04 Basic Radio

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Basic Radio

Chapter 2

This chapter is designed to provide the student with an overview

of basic radio concepts.

Upon completion of this chapter the student will be able to:

• discuss some general properties of electromagnetic waves

• describe how radio waves are generated
• describe how information is superimposed on radio waves
• discuss radio wave propagation and attenuation
• understand the pathloss concept
• understand the origin of some signal variations, i.e. fadings
Cell Planning Overview

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e n na

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EN/LZT 123 3313 R2C

2 Basic Radio

2 Basic Radio
Table of Contents

Topic Page

WAVES ................................................................................................13

GENERATION OF RADIO WAVES .....................................................15


AIR INTERFACE DATA .......................................................................19

FREQUENCY SPECTRUM ......................................................................................... 19
DUPLEX DISTANCE.................................................................................................... 21
CHANNEL SEPARATION............................................................................................ 21
ACCESS METHOD AND TRANSMISSION RATE ...................................................... 21

RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION...........................................................22

SIGNAL VARIATIONS.........................................................................25

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Cell Planning Overview

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2 Basic Radio

There are many seemingly different types of electromagnetic
waves. They include radio waves, infrared rays, light, x-rays and
gamma rays among others. Radio waves are one type of
electromagnetic radiation. They are typically generated as
disturbances sent out by oscillating charges on a transmitting
antenna whereas e.g. gamma rays are generated when excited
nuclei decay by emission of radiation. Regardless of its origin,
an electro-magnetic wave is comprised of oscillating electric and
magnetic fields. For a simple, traveling, plane wave the electric
and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and also to
the direction of propagation. Waves which can be described by
simple sinusoidal functions, as the one in Figure 2-1, are
conveniently characterized by their wavelength, λ, the length of
one cycle of oscillation, or equivalently with its frequency, I, the
two related via the speed of propagation, F, as:

λ⋅ I =F

In vacuum F ≈ 3⋅108 ms-1 for all electromagnetic waves.

90° E Magnetic Field

Electric Field

of ectio
Tra n

Figure 2-1 An electromagnetic plane wave “frozen” in time

EN/LZT 123 3313 R2C – 13 –

Cell Planning Overview

Note that if the electric field is “pointing” strictly in one

direction, as in Figure 2-1, the wave is said to be linearly
polarized. For example, if the electric field is in the “horizontal”
direction, the wave is horizontally polarized.

Two very important features of the electromagnetic wave are

worth noting. First, it is a transverse wave because the vibrating
quantity, e.g. the electric field, is directed perpendicular to the
direction of propagation. Second, the wave requires no medium
for its transmission, i.e. it is capable of transporting energy even
in the absence of any material.

Propagation properties are different across the frequency

spectrum. Radio waves fall in the frequency spectrum between 3
Hz and 3000 GHz. This part of the spectrum is divided into
twelve bands, shown in Figure 2-2 below. Only the UHF band is
considered from now on, since properties of UHF waves and
frequency allocations have made this the mobile telephony
frequency band.


3 - 30 Hz
30 - 300 Hz Extremely Low Frequency ELF
300 - 3000 Hz Voice Frequency VF
3 - 30 kHz Very-Low Frequency VLF
30 - 300 kHz Low Frequency LF
300 - 3000 kHz Medium Frequency MF
3 - 30 MHz High Frequency HF
30 - 300 MHz Very High Frequency VHF
300 - 3000 MHz Ultra High Frequency UHF
3 - 30 GHz Super High Frequency SHF
30 - 300 GHz Extremely High Frequency EHF
300 - 3000 GHz

Figure 2-2. Frequency spectrum bands

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2 Basic Radio


High frequency radio waves are typically generated by
oscillating charges on a transmitting antenna. In the case of a
radio station, the antenna is often simply a long wire, a dipole,
fed by an alternating voltage/current source, i.e. charges are
placed on the antenna by the alternating voltage source. We can
think of the electric field as being disturbances sent out by the
dipole source and the frequency of the oscillating electric field
(the electromagnetic wave) is the same as the frequency of the

Each antenna has a unique radiation pattern. This pattern can be

represented graphically by plotting the received, time-averaged
power, as a function of angle with respect to the direction of
maximum power, in a log-polar diagram. The pattern is
representative of the antenna’s performance in a test
environment. However, it only applies to the free-space
environment in which the test measurement takes place. Upon
installation, the pattern becomes more complex due to factors
affecting propagation in the reality. Thus the real effectiveness
of any antenna is measured in the field.

An isotropic antenna is a completely non-directional antenna

that radiates equally in all directions. Since all practical antennas
exhibit some degree of directivity, the isotropic antenna exists
only as a mathematical concept. The isotropic antenna can be
used as a reference to specify the gain of a practical antenna (see
the appendix for a general discussion on gain/loss and
logarithmic units). The gain of an antenna referenced
isotropically is the ratio between the power required in the
practical antenna and the power required in an isotropic antenna
to achieve the same field strength in the desired direction of the
measured practical antenna. Directive gain in relation to an
isotropic antenna is expressed in units of “dBi”.

A half-wave dipole antenna may also be used as a gain reference

for practical antennas. The half-wave dipole is a straight
conductor cut to one-half of the electrical wavelength with the
radio frequency signal fed to the middle of the conductor.
Figure 2-3 illustrates the radiation pattern of the half-wave
dipole which normally is referred to as a dipole. Whereas the
isotropic antenna’s three dimensional radiation pattern is
spherical, the dipole antenna’s three dimensional pattern is
shaped like a donut.

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Cell Planning Overview

Directive gain in relation to a dipole is expressed in units of

“dBd”. For a dipole and an isotropic antenna with the same
input power, the energy is more concentrated in certain
directions by the dipole. The difference in directive gain
between the dipole and the isotropic antenna is 2.15 dB.
Figure 2-4 illustrates the differences, in gain, between the
isotropic, dipole and practical antenna. The vertical pattern
shown in Figure 2-4 for the practical antenna is that of a
directional antenna.


Figure 2-3 Dipole radiation pattern




2.15 dBi
dBi = dBd + 2.15

Figure 2-4 Gain comparison

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2 Basic Radio

45 degrees

3dB down

-10 -5 0dB 5 10 0 10 degrees

at 3dB down

3dB down

-45 degrees

60 degrees
HORIZONTAL PATTERN at 3dB down 0 degrees
3dB down 10 3dB down

315 degrees 5 45 degrees


Figure 2-5. Vertical and horizontal antenna patterns for a “real”


When choosing an antenna for a specific application, the

manufacturer’s data sheet must be consulted. The data sheet
contains information including antenna gain, beamwidth
(vertical and horizontal) and graphs showing the vertical and
horizontal patterns. Examples of the graphs normally found in a
data sheet are shown in Figure 2-5. The patterns displayed are
those of a directional antenna. The antenna’s gain is
approximately 15 dBd.

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Cell Planning Overview

The beamwidth, B, is defined as the opening angle between the

points where the radiated power is 3 dB lower than in the main
direction (Figure 2-6). Both the horizontal and vertical
beamwidths are found using the 3 dB down points, alternatively
referred to as half-power points.

Max gain
-3 dB

Antenna lobe

) B Main direction

Max gain
-3 dB

Figure 2-6 Definition of beamwidth


Information is seldom transmitted in the same frequency range
as it was generated. The reason is that if, as an example, we
want to broadcast a 2 kHz signal; the antenna would have to be
75 km long (half a wavelength). However, by translating the
signal to a much higher frequency band, e.g. the UHF band of
cellular telephony, antenna sizes drop to a few decimeters. This
is also a prerequisite for having numerous “channels”
simultaneously. Frequency translation is implemented by
modulating the amplitude, frequency or phase of a so called
carrier wave in accordance with the wave form of the wanted
signal. Several modulation schemes exist, e.g. amplitude
modulation, common for analog radio signals, and phase
modulation. Any modulation scheme increases the carrier
bandwidth and hence is a limit on the capacity of the frequency
band available. Since the bandwidth of the carrier increases if
the bit rate increases, a high carrier frequency is necessary to
obtain many different “channels”. The cell planner can not of
course chose modulation technique, but the consequences of the
system choice are very important, since carrier bandwidth and
carrier separation affects e.g. interference properties. Wave
propagation also behaves differently in different frequency

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2 Basic Radio

The modulation technique used in GSM 900 is called Gaussian

Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK). This narrow-band digital
modulation technique is based on phase shifting. That is, bits are
represented by continuous positive or negative phase shifts. By
changing the phase continuously, sharp discontinuities are
avoided, thus narrowing the bandwidth of the modulated carrier.
GMSK modulation also involves filtering the incoming bit
stream with a Gaussian filter to obtain a more narrow bandwidth
of the modulated carrier. In fact the full width at half maximum
of the carrier becomes 162 kHz, corresponding nicely to the 200
kHz carrier separation.

Transmitting the information on the air interface in digitized

form has an advantage over analogue techniques in that since
channel coding protects bits, the signal is less sensitive to
perturbations. In addition, it enables Time Division Multiple
Access (TDMA) which means that one carrier frequency can be
used for several connections. Each connection uses only one
particular time slot (out of the eight available in GSM). This has
the advantage that the mobile is released from
transmitting/receiving continuously and can perform e.g.
measurements on neighboring cells. One main advantage with
TDMA is the fact that it enables Mobile Assisted Hand Over
(MAHO) which is essential for effective connection control.


Below is a summary of some important air interface data for
GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM 1900.

Different frequency bands are used for GSM 900, GSM 1800
and GSM 1900 (cf. Figure 1-3). In some countries, operators
apply for the available frequencies. In other countries, (e.g.,
United States) operators purchase frequency bands at auctions.

EN/LZT 123 3313 R2C – 19 –

Cell Planning Overview

In December of 1994, the Federal Communications Commission

(FCC) auctioned “broadband” licenses to prospective operators
offering personal communications services. Each operator owns
the rights to the licenses for a period of ten years. The United
States is divided into 51 regions or Major TradingAreas (MTA)
and 493 Basic Trading Areas (BTA). The FCC issued two
GSM 1900 licenses for each MTA and four for each BTA. One
MTA can be geographically as large as a state, while one BTA
can be compared in size to a large city. BTAs are designed for
use in major metropolitan areas.

The FCC has specified the frequency range and output power.
The frequency band is divided into six frequency blocks
(Figure 2-7): three duplex blocks A, B, and C (90 MHz total
spectrum bandwidth) and three other duplex blocks D, E, and F
(30 MHz total spectrum bandwidth).

60 MHz 60 MHz

A D B E F C Unlicensed A D B E F C

1850 1910 1930 1990

Uplink Downlink

A,B 2 x 15 MHz MTA

C, 2 x 15 MHz BTA
D, E, F 2 x 5 MHz BTA

Figure 2-7. Spectrum allocation for GSM 1900 in United

States. 140 MHz for GSM 1900; 120 MHz licensed and 20 MHz

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2 Basic Radio

The distance between the uplink and downlink frequencies is
known as duplex distance. The duplex distance is different for
the different frequency bands, see figure below:

Standard GSM 900 GSM 1800 GSM 1900

Duplex dist. 45 MHz 95 MHz 80 MHz

Figure 2-8. Duplex differences for different frequency bands

The distance between adjacent frequencies on the uplink or the
downlink is called channel separation. The channel separation is
200 kHz, regardless of the standard chosen from the ones
mentioned above. This separation is needed to reduce
interference from one carrier to another neighboring frequency.


GSM has chosen the Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
concept for access. In GSM, there are eight TDMA time slots
per frame, see Figure 2-9. Each time slot is 0.577 ms long and
has room for 156.25 bits (148 bits of information and a 8.25 bits
long guard period) yielding a bit rate on the air interface of
270.8 kbit/s.

4.615 ms

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Data Training Data

3 57 1 26 1 57 3

148 Bits

156.25 Bits
0.577 ms

Figure 2-9. Basic TDMA frame, timeslot, and burst structures

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Cell Planning Overview


In this course we are primarily interested in the transmission loss
between two antennas, the transmitter/emitter and the receiver.
Many factors including absorption, refraction, reflection,
diffraction and scattering affect the wave propagation. However,
in free space an electromagnetic wave travels indefinitely if
unimpeded. This does not mean that there are no transmission
losses as we will see in this first, simple model, where isotropic
emission from the transmitter and line of sight between the two
antennas separated by a distance, G, in free space are assumed
(Figure 2-10).

Figure 2-10. Radio wave propagation in free space

Since an isotropic antenna by definition distributes the emitted

power, 3W, equally in all directions; the power density, 6U, (power
per area unit) decreases as

6U =
4πG 2

when the irradiated area, πG, at distance G, increases.

If the transmitting antenna has a gain, *W, it means that it is

concentrating the radiation towards the receiver. The power
density at the receiving antenna increases with a factor
proportional to *W, i.e.

3W *W
6U =
4πG 2

The power received by the receiving antenna, 3U, is proportional

to the effective area, $U, of that antenna, i.e.

3U = 6U ⋅ $U

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2 Basic Radio

It can be shown that the effective area of an antenna is

proportional to the antenna gain, *U, and the square of the
wavelength, λ, of the radio wave involved, i.e.

*U λ2
$U =

and hence the received power becomes

3W *W *U λ2
3U = .
(4πG )2

The transmission loss can be calculated as the ratio between the

transmitted power and recieved power, i.e.

3 (4πG ) 2

ORVV = W = .
3U *W *U λ2

Radio engineers work with the logaritmic unit dB so the

transmission loss, /, then becomes

 (πG )   πG 
/ =  log(ORVV) =  log  =  log  −  log(*U ) −  log(*W )
 *W *U λ 

 λ 

Radio engineers treat the antenna gains, 10log(*U) and

10log (*W), separately so what in the literature is given as the
pathloss, /S, is only the term 20log(πGλ). To make it clearer,
the pathloss in free space is

 4πG 
/ S = 20 log  .
 λ 

Note that the wavelength dependency of the pathloss does not

correspond to losses in free space as such. It is a consequence of
the finite effective receiver area.

This expression is fairly general. The only thing which changes

when we improve our models is the expression for the pathloss.
The antenna gain is normally given in dB(i), i.e. as 10log(*),
where gain means a reduction of the total transmission loss, /,
between a transmitting and receiving antenna.

This model helps us to understand the most important features

of radio wave propagation. That is, the received power decreases
when the distance between the antennas increases and the

EN/LZT 123 3313 R2C – 23 –

Cell Planning Overview

transmission loss increases when the wavelength decrease (or

alternatively when the frequency increases).

For cell planning it is very important to be able to estimate the

signal strengths in all parts of the area to be covered, i.e. to
predict the pathloss. The model described in this section can be
used as a first approximation. However, more complicated
models exist. Improvements can be made by:

• taking into account the fact that radio waves are reflected
towards the earth’s surface (the conductivity of the earth is
thus an important parameter).
• accounting for transmission losses due to obstructions in the
line of sight.
• taking into account the finite radius of curvature of the earth.
• accounting for the topographical variations in a real case as
well as the different attenuation properties of different
terrain types such as forests, urban areas, etc.

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2 Basic Radio

In fact, the best models used are semi-empirical, i.e. based on

measurements of pathloss/attenuation in various terrains. The
use of such models are motivated by the fact that radio
propagation can not be measured everywhere. However, if
measurements are taken in typical environments, the parameters
of the model can be fine tuned so that the model is as good as
possible for that particular type of terrain.

The models described in the previous section can be used to
estimate the average signal level, called the “global mean” at the
receiving antenna. However, a radio signal envelope is
composed of a fast fading signal, super-imposed on a slow
fading signal (Figure 2-8). These fading signals are the result of
obstructions and reflections. They yield a signal which is the
sum of a possibly weak, direct, line-of-sight signal and several
indirect or reflected signals.

The fast fading signal (peak-to-peak distance ≈ λ/2) is usually

present during radio communication due to the fact that the
mobile antenna is lower than the surrounding structures such as
trees and buildings. These act as reflectors. The resulting signal
consists of several waves with various amplitudes and phases.
Sometimes these almost completely cancel out each other. This
can lead to a signal level below the receiver sensitivity. In open
fields where a direct wave is dominating, this type of fading is
less noticeable.

Short-term fading is Rayleigh distributed with respect to the

signal voltage. It is, therefore, often called Rayleigh fading. This
type of fading affects the signal quality and therefore some
measures must be taken to counter it.

The first and most simple solution is to use more power at the
transmitter(s), thus, providing a fading margin. Another way to
reduce the harm done by Rayleigh fading is to use space
diversity, which reduces the number of deep fading dips.
Diversity means that two signals are received which have
slightly different “histories” and therefore the “best” can be
used. With the efficient space diversity system used by Ericsson,
voice quality is much improved.

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Cell Planning Overview

SS at Rx-antenna

Variations due to
Rayleigh fading

Variations due to Distance

Global means

Figure 2-11 Short-term (fast) and long-term (slow) fading

The signal variation received, if we smooth out the short-term

fading, is called the “local mean”. Its power, often called the
local average power, expressed in a logarithmic scale, is
normally distributed. Therefore, this slow fading is called “log-
normal fading”. If we drive through a flat desert without any
obstructions, the signal varies slowly with distance. However, in
normal cases the signal path is obstructed.

Obstructions near the mobile such as buildings, bridges and

trees cause a rapid change of the local mean (in the range of five
to fifty meters), while topographical obstructions cause a slower
signal variation. Because log-normal fading reduces the average
strength received, the total coverage from the transmitter is
reduced. To combat this, a fading margin must be used. Log-
normal fading also makes problems generated by multi-path
reflections more severe since the direct beam is weakened by the
obstructing object.

Phases between various reflected waves are different. This is

due to the fact that they propagate over different distances or
equivalently use different times to reach the receiver. This time
dispersion can cause particular problems if the phase difference
between the reflected waves is very large. For GSM 900, a large
phase difference is on the order of several thousands of
wavelengths, i.e. one kilometer or more. In this case different
waves added together in the receiver carry information about
different symbols (bits). If the direct wave is weak, and
consequently the reflected waves are relatively strong, it can be
difficult to determine which symbol (bit) was transmitted. This
intersymbol interference is discussed along with other
interferences in more detail in chapter ³1RPLQDO&HOOSODQ´.

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