3 days before the temperature rises.
12. Your luteal phase may be too short for an implantation Islam and Procreation:
Islam values procreation within marriage, and fertility
a. Your ovulation is less than 10 days before your period
is highly prized.
b. Your ovulation is more than 10 days before your period
"Marry one who is loving and fertile, for I will be proud before
c. Your ovulation is early
the other Prophets of your great numbers on the Day of
Resurrection." (Reported by Ahmad. Saheeh al-Irwa’, 6/195).
13. The sperm can live in the womb up to:
Being "fertile" is actually the most important quality a woman
a. 24 hours
must have after piety and purity. Ma`qil Ibn Yasar narrated, "A
b. 3 days
man came to the Prophet and said, 'I fell in love with a woman
c. 5 days
of great beauty and family status; but she does not conceive,
shall I marry her?' He replied, 'No.' The man came to him
14. The ovum (egg) can live in the womb:
again, and the Prophet forbade him. He came to him a third
a. 2 days
time, so the Prophet said, `Marry the amiable, fertile one; for I
b. 3 days
will vie the nations in number by you'“ (Abu Dawud, Nikah 4).
c. 5 days
Al-Jaziri says, "It is better that she [the wife] be fertile;
because a barren one cannot carry out the function of
reproduction which is necessary for human society." (Abd al-
Rahman al-Jaziri, Kitab al-fiqh ala al-madsahib al-arba`a
(Cairo, 1934), 4:11.)
1b; 2b; 3b; 4c; 5c; 6a; 7b; 8c; 9b; 10b; 11a; 12a; 13c; 14a.
"Marry the loving and the fertile for I will outdo the nations
with you[r numbers]. (In another version: "...for I will outdo
the prophets with you[r numbers] on Qiyama." [Aby Dawaud]
Some Modern Male Contraceptives: Testes are heated for a few minutes by ultrasound. Ultrasound
changes the levels of potassium and sodium in the testes,
All sterile means below are thought to be reversible and safe. making the environment inhospitable to sperm. It lasts six
Nifedipine months.
Developed by Susan Benoff, a leading researcher in male Hot tub
infertility in New York, Nefidipine works by slowing the In 1946, in India, Martha Voegeli discovered that a man could
movement of calcium through the cell membranes. achieve six months sterility by emerging his testicles to a forty-
The Male Pill five-minute-long in a hot bath (116 degrees Fahrenheit) every
In a method similar to the female pill, Handelsman uses the day for three weeks.
hormone progestin to suppress the hormone gonadotrophin Polyester Suspensories
(GnRH), which helps in sperm production. After three months "You can cook sperm by wearing the right underwear," says
on progestin, no active sperm remained in the majority of men Audrey Schulman in "The Male Pill, Searching for a Sure-Fire
tested and once progestin is removed GnRH kicks back in and male Contraceptive." In 1992 an Egyptian researcher, Ahmed
restocks the sperm. There are some side effects: acne, weight- Shafik discovered that temporary sterility occurred when testes
gain and sleep disturbances. where being compressed four months in a row by tight
Immunocontraceptives underwear by elevating the sperm’s temperature. This is the
In this method the body's immune system attacks the sperm. reason why testes pull out of the body during Summer time but
SMA are closer to the body during Winter time. It is reported not
The polymer SMA (styrene maleic anhydride) is injected into uncomfortable.
the vas deferens (the tube that carries sperm from the testes to
the penis). SMA blocks the vas and lowers the pH of the tube 1. Frontiers in Nonhormonal Male Contraception: A Call for Research,
resulting in the death of most of the sperm. Elaine A Lissner
SMA lasts for three months to five years, and fertility can be http://www.gumption.org/mcip/paper.html
restored by another injection. 2. Audrey Schulman, The Male Pill, Searching for a Sure-Fire Male
The Shug Contraceptive
3. Looking for the Male Pill, Herndon, N. Network, Vol 13, No 1., 1992
A silicone double plug with nylon tails that block off the vas 4 .Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, by Sheila K. Kippley .
and the sperm. A helpful, informative book that explains why ecological breastfeeding
More than a million Chinese men are using the silicone plug does space babies.
which blocks the vas, but unlike the shug, it can be reversed 5. The nursing Mother’s Guide to Weaning, by Kathleen Huggins, Linda
only once. Ziedrich
6. http://www.reproline.jhu.edu/
Ultrasound Power Point presentation sheets for teachers.
7. How I was born? by Lennart Nilsson, Lena Katarina Swanberg Does herbal contraception works?
(Contributor), 1996 It all depends on the woman and the strength of her uterus. As
Nilsson's astonishing photographs of developing fetuses illuminate an
informative story narrated by a five-year-old girl whose mother is pregnant.
a rule, these remedies have 50% chance of success.
8. A Child is born, by Lennart Nilsson.
Pictures of the fetus. Daily Herbal Contraceptives:
9. Beginning life, by Geraldine Lux Flanagan Some herbal contraceptives need to be taken regularly (daily)
A photographic tour of the entire process of life from conception to
in order to maintain their contraceptive effect.
10. The Pregnancy Journal; A Day-To-Day Guide to a Healthy and Happy Wild Yam (Dioscorea villosa)
Pregnancy, by A. Christine Harris PhD. A nice simple pregnancy journal
featuring quotes, history of childbirth, what to expect and when to do
certain tests, etc.
11. Countdown to a miracle, by Julie B. Carr.
It is a spiral bound book that counts down the days to the birth of your baby.
Each day tells a little something about the growth of the baby. It works like
a calendar.
12. The baby Book, everything you need to know about your baby from
birth to age two, by William Sears, M.D., and Martha Sears, R.N. Little,
brown and company, 1993
A favorite. It tells you everything you need to know and also things you did
not think about. Thorough.
13. http://www.malecontraceptives.org/a
A contraceptive herb that is safe to take an a daily basis, for
An interesting site listing the most common contraceptive male solutions extended periods of time with no side effects.
and their dangers. They also have a mailing list. Read a midwife account: Wild Yam, by Willa Shaffer:
Publisher: Woodland Publishing; (November 2011) ISBN:
0913923109 (8 pages).
Herbal Contraceptives & Implantation Inhibitors Wild Yam works by thickening the outer covering of the egg's
"shell" so that the sperm are unable to penetrate.
Herbal contraceptives include all herbs that have an Wild yam is very good for the liver and endocrine system
anti-fertility effect. There are many different ways in which because it tones and nourishes the liver, helping to balance
herbs can impair fertility: by affecting the ovary, the uterus, hormone production.
hormone production, and else. Wild Yam can be used for a variety of women's issues
Some herbs have the ability to interfere with implantation, and including menstrual irregularity, menstrual cramps, infertility,
are called emmenagogues, but not all emmenagogues can be menopause and endometriosis.
used as emergency contraceptives. Other herbs interfere with Its infusion is the strongest preparation to prevent miscarriage,
normal sperm production, or mobility. because it relaxes the uterus and soothes the nerves.
It is also used for after birth pains ain tincture given in cold unprotected sex, for 7 to 10 days or, if using the ovulation
water. In hot water, it could create an hemorrhage. chart, seeds can be taken only during her fertile time, adding 6
Wild yam can be used to both promote and decrease days after ovulation.
fertility, depending on the amount taken and when in the Women with kindney problems or otherwise using blood
cycle it is taken and for how long. presssure or estrogen medications should avoid the herb
When taken between menstruation and ovulation in small altogether.
doses, it increases fertility.
As contraceptive, the doses are higher and it is taken the whole
cycle and it takes two months to take effect. Wild yam must be
taken twice a day to be effective, Mrs Shaffer writes, "You
must take them as prescribed, you cannot go away for the
weekend, forget your birth control and "make up for it" by
taking 12 capsules when you return home. If you miss, protect
yourself with another [contraceptive] method until you are sure
you are safe again."
As a contraceptive, take pre-packaged capsules of wild yam,
1275 mg to 1500 mg twice a day, every day or 3 size "OO"
capsules, twice a day, every day.
Note that anti-biotics both herbal (garlic, echinacea, Here are the sources I have found so far to purchase organic
goldenseal, or other herbs) and pharmaceutical negate the Queen Anne's Lace seeds.
contraceptive effect of wild yam.
Neem oil (Azadirachta indica or Melia azadirachta) : Implantation Inhibitors:
It is a tree from India with numerous uses. Some herbal contraceptives have the ability to interfere with
For women it is used vaginally as a spermacide, and men use it implantation of the egg.
orally as a daily contraceptive to induce temporary sterility. Pomegranate (Punica granatum). Rudolf Fritz Weiss notes the
Queen Anne’s Lace Seeds (Daucus carota) seeds contain an oestrone identical to the genuine hormone
It can be used as a daily contraceptive or only during fertile [estrogen].
times as an implantation inhibitor. The seeds have to be Implantation occurs about 6 days after the egg has been
chewed with fruit juice to mask the strong taste or water. If the fertilized. If the egg is unable to get a grip on the uterine wall,
seeds are simply swallowed whole, they will pass right through it cannot survive, and dies.
your system, with out releasing their oils and not be effective.
Dosage is 1 tsp chewed per day for an average woman. Seeds
can be chewed daily, throughout the cycle, or following
fresh leaves or one ounce of the dried leaves in a quart of
boiled water. Drinking freely until menstrual bleeding begins.
Smartweed may be used to prevent implantation after
fertilizing intercourse, or to bring on a missed period. It is
important not to carry the embryo after using this herb.
Dosages: Tea, 1-3 tsp. per cup, 3-4 times daily. Boil the water
first then pour the boiled water over the dried herb. Do not boil
the herb in water, as this destroys the herbs properties.
For a tincture, 5-15 drops 3-4 times a day.
Capsules, 1-4 size #0 capsules 3-4 times a day.
Take it as a tablet in doses of at least 500 mg daily for several
days preceding and following ovulation, or take it after
fertilizing intercourse and continue until the menstrual flow
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). If, after practicing withdrawal or a
condom breaks during woman's fertile time, two tablets may be
placed within the vagina next to the cervix to prevent
The sperm needs an alkaline environment to survive and
cannot survive in an acidic one.
Quick reference to Latin Name of Plants Rue
Herbs mentioned in this handbook Birthwort
Achillea millefolium – Yarrow Horseradish
Artemisia vulgaris – Mugwort Qal
Calendula officinalis – Calendula
Caulophyllum thalictroides - Blue Cohosh
Chamaelirium luteum - False Unicorn Root
Cimicifuga racemosa - Black Cohosh Culinary herbs
Gentiana spp. – Gentian Angelica - (Angelica officinalis)
Hydrastis canadensis - Golden Seal Anise hyssop - (Agastache foeniculum)
Hyssopus officinalis – Hyssop Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Lavandula officinalis – Lavender Bay leaf (Laurus nobilis)
Leonurus cardiaca – Motherwort Caper (Capparis spinosa)
Marrubium vulgare – Chamomile Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium)
Mentha piperita – Peppermint Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
Mentha pulegium – Pennyroyal Cilantro or Coriander (Coriandrum sativum)
Petroselinum sativum – Parsley Curry leaf (Murraya koenigii)
Rosemarinus officinalis – Rosemary Dill (Anethum graveolens)
Rubus idaeus – Raspberry Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Salvia officinalis – Sage Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis)
Tanacetum parthenium – Feverfew Lavender (Lavandula spp.)
Tanacetum vulgare – Tansy Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
Thymus – Thyme lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus, C. flexuosus, and other species)
Tilia spp. – Linden Lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora)
Trigonella foenum – Fenugreek Lovage (Levisticum officinale )
Valeriana officinalis – Valerian Marjoram (Origanum majorana)
Verbena officinalis – Vervain Mint (Mentha spp.)
Viburnum opulus - Cramp Bark Oregano (Origanum vulgare, O. heracleoticum, and other species)
Vitex agnus-castis – Chasteberry Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Zingiber officinale - Ginger Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Queen Anne’s Lace Seeds Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Juniper Savory (Satureja hortensis, S. montana)
Angelica Sorrel (Rumex spp.)
Savin Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Medicinal herbs
Achillea millefolium-Yarrow
Crataegus- Hawthorn
Echinacea purpurea, Purple coneflower, and other species of
Symphytum officinale - Comfrey
Hypericum perforatum – St John’s Wort
Marrubium vulgare – Honebound
Matricaria recutita (Chamomilla recutita) - Chamomile
Nepeta cataria - Catnip
Passiflora spp. – Passion-flower
Tanacetum parthenium (Chrysanthemum parthenium) - Feverfew
Taraxacum officinale - Dandelion
Valeriana officinalis - Valerian
1. Glossary of Roots of Botanical Names:
2. http://garden-gate.prairienet.org/botrts.htm