"Insight" Episode Guide
"Insight" Episode Guide
"Insight" Episode Guide
I -
17575 Pacific Coast Highway
Pacific Palisades, CA 9D272
\ \
WIL CONRAD 213-454-0688
•, '..c''''':';!G""I"iT....!.!IN",C",Eo.X
, All Out - '388 Graduation Day - 1354
tlill The Thitgl see 'dge Greatest Madness ...• The - '325
Alleluia Kid. The - '406 Gun For Mandy. A - 1447
And The Walls ... - '369 Han9-Up. The - '186
Arnstein's Miracle - '410 Happy Birthday Marvin - 1358
Attention Must Be Paid - '360 He lived With Us ... - 1195
Ballad Of Alma Gerlayne. The - '202 Hellbound Blues - 1390
Belfast: Black On Green - '412 W'i$'; U9j'j ail 1;' PJj'Q ,a:iQ
Bird On The Mast. The - '341 Hey. Janitor - '365
Blind Man's Bluff - 1395 Hi9hest Bidder. The - 1340
Bourbon In Suburbia - '322 11;. Flit QUIl't 'iilllM 1'.94
Box For Mr. lipton. A - '342 Hit Man. The - 1454
Butterfly - 1456 Holy Moses - '422
Car90es - 1423 Hunger Knows My Name
Celebration In Fresh Powder - '366 I Want To Die - '404
Charlie. Vou Made The Ni9ht ... - '315 I'm Ganna Be Free - 1353
Checkmate - '421 Incident On Danker Street - 1320
Chipper - '380 Incredible Man. The - '382
Christmas 2025 - 1408 Is Anybody listenin9? - 1414
Clearin9 House - '453 Is The 11:59 late ... - '317
Clown Of Freedom. The - 1368 Jesus 8.C. - 1402
Comin9 Of The Clone. The - '363 Jesus Son9. The - '355
'SilL soh"isii Naee Just Before Eve - 1415
Consider The Zebra - '318 Juvie - '396
Crime Of Innocence. The - '368 Killer, The - 1349
Crunch On Spruce Street - 1332 Kin9 Of The Penny Arcade - '377
Cry Of Terror - 1323 last Df The Great Male Chauvinists - '385
Cum laude, Come lonely - '399 late Great God, The - '206
Dangerous Airs Of ~ny Clark - 1321 leave Me Alone. God - '450
Day Everythin9 Went Wron9 - 1452 leroy - 1409
Day God Died. The - '312 little Miseries - '440
Death Of Simon Jackson. The - '314 lon9 Road Home - '456
Death Of The Elephant - '345 look 8ack To The Garden - 1197
Death Of Superman, The - 1331 ~8Viil'. i The NH?
Decision To Love - 1441 love Son9 Of The Coo Coo Birds - 1347
Domino Effect. The - '437 11,,, In The t"~lIle t18S
Dry COnlnitment - 1189 Man From Inner Space. The - 6387
Dutton's Choice - '451 Man In The Cast Iron Suit - 8398
Elle 1101118 *1@6 Man Of The Vear - 1392
Eddie - '367 Man Who MU9ged God, The - 1419
Every Ninety Seconds - '446 Man Who Went 81ue Sky. The - 1373
Eye Df The Camel - #364 Matchpoint - 1445
Exit - 1326 Missing Persons Bureau - 8436
Fat Hands And A Diamond Rin9 - 1192 Mr. And Mrs. Bliss - '424
Fiddler. The - 1443 Mr. Johnson's Had The Course - 1199
Five Without Faces - '338 Mohawk - '375
Flawed Ma9i. The - 1416 Mummy - '196
For love Or Money - 1449 Needle's Eye. The - '435
For The love Of Annie - 1400 Nitty Gritty ... - '188
Freak. The - '343 Nobody loves A Rich Uncle - '346
Friends - 1351 No More Mananas - 1337
Funny Thin9 Happened ... , A - '182 No Tears For Kelsey - '307
Game Room - 1455 Old Kin9 Cole - 8324
Ghetto Trap. The - 1203 8lca"elc, Ves: a i Thl '171
Girl In Freefall - 1397 One Armed Man. The - '370
God In The Dock - 1428 Out Of The Depths - '389
God's Guerillas - 1438 Packy - '413
Goodbye - '430 Party, The - 1339
------------ --
, ,
Pendulum. The - '391
Picture In Sobel's Window. The - '401
Placement Service. The - 1379
Plus Time Served - '418
Poker Game, The - '310
Prayer From Abyss. A - '333
Prodigal Father. The - 1378
Rehearsal - 1393
Rendezvous - '439
Resurrection - '427
Resurrection Of Joe Hammond - 1362
Reunion - 1357
Ride A Turquoise Pony - '335
Roommates On A Rainy Day - '356
Sam - 1316
Sandal maker. The - '200
Second Chorus - '417
Seed Of Dissent - '183
Seven Minute Life ...• The - 1319
Seventeen Forever - 1386
Sex Game. The - '403
She's Waiting For Us - 1407
Sixth Day, The - '434
Slight Change In Plans. A - 1420
Slight Drinking Problem, A - 1405
Small Statistic. A - '187
So Little Time - '448
Some Ta1k About PoolRooms - 1181
Somewhere Defore - 1381
Stranger In My Shoes - 1156
System. The - 1348
Teddy - 1442
Thea - 1429
Theft. The - '371
This Side Df Eden - '411
Thousand Red F10l'lers, A - #313
lli,ECeOl lie, e!! fluy 8198
Trial 8y Fire - '177
Truck Stop - 1359
Tuesday Night Is ... - 1308
Unfinished 8usiness - '431
War Of The Eg9s - '336
Watts Made Out Of Thread - 1204
Welcome Horne - 1383
When Heroes Fall - 1432
When You See Arcturus - 1372
Where Were You ... 8attle Of The 8ulge? - 1190
White Star Garage - 1444
~JI\"le Balli.. 1141111ar\ Rate iii i The j'191
Why Don't You Call Me Skipper Anymore? - 1344
Woman Of Principle. A - 1327
Wrinkle Squad. The - 1334
< •
A couple miss oonnections at an airport because she is going in the
wrong direction and he is <.ping in no direction at all.
flBI Film B & W video
fl77 TRIAL BY FIRE Film B & W Video
1187 A S>1I\LL STATISTIC Film B. W Video
1186 Film B & W Video
A srall town mayor tries to rrediate between ....hite bigots an:::1 angry
blacks seeking to overthrow the white power structure.
Steve Forrest
Beverly Garlarrl
1183 SEED OF DISSENT Film B & W VLdeo
A dedicatEd h\llWl.itarian loves the W'hole WJrld but neglects his own
1190 I'liDlE WERE YUl IXJRIN:; '!HE BI\Tl'LE OF '!HE 1lJLGE, KID? Film B & IV Video
1189 DRY CXlofolI'lMENT Film B & \'J Video
'lbree survivors of the 'Ihird W:xld war are prevented from killing
one an:>ther by the arrival of a mysterious stranger.
A young IIOtber hates the limitations intJosed by her b.o children until
she gets a chance to escape.
1195 HE LIVID wrm US, HE ATE wrm US, ~T EISE, DEAR? Film B & W Video
An alienated father arrl son bridge the CXJl'ITllllication gap when their
snugly isolated W>rlds are shattered by a criJre in the family.
1192 FAT HANDS AND A DIJIJ.Dm RmG Film B.so W Video
lin angry l"'ung dropout is forced to rethink his life when his girl-
friend is nurdered while both are on an LSD trip.
lDve and hate collide when a failing college student seeks a passing
grade at gunpoint.
1198 Film B. W Video
1197 UXlK BI\CK 'IO '!HE GlIRDEN Film B. W Video
A young oouple having an affair are oonfronted with the effects of
sexual license and the significance of the sexual cx:mnitrrent.
1205 ALL THE 'll1:m:iS I '\IE NEVER LIKED Film B. W Video
A soc:cessful young dentist realizes he has built his whole life, inclLrling
his marriage, on false values. The necessity of oonesty in ccmnunication.
Ellen McRae - Janet Director - Harvey Hart
Ardrew Prine - Eliot Prcxiucer - John Furia, Jr.
Jeanne Ball - Marge \~iter - E. Sarsfield Waters
Time - 26,40
1204 WI\Tl'S MADE an OF THRFAD Film B & W Video
1203 THE = TI11IP Film B & W Video
A ghetto youth fights with his father and quits sch::x:>l, until a cousin
arrives fran Poland with the AlTerican dream.
#202 THE Il1\LLAll OF AIMA GERIAYNE Film B & W Video
A young and beautiful vocalist nakes it to the top -- attaining the rroney,
rren and prestige she always \¥a1lted. A soul-rending story of a girl wtP
tries very hard to be happy - in the wrong way.
Six old friends are joined by an uninvited stranger at their weekly poker game.
He is a Christ-like man and triggers some strange revelations.
The attractive editor of a woman's magazine finds she can really communicate
with one of her co-workers. There's just one problem: He's married.
The generation gap has become an abyss in the home of 16 year old Kathleen
who rebels against her up-tight father and establishment mother and goes hippie.
They meet again at Juvenile Hall.
A teenage girl looking for meaning in life is drawn into a wild beach party
where God is impeached.
Members of the yhite establishment are driving through a Negro ghetto when
their car breaks down. They seek refuge 1n a local bar 8S a riot 1s about
to break out.
A militant black poet finds himself caught between the proponents of violence
and the Uncle Toms.
Robert Doqui -
Simon Director - Ralph Senensky
Joel Fluellen -
Bubba Producer - John Meredyth Lucas
Judy Pace -
Carmen Writer - Robert Goodwin
Richard Elkins -
Rod Clay Time - 29:10
Booker Bradshaw Wilson FJ:lited 28,18
Liam Dunn - Attendant
The fawning relatives of a business tycoon gather around his casket for the
reading of his will. He had lived for pleasure, money and power. So do they.
Only his nephew is unsure. The dead man emerges from the casket to confront
them with the futility of his life and its denoument: suicide. A black
pinteresque comedy.
Urged by modernized ghetto priest and a Negro nun, a parish council establishes
a community center of black culture headed by a local black militant.
0317 IS ruE 11:59 LATE TillS YEAR? Film Color only Video
Five people who are running away from life are joined at a train station by
a flower child who has every reason to run away. Looking at them, she is
forced to reconsider. A wild, frantic comedy.
Computers take over the world. Only one human being Is left. He's a
vaudeville comedian. l~is is the story of his search for personal love
in an impersonal world.
Jack Albertson - Sam Director - Jack Shea
Michael James Wixted - Boy Producer - John Meredyth Lucas
Joan Gerber - Haggie Writer - Carol Sobieski
Time - 29 :05
Edited - 27:59
1321 THE llANGEIUJS AIRS OF 1>Mi CLARK Fi.lJn B & W Video
111e tille, 1986. 111e place: a pollute:! earth. 111e reason, too nany
people copped out. In a series of flashbacks, the president of a
large ccu:poration relives his role in the disaster. A exploration
of the IlOral aspects of pollution.
1320 m::mrnr 00 DANKER STREET Fi.lJn B & W Video
A riot erupts beo.een stWents and p:>lice. 'Ihe ma~'Or aPPJints a cx:rn-
missioo to investigate charges of police brutality. When the hostil-
ity of the riot's pa..r:ti.cipants bursts into the open, the investigation
itself becx:rtes a oonfrontation. A drama of FOlarization.
#324 OlD KlNG COLE Film B & W Video
Mr. Cole lures a band. of losers - a junkie p::let , a midget, a fadEd
husband-and-<,;ife caredy team and a black stripper - into his bar.
He pranises to fulfill their dreams if they will alxlicate their dig-
nity and do his bidding. '!hey agree, Wltil a little bli.r:d girl, in
love with life, wanders into the bar anc1 confronts its owner.
#323 CRY OF TERROR Film B & lV Video
1322 B:XlRIU< IN SUEURBIl\ Film B & W Video
A suburban oousewife cx::rres face to face with her alooholism and its
effect on the lives of her husband and children. Bewildered by her
inability to cope with the prd::>lem she reac~s out for help.
1327_ A \OoII\N OF PRlN:lPLE Film R & W Video
An elderly wi.do.¥ is threatened with evict.icn \olohen. she can I t pay her rent.
A story of row everyone needs other people for support am kir<lness.
Alrlrey 'Ibtter - Mrs. Gcx3dard Director - Richard Bennett
Nehemiah Persoff - ~Ir. Gennaro Prcx1ucer - John Furia, Jr.
Peter !>.lel - Pupil
- ~. Watkins
,C\'"\t) l'lriter - Leon 'Ibkatyan
Fa Asner
/ '( Time - 29:13
1326 Film B &W V~eo
1325 lliE GREl\TEST Ml\DNESS OF THEM JILL Film B & W video
A girl trying to escape the harsh cruelties of the ""'rld attalpts suicide
and fails. A young psychiatric intern tries to help her on the long re-
turn to reality.
#332 ~l rn SPROCE S'l'REET Film B & W Video
1331 'mE DEA'rn OF SUPERMAN Film B &: li Video
A sirnple-minded gcxxi samaritan \IoWlts ooly to help people, but is wet with
derision and ridicule because of his childlike ways.
'336 TIlE WAR OF THE EGGS FllmB&W Video
Despite material success, a young couple find themselves unhappy with each
other, and vent their hostilities on their two year old son.
'335 RIDE A TURQUOISE PONY Film B & t~ Video
Reunited lovers find that two years of separation (the boy in Vietnam. the
girl a Vista volunteer) have seen each of them grow a great deal -- older and
far apart.
1334 THE WRINKLE SQUAD Film B & W Video
Three old men run afoul of state bureaucracy when they open a child-care center
as a way of halting the feeling of uselessness that accompanies old age.
0341 THE BIRD ON THE MAST Film B Ii. W Video
A young executive who has tried unsuccessfully to escape his trapped and unhappy
life through hallucinatory drugs and suicide finally finds the inner freedom
he was seeking in meditation.
Death shows up for a weekly bridge game in the guise of a mysterious stranger,
and insists on being the host's partner.
0339 THE PARTY Film B & W Video
A teenage girl is torn by peer group pressure, the demands of her boyfriend,
and her own feelings to....ard love and sexual commitment during a weekend party.
#343 Film B & W video
Vh?n. Jesus freak Frrlers Turnbull installs a telephone life-line for
lonely, runaway kids, his father explodes. Until he disoovers his
only daughter has also runaway.
#342 A rox FOR MR. LIPKtJ Film B & W Video
hhen life becx:::JTes tex> nuch, Ben Lipton escapes into a large cardl::oard
00x in his back yard. A hilarious corredy.
", Color
'347 u:NE SCNG OF '!llE = BIRDS Film B & W Video
A young social worker is assigned the care and rehabilitation of 0..0
crippled. senior citizens. Much to her oonsternation, the elderly
alUple fall in love. A delightful caredy.
#344 Film B & W Video
Father and daughter clash over the w:>rk ethic when 21-year~ld Margie
W3.rd refuses to take a job that is not rreaningful to her.
'353 FUm B & W Video
#351 FRIENDS Film B & W Video
For twenty years Betty Herczig has lovingLy cared Cor mentally retarded
Hr. Eddy. Stricken with a heart attack, she must now find someone else
to care for him.
1349 TIlE KILLER Film 8 & W Video
Sex symbol Tom Slade comes apart yhen grilled on a TV talk shay.
Mary Burke likes to live dangerously. Henry does not. TIley clash and learn
from each other.
1357 REUNION Video only (not 1n film)
A wild and boisterous high school reunion turns sour when a mysterious killer
intrudes. A drama of courage and heroism.
Jenny and Vince are roommates. He likes the arrangement. She vants more.
A sensitive exploration of the meaning of commitment.
0355 THE JESUS SONG Film B & W Video
A career of rock singer Randy King peaks. then bottoms out. until he collaborates
with a mysterious black janitor.
1354 CRADUATION DAY Film B & W Video
Eighteen year old Cindy Bowman pops pills, sleeps around and tries suicide until
she meets a different kind of probation officer.
Sr. Janet instills nev pride Into a group of derelicts ~nd leads them 1n
protest against the dehumanizing practices of the local bloodbank. A
poignant drama of exploitation on Skid Ro~.
A group of senior citizens find new meaning and hope 1n their lives as, one
by one, they are dra!JT1 into the loving world of cancer-stricken Mr. Calm.
A tough young valtress. Deborah Winters. goes fromran to man in her search
for sexual identity until she is brought face to face ~ith her own need
for roots and emotional security.
#365 HEY JANITOR Film Color only Video
• I
Brian Conley, up and coming young executive idolizes and imitates his power
driven boss. But when the boss, empty and despairing, kills himself, Brian's
world comes apart. A mysterious Chicano janitor shows him how to rebuild It.
A South American bishop finds himself caught between the local capitalists and
a radical young priest. A dramatic exploration of the revolutionary ferment
sweeping the Church in Latin America.
enlor only
Cy Walden invents beautiful things •.. none of ~hlch are practical. A story of
how a genius survives in our IIprogrammed and practical" society.
A provocative tale of a man (Efrem Zimbalist. Jr.) so bored with life that he
hires the director of The Thanatos (William Windom), a society that aids In
people's suicides, to assist him with his own.
A sensitive look at one man's (John Astin) struggle with a universal human
dilemma -- loneliness. A relationship develops between the one armed man and
Margie (Patty Duke Astin) which proves to be an audience spell-binder ..
1378 THE PRODIGAL FATHER Film Color only Video
After years of separation. a young man again faces his alcoholic and compul-
sive gambling father, this time with different results.
U377 TIlE KING OF THE PENNY ARCADE Film Color only Video
Randy is a drunk ... his life is wasted. There are many like him .•. he is 18.
A dramatic episode dealing with che problem of teenage alcoholism.
1382 THE INCREDIBLE HAN Film Color only Video
A man drops by to visit his old buddy who owns a restaurant but is met by a
stranger who leads him into another Ufe.
Tvo men find themselves reviewing their lives for the "final placement" --
A grandfather. mother and daughter are all caught up In preserving their youth.
A middle-aged woman finding her family is now grown 1s forced to change her
life's direction.
An affluent American family becomes bitter when they discover their only son
has died IoIllile ....orkibg on a famine prevention program in Nigeria.
------------- 1
0390 HELLHQUNO BLUES Film Color only Video
Bl~e.~singer C. C. Dixon shocks his night club audience when he pulls out
a gun and tells them helg putting on his last performance.
An alcoholic preacher who prostitutes the word of God for booze money meets
a despairing young man who has just lost his wife and child in a car accident.
Television game show contestants are picked from an audience to see how far
their greed will take them.
0387 THE MAN FROM INNER SPACE Film Color only Video
Hundreds of people vatch a black man emerge from a spaceship. He moves among
them vorking vonders and teaching them to love and trust each other. He is
vhisked off to the Pentagon for questioning by the President of the U. S.
Lou Gossett - The Spaceman Direct.or - Richard Bennett
James Franciscus - The Psychiatrist Producer - John Hcredyth Lucas
Frank Aletter - Whitepaper Writer - William Peter Blatty
Edited 28,12
Teenagers are guided through a group psychodrama session playing out their
fantasies, hostilities and misunderstandings toward their parents.
The Man of the Year award is given to a top television comedian with revealing
flashbacks to show he's not the man he's presented to be.
A successful business man and his wife are faced with a conflict of values when
grandfather comes to live with them.
A 16 year old girl. caught up in her family's casual and confused attitudes on
sex. decides to abort her baby.
A young law student tries to humanize the penal system. Fear, conflict and
violence can be dealt with when respect and justice prevail.
At an annual reunion, three men meet and ironically discover dramatic changes
that will effect each of their lives.
God calls a family meeting and summon!l his Son, "Chris", and his Holy Ghost,
Film Color only Video
"Grace H • to discuss how best to deal \,,.{th his new creation, man.
Blinded after an eye operation, a man clings to the unreal hope that he wIll
one day have a painting hanging 1n the finest art gallery 1n the city.
., 0406 TIlE ALLELUIA KID Film
A uife comes to the realization that her husband has a drlnkln~ ,roblem but
can't convince him of it. To protect herself from destruction, she joins
AI-Anon. an organization for relatives of alcholic~.
Not being able to read a $300 medical bill costs an illiterate couple their
home when the State auctions it to pay the debt.
It is December 25, 2025. Society has evolved to where all human emotions and
celebrations are outlawed. All uses of personal energy must be used in State
approved assignments to increase society's productivity and discipline.
A teenage boy and his girlfriend are killed in an auto crash. The boy has
an out-of-body experience and sees himself and his values in a new way.
In this drarra the 1\stins p:)rtray a oouple, wh:) after urrlergoing a "successful
divorce" I decide to pave the way for reconciliation.
Fanous CX>Ulltry western singer Jesse Barnes m3kes his arulUal "charity" visit
to the a:mnty jail. Is he doing the right thin;J for the wrong reasons?
'!his perceptive probe of hunan rrotivation provides an aJ"lSWer.
God challenges
"W1o am I" asks Father Tern as he painfully explores his role as the "perfect
priest" - through therapy.
Ardy Fry wants the parfect relationship -- so Gcx:1 gives him a \'Ot'aJl robot.
1\ witty and penetrating look at hlD'T'al1 vulnerability.
1419 TIlE MAN WHO MI.Ja;ED GOO Film Color only
'!be tine is Gocxl Friday afterncx:lO. '!he place is liJri:o. ~ person is Jesus
of Nazareth, shortly after his cru:::ifixion. With him are two deronic person-
ages intent on blocking his resurrection.
Filled with self-doubt, Jamie COnklin panics arrl walks out on his fiancee
the night before their wedding. A witty, yet penetrating, treatnent of
fidelity, God's ard ours.
'lhis aft:ern:xm David Bliss was refused tenure at the university. Evet)lClle
kna.-Is ... • e~ne, that is, e>ccept his wife a.rrl tonight she's throwing a
big party. A poignant drazra exploring the strength and rreaning of marriage.
God asks a reluctant r-bses to liberate His people fran Egypt. A c:x:nedic
treatrrent of the prelule to the Exodus.
vincent Gardenia - fuses Director - Hal Cooper
Harold Gould - Gcxl Pro:lucer - Mike Rhcxlcs
Writer - Lan Q'Kun
TiIl'e - 28,00
~ UNFJNISIIED BUSJNESS Film Color only Video
)-im is a very sucx::essful los Angeles businessrran. His career has been so
all ~nsumi.nq that it has caused him to neglect his elderly father who
lives in a retirerent hare in O\i.cago. A story of a new am deeper rela-
tionship that forms fran a father ani son rediscovering each other.
#428 GOD IN 'IlJE DOCK Film COlor only Video
In a class action suit, GOO. is placed on trial for all the pain, injustice
arrl misery suffered by mankind. '!he results are surprising.
MIssn;:; PERSa,S BlJREIIU Video only Color
A nan returns fran a tour of duty in Vietnam to face his son' 5 death and
\~ife's infidelity. tie goes to a missing pe:rsons bureau for help in
finding God.
On the sixth day Gcx:l created man. And, with the help of a wacky angel,
Gcrl puts tJ'Ie finishing touches on his finest creation.
For seventeen-year-old Da.vid, his dad is the sum total of all desirable
h\.D'fa11 qualities. 'l11en, when he disoovers that his father is involved.
with another..-.onan, his errotional universe is shattered.
. "'"
1456 BUTIERFLY Video only Color
A passionate young wife finds spiritual rebirth after the devastating
death of her newborn child.
Rosanna Arquette - Jo Director - Mike Rhodes
Christine Avila - Haria Producer - Mike Rhodes
David Thomas - Robert Terry Sweeney, S.J.
Writer Pamela Douglas
Time - 27:00
Breaks - 1:18 & 17:55