Carta António Kumoleha
Carta António Kumoleha
Carta António Kumoleha
- The geology of the study area (geological map); we have a map from Lafech Mining
Resources, Lda (2017) but, it would be excellent to have something with more detail;
the understanding of the local geology and the spatial relationships between the primary
and secondary deposits is currently our main difficulty;
- Stream sediments from the Cunene river and samples from the Cunene (and Cuenge, if
possible) formations; it would be interesting to study 2 or 3 vertical profiles along the
alluvium to document the mineralogical and geochemical changes; António is available
to travel to Angola, collect the samples and bring them to Portugal;
We intend to produce a GIS project, gathering all the available information. Therefore,
georeferenced information available would be quite welcome.
We appreciate all the support given to Antonio so far, as well as your willingness to
help us in this early stage of the thesis. We sincerely hope to be able to reciprocate in
the near future.
Best regards
Universidade do Minho
Departamento de Ciências da Terra
Escola de Ciências
Campus de Gualtar
4710 - 057 Braga
Phone: +351 253604035
Email: [email protected]